Did Obama Have Butt Implants?
Posted on June 10th, 2010 by D. Aristophanes
Eagle-eyed reader Fotoshawp Killah sends along irrefutable visual evidence that Der Mooslim In Chief has received a surgical boost to his caboose!
And the tattoo? Can you say tacky? And barbed wire no less — perhaps of the sort that B. Hussein would string around the concentration camps when he rounds up the Real Americans?
I like ’em thick like that.
baby got back!
Did he get hair extensions, too?
Oh no he didn’t!
Apparently, he takes tanning lessons from Snooki.
Eeeewwwwww* Just eeeewwwwww.
*suggested spelling per my iPhone.
I am IMpressed. JLo is a fucking AMATEUR.
You know, I’m really glad my monitor has a privacy screen to protect anyone from viewing all the confidential information* I review every day.
*Images on this website.
Now it’s DPOTUS – Dyme Piece Of The United States
I am confused. How can a Muslim show so much flesh? He is just asking for a jihad on his azzzzzzzzzz.
Junk in da trunk!
Obama – The Man Who Would Be (In) King (Magazine)
‘Bama got Back. Obvs.
More importantly, though, who knew the POTUS liked thongs? I took him for more of a boxers man.
That’s no thong. That’s a G string.
That’s no thong. That’s a G string.
Yet again, I was going to correct, but figured you were on it.
Oh good grief!
Dick Morris says Bill Clinton is to blame for the BP leak?
Say, wasn’t he actually in the Clinton admininstration back then? Wouldn’t it, you know, have been a good time to mention that concern back then?
All over it, T
Say, wasn’t he actually in the Clinton admininstration back then? Wouldn’t it, you know, have been a good time to mention that concern back then?
Whatever. He’s been desperately trying to stop his slide into irrelevance over the past few years. I’ve seen less attention-whoredom from narcissistic three-year-olds.
In other thread-stealing news: Has Orly Taitz filed a lawsuit against the voters of California yet?
Seeing mad Photoshop skillz like that has suddenly made me feel like a fraud.
But, wow, Obambi got BACK!
Obambi got BACK!
Obscure reference of the day: That’s something you can grab onto and hit with a car antenna.
Wouldn’t it, you know, have been a good time to mention that concern back then?
In Dick’s defense, his mouth was full of (someone else’s) toes most of the time.
Apperently there was some communist infiltration.
In 2004 Sequoia software, that does ballot counting, was purchased by Venezuela, run by the Communist Dictator Hugo Chaves. Do you remember the name of the Communist who was elected as a senator from IL in 2004? Here is a hint. It is the same communist, who sits in the White House and destroys U.S. economy. Any questions?
In other thread-stealing news: Has Orly Taitz filed a lawsuit against the voters of California yet?
Speaking of attention whore-dom. Would this woman just blink out of existence already?!
In 2004 Sequoia software, that does ballot counting, was purchased by Venezuela, run by the Communist Dictator Hugo Chaves.
Interesting that Chavez helped Bush get re-elected, innit?
Apperently there was some communist infiltration.
All caps is the hallmark of thoughtful and reasoned arguments.
Apperently there was some communist infiltration.
Also, what Willy said. Too.
That’s something you can grab onto and hit with a car antenna.
Back when SNL was good.
Obscure reference of the day: That’s something you can grab onto and hit with a car antenna.
Garrett Morris, c. 1978
I…I…I just had a thought that chilled me to the bone.
Made me shiver. Made me shake in my shoes. And a little sick.
It made me…ME….hate myself.
Imagine that photo up top with Orly Taitz’s head Photoshopped in.
Imagine that photo up top with Orly Taitz’s head Photoshopped in.
Imagine that photo up top with
Orly Taitz’sK-Lo’s head Photoshopped in.Fixtipated for moar horror.
Women’s Problems
Brad: I think I may want a kid.. when I’m 40, late 40’s, something like that. If that happens, I’ll divorce my wife and marry a girl in her 20’s.
Fixtipated for moar horror.
I no longer hate myself.
Imagine that photo up top with Orly Taitz’s K-Lo’s head Photoshopped in.
Puts down coffee; picks up brain bleach.
Imagine that photo up top with Orly Taitz’s K-Lo’s head Photoshopped in.
Fixtipated for moar horror.
No, Jonah’s…
Fixtipated for moar horror.
I thought of a response to this, but it’s even more horrific. I’m going to be nice and keep it to myself.
See, with Orly Taitz, I could take my contacts out and if the lights are low enough, I could imagine it was Ileanna Douglas with a blonde wig on.
But K-Lo?
I thought of a response to this, but it’s even more horrific.
Great. The thread’s turning into the Necronomicon’s version of BBW honeys and it’s only 8:30AM here on the west coast.
If that happens, I’ll divorce my wife and marry a girl in her 20’s.
Good thinking! I’m just going to adopt a 15 year old korean girl.
I thought of a response to this, but it’s even more horrific. I’m going to be nice and keep it to myself.
Rush Limbaugh in a thong?
Rush, Jonah and K-Lo 3-some?
The thread’s turning into the Necronomicon’s version of BBW honeys and it’s only 8:30AM here on the west coast.
I blame DA
Oh please. Nothing will ever be worse than the SadlyNaught who imagined an out-of-town business trip hotel room meeting between K-Lo and Pantload:
Imagine a couple of brillo pads fighting over a hot dog. And not just fighting – fighting to the death.
I’m still in therapy for that one, so, you know, thanks a LOT to whichever of you sick bastids it was who came up with it to begin with. Yeah, the name of the guilty party is the ONLY part of it I’ve managed to forget.
“Rush, Jonah and K-Lo 3-some?”
Not enough room, even on a king bed.
Imagine that photo up top with Orly Taitz’s K-Lo’s head Photoshopped in.
Rush, Jonah and K-Lo 3-some?
With Bill Kristol watching from the closet.
That’s just wrong. But I don’t want to be right.
Hmph. Plainly a fake.
Where are teh Tellyprompters, libz?
Imagine that photo up top with
Orly Taitz’s K-Lo’sAmy Alkon’s head Photoshopped in.Add Vice Goddess?
See libs? I told you your Emperor had no clothes!!!
Imagine that photo up top with Orly Taitz’s K-Lo’s head Photoshopped in.
Just fuckin great. Like Substance needs more horrible ideas. He’d probably animate it too.
mikey might appreciate it though….
He’d probably animate it too.
Muss be jam cuz jelly don’ shake like dat.
Imagine that photo up top with Orly Taitz’s K-Lo’s Amy Alkon’s head Photoshopped in.
OK, we’ve listed the Gorgons…
Again the guy who will slurp the brain goo from your skull complains about propriety.
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar………….
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar………….
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar………….
a) And the bar clears out.
b) And the bartender says, “Boy are YOU in the wrong joke!”
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar………….
And the bartender says: What are we havin’ today, gents?
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar………….
And the barflies all realize they’ve had way too much to drink.
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar………….
And the toothless chick with face herpes realizes she’s getting laid that night…
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar………….
And Ann Althouse says “Sorry, ladies, I just drank the last of it”
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar………….
“Hey, why the long faces?”
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar………….
Only the peanuts are complimentary.
Again the guy who will slurp the brain goo from your skull complains about propriety.
Well, he will be as polite as he can be about it. Given the circumstances. He’s not an animal.
And the barflies all realize
they’ve had way too much to drinkthey picked the wrong week to stop shooting herion.Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar………….
And the bouncer says “Hey! Read the sign! No Pets!”
I was working on something about “funny looking horses” but your meta bit worked better.
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar………….
…and ask, “Where the white women at?”
I’d comment, but I’m a little busy trying to re-swallow the vital organs I threw up.
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar………….
and nobody offers to by them a drink because the bar is under the boot of Chicago style Islamo-Fascist-Commie thuggery. ACORN also.
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar…
You’d think one of them would’ve seen it.
Orly Taitz, K-Lo and Amy Alkon walk into a bar…
And suddenly Prohibition is starting to look like a good idea again.
More importantly, though, who knew the POTUS liked thongs? I took him for more of a boxers man.
Er, I believe that those are men’s boxers. They’ve just, um, ridden up a bit.
Imagine that photo up top with Orly Taitz’s head Photoshopped in.
Precisely where?
Er… would it be unconscionably shallow of me to inquire as to whether anyone knows the name of the original model?
Uh… yeah, I guess it would.
The carefully considered speech… the qualifications and nuances… the “although”s and “albeit”s…
Clearly Obama has had a But implant.
I can see that chick’s cellulite! Good luck making it onto next year’s list of Women I’d Like To Fuck, you dusky-skinned wench!
Precisely where?
Now, now. Oily obviously has no interest in sticking her tongue up someone’s ass. It would require her getting it out of her own, after all.