Poaching on someone’s territory, no doubt

Ring-ring. Hello? It’s Powerline.

June 29, 2006
Poaching On My Partner’s Territory

When I was a kid, my older brother was a rock ‘n roll drummer of some note, whereas I–you’ll be shocked to learn–was a hopeless geek. In those days, I learned to regard Gene Krupa as the paradigm of drumming coolness. Now, through the miracle of YouTube, here he is.

Music is, of course, Scott’s bailiwick, but I can’t resist this brief intrusion.


Posted by John at 11:17 PM

Hey, hold on one single, solitary second here. That’s the Krupa video we posted.

Brad, did you leave the subspace mind-control wave generator on again last night? That thing totally romps on the electric bill.

Above: a video that Hinderaker won’t steal


Comments: 13


Powerline? I’m kind of new around here but
they are the bad people, right? Well
smack my bitch up! I wasn’t able to
see the Krupa video due to connection troubles
but it was the coolest gesture in the world, bravo
Sadly, No!



Hinderaker steals your Krupa video, so you go and steal one of his home movies!

I like!!!

Herr Doktor Bimler

Well cover me with peanut butter and throw me to the labradors. There are many things I need, after a night of hitting the akvavit, but this video was not one of them.


Hinderaker, not hinder-rocket. :-p


Scott has a bailiwick?


Um … so who’s Hindraker’s brother? I don’t know of any rock drummer “of some note” with that name.


Hinderaker, that is, not Hindraker.

Karma after posting yesterday about spelling people’s names correctly being Job One in journalism.


Alek —

The only older brother Assorcket has, that I am aware, is Ann Coulter.


Well cover me with peanut butter and throw me to the labradors. There are many things I need, after a night of hitting the akvavit, but this video was not one of them.

I think you need more akvavit. That video cures all woes, while akvavit just pickles them.


A conservative who was a hopeless geek as a kid? That’s crazy talk!

I like how he uses the past tense (“was a geek”) as if to imply that he’s certainly not one now.

Don’t worry, John, I’m sure your mom thinks your cool.


Ok, my maturity level is obviously on the decline because that video and its implication made me laugh long and loud!


You aint’ the only one, Nikki.


Ooh–buttlerockets! With bonus jockstrap–and a bonus in the jockstrap!


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