Headline: America Can’t Afford Pot
That’s a headline, right? We’ll say.
What decent newspaperman wouldn’t want to sail that one past the editing desk?
Don Surber, The Chattanooga1 (WV) Daily Mail
What pot buys
We clearly said ‘decent newspaperman,’ and in floats Surber.
‘What pot buys.’ Um, it buys less money? This doesn’t even make sense. It buys Taco Bell at 3AM with you as its faithful steed? We’re feeling that ol’ Surber vertigo already, and we’re not even out of the title.2
An estimated two-thirds of the Mexican drug trade is marijuana.
People who smoke pot illegally are like the imbibers in the Roaring Twenties funding violence on a level unseen in well, 80 years.
Arithmetic, eh? Well, 20 – 80 = -60, so there must have been a lot of funding of violence in the 1860s. As was the case, unless the History Channel has a really big correction to make.3
Yet according to Surb’s logic, it would be 60 years later, in the 1920s, when it…
Now why does that not work? If 1840 + 80 = 1920, then how? Oooh.
People who smoke pot illegally are like the imbibers in the Roaring Twenties funding violence on a level unseen in well, 80 years.
Right, ‘imbibers.’ I almost stepped in some of their outbibings early last Sunday. I see it now: 1920 + 80 = 2000. So from 1840 to 2000 is 160 years. You divide it in half and get the year 1920. That’s what I’m talking about.
Because then you’re ready to add that imaginary 60 years, bringing you into the ferocious and imaginary drug-fueled gang violence of the ’80s and then the ’90s. Which didn’t happen because it was all too black-peopley, with the blacks and the, you know, tans.4 Who apparently don’t count.
Don’t mind me if I rub that in a bit hard. You encounter it whenever the ‘roaring twenties’ are celebrated. “America would never again,” the voiceover will go, “be so captivated by the gangster.” As you just sit there like, WTF?
Mexico is the new Chicago.
If so, then Chicago is New Mexico, isn’t it? This doesn’t seem right. I’m just saying there’s a catch in here somewhere.
From the Houston Chronic:
Ha ha, that was us doing a pot joke. That was funny, yes.
From the Houston Chronicle:
An alleged plot by a Mexican drug cartel to blow up a dam along the Texas border — and unleash billions of gallons of water into a region with millions of civilians — sent American police, federal agents and disaster officials secretly scrambling last month to thwart such an attack, authorities confirmed Wednesday.
Whether or not the cartel, which is known to have stolen bulk quantities of gunpowder and dynamite, could have taken down the 5-mile-long Falcon Dam may never be known since the attack never came to pass.
“It may have been derailed by a stepped-up presence by the Mexican military, which was acting in part on intelligence from the U.S. government, sources said.”
- ‘Blow up a dam’ is new slang for puff a hoagie.
- May be time to change water in 5-mile-long Falcon Bong.
- “Wow man,” lights dynamite, “this stuff is dynamite.”
Federal law is not doing this. Pot was banned more than 70 years ago.
In other words, Federal law is doing this and it started a long time ago.
What drives the violence is a demand for an illegal weed, a demand that has grown over the last 40 years.
In other words, Federal law is doing this increasingly over the last 40 years, plus ‘weed.’
Either legalize it or quit.
That’s what Peter Tosh was wondering as he ended the age of commercial lighter-than-air travel, so to speak, on a nice, fat Jamaican Hindenberg, and crossed ‘Quit’ off the list of album titles, leaving ‘Legalize It,’ ‘Snork a Kazoo,’ ‘Hunk-a Hunk-a Burnin’ Bud,’ and ‘On Top of Old Smokey, All Covered In Jah.’
America and Mexico can no longer afford the violence that pot smokers help generate.
If Mexico would hand over the nachos. We’re just sayin’.
1 We got this wrong once, substituting probably Columbia or Charlotte, probably not Chickamagua, for the name of this city, once a staging area for a historic armed labor uprising, now a treadmill for our man Surber. The city of Ch… Okay, hold on.
Charleston. It’s Charleston. The one in West Virginia, as Ontario has its London and New Jersey its Berlin. Which I must point out is better than the German Berlin, being less haunted by Nick Cave and Blixa Bargeld, while in recent years becoming comparatively more haunted by Lou Reed, with Reed and Laurie Anderson having settled upstate in Blairstown.
Point being, I’m determined to get the name wrong some more, and will at times be substituting other cities to humorous or other effect.
2 Begin Yiddish theatre interlude:
SADMIEL: Hey Surbmazl! [sprays with seltzer bottle]
SURBMAZL: [to audience] Nu! Again with the schpritz! [to Sadmiel] What is it, Sadmiel, you villain?
SADMIEL: I say of you, Surbmazl: What is it do you think of Liebling?
SURBMAZL: What, Sadmiel, is this do I think of Liebling?
SADMIEL: Indeed, Surbmazl. What is your thinking of this?
SURBMAZL: Nu, I do not know from Liebling, Sadmiel. Never have I Liebled.
SADMIEL: [to audience] Never has he Liebled, says the shuggas. [to Surbmazl] Ah! So you Kipple?
SURBMAZL: [to audience] He asks if I am ever Kipling! [to Surbmazl] You villain, you tricker. [to audience] Es ist vershitz! Hier geht es kerploppen!
[loud knocking, as on a door]
SADMIEL, SURBMAZL: [together] Who is it?
PARROT: Awk! Das ist… [audience joins in] …der Klempner. Er kommt das Sink für fixen!
DER KLEMPNER: [from offstage] It is the plumber, and he comes in the sink.
[Fanfare, applause, Sadmiel and Surbmazl dance with hands on imaginary cane-tops and legs kicking sideways, remove and flutter hats, exit at a disorganized gallop. A cabbage arcs onstage, rolls irregularly. Curtain.]
End Yiddish theatre interlude.
3 “Oh my God, and we misspelled Ardlof Hitrel’s name in this 1994 planning document. How many times did this get used?”
4 As opposed to those beige- or greige-operated Chicago Muslim terror cartels like Al-Qapone, with all the baciagaloops in them. OMG pot. Wait.
…Whew, I just called Vito, with the pot, and we can totally still afford pot.
Honestly, you have to wonder if this “Chattanooga” in WV (obviously not the real Chat in TN) is paying Don cash money for this bilge, given the vast quantities of kind bud that come over the northern border, not to mention that which is grown in various hollers in Appalachia, which is well-known even to non-tokers like yours truly… but then, of course, the Donster avoids criticism of his festering fulminations by adorning his post with a pic of a staggeringly statuesque blonde with pot-leaf pasties, and one has to say, despite one’s best instincts, well-played, gap-toothed hick-man. (At least for lesser values of Chattanooga.)
Yep. Hardly any demand for pot in 1970. Kids were tryin’ out cubebs and coverin’ up a telltale breath with Sen-Sen.
Totally unsnarky confession: I am hopelessly addicted to this blog and the comments thread. Recently I’ve been visiting three times a day. I’m going to need rehab or something.
None of the hippies I know would ever buy Mexican reefer. I mean, really, how declassé.
Who the fuck buys Mexican weed, anyway? I’m willing to wager we import more pot from Canada, which explains the untold number of lives lost in Stanstead, Quebec due to the drug trade.
M. Bouffant beat me. But seriously, you know that shit is NOT organic.
How could anyone have seen that coming?
I’m willing to wager we import more pot from Canada,
Invade Vancouver now! The unmotivated slackers with the munchies will welcome us like liberators.
Actually, Chicago is the new Jersey.
By the way, I’ve never been to Chatanooga, but I kinda like the cats.
Is it true they don’t go “meow”, and wouldn’t try if they knew how?
Alright, it’s almost 6:30 here in the heartland. Lets hear some chatter out there. You’re sleeping the best part of the day away! Drop and give me 20! then lets have 10 laps on the track and we’ll choose teams! Move it! Move it! /yourhighschoolgymcoach
Not that there’s any connection between my Saturday-morning perusal of FAILblog and S, N!, but: http://failblog.org/2010/05/30/epic-fail-photos-marijuana-bust-fail/
I’m sorry, are we talking about the cat that chewed your new shoes? Or some other cat, maybe from Nashville?
America can’t afford pot? Bummer.
Maybe we can ask Canada for some shake.
islmfaoscist said,
June 5, 2010 at 11:53
How could anyone have seen that coming?
“The product in question is called a Pro-State massager on the company’s white and blue-hued medical website, which features a happy-looking, fully dressed middle-aged couple and promises better health. Massager starter kits start out at $78.50.”
Ah, so that’s what the Tea Baggers mean by State’s Rights.
A cabbage arcs onstage, rolls irregularly.
It’s the details that get me.
I’ve always known that Surber wasn’t the sharpest tack in the pack, but I never noticed how incoherent he is. I really can’t figure out what he’s talking about.
Quit what? Quit smoking pot? Quit arresting people for smoking pot? Quit wiping your ass?
Seriously, it’s not clear to me whether he’s arguing that marijuana use needs to end or that laws against marijuana use need to end.
“Secretly scrambling” – must involve tiptoeing, bandit masks, cutting eyes dramatically to and fro.
Surber’s fixated on pot? Take that out, and Mexican drug trafficking organizations will still be running cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth, all of which deliver more bang for the buck than bulky marijuana.
isn’t pot Kentucky’s biggest cash crop now?
isn’t pot Kentucky’s biggest cash crop now?
The Blew Grass State
Dammit. A joke-stealer’s gotta be quicker than I am.
unf…mexicans unf…pot unf…hippies unf…liberals
damn, so close…
The enforcement of federal prohibition statutes must be ramped-up (i.e., troops on the border, shooting beloved pets in front of children, &c.); except in cases when states decide to decriminalize. Cuz then it becomes a state’s rights issue. Or something.
Wait…pot’s illegal?
When did this happen, and why didn’t anyone tell me?
I understand the inner workings of my cat’s soul better than I do Surber when he writes things down. Especially when he (the cat), chews my new shoes.
Surber’s ramblings are about as clear as a BP oil slick. Whereas Nashville Cats play clean as country water.
Pardon me Roy…
Well, if it ain’t legal, then I sure as hell am gonna quit.
Damn it worddepress, what’d I do this time?
Facing a serious challenge from S.C. for the title of Most Racist State of America, Arizona steps up it’s game. Ironically, the official website for the City of Prescott proclaims “Welcome to everybody’s home town” across the banner at the top.
In one of those moments when imagination could not possibly be funnier than reality, a Tasmanian doctor is training a group of professional patients to be training aids for doctors learning how to give men proper examinations in their “sensitive” areas. The name of this bold doctor is…. Dick Turner.
OT – I just found Mikey!
I know it’s him from the way he describes weapons and humping and shit.
Also by his Cheney disdain.
I’m confident that once the American people realize that it’s against the law, all this marijuana zaniness is just going to go away.
I won’t get out of the boat, so just let me know – is he evoking the crime of the1920’s without mentioning Prohibition?
Prescott Arizona City Councilman Steve Blair:
Dusky-hued foreigners are struggling to take over our nation so they can paint their outlandish faces on our clean American walls!
I noticed that too. The name helped.
Well done. Our own Walter Sobchak (sp?).
As for Surber, please, Hammer, don’t hurt him. True, that kind of stupid
grows on trees in the shady arbors of Wingnuttia. But that kind of stupid as amplified by that kind of indignation: that’s entertainment.
Mikey posts somewhat regularly over at Mr. Boggs’s joint.
(see what I did there?)
I posted this in the last thread and nobody nibbled.
Read it folks – a Prescott elementary school had a mural painted features faces of their *current* students, and racists assholes made the principal paint the black faces and tan faces to a whiter hue….
There’s a joke in here somewhere about a mexican child in school being asked to use “choo choo” in a sentence, and he says “my brother [pronounced brow-dar] ees a smoogler of the marijuana and if he don like jou, he choo choo in the ass weeth hees gon.”
But I shall not make that joke. Instead I shall merely note that, as an avid enthusiast who gets 90% of his dietary fiber by smoking it, I have never — not once — had an encounter with Mexican weed. If that’s even what Sturb is talking about.
Grass (or schmoke, as the kids call it these days) remains so absurdly demonized. I don’t get it. It was a great idea for keeping the negroes down, stopping the spread of jass music, and promoting domestic cotton production over furrin hemp, but come on. Rope’s made of nylon, now.
I’ve said this before: the government shouldn’t just legalize the stuff, they should be distributing it. It may be the only comfort left.
Ahhh, but some justice is served!
Steve Blair fired by KYCA
The racist asshole talk show host that instigated the mural Caucasianizing has been sacked from his radio show.
Unfortunately he still has his job as a Prescott CITY COUNCILMAN.
Unfortunately he still has his job as a Prescott CITY COUNCILMAN.
Fuck Texas. When the hell is Arizona going to secede?
I have never — not once — had an encounter with Mexican weed
You must be a young whippersnapper. Back in the day, well, don’t cry for me Oaxaca because my heart belongs to Michoacán.
LittlePig, your time will come. We all saw what you posted, and discussed it, and decided the time was not yet ripe for you to derail a thread. Soon, though. Hang in there.
And yes, I’m only 43. When I started smoking, Mexican was even more alien than Thai stick, because they were still smuggling that stuff through Vietnam. The Mexican was a matter of beat-up microbuses rattling through Texas and up the Eastern Seaboard, and it never made it as far as New England.
As others have said, Surber seems to be supporting decriminalizing pot. A bit surprising.
perhaps it would make more sense if I was heroically stoned.
Ah. Yes, mexican wouldn’t have been up that far by that time in any quantity. Good point.
And no derail intended, I was just monumentally pissed off. That’s getting into some serious Evil there in Arizona. Harrassing grade-school kids?
T&U is right. Arizona needs to be kicked out of the Union.
OT — Sorry, but the Prescott eNews is full of win.
An anti-drug organization called PANT?
A head-on collision in Skull Valley?
As others have said, Surber seems to be supporting decriminalizing pot.
I don’t think so – I believed it to be understood that people should quit using it, just from considering the source.
Given that it would be a helluva tax revenue source, it made too much sense for a right-wing idiot to be supporting such a rational move.
Given that it would be a helluva tax revenue source, it made too much sense for a right-wing idiot to be supporting such a rational move.
Right? Shit, even conservatives smoke pot. My favorite smokers are the middle-aged good ol’ boys.
Giant boobs with pot-leaf pasties make me want to avoid pot.
Reminds of good old college days. Puna bud for lunch, then off to Abstract Algebra class (taught by my next door neighbor, no less).
Good times, good times.
Last night, Don got high for a week.
even conservatives smoke pot.
But they do NOT inhale. That would be illegal.
I have a feeling this will be my toughest kill attempt to date.
it made too much sense for a right-wing idiot to be supporting such a rational move.
I don’t get that either. If you decriminalize and tax pot, the bulk of the tax revenue will come from the people who really can’t afford to pay it, leaving the rich riding off into the sunset with our hard fought cash money. There could be no more perfect conservative tax policy.
This is making me sad that our guy decided to stop dealing. And that I had a terrifying asthma attack at 3:00 this morning.
As I said up-thread, I really can’t understand what he’s trying to say. Interestingly, last time I looked most of his wingnut commenters were pro-decriminalization.
I posted this in the last thread and nobody nibbled.
I’ll get to it as soon as the ludes and heroin wear off.
If you decriminalize and tax pot, the bulk of the tax revenue will come from the people who really can’t afford to pay it, leaving the rich riding off into the sunset with our hard fought cash money.
Also, all that Monsanto and Phillip Morris lobbying cash!!!!
wingnut commenters were pro-decriminalization.
Merely as a bone throwing exercise for the libertarians, who raise the legalization flag to cover up their true insanity. I’m pretty sure the majority of conservatives still believe that pot is the devil’s toe jam.
T&U I trust you’re doing better now. Long-distance huggy.
This is making me sad that our guy decided to stop dealing. And that I had a terrifying asthma attack at 3:00 this morning.
Yikes–you’re ok now, though?
Also, all that Monsanto and Phillip Morris lobbying cash!!!!
I’ve heard throughout my life that RJR has the distribution and marketing plans kept up to date. Probably happy hippie horse apples, but then again it would make a lot of sense. Drug money (aka cigarettes and alcohol) is the easiest money there is.
T&U is right. Arizona needs to be kicked out of the Union.
Leave the land. Take the wingnuts.
Drug money (aka cigarettes and alcohol) is the easiest money there is.
2nd only to petroleum, maybe. Recession proof!
New prospective headline:
Pot legal, violent crime drops 8%.
2nd only to petroleum, maybe.
True dat, but we are dependent on our good allies that fly planes into buildings for a lot of it. Not that that plays into the profit picture.
Besides, refining ain’t cheap. Growing ‘baccy and making alcohol are much simpler processes (although I saw on the History Channel that some fancy restaurant had a fractionating tower in the middle of the premises. Copper pot with glass take-offs, for on site distillation of a high order. God, it was beautiful).
I know plenty of pot-smoking wingnuts. They’re generally strongly in favor of legalization when they’re talking about themselves and vaguely in favor of criminal sanctions when they’re talking about some other social group.
Thanks, guys. I’m fine. It’s usually under control and pretty mild. I just decided to run out of all my meds at the same time during the worst part of the allergy season and after a long rain (and I KNOW we have mold). It was the longest, most severe attack I’ve ever had.
I was about to go to the ER, but I remembered that I had a rescue inhaler in my desk at work. The ER is in the same building as my office, so I figured I’d swing by there before I went to the hospital. It was there, and I was able to get it under control. So, I’m okay now. And I am going to call the doctor on Monday.
Anyway, I’m going to stick to eating pot and maybe buy a vaporizer. I guess my asthma is worse than I thought…
Thanks for letting us know. Again…huggies. 🙂
T&U, I am also an asthma type, and I’ve found smoking the green stuff has radically changed that — now I have emphysema.
VS–Thanks. 🙂
I know plenty of pot-smoking wingnuts. They’re generally strongly in favor of legalization when they’re talking about themselves and vaguely in favor of criminal sanctions when they’re talking about some other social group.
AKA “Brown People and Hippies”?
I know several, too. I know one who is a hairdresser with a child out of wedlock who lived with his multiracial wife for ten years before marrying her. I don’t get it.
The whole Puritan ethic plays in a lot here. Safe legal recreational pharmaceuticals would greatly cut into the hard drug trade, but our devotion as a country to Bronze Age superstition is so much more important than actually being compassionate (even though compassion is the primary tenet if they’d bother to read up on their “beliefs”).
ve found smoking the green stuff has radically changed that — now I have emphysema.
Dude, get a vaporizer! And some Advair!
I smoked cigarettes late in high school and a couple of years in college, which was fucking RETARDED (not satire).
Damn, America, if only I’d known!
Smart stoners in Canuckistan don’t have to pay a cent for their icky-sticky, period. Just come on up here to BC & scour the stadium parking-lot at the start of any arena-rock gig … voila: easiest bag of primo roaches EVAR, guaranteed. PROTIP: you’ll run out of bags before the stadium runs out of hair-farmer bands to book on weekends.
Laws against teh devil-weed = prime evidence that the law is an arse. The neem plant MIGHT be more versatile than cannabis, but it’s pretty much neck-&-neck if you ask me. A society that says it wants to “Save The Planet” & continues to practice prohibition against pot is demonstrably using its collective head as a suppository.
I just heard last week that among too many other things to list, it’s very likely that “the weed with its roots in HELL” (h/t Anslinger) is also a highly efficacious means of prophylaxis against Alzheimer’s.
We already know that prejudice can beat down common sense with ease … now let’s see how well it does going toe-to-toe with demographics.
Every time a bell rings, Henry Anslinger gets poked in the ass with a pitchfork.
According to the DEA, it is the #1 source of revenue for the cartels.
With alcohol Prohibition: Al Capone killed hundreds of people and destroy cities.
Without alcohol Prohibition: Budwesier gives to chairity, pays taxes and airs “tastes great, less filling” commercials”
With marijuana prohibition: Mexican cartels murder members of the Mexican Congress, own the Crips gang, traffic illegal immigrants and destroy cities.
Without Marijuana Prohibition:?
Pot legalization/taxation will be on the Nov ballot in California, currently with ~55% support.
True dat, but we are dependent on our good allies that fly planes into buildings for a lot of it. Not that that plays into the profit picture.
It comes with vast amounts of POWER, though. It makes running a country much easier, since you don’t have to go through all that gay election stuff. You just give the politicians a good-ol’ “money shot” (double entendre CITY, BABY), and you own yourself a whole country. It’s harder when you can grow it in your basement or cook it in your bathtub.
Pot legalization/taxation will be on the Nov ballot in California, currently with ~55% support.
They damn sure need the money. Maybe “starve the beast” is Norquist’s strateregy to legalize.
(yeah right)
Without Marijuana Prohibition:?
Where’s the outrage???Q!!!! What about the CHILDRENNNNN!!!!A>>>?>?????????
From my experience, most of them don’t get it, either. These are not people who think things through.
What about the CHILDREN
The dear departed Mr. Carlin had the best response to that, but it appears only the Roman Catholic Church took him up on it, and that literally.
He meant it figuratively, guys! “Fuck the children” figuratively!
Elton John is performing at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding? What the fuck?
Pot legalization/taxation will be on the Nov ballot in California, currently with ~55% support.
Beware of complacency. Cali is a crazy place.
Elton John is performing at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding
Perhaps Sir John will do some special lyrics.
Rushie, Rushie loves his money.
He makes a lot they say.
He buys lots of oxycodone
and little boys down Dominica waaaayyyy
Elton John is performing at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding? What the fuck?
Someone said yes to a Rush Limbaugh marriage proposal? What the fuck?
Someone said yes to a Rush Limbaugh marriage proposal? What the fuck?
It’s the FOURTH woman? What the fuck?
It’s the FOURTH woman? What the fuck?
Well, I can understand women wanting to divorce him. Perhaps Elton and the bride-to be are both in it for the money.
America Can’t Afford Pot
Well, this American sure as fuck can’t right now. Anybody want to help a fellow citizen out? Send me a coupla e-buds?
I’m going to stick to eating pot and maybe buy a vaporizer.
Oh, T&U, definitely get a vaporizer. They cost some $$$ but are definitely worth it.
Don was gonna make some sense,
But then he got high
That’s why his prose is dense,
Because he got high.
Without alcohol Prohibition: Budwesier gives to charity, pays taxes and airs “tastes great, less filling” commercials”
That was Miller, FYI.
“It may or may not be wrong, but it sure is against the law!” Zonker Harris
If they legalize pot I’m sure as hell gonna quit. I only like it because it’s illegal… and so many people have to die to bring it to me. For instance, my last “transaction” for an eighth went like so:
I walk into a dark Brooklyn alley to a Mexican* standoff. I hid behind a dumpster while five hipsters kept yelling, “You put your gun down” and “No, you put your gun down”.
I accidentally leaned against the dumpster, igniting a hail of gunfire.
After making sure I hadn’t been hit, I moseyed over to dealers. The stench of blood was vicious but I easy found two eights and $100 in tens.
It was a sweet, unexpected score.
*Technically, Mexicans were involved.
Welcome to everybody’s home town
Arizona just likes to show it’s ‘Independence’ by enacting it’s own dictionary.
B^4, that earworm brings back douche-chill memories of my downstairs pothead neighbor in FL- she blasted that fucking tune constantly while I was going through the hell of Interferon treatment for my HepC (from smack- and other goodies- shooting all those years ago). The treatment didn’t work, but the song almost drove me to murder. I’d tell her to be considerate, I was really sick, but the simpleton would forget, ’cause she got high! However, my thought is to legalize all of it- weed, smack, coke, meth, uppers, downers, inners, outers- all of it, tax it and use the money to fund addiction treatment. I’ve stayed clean over 30 years now (amazing), but it’s not my job to dictate what others should do re: drug use. I take care of me, and if I can help someone else, that’s great. The fascists are more inclined to use dope to control and marginalize the parts of society they don’t like. Probably won’t change for quite some time, either. If Surber would get his head out of the glue bag, and realize the war on drugs is over, the drugs won, maybe there might be some sense to be made here.
A lot of the comments on Surber’s blog are in favor of legalizing pot too.
Did anyone else just feel a chill in their very soul?
I’ve said this before: the government shouldn’t just legalize the stuff, they should be distributing it. It may be the only comfort left.
Word. (But smoke that shit at home. It smells like shit!)
Hey, the GD gave us our beer back, even if it was shitty beer. Looks like GR is giving us semi-legalized weed… and, hell, it might be better quality sooner this time around. (Near beer: spew!!)
It was a sweet, unexpected score.
Hats off, that was nice.
a Tasmanian doctor is training a group of professional patients to be training aids for doctors learning how to give men proper examinations in their “sensitive” areas.
That accompanying photo of Dr. Dick making the “big balls” hand gesture had me in tears. Thanks.
“Puff a hoagie?” I think you guys should stay away from Philly–there are hoagie shops operating wide open, but that stuff in the jars really is just oregano. And that pseudo-Peter Max ad campaign for “Hoagiefest” at Wawa–you’re going to be so disappointed…
I think I’d prefer the town haunted by Blixa Bargeld and Nick Cave, thanks. =)