There Is a Lot More to Be Determined By This Bong Hit Here
Posted on July 29th, 2010 by Gavin M.
Above: Baked ham
Erick Erickson, RedState:
Did the Federal Government Cause the BP Oil Spill?
- There is a lot more to be determined here, but the Coast Guard may not have followed its own procedures. [merry bubbling sound, throaty exhale ending in cough] Why has the White House withheld the fact that the Coast Guard did not follow its own procedures?
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
If the White House withheld that fact, how does Erick know it?
Yeah, he’s got some good shit going there.
Dumbass might want to notice that the blowout which caused the spill happened a mile down, at the bottom of the ocean, not up top where the rig sank.
This isn’t a James Cameron movie where the rig happens to fall down just where the drillhead is.
What if the spill warn’t caused by no oil blowout but by a buncha damn Hollywood fags flushin’ their damn toilets too much? How do you know it didn’t happen that way? Huh? Prove it.
e-Rick trips on the right’s own disingenuity:
This might also explain why the Obama Administration has not been as hard on BP as many on the left would like.
Ah, so Obama hasn’t been beating up on poor widdle BP and it’s charming hugh grant-like CEO.
while knowing fuck all about a particular subject has never stopped eric, this is just ‘precious’…… I’m not sure where to start with this crap…..
(and declaring an interest, I am a Fire Safety Engineer working in the offshore industry)
Not to rain all over erk-jerk’s teabag hat, but is he not pining for more robust federal responsiveness?
Tricky stuff, this Obama-bashing.
Does this mean they now oppose the Department of Homeland Security? Wasn’t it the most fantasticest idea ever, when Shrub was in power? Why do they hate America and the troops?
You would think that these idiots would be estatic that the evil government operatives stayed out of the way. Why didn’t the Invisible Hand work as advertised and reach down and choke off that leak like it was supposed to do?
What if the spill warn’t caused by no oil blowout but by a buncha damn Hollywood fags flushin’ their damn toilets too much?
Wait – does this mean we’ve been running our SUVs on hippie POOP?
per wiki:
According to the US Congressional investigation the rig’s blowout preventer, a fail-safe device fitted at the base of the well, built by Cameron International Corporation, had a hydraulic leak and a failed battery, and therefore failed.
All the government’s fault!
oh dear, I had to get right off the boat and aste those juisy mangoes…. I mean really…..
If I wasn’t getting drunk on San Miguel’s on a Phillipino beach I would do a point by point take down, but I’ll just mention one point, what did Eric think was causing those big yellow flames, gas from a broken well or burning sparkle ponies….
The Coast Guard has gathered evidence it failed to follow its own firefighting policy during the Deepwater Horizon disaster and is investigating whether the chaotic spraying of tons of salt water by private boats contributed to sinking the ill-fated oil rig, according to interviews and documents.
Coast Guard officials told the Center for Public Integrity that the service does not have the expertise to fight an oil rig fire and that its response to the April 20 explosion may have broken the service’s own rules by failing to ensure a firefighting expert supervised the half-dozen private boats that answered the Deepwater Horizon’s distress call to fight the blaze.
So the government is to blame because the Coast Guard, while searching for survivors, didn’t micromanage the response from private boats? Obviously, the answer is deregulation so the free market can flourish. Also: tax cuts. Also too, thank heavens we have BP as a disinterested party to let us in on the real poop of how it was totally some other guy’s fault.
What did the President know about the Coast Guard’s handling of fire? More importantly, why has the White House withheld the fact that the Coast Guard did not follow its own rules and take charge of the firefighting efforts?
Obama: withholding knowledge he doesn’t have. Just like Hitler.
Um, Eric. It’s not recommended to use a bong to ingest your prescribed doseage of Haloperidol.
And DAMN, ‘shop a bag on his head.
Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™
There is a lot more to be determined here
Actually, Irky, no, there isn’t. We got you sussed already.
I want to see a vault copy of Obama’s birth certificate otherwise I’ll assume he capped the fucker with his Kenyan papers.
Okay. The Coast Guard needs to take a refresher course, Hayward’s got his life back, the oil has magically disappeared and BP will rightfully return to making giga-profits.
Can we all move on now?
I’m pretty sure there’s video somewhere of someone from the Coast Guard setting charges at the bottom of the ocean. And he’s probably wearing an “Obama ’08” button, because…you know.
Geez; what a idiot.
I’m pretty sure there’s video somewhere of someone from the Coast Guard setting charges at the bottom of the ocean. And he’s probably wearing an “Obama ’08? button, because…you know.
Oh no! They’re much sneakier than that! They trained dolphins, with frikkin’ laser beams attached to their frikkin’ heads, to go down and cut the lines until they were ** and then cover up any trace of their involvement by jumping over fifty miles of land and into the tank at Sea World Orlando.
And they did all this using the same frikkin’ time machine that Obama borrowed to plant his Hawaiian birth certificate and kill the man at the Nairobi Hall of Records who filed his authentic CoB.
actor, fuck man, we’re trying to keep a LID ON THINGS! Jesus, why don’t you tell them about the orbital mind control platforms while you’re at it?
actor, fuck man, we’re trying to keep a LID ON THINGS!
Wait. What year am I in?
AW FUCK! I meant to post that in 2013!
Please ignore my comments about the time machine. Nothing to see here, move along.
Jesus, why don’t you tell them about the orbital mind control platforms while you’re at it?
Dude, just hit “reset.”
Dude, just hit “reset.”
Maybe his Primer works differently.
Hey! Pryme said “Primer”! Is this a VTDAR? May I call you Vicky?
Also, you know what I am sick of? I will tell you. I am sick to death of people who say stuff like “You’re just giving him more press; why do you even respond to this idiocy; we should ignore morons like this.” Bullroar, I says. We are in a huge bus, and they keep grabbing at the wheel and pulling the buzzer thingie, and hurling themselves from one side of the bus to the other trying to rock it, and yelling “Fire”, all the while trying to establish their own fucked up reality on us, a reality in which it is normal and patriotic to try to force the bus off the road and hurtling into the cloud-filled glacial landscape below, tumbling and crashing and making a spectacular noise (remember the truck in Duel?), and meanwhile, anyone who says, “Hey bub, don’t bother the bus driver while he’s driving the bus. Well, you know, unless he’s drunk or insane, which he isn’t, and which you wouldn’t know a damn thing about anyway. Look at our last bus trip!” is a DFH who would destroy the American way of life. Yes, we may end up a twisted burning destroyed hunk of metal way way down on the canyon floor, but we will have been purified.
So that is what I am sick of, among other things. It’s totally worth is to stamp out fires, even little ones, ones you could simply pee on to outen’ ’em.
I just got up, but I will go lie down now.
I put all the blame on the goat fucking child molesters.
I’ve been reading this site too long – scrolling down, I instantly saw only a big forehead with receding hairline, and even before the rest of the picture came into frame, my first thought was “oh, what has erick erickson pooped out today?”
And I wept a little inside.
Wow. A “Duel” reference. Way to work that in, Larkspur.
I am sick to death of people who say stuff like “You’re just giving him more press; why do you even respond to this idiocy; we should ignore morons like this.”
Yeah, ignoring the guy WHO APPEARS ON CNN will really work well.
So to sum up, the Coast Guard is not tasked with putting out massive fires on a private drilling rig in international waters in the aftermath of a blow-out at the bottom of the ocean, when the rig’s operator proves to have lied about having a disaster-management plan. Nor is it funded for this task.
Therefore IMPEACH OBAMA!!!
” may have broken the service’s own rules by failing to ensure a firefighting expert supervised the half-dozen private boats that answered the Deepwater Horizon’s distress call to fight the blaze”
No kiddin’. Prolly didn’t even piss test the volunteers before they aimed their firehoses.
I know a bunch of volunteer boats showed up when a cruise boat hit rocks in SE AK, and the first thing the coast guard did was made everyone pee in a cup.