Kids’ Korner! (Solve the Perplexing Puzzles!)

Rebus (see clue below):


But what’s so very confounding is that of all the countless right-wing bloggers who spent the weekend so very horrified about the comments of that influential political leader of liberalism, Deb Frisch, or who lamented that she wasn’t condemned aggressively enough for her idiotic comments to Jeff Goldstein, none of them has condemned these calls by their fellow prominent right-wing blogger for American journalists and Supreme Court justices to be hung by trees until their necks snap (indeed, one of the right-wing bloggers joining in the weekend sermons against this mean Deb Frisch rhetoric was that Beacon of Right-wing propriety, Misha himself).

Rebus (see clue below):


“Well, for starters: I don’t read [Misha of the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler]. His over-the-top rhetoric has never appealed to me. To understand why, you need look no further than the outrageous, ridiculous post cited by Greenwald.â€?

Word scramble! (see clue below):


What’s wrong with summarily executing [judges]? It’s quick and it saves a lot of money in the long run.

Not to mention how aesthetically pleasing those long black robes flapping in the wind would be.

Comment by Emperor Misha I — 1/26/2004 @ 2:32 pm

Quo-teaser: Who wrote the following?

Also gratifying was receiving comments from folks who run great blogs, like the comment from Spoons, and another comment from the always controversial Emperor Misha I. And it’s always great to hear from luminaries like Smash, Xrlq, and others. You know who you are.




[Thanks: M. Croche! Sev! Max Renn!]


Comments: 67


Argh! The return of the dread blink-tag.

Crapwall, Crazy Hazel, Chappaquiddick?


Patty is my new favorite neurotic.

“Comments are one of the most motivating aspects of blogging. Please keep ‘em coming!”

after 1 comment and trackback:

“Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time.”


What is it the kids say? pwned?

I think pwned applies here. Indeed, the pwnage is awesome to behold.


Glenn GREENwald! Got it. The color on my monitor is screwy.

Awesome post. And a super triple axel ass-handing too. Good show.


Gavin, if you haven’t heard Wing do “Back in Black,” you haven’t lived.


Here’s something I’ve always wondered: Shouldn’t the Anti-Iriotarian Rottweiler be at least slightly intelligent?

Maybe “idiot” and “idiotarian” are false cognates and the Rottweiler really hate people who, I dunno, have ideas?

It would make more sense.


Expecting consistency from right-wing bloggers is like expecting quantum physics from a chimpanzee, or line dancing from Stephen Hawking.

Completely OT, but I would just like to announce to the S,N! Community that it is my anniversary! Liberalsouth & I have been married four years, and while we don’t have any kids for this korner, we are enjoying the DC area. We are frequent readers and sometime contributors to this cornucopia of madness. We enjoy the Great Kitten Warz even though she’s allergic.


Happy anniversary!


“His over-the-top rhetoric”

Sez the guy whose post title is “Glenn Greenwald Douchebag.”

These guys are beyond satire.


I think I may be hurting my rep here, but what is first picture?

Mohawk wall?
Mohawk brick?

What the hell am I missing?


The continued inability of right-wing blogistan to understand the point of Glenn’s post is astounding. Even someone who I consider one of the less crazy bat-shit insane wingers made the mistake.


I always find it a kind of bewitching magic, how people’s previous comments can actually be located on the internet and then employed against them. One would think that several years of having the importance of precedent beaten into him during law school would have at least laid the intellectual groundwork for understanding that.

Or, to put it in a Simpsons way— Homer: “Bad bees! Get away from my sugar! (gets repeatedly stung) Ow! OWWW!! Oh, they’re defending themselves somehow!”


I thought Danzig was on the left.


I’m meta confused.


(Danzig’s first name is ____.)


Happy anniversary Ben.

The last one is “Bus Ted”, right? As in, pwn3d? It’s either that or you for some reason support integrating white guys into the public schools. Which seems weird, but the migraine meds haven’t quite kicked in yet, so I’m not willing to rule it out.


Oh, I was just confused by the arrow. I thought it was pointing at someone other than Glenn Danzig, whom I assumed (using my ATHF knowledge) was the shirtless guy on the left of the picture.


OK, I can’t figure out the last rebus.  Give me a hint, here?



Norb, that’s Doyle behind Danzig. So it COULD be ‘Doyle Greenbrick.’

Um, the planned ‘Jeffy Is Drawing the Strip Today’ feature, with child-drawings of things like a scrotum labeled ‘Honore’s Balzac’… That’s liable to be a disaster, isn’t it?


First rebus:

Glenn (Danzig) Green Wall


(actually, I was thinking “fringe” something, cause the arrow looks to be pointing at the dude’s fringe, but Gav’s comment gave it away)

Second rebus:

Wing Nut

Third rebus:



OK, I can’t figure out the last rebus. Give me a hint, here?

First panel: Bus…




Um, the planned ‘Jeffy Is Drawing the Strip Today’ feature, with child-drawings of things like a scrotum labeled ‘Honore’s Balzac’… That’s liable to be a disaster, isn’t it?

hahahaha … and you should have a scrawled outline of a cock slapping somebody, with the caption “What the Dickens?”

– a man shaking his wang after peeing (“Shake Spear”)
– a penis getting slammed in a door (“A door? No!!!!!)




a penis getting slammed in a door (�A door? No!!!!!)

Walter’s Benjamins?


I knew Danzig. Danzig is a band of mine (that i listen to). That, sir, is no (good picture of) Danzig.

Heh, the rest though… bravo.


That, sir, is the 1982 Misfits, photographed in Los Angeles with the original Vampira.



Dude. Danzig is the Wings to his Misfits’ Beatles. And the guy’s a freaking midget.


Hey Norb, your message hit the spam filter. Lemme go fix.


Guys, if you mouse over the rebus image, it gives you the filename of the image, which is also the answer to the puzzle.


Guys, if you mouse over the rebus image, it gives you the filename of the image, which is also the answer to the puzzle.

It’s true.


And if you have alt-tags turned off in firefox (as I do) you can still get image/properties. It’s the best solution when gavin posts something obscure and you want to sound like you knew it all the time…



Oh, so that is what the Misfits looked like…

I hear good things, but never really listened. Danzig though, with the mutton chops… there was a look.


thanks for the anniversary wishes, y’all!

i have to say, the misfits in their current incarnation are much scarier, if only for the fact that they’re all pushing 50 and still wearing death-skull metal makeup. it could also be that we saw them at a festival show and it was about eleventy-billion degrees outside. that doesn’t do much for anyone, really…


Also, that is no “mohawk,” but rather a devil lock (as the Misfits make quite clear in one of their songs).


The continued inability of right-wing blogistan to understand the point of Glenn’s post is astounding.

Right-wing Blogistan is DEFINED by an inability to understand, to comprehend, to see the forest for the trees, to hear the music for the sounds, to grasp anything truly important. It’s just one big, scary, foggy, indeprehensible world out there, and they blindly flail at it.


Aw, this is why I


RE Norbizness’ comment at 16:43: The statute of limitations for potentially embarrassing comments is 3 weeks. The same for plagiarism. I learned this at a blogging seminar held by the Ben Domenech School for Citizen Journalism.


For some reason, I thought that was a more recent piccie of the Misfits, with the arrow pointing at wingnut Michale Graves.


The second one was pointing at the nice lady’s bust, so I thought the solution was “bust-a-nut”.


“Well, for starters: I don’t read [Misha of the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler]. His over-the-top rhetoric has never appealed to me.”
The sad thing? The irony of that is compleatly lost to them.
Great phrase my old band teacher used to say, which I believe applies to a fair number of certain bloggers, “You’re either lying or your stupid, which is it?”


hey, if anyone’s interested, i made the mistake of trying to engage a hardly-ever-right wing blog that linked to my musings about the frisch/goldstein fiasco as an example of what’s wrong w/lefty blogs.

for my troubles (including thanking them for the link and the traffic, and posting their email response full of links to my question about conservative support for fred phelps on my blog) all they did was equate my stand to how they characterized frisch: skippy wants to see children dead.


it appears skippy has fallen victim again to teh right’s inability to see not-so-subtle distinctions. (in skippy’s honor, this will be in all lowercase.) lying or stupid, indeed. we see evidence of this all over blogtopia. (i’m not entirely certain who really coined that phrase…)


Honest to god, I thought the first one had something to do with The Hall of Douchebags. I didn’t realize that was the Misfits. I was distracted by the hair.


All I am saying is it would have been nice to see Patterico — on a site that has been rude to Sadly No and Greenwald in the past — say: “Hey, we hate his politics and don’t like a lot of things he’s said, but bringing calls for assasination into it is beyond the pale. That is all.� It’s an opportunity wasted.

I hate to see opportunities wasted. Also I am getting Deja Vu.


Hey, Patterco didn’t say lefties had a duty to stridently disclaim the crazy ravings of an unknown apparently liberal blogger. He just said if lefties aknowledge the existance of the crazy ravings of an previously unknown apparently liberal blogger, they then must stridently disclaim said ravings. Big difference.


Harry Cheddar — if that really is your name — the fact is that Gavin was responding to Confederate Yankee, who was complaining, complete with crickets, of “the left’s” unwillingness to denounce, within hours, a comment on a right-wing blog by a complete unknown. Yes, that’s right, not a post on a prominent left-wing blog, and not after a day or so, but a comment on a right-wing blog within hours. Patterico’s helpful intervention, in which he found Gavin’s post insufficiently denunciatory, came later.


I’ve been trying for 15 minutes to determine why “Misfit Brick” is a slam against anyone. Might I suggest that the Glenn portion of that particular puzzle could have been better conveyed with that hilarious mugshot of Glen Cambell, or if you want to be all high-falutin’ then perhaps Glenn Gould. Or Sentator Glenn. Still, Misfit Brick could catch on as an all purpose gibe.

By the way, IMHO, Misfits were the Korn of their generation and not fit to carry the battered guitar cases of the Cramps. Poison Ivy & Lux Interior 4EVA!!


Gavin M. said,
July 13, 2006 at 16:54
(Danzig’s first name is ____.)

rj said,
July 13, 2006 at 18:16
Also, that is no “mohawk,� but rather a devil lock (as the Misfits make quite clear in one of their songs).

I would like to apologize for being such a huge cobag. I was raised in the suburbs of DC and did not listen to the Misfits. I am also colobrlind and could not tell that the wall is green. Thirdly, the tags don’t seem to show up as alt-text in my Firefox browser with unlimited alt-text displaying.

Once again, I am so sorry I am huge cobag and not an old school punker who can see color. I’ll just go back to lurking.

I hope you all don’t also think I am a giant moa or some other form of ratite.

Karl the Grouchy Medievalist

Misfits were the Korn of their generation and not fit to carry the battered guitar cases of the Cramps. Poison Ivy & Lux Interior 4EVA!!

At least the best Misfits songs are songs that they, you know, actually wrote themselves.

Funny, I thought Murphy’s Law was the Korn of their generation.

Anyway, thank god I read the thread. I kept going: Misfits + Bricks. Misbricks. Danzig + Wall. I felt real dumb.


Harry Cheddar sez: Hey, Patterco didn’t say lefties had a duty to stridently disclaim the crazy ravings of an unknown apparently liberal blogger. He just said if lefties aknowledge the existance of the crazy ravings of an previously unknown apparently liberal blogger, they then must stridently disclaim said ravings. Big difference.

Yes, and apparently saying that judges should be hung or that Timoty McVeigh should have blown up the NY Times building don’t count as “crazy ravings” in Patterico’s book. What a mensch.


Well, I guess I’m not welcome back at Patterico’s. Short stay, but it was fun.

Just thought you all would like to be reminded of this comment left at his site last month:

You can’t treat everybody the same, some folks simply don’t deserve it. There are some people who simply need a 55 gallon drum of ass-whoopin’; with a side order of boot to the head. I know what J. R. R. Tolkien said about those who deserve death and those who deserve laugh, but sometimes you just gotta remove some jerk from the gene pool.

Would be nice if sweetness and light could cure everything, but it don’t. You have to be ready to defend yourself, and that means being ready to hurt people.

Thanks for the name check at this post.


Conan, you busted me. I must admit, my name’s actually Slick Johnson. Stop by sometime and I’ll introduce my wife Anita.


Anita Johnson, huh? She probably does need one, married to you. Maybe tomorrow I’ll call her at work and ask where Mike Hunt is, so she can get on the intercom and ask “Mike Hunt, paging Mike Hunt. Has anyone seen Mike Hunt”?


If he’s not there, ask for me.


People, please tell me you can see a difference between singular negative comments about very public figures being said in an audience that will likely never reach them and repeated, detailed negative comments directed at a minor to their parent. I’d like to believe the left-right divide hasnt swallowed all logic and rationality.

“Those clowns in the court should be shot!”

is a far cry from

“Hey there neighbor Joe, I hope someone hurts your child, REALLY hurts them, where is little Billy anyhow?”

Grasping at very loose similarities does not make your point any stronger, it just makes the rest of us shake our heads in dissapointment.


LOL, pwned. Patty caught lying, again.

It’s fun to watch the thin skinned Patty screaming about how he hates “utter dishonesty”. Talk about self loathing..



Sure there is a difference. Which one makes me madder? Someone threatening my kid — even if it is clearly trolling. Which one am I more afraid of as a member of society? That would be the frothing pundits with big audiences (Misha’s only “big” in comparison to, say, Frisch; Coulter’s big in any sense) who normalize and popularize murder rhetoric about unpopular figures with a thin scrim of alleged hyperbole.

Tell us, Ang, which do you think we are more likely to read about some day: (a) a guy who attacks a toddler and who, it turns out, has read every one of Frisch’s blog posts eagerly, or (b) a guy who has shot a judge and who has, it turns out, read every one of Coulter’s books eagerly?


Conan – Ooooh, Sizznapp!


Hey, it’s the Gulag strategy!

You know, the one that goes, “These two things aren’t exactly alike in every detail, so that means they’re completely incomparable”

Didn’t think I’d see that one again any time soon, I have to admit.


At least the best Misfits songs are songs that they, you know, actually wrote themselves.

Hey, who do you think penned the eternal classic “Goo Goo Muck�?!?

“Oh when the sun goes down and the moon comes up
I turn into a teenage . . . goo goo muck�

I rest my case.


Goddamn, I’m slow.

I got my Kennedys confused again.  Bobby, Ted; what’s the difference?


I’m just glad you got it, Harry. I tried to find just the right tone for you.


From the textbook of Character Assasination, Adv. Studies: “Splitting Hairs and Misdirection” –

Ang said,

July 14, 2006 at 2:58

People, please tell me you can see a difference between singular negative comments about very public figures being said in an audience that will likely never reach them and repeated, detailed negative comments directed at a minor to their parent.

…at a minor to their parent…

AT a minor TO their parent….

BACK and to the LEFT….

BACK and to the LEFT….


… and then shake your head with world-weary disappointment at the end, expressing your mature dismay that somebody could be so childish as to see through you completely.


“Goo-Goo Muck” was the Cramps from th’album “Songs the Lord Taught Us”

carry on


“I hear good things, but never really listened. Danzig though, with the mutton chops… there was a look.”


That’s like saying you heard good things about the Beatles but really like Paul Mccartney’s Wings!!!! ARGH!!!


(comments are closed)