Question Of The Day

These names. First it was Wang Celebrity or, you know, the guy down there in the last post, Peen Eminence. Now ‘Guy Benson’ is like the Boy George version of George Benson?

Guy Benson, Andrew Breitbart Presents Big Journalism:
Breitbart Didn’t Hide Sherrod’s Redemption and Other Things the Media’s Gotten Wrong So Far

As the mainstream media trips over itself to analyze and re-analyze the Shirley Sherrod controversy, Andrew Breitbart is under fire for ostensibly unethical behavior. Andrew is more than capable of defending himself, but I wanted to offer a few quick thoughts on this imbroglio:

This donnybrook, this brouha and indeed brouha-ha, these shenanigans, this borchgrave. But here comes the question of the day! Guy Benson, provide that question please.

[D]oes anyone really believe that Andrew Breitbart would intentionally distort a video clip to make a one-day splash?

Uh, no. I mean yes.

There was a bottly ‘tink’ noise a second ago, and I looked down and saw the bottle spinning there on the floor, and I realized that my brain had pounded a pint of Wolfschmidt and hurled the empty out my nose.

Risk his growing reputation with a deliberate, easily refutable distortion?

Oh great, it just hurled out a diary full of emo poetry and an empty bottle of barbiturates. Brain, don’t do it!

Oh, curse you, Andrew Breitbart. Curse you, and curse all of your Oompa-Loompas, too!


Comments: 448


Ah yes, his “growing reputation”. I don’t think it is quite what Benson thinks it is. In a reasonable world no one would ever believe Breitbart, but the 27% will still swallow his tripe whole. He deserves to be homeless and ranting on a streetcorner.


His growing reputation as an utterly ethics-free rageoholic who hates non-white people with ever fiber of his being, who will do and say anything for the sake of supporting his quest to be on TV and promote his vision of a world without non-whites, who is unable to control himself when something makes him mad — and everything makes him mad? That growing reputation?


Andrew is more than capable of defending shitting the bed himself

Fiqqst for brighter- and bart-ierness.


The media is not about delivering “the truth” to “the people.” It is about delivering viewers to advertisers. Breitbart has just proven he can do that, again. It does not hurt his reputation, it helps it.

We’re so fucked.

Wyatt Watts III

[D]oes anyone really believe that Andrew Breitbart would intentionally distort a video clip to make a one-day splash?


No one believes that Breitbart would only be aiming for a one day splash.


Also, does anyone really believe that Andrew Breitbart would intentionally distort a video clip to make a one-day splash? Risk his growing reputation with a deliberate, easily refutable distortion?

Breitbart’s introductory text to the clip states that Sherrod discriminated against people due to their race “in her federally appointed position.”

So… yes, Guy. That is exactly what he did.


The shite blew up quicker than the lying race-baiter thought it would.


The shite blew up quicker than the lying race-baiter thought it would.

If the fucking MSM would do their job, his shit would explode on impact.


Risk his growing reputation with a for deliberate, easily refutable distortion?

*lifts blindfold*
I put the tail on the donkey!


nym fail

coffee restart

The Tragically Flip

Arguing with wingnuts, I’ve concluded that “everyone thinks like me!” is just a core assumption for them, below the level of thought. They are always surprised to learn people do not generally think like them, but that is the basis for stupid questions of the form “Does anyone really believe RUSH LIMBAUGH would take fist fulls of viagara down to the Dominican Republic in order to fuck underaged prostitutes with his shriveled penis?”

Also explains why of all the logical fallacies, Argumentum ad populem is possibly their favourite.


I was a playground lady in my youth (probably why I chose not to reproduce). One thing I learned about was the progressive boundary push. If one pretended not to notice a sneaky bad behavior move, successive moves would be bolder and more brazen until there was no pretense of trying to hide it. Little Andy and his conies (intentional – they’re a bunch of dumb bunnies) weren’t called on the ACORN tapes (which did take a little work to debunk) so they moved on to a more blatant scam. The next move will be from selective editing to outright fabrication.


Risk his growing reputation

Yuck. I don’t want to hear about Breitbart’s “reputation.”


I don’t want to hear about Breitbart’s “reputation.”

Breitbart has a reputation for being a dick: synecdoche!


Three times now. He’s manipulated video three times now, and in every case the story has been race. ACORN, Representative John Lewis’ walk through the Tea Party crowd on the day of the health care vote, and now this truncated video. And I wonder if it will have the slightest impact on his business. Wyatt is right-he didn’t think it would be a one day wonder. He thought it would last forever.


Breitbart has a reputation for being a dick: synecdoche!

Your use of the term “synecdoche” had made my morning. Sad, but true.


Your use of the term “synecdoche” had made my morning.

Someone has to rescue it from the most boring movie ever made.


The correct spelling is “synecdouche”.


Howie the Putz has weighed in on this episode and, as is his wont, downplays Breitbarts role in it. As Malaclypse said above, we are so fucked.


The correct spelling is “synecdouche”.

Wearing a condom is known at the NY Times as “synecdouchehat.”


Someone has to rescue it from the most boring movie ever made.

Never saw it. Does that have Phillip Seymour Hoffman in it?


Does that have Phillip Seymour Hoffman in it?

Wasted, along with a number of other good actors.


I enjoyed seeing him questioned. He seemed manic, defeated and possibly drunk. Moar plz.


Wasted, along with a number of other good actors.

Oooh, yeah. Including Catherine Keener. (BTW, if you haven’t seen Please Give, you totes should).


[D]oes anyone really believe that Andrew Breitbart would intentionally distort a video clip to make a one-day splash?

I heap curses on MoonDragon and Mothra for beating me to the “you mean just like every other video clip he’s made a short splash with?” Why no, I expect he’s actually done the background research necessary this time! I can’t imagine he’d be so dishonest and lazy AGAIN!


He seemed manic, defeated and possibly drunk.

Breitbart??? NEVAR.


I won’t be satisfied until I see him cry.


Save me from these people.

“We have a window representing transparency.”

Crowd murmuring “Oh, that’s good!” “Such a good idea!”


I won’t be satisfied until I see him cry.

Dude, we could totally make him cry. IT WOULD BE AWESOME.


What are we waiting for?!



It’s really quite simple. It’s Guy “Baghdad Bob” Benson.

“Dere are no troops in Baghdad! Dat’s all special afffects! We are weening de war!”


What are we waiting for?!

My Soros check hasn’t gone through yet, so I can’t buy a plane ticket!


Someone has to rescue it from the most boring movie ever made.

I don’t know that it was boring. It was goddamned confusing. I sat there, really wanting to like it, and while I didn’t hate it, I feel like I missed a key part of the movie that explained it all to me a little bit.

I like art house movies (not Art Chance movies, mind you. Too much bondage, even for my tastes).

I wrote somewhere that I keep hoping the meaning of the film will spring forth out of my deep unconscious. So far, no such luck.


What are we waiting for?!

My Soros check hasn’t gone through yet, so I can’t buy a plane ticket!


Well, you’re a liberal chick, which also means you’re a huge, irresponsible whore. Can’t you sell it on the streets for a bit and raise the money that way?


Well, you’re a liberal chick, which also means you’re a huge, irresponsible whore. Can’t you sell it on the streets for a bit and raise the money that way?

If you two have a “Tak-A-Chek” dispenser, I’ll take the first hundred.


(not Art Chance movies, mind you. Too much bondage, even for my tastes).

Yes, there is lots of slavery in his films. He gets off on it.


[D]oes anyone really believe that Andrew Breitbart would intentionally distort a video clip to make a one-day splash?

No. I believe he’d intentionally distort a video clip to try to command several days of the news cycle to promote his goal of discrediting a liberal institution.


Well, you’re a liberal chick, which also means you’re a huge, irresponsible whore.

Wait. I thought Thursdays were man-hating hairy lesbian day! Did I miss the memo?


If you two have a “Tak-A-Chek” dispenser, I’ll take the first hundred.

What do you think we are, chumps? We only take Monopoly money.


Wait. I thought Thursdays were man-hating hairy lesbian day! Did I miss the memo?

Oh, you’re right. Forgot it was Thursday. Saturday is latte-sipping, arugula-eating, coast-dwelling elitist day, right?


Hey, can someone explain the provenance of the photo in the thread below? Is that really Breitbart? (not the shirtless guys). What’s the context?


No. I believe he’d intentionally distort a video clip to try to command several days of the news cycle to promote his goal of discrediting a liberal institution.

Amanda Marcotte puts it this way: since the wingnuts can’t kill these people, they’re just trying to get them all fired. And who could blame them? They’ve been pretty successful so far.


Saturday is latte-sipping, arugula-eating, coast-dwelling elitist day, right?

Yes. Don’t forget the fancy mustard and black power ice cream.


Not together, of course. Gross.


Is that really Breitbart? (not the shirtless guys).

I’ve asked that question before. I think the middle dude looks like Russell Crowe. The shirtless dudes are D. Aristophanes and Tintin.


black power ice cream

You’re damn lucky there wasn’t coffee in my mouth when I read that.


D]oes anyone really believe that Andrew Breitbart would intentionally distort a video clip to make a one-day splash?

In a fucking heartbeat. He is an absolutely shameless attention whore, as well as a flaming racist, with a well deserved reputation for exactly this kind of bullshit.


I thought Thursdays were man-hating hairy lesbian day!

You can’t whore out to chicks?


I employed my usual keen research skills (googling for two minutes) to see if there were any similar images of Breity out there, and didn’t find one, but I did notice that in almost every photo or screen shot taken of him he looks like a mean-minded bully.

The guy hangs out in my part of town. I’ve never seen him, of course, because I suffer from celebrity dyslexia, but i sometimes wonder if I’m going to realize someday that the asshole in front of me berating some clerk, or the dickhead stiffing the valet for his tip is going to be Breitbart.


I will give the wingnuts credit for this: That they’ve turned completely around in one day and are now trashing the WH for initially calling for her resignation is a damn good trick. I didn’t think they had such a black hole where self-awareness should be.


The whole Maine ice cream parlor flap made me think of this old Mountain Goats song:

And the heat came down
I knew I was living in a long, long dream
when you fed me the black ice cream

and the heat rose up
I heard the loud loud buzzing of our son’s go-kart
and the ice cream was blacker than the devil’s heart
It was august the 19th, 1957
I fixed my eyes on you, fixed my eyes on you


You can’t whore out to chicks?

Only every fourth Thursday.


Oh good grief! What kind of athletic event can get interrupted by a FLOCK OF SHEEP except the Tour De France?


[D]oes anyone really believe that Andrew Breitbart would intentionally distort a video clip to make a one-day splash?

Obama made a speech over a year ago in which he said “I believe in American exceptionalism just like the British and Greeks believed in British and Greek exceptionalism.” He went on to say “I’m enormously proud of my country,” and listed many of the United States’ greatest accomplishments to explain why he was proud of it.

In response, several conservative bloggers reported nothing but the first line. They then said “but America IS exceptional, you Commuslimunist nigger,” listed the very same accomplishments Obama had in support of that, and went “why aren’t you proud of your country, you nigger“?

That’s just one example. Conservative bloggers intentionally distort the things they’re reporting on on a daily basis. This just happens to be a case that’s caused enough outcry to expose it. So yes, I believe they do have it in them to distort news; it’s been happening for years.


The whole Maine ice cream parlor flap made me think of this old Mountain Goats song:

I do not know that record as well as I should. I’ve been listening to the second track on The Life of the World to Come like it’s going out of business.


Conservative bloggers intentionally distort the things they’re reporting on on a daily basis.

Here’s the thing, tho: Liberal bloggers, myself included, spin stories as well. The difference is, while we want to influence people, we don’t create facts where none exist.

SOME liberal sites (I’m looking at YOU, do make up shit, but as with our history of enfolding bigots and bigotry amidst our membership, we don’t hide the fact, nor do we proudly point to it, then go out and one up ourselves.

Liberal sites like quickly get shunted to the side, the domain and purview of the more fringe elements of our side, but you’d never see Media Matters, for example, post a clip that Rense claimed they got their hands on, without scrupulously vetting it.

That self-censorship simply doesn’t happen on the right, who swallow a bullshit story whole, then try to blame liberals for their error.


I’ve been listening to the second track on The Life of the World to Come like it’s going out of business.

I always imagine that song (Psalms 40: 2) to be from the point of view of a fundamentalist Christian terrorist like Scott Roeder. It’s a scary song.


I always imagine that song (Psalms 40: 2) to be from the point of view of a fundamentalist Christian terrorist like Scott Roeder. It’s a scary song.

Oh, it is. But so intense and well-done. For some reason, the line about sleeping like infants always creeps me out.


My brain prefers Skol.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

That self-censorship simply doesn’t happen on the right, who swallow a bullshit story whole, then try to blame liberals for their error.

Part of this problem, I believe, comes from their nagging need to find something out there that supports their backward ideas. They really really really wanted Shirley Sherrod to be a racist, which would (somehow) justify their own bigotry. It must be a real pain in the ass to live with a set of beliefs that are so consistently challenged by reality that one is forced to compartmentalize subject matter to hide the contradictions, and spend your life on a fishing expedition to find something, anything that justifies these ideals.


It must be a real pain in the ass to live with a set of beliefs that are so consistently challenged by reality that one is forced to compartmentalize subject matter to hide the contradictions, and spend your life on a fishing expedition to find something, anything that justifies these ideals.

No wonder they’re cranky.


For some reason, the line about sleeping like infants always creeps me out.

Yeah, John is brilliant at hitting you with that one lyric that gives you a chill out of nowhere.


BDSM joke here. FINALLY!


Yeah, John is brilliant at hitting you with that one lyric that gives you a chill out of nowhere.

He’s kind of a genius.

This is my favorite of his along those lines:

“I dreamt that I was perched atop a throne of human skulls
On a cliff above the ocean, howling wind and shrieking seagulls
And the dream went on forever, one single static frame
Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name”

That last line always makes me laugh.


Completely off-topic, but pretty funny and just so wrong: Hitler and Mussolini remixed to Biggie and Tupac.

Perhaps seen already. JUst had to share for no particular reason.

Oh – you can see Breitbart at 0:09. He hasn’t refuted it yet, has he?


I wrote somewhere that I keep hoping the meaning of the film will spring forth out of my deep unconscious. So far, no such luck.

Because there is none. It’s three hours of mental masturbation, unlike Charlie’s previous movies which were two and half hours of mental masturbation.


Sherrod was fired properly, and not just for her racist comments about momentarily thinking of not going out of her way and her organization’s purpose to act improperly like lawyers when the farmer clearly needed bankruptcy proceedings, but because of her and her husband’s clearly racist campaign in the 1960s to register black Georgia residents to vote.

How dare these racial supremacists have focused their time on registering black voters when they should have been focusing equally on rural and poor white voters?

And they treat Martin Luther King Jr. like a hero when he only worked for the rights of black people. Racist.


It must be a real pain in the ass to live with a set of beliefs that are so consistently challenged by reality that one is forced to compartmentalize subject matter to hide the contradictions

This is why I laugh when they claim to offer “solutions.”

“Solve global warming? No problem. We’ll build more power plants so people can have more air conditioning”


unlike Charlie’s previous movies which were two and half hours of mental masturbation.

Aw, I liked Eternal Sunshine and Being John Malkovich.

Pupienus Maximus

I am _so_ conflicted. After reading the background wrt Pigford (see TPM) my I’m sick to my stomach. My conflict is in hoping that 4chan takes on the blightfart. Anon, I think, could make him cry. And more. *sigh*. I’m a bad person.


Aw, I liked Eternal Sunshine and Being John Malkovich.

Mental masturbation, like physical masturbation, can be enjoyable but it has no deeper meaning. Charlie hasn’t quite mastered the concept of “plot” in fiction. Or to put it another way, he’s not a story-teller because his scripts tell no story. They are frozen vignettes, which may be interesting or amusing but are not going to advance in any way.



teh Universal Schlong

I will give the wingnuts credit for this: That they’ve turned completely around in one day and are now trashing the WH for initially calling for her resignation is a damn good trick. I didn’t think they had such a black hole where self-awareness should be.

Sheeeit man! All part of the service!

Now Kneel.



Best conference wrap-up pictures EVER.


It’s three hours of mental masturbation

And yet, I walked away from it thinking there was a meaning underneath it all.

And Being John Malkovich was a pretty good film. It was Monty Python taking itself too seriously.


Best conference wrap-up pictures EVER.

I’d prefer to keep the contents of my stomach where they belong, thanks.


Charlie hasn’t quite mastered the concept of “plot” in fiction. Or to put it another way, he’s not a story-teller because his scripts tell no story. They are frozen vignettes, which may be interesting or amusing but are not going to advance in any way.

Sounds like you’re talking about my writing. *sob*

Mind-numbed lefty robot

No wonder they’re cranky.

If life proved you to be wrong about pretty much everything on a daily basis, you’d likely be pretty cranky too. Their views on race, gender, religion, economics, governance, all based on silly antiquated bullshit.

In your childhood, you wanted to change the world around you to find comfort and safety in it. Right wingers never really grew out of that. They just found that when you grow up, the world doesn’t give a shit what makes you feel comfortable or safe. It is what it is, and you can either come to accept that, or fabricate reasons to shit yourself on a daily basis to feed that subconscious anger at the world for not being what you want it to be.


I think being John malkovich was brilliant. A movie that bizarre shouldn’t have been that funny and accessible. I think charlie Kauffman is crazy talented. Also loved Adaptation.


In your childhood, you wanted to change the world around you to find comfort and safety in it. Right wingers never really grew out of that. They just found that when you grow up, the world doesn’t give a shit what makes you feel comfortable or safe. It is what it is, and you can either come to accept that, or fabricate reasons to shit yourself on a daily basis to feed that subconscious anger at the world for not being what you want it to be.

DING DING DING DING! It’s sad, really.


Also loved Adaptation.

Never saw it. Nicholas Cage sets my teeth on edge.


Speaking of movies, we should still hang all our heads in shame how librul Hollywood denied the greatness of filmmaker Andrew Breitbart, who finally was able to show Hollywood his enormous talent at shocking fictional storylines able to prompt national debates on the assault on white America by the Negroes.


He was REALLY good in it believe it r not. His characters really tugged at my heartstrings.


I don’t know Ms. Sherrod’s status and her recourse, if any, depends on what kind of employee she was. Generally, there are two types of federal employee (there’s lots of permutations but two broad categories); merit system employees entitled to dismissal only for cause, and appointees/executives outside the merit system who don’t have dismissal for cause protections. The latter are as close to “at will” employees as public employees get, but they’re not that “at will.”

If she was a merit system employee unless she has a bad record and prior discipline, the merit system board or a labor arbitrator if she’s union will probably put her back to work with back pay if she grieves. If she’s at the appointee level and doesn’t have merit system protections, it is a much more complex question. She would have to sue, then it depends on the facts and the jury. I know that as an employer I wouldn’t take her case to a jury in Atlanta, Georgia. If I were her, I’d get an attorney and start shaking them down for a nice cash settlement.

In Vino Veritas


show Hollywood his enormous talent

Hugh Grant was arrested for that. So was Boy George.


Also loved Adaptation.

Never saw it. Nicholas Cage sets my teeth on edge.

Normally mine too, but he’s fantastic in that one. And he’s in it twice!


If I were her, I’d get an attorney and start shaking them down for a nice cash settlement.

Thank god for the country she’s human, then.


Nicholas Cage sets my teeth on edge.

Are you serious!? Nic Cage can portray the entire gamut of emotions from annoyed to really annoyed!


Sounds like you’re talking about my writing. *sob*

FWIW, I briefly suffered from the delusion – common among those of us who have had non-fiction published – that I could write fiction. I can’t. So I critique.


Shorter Scott Johnson:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Water belongs to the rich.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

I didn’t think they had such a black hole where self-awareness should be.

Right–and if cornered and forced to answer for his behavior on a deeper level than changing the story to “Can’t you hear those niggers listeners chanting ‘mmhmm’ to Sherrod’s racist story?”. Calling Obama’s white half racist in 5, 4, 3….

I do have to say that this is the biggest disappointment from Obama to date. Race aside, I would NEVER allow this to happen to one of my people without evidence. It just goes to show where Obama’s loyalties really lie, and illustrates the ability to manipulate his command with shit like this. Not cool.


If life proved you to be wrong about pretty much everything on a daily basis, you’d likely be pretty cranky too. Their views on race, gender, religion, economics, governance, all based on silly antiquated bullshit.

Conservative whites don’t at all feel like they were proven “wrong”. They feel like they were simply betrayed.

And not just by libruls. Repeatedly I heard from relatives and co-workers how Bush Jr. had failed them by not abolishing the IRS and not bringing the Bible back into school and kept letting all the Mexicans in and in letting homosexuals keep flaunting their perversions near our children and wouldn’t proclaim openly the need to kill all the Muslims and Arabs and whoever, etc.

I have relatives to this day who think that the seed of our nation’s destruction was planted when the librul Supreme Court overthrew states’ rights and the laws of Man by integrating the schools. That this rotted our children by forcing them to learn alongside these violent Negro primitives. And so forth.

“Wrong”? Hardly. In liberal dreams. Shit, they still think the economy collapsed under Bush Jr. because of too much taxes, Barney Frank, ACORN, Fannie Freddie, Jimmy Carter making banks give all them free homes to blacks who couldn’t afford them, and so forth.


Actually I’ve liked nick in lots of stuff….like wild at heart and vampire’s kiss.


vampire’s kiss

A one-joke movie, but it’s a damned good joke.


Are you serious!? Nic Cage can portray the entire gamut of emotions from annoyed to really annoyed!

Admittedly, he is *excellent* in National Treasure.


Water belongs to the rich.

What is wrong with these people? It’s one thing to say “Look, I like to take a shower” it’s a whole other thing to say “LEAVE MY TWELVE GALLON A MINUTE NOZZLE ALONE!”


Forget what I said, she’s not an ordinary federal emplyee; She’s a poverty pimp and a race hustler. This is going to be good!

She and hubby have scammed the taxpayers out of billions and her director job is a direct payoff by this Administration. Go read the Pigford case’s history. Filed during Clinton alleging abuses and discrimination by USDA during Reagan-Bush I. Clinton administration enters into a consent decree – always suspect when a government does that with a client group; the complainants are all Black farmers or people “trying to farm” but prevented from doing so by the USDA. Consent decrees are as often as not simply a blind for a payoff and they are usually paid out of omnibus settlement bills appropriating money to the AG, no messy details or debate about just what the money is going for and we all know government lawyers would NEVER settle and walk away from a meritorious case. In fact, settlements of grievances and discrimination suits is a favorite method of laundering tax dollars to Democrats and their front groups. It is also very conspicuous that the deadline for identifying the class was just before the 2000 election; got to get your hooves in the trough while you still control the trough.

They mess around with this all during GWB and then when the Democrats get Congress, they appropriate more money and give more time. So, Comrade Obama gets elected and AG Holder settles the long standing Pigford case handing out all sorts of money including $150K each to Sherrod and her hubby for their “pain and suffering” through the ordeal of trying to keep the shadedown alive during all those lean Republican years. Then, they appoint her to be the Georgia director of USDA’s development division. Anytime you see development in the name of a government agency you’re looking at a money laundry. No wonder they wanted her quickly and quietly out of the picture, probably thinking they’d just do a Van Jones with her and stick her in one of their front groups. Apparently, she either didn’t get the memo or the offer wasn’t good enough.

In Vino Veritas


FWIW, I briefly suffered from the delusion – common among those of us who have had non-fiction published – that I could write fiction. I can’t. So I critique.

I can, but it’s like pulling teeth.



Cleaning semen from your fur suit takes a lot of water. So I’ve been told.


I can, but it’s like pulling teeth.

The writing or the fiction? ‘Cause there are people who’ll pay for stories full of screaming and bloody saliva.


Admittedly, he is *excellent* in National Treasure.

*shaking head*

If you took any Nic Cage character since Moondance and put it in any other Nic Cage movie since Moondance, you’d get an identical performance. This quality is precisely why Nic Cage is Jerry Bruckheimer’s favorite actor.

Same stupid scenery chewing, right down to the Elvis Presely imitations he has to throw in.

Compare him to Johnny Depp or even John Cusack, who are comparably aged actors who are much better and have proven they can handle fluffy movies that Nic Cage makes.

He wasn’t bad in Wild At Heart, but it was Laura Dern’s movie, start to finish.


The writing or the fiction? ‘Cause there are people who’ll pay for stories full of screaming and bloody saliva.

The writing. But that’s not a bad idea, either.


‘Cause there are people who’ll pay for stories full of screaming and bloody saliva.

Just peruse any airport bookstore.



Seriously. If the linked article is to be believed, my regular-person shower uses much, much less than that. I have no trouble getting clean, if there was more water pressure I’d probably get hurt, and standing under it staring into space and/or masturbating is plenty good for my psyche. Where the fuck would 80% more water even go? What would it do?


*shaking head*

DUDE. That was a joke. That movie is THE WORST. I’m offended.

No, he’s not good at all. I like Wild at Heart and Raising Arizona *despite* his performances in them.


Johnny Depp

The Mrs. and I may be the only people who paid to see The Libertine, but damn he’s good.


Come on now. Nic Cage can do more than ‘annoyed’ and ‘really annoyed’. Anyone who saw ‘Bringing out the Dead’ could tell you he also is a master of ‘tired’ and ‘really tired’


Raising Arizona

The Coen’s weakest movie, IMO. Cage-related? Who knows…


Move that apostrophe, please. Thanks.


Where the fuck would 80% more water even go? What would it do?

Right? It’s cheaper just to get a massage.

That’s fucking ridiculous, and I say this as a person who takes showers that are so long that I feel guilty.


The Coen’s weakest movie, IMO. Cage-related? Who knows…

Possibly. I thought The Ladykillers was not so great, either.


The USDA was lucky that such plaintiffs as the Sherrods and New Communities Inc. settled for as little as they did.

I applaud the modern conservative movement for being as proud as they are to attack a bit of justice for farmers directly on the receiving end of segregation-style racism from our federal agricultural agency, and hope they continue to proudly stand for old fashioned segregation.

“Race pimp” accusers, bring it on. You have nothing to gain but continued losing battles and strengthening an already dying off Southern white racist base.


The ladykillers was terrible.


DUDE. That was a joke.



Anyone who saw ‘Bringing out the Dead’ could tell you he also is a master of ‘tired’ and ‘really tired’

I include those on the spectrum from annoyed to really annoyed. Also, bored and really bored.


Yeah. Granted he only makes commercial crap these days, I think the critiques of Nick’s acting are a tad hyperbolic. To each his own I guess.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Forget what I said, she’s not an ordinary federal emplyee; She’s a poverty pimp and a race hustler. This is going to be good!

And here comes fAtChance to vindicate my whole treatise this morning. Well done, you racist fucking douchebag scrotum. You should try not sucking at life so much. The choice of words there couldn’t sum up your fucking depraved nostalgia for the Jim Crow days any better, asshole. Go to hell and die.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Shit–not supposed to feed the troll. What if I slip some arsenic in the food?


I think the critiques of Nick’s acting are a tad hyperbolic

Don’t get me started on Leaving Las Vegas, if you think I believe this is a recent phenomenon.

When Elizabeth Shue…ELIZABETH SHUE!…can act rings around your lead actor, he has serious problems.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Cage is aight. I’d watch 10 of his movies over one with fucking Tom Cruise in it. Talk about your one-trick pony shit actors.


You’re certainly entitled to your opinion.


I include those on the spectrum from annoyed to really annoyed. Also, bored and really bored.
I would argue that in their pure form, ‘tired’ ‘bored’ and ‘annoyed’ are three distinct and separate emotions, although one can experience them mixed together as well.


Cage is aight. I’d watch 10 of his movies over one with fucking Tom Cruise in it.

Fuck me if I ever move to a world where my movie choices are limited to Far and Away and It Could Happen to You.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion.

What’s THAT supposed to mean?


I’d watch 10 of his movies over one with fucking Tom Cruise in it. Talk about your one-trick pony shit actors.

But…but…but his boyish smile! He’s so dreamy! Swoon.



Apparently I haven’t made my outlandish snobbery apparent enough around here. Need to step up my game.


That was to actor, not mind-numbed. FTR, I have nothing against Cruise either.


Don’t get me started on Leaving Las Vegas, if you think I believe this is a recent phenomenon.

I never got the buzz around that one.


Oh good grief! What kind of athletic event can get interrupted by a FLOCK OF SHEEP except the Tour De France?

HEY! Some of us have TiVo.

(yes, this is as far as I’ve gotten this morning. Much snarkitude to go)


Forget what I said

Don’t really need your permission to do that, but ok.


Tom Cruise was good in Magnolia. Because he was basically playing himself.


I never got the buzz around that one.

You get to see Cage die. It’s like the (very-enjoyable) From Dusk ‘Til Dawn, which is best remembered as the movie where you get to see Quentin Tarantino die miserable a death TWICE.


It’s like the (very-enjoyable) From Dusk ‘Til Dawn, which is best remembered as the movie where you get to see Quentin Tarantino die miserable a death TWICE.

I always forgot about that part because I’m too busy thinking about Selma Hayek.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

I never got the buzz around that one.

I didn’t either. I don’t gotta spend no $10 to look in the fucking mirror.


I always forgot about that part because I’m too busy thinking about Selma Hayek.

I’m looking at Hayek, but that uses up very little of my forebrain.


“And yet, I walked away from it thinking there was a meaning underneath it all.”

The meaning of Synecdoche the movie is the same as synecdoche the word. A figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole or the whole for a part. So the set within the set and the movie within the movie is to be taken as representing life itself. It loops back on itself and becomes self referential because life is like that and doesn’t make sense. You are not really the lead character, you’re just the cleaning lady.

But it’s hardly original, others have made the same observation and had more fun doing so. Like David Byrne’s “Stop Making Sense”. At least you could dance to that.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Is it wrong that I absolutely love those Salma Hayek/Antonio Banderas shoot-em-up flicks? If that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right. She is one of the sexiest women on Earth.


Noen –

Thanks for summarizing it far better than I ever could. I don’t see how that’s any different from the “meaning” of Adaptation or Being JM.


Cage is aight. I’d watch 10 of his movies over one with fucking Tom Cruise in it. Talk about your one-trick pony shit actors.

I usually hate Tom Cruise, but there’s one exception; I actually semi-enjoyed his War of the Worlds rendition. I’ve given up on them simply adapting the book with minimal changes, but I think they captured the feel of it (regular guy just trying to survive while his entire species is being ground underfoot like ants) a lot better than the fifties version did.

If only they hadn’t thrown in stupidities like the Martians riding lightning bolts down to Earth, or their tripods being buried millions of years ago…


I will give the wingnuts credit for this: That they’ve turned completely around in one day and are now trashing the WH for initially calling for her resignation is a damn good trick. I didn’t think they had such a black hole where self-awareness should be.”

My head is spinning so fast “________________.”


Seriously, people. Who didn’t love Tom Cruise in ‘Tropic Thunder’?


He wasn’t bad in Wild At Heart, but it was Laura Dern’s movie, start to finish.

Am I weird and alone in thinking that Laura Dern is damn sexy?


Am I weird and alone in thinking that Laura Dern is damn sexy?

Only if you’re Ben Harper.


Seriously, people. Who didn’t love Tom Cruise in ‘Tropic Thunder’?

He was awesome in that role. Of course, he wasn’t acting which makes it brilliant, right?


Joe –



He was awesome in that role. Of course, he wasn’t acting which makes it brilliant, right?

Exactly. Sort of like Magnolia.


Joe Max said,

July 22, 2010 at 17:27

Not alone.


She was sexy in that movie …and also in Rambling Rose.


She was sexy in that movie …and also in Rambling Rose.

And in ‘Lonely Hearts.’ You get Laura and Selma in that one! *meeee-OW!*

(And if you look closely, Alice ‘Borg Queen’ Kirge too!)


N__B – I’m just glad I didn’t come off as a pretentious latte sipping eeent ee lectual. Synecdoche left me feeling *meh* but Inception was pretty damn good. Leonardo was looking might fine too.


Inception was pretty damn good. Leonardo was looking might fine too.

Inception viewing coming soon. Mrs. __B and I have prepared our drool cups for Leo and Marion.

Pupienus Maximus

I’d watch 10 of his movies over one with fucking Tom Cruise in it.

The only Tom Cruise movie I would enjoy watching.


Tom Cruise was perfect for Eyes Wide Shut. Mainly because all it Kubrick asked of him was to walk around like a clueless moron while everyone laughed at him behind his back.


Eyes Wide Shut.

The good old days, when Kidman’s face moved in sync with the dialog and action.

Pupienus Maximus

“Inception viewing coming soon. Mrs. __B and I”

Do not want to see! That’s really sick.


Apparently I haven’t made my outlandish snobbery apparent enough around here.

Your affection for John Darnielle gets you off the hook. This time.

Seriously, I’ve seen the Mountain Goats play twice, and those shows made me into the huge fan I am. I love that he starts playing an acoustic guitar, until he has broken too many strings to continue playing it, then switches to electric. AND he has a constant, pained smile on his face while singing, which adds a WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL of uneasiness to his lyrics.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Tom Cruise was perfect for Eyes Wide Shut. Mainly because all it Kubrick asked of him was to walk around like a clueless moron while everyone laughed at him behind his back.

Ha! How bad is a movie when you have to stick a ton of unecessary but oh-so-nice nudity in to keep the the short attention spanned persons like myself interested? I laughed. I cried. I took longer than usual bathroom breaks.


Do not want to see! That’s really sick.

I’ll have you know there are scientists who would give all to watch a polar bear and hedgehog mate.


AND he has a constant, pained smile on his face while singing, which adds a WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL of uneasiness to his lyrics.

I’ve seen him once. As soon as he spoke, I thought, “AH! He’s autistic! That explains SO MUCH.”

It was a good show. I think the husband was more excited about meeting Jon Wurster than the show itself.


Bah, you kids and your movie references. On some level, I know it’s a bad thing that I only could put a face to about a third of the names y’all are throwing around.

On the other hand, don’t care.


Good lord, did I really need to use two versions of “apparent” in that sentence?


Ha! How bad is a movie when you have to stick a ton of unecessary but oh-so-nice nudity in to keep the the short attention spanned persons like myself interested? I laughed. I cried. I took longer than usual bathroom breaks. You can’t fool me. There was no ‘movie’ in between the nudity.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

On the other hand, don’t care.

**high five** from your fellow philistine.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Slightly O/T, but maybe not: that sure-to-be-a-fiasco-and-not-even-the-fun-kind “Atlas Shrugged” movie from a couple threads ago? I looked it up on IMDB because I hate myself, and apparently the cast includes both the brother shamus from “The Big Lebowski” and Barton Fink’s asshole boss. So now I’m imagining the Coen Brothers doing an Ayn Rand adaptation, which is the only way one wouldn’t suck, because I have a feeling they’d gleefully fuck with the source material.


John Galt running through a burning hotel shouting “I’ll show you the life of the mind!”?


Shorter Brent Bozell. Mentioning racism means you’re racist:


My head is spinning so fast “_____________”

1. My brain fell out.
2. ????????????.
3. Profit!


They wouldn’t need to fuck with the source material. It’s all in there: the stilted dialogue, the villainous villains, the heroic heroes. It reads like the George Reeve Superman TV shows of the Fifties.


It reads like the George Reeve Superman TV shows of the Fifties.

Hmm. I wouldn’t have thought there would be so much rape on 50s TV shows.

Lots of speeches by boring white guys though.


So now I’m imagining the Coen Brothers doing an Ayn Rand adaptation, which is the only way one wouldn’t suck

Maybe Terry Gilliam. He might even let Robin Williams play John Galt.


Maybe Terry Gilliam. He might even let Robin Williams play John Galt.

That would be fucking awesome.


“The Fountainhead. Starring Larry The Cable Guy!”


I think Woody Allen could direct a passable version of Atlas Shrugged if he put his mind to it.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“He might even let Robin Williams play John Galt.”
Well, that’d get Rand fans in the seats, since his brief creepy-ass “One Hour Photo”/”Insomnia” phase is pretty much what they aspire to. Although honestly, the main reason I’d want Gilliam to do it would be that that would prevent it from ever being made in the first place.


I’d want Gilliam to do it would be that that would prevent it from ever being made in the first place.

You gotta admit though, that Gilliam has a way with dystopias, and would be able to adequately depict the hellhole that Galt’s Gulch would devolve into.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Going Galt could be visually represented as randomly turning into Colin Farrell.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Shorter Brent Bozell. Mentioning racism means you’re racist:

Noticed below the video box:

Bozell demands media cover completely false Sherrod story

Careful what you wish for, Bernt. (See what I did there?)

Shorter everyone who’s not a dumbfuck racist: Being a racist means you’re racist.


If Paul Verhoeven would be allowed to do for Ayn Rand film adaptations what he did to Heinlein’s Starship Troopers (the 1st film, that is), he’d get my vote to helm those projects.


I think Woody Allen could direct a passable version of Atlas Shrugged if he put his mind to it.

“Take the Money & Run II: The Legend of Tax-Free Gold”

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Bozell’s a fine one to talk about racism. Let’s not forget how inhumanely he treated that astronaut, whose only crime was being a human.


I am John Galt. Just ask my last movies.


“The Fountainhead. Starring Larry The Cable Guy!”

Mah fountainhaid got broked! Better call Joe the Plumber to fix it! (They then go on to solve crimes together.)

Cornelius & Zira

Let’s not forget how inhumanely he treated that astronaut, whose only crime was being a human.

We tried to stop him. Honest.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

(They then go on to solve crimes together.)

With a Brokeback style love scene interjected for no apparent reason other than the actors insisted on it.


I always forgot about that part because I’m too busy thinking about Selma Hayek.

I have that same problem with The Road to Serfdom.

Pupienus Maximus

OT, PUPPY! Bonus puppy doing silly puppy stuff Sorry, didn’t realize I had the camera upside down and haven’t yet figured out how to invert it.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

I have that same problem with The Road to Serfdom.

Same problem with Freida Sic? Aw fuck it, who really cares?

Mind-numbed lefty robot

OT, PUPPY! Bonus puppy doing silly puppy stuff Sorry, didn’t realize I had the camera upside down and haven’t yet figured out how to invert it.

Ha! Puppies doing puppy stuff is the bestest evar!

Did he lose a contact lens in there?


“I’d want Gilliam to do it ”

He already did. He called it Brazil.


Sorry, didn’t realize I had the camera upside down and haven’t yet figured out how to invert it.

What movie editing program you using?


Am I weird and alone in thinking that Laura Dern is damn sexy?

I have yet to see a film of hers that I wouldn’t leave whatever relationship I was in just to have a quickie with her.


Cage is aight. I’d watch 10 of his movies over one with fucking Tom Cruise in it.

Never mention his name again. Not Cage, mind you.


I would argue that in their pure form, ‘tired’ ‘bored’ and ‘annoyed’ are three distinct and separate emotions

Yes, as portrayed by a good actor.

Pity it’s all one blur to Cage.

Pupienus Maximus

I’m not yet using _any_ real editing stuff, just whatever came with the Flip vidcam – really basic stuff. It’s sort of funny – I have worked with video before; I know all about cosine transforms and compression and yada yada. I could probably write, with only a bit of refresher research, a program to do it. But I don’t know diddly squat about vid apps. I can’t even name one off the top of my head. Any tips and pointers most appreciated.

PS – mostly working on a Win platform but I have a Linux box sitting next to it.


The meaning of Synecdoche the movie is the same as synecdoche the word.

I got that part. That’s a theme. Men In Black did it better, actually, at the end of the movie.

And I get that the film reflects life, but what is it trying to tell us about life? Life doesn’t make sense? Hell, I got that from Old Yeller. There’s still something tugging on my brain stem begging to come to my conscious mind that will at least give me an excuse to like the movie.


From Yahoo News;

The Sherrod firestorm dragged Obama into an ill-timed debate this week that overshadowed what was supposed to be a high moment for him: signing a significant legislative accomplishment, Wall Street reform, into law. And the incident reinforced the damaging perception that his White House caves too quickly to criticism from the political right.

How about that.


Shorter Brent Bozell. Mentioning racism means you’re racist:

How did he say that without mentioning racism?

Cornelius & Zira

Shorter Brent Bozell. Mentioning racism means you’re racist:

How did he say that without mentioning racism?

If you mention someone mentioning racism, it somehow negates the racism on your part.


Ooops! Forgot to take off the ape costumes. Now I know how Roddy McDowell and Kim Hunter felt when they wore heavy makeup and masks.


Poopy, I don’t know how extensive the Flip software is. I suspect it’s not very. You probably need to download Windows Movie Maker along with the Flip codec (I would imagine the MicroSoft website has those both).


Now I know how Roddy McDowell and Kim Hunter felt when they wore heavy makeup and masks.




The Planet of the Apes films a precursor to the furries?


Doesn’t Ape-Kim ogle Heston at one point?


Doesn’t Ape-Kim ogle Heston at one point?

Well, she sort of does, and she even blushes coquettishly when he kisses her.

Unlike Ape-Helena who would rape Wahlberg if she had the chance, the way she drools over him.


“Unlike Ape-Helena who would rape Wahlberg if she had the chance, the way she drools over him”

Well that just goes to show how far Hollywood ape-women have advanced in the forty year interim.


It’s amazing how the quality of trolls we get around here is directly inverse to the quality of snark (and, apparently, discussions about horrible actors).

It’s like if we had such amazing snark polluted by high-quality trolls, the universe would implode in a snark-filled burst of stupid.

Just a deep thought for today …


Well that just goes to show how far Hollywood ape-women have advanced in the forty year interim.

I blame the liberal ape-media.


Well that just goes to show how far Hollywood ape-women have advanced in the forty year interim.
quote of the year


It’s amazing how the quality of trolls we get around here is directly inverse to the quality of snark (and, apparently, discussions about horrible actors).

See, if they see us off-topic, they figure they won’t earn any pay, so they leave us alone.

If only they knew about “Sadly, Yes!” where we conspire with the Obama Cabinet and the Nation Of Islam to bring about the glorious jihad that is Allah’s destiny [redacted] POOP!


Are you serious!? Nic Cage can portray the entire gamut of emotions from annoyed to really annoyed!

You are not a real actor until you can master dull surprise.


“I blame the liberal ape-media.”

The liberal ape media types read philosophy, and they understand it. This is unforgivable.


There’s still something tugging on my brain stem

ooops, sorry. It’s lunchtime.


You are not a real actor until you can master dull surprise.

Pia Zadora teaches a master class in that at the Larry Storch School of Acting


It’s lunchtime.

Damn! Did you need to use so much ketchup???


Damn! Did you need to use so much ketchup???

Dude, you need to wash your neck more often.


Pia Zadora teaches a master class in that at the Larry Storch School of Acting

Who says my face is inanimate?


Pia Zadora in Santa Claus Conquers The Martians could barely manage ‘lobotomy patient’.


1. My brain fell out.

Assumes facts not in evidence.


Pia Zadora in Santa Claus Conquers The Martians could barely manage ‘lobotomy patient’.

Wasn’t she 5 in that?


Dude, you need to wash your neck more often.

Think of it as seasoning.


I think Woody Allen could direct a passable version of Atlas Shrugged if he put his mind to it.

And, of course, you are not a real director until you master the
leg up position. (skip to 6:00)


Shorter Brent Bozell. Mentioning racism means you’re racist:

No, it’s only racist if you’re mentioning racism that no longer exists anymore. Whites are no longer racist towards blacks, so it’s racist to mention anything that makes it seem like they are. Blacks, however, are still racist towards whites and that’s just science fact.

For example, do you see black youth imitating white culture? No, but you see white youth imitating black culture all the time. (*) I ask you then, who are the real racists?

(*) There is a Latino subculture in LA that worships Morrissey, but that’s the only quasi-counterexample I can come up with.


Wasn’t she 5 in that?

I have seen children express emotions. It’s not impossible.


I could see “The Fountainhead” written by the Coens but acted by puppets, a la “Thunderbirds!” They’d live on Galt Island, have a fleet of impractical spaceships, and charge exorbitant fees for not rescuing anybody.


And, of course, you are not a real director until you master the
leg up position. (skip to 6:00)

Whoah. MST references a-go-go in this threadle.


And, of course, you are not a real director until you master the
leg up position.

That got von Stroheim fired from Queen Kelly. Gloria Swanson got upset.

Pupienus Maximus

Protip for Sirius et al. you can append, for example, #t=5m45s to any youtube url and it jumps to that point.

Like so:


Well, thanks to T&U, I am listening to Mountain Goats all day.

So it’s her fault if this house I am designing becomes dysfunctional and alienating, with disturbing Bibilical references.


I have seen children express emotions. It’s not impossible.

Other than greed, envy, and lust?


Whoah. MST references a-go-go in this threadle.

Well, it has become pretty much a movie thread and everything I know about movies I learned from MST3K.


Well, thanks to T&U, I am listening to Mountain Goats all day.

And fucking them, I’m sure.


And fucking them, I’m sure.

well, if you’re gonna fuck them, you’re gonna hear them.


And also, completely uncalled for, actor.

But John Darnielle is kind of cute, it’s true.


Other than greed, envy, and lust?

Dakota Fanning does a nice rendition of “screaming”.

In. Every. Fucking. Movie.


I could see “The Fountainhead” written by the Coens but acted by puppets, a la “Thunderbirds!” They’d live on Galt Island, have a fleet of impractical spaceships, and charge exorbitant fees for not rescuing anybody.
This reminds me. The Muppets should break out of the typecast ‘family comedy’ routine they have fallen into, and branch out into serious drama. It is long past time for the Muppet ‘Twelve Angy Men’ or the Muppet ‘A Bridge Too Far’


Other than greed, envy, and lust?

My kids also did “angry” and “sleepy” a lot at 5.


The Muppets should break out of the typecast ‘family comedy’ routine they have fallen into, and branch out into serious drama. It is long past time for the Muppet ‘Twelve Angy Men’ or the Muppet ‘A Bridge Too Far’

I’d prefer to see them in St Elmo’s Fire.

I’ll leave it to your imagination that there’d be a plot twist.


The Muppets should break out of the typecast ‘family comedy’ routine they have fallen into, and branch out into serious drama. It is long past time for the Muppet ‘Twelve Angy Men’ or the Muppet ‘A Bridge Too Far’

A Streetcar Named Beaker.

Citizen Kermit

Gone With The Pig



I’d prefer to see them in St Elmo’s Fire.
Crap, another, no doubt hilarious, pop culture reference wasted! I have not seen the movie in question. Orf to IMDB. With any luck I can still get the joke.


With any luck I can still get the joke.

Here’s a clue: the joke is in the title. Two words in the title. And neither of them is “saint”.




Going for the obvious pun of setting Elmo on Fire? Low, yet hilarious.


I never said I was high-minded.


I also think ‘A long Day’s Journey Into Night’ is overdue for the Muppet Treatment.


Oh good grief! What kind of athletic event can get interrupted by a FLOCK OF SHEEP except the Tour De France?

That would be the best Super Bowl ever.


Arguing with wingnuts, I’ve concluded that “everyone thinks like me!” is just a core assumption for them, below the level of thought.

Yeah. I mean, everyone does this, but wingnuts are unaware that they’re doing it. They’re also fond of projection. Non-27%ers try to stop themselves from doing it. They’ve made a habit of listening to others instead of making up fictional stories about who they are and what they’re thinking.


Oh good grief! What kind of athletic event can get interrupted by a FLOCK OF SHEEP except the Tour De France?
What is the the only thing that could make figure skating watchable for $500 Alex?


The Grapes of Bert


There will be polyfill stuffing


The Importance of Being Ernie


The Muppet “Easy Rider”
The Muppet “Apocalypse Now”


The Seventh Seal
(…with real seals!)


Rosemary’s Muppet


Gonzo with the Wind


Gonzo with the Wind

How the hell did i miss this?????


Conan The Fluffarian


How the hell did i miss this?????

Obviously you were saving it for me. Thanks btw.


Fritz Lang’s Muppetropolis
Lenie (sp?) Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Bill


Dye Hard

Dye Hard II

Dye Hard With A Vengeance


No Country For Old Felt


Brokebeak Mountain


Animal’s Farm?

Gonzo’s Web?

Statler & Waldorf in The Odd Couple?


I, Ploobis


The Adventures of Baron Beaker
The Imaginarium of Doctor Piggy
Fear and Loathing on Sesame street
The Brothers Beaker
Twelve Froggies


Saving Private Gonzo




Eyes Glued Shut


Eye of the Needle


Fear and Loathing on Sesame street
Kermit: We can’t stop here Fozzie, this is bat country!


Kermit: We can’t stop here Fozzie, this is bat country!

We were on the road from Bert’s when the drugs kicked in.


Dr. Strangeglove


It is long past time for the Muppet ‘Twelve Angy Men’

Kermit is the reasonable doubter, Fozzie the guy with baseball tickets, Professor Honeydew the doubter who changes his mind on the glasses info, Sam the Eagle is the foreman…

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Glenn Beck role playing–not the good kind

Beck sez the Prez oughta call him and have a root beer summit. And reiterates that it was not Fux Noose who fired Shirley Sherrod. Seems like a network that got busted being all douchy would think to leave it the fuck alone. Think again, looney libz!


Kermit: We can’t stop here Fozzie, this is bat pig country!



Fuck you wordpress, strike that bat.

although bat-pigs do lend themselves to Muppet treatment.


Jurassic Pork (OK, not completely original, but…)


I think Woody Allen could direct a passable version of Atlas Shrugged if he put his mind to it.

I’d like to see him play John Galt and deliver that speech while stammering and knocking things over by accident.

Mechanical Cyclops

Mr. Snuffleupagus Goes to Washington.
Weekend at Ernies.


Sam the Eagle is the foreman…

Nah. He’s the guy who holds out until the bitter end, Juror #3, with the classic monologue

Rotten hatchlings… you work your life out!


Don’t forget the trashy b movie possibilities “Faster Piggy Kill Kill” has a lot of potential.






Don’t forget the trashy b movie possibilities “Faster Piggy Kill Kill” has a lot of potential.

Oh man. Here we go. Casting Kitten Natividad could be a problem. We’d need a real kitten. With huge honkers.


My Life as Rowlf the Dog


Scooter’s Big Adventure


‘Leaving Las Vegas’ would be fun, you could watch Kermit out-act Nic Cage


I’ve seen him once. As soon as he spoke, I thought, “AH! He’s autistic! That explains SO MUCH.”

He must be very high-functioning if he is, because he’s an extremely friendly, sincere and sociable guy in person. But he definitely can capture a troubled mind in his lyrics. (That’s not all he does, though: I think “On the day that I forget you, I hope my heart explodes” is one of the most romantic lyrics ever written.)

Right now, I am reading John Darnielle’s book about Black Sabbath’s Master Of Puppets album. It’s part of the 33 1/3 book series, small volumes about the size of a CD in which various writers analyse an album in depth. This one is basically a novella from the point of view of a teenage metalhead whose parents have committed him to a mental institution. It will make you cry.


It moves on from there, but that sets the tone beautifully.


Big ole wingnut meltdown comin’ your way

What wine goes well with wingnut ragegasms?


the Muppet “The Warriors”


The Puppet Master.


I’m pretty sure they already did “Marooned” and “2001: A Space Odyssey” in episodes of “Pigs in Space.”


Fozzie and the Cruisers


The Muppet “300”
“This is madness!”
“This is Sesame Street!”


Stattler’s List


The P Muppet Master.


Animal stars in Bang the Drum Slowly… Nah, he’d never be able to do that.

Wyatt Watts III

It’s Not Easy Being Soylent Green

The Unbearable Lightness of Beaker

Night of the Kermit


Dial M for Muppet.


Nah. He’s the guy who holds out until the bitter end, Juror #3, with the classic monologue

Statler, with Waldorf as the racist.

Mechanical Cyclops

Big Bird on a Wire.
Bye Bye Big Birdie.
The Big Birds.


Frog Day Afternoon




Sex and the Piggy


Kermit and Piggy make a Porno


um … Swiss Chef in “Dim Sun:?


Better off Pithed


The Swedish Chef, the thief, his wife and her lover


The Wizard of (Frank) Oz


or a muppet movie where a rageaholic racist makes slanderous lying videos and gets the muppets fired one by one, until he tries to take out Miss Piggy. HA! (no offense to Ms. Sherrod).

Pupienus Maximus

Obligatory Sesame Streets.


He must be very high-functioning if he is, because he’s an extremely friendly, sincere and sociable guy in person.

He has the classic affect of a high-functioning autistic or Aspie. I actually heard the guy behind me say, “I think he has Asperger’s!” at the show. His attention to detail and minutiae in his lyrics are pretty autie-ish, too.


or a muppet movie where a rageaholic racist makes slanderous lying videos and gets the muppets fired one by one, until he tries to take out Miss Piggy. HA! (no offense to Ms. Sherrod).

Sex, Frogs, and Videotape?


Forrest Grouch

Mind-numbed lefty robot

What wine goes well with wingnut ragegasms?

My favorite is “But it’s not faaaaaaaaiiirrrrrrr! sob….”


Right now, I am reading John Darnielle’s book about Black Sabbath’s Master Of Puppets album. It’s part of the 33 1/3 book series, small volumes about the size of a CD in which various writers analyse an album in depth. This one is basically a novella from the point of view of a teenage metalhead whose parents have committed him to a mental institution. It will make you cry.

Yeah, I’d heard about that. I’m super-behind in my reading, but I’d like to pick those up.


Chariots of Felt


What wine goes well with wingnut ragegasms?





What wine goes well with wingnut ragegasms?



The 5000 Fingers of Dr. Teeth

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Penis Egregious?

(Pinot Grigio)

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Guess it I hafta explain it, that’s a fail.


The Muppet “The Muppet Movie”

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Driving Miss Piggy (into the headboard)

Go Kermit!


All good. 😀 My fave is Tardonnay. *chuckle*

Wyatt Watts III

Green Velvet

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Quoth the Bitebutt:

“I am fighting back against the malicious alliance between the NAACP and the media to try to destroy the Tea Party based upon the false charges of racism,” he said. “I am fighting back against the malicious alliance between the NAACP and the media to try to destroy the Tea Party based upon the false charges of racism.”

Link for those who don’t like to keep their lunch down


Spite Zinfandel


Spite Zinfandel

I prefer the red: Spinfandel.


My old friend Advocatus Diaboli says:

“It’s all true. Breitbart is completely innocent of any wrongdoing with regards to Ms. Sharrod. Too bad it’s utterly irrelevant. Live by the bullshit, die by the bullshit … & Andy’s been using it as a major food-group for years. His childhood never included exposure to The Boy Who Cried Wolf – so now he gets to live it instead. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy, if you ask me.”

Still holding out for a Muppets version of Blue Velvet.


Mind-numbed lefty robot

More Andy creamy goodness. It’s like dinner music for people who aren’t hungry. Denial makes for a stupid cliche about some river. It’s all the media’s fault we’re racists assholes!

“If Tea Party is going to be held to the lowest possible standard that a sign in Ft. Worth may or may not be planted by infiltrators means that the entire Tea Party has to apologize for itself then I’m holding the media and the NAACP accountable for the standards that they set,” he said.


I prefer the red: Spinfandel.

Oooh, good one!

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Should we get into the furry porn with the Muppets, or shall I leave it alone?


The Bert Locker


In Andy’s defense, it is rude of us to call racists “racist”. If we had manners we’d call them “patriotic”.

Wyatt Watts III

The Gonzfather


Doctor Zhivagonzo


The DaFozzie Code


Should we get into the furry porn with the Muppets, or shall I leave it alone?

Are you blind yet? Keep at it until you at least need glasses.


From M.Bouffant’s link: “But deciding what exactly they came up with is the hard part for archeologists.”

Very punny.

Baron von Hosenschlange


Pupienus Maximus said,

July 22, 2010 at 18:48

I’m not yet using _any_ real editing stuff, just whatever came with the Flip vidcam – really basic stuff. It’s sort of funny – I have worked with video before; I know all about cosine transforms and compression and yada yada. I could probably write, with only a bit of refresher research, a program to do it. But I don’t know diddly squat about vid apps. I can’t even name one off the top of my head. Any tips and pointers most appreciated.

PS – mostly working on a Win platform but I have a Linux box sitting next to it.

If you have a linux box already setup, then all you need to get is Kino. You can grab the tarball here but it’s in a lot of distro’s repositories.


“Should we get into the furry porn with the Muppets, or shall I leave it alone?”

Is it weird that I totally want to google furry porn now? Yeah, kinda.

Baron von Hosenschlange

also, tagfail

Wyatt Watts III

Doctor Zhivagonzo


The Gonzfather

Mind-numbed lefty robot

In Andy’s defense, it is rude of us to call racists “racist”. If we had manners we’d call them “patriotic”.

I save my manners for my mama’s dinner table. For now, Andy and his ilk are dirty, bike seat sniffing racists.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Is it weird that I totally want to google furry porn now? Yeah, kinda.

I won’t tell anyone. We’ll compare notes.


The Road Furrier

Wyatt Watts III

Muppetry on the Bounty


dirty, bike seat sniffing racists.

Fucking gross, dude.


Mind-numbed lefty robot

Ok, so there’s a redo of the Firefox browser logo, renamed Furry Fox. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t um…intrigued to some degree.


The Muppet Centipede


The Muppet Centipede

Ok that there is funnay, Ah don’ care who y’are…


The Muppet Centipede

Do Muppets POOP?


“Ok, so there’s a redo of the Firefox browser logo, renamed Furry Fox. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t um…intrigued to some degree.”

WTH? did t just pop up out of nowhere?


Do Muppets POOP?

You’ve never swept up the foam leavings from a Muppet?

Mind-numbed lefty robot

Fucking gross, dude.

I think that’s the most humiliating insult in my arsenal. Works, yes?

I reserve a special seat in on the train to hell for this guy. He knew exactly what he was doing when he did it. I’m gonna stick the administration in there with him for playing along with this.

Mind-numbed lefty robot

WTH? did t just pop up out of nowhere?

The logo didn’t but something else sure did.


You’ve never swept up the foam leavings from a Muppet?

Um, no. I don’t really find myself in the presence of Muppets that long, much less Muppets who haven’t been housetrained. Have you?

Mind-numbed lefty robot

WTH? did t just pop up out of nowhere?

I can post a link if ya want.


Replace “long” with “often,” and you get a sentence that somewhat makes sense.


Um, no. I don’t really find myself in the presence of Muppets that long, much less Muppets who haven’t been housetrained. Have you?

You got to clean em and skin em before you can eat em.


The Last Airbeaker


The 5000 Fingers of Dr. Teeth

Oh please someone make this movie.

And Côtes du Moan.


And Côtes du Moan.

I’m saving this for my retrospective on the Teabaggers: Cotes des Moran.


Black Sabbath’s Master Of Puppets album.

Ummm … Master of Reality, perhaps?

/pedantic metalhead

Wyatt Watts III

Um, no. I don’t really find myself in the presence of Muppets that long, much less Muppets who haven’t been housetrained. Have you?

On a similar note, muppetologists recently discovered Jim Henson’s list of “Really Bad Ideas for Muppet Names:”

1. Cleveland Steamer


“Muppet Troopers” Instead of fighting “bugs” they’d be fighting the B-list celebrities.




“To Kill a FozzyBear”


“Mind-numbed lefty robot said,
July 22, 2010 at 21:31

WTH? did t just pop up out of nowhere?

The logo didn’t but something else sure did.”


Baron von Hosenschlange

You got to clean em and skin em before you can eat em.

Well I’ll be, I didn’t know you could eat Muppet!


On a similar note, muppetologists recently discovered Jim Henson’s list of “Really Bad Ideas for Muppet Names:”

1. Cleveland Steamer

2. Dirty Sanchez, the Muppet Jalapeno

3. Flip, the Bird

4. Junko, the Junk-Punching Kangaroo


The Hottie and The Fozzie


Hannah Giles, Whore


Lacryma creepy…

Rusty Shackleford

Kermit the Asshole


5 Breitbart the snake

Wyatt Watts III

Miss Preggy


Droopy Nads


Miss Preggy

Ooooh, nice!

Rusty Shackleford

Bugger Me Elmo

Wyatt Watts III

The Marquis de Foz


A Clockwork Green

The Pork-Shank Redemption

Behind the Green Frog


“Miss Preggy”

In an episode called “Whodunit?”

Rusty Shackleford

Fozzie Bare

Rusty Shackleford

Son of Sam the Eagle


Bugger Me Elmo

Actually, this works in both topics: movie titles and Muppets we wouldn’t want to see.

Rusty Shackleford

Spurt and Ernie

Rusty Shackleford

Dr. Bunson Mengele


Don Keypunch

Rusty Shackleford

Guy Pissy


The Texas Pinking-Shears Massacre?

Wyatt Watts III

Dr. Bunson Mengele

Hitler and Waldorf?


The Importance of Being With Ernest, The Bert Story

Rusty Shackleford


Wyatt Watts III

Don Keypunch


Rusty Shackleford

Oscar the Amorous Drunk


there are scientists who would give all to watch a polar bear and hedgehog mate.

N__B came this close to triggering me into a performance of the Hedgehog Song.

Rusty Shackleford

ABD Teeth


Oscar’s Eleven

The Kid from Kounty Meath

The Swedish Masseuse


What wine goes well with wingnut ragegasms?

A spoiled white whine?


or a muppet movie where a rageaholic racist makes slanderous lying videos and gets the muppets fired one by one, until he tries to take out Miss Piggy.

That’s near enough to the plot of “Meet the Feebles”.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Dead Man Wokka-ing
Raiders of the Lost Bork
Pink Floyd’s the Waldorf (“Leave them kids alone? Maybe on a mountainside in a blizzard!” “AHAWHAWHAWHAW!”)


there are scientists who would give all to watch a polar bear and hedgehog mate.

N__B came this close to triggering me into a performance of the Hedgehog Song.

Give me another chance I can


push you over the edge.


Willy Wocka & The Chocolate Factory


Ummm … Master of Reality, perhaps?

Um, yeah. I guess I’ve outed myself as false metal now.


Master of Puppets is metallica, right? Upthread I got very confused.


Boy I tell you…the War On Christmas season starts earlier and earlier every year…


He has the classic affect of a high-functioning autistic or Aspie. I actually heard the guy behind me say, “I think he has Asperger’s!” at the show. His attention to detail and minutiae in his lyrics are pretty autie-ish, too.

Funny. I’d have to say he came off as one of the most well-adjusted people I’ve ever met. Guess these things are not mutually exclusive.




The Sherrod firestorm dragged Obama
Another head-on metaphor collision. Yahoo News might as well be the Indian train network.

Give me another chance I can
push you over the edge.

[clears throat]

In the process of Syphilization ~ From the anthropoid ape down to man
It is generally held that the Navy ~ Has buggered whatever it can.
Yet recent extensive researches ~ By Darwin and Huxley and Ball
Conclusively prove that the hedgehog ~ Has never been buggered at all.

And further researches at Oxford ~ Have incontrovertibly shown
That comparative safety on shipboard ~ Is enjoyed by the hedgehog alone.
But, why haven’t they done it at Spithead, ~ As they’ve done it at Harvard and Yale
And also at Oxford and Cambridge ~ By shaving the spines off its tail!


I’m a better man for having read that.


I’ve seen him once. As soon as he spoke, I thought, “AH! He’s autistic! That explains SO MUCH.”

Unlikely. Man has a sharp sense of humor. There are many varieties of social retardation that go with a sense of humor (not anyone here, of course, cough cough) but autism is not one of the funny ones.


Sorry, that review is so fucking awesome I have to copypasta it here:

As unexpected as the tuba solo, though, is the old-school hip-hop beat that announces the stunning second track, “Kaspar.” With west coast DJ Walt Liquor providing his signature squirrels-gone-crazy scratching, one feels a creeping dread as four bars turns over to eight: is Casablancas actually going to rap? It can’t be. It mustn’t. Visions of one-star Rolling Stone reviews proclaiming the sudden death by bludgeoning of the New Rock flash hotly through one’s mind, while the inner Strokes fan starts making justifications: it worked for Mike Skinner, rap needs a breath of fresh air, it’s always a good idea to piss off the fanbase. Eight bars of hand-recreated 808 gives way to twelve, and then it happens. Julian raps. In German.


There are many varieties of social retardation that go with a sense of humor (not anyone here, of course, cough cough)

*raising eyebrow*

Did you just say I have a social anxiety disorder? Did you just give me an assessment AND diagnosis without meeting me?

You’re Arnold Alkon, aintcha?


I thought you were all talking about this Hedgehog Song.

Entire Sadly,Nocracy

There are many varieties of social retardation that go with a sense of humor

Of course we have real lives to go to. Why do you ask?


There now, that wasn’t very good was it?


There are many varieties of social retardation that go with a sense of humor

Social diseases also.


Unlikely. Man has a sharp sense of humor. There are many varieties of social retardation that go with a sense of humor (not anyone here, of course, cough cough) but autism is not one of the funny ones.

Meh, I disagree. But whatever.


Thank you Sadlies, you have cheered up a rather grim Friday.

Mr. Breitbart has to explain how he wasn’t picking on Sherrod when he tweeted that she said that “you can’t be fired from a government job’ when in the edited bit he showed it was obviously meant as a joke and she did not use those words.


Okay, now that I watch video of him, I have to admit that maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he was stoned or something. Maybe *I* have autism. Who knows?


Oh good grief! What kind of athletic event can get interrupted by a FLOCK OF SHEEP except the Tour De France?

From Universal Sports:

There was no official count as to how many sheep were in the pack, but at least that will give the riders something to think about in their beds tonight.

At least the New Zealand riders.


The question “would Andrew Breitbart intentionally distort a video clip to make a one-day splash” sounds rhetorical, like someone would say “Hey, do you want a beer?” and I’m like “Does Andrew Breitbart intentionally distort video for short-term notoriety?” because my mom is visiting and I can’t say “does a bear shit in the woods?”.


I loved Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas! Of course, I was playing the “drink along with Nic Cage” game, so there’s that.


Sir, the NZ riders do not think about stray sheep that they might meet on the road. They are all in stable, committed, relationships, Sir


They are all in stable, committed, relationships, Sir

Methinks you mean “sheep pen, committed relationships.”


Sir, the NZ riders do not think about stray sheep that they might meet on the road. They are all in stable, committed, relationships, Sir

Meaning they never stray from their sheep at home when they’re on the road



“Yeah, I got yer Net Root, right here, buddy…”

Comrade Rutherford

“[D]oes anyone really believe that Andrew Breitbart would intentionally distort a video clip to make a one-day splash?”

No, actually, based on how successful his last obviously chopped videos worked (very, very well!), he fully expected this to get Vilsack fired and Obama impeached.

We know from the ACORN videos that he has intentionally distorted video clips to great effect, as the Dems fell all over themselves to cut off their voter base. Why wouldn’t this one work, too, especially since Obama obviously has standing orders to do exactly what the far-right extremists (like Breitbart) order them to.


Yeah, CR, I still can’t get over that question. As you say, history shows he has no qualms whatsoever about intentionally distorting video clips, but the question is even stupider as 1) there’s no way he knew beforehand the video would be discredited so quickly, i.e. that the splash would only be one day, and 2) his much later admission that he only had the out-of-context clip(a fact concealed in his original post), for which HE provided a made-up contextual frame via titles and the wording of the post in which he presented it is a de facto admission of intentional distortion.


(comments are closed)