And Here We’d Always Thought That The Cape Buffalo Was The Most Dangerous Of All Presidents

Renew America’s Henry Lamb, pictured in Orville Redenbacher disguise, is here to instruct us otherwise:

The most dangerous president in history

Obama believes in the rule of law — his law. No other law is relevant. No other law matters.

‘But no president can reason,’ we objected.

‘My dear fellow,’ said Lamb, ‘there is one that can.’

When Obama speaks, he expects the world to obey.

In his Tuesday night performance, he said ‘I will meet with the chairman of BP and inform him that he is to set aside whatever resources are required to compensate the workers and business …’ ‘Inform him?’ Where does Barack Hussein Obama get the authority to issue orders to the CEO of a private corporation?

From his bloodthirsty pagan Moon God?

There is no such authority in the Constitution. There is no law that empowers the president to ‘inform’ the CEO of any corporation how he will spend the corporation’s money. Obama couldn’t care less about the Constitution or the law.

There was no Constitutional authority for him to essentially take over General Motors and Chrysler, or the banks. Obama couldn’t care less about the law. When he speaks, he expects the world to obey.

Don’t believe it? Why just the other day, Lamb overheard this telling exchange between Obama and the world:

Obama: Honey?

World: What?

Obama: Where’s my super suit?

World: What?

Obama: Where … is … my … super … suit?

World: I, uh, put it away.

[A helicopter explodes outside]

Obama: WHERE?

World: WHY do you NEED to know?

Obama: I need it!

[Obama rummages through another room in the White House]

World: Uh-uh! Don’t you think about running off doing no derrin’-do. We have been PLANNING this dinner for two months!

Obama: The public is in danger!

World: My evening’s in danger!

Obama: You tell me where my suit is, woman! We are talking about the greater good!

World: ‘Greater good?’ I am your wife! I’m the greatest GOOD you are ever gonna get!

You go, World! But we digress and thankfully, Lamb will no longer be silent, Clarice:

Obama can’t comprehend any limitations on his power. The moment Arizona enacted a law that empowered state law enforcement officers to check for citizenship, Obama bad-mouthed the state legislature and Governor — without even reading the law. There have been arrogant presidents before, but none that can compare to the sickening self-centered narcissism that exudes from this man.

We heard Obama replaced that bust of Winston Churchill with a sculpture of himself. Covered in a mirror. That has a string that you can pull and it says, ‘I complete me.’

Obama’s declaration that America must end its addiction to oil misses the point entirely. America is not addicted to oil at all; America is addicted to the life-style made possible by the most efficient, abundant energy source yet discovered.

You say I’m addicted to Vicodin. Hey jackass, what I’m addicted to is the sweet embrace of numbness made possible by the most abundant pad of blank scripts yet discovered (by my brother-in-law in the trash containers behind the VA clinic last Tuesday). To-may-to, to-mah-to.

In a capitalist society such as America, government’s role in the market is limited to providing a level playing field for the entrepreneurs who risk their own assets to provide a product or service in hopes of making a profit.

Which is why Obama has NO BUSINESS meddling with what happened in the Gulf of Mexico, which is a body of water and clearly not a playing field. Except maybe for yachts or speedboats, but still.

The reason the nation has not switched to solar or wind, or other alternative energy sources has nothing to do with our addiction to oil; it has everything to do with cost and convenience.

Ah, yes, those old conservative maxims: ‘No pain, gain’ … ‘Let’s take the easy way out’ … ‘Put a little elbow grease into it — sorry, did I say “elbow”? I meant “bacon” …’

Obama has decided that cost is irrelevant. He wants to wean America from oil and bond the nation to exotic alternatives, regardless of the cost. When Obama speaks, he expects people to obey.

Okay, we get it already, Lamb. Obama’s a liberal fascist martinet hellbent on destroying America, blah blah blah. Why don’t you say something really fucking crazy?

He is ready to artificially and unnecessarily increase the cost of carbon fuels in the form of taxes and fees, in order to fund subsidies for wind and solar energy sources. It doesn’t matter to Obama that the environmental disaster that will be created by the solar farms and wind farms is much greater than the Gulf oil spill.

Hells yeah! That’s more like it!


Comments: 80


Well, I turned the last thread tits up, may as well go for broke, eh?

From the pencil-necked geek’s column.

“The Gulf oil spill will eventually be capped and cleaned; once a solar farm is built to supply energy to a community, it will never go away; it will only expand. The biodiversity that once flourished where the solar farm now is will never be restored. The land area will be devoid of biodiversity.”

You betcha.


government’s role in the market is limited to providing a level playing field

… & then making the Big Boys’ goals count for 20 points each while everyone else’s goals count for one. You gotta lapdance with the one what puts the money in your g-string. after all.

Killer wind farms are a nice touch too – especially when contrasted with good clean nutritious Light Sweet Crude. It’s both a dessert topping & a floor wax!

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Shorter Green Lambkin: Presidential authority is theft.
Alt. shorter: Fuckin’ windfarms, I clearly don’t know how they work.


In a capitalist society such as America, government’s role in the market is limited to providing a level playing field for the entrepreneurs who risk their own assets to provide a product or service in hopes of making a profit.

The bird’s eye view must be a nice thing to have. For the last thirty years, “the economy” has been measured strictly in terms of “the entrepreneurs” who only risk small scraps of money at a time. All the small people for whom “the economy” means “whether or not I can put food on the table” or “whether or not I have a roof over my head”? Fuck them. These are my ASSETS, you selfish bastard. Besides,

“We’re supposed to help OUR people! Beginning with our stockholders! Who’s helping them out, huh?”


It doesn’t matter to Obama that the environmental disaster that will be created by the solar farms and wind farms is much greater than the Gulf oil spill.

You liberal dummies think wind farms are great, but the fence breaks and OUT RUNS THE WIND. It will BLOW YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN.


The reason the nation has not switched to solar or wind, or other alternative energy sources has nothing to do with our addiction to oil; it has everything to do with cost and convenience.

Those trillions we spend blowing up people in the Middle East?


Lurking Canadian

the environmental disaster that will be created by the solar farms and wind farms is much greater than the Gulf oil spill.

The who in the what, now? Is he worried about migratory birds running into the windmill blades?

This notion that the government’s only role is to provide a level playing field would be great, if that’s what they did. Since their actual role has traditionally been to create a playing field massively tilted in favour of the holders of great wealth, I find his claim (let us be charitable) mistaken.


“We heard Obama replaced that bust of Winston Churchill with a sculpture of himself. Covered in a mirror. That has a string that you can pull and it says, ‘I complete me.’”

Sheer. Brilliance.


This notion that the government’s only role is to provide a level playing field would be great, if that’s what they did. Since their actual role has traditionally been to create a playing field massively tilted in favour of the holders of great wealth, I find his claim (let us be charitable) mistaken.

Not at all;

In a capitalist society such as America, government’s role in the market is limited to providing a level playing field for the entrepreneurs who risk their own assets to provide a product or service in hopes of making a profit.

See? He wants the government to provide a level playing field, but only between the holders of great wealth. That way they can go on playing poker with everyone else’s livelihoods, without those pesky “small people” looking over their shoulders.


The who in the what, now? Is he worried about migratory birds running into the windmill blades?

No, windmills are totes ugly. Unlike sludgey, unrefined crude bubbling up from the earth and choking all forms of wildlife. I mean, look at ’em. They’re all, like, windmilly and shit.


Shorter side show geek*: “BP is entrepreneurial.”

*Look at him. Look. He totally bites the heads off chickens. Max totes.


Where’s the dude been?
With sochulist medicine already a fact the FEMA death camps shall begin processing those of his ilk for chow for black commie loving Alinsky worshipers. Game over dude, get wit it.


“From his bloodthirsty pagan Moon God?”

I wish just once that could be true.



Wind farms are GOP congressmen?

Lurking Canadian

See? He wants the government to provide a level playing field, but only between the holders of great wealth.

It’s not really the level playing field part that I quibble with. I’ll try again:

for the entrepreneurs who use but should not be said to risk their own assets to provide a product or service in hopes of making because the government will guarantee them a profit.

That’s what I think he would have said if he were trying not to be a lying sack of shit.


That’s what I think he would have said if he were trying not to be a lying sack of shit.

Ah, I see your point.


Someone get this poor geezer some warm milk laced with Thorazine and put him to bed before he shits all over the house.


There is no such authority in the Constitution. There is no law that empowers the president to ‘inform’ the CEO of any corporation how he will spend the corporation’s money.

Oddly, there is also no mention of corporations in the Constitution, so they must not be allowed to exist. Why does BP hate America?

I don’t think there’s any mention of “capitalism” either, now that I think of it.

Or oil, or cars, or level fucking playing fields.

It might be nice if dipshits who railed about this or that being in the Constitution actually read the damned thing once or twice.

IIRC, our Founding Fathers weren’t that keen on the idea of the corporation in the first place. I seem to remember Washington particularly having a problem with them. God only knows what he would think of “corporate personhood” (aka “the root of so many of our problems”).

At any rate, corporations owe their very existence to the government. They are nothing more than an agreed upon framework that would have exacly zero meaning without the big, bad government to enforce it. Obama, being HNIC of said government, does actually have something to say about how corporations behave if they’d like to operate in this country. So, you pinheaded royalist twunt, fuck back off to your swamp. Perhaps you’d rather Obama simply debarred BP right off the bat, rather than tell them what they need to do to continue operating here?

How do people like this get taken seriously by anybody?

The Tragically Flip

No Air Force in the Constitution.


Mmmm mmmmmm. One Wal*Mart ten pound beef brisket smoked to utter perfection. That’s the second try with that particular cut, and I really think I nailed it this time (not that the previous attempt was inedible, by a long shot.) Around thirteen hours in the smoker in all, which makes for a long day o’ cooking. Fired it up about 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, threw the meat on about 7:40. Fat side up. Tried to keep it at about 215 – 225 F with an assortment of charcoals, and about equal parts Mesquite and Hickory (the former smelling quite lovely.) Basted the bottom with Stubb’s mopping sauce after about four hours, then again after another couple, then more frequently until it ran out, and then basted with Stubb’s chicken marinade (which does have a nice tang to it, especially after sitting in the fridge for several months.) After about ten hours the internal temp started to make it up above 120, and after eleven hours it was going through the 130s, at which point I wrapped it in layers of foil and kept the heat steady. Somewhere between twelve and a half and thirteen hours it was finally above 150 and juicy as could be. One guy sez to let it get to 188 F, but that doesn’t seem right to me, somehow, though I may have to try it some time. But, oh boy, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. We ate about a third of the flat just standing there. Worked our way into the point end tonight, and it’s just fabulous. Tender and delicious. Best BBQ we’ve had in this state.

The Tragically Flip

No Coast Guard or Marine Corps either.


No Air Force in the Constitution.

No FBI or CIA or NSA either, which means certainly no wiretapping.

The Tragically Flip

Mike Soja is not in the Constitution either.


Know what else isn’t in the Constitution?

Christianity. Hell, God himself isn’t listed in the Constitution. What do you think of that, jackasses?


Now, now. I’m sure this be-dentured corpse was just as furious when Bush said we were addicted to oil.

It doesn’t matter to Obama that the environmental disaster that will be created by the solar farms…

Yep, because what if one of them there fancy sun catching mirrors got knocked askew by some passing ruffians or even hooligans engaging in shenanigans. Next day at sunrise POOF! Goodbye Poughkeepsie!

Really, is it just me or is this old coot really protective of petroleum products?


Also, I wonder how this Tory fuckwit feels about the Constitutionality of, say, a President demanding that all private telecom companies secretly fork over parallel feeds of every fucking communication occurring in the country so he can datamine it like an ill-starred West Virginia hilltop?

Is that in the fucking Constitution? I didn’t think so. It was, however, specifically illegal. Somehow, if we look back on shitforbrains’ article history, I suspect we’ll find him defending that action. I’m sure that to him, as far as the impact to national security goes, the destruction of a significant measure of our most productive national maritime resources pales in comparison to ferreting out a few possibly non-existent swarthy folk.



Really, is it just me or is this old coot really protective of petroleum products?

That might explain the wetsuits and Rammstein box set in his closet.

The Tragically Flip

The internet isn’t in the constitution either. Sorry ARPANET, you’ve got to go, or the founders will be very angry!

The Tragically Flip

Can’t find the article that authorizes the government to run a “global positioning system” either.

(Speaking of which, how is that not the subject of multiple conservative paranoid fantasies?)


It doesn’t matter to Obama that the environmental disaster that will be created by the solar farms and wind farms is much greater than the Gulf oil spill.


Lurking Canadian

(Speaking of which, how is that not the subject of multiple conservative paranoid fantasies?)

GPS makes the killing of brown people easier, and therefore is beautiful in the sight of God.


Be sure to visit the Sovereignty Store where you can buy a CD that contains all the writings of Henry Lamb from 1994 through 2009!

Hysterical Woman

Geez, even Bush said a few good words about ending oil dependency. Every President since Nixon has said it’s a good goal. When did it become controversial? (Yes, I know, when we elected a *church bell*)

The Tragically Flip

GPS makes the killing of brown people easier, and therefore is beautiful in the sight of God.

Right, and the satellites are probably built by Boeing or other MiC players and since profit was made from their construction and launch that went into the pockets of well connected skimmers, GPS is a “free market” success story.

Still, I bet Glenn Beck could still work up a few good chalk board ravings about GPS. The name is omnious enough, and I guarantee less than 10% of Americans have any notion how GPS actually works. They could easily be convinced the satellites know where you are.


Brisket is in article 4, however.


I’ve been re-reading Donna Kossy’s classic “Kooks” book over the last few weeks, and I can’t stop thinking that the schizophrenics who used to hand out mimeographed, single-spaced rants about the Frankenstein Voodoo Radios broadcasting Satanic Mind Control Thoughts into their brains illegally and without the permission of their son Jesus Christ… are now writing op-eds in actual newspapers.

I can fake the crazy talk — why can’t I get any of that sweet wingnut welfare cash?


He wants to wean America from oil and bond the nation to exotic alternatives, regardless of the cost.

Dammit, give me good old-fashioned refined petroleum just like the ancient Sumerians used, not any of this new-fangled ‘wind’ and ‘sunshine’ that gene-spliced cyborgs from Tibet will be concocting in their nano-yeast labs 150 years in the future!

Quaker in a Basement

the most efficient, abundant energy source yet discovered

…to the degree that anything that takes tens of thousands of years to make can be called “efficient.” As far as abundance goes, oil is just stored paleolithic sunshine. We get that stuff fresh daily.


He wants to… bond the nation to exotic alternatives

Already, Obama is training legions of exotic bondage doms at remote FEMA camps.





And while we’re linking, Nastiest shit EVAR.


Also, suppose those windmills escape our control like the broom in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and just keep milling wind until there is none left? We’ll look like right chumps then, with a whole pile of windflour but no wind.

Flights across the Atlantic will be that much slower without the Jet Stream.


Somehow, if we look back on shitforbrains’ article history,

Suicide mission.


Obama believes in the rule of law — his law. No other law is relevant. No other law matters.

Best joke; The name Harry Lamb. Silly Harry, lambs gots wool! Dumbass!


Plus if the wind gets all chopped up by turbines it will be all lumpy and make the Teevee go all shitty.


What if the turbines fall off and roll through towns and stuff!! The Horror, the Horror


We’ll look like right chumps then, with a whole pile of windflour but no wind.

Without wind, the smell of farts will never dissipate. That’s why communism failed.


Why don’t people realize that “WAR” boondoggles are the other side of the same coin that includes “HEALTH” boondoggles.

Ending defense waste and incompetence won’t make Medicare/Medicaid/Socialist health care any more actuarially sound. It will just provide a temporarily larger pool from which to steal.

Playing with other people’s money is just one nightmare after another, ain’t it?

What a garden of idiocy you have blooming in your head.


I post something about the smell of farts and look who shows up.


Mmmm mmmmmmmm . One Wal*Mart ten pound beef brisket smoked to utter perfection. That’s the second try with that particular cut, and I really think I nailed it this time (not that the previous attempt was inedible, by a long shot.) Around thirteen hours in the smoker in all, which makes for a long day o’ cooking. Fired it up about 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, threw the meat on about 7:40. Fat side up. Tried to keep it at about 215 – 225 F with an assortment of c_harcoals, and about equal parts Mesquite and Hickory (the former smelling quite lovely.) Basted the bottom with Stubb’s mopping sauce after about four hours, then again after another couple, then more frequently until it ran out, and then basted with Stubb’s chicken marinade (which does have a nice tang to it, especially after sitting in the fridge for several months.) After about ten hours the internal temp started to make it up above 120, and after eleven hours it was going through the 130s, at which point I wrapped it in layers of foil and kept the heat steady. Somewhere between twelve and a half and thirteen hours it was finally above 150 and juicy as could be. One guy sez to let it get to 188 F, but that doesn’t seem right to me, somehow, though I may have to try it some time. But, oh boy, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. We ate about a third of the flat just standing there. Worked our way into the point end tonight, and it’s just fabulous. Tender and delicious. Best BBQ we’ve had in this state.


Common sense has long left the room where the big stew pot cooks with its ghastly mix of bits flayed from the bones of your compatriots, and while you may see through some of the delusions that are the accepted wisdoms of your party, you’ve still got the bone firmly planted in your nose. Your agenda of Cannibal Lite is trussed up with the same corrupt premises that power the other cannibals, except that they’ve been at it a lot longer than you have, and they’re not about to let you peel so much as a pinky finger off the lip of the communal spittoon. Don’t quit your day job. At least it’s honest.


“Freedom” (if it’s ever mentioned at all, these days) and “the free market” are nothing now more than pretty graphics on bottles of snake oil, and the snake oil salesmen of the age have acquired the power to force the stuff down your throat at the point of a gun.


The insurance market is an utter joke because of government regulations and mandates. A very large portion of the practical health care apparatus is likewise hobbled (made more expensive) by regulations from every side. And then a thousand subsidies, from Medicare and Medicaid to the Massachusetts miracle mandate, to all the smaller and more picayune programs for every special interest group with an outraged mother at its head, all clamoring for those free dollars out of their neighbors’ pockets; and hell, what does anyone EXPECT?

No matter WHAT Obamacare turns out to be, it’s going to be more expensive.

And then, slightly later, it is going to become very much more incompetent, riddled with fraud, and dangerous to people’s lives.


The mighty Djur has been kind enough to continue hosting a filtered RSS feed. It’s here:|St.+Jesus*|Conserva*|jurass*|

Manipulate as appropriate.


Mmmm mmmmmmmm . One Wal*Mart ten pound beef brisket smoked to utter perfection. That’s the second try with that particular cut, and I really think I nailed it this time (not that the previous attempt was inedible, by a long shot.) Around thirteen hours in the smoker in all, which makes for a long day o’ cooking. Fired it up about 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, threw the meat on about 7:40. Fat side up. Tried to keep it at about 215 – 225 F with an assortment of c_harcoals, and about equal parts Mesquite and Hickory (the former smelling quite lovely.) Basted the bottom with Stubb’s mopping sauce after about four hours, then again after another couple, then more frequently until it ran out, and then basted with Stubb’s chicken marinade (which does have a nice tang to it, especially after sitting in the fridge for several months!) After about ten hours the internal temp started to make it up above 120, and after eleven hours it was going through the 130s, at which point I wrapped it in layers of foil and kept the heat steady. Somewhere between twelve and a half and thirteen hours it was finally above 150 and juicy as could be. One guy sez to let it get to 188 F, but that doesn’t seem right to me, somehow, though I may have to try it some time. But, oh boy, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. We ate about a third of the flat just standing there. Worked our way into the point end tonight, and it’s just fabulous. Tender and delicious. Best BBQ we’ve had in this state.


The mighty Djur has been kind enough to continue hosting a filtered RSS feed. It’s here:



Remaindered Stoat:

1.75 jiggers of strolloped blastula
0.5 pounds of shelled Mandingo nuts
1 Pinch Catholic Priest
3 daubs of cow
4 1/2 cups pre-filtered manatee fringe
1 sun-dried, salted, yellow-necked ermine (essense)
7 pieces of eight
15 groans of c_harcoals

Pound the ermine until clear, and set aside to chill in a refrigerator for 3 hours, or until sublime. Stir the blastula into an iron pestle, mixing with the priest and cow until the foam rises. Add to the manatee fringe in a glass beaker, folding it in with a hickory spoon. Drink 4 fingers of Booker’s bourbon (neat), and continue. Beat the priest/cow mixture into the pieces of eight, and strain through the c_harcoals. Blend the ermine, priest and manatee, and cover with the Mandingo.

Serves 3 Adults, 14 children, and the kitchen staff.


Yeah, you guys like exotic energy and all, but a major wind spill would be catastrophic. Houses, cows, women on bicycles, all flying through the air, man, it’s crazy.


Wind spills are nothing compared to the horror of a solar spill. Imagine all that captured sun spilling out across the land, burning everything.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Sure, mock the simple-minded dessicated corpse-man. But when the windmills break out of the work camps we’ve placed them in, where will your Don Quixote be then, liberals?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Sancho Panza will have already been deported back to Mexico for lacking his papers in Arizona, of course.


This guy Lamb sounds like a slightly lower-rent, moderately more crackers version of a mash-up of Confederate Yankee and Jay Nordlinger.

Which might signal the end of life as we know it….


Dammit, D, you have to bring up a personal embarrassment.

My son will never let me forget I could *not* identify the voice actor in the scene. I thought it was Larry Fishburne.

If only the line had been spoken:

“WORDS, motherfucker! Do you hear them? You tell me where my suit is!”


“Yeah, I lost my super suit and I hope it rots in hell!”


Not too long ago I was walking home minding my own business when, out of nowhere, I was slammed over the head with what I can only describe as a a fan blade — a big one! As I lay on my stomach, with blood slowly seeping from my head, my pockets got rifled through by a photovoltaic cell. The turbine kept one blade on me and one on the street, a lookout. After they had their way with me and started to run, I yelled “Oil wouldn’t do this!”, I could hear them laughing and the solar cell screamed back, “You’re right, oild would’ve KILLED you!”



despite being a bit of a toolbag this Henry Lamb chap is the first American to ever use the phrase ‘Couldn’t care less’ correctly, and for that I salute him.


‘But no president can reason,’ we objected.

Actually, “you are more full of shit than a port-o-let at a Taco Bell/Ex-lax convention” was what I objected.

There is no such authority in the Constitution. There is no law that empowers the president to ‘inform’ the CEO of any corporation how he will spend the corporation’s money.

Um, yeah. If you want to get all technical, the First Amendment actually means he can say stuff, in addition to the fact that the duties of the executive branch specifically include law enforcement, meaning he is in fact allowed to do things like fine law breakers. Also, as to: In a capitalist society such as America, government’s role in the market is limited to providing a level playing field for the entrepreneurs who risk their own assets to provide a product or service in hopes of making a profit, guess for what there really is no authority in the Constitution and no law empowering the president to do? No really, guess!

Obama can’t comprehend any limitations on his power. The moment Arizona enacted a law that empowered state law enforcement officers to check for citizenship, Obama bad-mouthed the state legislature and Governor — without even reading the law.

No, really, he had an opinion and made it known?!! What a narcissistic bastard. Do go on.

It doesn’t matter to Obama that the environmental disaster that will be created by the solar farms and wind farms is much greater than the Gulf oil spill.

Plus, it’s just plain cruel to keep wind and sun in cages so tiny they can’t even move around.


Shorter Henry Lamb: F*cking n!%%er wins one little election and he thinks he can boss around Hard-Working Real Americans like Tony Hayward and Carl-Henric Svanberg.

the Goddamn Batman Went Into The Light; No Big Whoop, Just God Chillin' In Front Of The Tube, We Had A Few Brews, He's Cool

Man, I loved this guy in Poltergeist 2.

Also, big props for the Frozone reference.

Consumer Unit 5012

Scott said,

I’ve been re-reading Donna Kossy’s classic “Kooks” book

That’s a fun book. If she wrote it today, with the Internet and all, it’d probably be about 800 pages.

I can fake the crazy talk — why can’t I get any of that sweet wingnut welfare cash?

Unfortunately, unless you already know somebody in the business, it takes ten years to build a rep.


Mike_Soja said,
The insurance market is an utter joke

I couldn’t agree more!

because of government regulations and mandates.

…Wait, what?

Are you trying to argue that if we let corporations go about their business totally unfettered by government oversight, THIS time their products will become cheaper and better for customers, unlike what happened every previous time it’s been tried?


“In a capitalist society such as America, government’s role in the market is limited to providing a level playing field for the entrepreneurs who risk their own assets to provide a product or service in hopes of making a profit.”

In what way exactly is Tony Hayward an entrepreneur? It’s not his money that was used to lay waste to the Gulf — there was no “risk” on his part at all, unless you count the decline in the poor guy’s stock options. Guess he’ll have to get by on his $4 million salary.


All true, Anonymous, plus if Lamb were honest he’d point out that the government forcing megacorp BP to set up a fund to recompense small fishing businesses etc hurt by BP’s negligence IS leveling the playing field for the real entrepreneurs.


America is not addicted to oil at all; America is addicted to the life-style made possible by the most efficient, abundant energy source yet discovered.

In just one second, the Sun puts out 47,000 times the energy of all the oil left on Earth.


The amount of solar energy that hits the Earth’s surface in 13 hours is equivalent to the energy of all the oil left on Earth.


Dude, you could totally make a space laser and blast Al Qaeda!


The land area will be devoid of biodiversity

Who is this asshole kidding? Wingnuts caring about biodiversity instead of profits? Hell must have frozen over when I wasn’t looking.


(comments are closed)