There’s an obvious flaw in your Day-by-Day parody. In the last panel you’ve added a funny punch line. That would never happen in the real thing. Of course, this isn’t your average Day-by-Day to begin with – where are the dour young women with bare midriffs and hip dysplasia?
Sadly, the original version sounds more conspiratol and crackpotish. For want of a non-free press, the war was lost. At least here Gavin puts the blame squarely where it is deserved.
Side note: Mal de Mer, thanks a billion for that lovely image. I think I shall go and clean out a couple septic tanks so I can stop feeling so filthy.
Is it me or has Day By Day stopped making even wingnut-sense over the last few weeks? Used to be he’d take all week to tell one lame joke but now he’s trying to pack all the wingnut talking points into each panel. The one virtue his work had (ie it was uncluttered) has now gone and looking at it now makes my head hurt.
WTF? Because the Times revealed that the Bush adminstration is spying on bank accountsin the US then our troops in Iraq are in danger?!?! I can’t even start to see the logic in that. The insurgents need secure bank accounts in Ohio to build IEDs??? I mean, this strip doesn’t even f—ing make sense on Bazarro World!
You see, this kind of stuff shows that the human brain is associative by nature, not logical. Logic and rationality are skills that must be learned and practiced. The default mode is just associating something with something else, and then leaving it that way. Then, after the association is made, a logical bridge is constructed (sometimes) to justify the original association.
To assume some sort of logical/causal connection, however mistaken, in the first place is to approach it the wrong way. There is none.
“The original version of the strip, if you’re interested. ”
Why would you do that to a person. I went through about 40 strips, trying desperately to find coherence or even a joke. The closest it came was the Iraqi’s highlighting the times looking for targets, but as far as I know, the only reporter to actually give away troop information was Gerald Riviera, of Fox News.
I don’t understand today’s Day by Day. Why is the nose-ring person hugging her sister’s boyfriend? Is the guy “the conservative” or is it the red-haired woman? The embrace in the first panel is confusing me.
“Do the terrorists have to pay extra for daily delivery of the Times?�
Now that the secret is out, they get the electronic version.
Since they need to make an international banking transaction in order to get their moral support from Krugman via TimesSelect, it is easy for the NSA to locate them…
Do the terrorists have to pay extra for daily delivery of the Times?
funny, you didn;t say anything about markos’ small penis?
The terrorists love Chris Muir. They believe anything that so anti-humour must be evil, and deserves Jihad.
Chris Muir is objectively pro-terrorist.
Day-by-Day could only possibly be better if written by Pastor Swank. And tag-team edited by Kaye and MJ’.
I would give my left nut to see that.
Don’t you mean your right nut?!
No, the left one. I’m that committed to self-sacrifice…
Besides, I lost the right one in an unfortunate accident involving Ann Coulter’s unusual mating technique.
*ewps*. Said too much…
I shall never forgive you for putting that image in my head; in fact, I declare a fatwa against you and your frigid country!
Blame Manada!
The original version of the strip, if you’re interested.
There’s an obvious flaw in your Day-by-Day parody. In the last panel you’ve added a funny punch line. That would never happen in the real thing. Of course, this isn’t your average Day-by-Day to begin with – where are the dour young women with bare midriffs and hip dysplasia?
Sadly, the original version sounds more conspiratol and crackpotish. For want of a non-free press, the war was lost. At least here Gavin puts the blame squarely where it is deserved.
Side note: Mal de Mer, thanks a billion for that lovely image. I think I shall go and clean out a couple septic tanks so I can stop feeling so filthy.
Hey, if I don’t go a day without being fatwah’d, I just don’t feel…you know.. fresh.
Mal, double negative! Think about it.
I went back to look at the original, too. As always, it’s more nonsensical and less funny than the remix.
Sheesh, that guy couldn’t find a joke with a GPS system.
What do you expect from Doonesbury with an eating disorder and severe head injuries?
“Do the terrorists have to pay extra for daily delivery of the Times?”
Of course not. They get the educational discount.
Although some of them prefer to go out on Saturday evening and pick up the early edition on the way home from the clubs.
Mal, double negative! Think about it.
Yeah, what was up with that? I think I’m having a stroke. It happens every time I’m treated to the reality of Chris Muir’s intellect.
Is it me or has Day By Day stopped making even wingnut-sense over the last few weeks? Used to be he’d take all week to tell one lame joke but now he’s trying to pack all the wingnut talking points into each panel. The one virtue his work had (ie it was uncluttered) has now gone and looking at it now makes my head hurt.
“The only reason Muir isn’t widely syndicated is MSM bias.” –Hugh Hewitt
Yeah, I bet soldiers on patrol are all bitching about the fucking NYT and not about the guys shooting at them. Right.
Or should I beleive it, since Muir is obviously right there on the front lines, seeing the reality as it’s created? Right?
WTF? Because the Times revealed that the Bush adminstration is spying on bank accountsin the US then our troops in Iraq are in danger?!?! I can’t even start to see the logic in that. The insurgents need secure bank accounts in Ohio to build IEDs??? I mean, this strip doesn’t even f—ing make sense on Bazarro World!
Oops, they’re spying on accounts world wide, but there’s still no tie I can see to our soldiers in Iraq.
Woodrowfan –
You see, this kind of stuff shows that the human brain is associative by nature, not logical. Logic and rationality are skills that must be learned and practiced. The default mode is just associating something with something else, and then leaving it that way. Then, after the association is made, a logical bridge is constructed (sometimes) to justify the original association.
To assume some sort of logical/causal connection, however mistaken, in the first place is to approach it the wrong way. There is none.
“The original version of the strip, if you’re interested. ”
Why would you do that to a person. I went through about 40 strips, trying desperately to find coherence or even a joke. The closest it came was the Iraqi’s highlighting the times looking for targets, but as far as I know, the only reporter to actually give away troop information was Gerald Riviera, of Fox News.
So – does moony times carry him?
“The only reason Muir isn’t widely syndicated is MSM bias.� –Hugh Hewitt
True – its bias favoring talent.
Isn’t Mallard Fillmore widely syndicated? It can’t all be about talent.
More time-wasting re-mixes here. And if you want to join the Day by Day Premium Club with more like n00d mantis-women, here are the details.
“At this rate, that paper’s gonna be extinct.”
Ahhh, si, the eliminationism, de rigeur for current weengnutty humor.
yay! I love fake Day by Days! Thanks Gavin! (and Norbiz too!)
ps. did you see today’s? “Women with facial piercings won’t get married” It was great!
I don’t understand today’s Day by Day. Why is the nose-ring person hugging her sister’s boyfriend? Is the guy “the conservative” or is it the red-haired woman? The embrace in the first panel is confusing me.
Would it have been OK if the fiancée wanted to put the ring in her labia instead?
I think Chris Muir’s having a ménage à trois in that one. Or something. It is indeed mystifying.
This is obviously a fake Muir. Where are the angular women with dislocated joints, angular tits and bare midriffs?
Muir is a national treasure.
He should be locked in an airless vault.
Ok, I’ve been reading this Muir opus, and I have to ask, where’s the make it funny button? I’m serious!
Muir is a national treasure.
He should be locked in an airless vault.
“Do the terrorists have to pay extra for daily delivery of the Times?�
Now that the secret is out, they get the electronic version.
Since they need to make an international banking transaction in order to get their moral support from Krugman via TimesSelect, it is easy for the NSA to locate them…
This is the best shit i’ve ever read.