Objectively Pro-Murder

Today’s right wing has become the ideology of murdering journalists:

Ann Coulter, whose book, “Godless, The Church of Liberalism,” has reached runaway best-seller status, won’t back down on comments made about bombing the New York Times main office building in Manhattan.

Amazingly, NewsMax trumpets this statement as another reason to buy Coulter’s book.

Today’s right-wing extremists- as exemplified by Malkin, Coulter, Hannity, Hewitt, Assorocket and Bill Bennet- are objectively pro-murder. When will the press stop inviting them on their shows?


Comments: 30


When will the press stop inviting them on their shows?

Oh oh, I know! When Texas freezes over!


Apparently she just wants the bulding and all notes and equipment tto be blown up, not the people.

First of all, why do people keep comparing Ann Coulter to Michael Moore? As far as I can tell Moore has never advocated the use of force to silence his enemies.

Second, why the fuck do people still listen to Coulter? She’s the quintessential troll; She says things not because they have substance and promote debate, but because they rile people up.

She’d endorse the KKK if she thought it would get her attention and increase book sales.

She’s such a bugfucker that I can’t believe anybody gives her a forum.

I vote we all confront her like we would any other troll, and ignore her.


It’s worse than you think. Check out Greenwald’s recent piece and the updates. Do you suppose the Coulters, Malkins, Hewitts and other loathesome slime of the wingnutosphere have their “regret but distance” commentary already written for when one of their commenters or hangers-on actually kills a NYT photographer or reporter?


I recall that when questioned about that loathesome statement, she said she hoped it would happen after everybody went home for the night, but then added something about “except the editors”.

So, yes, people too. Objectively pro-murder, objectively pro-terrorism.


Coulter fan Adam Yoshida’s been getting in on the act too – his latest rant calls for the entire staff of the New York Times to be hanged for treason.

This comes immediately after posts advocating nuking Korea, nuking Iran, and the mass murder of Muslims in “macrowaves” (which he helpfully defines as “man-sized microwave ovens”).

I won’t bother linking, but you know where to find it.


Coulter fan Adam Yoshida’s been getting in on the act too – his latest rant calls for the entire staff of the New York Times to be hanged for treason.

In some ways, I respect Yoshida and Coulter more than Assrocket and Reynolds. At least the first two just come out and say what they mean instead of diluting it with weasily lawyer words.


The really sad, really important point here is what their popularity says about American society and culture in the early twenty first century. Does such a large percentage of our population truly carry around that kind of hatred and bloodlust? Or are they simply so innured to violence and suffering that its all just another episode of “Murder, She Wrote” to them? At work, at the grocery store, at the gas station, at the local watering holes, I don’t see it. People hardly ever go to personal violence as a way of solving their disagreements. And yet they champion the death penalty, and they do seem to love at least the concept of a rough, vigilante kind of justice, where all the troublemakers and meanies of the world get theirs at the end of a gun.

The fact that there really is minimal outcry against this kind of poisonous punditry is telling in itself. We’re seeing the end-game here, I’m afaid. The militarization of American society is mostly complete. If you are simply not efusive enough in your praise for “Our Troops ™”, if you even have the temerity to question their behavior as an occupying army, or for that matter to question the things the government wants to do in complete secrecy without oversight, is to be considered “Treasonous” and threatened with jail or worse. Coupled with the ceaseless fear-mongering of our government and it’s institutions is the MTVing/CNNing/USATodaying of the American population. With a short attention span, discouraged from probing too deeply into the events of the day, or from even considering the implications of this government’s overt acts, people today believe nothing more than the best sound bite of the day. Iran’s a threat? Of COURSE it is. Israel’s not a terrorist occupier? Heavens NO. The US is right because, well, it’s the US, silly. Ok, now, when’s American Idol on?

We’ve allowed this to happen to us, and now, like a fully metasticized cancer, theres almost no way to even get people to see it. It is, truly, business and politics as usual, another day in the capitalist working man’s paradise. Never mind you’ll lose your house to your medical bills and your kids will never go to college–support American and Her Glorious Troops in our battle to protect the world from the horrid people who believe in another deity, another book, another political system. They are NOT LIKE US!! They THREATEN our very way of life.

I dunno. I feel like I’m commenting on the “Slippery Slope” while at the very moment I’m halfway down and accelerating…



Dan Someone,
Man, that Greenwald thread is a hoot. The Big G writes a post about how right-wingers are going completely looney over absolutely nothing – OH NOES! The evil NYT did a puff piece about the really nice house Lord Cheney has, and now the terrorists know where he lives – and sure as shootin’, a half-dozen braindead trolls come along and prove Greenwald’s point. One even said a similar piece on Clinton’s vacation home in the land of Incredibly White People is irrelevent because the Clinton’s are allies with al Qaeda. In fact, Hillary’s unshaken support for the Iraq Kerfluffle is all a ruse at her hubby’s request.

It’s like they’re so wired into the “us against them” trip they have to flat-out make up shit to be scared of and enemies to hate. Lighten up, geez…man, it must suck to go through the world eternally scared of your own shadow.


At least the first two just come out and say what they mean instead of diluting it with weasily lawyer words.

Hey, we take substantial offense at the clear inference sought to be drawn that persons engaged in the practice of law, including, but not limited to, attorneys, do not always say what they mean.


I was in the mall today and happened upon Mr. Coulter’s newest “book.” Ann Coulter looks EXACTLY like Marilyn Manson on the cover. For someone often described as “attractive,” he/she is a hideous beast.


Speaking of the state of the electorate.

Ever been to Montgomery? It’s south of the South. Here’s something from their paper.

This starts off like a typical letter to the editor.

“…Our nation is in a stage of spiritual and moral decay. There are those who would remove any vestige of Christianity from the American scene; blah blah, divorce rate; blah blah, unwed mothers; blah blah, illegal immigrants.”

But this is what really struck me.

“This war will not end when our troops are pulled out of Iraq. We Christians will be under attack until the end of time.”

So, politically, they are eternally exploitable. I can’t really blame the Republican Party, such easy pickin’s.


Ever been to Montgomery? It’s south of the South.

Ha, Alabama, they’re a bunch of liberals over there. I’ve lived in Mississippi , man.


In some ways, I respect Yoshida and Coulter more than Assrocket and Reynolds. At least the first two just come out and say what they mean instead of diluting it with weasily lawyer words.

I have to agree with you there Brad. Yoshida at least is honest with his, erm, final solution to the homexlamunardists. Which is exactly the end result Instacracker and the rest of wingnuttsphere’s ideology. Most of ’em are too clever to own up to it, and even if they do, it makes what George Bush does seem sane by comparison.




Mo's Bike Shop

The Homexlamunardist People’s Front vows enternal enmity to the heresiarchical quislings in the Homexlamunarditard’s Syndical Commune.


Homexlamunardist People’s Front

Fuck off! We’re the People’s Front of Homexlamunardists!

(DISCLAIMER: It’s a Monty Python reference)




Whatever happened to the Popular Front?


That’s him. Over there.


mikey, I think I love you. I’ve been lamenting the increasing idiocy of the American people for a long while.
It’s (I imagine) a bit like watching the Hindenberg burn.


It’s really a “perfect storm”. Evil men (and condi) take over the leadership of our nation in a bloodless coup at the same time that the marketeers have perfected the process of utterly distracting the populice. Creating sheep that will allow these sorts of constitutional depredations. I’m certain they could not have gotten away with it in the sixties. Try an experiment: Everytime you meet someone under 35, ask them the last book they read. But prepared to be saddened by the result…



Does such a large percentage of our population truly carry around that kind of hatred and bloodlust?
Sadly, Yes!


They do it to win polticially and to make money, and what is really sad is that they do it in spite of the very obvious damage it does to the national character.

That people could deliberately cause more hatred while pretending its for “morality”-based reasons is frightening.

Coulter’s character is really a puzzle to me. What’s she all about? Are her current claims of being a Christian in “Godless” consistent throughout her career? It is impossible to convince me that she is actually a Christian, so what’s that about, is it about jumping on the bandwagon?

I read a quote from her recently – I have to paraphrase it, because I can’t find the reference, but she said something like “I consider myself a Christian, I know what they believe.” — she used the word “they,” which seemed rather revealing, like she actually held herself apart from Christians. Wouldn’t you say “I know what WE believe,” if you considered yourself a member of a group?

If it’s all a big act, though, it’s even more loathsome. And why would you want to pretend to be such a hateful person?


Everytime you meet someone under 35, ask them the last book they read. But prepared to be saddened by the result…

Hey, I resent that implication. (Last book I read: Principles of Physical Cosmology. A month before finishing that: The Plague. I’m still in college, and no, neither one was any kind of assignment.) Everytime you meet someone of any age, expect to be horrified by how stupid, vacuous, and/or just plain bad the answer is.


Sorry, qubit, you’re absolutely right. It wasn’t really a fair statement. But there really does seem to be an ongoing decline in thinking skills, in spite of the fact that (thank goodness) there will always be bright, intellectually curious folks like yourself. And yeah, my generation doesn’t exactly have a corner on the “thoughtful” market. My narrow and unscientific research, however, indicates that their are fewer thinking, reasoning, well-read people every generation. My nieces and nephews all had access to the best resources available, and are functionally illiterate, for example…



Coulter fan Adam Yoshida’s been getting in on the act too – his latest rant calls for the entire staff of the New York Times to be hanged for treason.

David Brooks first, please.


Mikey — I’m under 35 too. If you start yelling at me to “get off your lawn” I’ll be pretty pissed 🙂


I’m not telling you my age, but the last book I read was “Dinosaurs, Spitfires, and Sea Dragons” by Christopher McGowan. And the one before that was Greider’s “Who Will Tell The People”.

Admittedly, the one before that was the latest by the guys who wrote The Relic. Never mind.


They don’t mean it. They don’t want it to happen. If it ever does happen–if somebody murders a political reporter for a nationally influential publication or broadcast outlet, and says, “I did it for Ann Coulter”–they will be backpedaling so fast, they could beat Lance Armstrong going forward. They are saying things like this because–surprise, surprise–their own champion has failed them. American soldiers brutalize prisoners and murder Iraqi civilians, and instead of defending and even saluting those actions, the White House apologizes and vows full prosecution. If things are going badly, they expect their man Bush to brazenly insist things are not going well and are fine–not to admit, in the presence of Tony Blair, that it was a mistake to tell the insurgents to “Bring it on!” That he is now exhibiting compassion and remorse is horrifying to these barbaric, linear-viewing reactionaries, and their reaction is to call for nothing less than fascism, the brutalizing of those who publicly disagree with their world view. If it happens, and one of them is held accountable, this bravado will vanish as quickly as did Eric Rudolph. And, although I hope that day does not come, they too will spend the rest of their days picking their meals out of dumpsters.


“Occupational Hazards”, by Rory Stewart. Just out, and highly recommended – one of the best descriptions of the bizarre, nightmarish (literally – in the sense of illogical) sensation of working in Iraq.



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