Ocean’s Unlivin’

Above: Murray as pictured in The Big Book of British (Petroleum) Smiles.*

Shorter Iain Murray
National Review’s The Cornhole
“Re: No to Endangered Whale Sushi! Yes to Privatizing the Oceans!”

  • You said it, Frenchy! But our propertarian** friends at Reason don’t go nearly far enough; obviously the best thing for all the fishes in the deep blue sea — and joy to you and me — is the total privatization of the ocean. Cuz, I mean, everyone can see that corporations are the most responsible stewards, like, evar!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

** Defined here. Cf.


Comments: 70

Rusty Shackleford

If Murray had used the Google he might have found out that we already use ITQs in the U.S.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Dare I brave the slick to grab some oily mangoes?


I wanted to get out of the boat, but the fish didn’t look very healthy over there.


Dare I brave the slick to grab some oily mangoes?

Really not worth it. And terrible for your skin.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Oh, kerdoodle, there are no mangoes, but “Free Market Environmentalism? WTF?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

M brane hurts so much from reading that, I forgot to close the quotes, and the WTF should have been WTK?


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

Oh, and dentistry truly IS theft.


If Murray had used the Google he might have found out that we already use ITQs in the U.S.

Isn’t that just another way of saying “cap and trade”?


So based on the oily mangoes that have washed up here, I’m going to presume he advocates removing government deep sea fishing subsidies and replacing them with ITQ’s?

Well, half-assed is usually somewhere around half right. In this case, that holds true.


So based on the oily mangoes that have washed up here, I’m going to presume he advocates removing government deep sea fishing subsidies and replacing them with ITQ’s?




It’s sad the predictability of these asses.

Rusty Shackleford

Isn’t that just another way of saying “cap and trade”?

Very similar, yes.


It’s sad the predictability of these asses.

Right? I’m pretty sure I could free-market shithead blarg with the best of them half-asleep and with one hand tied behind my back. At the very least, I’d be better than Goldberg.


Plus you’d leap to the top of the 20 Hottest Conservatives Sluts Women list!

Enraged Bull Limpet

Hey, who just put monosodium glutamate and ethyl – [4 – [ [4 – [ethyl -[(3 – sulfophenyl) methyl] amino] phenyl] – (4 – hydroxy – 2 – sulfophenyl) methylidene] – 1 – cyclohexa – 2, 5 – dienylidene] – [(3 – sulfophenyl) methyl] azanium on my algae?


Actually, it might be fun to see the oceans privatized by the Republicans, if only to see all the redneck fishermen crying because they can’t take their little Boston Whalers out to do a little beer drinking angling without paying a toll.


Plus you’d leap to the top of the 20 Hottest Conservatives Women list!

Please. I have way too much self-respect to allow people on the internet to talk about my assets.

Enraged Bull Limpet

We promise not to get medieval on your assets, T&U.


What Murray links to is just nuts:

That’s what this new Reason TV video is about. It’s worth watching if only to hear the best analogy ever: “Oceans are just like public bathrooms. To fix them, turn them into hotel bathrooms.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It’s sad the predictability of these asses.

I remember, in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami, predicting that the righties would be decrying the ban on DDT. Kerist, they really are one-trick ponies (no sparkles whatsoever!).


Great timing on that post, Mencken – I’m watching Ocean’s Twelve myself right now.

Big Bad Bald Bastard
Lurking Canadian

Unfortunately, this is just wingnut boilerplate. Without reading it, I can infer the presence of some blather about the Tragedy of the Commons, because a gigantic oil spill is exactly like some sheep eating too much grass on the village green.

That shit just doesn’t work. If we did have such a scheme, BP would just buy an insurance policy to indemnify the fishermen, then drill with no safeguards at all. If they could not afford such a policy, they would drill anyway and buy the judge. In either case, environmental destruction on a wide scale would be just a matter of time.


We promise not to get medieval on your assets, T&U.

I make no such promise!

Big Bad Bald Bastard



That’s what this new Reason TV video is about. It’s worth watching if only to hear the best analogy ever: “Oceans are just like public bathrooms. To fix them, turn them into hotel bathrooms.”

Oh, that works fine. And to carry it on to the logical extreme, then it means that those who can’t afford access to the hotel bathrooms, will just crap on the sidewalk and piss in the street.


Mencken, you magnificent bastard.

I read your propertarian post. Okay, Retardo’s.

V. clear and enlightening. Well done, both of you.



Trusting the shorter here.

Privatization is what Jesus would do, yes?


When governments attack….

Oil spills happen.


Actually, it might be fun to see the oceans privatized by the Republicans, if only to see all the redneck fishermen crying because they can’t take their little Boston Whalers out to do a little beer drinking angling without paying a toll.

Or trying to dodge the atomic fishermen. Gotta maximize those profits, yo.


Oceans are just like public bathrooms

A reason to never go swimming with a conservative.


If existing ocean inhabitants get initial shares, I think the sharks would make for pretty good market competitors. They’d at least have a better sense of ethics than, say, Goldman Sachs.


Fuck. I think I’m going to have to give up this whole blogging thing. Here I thought “…the Seas has a liberal bias” was going to stand as obvious parody and blatant satire.


According to our buddy Iain, the initials FME stands for ‘Free-Market Environmentalism’.

Although they could also stand for ‘Fuck My Earth’.
Or ‘Foster Mass Extinction’.
Or ‘Fund Millionaires’ Estates’.
Or ‘Feed Morons’ Egos’.
Or ‘Fabricate Mushy Excrement’.


“Oceans are just like public bathrooms. To fix them, turn them into hotel bathrooms.”

See, the problem with wingnuts is that they’ve turned to the word “public” into “state-owned redistributive commie welfare”. Let me help you, Fatso: Something is “public” if it is used by multiple people , as is every bathroom in a private establishment intended for patrons. There is no real difference between the number of swastikas and dicks I see on bathroom walls in public vs. private establishments.

Or you mean like the hotel bathrooms in individual rooms? See, problem there is that the ocean has this tendency to, y’know, move, being water and shit. So the completion of your analogy would be that everyone in the hotel gets their toilet water swapped on them every five minutes. Would some still have POOP in them? That’s part of the fun!

Fuckshit corporatists. They never got past that stage at age 3 or 4 where you think everything that you think is yours belongs to you, and they’ve been trying to compensate with privatization schemes ever since.


Fuck Mother Earth also works nicely


Free Money Everywhere!


Nature is for fags any way. Who needs it? If there’s somethin’ wrong with tha ocean, pave it, god-damn it.


It’s clear that the free market will work beautifully to regulate access to the oceans. Look how well it’s working for Somalia. There, the organizations with the money have fished the reefs to near extinction, dumped their garbage and effluent, and given the Somalis the royal finger. Now expand this scenario to all the world’s oceans. What could possibly go wrong?

I mean, you and I could easily boycott the companies that didn’t take care of the oceans. Assuming we could find out. And assuming that we could organize well enough to arrange a boycott. And assuming we could outrun and outhide the Free Market Stormtroopers.

Like I said, who couldn’t like that?


Jeez, you loony libs.


. I have way too much self-respect to allow people on the internet to talk about my assets.

For a lot of the hottest conservative women, the correct term is “debits.” Be happy you’re not one of them.


Also, it’s not like the sea is important, may as well strip mine it. And the fishermen are all honourable men


Be happy you’re not one of them.

See, I’m telling you! You should totes be a therapist.

Oddly, on topic: PENIS.

I’m much more interested in the related makeup tutorial on how to fake abs.


It’s clear that the free market will work beautifully to regulate access to the oceans. Look how well it’s working for Somalia. There, the organizations with the money have fished the reefs to near extinction, dumped their garbage and effluent, and given the Somalis the royal finger. Now expand this scenario to all the world’s oceans. What could possibly go wrong?

Yet another case, by the way, of big companies fucking up and the feds having to bail them out. After they destroyed the only source of income (and food) for hundreds of Somalis and those Somalis turned to piracy, you don’t think the companies bothered to pay for their own protection, do you? No, the U.S. Navy had to be dispatched immediately to babysit those rich fucks, which they’ve now been doing for well over a year and it looks like they’ll have to keep doing it.

For all the outrage Teh Bailout caused, the fact is that our tax money gets funneled to the rich all the time. Every time one of those major corporation fucks up, doesn’t feel like cleaning it up and passes the bill to the feds, it’s a bailout. Sure would be nice if we had rules to prevent the fuckups from happening in the first place, wouldn’t it?


I’d like to be, under the sea
In a Randian utopia in the shade
We’d be alright, with no parasites
In our Randian utopia in the shade.

I’d ask my friends to leave the land
For a Randian utopia in the shade
Them surface folks, would die – that’s no joke
Without us ubermenschen and our productivity in the shade.


Privatizing the oceans.

They’d have to build fences otherwise how will they keep the illegal fishies from swimming to places that have better living conditions.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I’m curious. Who exactly is going to be selling the corporations the oceans?


I hope he’s gang raped by clownfish.


I hope he’s gang raped by clownfish.
Only if they take him home to a sea anemone first. If not, I’d rather it was the lionfish that got him.


I’d like to be, under the sea
In a Randian utopia in the shade

I, too, am a fan of Bioshock.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I wish I could contribute some humor to this whole thing, but honestly, Ladies and Germs, the spill itself is the End of the World™—it’ll take centuries for the Gulf to recover, if they stopped the leak tomorrow.

But…if we’re out there on the continental slope, drilling into who knows how big a deposit of methane clathrates…

This ain’t no tech-no-logical breakdown…

This is the road to Hell.


So the free market works so well that we have to pay the oil companies to drill in these deep water, because otherwise anti-spilling technology and cleanup is so expensive, the big oil companies can’t afford it. Then, they make billions of dollars of profit, until they lose control of a well/tanker, spilling millions of gallons of crude oil, which they can’t afford to clean up, because:

1. They are absolutely sure it’s not their fault,
2. “Only big government can handle a disaster this size”,
3. They need money from the government to clean up their mess,
4. They clean some rocks, scrub some seals and birds, hide the rest of the oil under some other rocks – “Mission Accomplished!!”
5. Pay lobbyists to fund republicans who love to give more government money to the oil corps, while removing any kind of regulatory oversight, because “Big Guvmint is teh EEEVil”,
6. Repeat.


I’m curious. Who exactly is going to be selling the corporations the oceans?

Selling? You really don’t have a clear picture of how this works, do you?


Selling? You really don’t have a clear picture of how this works, do you?
It would be another episode of privatize the gain and socialize the pain. OK, not just another episode, it would be the great granddaddy of episodes. quite possibly, the finale.


Oh, Pepsico and Coca-Cola just announced they now own air. All of it. Your bill will arrive shortly.


OT, in case anyone wonders what the last psycho president’s been doing;


Still a war criminal, and still proud of it.

Enraged Bull Limpet

I’m in favor of moving beyond the sea and privatizing the universe. Gimme another lottery ticket, pls.



Biggest open season on the unions since Reagan, whom Governor Mitch Daniels calls the “new privileged class in America.”

It’s not enough that the working class has been stuck in the same stagnant place for thirty years while the cost of living goes through the roof. Nope, cause there are parts of the working class that have managed to maintain a semi-decent level of living, and we just can’t have that.


Keep it up, looch. Pretty soon, all the objectivists will jizz themselves to death: “So…much…power…unf unf unf”

Anonymous P. Hancock

“Tradable quotas”? More like CATCH AND TAX!!!! Fuckin’ socialist code words. Just what you’d expect from a county in Oceania. Seriously, it’s funny how tradable quotas are “free market” where fish are concerned, but not carbon. Also, no-comments posting is for pussies. Also, too, the title is actually “Yes to Privatizing the Oceans”? Fuck you, Corner.

Spengler Dampniche

Today I accidentally installed a 1″ grommet in my right testicle. But that wasn’t the worst thing. It was reading the link.

The Tragically Flip

In the early 1990s, Canada had to deploy naval ships to go chase off a bunch of foreign fishing trawlers that were fishing outside Canada’s 200 nautical mile limit, on an area that is still part of the Grand Banks, and see it turns out that fish don’t respect borders and so one nation attempting to manage its fishing stocks could be undermined if the neighbouring jurisdiction is lax and decides to fish everything to oblivion.

But I’m sure none of this is applicable to parcelling out the ocean in plots and leaving the owners to manage their plots according to their propertarian rights.

Spengler Dampniche

You don’t even care that I can now hang Soap on a Rope from my ball.


You don’t even care that I can now hang Soap on a Rope from my ball.

Add a carabiner and you’ll never lose your keys again.


Still a war criminal, and still proud of it.

Now, with more freedom:

Experiments in Torture is the first report to reveal evidence indicating that CIA medical personnel allegedly engaged in the crime of illegal experimentation after 9/11, in addition to the previously disclosed crime of torture. In their attempt to justify the war crime of torture, the CIA appears to have committed another alleged war crime—illegal experimentation on prisoners.

“We need proof that our new improved enhanced interrogation techniques, which totally aren’t torture, aren’t torture. Let’s torture folks and find out!”

Hey fellas, the retarded people called and they want you to stop it. You’re giving them a bad name.


the deep-sea fisheries that are collapsing all over the world — the single biggest environmental crisis we are facing now, in my opinion — can be saved by a simple end to government subsidies of the fishing fleets.

Biggest crisis, yes. Solve it by ending subsidies, not so much.

I just did a bunch of reading on this subject, & the consensus is that you could pull half the boats out of the global fishing fleet without changing the overall catch one iota – & that would be about the net (heh) impact of zero subsidies. Wonkapedia tells it like it is: since we’re too delusional/childish to face our overpopulation problem, we’re just not going to solve this – the best we can hope for it to alleviate it.

Genuine free-market environmentalism (FME) thereby provides the simplest and best solution to the problem

That’s odd – the URL doesn’t say I’m reading The Onion.

A decade ago this guy would’ve been crucified for ANY form of environmental advocacy by his wingnut brethren, let alone linking The E Word to the sacred cow of “free”-market doctrine. Shifty liberals & their nefarious Reality-Bias Conspiracy have triumphed yet again, it seems.

“Free Market Environmentalism” makes me think of happy horseshit like Pampers boasting about their use of recycled materials in their packaging (presumably so you’ll know that the fecal coliform bacteria in your groudwater weren’t spawned in a wasteful manner) or GM simply putting their logo on a green background (Voila! Holistic Hummers!).

We’ve already had de facto privatization of the oceans – & the results have been quite spectacular.

Lurking Canadian

since we’re too delusional/childish to face our overpopulation problem, we’re just not going to solve this – the best we can hope for it to alleviate it.

I first realized this some years ago while listening to a story about overfishing on CBC radio. What made the story stand out is that the species they were discussing, which was in danger of collapse, isn’t food. It was what food eats. Essentially, after vacuuming up all the cod, they started going after the cod’s food, and we had almost vacuumed up all of that too. In a few years at this rate, the story will be the collapse of the plankton fishery.


In a few years at this rate, the story will be the collapse of the plankton fishery.

Enraged Bull Limpet haz a sad.


By the way, today is World Oceans Day. Just thought I’d mention it.


(comments are closed)