Beauty Is Only Skin Deep But Ugly Is To The Bone

ABOVE: Svelte heart-throb Kevin Dujan

Shorter Kevin Dujan, Kevin Dujan and/or Kevin Dujan,1 Hillbuzz:
People Magazine Done2 Lost Its Mind

  • Another way that liberals discriminate against white people is by putting a big fat ugly black woman on a list of the world’s most beautiful people. Speaking of ugly black women, there’s always Michelle Obama who obviously has blind people pick out her wardrobe. Also, Oprah. I am not a RAAAAAAACIST.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

1Hillbuzz is allegedly written by three young gay men in Chicago, allegedly lifelong Democrats, who became PUMAs rather than vote for a Negro in the White House. In fact, it appears that Kevin Dujan (who may or may not be gay but is certainly not young) is the sole voice behind Hillbuzz and that some variation of multiple personality disorder results in his pretending to be three separate young gay men.

2 Use of faux-Ebonics once again demonstrates the truth of Dujan’s claim that he is not a racist, notwithstanding that he called blacks “paranoid and lazy,” referred to black children as “litters,” used this racist image to illustrate a post where he called black voters “hateful” and “discriminatory,” and once said:

[B]lack voters just race-vote in elections, and if they think someone is black, they will vote for him. Charles Manson could be elected to office in Chicago if the Southside was somehow convinced he was black.

No, there’s not a drop of racist blood in Dujan’s ample body.


Comments: 369


Yet again, Tintin, I have a self-protective urge not to believe you, but I’ll be damned if I’m getting out of the vote to confirm.

Also, this “People Magazine Done Lost Its Mind” is jawdroppingly motherfucking racist.


Not that I’ll be getting out of the boat, but the link is broken.

[Tintin adds: Thanks. Fixed.]


Not that I’ll be getting out of the boat, but the link is broken.

That’s not a bug, it’s a safety feature.


Having stayed on the boat, I’m going to assume you’re talking about Queen Latifah. In which case let me state that I would fuck her with gusto. Not many women manage to be that big and still have sexy curves.


Charles Manson could be elected to office in Chicago if the Southside was somehow convinced he was black.

But Alan Keyes still can’t get elected.


Who really benefits from the Left’s need to promote mendacity as the norm

Mendacious D.


But Alan Keyes still can’t get elected.

Black Republicans are only black when it’s politically expedient for the party as a whole.


Yet again, Tintin, I have a self-protective urge not to believe you, but I’ll be damned if I’m getting out of the vote to confirm.

I recommend following the link to stock up on commas.


Julia Roberts? Really? As many as all three of the Kevin Dujans may be out of their nominally young and allegedly gay minds, but that People list is borked.


Not Queen Latifah, Gabourey Sidibe. All of the sudden the right is concerned that the message the magazine sends is that obesity is acceptable, when really we should shame fat people but in no way help them. Except if they’re only chunky like Dujan or Debbie Schlussel, in which case NO SHAMING EITHER.


Follow the money!

People (original name People Weekly) is a weekly American magazine of celebrity and human-interest stories, published by Time Inc.[1]

Aha! People Magazine is run by those leftists at Time Inc.!


Aha! People Magazine is run by those leftists at Time Inc.!

Part of the LAMESTREAM MEDIA that allows Sarah Palin to wax pathetic on Glenn Beck.


I recommend following the link to stock up on commas.

Why did I listen to you? WHY?

He claims that someone’s attitude and personality aren’t good criterion for deciding if he or she is beautiful. Then he says that Michelle Obama could be beautiful if she “86 the bad attitude, the bitterness, and the racial grievances.” Hm, what was that, again?

Also, if this asshole doesn’t understand the difference between “she’s beautiful because she’s a kind person who is radiantly alive” and “we’re pretending she’s beautiful because she’s a nice person and we want to feel good about ourselves,” then it’s his fucking loss.


That Debbie Schlussel is sure a looker, too.


Oh! And this: “But, do not promote a young woman with serious health problems as ‘The World’s Most Beautiful’ when she’s not.”

I’ll bet you dollars to donuts (heh) that there have been people on the Most Beautiful list who have eating disorders, mental health issues, drug problems, and a whole host of other health problems that we wouldn’t view as something that should be “promoted.” I guess the “you have to be health to be beautiful” requirement is only for fat people?


Staying in the boat. I don’t even want THOSE mangoes.


“We wish there wasn’t a ‘People’s Most Beautiful List,’ because it’s just so shallow and stupid. But, if there has to be such a thing…”

Jesus Christ. If this dork really wants to make an impact, he should extend his method to hardcore pornography. “I wish there wasn’t a ‘Multi-Racial Fist Fest,’ but since there is let me crack on the black chicks.”

So this is what became of the Hillary people, huh?


…the Most Beautiful list who have eating disorders, mental health issues, drug problems, and a whole host of other health problems

Personally, there is nothing hotter than a bulimic crack head with split personality disorder and ragweed allergies.


Personally, there is nothing hotter than a bulimic crack head with split personality disorder and ragweed allergies.

Awwww, thanks!

Okay, yeah, Angelina Jolie was on the COVER in 2006. Anyone who thinks that she is healthy is fucking delusional.


She might as well be Oprah.

Minus Oprah’s attitude, racism, grievance-mongering, grudges, and gluttony.

She’s a fat chick all right, but less of a fat chick than that other not-so-fat chick who is a crazy black bitch.


I didn’t think the PUMAs could get any more ridiculous, but I guess it’s possible there’s no bottom in that barrel.


That Debbie Schlussel is sure a looker, too.

OT, but this reminds me: has Fraulein Debbie gotten all “Eek! Muslims!” over the NYC failed car bombing yet? Or did the fact that they have a white guy on tape acting suspiciously steal some of her thunder?


The idiot claims to be from Chicago, yet writes “South Side” as one word.

Rusty Shackleford

The Kevin Dujans “feel really sorry for Gabourey.”

They also feel really sorry for the head cheerleader, who will never understand that the boys all like her for her looks and not her personality.


Awwww, thanks!

You’re a bulimic crack head with split personalities and ragweed allergies, T&U?! No wonder you’re married… that lucky guy!

Or did the fact that they have a white guy on tape acting suspiciously steal some of her thunder?

It was edited by the same enviro-terrusts who blew up the oil rig. This is common knowledge. C’mon get with the program!


If only magazines would promote a thin, white ideal of beauty, fat women would be shamed into losing weight and women of color would learn their place. Then Kevin Dujan would have a girlfriend, and she’d be totally hot and submissive and you would all realize how important he is.

Rusty Shackleford

For those of you staying in the boat, but who might nonetheless venture into even more tiger-infested jungle, the Dujans are merely offering a filtered version of the pure crazy


I’m always on the lookout for things that could potentially cause a conservative’s head to explode. Thus,



I even read the linked Schlussel article. That may be one of the most hateful fucking things I have ever read in my life. Jesus.


Oh Shlussel was linked. Please ignore my previous comment as I’m just splashing about blindly – since there is now ay I’m getting out of the boat.

Well except to peruse the People list itself. Julia Roberts! Puh-leese.


You’re a bulimic crack head with split personalities and ragweed allergies, T&U?!

Actually, I’m a celiac pot-smoker with moderate depression and ragweed allergies, but close enough!


And is it just me, or does that Schlussel column just *reek* of jealousy?


Thanks a lot, Rusty.

The Real Notorous B.I.G.: I Hope the Silkworms Got Paid Overtime to Make This Dress

And that is just her caption of the People mag cover.

Rusty Shackleford

I Hope the Silkworms Got Paid Overtime to Make This Dress

She kids because she hates.


Anyone who thinks that she is healthy is fucking delusional.

Okay, but still hawt. Julia Roberts OTOH? Meh.


Actually, I’m a celiac ot-smoker with moderate depression and ragweed allergies, but close enough!

That’s TMI. But, minus the celiacness, we’re the same person!


Don’t tell Douthat, but Reese made the list again.


Okay, but still hawt. Julia Roberts OTOH? Meh.

I cannot disagree. I don’t get the Julia Roberts thing at all.

That’s TMI.

I know. It’s a compulsion. I think it might be genetic.


I like how Debbie references Howard Stern there. Because if there’s one thing Debbie and Howard have in common, it’s a love of watching lesbians make out.


And is it just me, or does that Schlussel column just *reek* of jealousy

As well as a stale mixture of wine and cheap perfume.



Regardless of race, I’m beyond tired of the conventional Hollywood types telling us that being this fat–the girl is morbidly obese–is “beautiful.”

Little-known fact: the sets on Pirates of the Caribbean had to be reinforced to support Keira Knightley’s tonnage.


Maybe People thought they needed someone plus-sized to stave off criticism for Kelly Osbourne making the list only after dropping to a size 2.

Rusty Shackleford

As well as a stale mixture of wine and cheap perfume.

Debbie should catch the midnight train going anywhere. ANYWHERE


As well as a stale mixture of wine and cheap perfume.

Debbie should catch the midnight train going anywhere. ANYWHERE

Some No one will win, some will lose


You know, I could make fun of Debbie’s bad bleach job, trout pout, and toned-down pornstar makeup, but I’m a much nicer person than she is.


But Alan Keyes still can’t get elected.

Now Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, on the other hand…Well, no, I guess that’s on the same hand, isn’t it?


.Little-known fact: the sets on Pirates of the Caribbean had to be reinforced to support Keira Knightley’s tonnage.

Everyone knows teevee adds a couple..hundred pounds.


I’m a much nicer person than she is.

Bullshit. You used the word pornstar in a sentence describing Schlussel. Now I’m going to have to get a bad bleach job for my brain.


I apologize. That was way over the line. Sure the traumatic mental torture T&U has inflicted on me may even make me skip my date with her mom tonight – but comparing her to Schlussel was uncouth hyperbole. I’m sorry.


Lose the wigs. Dress appropriately for the time of day, her age, the occasion, and her station as First Lady. 86 the bad attitude, the bitterness, and the racial grievances. Then let’s talk about Michelle Obama getting closer to “beautiful”.

I got out of the boat and brought back this piece of shit for all of you. Finally, somebody said it. Enjoy!


Well, no, I guess that’s on the same hand, isn’t it?

The question you should be asking is..”which side of that hand?” hmmm?


I apologize. That was way over the line. Sure the traumatic mental torture T&U has inflicted on me may even make me skip my date with her mom tonight – but comparing her to Schlussel was uncouth hyperbole. I’m sorry.

Apology accepted. If I had a way to describe a pink lip with a darker, mauve lipliner besides the way I mentioned, I would have. And you know my mom will always make time for you if you need to re-schedule.


I like how Debbie references Howard Stern there. Because if there’s one thing Debbie and Howard have in common, it’s a love of watching lesbians make out.

And slamming a strap on into Hannity’s starfish.

Lurking Canadian

Imagine for a second that you were a movement conservative today. Imagine your entire life as a nonstop, adrenaline-fueled rage binge, as you troll the entirety of the Internet trying to find something new to view with alarm.

If they weren’t such hateful monsters, I’d almost feel sorry for them.


And slamming a strap on into Hannity’s starfish.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now I don’t feel bad for referencing porn stars and Debbie Schlussel in the same sentence.

WHY, tsam, WHY???


Michelle Obama could be beautiful if she “86 the bad attitude, the bitterness, and the racial grievances.”

Also these Leftists are always projecting their own psychological problems and defenses onto other people.

It doesn’t seem that long ago when Michelle Obama was dabbling in the promoting-healthy-diets-for-schoolkids business, and the usual shouty people were all “Oh noes, she is fat-shaming!!!”


Also on Teh List. Hte Bieber. Apparently the folks at People give their tweens serious editorial input. I’m surprised iCarly didn’t make it.


WHY, tsam, WHY??

Excellent question. I’m going to stick sharp objects* everywhere**

*Hannity’s afternoon reference
**Hannity’s evening reference


And is it just me, or does that Schlussel column just *reek* of jealousy?

Hmm. I was focusing more on bile and spite. We could have a cause/effect situation here, however.

Could you imagine sitting next to her on a plane for four or five hours? I think I’d try and light my shoes on fire just to get the plane on the ground and hauled off, away from her.

And defense counsel would get me acquitted, based on the circumstances, I bet.


We all recall the tiny figure of Fay Wray being carried off by King Kong. By the 1976 remake of Kong the Hollywood standard of beauty had so changed that the behemoth Jessica Lange caused severe hydraulic problems in the giant robotic Kong hand built to carry her away. By the Peter Jackson film, however, computer technology had solved the problems that props could not overcome and the public oohed and ahhed as Kong lunged through New York hauling the blobbish Naomi Watts.

Rusty Shackleford

And defense counsel would get me acquitted, based on the circumstances, I bet.

If you set fire directly to Schlussel you might get a medal.


the blobbish Naomi Watts

She is disgusting. I mean, skip a meal or two, go for a job, do something.


If you set fire directly to Schlussel you might get a medal.

Ewww. The smoke would be very, very toxic.


But we could burn some tires to cover the smell, I spoze.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now I don’t feel bad for referencing porn stars and Debbie Schlussel in the same sentence.

WHY, tsam, WHY???

Sorry. I can’t help it. Tourette Syndrome. There’s just something tickly warm about the thought of Hannity suffering that kind of humiliation.


Hmm. I was focusing more on bile and spite. We could have a cause/effect situation here, however.

True. I thought it was like, “I’m prettier than she is! Why is she in People and I’m not?” But spite and bile are definitely applicable as well.


I not only got out of the boat, but crossed the dock over to Debbie Schlussel, where I found this tantrum about People magazine naming the “disgusting-looking” Gabourey Sidibe as one of the year’s Most Beautiful People.

My favorite mango was this exercise in Debbie-logic:

She was correctly dissed by Howard Stern, who said on his satellite radio show that she would not find more acting work. This choice by People is in response to his and others’ on-target comments. It’s the whole reason this mediocre actress was nominated for an Academy Award this year. But Stern was incorrect, only because the hypocritical, usual Hollywood types felt bad for this fat chick…

Let’s parse this.

In the first sentence, Howard Stern was “correct.” In the second sentence, he was “on-target.” But whoops…he said she’d never work as an actress again, which she is in fact doing, so by the third sentence, she admits, “Stern was incorrect…” but goes on to say it’s Hollywood’s fault.

By this logic, the Cubs are going to win the World Series, and they don’t, I’m not wrong. All the other teams are wrong.


Um, make that the FOURTH sentence. I can count that high, I really can.


Is this the “Volunteers to help support Keira Knightley’s tonnage” queue?

Rusty Shackleford

Whatta ya know; U.S. News & World Report gets one right, and very timely too


True. I thought it was like, “I’m prettier than she is! Why is she in People and I’m not?” But spite and bile are definitely applicable as well.

I would think she should be satisfied with the cover of all of the fetish magazines. People is full of icky Hollywood “actors” and “actresses” and junk.


Hollywood is shaming women into anorexia/obesity! When will this anti-fat/pro-fat propaganda cease?


Comment from Rusty’s link:

so what
fat kids that get bullied go on to try to loose weight.. Skinny kids that get bullied tend to buy guns and go back and kill classmates. so whats the harm in bullying fat kids? in fact, we need to do that more often. When I was a kid the handfull of fat kids got an earfull. Now half the classroom is fat, and so there is more fat in numbers.. totally ok to be fat nowadays.. bring peer pressure back; the only way that kids will care!!

Well shit. Why didn’t we think of this before? Emotional damage was the elusive answer all along.


It’s a very entertaining sight whenever conservatives try to insert themselves into popular culture conversations. Really, really like watching a dog walk on its hind legs.

By the way, isn’t a fixation with other people’s looks considered a sign of insecurity these days? Wouldn’t be the first…


It’s also a shame everyone stopped Vincent D’Onofrio and Alec Baldwin jobs when they ate a house.


OFFERING, dammit.


First off, who can prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Alan Keyes is actually black? This skin-deep stuff really is true. Secondly, L’il Debbie referencing Howard Stern is pretty outlandish, as Howie used to have her on for comic relief and veiled derision, at least on the old FM show. She is no stranger to emptying out a few packages of Ho-Ho’s and CheezyPuffs, the evidence is there in the photo record. Thirdly (as in 3-dollar bill), Dujan is just another simpleton trying to find a niche to hide in, until he can latch onto the Next Big Thing*
* (yes, VPR)


It’s a very entertaining sight whenever conservatives try to insert themselves into popular culture conversations. Really, really like watching a dog walk on its hind legs.

It is entertaining. My favorite ones, though, are the pearl-clutching warnings about the degradation of society due to the messages in movies. The last big uproar, I believe, was over Avatar. Further proof that if it ain’t Hee Haw, we ain’t gettin it.


Vincent D’Onofrio and Alec Baldwin jobs

Is that what you kids are calling it these days?


It is entertaining. My favorite ones, though, are the pearl-clutching warnings about the degradation of society due to the messages in movies.

These messages can be quite contradictory, actually. My favorite PJTV sociopath put it this way back in the day (;

To the Average French Citizen, I imagine Spider-Man, Cheers and McDonald’s represent more or less what they do to Americans: a fun couple of hours, a few laughs, and something quick to scarf down when you’re in a hurry. Big deal.

But to the deep-thinking elites of Europe, these trends are catastrophic, and terrifying. For it shows them, yet again, that a mob of boorish, unsophisticated, common brutes ‘ that’d be us ‘ is able to produce art and music and culture that cleans the clock of any nation that lets it in the door.

Spider-Man and McDonalds, and the long lines of their own countrymen waiting eagerly for a taste of them, prove to them daily that the European cultural superiority that they so deeply believe in is’how do we say this delicately?‘uh, wrong.


You don’t have to have the vast intellectual reserves of a French Minister of Culture to understand why our movies and music have such appeal abroad. They are, more often than not, each small ambassadors of freedom and optimism. From James Dean to Brad Pitt, Americans are cool; cool because they don’t spend their evening sitting around bumming cigarettes and discussing global warming. They have bad guys to fight and motorcycles to ride, vast stretches of open road to get lost in and a disdain for any authority whatsoever. Where the European hero is a deeply conflicted soul lost in an existentialist nightmare, the American counterpart is a member of a rag-tag group of Rebels flying out to destroy the Death Star. Or a no-nonsense cop who plays by his own rules. Or an ordinary person, who, as the result of chance (Spider-Man), determination (Batman) or accident of birth (Superman), uses amazing personal power to aid the weak and fight evil.

I wonder how much it galled him that each and every one of those little “ambassadors of American culture” he had to use as examples were produced by the so-called liberal elite, and that whenever conservatives try to spread their own equivalent around, they fall flat on their asses. (E.G. I’ve heard American rap artists being played in Paris, Havana, Jerusalem and Cairo; these places have hardly heard of country music, which has a hard enough time competing just in the non-rural States).

And sure enough, in most of his other posts, it’s Whittle who’s exploding with fury at the catastrophic trends and cultural inadequacy in our pop culture, something he does much better and louder than any French Minister of Culture. Conservatives have a very, very strange relationship with pop culture. “Love/hate” doesn’t begin to describe it.


Those mangoes aren’t just bad. They are a gigantic mass of purifying flesh writhing with maggots and covered with toxic molds. Oozing a hideous mucous encrusted slime that pools at the bottom.

The horror, the horror.


FU spell-check, you should have known that even though I spelled ‘purifying’ correctly that I really meant ‘putrefying’. Where’s my fully contextual semantic/grammatical spell checker AI?


I’m trying to understand the particular pathology of someone who would decided to go to print with a column whose only purpose is to talk about how disgusting another human being looks.

Is there something about Sidibe that I’m not aware of, like maybe she made some public comment favorable to Obama, to incur the Schlussel-ire?


Is there something about Sidibe that I’m not aware of, like maybe she made some public comment favorable to Obama, to incur the Schlussel-ire?

Maybe having been born with that dark skin?


Is there something about Sidibe that I’m not aware of, like maybe she made some public comment favorable to Obama, to incur the Schlussel-ire?

Well, she’s black and she’s a Hollywood-type, so she obviously supports Obama.

I usually find that people (women, specifically) who are insecure about their own weight and/or have eating disorders tend to level this kind of ire at women who aren’t thin. That’s really the only explanation I can come up with. Especially given her comments about obesity being “condoned” as a whole by the fact that Torrid has thongs.

Also, there’s a racial element to it, of course:

“she’s a Black fat actress in a ghetto movie promoted by Oprah and based on a ‘gangsta lit’ book. Let’s face it: there have been plenty of equally ugly White fat actresses, like Camryn Manheim. And People didn’t lie to us and tell us they were the ‘World’s Most Beautiful People.'”


I wonder how much it galled him that each and every one of those little “ambassadors of American culture” he had to use as examples were produced by the so-called liberal elite,

that and the fact that they were all hackneyed tired old has-beens.

the American counterpart is a member of a rag-tag group of Rebels flying out to destroy the Death Star. Or a no-nonsense cop who plays by his own rules. Or an ordinary person, who, as the result of chance (Spider-Man), determination (Batman) or accident of birth (Superman), uses amazing personal power to aid the weak and fight evil.

Right. One movie from 1975, based on a totally formulaic idea. One movie from 1971 based on a totally formulaic idea. Three remakes of old comic strips, based on totally formulaic ideas.

I’m far too lazy to find out, but I’d be interested to know whether even his basic premise is correct – did “Star Wars”, “Dirty Harry” and the three superhero movies actually do all that well in Europe? Isn’t he implying that they are all currently so popular that there are “long lines” of people waiting to see them?

On my last trip to Paris I must have missed the fact that the French were standing in long lines to see “Dirty Harry.”

and, frankly, I’d like to see some empirical proof that McDonalds is popular among Europeans, too. What I saw through the windows as I passed were Americans.

Conservatives have a very, very strange relationship with pop culture. “Love/hate” doesn’t begin to describe it.

Yeah, It’s like they hate it, but they can’t help from reflexively championing American pop culture against the rest of the world because they’re all about Team Politics.


there have been plenty of equally ugly White fat actresses



BTW, the thong thing really gets me. Does she make fat women drop trou to check to see if they’re wearing sexy panties? Why the fuck does she care what underwear anybody wears, fat or not?


“Maybe having been born with that dark skin?”

Not only that, she portrayed a illiterate, sexually abused fictional character who had an aids infected baby while on welfare who did something they could never do.

She overcame her background, stood up to her abusive mother and became a proud, independent woman willing to fight for her right to be treated as humanely as anyone else.

In other words, she’s a threat.


I’m trying to understand the particular pathology of someone who would decided to go to print with a column whose only purpose is to talk about how disgusting another human being looks.

SOME OF US are weak.


there have been plenty of equally ugly White fat actresses


Fat women are automatically ugly. Didn’t you know that?

I have as many body issues as the average woman, but I can tell you that I would rather weigh 500 pounds and have a gigantic, wart-covered goiter than be Debbie Schlussel. What an ugly excuse for a human being.


did “Star Wars”, “Dirty Harry” and the three superhero movies actually do all that well in Europe?

Whittle is right, subtitled European movies with quirky characters and non-formulaic plots do not appeal to Americans, who prefer to wait for a Hollywood studio to buy the rights and remake the movie with a local cast.


SOME OF US are weak.
What happened to that Righteous Bubba? He was pretty funny.
I haven’t seen tigrismus around for a while either.


Since I’ve already hopped out of the boat, I thought I’d return my scouting report on Hillbuzz. The ever-classy Dujan has been running a series on Michelle Obama called “Who’s Dressed Better?” in which he compares Michelle to Mumm-Ra or a sack of potatoes. Most of the time, Dujan compares her to drag queens, an interestingly homophobic choice for a gay man living in “Boystown.”

Also, he repeatedly accuses Obama of being gay.

Also, he seems to worship Sarah Palin as some sort of second coming. Also.


I’m far too lazy to find out, but I’d be interested to know whether even his basic premise is correct – did “Star Wars”, “Dirty Harry” and the three superhero movies actually do all that well in Europe? Isn’t he implying that they are all currently so popular that there are “long lines” of people waiting to see them?

I think “Star Wars” did very well in Europe (one of my favorites as well, formulaic or not). Superhero movies I imagine do reasonably well also. “Dirty Harry” probably less so.

and, frankly, I’d like to see some empirical proof that McDonalds is popular among Europeans, too. What I saw through the windows as I passed were Americans.

Last time I looked, the most profitable McDonald’s in the world was the one in Paris on the Champs Elysees. To what extent that’s French people and to what extent it’s tourists passing through, I can’t say, but the tourists are probably a huge part of it.

Overall, I think the average French citizen can enjoy the products of his own culture while still enjoying what’s imported from elsewhere, whether it’s fast-food or movies. It’s just not as big a deal as it seems to be for Whittle.


SOME OF US are weak.

Is that a granite countertop?? ATTACK!!


T&U, I would totally gay-marry a 500 pound you and your goiter, rather than getting stuck on an elevator with Schlussel. (Actually, the elevator thing might be fun. But if it were a bomb shelter and Schlussel was there, I’d probably run out into the radiation after ten minutes and mutate.)


Yeah, It’s like they hate it, but they can’t help from reflexively championing American pop culture against the rest of the world because they’re all about Team Politics.

Yep. In the name of Team Politics, he goes on to hail the post-WW2 era in which America helped rebuild Europe and chose not to subjugate the countries there the way the Soviets were doing, as an example of the fundamental goodness of the American character.

Which is ironic, because that was entirely a policy decision by the Truman administration (whom the Whittles of the day hated with every bone in their body). Had the Republicans been in charge, my money says Europe would never have been rebuilt, while France and these other countries would have seen a pro-U.S. dictator installed in short order. (Look how quickly our Iran policy got turned around after Eisenhower came into power).


There seem to be no branches of the Teremok chain of bliny restaurants in New Zealand. Does this prove the superiority of NZ culture, or its insularity? I cannot find anything on the PJmedia archives to advise me either way.


What happened to that Righteous Bubba? He was pretty funny.
I haven’t seen tigrismus around for a while either.

They and Herr Doktor Bimler were banned by Retardo Montalban for posting too many looks-ist photoshops in the comments here.


the American counterpart is a member of a rag-tag group of Rebels flying out to destroy the Death Star…

Right. One movie from 1975, based on a totally formulaic idea.

Also based on a Japanese movie.

What happened to that Righteous Bubba? He was pretty funny.
I haven’t seen tigrismus around for a while either.

I bet Herr Doktor Bimmler kidnapped them for his no doubt nefarious* purposes, because I note no one’s seen him either.

*Also: dastardly.


GodsDAMNit that Lawnguylander post WAS NOT THERE WHEN I STARTED.


“Blimey” restaurants sound like trouble.


Not only that, she portrayed a illiterate, sexually abused fictional character who had an aids infected baby while on welfare who did something they could never do.

She overcame her background, stood up to her abusive mother and became a proud, independent woman willing to fight for her right to be treated as humanely as anyone else.

In other words, she’s a threat.

That sure sounds like one of those “bootstraps” stories these entitled dicklords keeps admonishing the lazy n**** to live out. You’d think they would…
Aw never mind. I forgot that consistency in beliefs is not a requirement for batshit wingnuts.


Which is ironic, because that was entirely a policy decision by the Truman administration (whom the Whittles of the day hated with every bone in their body).

And even under Truman, the Allies had a specifically spotty march across Italy that allowed the Mafia and other powers to reestablish their power – rather than have the temporary post-Mussolini clean slate be “usurped” by Italian commies who were genuinely interested in the improving the lives of the peasantry.

I guess what I’m saying is, the historical whitewash is deeper than even the conservatives might realize


Fat women are automatically ugly. Didn’t you know that?

I have as many body issues as the average woman, but I can tell you that I would rather weigh 500 pounds and have a gigantic, wart-covered goiter than be Debbie Schlussel. What an ugly excuse for a human being.


Well said.


no doubt nefarious* purposes


I can’t trust you Tintin. Cynthia Yockey says Kevin Dujan is not a racist so why you think he is I can’t imagine.


a gigantic, wart-covered goiter
I am assuming this to be a term of endearment for Mr T&U.


Also, just to note that my google search “Kevin Dujan” returned, as the #10 link, this very thread.


Does People hava a “Sexiest Woman Alive” feature to compliment their “sexiest Man” etc. ?

Oregon Beer Snob

Ugh. People with hideous brains shouldn’t lecture others about their outward appearance.

I’d hate that Ruby chick on TV just as much as I already do even if she looked like Keira Knightly (or any other scrawny hollywood-model/actress-of-the-moment). Icky people are icky, regardless of what they look like.

And by my unassailable logic, Kevin Dujan could look like [insert ultra-handsome-guy here for me ’cause I know not of what I speak] and he’d still be a hideous douchenozzle.

I’m glad it’s almost beer:30, this has been a depressing day.


Expect some fun or some new trick to trick money out of dumb Freepers who fall for his crap.

Dujan is a disgraceful racist bigot who desperately wants to become some sort of A-list blogger. The “Hillary supporter turned Republican” is his unique marketing identifier.

He hates being called a bigot despite the fact that he runs Islamaphobic articles that make Atlas Shrugs look liberal and extremely sexist articles against Michelle Obama.

He hates it so much that when I criticised Arianna Huffington on DU and Kos for allowing Amy Siskind to promote his site he went on a blog outing escapade, outing all kinds of people and the owner of a blog that had nothing to do with me (his readers then went on to out that blog owners wife). He also had a big money fundraiser that involved Breitbart tv.

His site encourages his readers to phone and harass donors to the Democratic Party.

As for him calling anyone ugly, I guess he has not gone anywhere near a mirror since childhood.


a gigantic, wart-covered goiter
I am assuming this to be a term of endearment for Mr T&U.

He is my better half, after all.


Say all the mean and nasty stuff you want to about the current crop of overweight blobbish actresses, what with BMI’s approaching 20 – ever since Jet Girl, I rate for Naomi Watts.


They and Herr Doktor Bimler were banned by Retardo Montalban for posting too many looks-ist photoshops in the comments here.

IF that is their real names.


don’t wingnuts just scream so gratifyingly when they are called out as racist?

scream, little wingnut, scream!


Seems a lot of shouting, all because a private-enterprise magazine made an editorial decision as to which definition of ‘beauty’ would please its readers most.


“Blimey” restaurants sound like trouble.

I would definitely patronize any eatery that combines ‘blubber’ with ‘slimey’.


[B]lack voters just race-vote in elections, and if they think someone is black, they will vote for him. Charles Manson could be elected to office in Chicago if the Southside was somehow convinced he was black.

Which explains why Richard M. Daley has been mayor since 1989. And “Southside”? Where the f*** is that? He goes “slumming” (so he thinks) in Bronzeville, complains about how paranoid black people are (Cicero? Tuskegee Experiment?) and then stumbles back to Boystown. (He thinks he’s got problems now? Wait until some black people want to rent a unit in the same three-flat he lives in.)

People magazine? Their rag, they do what they want. Remember, this is a publication that once named Mel Gibson the World’s Sexiest Man.


Wow. That Whittle site someone linked to upthread is a cornucopia of post-9/11, pre-Iraq War poop chunks.

We are an empire of the mind, a place whose dreams and ideals have colonized the world. We are a black hole of desire upon which billions place their unfocused hopes.

I was going to write something about brown holes of desire and strap-ons and Hannity, but that would not be a nice thing to do.


T&U, meep. What is your position on plural marriage, gay-marrying edition? See, I wasn’t aware that there was a Mr. T&U. Please be advised that your response could very possibly break my heart.

On a whole ‘nother topic…are any of y’all keyboarding from Nashville? I hope you are okay. I am worried.


Seems a lot of shouting, all because a private-enterprise magazine made an editorial decision as to which definition of ‘beauty’ would please its readers most.

Or attract attention.


You like me!

You really, really LIKE me!


Or attract attention.

You know what really attracts attention? Ugly people making out with beautiful people.



A Chinese man has died after an eel that was inserted in his rectum gnawed away at his intestine.


A Chinese man has died after an eel that was inserted in his rectum gnawed away at his intestine.

This is what happens when your insurance is willing to pay for alternative-medicine constipation cures.


Ugly people making out with beautiful people.

Okay, we have N__B, now we find the beautiful person.


Okay, we have N__B, now we find the beautiful person.

I am a specially-ugly snowflake.


What is your position on plural marriage, gay-marrying edition?

Totally pro. I’ve been saying for a while that I need a wife. But I don’t actually have a goiter. If, you know, that’s, like, a thing for you.


Sub, all I can say is LOLWUT???




I’ve been saying for a while that I need a wife.
It would be very wrong to scan and upload the vintage Doonesbury strips on that theme.


Okay, we have N__B, now we find the beautiful person.

Somebody told me you’re cute when you remember to spackle your face, so you and him should totally make out.


Somebody told me you’re cute when you remember to spackle your face, so you and him should totally make out.

I draw the line at breathing plaster dust when I’m not working. I’ll just go make an ugly sandwich with D-KW’s mom.


make an ugly sandwich with D-KW’s mom.
Who is the filling?


Who is the filling?

Coin toss. Heads, the grossly-overweight Keira Knightly; tails, D-KW.


The lack of a goiter isn’t a deal-breaker. I could be very happy with a gaiter (well, a pair of ’em), plus you can take them off whenever you feel like it.

But I do not want to be a sister-wife. You would be She Who Must Be Obeyed. Mr. T&U and I can be brother-sister-husband-wives persons. May I have a puppy? Just as a pet, aka companion animal.


Bill Kristol on the oil spill: “The question is the public debate, is the public grown up enough — I think the public is — and are politicians grown up enough — I’m doubtful about that — not to let one incident drive public policy.”

Plus, it might distract us from OMFG 9/11 war on moose limbs.


Actually, I suppose the oil spill just proves the war on Terra proceeds apace.


On a whole ‘nother topic…are any of y’all keyboarding from Nashville?

Not I but I have a client down there. Luckily, everyone in their office is fine, but they all know someone who has been hit hard one way or another. Dams overtopped, cars floating away, server farms with raised floors underwater. Bad Craziness.


You would be She Who Must Be Obeyed. Mr. T&U and I can be brother-sister-husband-wives persons. May I have a puppy?

Fuck that newsletter, I demand multiple webcams and split-screen. You know, FOR SCIENCE!


Fuck that newsletter



….Dams overtopped, cars floating away, server farms with raised floors underwater. Bad Craziness….

Ugh. This is the bad stuff that keeps on being bad for months, maybe years, and these are areas that don’t usually flood, so no insurance, and maybe it’s not the end of the world, but jeebus, it’s miserable. So people fix up their houses and businesses, and there goes the college fund, and the little bit of money they’d have spent elsewhere. Oof. Guess I’d better dump the piggybank and start counting up pennies to donate. Folks are gonna need help.


Yikes, kingubu! I will go away now, just for a little bit. I’ll be in my bunk.


The looks like a cross between a trout and a hand-puppet. Obviously his sneers come from a very deep rage at anyone who has substance and doesn’t look like a trout-Muppet character.

And I’m sure that the editors of People magazine are crushed I mean crushed at his scathing review and are at this very moment contemplating suicide.


You know, Gabourey Sidibe is quite a bit too overweight for my tastes (and I’m kind of a lardass myself so I really don’t have much right to say that)… but she is quite attractive nevertheless.

But that doesn’t make Debbie Scheißel any less an imbecile, or this guy any less of a racist pigfucker.


Guess I’d better dump the piggybank and start counting up pennies to donate. Folks are gonna need help.

I sincerely hope that the folks who will need so much help now weren’t the sorts to circulate emails like this, or this, or this, or… well, shit, there’s a whole bunch of them.


Oh, yeah—just look at THIS

Wow! Haven’t had a First Lady this fashionable since Jackie O.


I didn’t think the PUMAs could get any more ridiculous, but I guess it’s possible there’s no bottom in that barrel.

Dujan’s audience of addled PUMAs usually LOL at every nasty jibe he makes about Michelle Obama or Oprah, but surprisingly enough most of them are being sympathetic and supportive of Gabourney being in People in the comments. Some of them ‘fess up to being overweight themselves.

And they dislike Debbie, all of them. I guess even Dujan’s followers draw the line somewhere.


A new jewel in PJTV’s crown (, in which a well-thinking White Anglo-Saxon Protestant conservative addresses the Jewish community. This is just a commenter, not a blogger, but it’s still too good to pass up.

Shorter EHunter; “Our great races could have had it all if only we’d stuck together against the brutish masses of niggers, spics, Chinks and ragheads. Instead, you kikes ruined America. Why, oh God, couldn’t you just love us?”

Original EHunter reproduced below.


American Jews have historically been drawn to liberal causes. They have
almost always voted Left. The question is..

How Do You Like It Now?

Obama is the epitome of everything Liberals fought for, full of peace and love, beyond nationalism,
Multi Cultural, the champion of the Third World, pro open borders, pro mass immigration. How do you like the New America? Are you finding, perhaps, that support for Israel was really a White conservative cause after all? All those WASPS in their exclusive country clubs that you despised a generation or so ago..were they really all that bad?
When the USA becomes another Latin American cesspool..via mass much attention will be spent on Israel? How much awareness does the average Mexican immigrant have about Israel? Doesnt the Third World, if it thinks about Israel at all, not think of Israel as a “racist” nation?. But after all the New America is a direct effect of Jewish efforts..the Hart Celler Immigration act of 1965 was fronted by Teddy Kennedy but really the brainchild of Liberal Jews Emanuel Celler and Phillip Hart and the writing campaigns of little old Jewish ladies at Bnai Brith. It was this act that away with all National Origins based immigration policy. Forty years later it is bearing its desired fruit.
The demographics of the country have changed permanently.Western Civilized, literate, educated WASPS are becoming a minority..the kind of men who read the Bible and for who the word “Israel” resonated. Now you have what you wanted..”Diversity”. The word “Israel” doesnt have much meaning for the New America of muslims, Pakistanis, Nigerians, illiterate Mexicans, Chinese etc etc. does it? So now you are fretting about the lack of support Israel is getting from Obamas America? You sowed the reap the whirlwind.


More Pajamas Media goodness… Here, ehunter takes time off from defending civilized, bible-reading white men from illiterate Mexicans and indulges in a little rant about Iran:
The key thing to these countries is to render them unable to reach the outside world. You will not change them into a Democracy or any such glib idiocy. What you can do is neutralize them. The first cruise missles should be aimed to kill every mullah and Govt figure in one blow. Then go after the radar then bomb every military target at will.

Commenter miguelj responds:
ehunter – 100% right! I’d only add that it be done without ultimatums, warnings, negotiations, blockades etc.

If only these guys had the chance to put their visionary foreign policy ideas into practice, what a wonderful world this would be.

lobbey (in Korea)

re: McD’s in Europe….. actually, surprising popular, and not just with tourist scum. There was a McD’s near to where I was living before ending up in this hell hole, up in La Defence, which was always packed. And thats hardly a tourist area. While us Eurotrash do enjoy out food, there is still some that embraces McD’s (as well as a local version, Quick). Main difference is that the portions are nowhere near as big, think kiddies’ meals in the US.

Who is the filling?

I think N___B, he seems to be gagging for it…


he first cruise missles should be aimed to kill every mullah and Govt figure in one blow.

Thats one hell of a missile….


I recommend following the link to stock up on commas.

In his own head he hears Captain Kirk … but the rest of us are hearing that asthmatic kid from Malcolm In The Middle.

Lose the wigs. Dress appropriately for the time of day, her age, the occasion, and her station as First Lady. 86 the bad attitude, the bitterness, and the racial grievances. Then let’s talk about Michelle Obama getting closer to “beautiful”.

An optometrist – somebody needs to visit one.
I’d hit it like the fist of an angry god.


Thats one hell of a missile….

It’s a conservomissile, capable of destroying leftists, islamomaniacs, and demographic undesirables on a super-duper scale.


The key thing to these countries is to render them unable to reach the outside world. You will not change them into a Democracy or any such glib idiocy. What you can do is neutralize them. The first cruise missles should be aimed to kill every mullah and Govt figure in one blow. Then go after the radar then bomb every military target at will.

Good Lord. Iran has one of the most modernized and liberal populations in the Middle-East, not to mention a lively reform movement with few equivalents in neighboring countries. And at the moment, the reformists definitely have the wind in their sails as far as popular support is concerned. Iran’s prospects of becoming a democracy (which they already were at one point in the past) eventually are actually pretty good.

Of course, even if the reformist movement won and transformed Iran into a modern democracy, they’d still oppose Israel’s right to run its own little apartheid, and Israel and America’s right to bomb baby bomb whenever they want. That’s the problem, as far as EHunter’s political masters are concerned.


Good Lord. Iran has one of the most modernized and liberal populations in the Middle-East…

Here’s a nice little article on what happened to their Iraqi counterparts.

I don’t think wingnuts spend much time worrying about people like this.


I don’t think wingnuts spend much time worrying about people like this.

buuuut, their terrrrrorists & mooooslims……….

seriously though, the whole 2003 meme of ‘invading Iraq to save them’ has disappeared down the memory hole………………..


Lose the wigs. Dress appropriately for the time of day, her age, the occasion, and her station as First Lady. 86 the bad attitude, the bitterness, and the racial grievances. Then let’s talk about Michelle Obama getting closer to “beautiful”.

Where does all the “racial bitterness” in Michelle Obama happen? I’ve never seen it. Is it residual dumbassery from the “whitey” tape that apparently only plays on PUMA playback machines? Or the bitterness or bad attitude? Is it like the O-man being a “socialist” while enacting center-right, pro-business policies, just ’cause rightwing peckerwoods say so? Must be nice to manipulate reality like that. Dr. Strange got nothing on these clowns.


I’d hit it like the fist of an angry god.

Not me. Smooth and tender, like Al Green.


I dig this comment from the fat gay guy’s site: “People IS being irresponsible. Schlussel was unnecessarily mean about what she said, but she’s right, and so are you. Gabouray should have refused the award. ”

Yes, like Obama should have refused the Nobel prize, Gabouray should have contacted People’s editorial board and demanded she not be included on the arbitrary list of people they already had photographs of.


I forgot that consistency in beliefs is not a requirement a huge detriment for batshit wingnuts.


I was going to write something about brown holes of desire and strap-ons and Hannity, but that would not be a nice thing to do.

Depends* on how much you want Kevin Dujan Dujan** demanding copies of your newsletter.

*You see what I do there?
**Blame it on my typist’s reflex.


“A Chinese man has died after an eel that was inserted in his rectum gnawed away at his intestine.”

His friends admitted to inserting an eel in his rectum while he was drunk. It’s all fun and games until an eel chews through your colon.


The fact is, today is May 4th.

40 years ago, if America had Supported The Troops instead of listening to hippies, we could have won Vietnam.


I know you’re a fake troll, but real talk Diem was a corrupt piece of shit and had he won the war Vietnam would be worse off today. But Ho Chi Minh was also batshit, so if we never entered at all there would have been a good 15 years for him to establish a crazy cult of personality and genocide a bunch of people, instead of dying just before the country was taken. So, as far as I can tell, what happened was the best case scenario, we got a relatively moderate cabal of generals instead of plutocrat who would have bankrupted the country or a charasmatic psycho who would destroyed it.

I’m probably the only person who thinks we made exactly the right move.


On the topic of lack of beauty: the NY Times web site has a video of Frum and JoGo debating whether or not Obama is a socialist.


It seems inconcievable to these sickos that some people may find something other than the silicone-breasted over-tanned over-bleached near-anorexic “beauty” Carrie Prejean represents attractive. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I tend to appreciate natural beauty most….which is why I don’t fetishize Jolie the way so many do. I find her a tad cartoonish-looking. Plus she has been the benificiary of several sugeries, the rhinoplasty being the most obvious.


silicone-breasted over-tanned over-bleached near-anorexic

Stop it, you’re making me hot.

Plus she has been the benificiary of several sugeries, the rhinoplasty being the most obvious.

I can forgive that. If I had a rhino in my nose, I’d want it removed, too.


I had a bat in mine once and I bravely removed it myself.


I had a bat in mine once and I bravely removed it myself.

Lifting yourself by your own batstraps.


It seems inconcievable to these sickos that some people may find something other than the silicone-breasted over-tanned over-bleached near-anorexic “beauty” Carrie Prejean represents attractive.

I have a theory about this. It’s not about being actually attractive–it’s about showing the most fealty to Teh Patriarchy as possible. The more work you put into approaching that weird, Barbie-like ideal, the more misogynists will love you. I say this with the caveat that a purer feminist than I might think that about my femme-y presentation, so YMMV.


Ooh, now back to my plural marriage!

But I do not want to be a sister-wife. You would be She Who Must Be Obeyed. Mr. T&U and I can be brother-sister-husband-wives persons.

Of course! That was the plan all along. I am firm, but fair.

May I have a puppy?

Sure, as long as it doesn’t beg at the table and I don’t have to walk it. Mr. T&U wants a standard poodle*, but I’m not that picky as long as it’s not smooshy-faced.

*Seriously. I find this totally hilarious.


it’s about showing the most fealty to Teh Patriarchy as possible.

It’s about letting your freak flag fly.


It’s about letting your freak flag fly.

Well, in that case, I should probably show more solidarity with ladies who adopt that look…


T&U, I think u hit the nail on the head…& no need to explain about how u present. I’m hardly the poster child for the stereotypical image of hardcore feminism…but I am definitely a hardcore feminist.


It’s about letting your freak flag fly.

There’s more fun in the hoisting than the flying.



Where does all the “racial bitterness” in Michelle Obama happen?

In the pointy heads of those who “see” it.

There’s several really obvious reasons for all the projection: Laura Bush, Barbara Bush, & Nancy Reagan.

A notoriously vicious Dragon Lady & two overmedicated extras from Night Of The Living Dead don’t really stack up very well against one charming, very smart & very smokin’ hot black woman. Throw in Sasha & Malia (with their devastating level of cuteness) versus the Bush Twins (with their ability to make Secret Service agents cry) & you have all the ingredients for a Perfect Storm of wingnut RAEG.


& no need to explain about how u present.

I know, but I try not to attest to women’s motives as to why they choose a particular way to look because some feminists dismiss femininity/femmeness as participating in our own oppression. So, really, it’s not my place to say that my look is acceptable in terms of feminism, but others’ aren’t. That’s all.

Although I will make fun of the college girls who wear tube dresses and no coats in 30 degree weather. I had no idea that warm clothing renders you unfuckable until I moved to a college town.

South Side Irish

[B]lack voters just race-vote in elections, and if they think someone is black, they will vote for him. Charles Manson could be elected to office in Chicago if the Southside was somehow convinced he was black.

South Side is is turning into one of the most violent places on Earth. Maybe this guy is right about Hillary , and maybe she is the one who would be bave enough to go into places there that Obamma would not attempt in his own hometown.

After all, Hills ahowed all that coool calm courage when she took that trip to war torn Bosnia in a hail of gunfire and snipers bullets.

South Side Irish

Oops that was supposed to be a A hail of gunfire and sniper’s bullets


Lifting yourself by your own batstraps.

I read this and saw it as “lifting yourself by your own bra-straps.” Given the recent discussion on feminine appearance, why not?


Where does all the “racial bitterness” in Michelle Obama happen? I’ve never seen it. Is it residual dumbassery from the “whitey” tape that apparently only plays on PUMA playback machines? Or the bitterness or bad attitude? Is it like the O-man being a “socialist” while enacting center-right, pro-business policies, just ’cause rightwing peckerwoods say so? Must be nice to manipulate reality like that. Dr. Strange got nothing on these clowns.

Amazing, isn’t it? It’s instructive to see how one poorly chosen word in one little off-the cuff quote has spawned a cottage industry of hate.

I’ve always wondered about the right-wing meme that Hillary Clinton hates the military – what was the tiny, obscure germ that started that one, I wonder?

South Side Irish

Arrrgghhh! Cut and past it it’s good.


I read this and saw it as “lifting yourself by your own bra-straps.”


Spengler Dampniche

Okay, it’s not even mangoes, it’s not even a boat, but as a card-carrying radical feminist myself, lemme say PRESENTATION DOES NOT MATTER in teh real world of really real. Now, we haven’t even come close to reaching that world, but srsly.

If you want to wear six-inch lucite heels, tits out, and a thong with an opening in it to show off your clitoral hood, go ahead.* Does that mean you’re a patriarchal man-pleasing whore? Maybe. But is that not a choice, an opportunity to invent the kind of woman you want to be? I think it is.

If you want to wear Laura Ashley pinnies, Mary Janes, and those big floppy hats associated with horse races, are you an uptight Stepford Wife? If you want.

My point is, we have to stop imagining that self-actualization in women will lead them to be more like men. Our species has a history of one sex or the other wearing face paint. So what? Does that puncture gender identity and render women powerless? Only by modern convention. Why are lesbians touted as the only true feminists, and furthermore, only the ones with mustaches? Because they’re “opposite?” Or because they’re more like men?

On the slightest provocation I wear spectator shoes and an ascot with a nice cream linen suit and maybe a buff double-breasted boxcloth waistcoat. Also of course a pocket square tossed willy-nilly in the top pocket. Of course this marks me as a big old fag, but I couldn’t care less: if I didn’t dress that way, I’d just be some middle-aged tub of shit mincing around in a logo T-shirt. I’m following my essential feel-good advantage, not making myself pretty so the chicks will dig me.

So I say, O feminists, dress as you will, pretty as you want. Anything less is a concession to the idea that feeling foxy is inherently sexist. It’s not. It’s inherently human.

*illustrated newsletter available

Spengler Dampniche

I said “of course” twice. The proofreder has ben sackid.


Our standard poodles are going to be so beautiful and well-trained. You will be very happy. They will also be service dogs. One of the things they do will be to sense when I am about to say something really stupid, then they’ll come over and lick my face until I shut up.

And yes about the concept of fealty. There’s no worse sin than not really trying, and being okay with it. But the patriarchy demands evidence of your allegiance – typically in the form of a willingness to endure pain and inconvenience. That’s an oddly cool thing about getting older (as long as you’re not a celebrity or someone with an executive job): you become less visible and you can kind of do what you want.

And since I don’t have the poodles yet, I can’t really assess what I just said.


I said “of course” twice.

Nothing to fear as long as you’re a talking horse.


Also, I have noticed that the high school kids in my neighborhood – boys and girls – tend to wear less clothing in the winter, but when it starts getting hot, they break out the hoodies and long pants. Young humans are weird critters.


On the slightest provocation I wear spectator shoes and an ascot with a nice cream linen suit and maybe a buff double-breasted boxcloth waistcoat. Also of course a pocket square tossed willy-nilly in the top pocket.

HOT. Pocket squares are pretty much the best.

And, yeah, I agree. I have a problem with “compulsory femininity,” but I’ve become comfortable adopting “femme” as an identity, but obviously, I do femme differently than Dita Von Teese or Jenna Jameson. I’m more interested in separating gendered characteristics from the genders they supposedly correspond with than I am about smashing femmeyness, because a) femme is fun for a lot of people, and b) that will never, ever happen anyway.


There’s no worse sin than not really trying, and being okay with it.

Definitely. That’s why I think that things like, say, hairy legs, are greeted with such hostility. The only reason why I could imagine that people would give a shit or think it’s “gross” is because a woman isn’t complying with the classic idea of femininity (in 21st century USA), and that freaks people out.


HOT. Pockets squares are pretty much the best.


I’d just be some middle-aged tub of shit mincing around in a logo T-shirt

Hey! I do not mince, I slouch.


at’s why I think that things like, say, hairy legs, are greeted with such hostility

I don’t think they are greeted with hostility — more like vomit.

Why stop at hairy legs? Why bother showering, brushing teeth or clipping finger nails? (Long toe nails are a hawt)


Oh, and to bring it back to the original topic (wait, what?), I think that’s also why these assholes have such a problem with Gabourey Sidibe. She’s fat and not ashamed of it. Proper fat people are at least self-hating, but she’s happy and comfortable in her own skin. That’s pretty damn transgressive, and obviously scary to some people.


Why stop at hairy legs? Why bother showering, brushing teeth or clipping finger nails?

Do you shave your legs? Why is leg hair on women seen as some sort of indicator of hygiene?

Look. I shave my legs. I’m not all like, “ZOMG razors are TEH PATRIARCHY.” But it is, quite frankly, a pain in the ass, and if people are comfortable not doing it, why give a shit? If you don’t find that attractive, don’t fuck them.


Proper fat people are at least self-hating, but she’s happy and comfortable in her own skin. That’s pretty damn transgressive, and obviously scary to some people.

I think that is the problem — the other people who are so down on themselves they just take it out on people who seem happy but don’t look good. Jealousy is uglier than excessive weight. But, I don’t think jealousy has ever lead to heart disease.


Do you shave your legs?

Yes but only about half an inch above my ankle. Ticks like me a lot.


Always. Trusting. The. Shorter.™

Why is leg hair on women seen as some sort of indicator of hygiene?

Because I don’t want to scrape my face or my hips, depending on the position.


I’m not all like, “ZOMG razors are TEH PATRIARCHY.” But it is, quite frankly, a pain in the ass,

Shaving one’s face is no picnic either. An electric razor is all I have time for because of my chronic lateness and even those leave me with a rash.. or was it DKW’s mom… hmmm.


They will also be service dogs. One of the things they do will be to sense when I am about to say something really stupid, then they’ll come over and lick my face until I shut up.

I trained one of my exes to do that, but then I switched from the mango skin cream to Old Spice and never saw her again.


But, I don’t think jealousy has ever lead to heart disease.

Probably not. And there’s a legitimate discussion to be had about obesity in this country…but “health” was just thrown in as a fucking red herring in this case.

Yes but only about half an inch above my ankle. Ticks like me a lot.

Ugh. Ticks don’t like me, but mosquitoes luuuuuuuuve me. I’m like a walking buffet for those motherfuckers.

Spengler Dampniche

Gosh, I sure lost a great big long post underlining my earlier point. WordPress thinks commenting every 25 minutes is too fast. Maybe it’s right.


Shaving one’s face is no picnic either.

I can imagine. Which is why I’m “wev” about beards, as long as they’re well-trimmed. Ironic mustaches must die in a fire, though.

Spengler Dampniche

Look. I shave my legs. I’m not all like, “ZOMG razors are TEH PATRIARCHY.” But it is, quite frankly, a pain in the ass,
You’re doing it wrong. Your legs are the long things that sick out of your ass on either side.


or was it DKW’s mom… hmmm.

I just glued strips of sandpaper to her thighs for those early morning rendezvous when l’il DKW is still in his jamjams and I’m off to work.


I’m not all like, “ZOMG razors are TEH PATRIARCHY.”

Dammit! We’re doin’ it rong!


Your legs are the long things that sick out of your ass on either side.

Oh, is that why people look at me funny when I walk?

Because I don’t want to scrape my face or my hips, depending on the position.

Mr. T&U’s stubble breaks me out in hives. It sucks.


“Why is leg hair on women seen as some sort of indicator of hygiene?”
actor212: Because I don’t want to scrape my face or my hips, depending on the position.

Of course you are adorable. But you didn’t answer the question. It is not a hygiene thing. It may be a personal comfort or personal preference thing, but that is different. You’re not gonna catch anything from leg hair.

And yeah, I opt to shave my legs too. But darn, if you want silky-smooth, you have to shave like every day. Honestly, letting one’s leg hair grow out till the blunt ends are softened is way less scratchy and abrasive than what you get when you fail to shave every damn day.


Speaking of doing it wrong*, can McCain do/say anything right?

We would have been invaded if Johnny was in charge.

*that too but let’s move on.


It may be a personal comfort or personal preference thing, but that is different.

Exactly. And if you’re more attracted to women who shave their legs, that’s fine. I’m not going to give anyone shit for that. But being repulsed by it? I just find that weird and gender police-y.

Quite frankly, I think armpit hair is kind of yucky, period. ARMPIT WAXES FOR EVERYONE!!!


Speaking of doing it wrong*, can McCain do/say anything right?

Yeah, I saw that. It’s funny how that motherfucker’s strong points were supposed to be national security and foreign policy. I’m pretty sure I know more about that shit than he does. And I don’t make jokes about bombing Iran.



That would be one romantic candlelight dinner.


It’s funny how that [edited for paranoia]’s strong points were supposed to be national security and foreign policy.

That’s what boggles my mind. Something as simple as Miranda rights become a hot topic meanwhile not reading them let’s them off on a technicality. Why do we have laws again?


Speaking of doing it wrong*, can McCain do/say anything right?

Nope. SATSQ.

McCain could hit himself repeatedly in the face with a hammer, and the press would still invite him on the Sunday talk shows. ‘Cause he’s really serious about that hammer.

The Rainbow Batman Says: The Seed Of Attitude Bears A Bitter Fruit

I don’t know what’s worse, Debster slapping a big red “” watermark on a picture that she stole from People magazine, or Dujan describing Michelle Obama’s dressing habits as “picking 5 random people a day from the White House tours line, blindfolding them, and then asking them to pick out her “outfit” for the day. In the dark. Did we mention blindfolded?”

If he’s not gay, he’s doing a smashing impression of a bitter old queen repeating what his favorite hag says while talking shit about her at the same time. They deserve each other, they really do.


“Why is leg hair on women seen as some sort of indicator of hygiene?”
actor212: Because I don’t want to scrape my face or my hips, depending on the position.

Of course you are adorable. But you didn’t answer the question. It is not a hygiene thing.

It is when you have a MRSA infestation!

Hm. Maybe I should have waited until after our date to tell you?



That would be one romantic candlelight dinner.

For K-Lo, you’d need a whole fucking beehive


BOBO ski watten taten!


Something as simple as Miranda rights become a hot topic meanwhile not reading them let’s them off on a technicality.

Well, we’ve been “debating” TORTURE for the last 5 years, so it’s no surprise that Miranda rights might become optional, as well.

Funny, I always thought that conservatives believed in the rule of law…


So has Dujan gone on record regarding the fashion sense of Laura and Barbara Bush?


For a gay guy his taste is absolute shit. Michelle always looks immaculately classy…and she does not have wigs. For fuck sakes, she’s the First Lady. Her hair is professionally-straightened and styled.


and she does not have wigs.

I know! There was something vaguely racist in that, I think.

Can you imagine if she went natural? Oh, shiiiit, they would freak out.


From Bobo:

The average Asian-American in New Jersey lives an amazing 26 years longer and is 11 times more likely to have a graduate degree than the average American Indian in South Dakota.

Yea, and gooseberries make better raspberry strudel when you’ve run out of blackberries and your other choice is black currants.

Seriously, Bobo, could you be a bigger dick?

Sure, the life expectancy of some groups is going to be longer than of others.

And sure, people who tend to do well economically WILL HAVE LONGER LIFE SPANS THAN THOSE WHO DO NOT, and it has NOTHING to do with the tax policies or healthcare policies of the individuals OR THE NATIONS THEY LIVE, you amazingly ignorant limp-pricked moron!

Swedes could afford, usually, healthcare. If not private healthcare in America, then they moved the fuck back home and got government healthcare, thus increasing the life expectancies of BOTH populations, but you’d actually have to do a little thinking and analysis to see that.

About the same amount of thinking and analysis one might do to check to see if there is blood in your urine.


Aw, damn. Link fail. I blame the antibiotics.


Michelle always looks immaculately classy…and she does not have wigs

No? Then explain these, liebruls!


I know! There was something vaguely racist in that, I think.

Can you imagine if she went natural? Oh, shiiiit, they would freak out”

I shudder to think of the nasty racist comments.


The average Asian-American in New Jersey lives an amazing 26 years longer and is 11 times more likely to have a graduate degree than the average American Indian in South Dakota.

Fucking grrrrrrrrrrrr.

I blame the antibiotics.

I told you to leave DKW’s mom alone for a couple of weeks!


I’m actually sick, too, and just came to work to spite my co-workers. Although I doubt that I’m contagious at this point.


I told you to leave DKW’s mom alone for a couple of weeks!

It’s either that or I was on the Nostromo again…


“No? Then explain these, liebruls!”



I’m actually sick, too

Ixnay on the admissionway orway everyoneway will knowway….


The average Asian-American in New Jersey lives an amazing 26 years longer and is 11 times more likely to have a graduate degree than the average American Indian in South Dakota.

Srsly, how does the NYFT still employ this dolt? He leaves out some of the most important pieces of context that only makes his writing make sense if you don’t read it.


Although I doubt that I’m contagious at this point.

I dunno, T&U could stand for Transmissible and Unrepentant.


Srsly, how does the NYFT still employ this dolt?

He gots a purty mouf.


“And is it just me, or does that Schlussel column just *reek* of jealousy?”

Hey, if Schlussel has to go to insane, misery-making measures to keep herself thin, why should the black girl not have to? Who does she think she is? How dare she change the standards that Schlussel has been suffering for her whole life? Caitlin Flanagan did a truly hateful piece in NEW YORK a while back deriding Michelle Obama’s “big-girl, suburban” looks and the _exact_ type of “who does that black servant girl think she is” attitude was going on there as well.


Ok, this is weird….I’m sick three. I’ve been bedridden since yesterday. I’m counting on you all to keep me happy and amused til Lt. Col. Vacuumslayer comes home.


Ixnay on the admissionway orway everyoneway will knowway….

So now you’re telling me that I have both a viral AND a bacterial infection? Great.


He gots a purty mouf

I’d like to smash Bobo’s face with a banjo.


Ok, this is weird….I’m sick three. I’ve been bedridden since yesterday.

Yes, I know.

I mean, I’m sorry to hear that!


So now you’re telling me that I have both a viral AND a bacterial infection?

The Cipro seems to be working, for the good news.


T&U could stand for Transmissible and Unrepentant.

True! That was me three days ago, not washing my hands, leaving tissues everywhere, hawking loogies on doorknobs…


Punch Sulzberger said,
May 4, 2010 at 17:11

Srsly, how does the NYFT still employ this dolt?

He gots a purty mouf”

And tiny little beaver teef.


So now you’re telling me that I have both a viral AND a bacterial infection?

The Cipro seems to be working, for the good news.

That shit’s hardcore. It’s so weird to see yourself getting better almost immediately. It also causes suicidal ideations, as I discovered a couple of years ago.


I’d like to smash Bobo’s face with a banjo ballpeen hammer.

Fixed for effeciency, while maintaining alliteration.


It also causes suicidal ideations, as I discovered a couple of years ago.

I’d never know the difference.


actor212 said,
May 4, 2010 at 17:13

Ok, this is weird….I’m sick three. I’ve been bedridden since yesterday.

Yes, I know.

I mean, I’m sorry to hear that!”

Sssssssssssssh. Let’s keep this secret and sophisticated shall we?


Sssssssssssssh. Let’s keep this secret and sophisticated shall we?

Pinky swear?



Safe words are for safety.


I’d never know the difference.

Just don’t mix it with grapefruit juice…your stomach will explode.


I think that is the problem — the other people who are so down on themselves they just take it out on people who seem happy but don’t look good. Jealousy is uglier than excessive weight. But, I don’t think jealousy has ever lead to heart disease.

Black people aren’t supposed to be happy and comfortable with themselves. We’ve spent 400 years making sure that didn’t happen. That’s why when a black person displays confidence and self assurance, it’s called uppity. It’s so not a double standard or anything.

This is further explanation for why there is a seething hatred for hip hop music, and why it’s defined among these dicklords by it’s worst examples.


Just don’t mix it with grapefruit juice…your stomach will explode.



Just don’t mix it with grapefruit juice…your stomach will explode.


Oh, that might have been my fault. The doctor said I wasn’t contagious anymore! Sorry.


This is further explanation for why there is a seething hatred for hip hop music

I thought that was just cuz it, you know, sucked.


Who cares about the ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico when Gasoline Declines!! Hooraaay for the Free Market!!


Who cares about the ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico when Gasoline Declines!!

I’m going to fuel up my Hummer and drive down to Louisiana and laugh at the ducks as they flounder about in sticky feathers.


he first cruise missles should be aimed to kill every mullah and Govt figure in one blow.

Thats one hell of a missile….

They’re planning on waiting for the “It’s Mullah Time!” Conference.

Hey, if Schlussel has to go to insane, misery-making measures to keep herself thin, why should the black girl not have to?

Her pictures prove that her insanity is not from keeping thin.

Having once grown out my leg and pit hair just for the hell of it, both get soft once past the stubble stage, and are just as easy to keep clean as any other hair.

Also: Lose the wigs. Dress appropriately for the time of day, her age, the occasion, and her station as First Lady. 86 the bad attitude, the bitterness, and the racial grievances. Then let’s talk about Michelle Obama getting closer to “beautiful”.

She’s got better hair, a better bod, better clothes, and better taste than you will ever have. Suck it.


I’m going to fuel up my Hummer and drive down to Louisiana and laugh at the ducks as they flounder about in sticky feathers.

Loser. I’m taking my Lear Jet down there to circle the Gulf while yell sarcastic comments at all the dying creatures. Besides, the spill was no ones fault but God’s.

Xecky Gilchrist

For K-Lo, you’d need a whole fucking beehive

That gave me a major case of colony collapse disorder.


Loser. I’m taking my Lear Jet down there to circle the Gulf while yell sarcastic comments at all the dying creatures.

Did I mention the road killed ‘gators?


Dare I ask?

I think the answer is yes, but did you remember to bring the sheep dip?


OT but I really hate Politico. [emphasis added]

The man had offered the vehicle on Craigslist, and FBI agents were able to recover the number from a disposable cellphone that had been used by the buyer.

The suspect didn’t still have the phone. But using a lot of technology and access to database, agents located the suspect.

“Using a lot of technology”? By making a few phone calls and punching a number into a database? Wow. Politico does a great feather job.


“Using a lot of technology”? By making a few phone calls and punching a number into a database?

Be fair. They write for an audience that still hasn’t mastered opposable thumbs.


Jesus. Get me out of here.


OT but I really hate Politico.

It’s pretty much the worst. It’s funny how people *still* read it, despite the fact that they know it’s shit. I don’t know why.


They write for an audience that still hasn’t mastered opposable thumbs.

As exhibited by this gem of a comment:

ALL ILLEGALS in this country, MUST be deported……………….
The FIRST mass murder that takes place, will be BLOOD on you, the Federal Governments hands….
You are failng us…………………..WE have had it.
First the Border disaster, and now this.
What’s it going to take?…..the Raping of your wife, or the murder beheading of your kids?.

Uh, I live in NY (I was not in Times Square because real NYers don’t go there) and the first thing I thought of was not “deport all illegals” is was more like “they will catch this moron” and they did… wyth useng lotz o teknoligy!


I think the answer is yes, but did you remember to bring the sheep dip?

The sheep crows at midnight but the batter is lean, if that’s what you’re implying.


tigris said,

May 4, 2010 at 17:47

Hey, if Schlussel has to go to insane, misery-making measures to keep herself thin, why should the black girl not have to?

Have you actually seen her away from her over glamourised picture?

Here he is in Debbie does Dallas, sorry Politics.

She has a cheek calling anyone ugly.


Revises the crime of unlawful use of weapons by allowing any individual who is lawfully allowed to possess a firearm or weapon to openly carry it into any church or assembled place of worship

Boy, next thing you know, they’ll want to worship nukes! Nothing bad can come of that, can it?


Get me out of here.

That sucks. Hope all they hi dro doesn’t make your babiz funny or your going to jail, young lady!


The sheep crows at midnight but the batter is lean, if that’s what you’re implying.

David Brooks? Is that you????


I was not in Times Square because real NYers don’t go there


Pimpin’ ain’t easy in the outer boroughs!


they = the*


Here he is in Debbie does Dallas, sorry Politics.


She’s at least a three bagger! One for her, one for me in case her’s breaks and a reserve tacked to the headboard in case of emergency!

I don’t want to say she’s ugly, but Miss Piggy called and asked for her snout and jowls back!


Nothing bad can come of that, can it?

Glory be to the Bomb, and to the Holy Fallout. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be. World without end. Amen.

That sucks.

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiindeeeeeeeeeeed. I swear, it’s gotten more wingnutty around here in the last few years. My college town is slowly becoming a haven for suburban evangelicals. Ugh.


My college town is slowly becoming a haven for suburban evangelicals. Ugh.

I hear if you put up a plastic owl, they stay off your lawn.


I hear if you put up a plastic owl, they stay off your lawn.

That’s just the Jehovah Witnesses. For the evangelicals you have to burn a pentagram into your lawn with lighter fluid.


I don’t have a lawn. 🙁


Have you actually seen her away from her over glamourised picture?

Yes. My eyes still ache.

Here he is in Debbie does Dallas, sorry Politics.

YOU BASTARD. Also: people, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, hit the mute before you play. Also, too: Bell’s palsy?


I don’t have a lawn.

Well it was nice knowing ya!


I don’t have a lawn. 🙁


You live in the Heartland! You HAVE to have a lawn!

For the evangelicals you have to burn a pentagram into your lawn with lighter fluid.

I thought that only worked with the Small-breasted Blousemouse?


“Have you actually seen her away from her over glamourised picture?”

No, I hadn’t had that pleasure until today, thanks. 😉

“Here he is in Debbie does Dallas, sorry Politics.”

Ah…I see she struggles with her weight as well. So, she’s offloading her self-hatred onto Sidbe, just as Flanagan was offloading her snobbery/racism onto Michelle Obama. That explains a lot.


BWAHAHAHAHA FAIL. Christianist anti-gay rally speaker says US needs “a new Michelangelo, a new DaVinci.”


Revises the crime of unlawful use of weapons by allowing any individual who is lawfully allowed to possess a firearm or weapon to openly carry it into any church or assembled place of worship

Aren’t churches private property? Why does their “right” to carry have more weight than what the actual property owner wants?


Here he is in Debbie does Dallas, sorry Politics.

Oh for the love, Debbie. Do you actually think that makeup makes you look good? Are you smoking crack?


For the evangelicals you have to burn a pentagram into your lawn with lighter fluid.

I thought that only worked with the Small-breasted Blousemouse?

NO! That attracts them!


I don’t have a lawn.

Please, TMI.



You live in the Heartland! You HAVE to have a lawn!

I live in an apartment. We have a screened-in porch. And we’re surrounded by a shitload of trees. And deer like to try and kill us. Close enough?


Aren’t churches private property? Why does their “right” to carry have more weight than what the actual property owner wants?

I don’t know…the law here is that if you don’t want someone to carry in your establishment, then you have to put up a sign. I think maybe the default is that you can’t carry in churches, schools, etc, and they’re trying to change that? So, yeah, a CHURCH will have to put up a sign that says, “Concealed weapons are not allowed on this property.”


sigh. So Joe Lieberman, now that he’s learned the Times Square bomber is an American citizen, has decided that if an American citizen becomes a terrorist, they should lose their rights, like the right to be Mirandized.

Some of us have started to talk about it here, which is that there is an existing law — which hasn’t been much used — that says if an American citizen is shown to be fighting in a military force that is an enemy of the United States, then that person loses their citizenship and they no longer have the rights of citizenship. That’s an old law that was adopted during a very different time of conflict.

I think it’s time for us to look at whether we want to amend that law to apply it to American citizens who choose to become affiliated with foreign terrorist organizations, whether they should not also be deprived automatically of their citizenship, and therefore be deprived of rights that come with that citizenship when they are apprehended and charged with a terrorist act.

How he figures that you could determine the guy chose “to become affiliated with foreign terrorist organizations” or is “fighting in a military force that is an enemy” without some kind of due process like – oh, I don’t know – a trial or something, I’m not sure.

Maybe he means they could retroactively un-Mirandize him, after they convict him?


“Is there something about Sidibe that I’m not aware of, like maybe she made some public comment favorable to Obama, to incur the Schlussel-ire?”

T&U was quite correct–it’s self-hatred. Even more to the hateful-Tea Bagger point, Sidbe is a major game-changer. Her career isn’t going to be a one-shot deal like Those That Set The Beauty Standards hoped–she’s not only getting much work, but she’s altering what a “beautiful” person or a successful actress “should” be. In short, she is to movies/beauty standard what Obama is to politics. And when you hit at the “white woman as shining standard of perfection” image central to right-wing philosophy, them’s fightin’ words.


Any comment made by Lieberman:

“I think it’s time for us to look at [whether the following statement makes sense. If it doesn’t, then we need to look at why it doesn’t. If after we realize that it doesn’t make sense I’m going to block whatever new policy I can because Imma doosh.”]


So Joe Lieberman, now that he’s learned the Times Square bomber is an American citizen, has decided that if an American citizen becomes a terrorist

Srsly, do Lieberman, McCain, et al. really think that when someone becomes a terrorist they become immune to prosecution, trials and incarceration? I mean (to use an analogy that is known to me only through rap lyrics and movies) gang members shoot and kill innocent people (albeit “accidentally”) everyday but they are tried, convicted, sent to jail. Why are they any different than a terrorist?


Srsly, do Lieberman, McCain, et al. really think that when someone becomes a terrorist they become immune to prosecution, trials and incarceration?

Yes. Because We Are At War! 9/11 9/11 9/11!


BTW, I appear to have been wrong about it being a ‘bagger.

This time.


“How he figures that you could determine the guy chose “to become affiliated with foreign terrorist organizations” or is “fighting in a military force that is an enemy” without some kind of due process like – oh, I don’t know – a trial or something, I’m not sure.

Maybe he means they could retroactively un-Mirandize him, after they convict him?”

Uh….no. And we all know this. What Holy Joe wants to do is beat it out of him, just like his hero, Jack Bauer.


How he figures that you could determine the guy chose “to become affiliated with foreign terrorist organizations” or is “fighting in a military force that is an enemy” without some kind of due process like – oh, I don’t know – a trial or something, I’m not sure.

He says “when they are apprehended and charged with a terrorist act,” so apparently due process and a guilty verdict aren’t required.


BTW, I appear to have been wrong about it being a ‘bagger.

Me, too. Is it wrong that I was disappointed that it was a member of The Brown Menace?


Though lord knows they never grab the wrong guy, *koffkoffRichardJewellkoffkoff*


BWAHAHAHAHA FAIL. Christianist anti-gay rally speaker says US needs “a new Michelangelo, a new DaVinci.”

Nothing strange about that. It takes a manly man to understand the proportions of manly men by staring at them for manly hours before carving a sculpture of manly manly david.


What Holy Joe wants to do is beat it out of him, just like his hero, Jack Bauer.

Joe’s just mad ’cause they won’t let him beat them himself.

let… him… himself… okay, that’s a convoluted sentence.



Joe’s just mad ’cause they won’t let him beat them himself off

Fiqqst for more disgustingosity.


Sooo, the ethanol industry is positioning itself to use the Gulf spill to advocate for more ethanol use. I would hope that we’re not so fucking retarded (satire) that we would fall for it.


Also, can someone please explain to me what effect not mirandizing this dude would have on the investigation? Other than possibly annulling his conviction, even if they can get one?


even if they can get one?

Of course they can get one. He’s BROWN!

Or they can just go ahead and sock him away forever, like whassisface down there in Charleston.

Convictions and juries are so pre-9/11 thinking.


Also, can someone please explain to me what effect not mirandizing this dude would have on the investigation?

From years of watching bad TV, they are convinced that if a suspect is told his rights he won’t talk. Frank Pembleton would tell them different.


Christianist anti-gay rally speaker says US needs “a new Michelangelo, a new DaVinci.”

Linky pls?

What’s he saying? Do we need more artists, architects, inventors and scientists? Of course, both DaVinci and Michelangelo were probably gay.

Rusty Shackleford

Also, can someone please explain to me what effect not mirandizing this dude would have on the investigation?

Statements he made while in custody (until advised of his rights) could not be used against him.


Of course they can get one. He’s BROWN!

Oh, of course. Silly me. I keep thinking we’re a nation of modern, tolerant people.

From years of watching bad TV, they are convinced that if a suspect is told his rights he won’t talk.

I’m beginning to wonder when our culture will become so saturated with media that our actual perception of reality is based on television. I mean, we’re already kind of there, with these assholes go around talking about ticking time bombs and shit.


Statements he made while in custody (until advised of his rights) could not be used against him.

Okay, yeah, but do they even know if he made any statements beforehand? Maybe he was Mirandized right away. Why can’t they keep their fucking mouths shut for once?


Okay, yeah, but do they even know if he made any statements beforehand? Maybe he was Mirandized right away.

Most non-idiot cops (which is to say, the vast majority of cops) have learned the lesson that you mirandize asap. It keeps you from getting fucked in court by a defense attorney and on the job by your bosses.


Most non-idiot cops (which is to say, the vast majority of cops) have learned the lesson that you mirandize asap.

I know…which is why they need to keep their fucking mouths shut.

What the FUCK is wrong with the “leaders” in this country today? They’re all stumbling buffoons and attention-hungry children! I’m fucking sick of it!

Rusty Shackleford

Some comedian had a bit about Miranda, something to the effect that everybody who hasn’t been living under a rock knows what their rights are by now. “I’m not gonna read this whole thing. You ever see an episode of Baretta?”


Some comedian had a bit about Miranda, something to the effect that everybody who hasn’t been living under a rock knows what their rights are by now

You have the right to a hat full of fruit.

Xecky Gilchrist

How he figures that you could determine the guy chose “to become affiliated with foreign terrorist organizations” or is “fighting in a military force that is an enemy” without some kind of due process like – oh, I don’t know – a trial or something, I’m not sure.

It works the same way as the Arizona law where the cops know who is and isn’t an illegal alien before asking for papers.


And deer like to try and kill us. Close enough?

So two deer walk into a bar

Oregon Beer Snob

Wow, having never heard Li’l Debbie speak, that youtube link up above was a real shock. She’s already bad enough to look at and/or read, but that voice! It’s like nails on the chalkboard of a 1st-grade class taking their first violin lesson.

I’m trying to purge my brain now with “Al Green – Greatest Hits” — the most soothing voice I could think of on short notice. Other recommendations are welcome, I’m not sure if one album will do it…

Oh, and T&U and Larkspur, you two are welcome to move to Oregon to try out your alternative lifestyle. You’d fit right in here, and I already have a cute dog…


So two deer walk into a bar…

Or into a Target.


You’d fit right in here, and I already have a cute dog…

Is that pretty much a requirement if you live in Oregon?


BTW, I appear to have been wrong about it being a ‘bagger.

This time.

Wouldn’t it blow Teabaggers’ minds (if, you know, they had any) if this guy turned out to be a fan of Palin’s?


Maybe he was Mirandized right away.

You mean before he was Simonized? Or Martinized? Or Hannitized?

Oregon Beer Snob

Is that pretty much a requirement if you live in Oregon?

Yes. They issue you the flannel, hiking boots, and dog as you cross the border.


in even funnier gay news

Why what a welcome notsurprise.


I’d click through to the newspaper article. “I didn’t know he was a prostitute!”


They issue you the flannel, hiking boots, and dog as you cross the border.

Oregon: The Abu Ghraib of North America


in even funnier gay news

It doesn’t mean you’re gay just because the guy you’re sleeping with is.


Stop it, Substance!! He just needed Lucien for help with the luggage!


actor212 said,
May 4, 2010 at 19:46

in even funnier gay news

It doesn’t mean you’re gay just because the guy you’re sleeping with is.”

Of course not!


Saw that bit from Holy Joe and wanted to scream.

Sure, Joe. Let’s make it so we can just torch anybody’s citizenship as soon as they are accused of anything. What could possibly go wrong?

Bonus scary, Glenn Beck as the Voice of reason.

and Beck added, “He’s a citizen of the United States, so I say we uphold the laws and the Constitution on citizens.” When Fox and Friends host Brian Kilmeade interjected, “But he’s a threat to the country. That’s different,” Beck responded, “So are a lot of citizens of the country. … We don’t shred the Constitution when it’s popular.”

Hey Joe, when even that guy gets it, and you’re still howling for an American KGB, it’s just not pretty.


Lookit shitbag Jonah Goldberg confront shitbag Richard Cohen with “I AM TOO STUPID!”

Battle of the Network Shitbags! Now With More Spangled Tights!


Does OBS have FredFest tickets? I do. heh heh heh


Reached by New Times before a trip to Bermuda, Rekers said he learned Lucien was a prostitute only midway through their vacation. “I had surgery,” Rekers said, “and I can’t lift luggage. That’s why I hired him.” (Though medical problems didn’t stop him from pushing the tottering baggage cart through MIA.)

Hee hee! I wonder what the going rate is for handsome, bethonged luggage lifters?


Battle of the Network Shitbags! Now With More Spangled Tights!

No! Bad N__B! Bad bad man! Bad!


I wonder what the going rate is for handsome, bethonged luggage lifters?

Well, I get…oh, you mean in Miami!


Lookit shitbag Jonah Goldberg confront shitbag Richard Cohen with “I AM TOO STUPID!”

So no one has to give else has to give this putz hit:[emphasis added]

If Barack Obama isn’t a very good socialist, never mind a Very Good One — in super-serious capital letters — doesn’t that mean he’s still a socialist? Bob Uecker was not a very good baseball player, but he was a baseball player.

First, the reason, Jonah, the letters are capitalized is because it is a mock Title. You know, a Headline? Moron.

Secondly, it’s called sarcasm… OK i don’t have the patience for this right now. Sorry to waste everyone time.


Jonah thinks eating the Meat Lover’s pizza means someone’s still a vegetarian, just Not Very Good at it.

Oregon Beer Snob

Does OBS have FredFest tickets? I do. heh heh heh

No, I don’t 🙁

But I have met Fred. Very nice guy. Judged a flight of beer with him at the Oregon Homebrew Festival a number of years ago. I also have a Magnum of 8 year old “Fred” from Hair of The Dog in my fridge, so there.

Whale Chowder

Sooo, the ethanol industry is positioning itself to use the Gulf spill to advocate for more ethanol use. I would hope that we’re not so fucking retarded (satire) that we would fall for it.

It’s so cute when they’re idealistic and naive.

We’re so fucking retarded (not satire) that we voted Dubbia into office nearly twice. Case closed.

Also, too, please mark me down as a huge fan of Michelle Obama. She’s gorgeous, intelligent and actually has a heart. *swoon*

And just because I’m sofacking late to the party all the beer’s gone doesn’t mean I can’t comment on it: I came of age when the dirty hippie girls were growing it out, especially where I went to college — many DFHs had moved there in the post Summer of Love diaspora. I got no problem with girls with hair wherever they feel like it. Even pit hair can be sexxay in the right circumstances.


Hair of The Dog in my fridge

Doesn’t he catch cold?

Oregon Beer Snob

Even pit hair can be sexxay in the right circumstances.

I, uh, “hear” there are even websites and newsletters dedicated to such things.


Even pit hair can be sexxay in the right circumstances.

Braids and beads, man.


Even pit hair can be sexxay in the right circumstances.

Braids and beads, man.

Cornrows and dreadlocks, man.


I, uh, “hear” there are even websites and newsletters dedicated to such things.

You sound…interested.


Websites, newsletters and Patti Smith album covers.


Original EHunter reproduced below.

This should be good.


Not a jew, but I make a mean bagel with lox, so: listening.

American Jews have historically been drawn to liberal causes. They have
almost always voted Left. The question is..

bzzZZZ ::slobber:: bu-what? Oh yeah. Uh, I think you got lost somewhere in the 60’s, Mr. E-Hunter Man.

How Do You Like It Now?

Ooo, feisty

Obama is the epitome of everything Liberals fought for, full of peace and love,


beyond nationalism,
Multi Cultural, the champion of the Third World, pro open borders,

Huh-what? :blink: musta misheard ahhhzzzzzz

pro mass immigration. How do you like the New America? Are you finding, perhaps, that support for Israel was really a White conservative cause after all?

::snooOOOOOre:: hock! wakemeupwhenbushresigns ::snooOOOOOre::

Aaaand I get off right there. TL:DR.


This should be good.

That is not a mango, it is a bloated rat whose fur has been dyed yellow and I shall not eat of it.


I think we can all agree that when God gave Kevin Dujak a mouth, He wasted a perfectly good arsehole.*

I’d just be some middle-aged tub of shit mincing around in a logo T-shirt

Hey! I do not mince, I slouch.
Is it OK if it’s the logo of a bookshop or pub rather than a band? I’m asking for a friend.

* Stolen from Neil Gaiman, who probably stole it from someone else.


WordPress is suffering from a surfeit of mangos which is why it’s breaking the blockquotes.


Is it OK if it’s the logo of a bookshop or pub rather than a band?

It’s best if it’s the logo of a mass-market SUV maker or drink chock full of high fructose corn syrup.

NASCAR paraphernalia earns you many “pasty old man” bonus points* as well.



* bonus points redeemable at the blogsites of Atlas Shrugs, Anal Thouse, Debbie Snack Cakes or Jonan and K-Lo’s place


“The more work you put into approaching that weird, Barbie-like ideal, the more misogynists will love you.”

As someone on LAW AND ORDER: CRIMINAL INTENT so aptly noted, there’s a race you can never win.


“pasty old man”
The Frau Doktorin prefers to think of me as ‘malleable’.


Does she use a hammer?


Does she use a hammer?

He comes pre-tenderized, apparently.


Are they stupid enough to fall for the ethanol-would-have-stopped-this BS? Yes. Most people haven’t a clue what the Mississippi river is transporting to the Gulf, and the dead zone and whatnot.

Lots of do-good libs think that hydrogen cars are pollution-free transportation.

And yes, Frank Pembleton, where are you now in our time of need?

No, not you, Baylis. You already screwed up a case involving an Arabber.


The accursed balding attention whore troll that infests Boystown has been stung by your ire into spraying more bitchy bile for those he seeks to fleece on a regular basis:


The PUMA front funded by uber loaded Lady Lynne Forests of Rothschild Money have said that they will never ignore sexism again,

I guess that excludes the time that they were promoting the hizzbullers on Huffington Post, or the times that “Karen” one of the New Agenda writers spens commenting there, or the time Amy Siskind offered to provide the personal details of a female blogger so that hizzzbull readers could visut that blogger with baseball bats.

Dujan is meanwhile showing the World he is not racist by proving himself to be a racist.


And watch “The Boondocks” while you’re at it. It’s a cartoon produced, written, voiced, and quite possibly even drawn by blacks — so the Left is going to have a very hard time trying to claim this is racist.

Stupid monkeys, now they can even draw comics!


Schussel may have gone overboard in her assessment of all this, but we agree with her in the sense that absolutely no one benefits by pretending morbid obesity anorexia is just fine. Weight’s a touchy subject for a lot of us, and no one here looks perfect…but when your health is indeed threatened by your obesity anorexia, you should just not let yourself appear on a magazine proclaiming to the world that your condition is an ideal.

FTFY, Kevy Baby

Consumer Unit 5012

TruculentandUnreliable said,

I’m beginning to wonder when our culture will become so saturated with media that our actual perception of reality is based on television. I mean, we’re already kind of there, with these assholes go around talking about ticking time bombs and shit.


I think we’ve been there since around the time Reagan got elected, if not before.


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