Slap Fight in the Wingnut-o-Sphere!
Posted on June 22nd, 2010 by Tintin

Debbie Schlüsselscheiße calls Cassy “Smokin’ Hot (Not!)” Fiano a fat “two-bit backwoods hooker.”
Cassy then calls Debbie a big fat idiot.
Folks, it just doesn’t get any better than this.
Posted in Uncategorized
This smells vaguely like an episode of Glee…
And, honestly, Cassy, that skirt *is* pretty trashy…
Let’s not forget the John Hawkins post linked in Cassy’s post which is, remarkably, not a list of Top 20 Things He Hates About Debbie Schlussel.
OK, I have to get out of the boat. For Lil Debbie to call someone else a cheap hooker is meaningful. She ought to know.
And hey, for the first time ever they’re both right!
OK, I have to get out of the boat.
OMG it is totally worth it.
First impressions: Cassie Fiano is what we used to call…and I stress the words “used to”…a six beer lay.
That’s how deep into the night I’d have to be in order to consider her. Figure on a slow night, that’s about midnight, and after I’ve been turned down a few times, walking around with a bruised ego. Of course, given her political persuasions, she’d probably end up more a two or three AM lay.
And yes, I say that even after viewing the slutty bikini photo Cassie has on her blog.
I’d still do her ahead of Debs.
Is it a two-bit backwoods hooker . . . or a “conservative” blogger.
One of these things is exactly like the other.
Has anyone else ever seen two high school girls in Taz t-shirts fighting over a dude with a mullet and a twenty-year-old Trans Am? Because I have, and it looked a LOT like this.
People who live in pancake houses shouldn’t throw scones!
Everyone read that John Hawkins post (NOTE: NOT THE COMMENTS). It is hilarious and confirms that Schlussel is ten times the lunatic anyone could have imagined.
There’s simply not enough hair pulling in this fight!
People who live in pancake houses shouldn’t throw scones!
Or expose their muffins.
Have any of Schlussel’s right wing, female blogging enemies said anything about the ham-fisted way she drew her lipstick on in that blog photo? It looks deranged.
Everyone read that John Hawkins post (NOTE: NOT THE COMMENTS).
Holy shit. That is amazeballs.
Tintin, you’ve made my week.
I haven’t had this much fun since Pam Atlass went off on Charles Johnson.
“As for my being a hooker and a whore, I’d like to point out that I am married. I am MARRIED, to a Marine, no less. I love my husband so much and I am so proud of him. And he loves me. We are happy together.”
No matter who loses, we win.
“As for my being a hooker and a whore, I’d like to point out that I am married. I am MARRIED, to a Marine, no less. I love my husband so much and I am so proud of him. And he loves me. We are happy together.”
Dear Penthouse,
I never imagined I’d write this, but my wife married me because I’m a Marine and this way she’d have access to the PX and the local bars when I’m stationed overseas.
Anyway, I came home a day early from a deployment one day…
Marines make you double-not a hooker, apparently. But only if the twenty-sided die* lands right.
Peak Wingnut still has not yet arrived. Someone needs to rope Malkin and Pammycakes into this fight.
I’ll bet five dollars that husband Marine is gay.
Every year at the family reunion! (Not really. But I’ve seen similar on The Jerry Springer Show.)
Clearly these two women need to settle their differences in the manner of civilized people all over the world. They will meet in a parking garage at midnight, where a referee will tie their left wrists together. Then, in their right hands, the referee will place a knife. Then, to the driving beat of ’80s pop music, and before witnesses, they may share a frank and open exchange of views.
Every year at the family reunion! (Not really. But I’ve seen similar on The Jerry Springer Show.)
You just totally reminded me that people who went to my high school were on the Jerry Springer Show!
This sort of thing would never happen with liberal women, because we don’t place such a premium on looks. Attractive, ugly, fat, thin and everything in between, I think most liberal women feel like we’re in this together. That’s certainly how I feel. I would never take that cheap shot. (At least not at a fellow lib.;))
Then, to the driving beat of ’80s pop music, and before witnesses, they may share a frank and open exchange of views.
But Michael Jackson is dead!
I would never take that cheap shot.
(At least not at a fellow lib.;))
But Michael Jackson is dead!
But through the magic of recorded music, it is still possible to resolve disputes in the time honored tradition of our long-distant predecessors.
Right? I was still in high school at the time, and I *think* they were, too…I believe it was your typical unwed teenage mother love triangle scenario. No Taz shirts involved, though.
But through the magic of recorded music, it is still possible to resolve disputes in the time honored tradition of our long-distant predecessors.
And now, please turn to p 187 in your hymnal, where we shall sing “Beat It”.
No Taz shirts involved, though.
So they actually wore shirts? On Springer?
I don’t think anything so scandalous ever happened at my high school. Then again, I mostly ignored everyone who wasn’t a close friend. So who knows?
Marines make you double-not a hooker, apparently. But only if the twenty-sided die* lands right.
Uh, the Random Harlot Table used percentiles, you’d need two rolls of the die.
This sort of thing would never happen with liberal women, because we don’t place such a premium on looks. Attractive, ugly, fat, thin and everything in between, I think most liberal women feel like we’re in this together.
*ahem* Does making fun of hipster girls wearing jumpsuits and cowboy boots count? Just curious.
Re: Rove (said in a Scooby voice):
Does making fun of hipster girls wearing jumpsuits and cowboy boots count?
*sipping herbal tea quietly*
Have they seen my etchings yet?
a six beer lay.
Eight, ten, twelve, martinis, maybe.
And with a l-o-n-g dry spell in place.
And an alias.
And hopefully visiting a large city I might never, ever return to.
I mean, I know there’s no pix or anything but now I have to go scrub my brain!
And now, please turn to p 187 in your hymnal, where we shall sing “Beat It”.
Please throw at least one hand in the air and wave it as if you didn’t care very much.
I don’t think anything so scandalous ever happened at my high school. Then again, I mostly ignored everyone who wasn’t a close friend. So who knows?
There wasn’t much else to do around there besides get drunk and have sex.
Or, you know, watch movies with your Muslim BFF and go to debate tournaments…
Eight, ten, twelve, martinis, maybe.
Nah. On looks alone? She’s not that bad, and I can dig trashy in a fetishy kind of way.
You just totally reminded me that people who went to my high school were on the Jerry Springer Show!
Ha, I worked on his campaign for governor in 1983 (he came in 3d in the primary)
She’s not that bad, and I can dig trashy in a fetishy kind of way.
Ah, in your furry suit, then?
Not my thing, but whatever floats the boat…
And now, please turn to p 187 in your hymnal, where we shall sing “Beat It”.
Please throw at least one hand in the air and wave it as if you didn’t care very much.
Um, I’m Presbyterian. we don;t Do that sort of thing, sorry.
I don’t think anything so scandalous ever happened at my high school.
I have to preface this by admitting a) I’m a nerd and b) I started high school when I was eleven.
When I walked into sophmore homeroom (we had the option of spending freshman year in middle school) for my first day, right there at the front of the class was this very pregnant young girl of fifteen.
It was a rather scandalous and rather eye-opening homeroom.
I can dig trashy in a fetishy kind of way.
Oh, so that’s why you’re DKW’s mom’s best customer!
Ah, in your furry suit, then?
Don’t judge me!
A lot of chicks dig scratching my…chin.
if there’s any mangoes worth getting out of the boat for, it has to be THESE mangoes….
We had, I think, two or three pregnancies (brought to term, ahem) by the time I graduated high school. In a class of 200 or so people.
It’s rural Kansas. They like to breed there.
Eleven years old in high school?
Eleven years old in high school?
Believe it or not, I was the fifth youngest.
Um, I’m Presbyterian. we don;t Do that sort of thing, sorry.
without going into theology, and without meaning to cause offense, your church sounds kind of boring. But what do I know? I’m an atheist.
without going into theology, and without meaning to cause offense, your church sounds kind of boring
The nickname for Presbyes is “The Frozen Chosen”. Hint enough?
I think that Cassy is actually pretty cute, at least in the pic that Debbie posted, although from a quick scan of her blog posts she strikes me as the sort of person who rants extra loud and long if the server who’s late in delivering the drinks at TGI Friday’s is browner than she is (which is to say, almost everybody). Debbie, on the other hand, I wouldn’t touch with John Hawkin’s dick being carried by a remote-control robot; I think that by now most normal people can actually smell her self-loathing.
If I had to decide between Cassie and Debbie, I believe I’d choose Orly. She’s better looking, and her particular mania is gently mind-numbing. In fact, I’d bet she saves money on anesthetics in the dental chair – she just talks and talks and talks and talks ….. mmm … zzzzzzzzz.
And any talk about filling her cavities is just rude.
without going into theology, and without meaning to cause offense, your church sounds kind of boring. But what do I know? I’m an atheist.
that’s why we call ourselves “the frozen chosen” dude.
that’s why we call ourselves “the frozen chosen” dude.
sorry, I type slow…
“the frozen chosen”
Huh. I was in a group that referred to ourselves with the same name. That group was those of us dumb enough to spend the winter in Antarctica.
wow, it was worth getting out of the boat for this one, real mangoes! And the comment’s section is a nice prize as well.
S’ok, Wood. I didn’t know if you had enough self-humour to post it yourself. I stepped on your toes.
Nope. Perfectly acceptable. Where I think you get into trouble is when you pull apart a woman’s looks (unless she’s a celeb–I love doing that!).
Note to self: I must ban MKFreeberg from my blog next time he shows up. Fora conservative, he’s actually pretty decent, but if he’s stepping into this mess, I sure as hell don’t want Debbie’s minions following him over.
I think most liberal women feel like we’re in this together.
“This” being the jelly-filled bathtub?
S’ok, Wood. I didn’t know if you had enough self-humour to post it yourself.
well. I did just confess to working on Jerry Springer’s campaign, so i must have some humor about myself! grin…
I feel there needs to be a distinction made between the two groups. We need to add an additional modifier to differentiate ourselves. I will alert the United States Antarctic Program, and I have every confidence that by this time next week a C-17 cargo jet will be on its way to McMurdo station with pallet after pallet of lederhosen.
I don’t know. I like to think of us all sittin’ on my couch, drinkin’ strong cocktails, sharin’ the lulz.
That group was those of us dumb enough to spend the winter in Antarctica.
McMurdo Station = TOTAL LUXURY.
Smut, don’t kid yourself. Scott Base had a hot tub.
“This” being the jelly-filled bathtub?
This is very important: are we talking about “jelly” as in jam, or “jelly” as in Jell-O?
BTW, what started this tear in the wingnut space-time continuum?
From the comments on Hawkin’s blog:
Gee where have we heard this story before? Ostensibly “conservative” blogger starts getting attention from the MSM, then suddenly veers left and starts attacking real conservatives in a fit of paranoid rage?
Schlussel veered left? What?
Flavoured boiled-out-of-cows’-hooves gelatin dessert is “jelly” in PROPER ENGLISH.
The lampshades are now made out of unwanted skin.
Flavoured boiled-out-of-cows’-hooves gelatin dessert is “jelly” in PROPER ENGLISH.
In that case, no. And in the other case, no, as well.
The lampshades are now made out of unwanted skin.
Don’t mention the foreskin apocalypse.
KY Jelly?
Yeah, I don’t want to sit in that, either. I like my couch idea better.
Keep these kittehs away from your couch. You’ve been warned.
Hi, tsam!!!
Used to be Green Jello, until Jello, Inc. went all copyright on them.
“Smut, don’t kid yourself. Scott Base had a hot tub…”
Do the tubbers run out into the snow from time to time? On a ski trip some friends & I used the outdoor HT while it (the sky) was snowing. little pyramids of snow would collect on the top of our heads and slowly melt & trickle down our faces…
reminds me of a show about Ancient Egypt that told how partiers of the time would place pyramids of scented fat on their heads to cool themselves down during the party.
Don’t know what they imbibed or smoked.
Flavoured boiled-out-of-cows’-hooves gelatin dessert is “jelly” in PROPER ENGLISH.
Cow’s foot jelly, properly, is a savory breakfast dish.
Throwing a hoof or two in the stew or the red sauce is always a good thing as well.
Flavoured boiled-out-of-cows’-hooves gelatin dessert is “jelly” in PROPER ENGLISH.
Is not. And biscuits are NOT SWEET. Those are COOKIES, dammit.
People were mad at him:
“We want the DREAM Act, and Karl Rove is sitting on it”
Do the tubbers run out into the snow from time to time?
As I recall the usual order of things was to take a refreshing dip in the Ross Sea, and then head for the hot tub as quickly as the limits of human speed would allow.
KY Jelly?
Hi, tsam!!!
O HAI. um, did someone say slippery jelly? Cuz I just happen to be carrying some of that in this box with my leash and blindfold.
OT, but Big Jimmie over at Sundries Shack has gotten tired of having his ass corrected and has banned me from commenting.
I had a comment all prepared to respond to his latest idiocy at this thread:
Walpin Denied: Court says he wasn’t “fired” fired
If anyone who isn’t banned would like to go over and post this for me, I can rest knowing I have done my duty.
Dear Jimmie:
I seem to be unable to comment in your Walpin thread. Must be some kind of mistake, ’cause I’m sure you wouldn’t try get the last word by just banning someone who disagrees with you. Anyway, in response to your last comment:
So the “point of your post” was that President Palin can also have potential controveries in firing IGs brought to light? Got it.
As to the “co-sponsoring” question: I see you figured out how to click on the “related legislation” link at the site I provided. However, no cigar for you. The House bill was NOT virtually identical to the Senate bill at that time. However, the Senate eventually passed an amendment (not co-sponsored by Obama) that stripped the House language – which included a specific requirement for “for cause” removal – and inserted the language we know as the IGRA. That is called legislative history, and BTW, THAT is how you determine legislative intent.
Best regards,
Actually a bit chillier than optimal, really. Not nearly as much fun as it might seem.
“As for my being a hooker and a whore, I’d like to point out that I am married. I am MARRIED, to a Marine, no less. I love my husband so much and I am so proud of him. And he loves me. We are happy together.”
That really does not answer the question.
The right-wing scrambling to be Teh Crazeeest is funny. In terms of the pulchritudinocity of the combatants here, we would have to consult the ‘Hottest Conservative Ladeeez’ list that Joberg and the other blowbags concocted. Whilst one has the time, one is seriously lacking the fortitude in that by number 2 the deadening of the brain sets in and, like counting down from 10 in the dentist, one passes out pretty quickly.
“As for my being a hooker and a whore, I’d like to point out that I am married. I am MARRIED, to a Marine, no less. I love my husband so much and I am so proud of him. And he loves me. We are happy together.”
“He’s a great pimp and beats me less than he does his other bitchez.”
one passes out pretty quickly
I hope this is not what the kids are calling it.
Scott Base had a hot tub.
But does it have its own feckin’ bus service? I think not. LUXURY.
Scott Base had a hot tub.
TV’s Chaci?
TV’s Chaci?
He’s 40 and single, dontcha know…
You just totally reminded me that people who went to my high school were on the Jerry Springer Show!
Damn! I knew prep school sucked.
What do the Marines have to do with this? I’m married to an Air Force guy but I’m still a huge whore.
The swastika Debs stuck next to C.F.’s photo made me El Oh El. You just know in her poor scrambled brain this creates proof positive and incontrovertible that Cass is totally a Nazi Jew hater.
I guess p-shopping a Nazi redneck pimp into the pic was beyond her skills/medication dosage.
What do the Marines have to do with this? I’m married to an Air Force guy but I’m still a
hugeDOM whore.There ya go.
“tsam said,
June 23, 2010 at 0:15
What do the Marines have to do with this? I’m married to an Air Force guy but I’m still a huge DOM whore.
There ya go.”
You’re like a dog with a bone!
I know. I’m a giver.
I’m thinking of hosting a pay-per-view event with these to bitchez going at it–UFC style, but with weapons. I hear Debbie is pretty handy with Bo staff and numchucks. (I know–don’t correct me. I like the way it sounds).
Anyway, yeah. That should be like, awesome, and wow, I’m TIRED.
I’m thinking of hosting a pay-per-view event with these to bitchez going at it–UFC style
Given the participants, I imagine UFC stands for Unlimited Fried Chicken in this case.
Given the participants, I imagine UFC stands for Unlimited Fried Chicken in this case.
Yes, it does. This whole thing is laughable. It’s funny that they get offended at being called nazis. Acting like one is a badge of honor, but being informed that hate speech and xenophobic stupidity is fascism is just insulting.
I just picture this (Gasp!) “Well, I never…” Indignation and self loathing makes that 33rd piece of fried chicken taste oh so sweet, doesn’t it?
You know what I found the saddest part in all of that? “If somebody called me that in a bar, my husband would beat the shit out of him”.
I don’t know why this bothers me so, but I have this icky feeling of “Daddy protect me!” and “My boyfriend can totally beat up your boyfriend!” and pistols at dawn. Is this seriously the way adults behave? My husband will kick your ass if you offend me? Sticks and stones will break your bones if with words you try to hurt me?
I am of course not in favour of calling women whores, but I think I would call the police if some guy, gen-you-wine US Marine War Hero or not, started beating some other guy to a pulp over words, no matter how offensive. That’s seriously antisocial behaviour. Isn’t it?
Yes. Not to mention the fact that getting men to fight your battles for you is gross.
You don’t mean funniest or some variation thereof?
OT, but: Is it wrong that this turns me on?
Also OT, too, but John Cole catches Ed Morrisey being really stupid. Ed:
I’d add that Biden also made a pretty credible run for President in 1988.
Dinoboy’s rant is already dated.
I thought armed citizens were always unfailingly polite?
OT, but: Is it wrong that this turns me on?
Unless it involves minors, it’s all good.
Throw out your dead!
He’s done killed the thread!
Not pining, for long lost fjords,
It’s gone, now, to its just rewards!
Yes. Not to mention the fact that getting men to fight your battles for you is gross.
Yeah, George W. Bush really squicks me out!
Not quite dead yet…
Dinoboy’s rant is already dated.
He also fucks up the whole concept of genus- if I had been there, I’d a rushed the stage and chucked him out!
Well, I have a different image in mind:
“Honey, that skank just called me a “fat, two-bit, trailer trash whore! Whatya gonna do about that?”
“Honey, that skank just called me a “fat, two-bit, trailer trash whore! Whatya gonna do about that?”
Dinoboy’s rant is already dated.
He also fucks up the whole concept of genus- if I had been there, I’d a rushed the stage and chucked him out!
And who just writes off all marine reptiles? Someone who ends up eaten by a crocodile, that’s who.
That’s crazy. You’re not fat.
He also fucks up the whole concept of genus
I actually noticed that, too. But the velociraptor rant? Hilarious.
My post works a lot better without tigris’ marine reptile rant in between. Maybe there’s something there about fat pleiosaurs…cold water…blubber…nah, this is hopeless.
And who just writes off all marine reptiles? Someone who ends up eaten by a crocodile, that’s who.
To be fair, and this may be my favorite website EVAR!!!!, the marine reptiles are not dinosaurs.
But the velociraptor rant? Hilarious.
Yeah, I wanted to hit Spielberg and Crichton with a shoe when they dissed Deinonychus. I wanted to hit Crichton with an iron boot when he wrote that AGW denialist novel.
My post works a lot better without tigris’ marine reptile rant in between.
Ain’t it the way. It’s why I always quote something from the post – then when I get the “posting too fast!” warning and have to go around and type it all over again and everything so that the Moment is lost, at least there’s some continuity.
Don’t worry, Xecky, we all know what you’re commenting about.
But the velociraptor rant? Hilarious.
No shit. Who DOES that?
Don’t worry, Xecky, we all know what you’re commenting about.
Oh yeah, I know too. I just don’t want to get into the discussion.
To be fair, and this may be my favorite website EVAR!!!!, the marine reptiles are not dinosaurs.
Oooh, the Sternberg! I’ve been there.
I wanted to hit Crichton with an iron boot when he wrote that AGW denialist novel.
Yeah, I take comfort in the fact that he died (relatively) young…
Dinoboy’s rant is already dated.
If the artist’s impression of Medusaceratops lokii is accurate, it has paid some time-travelling artist with an airbrush to decorate its skull fringe with a classy van paint-job.
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Ooo, that’s a taller dino than anticipated.
To be fair, and this may be my favorite website EVAR!!!!, the marine reptiles are not dinosaurs.
There ARE enough crocodiles to go around, you know.
Ooo, that’s a taller dino than anticipated.
I thought it was a fish-scale porcupine hat.
My post works a lot better without tigris’ marine reptile rant in between. Maybe there’s something there about fat pleiosaurs…cold water…blubber…nah, this is hopeless.
Ooh, sorry to mock-block you.
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Elongated moose. Chewier than usual.
It’d be smut, if you added beard and glasses.
Elongated moose. Chewier than usual.
An owl. With a big feathery hat.
Does Acme™ Moose flattener really work?
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The EYES. The follow you around the room!
“They.” The motherfucking eyes, THEY follow, etc.
I see I have accidentally bought Acme™ Moose Expander. Apologies.
That’s crazy. You’re not fat.
That’s got flayva.
Fucking moose flattener. How does it work?
Fucking moose flattener. How does it work?
We’re almost back to the bar scene. Very close.
My favorite bit from Hawkins post:
I laughed so much I got a headache.
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,
It’d be smut, if you added beard and glasses.
Pornography — I know it when I see it.
Silly liberals. Even the hard left, marxist The Economist as abdominished Obama as being clueless about business, and that his lashing out at BP will only be his undoing. The diaster is 100% his fault.
/^^\________/0 \
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First it’s farts, then pornography, and in roll da troll.
Everyone knows that the far left is partnering with the Muslims to destroy USA traditions of freedom and replace with socilism and tyrany.
Everyone knows that the far left is partnering with the Muslims to destroy USA traditions of freedom and replace with socilism and tyrany.
Orly Taitz is now trolling here.
Out, damn comma!
Anybody else remember the good old days, when we used to sit around at Party headquarters, smoking fatties, passing around dog-eared copies of The Economist and planning our vengeance against the capitalists and their running dogs?
Good times. Good times.
Good times. Good times.
Of course, we couldn’t afford decent beer back then.
I appreciate that Debbie Schlussel could accuse her of wanting to murder and eat Jews, but couldn’t call her a country whore.
Because that would just be unbecoming.
I want more abs not less, wingnut ignoramus.
Of course, we couldn’t afford decent beer back then.
Sellout! Trotskyite! Running dog!
Better than Schlitz
Everyone knows that the far left is partnering with the Muslims to destroy USA traditions of freedom and replace with socilism and tyrany.
You forgot sodimie and abertion.
No vodka?
I begin to doubt your dedication to the Great Work …. brother.
Everyone knows that the far left is partnering with the Muslims to destroy USA traditions of freedom and replace with socilism and tyrany
Yes, we are. Run! Run to…um…wherever! Get out while you can! Take your guns and MRE’s and gold coins and run like hell, son!
decent beer
It all comes out of the same horse.
I’m late to the party but …
Djur above said “NOT THE COMMENTS” in re Hawkins’ post.
I disagree. The comments are pure gold. To wit, “William Teach” sums up:
Memo to Obama;
More populism… more populism… Jesus Christ, more populism!
…Folks, it just doesn’t get any better than this…
Yes, that post has accurate directions to candy mountain. However, while I was reading that John Hawkins piece, I realized I was missing a kidney. Do you think it’s still safe to drink a Bud Lite LIme?
It’s been a while since you guys paid homage to Michael Wolff but, whoa, his farts this week are leaving stains on the La-Z-Boy. He deduces–purely based on that smell he’s been making–that Tony Judt made up his son’s contribution to the NYT op/ed that they wrote together. He doesn’t hedge his smear, Wolff says straight up that Judt: “…made up his son’s part. How the New York Times could not have been wise to this is preposterous..”
And that’s not the only stink Wolff makes. Tony Judt, apparently, is criticized by the left because he writes too well and, doh, he’s a “crafty confidence man” who uses his smarts to trick people in to hating Israel. Or something.
Fortunately, Judt’s kid toasts Wolff (oddly enough in the Daily Beast):
“… In short, Mr. Wolff, I can’t get around one blockade that will prevent me from proving that I wrote my half of the article: your habit of parading your own opinions as fact, caused by your willingness to make up anything in order to get a few reads, comments, and tweets…”
Honestly, I only subscribed to the hard left Marxist Economist for the
Megan MacArdle centrefoldsarticles.I can no more root for anyone in this spat than a pig can root for acorns at the bottom of the sea.
Put them in an empty swimming-pool, give them each a chainsaw & let nature take its course.
Bring it on, Debbie. BRING. IT. ON.
That’s worth a thousand LOLs right there.