And suddenly, a vast and snowy silence fell upon the WingNet…

Knock knock. Oh hey, it’s Glenn Greenwald:

Prominent right-wing blogger today calls for the murder of Supreme Court Justices – the Right fails to condemn it.

If your only source for news was reading right-wing blogs, you would have thought that the most significant world event in the last few days was that some crazy woman who nobody ever heard of before (someone by the name of “Deb Frisch”) left some vile comments on Jeff Goldstein’s blog […]

Oh yeah. They’re still all doing a giant Morris dance about that.

Virtually every right-wing blogger spent the weekend focused on this solemn and grave matter, milking it for all it was worth. Many implied that this unknown commenter was some sort of towering figure of great significance among liberals, and exploited the drama to argue that the “Left” must approve of these comments because they didn’t denounce the comments enough times or with enough vigor.

But as the NY Dolls used to say, “Meanwhile, back in the jungle”:

The blogger Misha of the blog Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler is one of the most linked-to and popular bloggers in the right-wing blogosphere. He’s the 42nd most linked-to blogger on the Internet, and he is in the blogroll of scores of right-wing bloggers, such as Michelle Malkin and Captian’s Quarters Blog. He wrote a post today discussing the Supreme Court’s decision in Hamdan and here is what he said:

Of course, this is the same Supreme Court that earlier decided in Kelo that private property rights only matter as long as a private company doesn’t offer a better deal, above or below the table, to local authorities, so one shouldn’t really be surprised. The unelected, black-robed tyrants have a long history of not giving a fig about the Constitution if they don’t like what it says, not to mention a long tradition of usurping the powers of the legislative and executive branch by ruling by judicial fiat. . . .

Try doing anything to those mutilating darlings of the Supremes in order to extract life-saving intel from them, and then wait for the Supreme Whores to decide that you were “humiliating� them in doing so.

Five ropes, five robes, five trees.

Some assembly required.

He’s advocating that the five Supreme Court Justices in the Hamdan majority be hanged from the neck until they’re dead. His homicidal formulation is a play on the more standard call of the Right for American journalists to be hanged — “Journalists. Rope. Tree. Some assembly required” — another death call which, it just so happens, Misha also issued just a few days ago.

The surprise nearly made me spill this brimming Pilsner glass that’s balanced on my head, as I was unicycling slowly through the kitchen. Any trolls left? Hello?

Patterico, are you still in effect?

Welp, among other things, Misha needs some new ideas. And due to recent uppings of the ick factor on such things, we won’t be selling a certain product line after all, so that goes for us too.


Comments: 83


Well, he didn’t literally SAY the Justices should be hung, the same way you can accuse someone of “being on the other side” without SAYING they’ve committed treason. It’s all about these clever code-words that, oddly, only fool the other extremists who’ve collectively agreed to be fooled.


Gavin, you have no sense of humor at all.

In the words of Jack T. Chick….HAW HAW HAW!


1. The mere fact that you bring this up when you should be tightening your hairshirt to repent for your hatred of America’s toddlers shows your moral bankruptcy.

2. Allow me to bring out my special magic word: context. It’s made of pixie dust!

3. Allow me, in the course of criticizing you for making the hypocrisy argument when you should be posting anti-Frisch videos to MyTube, criticize you extensively for hypocrisy.

4. Can’t you take a jooooooke? Hanging is teh funny. Haven’t you listened to “Strange Fruit?” That shit cracks me up!

There, saved them some trouble.



The executive and legislative branches didn’t have the rights to the powers the Court said to knock off already. Putz.

Also, in honor of Patters selective reading, I’ve decided Misha means that Diana Ross is objectively pro-terror (after all, he’s just using the Supremes and then a sexual slur typically targetted towards women by his ilk).

When will the Right denounce this abhorrant racist Diana Ross-hating tool?


I’m sure if we keep pointing out their hypocrisy on these issues, the Right will eventually come to their senses.


As long as you don’t threaten children, it’s all in good fun. I thought we established that yesterday.


Well, there is one big difference between Misha’s vile post and Frischa’s vile post: criminal act. Isn’t threatening the life of a US Supreme Court Judge against the law?


“Welp, among other things, Misha needs some new ideas. And due to recent uppings of the ick factor on such things, we won’t be selling a certain product line after all, so that goes for us too.”

Good call…our funny is shouldn’t look too much like their scary.


You lefties! Always overreacting and taking things out of context!

The way I read that comment, Misha was only suggesting that Diana Ross and her group should go to the lake, tie rope swings on branches that overhang the water, and use them to jump in the water while whistling the theme to the Andy Griffith show!

Why is the Left so anti-relaxation? Why do you hate vacations?


Can I just say here that Vlad Guerrero is Objectively Pro-BadPitch?



Can’t you take a jooooooke? Hanging is teh funny. Haven’t you listened to “Strange Fruit?� That shit cracks me up!

Ex-Fed, as a black woman, I am very much ashamed to admit that this made me laugh. Out loud, no less.


How the hell did Vlad hit that pitch?


Nikki I also laughed.

And found this amusing:

…and her group should go to the lake, tie rope swings on branches that overhang the water, and use them to jump in the water while whistling the theme to the Andy Griffith show!

Why is the Left so anti-relaxation? Why do you hate vacations?

It’s all about the intentionalism!


You can’t PROVE that he wasn’t advocating building them some tire swings in the backyard.


If only Misha had made some funny remark about putting rat poison in their coffees he could’ve become a best selling author, but no. He went straight to full cobag mode.

Hey, is it “the Left’s” turn to say:





And then, “that’s not good enough” and “why can’t you just say Misha is a disgusting jerk without minimizing it by pointing to [some lefty].”

Are we there yet?


The strange fruit reference cracked me up and I’m not even black.


Shit, I just woke up. What’d I miss?

vine-ripened tomatoes

I just like the phrase “psychosexual trainwreck.” It never gets old.


Any trolls left? Hello?

Oh, Si, eet ees like joo are chasing some annoying flies, and joo are just starting to have fun, then Greenwald smooshes them all weeth a 4 x 8 sheet of 1/2 inch plywood.



Er, 1/2 Eench…

Just sayin



I’d rate this a 9.86 on the Buddy Holly scale.



Virtually every right-wing blogger spent the weekend focused on this solemn and grave matter, milking it for all it was worth.

Yeah, but that was the weekend.

I’m sure as soon as we get around to Friday night and the wingnuts have nothing to do, they’ll all start condemning Misha. They wouldn’t want to seem like hypocrites after all.

Porgy Tirebiter

I’m sure as soon as we get around to Friday night and the wingnuts have nothing to do, they’ll all start condemning Misha. They wouldn’t want to seem like hypocrites after all.

Friday is payday.


I’m sure as soon as we get around to Friday night and the wingnuts have nothing to do,

You noticed too!

Jeff + weekends = blog war.


Don’t get me started on Misha. I might have to start blogging again.

Suggesting people lynch the Supreme Court is rather mild by his standards. This is the guy who had ‘Pop a Pali for Pizza’ promotions on his blog at one time. That was a lovely exercise in race hate where his pack of orcs would chip in PayPal dough to a fund that supplied pizza to the IDF … but only when the news reported the Israelis had killed some Palestinians.

I also recall that he posted the address of some foe-of-the-moment a few years ago, accompanied by borderline actionable threats to that persons well-being along with a “will-noone-rid-me-of-this-meddlesome-leftist” routine. Neiwert chronicled it at the time.

Real sweetheart, Misha. Then there’s Spatula, a co-blogger on Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller who rose to front page status out of the blog’s comment threads like phlegm displaying capillary action. He know goes by Lord Spatula, Imperial Pud-Tugger or some such title (the Misha crowd is big on jackbooted pageantry).

Spatula’s trademark for a long time was to challenge ‘moonbats’ who wondered into Misha’s comment threads to fights. He’d post his backwater Texas address and call anyone who didn’t rise to the bait a coward who – to use his favored construction, IIRC – was “hiding behind his mother’s skirt”.

I’d call it an amusing display of perverse inadequacy, save for Spatula’s naked viciousness. Sadly for me, I witnessed him make that challenge time and again (I was too fascinated by Misha and his crew for several long weeks to avert my eyes, what can I say). I’m still struck by Spatula’s mindless brutishness in thinking that he had gained some sort of “victory” over his Intertube oppenents when they failed to take up the preposterous challenge of shelling out hundreds of dollars in airfare to travel alone to confront – in his actual home – an unhinged lunatic who constantly boasted of his gun collection and his desperate willingness to open fire on random real world developments that confused him.


mykuru or someone invited that pussy spatula to meet him halfway and someone raised money for his airfare and hotel room. you can guess what happened next, nothing.


Yeah, I was just hunting up that link.


merlallen … hahahaha for some weird reason it makes me happy to find that out.

For some reason I’ve always pictured Spatula as morbidly obese (his “cluebat” doubling as the long stick with a rag attached he used to clean hard-to-reach places, like under his man-breasts), and he would spend most of his day peering out the window from behind his curtains, pissing himself with fear that someone would finally take him up on his challenge.


I also recall that he posted the address of some foe-of-the-moment a few years ago, accompanied by borderline actionable threats to that persons well-being along with a “will-noone-rid-me-of-this-meddlesome-leftist� routine. Neiwert chronicled it at the time.

He actually said he was wrong to do this recently. I think it was in order to make it more rhetorically convenient ro call for the hanging of the NYT editorial board for the high treason of doing a puff piece on Rumselfds summer home with permission

Spatula’s trademark for a long time was to challenge ‘moonbats’ who wondered into Misha’s comment threads to fights. He’d post his backwater Texas address and call anyone who didn’t rise to the bait a coward who – to use his favored construction, IIRC – was “hiding behind his mother’s skirtâ€?.

Someone actually offered to fight him in a neutral place halfway between them. I actually used to try amd explain to Spats what a dumb fucking idea it is to hand out your home address freely on the internets, especially in such a combatitive setting. I think he told me to make him stop posting it or something (right after coming out from behind my mommies skirt, I’m sure).

I think of all the creatures I’ve encountered on these here intarwebs, Spatula is perhaps the most pitiable of them all. That is one sad-sack motherfucker right there.


Holy shit. Spatula’s still talking about this thing with mykuru.

Like just today.


Yeah, notice there are no assembly instructions or diagrams, though.

If it were up to me, I would choose to assemble the collection of trees, rope, and Supreme Court Justices into a giant, sharpened, wood-rope-and-flesh anal probe. I would then poke it so far up Mish’s poopchute that he’d be able to touch his psychopathic nose with his fascist tongue.

But that’s just me. What would you guys build?


For some reason I’ve always pictured Spatula as morbidly obese (his “cluebat� doubling as the long stick with a rag attached he used to clean hard-to-reach places, like under his man-breasts),

That Mykeru link had (sadly now dead) a picture taken at a meet and greet of Rottweiler commenters that was jus about as ugly as you would think. Though Crager wasn;t really morbidly obese, he was certainly overweight and slightly cross eyed, Mykeru’s decription of a giant hamster was actually very accurate


Holy shit. Spatula’s still talking about this thing with mykuru.

Like I sad. One sad sack motherfucker.


That was a lovely exercise in race hate where his pack of orcs would chip in PayPal dough to a fund that supplied pizza to the IDF … but only when the news reported the Israelis had killed some Palestinians.

All too true, but you left out the really sick-little-fucktard part: The “pizza drive” thing was teh funny way the Brave 101st responded to the Rachel Corrie murder. Pizzas are flat. Get it? Bulldozer? Haha? Isn’t that hilarious? Why is no one laughing?

If that isn’t enough evidence that this is one sick, twisted fucktard, I am at a loss to imagine what would qualify.


Holy shit. Spatula’s still talking about this thing with mykuru.

Wow. Did you read the comments there?


Yeah, I did. Spatula has certainly constructed some kind of fantasy world to inhabit, hasn’t he?


A few months ago, people actually seemed to read his site. Now it seems to be mostly him and that one guy who wants to beat him up, whom he keeps dodging.

An amazing spectacle, innit?


Patterico just posted about this. No, not an unequivocal condemnation but a post entitled Glenn Greenwald: Douchebag.

Indeed, Glenn Greenwald is a “douchebag” while Misha engages in “over the top rhetoric”. Lordy.


I love it when they piss and moan about how the unelected courts are eeeeeeevil and hate the Constitution and blah, blah, blah. You know, cause really, how else are you supposed to love and revere the Constitution but to abhor one of its central principles (pssst, that’d be the “seperation of powers” Imma talkin’ ’bout, wingnut spy persons out there.) And hey, what else were the founding fathers trying to do but imbue the executive branch with unlimited power at the expense of the other two less equal branches. And just who do those court people think they are, with all their schooling and their pasty white library skin, to make judgements and interpret the Constitution and the Laws and Treaties passed by Congress and all that. Pfah!

Gentlemen and Lady, please pick up your rubber stamps and your new red white and blue colored robes from the nice man with the large gun and the executive order to rape and murder you if you resist and fall in line behind Congress. Thank you. You did a good job with Bush v. Gore, but your loyalty has been slipping a bit lately.


Indeed, Glenn Greenwald is a “douchebag� while Misha engages in “over the top rhetoric�. Lordy.

Let’s face it: Jeffylube could burn down Patterico’s house and cockslap his cat, and Patterico would still defend him as a ‘humorist’. He’s so full of shit, there are roses growing out of his ears.


Argh. Messed up the link. Here it is.


You just keep on expecting them to be ethical and consistent…

You are doomed to constant disappointment.


Here’s a picture of Lord Spatula: And the picture that Rev. Mykeru posted, but has now disappeared, still exists, the thumbnail at least, in the google cache here


Here’s a picture of Lord Spatula.

Oh, for the love of….What the hell is that?


Yeah, why DOES weekends + Jeff = blogfight? I mean, I can understand blogging at home while the kid’s napping or whatever else gives him some free time during the week. But surely during the weekends he’d be wanting to spend time with his wife, when she’s not putting in a hard day at the office?

Or is this a case of “Hi Jeff, thanks for looking after the kid you haven’t realised isn’t even yours yet, and by the way, the kid and I are spending the weekend at my mother’s…. again… so you can blog till your heart’s content”?


Ok, I admit I was being unfair. If I was his wife and I knew about the kind of stuff he wrote on his blog, I wouldn’t want him near my kids if he wasn’t the actual biological father. So it must be that he is.


Patty’s comments are priceless! Their justification for their hatred has reached new hights of obtuseness. Patty himself doesn’t seem to get that the whole thing is being used by Greenwald to show exactly what they are doing, that no one condemned Frisch because no one knew the threats and such were even happening except for Pasty and his roving band of anal orcs.

I’ve been watching Patty comment on this whole thing and his wonderful leaps of logic and overwhelming ability to be disgusted at nothing is just hilarious. Can you imaging Patty at work? He’d be blaming the water cooler for giving him less than ultimate cooled water, screaming at the vending machines for giving him a bag of cheetos that didn’t weigh exactly what the bag said they should weigh.


I don’t think Greenwald was directing anything specifically toward Patterico.

I think he was speaking toward the right-wing bloggers who used the old trick that goes, “It’s been six and a half minutes, and no one on the left has condemned [some random thing], therefore they all approve of it and by extension are as guilty as the perpetrator. No backs, double tax.”

Confederate Yankee, and that whole field of opinion.


Thats what I meant, Gavin. Greenwald pointed to the reactionary right-wing and set up a situation where he could claim the exact same thing that CY claimed at the beginning, that the comments and post had been up for an amount of time and not enough conservatives were decrying it.

Masterful work by Greenwald and a pathetic craven attempt by Patty to duck and weave.


You know, I pride myself on being a fairly rational person. The events of the past weekend make me begin to doubt my own rationality.
1) Some deranged person who has about as much influence in teh blogosphere as me makes innapropriate commends about Jeff Goldstein’s kid on Protein Wisdom
2) Rather than banning her and if there was a real perceived threat, calling the cops, Jeff launches a jihad against her and the wingnuttsphere starts proclaiming it’s righteous indignation that we don’t “police our own.”
3) Sadly no points out that you shouldn’t throw bricks in glass houses and we are subjected to a billion reasons why “touched your sister in her secret places, lots” is actually quite a hilarious comment because you can infer (magically somehow) that the sister in this case was over eighteen and the touching consentual (although, wouldn’t that mean that JG cheated on his wife?)
4) Misha starts engaging in eliminationist rhetoric and Glenn Greenwald calls him on it and points out the hypocricy of misplaced outrage.
5) Patterico et al are now desperately trying to explain how Misha is Different than Frisch, something along the lines of it’s funny to suggest the Supreme’s be hung but involving JG kid? No, that’s unforgiveable.

The only possible explanation of this entire ordeal is that the rightwing echo chamber has nothing better to do other than to get angry. It doesn’t matter what about. It doesn’t matter who. It doesn’t matter why. It doesn’t have to make any sense whatsoever.


Greenwald pointed to the reactionary right-wing and set up a situation where he could claim the exact same thing that CY claimed at the beginning, that the comments and post had been up for an amount of time and not enough conservatives were decrying it.

And unlike Frisch, Meeshie is well-known, well-linked and apparently well-tolerated.

It’s yer classic irregular verb: ‘He is a humorist; she is unhinged.’


You know, I pride myself on being a fairly rational person. The events of the past weekend make me begin to doubt my own rationality.

I believe the term is “staring into the abyss”, and it’s not an optical illusion — they really are exactly as mad and stupid as they look. They’re not pretending.

My tentative hypothesis is that somewhere in all this is an attempt to counter the Retardo post by establishing the meme that Pasty is a victim who is just returning like for like.


As Misha expressed enthusiasm for the bombing of the UN headquarters in Iraq in 2003 (a theme endorsed by one of the supposedly reasonable bloggers at Winds of Change) his call for the hanging of the 5 supreme court justices is pretty much par for the course for him.


We know full well the right is unhinged, that it engages in openly genocidal rhetoric, frequently calling for the murder or execution of just about anyone that comes to their attention who doesn’t agree with them. When they do it, rather than condemn it, they approvingly cross link it.

It is only the left who is expected to be civil and reasonable. It is only the left that is expected to condemn their own. It is only lefty bloggers that are expected to have ethics.

This is a game they play. The only outstanding question is whether it is deliberate mendacity on their part, or whether in their delusional fog they actually believe they are upright and ethical. In other words, is it lies or is it projection?


If you think I’m going to click on a link called “Tail Rank” at work, you’re crazy. Blergh…


“Many implied that this unknown commenter was some sort of towering figure of great significance among liberals, and exploited the drama to argue that the “Leftâ€? must approve of these comments because they didn’t denounce the comments enough times or with enough vigor.”

While dozens of right-wing bloggers joined Count Cockula’s team, no left-wing bloggers joined mine. How my comments on a rabid rightwing blog are evidence of the depravity of the left in general is a mystery.

When the dust settles, this story says nothing about the left, many of whom condemned my vile comments. But it says a lot about the right, who have a lust to bring down uppity left wing academics.

I used to have a bumper sticker that said “How many Iraqi children did we kill today.” Maybe I should make one that says “How many Iraqi children did we Ramsey today?”


And besides, people are hanged. Pictures are hung. [Fill in the the “hung innnuendo” of your choice here].


But as the NY Dolls used to say, “Meanwhile, back in the jungle�:

I thought that was Guns N’ Roses. Oh wait, that was welcome to the jungle. My bad.


Gavin that was, bar only a few things at the Poor Man and the Onion, one of the (intentionally) funniest things I’ve ever read. Mykuru is now on my bookmarks. I noticed, however, that Mykuru didn’t offer to dickslap the guy.


In re Patterico and Misha:

Patterico: “Well, for starters: I don’t read the guy. His over-the-top rhetoric has never appealed to me. To understand why, you need look no further than the outrageous, ridiculous post cited by Greenwald.�

Emperor Misha I, commenting on Patterico’s blog: What’s wrong with summarily executing them? It’s quick and it saves a lot of money in the long run.

Not to mention how aesthetically pleasing those long black robes flapping in the wind would be.

Comment by Emperor Misha I — 1/26/2004 @ 2:32 pm

“Them� in this case would be judges. If you want to read Patterico’s outraged condemnation of this comment on his site, check it out here:

Patterico: “Also gratifying was receiving comments from folks who run great blogs, like the comment from Spoons, and another comment from the always controversial Emperor Misha I. And it’s always great to hear from luminaries like Smash, Xrlq, and others. You know who you are.�


Ouch. That’s going to be a painful find for Patterico.


Well, sure, that looks bad, but I think you are ignoring that in the 11th or 12th pppppps to his last post Patterico specifically stated that he had conclusively proved his point. Conclusively. So, you know. Nice try.


While commenting on this, and repeating the same basic points the wingnuts seem too dense to pick up upon over at WO’C, I seem to have caught the attention of Pasty hisself! For some surreal reason, his attack on me is phrased almost exactly like Kaye Grogan would have done it! Sadly, Jeffy didn’t threaten to cock-slap me, ‘cos that, folks, woulda been comedy PLATINUM!


That Spatula stuff is genuinely the funniest crap I have ever come across. First Spatula won’t go to Virginia. Then he won’t meet the guy halfway. Now, in commments, he’s refusing to leave his house at all to fight, because the other guy “will have called the cops and have them staged nearby, ready to arrest me the minute I set a toe out on his beloved “street”.”

Yes, cops are perfectly willing to spend hours ‘staging’ in order to arrest righteous wingers for toe-stepping, because all cops are commie symps.


m.chroche, I tried posting that link to Misha’s comments and it disappeared.

Luckily, I saved a screenshot.


Sev said,

July 13, 2006 at 0:15

m.chroche, I tried posting that link to Misha’s comments and it disappeared.

Luckily, I saved a screenshot.

Now that’s good chicken.

What a buch of tools. That’s classic. Miss Glen’s point, run a mile from Misha, and then, BAM, get nailed for givin’ him love for the EXACT same kind of comment back in the day. That is karma in action. Sheezle.


Simple experiment:

Part A

Step 1 – Walk into a crowded McDonald’s.

Step 2 – As you’re waiting in line, turn to the person standing next to you and declare loudly, “How’d you like that Hamdan decision? Those five judges should be hung.”

Step 3 – Record results (facial expressions, comments, body language, etc.)

Part B

Step 1 – Walk into a crowded McDonald’s.

Step 2 – As you’re waiting in line, turn to the person standing next to you, point to a small child and declare loudly, “You know, it would be kind of cool if that little shit got brutally raped and then strangled to death, just like JonBenet Ramsey.”

Step 3 – Record results (facial expressions, comments, body language, number of days before the blood/special sauce stops oozing from your anus, etc.)


Slight difference there, cowboy. Most people hanging out in your local McDonalds aren’t blood relatives of any Supreme Court Justices. My response would be pretty similar in either case, not being the owner of any small kiddies: “Dude, what kind of a lame-ass fuckwit *are* you? Fuck off and die.” See? Simple as that.


I’ve been living under a rock lately. What the hell are the wingnuts bitching about, exactly?


(Regarding this Hamden thing, that is. Is it to do with this?)


Fred the Genius, here’s one for you:

A simple experiment (other than the time machine needed):

Step 1: Walk into a crowded beer hall in Munich in 1931

Step 2 – As you’re waiting in line for your beer, turn to the brownshirt standing next to you and declare loudly, “How’d you like that Weimar Republic? Those appeasing traitors should be hung.â€?

Step 3 – Record results (facial expressions, comments, body language, etc.)

Godwin have mercy on my soul, but you’re a fucking retard.


Demogenes Aristophanes,

So I’m a nazi AND a retard?

Holy smokes, you sure come out swingin’! Remind me never to mess with you!


No Fred, you’re just a retard…who can’t read.


Whew! Now that’s more like it!



Are you the creator of homestarrunner?


I wonder what would happen if someone brought a second with a camcorder, and walked up to spaula-up-the-ass’som’s house and called him out, while his second was recording the whole thing? Would that actually shut him up, or would there be some more cheeto-stained homophobia on his blog within five minutes?

Simple experiment:

Step 1 – Walk into a crowded McDonald’s.

Step 2 – As you’re waiting in line, turn to the person standing next to you and declare loudly, “How do you like the Bush administration (choose one) (i) illegally spying on its’ own citizens (ii) murdering soldiers so they can stuff more oil money into their pockets (iii) drowning New Orleans (iv) ruinig the economy (v) stealing the last three elections (vi) pick any of the rest of the major fuckups by these morans? Those traitors should be impeached.â€?

Step 3 – Record results (facial expressions, comments, body language, etc.) as long as you can before local authorities haul you away on bogus charges.


Hey (:Tom:),

Why stop at (vi)? Surely you have other, more immediate, concerns regarding the brazen antics of this diabolical administration.

Such as:

(vii) Denying Bigfoot adequate counsel.

(viii) Releasing the chupacabras.

(ix) Making you wear that padded helmet.

(x) The voices.

(xi) That microchip implanted over three inches deep in your skull and programmed to exacerbate your incontinence.

(xii) Karl Rove giving your ward attendant a pack of smokes to fasten your straitjacket too tight.


Big Worm,

No, unfortunately, I am not the creator of Homestar. In fact, I don’t recall ever creating anything…other than a disturbance.


Step 1 – Walk into a crowded McDonald’s.

Step 2 – As you’re waiting in line, turn to the person standing next to you and declare loudly, “Check out that little bitch over there, the one with the tight t-shirt. I’m going to hold her down and stick my cock into her until she screams for mercy, then I’m going to do it again. I’ll rape the feminism righjt out that bitch. Then I’m rollin’ to DC to cockslap half the court before I annoint myself with their blood.”

Step 3 – Record results (facial expressions, comments, body language, etc.), then defend yourself thusly. “Hell, motherfucker, why you so uptight, you gender traitor? I’ll let you rape her after I get tired. That bitch is totally over 18…well, okay, maybe not, but she’s definitely over 12 so that makes it okay. And who cares about the Justices, they’re different than the President. I’m not threatening him, that would be wrong and illegal. Stupid laws that say I can’t threaten people I hate! Stupid people who don’t understand what’s funny and what’s not! Give me a break, some unhinged person doesn’t care if something bad happens to my fictional wife and child–I’m a victim! Why does no one get that? Get it or I’ll rape you and cute your balls off! Ha!”


Make that cut, though the boy thinks he’s so cute the laughter could also make them fall right off.


(comments are closed)