Prager The Horrible
Posted on May 3rd, 2010 by HTML Mencken
Above: “I gotcher minstrel show rite here.”
Shorter Dennis Prager
Real Clear Politics
“Why Left Talks About ‘White’ Tea Parties”
- Ok, fine, let’s grant the racist leftwingers’ cheap shot that the Tea Party is 100% Caucasian. So what? It doesn’t prove that Tea Partiers are the racists; but it might prove that blacks and Latinos are congenitally too stupid, venal, and racist to identify with such a pure and wholesome movement. Let’s be clear about who is excluding whom, people.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
The Shorter makes me glad I stocked up on dried mangos. Not as sweet and juicy, perhaps, but someone has to stay in the boat and take care of scarred and wounded sauciers.
Why can’t those uppity minorities get over their bigotries and become open-minded and tolerant enough to march with the Klan?
I guess, we know who the real racists are, don’t we libs?
Meh, can’t be arsed, really. The trees are flowering, the sun in shining, I just turned in my master’s thesis paper and all is right with the world. And the sun may rise and set, but Dennis Prager will always be a racist asshole.
It’s been a while since my last assclowns edition but then again, it’s been a while since the forces of evil have achieved so many victories in such a short space of time.
Demography is un-American.
Stupid ass teabaggers worship Sarah Palin. (Not to mention this cretin.)
‘Nuff said.
So the Right has the best interests of the blacks and Hispanics at heart but it’s the Left’s fault that they just can’t get that message across to the black and Hispanics? Damn Lefties! Cause then we’d see what the Right most fear: armed blacks and Hispanics at tea parties.
re ITDG’s link:
Worth a look, just to see the total deer in the headlights look on Kristol’s face at the end when even the Fox News folks tell him he’s an idiot.
I love his conclusion that Teh Blacks just don’t want in on this because it would ruin their welfare racket. Gotta appreciate someone who thinks minorities’ problem is they’re not as well-informed as a bunch of Social Security beneficiaries who screech about Big Gummint.
A study in contrasts:
For when the Left stops attacking people and starts arguing positions, we will see what the Left most fears: blacks and Hispanics at tea parties….
Yes, people of color suddenly identifying with the Republican party would potentially be–
But like the gambling addict who keeps gambling the more he loses, those addicted to government entitlements keep increasing the size of the government even as their situation worsens.
Whew! Looks like my greatest fear will, like the bogey man, remain merely hypothetical.
“Leftist big-government policies have been disastrous for black America just as they were in the countries that most Hispanics emigrated from”
Shhh. Don’t tell Dennis most Hispanics in America were born in America. Asswipe.
Oooh, yeah. Our “leftist” governments sure were a pain in the ass.
The fact is, we shouldn’t bother with recruiting Teh Blacks because they’re too busy swearing on Korans and shit.
This is a nice boat. A really nice boat. And I don’t even like mangoes anyway.
Yeah, gee whiz, why don’t minorities like the Republicans, just because you can’t mention race on Republican blogs without the comments getting filled up with spectacularly vile racist screeds? Why can’t they see past the spectacularly vile racism?
Have they LOOKED at their own “arguments”? It’s like trying to argue with a schizophrenic having a psychotic episode, except it’s not indecent to make fun of them.
Rats. I’m the real racist.
This is an insult to accordion players everywhere. I say this not because I like accordion all that much, but because I am impressed with anyone who has enough coordination to play it.
Stupid ass teabaggers worship Sarah Palin. (Not to mention this cretin.)
Are you trying to kill me? I’ve already had two Sudafed and 20 ounces of coffee this morning. White-hot Hulk-like rage could cause a stroke!
First sentence gold:
Opponents of opposition?
And the sentence is structured to make it look like the TPers are noting that they themselves are not just white, but whiter than new gym socks.
I didn’t read further cuz it’s Monday.
“Obama’s a socialist.”
“No he isn’t. He isn’t advocating government ownership of…”
Hi Arizona, how are ya?
Trying again. (FYWP!):
I just turned in my master’s thesis paper
Congratulations, Cerebrus! You’re right, never mind the baggers.
I just turned in my master’s thesis paper
Yay! Phew. I’ll bet you’re glad that’s over.
Shorter Prager: God damn you, straw man! I HATE YOU! DIE! ::whack::
“even the Fox News folks”
When BRITT HUME tells him he’s an idiot. Geeze, you’d think that would clue Bill in, eh? But no.
Citizen X and T&U-
Immensely. It’s a good day to be done with my thesis and not be Dennis Prager. I hope to do the same tomorrow.
Kristol still clings to the hope that he’ll get to “drill” Sarah Palin if he continues to defend her dumbassery.
Or maybe not. We ARE talking about reverse-Cassandra, after all. Simply being wrong is a good enough reason for him to take a position.
This is rather late, but the thought just hit me and I feel like blurting this out and S,N! happens to be right here in front of me:
On the previous thread (or perhaps the one before that) someone brought up two retired generals that are calling for more government regulations on nutrition because Americans are getting too fat to fight. Well, i can just see the counter argument coming. From the military contractors no less. After all, I see trillions of tax payer dollars coming their way in order for the to design and build and retool aircraft, ships, tanks and all manner of equiptment to accomodate the girth od the new American fighting machine.
Andrassac Lotsirk
Stay in the boat. There are no mangoes.
There are, however, some howlers that the shorter does not quite capture. For example:
conservatives specifically, have failed to communicate America’s distinct values — E Pluribus Unum…
Yes, that’s right. The secessionist, individualist Tea Party is trying to teach the principle of One From Many. Prager should go back and ask Sister Mary Francis to rap his knuckles, because he hasn’t been studying his Latin.
the principle of One From Many
For conservatives that the principle that One CEO gets to take an enourmous yearly compenstion home From the labors of Many living below the poverty line.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the maggoty corpse of Jesse Helms.
I think Prager misheard us. We’re talking about Whitey Parties.
“Mr Prager, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
It needed to be said.
How did someone as stupid as Prager make it to adulthood without someone, anyone, from his family drowning him in the bathtub?
No bathtub in Prager home.
I just turned in my master’s thesis paper
Congratulations I hope your master rewards you appropriately. Perhaps only ten lashes this wekk rather than the usual thirty.
Boards of directors of art or science museums are overwhelmingly white & wealthy too, but they’re not out on the street in Revolutionary War cosplay with signs Obama = Hitler and screaming to ‘cut da taxes’ when Obama likely cut their taxes.
PARTEE OF LINCON. Check and mate, you pack of racists.
OT: Sex with an underage girl? No problem – the Georgia GOP will still cash your check
If by “pay attention” you mean “mock for the absolute jackass, fantasy-world stupidity of these nitwit notions,” this is wrong, ‘the Left’ — meaning anyone leftward of Neo-Confederate secessionists — pays plenty of attention.
If by “pay attention” you mean “treat soberly and respectfully as though these were real ideas”, no.
Yess, master is good to me, a dank hole to sleep in and a special raincoat that fully covers the hump during those dark and stormy night experiments.
And with this, I’ll be eligible for a raise by Igor Union standard rates.
OT: Sex with an underage girl? No problem – the Georgia GOP will still cash your check
Holy fuck. That’s fucking sick.
Also, “Eventually, in 2004, the GPSC would suspend his teaching certificate for five days for abuse of a student, lying to administrators and violation of the commission’s standard of conduct for teachers.” What the fuck? I mean, I guess he wasn’t convicted of anything, but seriously? That’s his punishment?
I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, as I had two teachers who were known to be serial abusers of high school girls when I was in school.
Yes, Cerberus, my child, I am well and truly pleased. You shall get the raise. Also, your daily meal shall be increased to three, and shall include delicious and healthful morsels as well. I want you strong for the dissertation.
What a crock of shit – until 20 years ago, every government south of the border that could even remotely be called left-wing was either overthrown by a U.S. backed coup (Guatemala, Brazil, Chile) or undermined by a terrorist campaign until they left office (Nicaragua). Hasn’t changed a bit since the end of the Cold War – see the coup attempt in Venezuela in 2002, and the successful one in Haiti in 2004.
Incidentally, the reason why immigration reform will never succeed if the GOP is involved is because the conditions that push so many of our southern neighbors to move to America – extreme poverty, lack of jobs, weak government – are the exact same conditions that make these countries a wet dream for American and other corporations. You might say that rightist small government policies have been disastrous for the countries that most Hispanics emigrated from, just as they are in America.
Congrats, Cerberus. I myself have no master. But I have no thesis, either. And I don’t play the accordion. But if I did, I would practice diligently and would undoubtedly become a true adept.
You might say that rightist small government policies have been disastrous for the countries that most Hispanics emigrated from, just as they are in America.
Well, of course. They were the testing grounds for right-wing economics.
Not to be nit-picky, but shouldn’t that be:
Just a thought.
As far as this douche goes, just like I told a neighbor who was excited to attend the
Palin Bank Account Enhancement EventTeatard Convention here in Independence yesterday:“If you all aren’t a bunch of willfully ignorant racists dumbasses, where are the minorities at your events? If you care about spending, why did you not complain about the $6 TRILLION when Bush was in office? And why are you now complaining about taxes when yours were just cut?”
I don’t think he’s going to let me borrow his edger any more …
he Left pays attention to the skin color — and gender (not just “whites” but “white males”) — of the tea partiers rather than to their ideas.
“ideas”? Which ones? “Get your guvmint hands offa my Medicare?” or “Obama’s a comyoonist?” or “Obamacare gonna killl my Grandma?”
It’s inaccurate to say that Dennis Prager doesn’t go to bat for the beleaguered. Here he is coming to the defense of fast food royalty, as well as everyone who enjoys the little gifts of the King.
Joe Arpaio is planning a run for governor.
I’m afraid of Americans…
On the Georgia-schoolgirl-shtupping GOPer (a Christer to boot, of course):
The members of Faith Independent Baptist Church took their religion seriously. … Disputes were settled biblically
Stonings? Choppings of babies in half? Bludgeonings to death with the jawbone of an ass? Not to downplay the wrongness of a teacher seducing an underage schoolgirl, but if the article is correct, that is not the only, and possibly not the worst, reason that church needs serious law-enforcement attention.
one of my favorite shorters yet.
Joe Arpaio is planning a run for governor.
I’m sure he can get the trains to run on time.
Who is that honky playing the squeezebox and why is he so boring?
Well, he better cross his fingers, because not even Mussolini was actually able to do that.
Now, getting officials to say that the trains are all running on time — that you can do.
I got off the boat like I always fucking do.
The only unifying idea teatards have is this: We’re bitter hateful morons who are scared shitless the country is evolving and we’d rather burn it to the ground than to acknowledge we lost the election because we’re outnumbered.
It’s so obvious the shorter is precisely correct, I cannot be arsed to make even the most subtle of mango references. Instead I shall start a new meme involving raccoons.
I haven’t figured out all the details but it will be hilarious.
Shorter TeaTards: The Confederacy ain’t just for the South no more!
I’m already laughing.
I guess Denny has forgotten that all the blacks and hispanics are busy rolling in the cash from all the CRA loans they bilked from Wall Street?
Thought for the Day:
Arizona Republicans pass a law to de-spic the state, and are shocked, shocked, that everyone finds it despicable.
Have they LOOKED at their own “arguments”? It’s like trying to argue with a schizophrenic having a psychotic episode, except it’s not indecent to make fun of them.
It is seriously similar to the mental processes of someone having a nervous breakdown.
The only difference is that the insane don’t generally *choose* to be insane. Whereas wingnuts are choosing irrationality for emotional comfort. When a thought goes in one direction long enough for the illogic to become apparent, they just choke it out. And by “choking” I mean “spanking their misproven thought like a non-evolved monkey.”
It seems that immigration rights are nothing like LGBT rights among the religious.
Shorter: Immigrants should be treated fair, unless they are gay.
I wasn’t logged. I am Anonymous!
We’re bitter hateful morons who are scared shitless the country is evolving and we’d rather burn it to the ground than to acknowledge we lost the election because we’re outnumbered.
And unfortunately one of the main things that’s keeping them going is the Democrats have settled on a plan of being just barely better enough that another 3% of people will vote for them, and they will only lose 2% of their corporate contributions.
We need FDR and we’re barely getting LBJ. It still beats Nixon. But ffs.
when the Left stops attacking people and starts arguing positions, we will see what the Left most fears: blacks and Hispanics at tea parties
Which is why “the race card” is the new wingnut mantra in their latest attempt to refute “Political Correctness” aka “Basic Human Decency” – & why even after more than a decade they’re still following Newt Gingrich’s list of button-pushing smear-words the way Mormon Elders follow jailbait … & why they always try to change the subject, go ad hominem, or wah-wah-wah about your 27 relevant “cherry-picked” examples or your “extremist” use of linear logic the moment they find themselves being pwned on their precious “positions” rather than offering a lucid rebuttal.
That’s not an editorial … it’s a telegram from Bizarro World!
It is seriously similar to the mental processes of someone having a nervous breakdown.
The only difference is that the insane don’t generally *choose* to be insane. Whereas wingnuts are choosing irrationality for emotional comfort.
Yes! I don’t say this lightly–they are seriously psychologically damaged.
That’s not an editorial … it’s a telegram from Bizarro World!
Jim has succinctly expressed why nothing gets done in this country. Well, except for pointing fingers.*
It is seriously similar to the mental processes of someone having a nervous breakdown.
The only difference is that the insane don’t generally *choose* to be insane. Whereas wingnuts are choosing irrationality for emotional comfort. When a thought goes in one direction long enough for the illogic to become apparent, they just choke it out. And by “choking” I mean “spanking their misproven thought like a non-evolved monkey.”
Right. The trouble in dealing with today’s right wing is that their issues are frankly better suited for psychiatrists than for any kind of political campaigning.
We need FDR and we’re barely getting LBJ. It still beats Nixon. But ffs.
In internal politics, Nixon’s health care plan was to the left of Obama’s. Hell, I’d have been happy to have Nixon when that debate was raging.
PENIS 1:46-2:45
Why can’t they see past the spectacularly vile racism?
Because the brown hordes aren’t smart enough. When legitimate Americans puke their racist bile all over the interwebz, the real racists are the liberals. Only a white guy is intelligent enough to figure that out. It’s literally 2nd grade level logic.
…the Left pays attention to the skin color — and gender (not just “whites” but “white males”) — of the tea partiers rather than to their ideas.
No, we’re paying attention to your “ideas,” too.
@Sirius Lunacy:
I made you a comment, but WP ated it. 🙁
Those generals shouldn’t be worrying about our nation’s expanding waistline; at the rate drone technology is advancing, they can just stick all the fatties behind a console and have them playing World of Occupationcraft. And a drone army controlled by antisocial griefer clans ought to scare the shit out of America’s enemies, real or imagined.
Because the brown hordes aren’t smart enough. When legitimate Americans puke their racist bile all over the interwebz, the real racists are the liberals. Only a white guy is intelligent enough to figure that out. It’s literally 2nd grade level logic.
Yes. What’s really over the top, though, is the genuineness and sincerity with which so many bewildered conservatives ask “but why on earth won’t these people vote for us?” Usually leading to some kind of conclusion about the unfairness of the black/Hispanic mind.
OT–shit–I’m scared.
I was informed by a reliable source that the President was not born in the US, and probably forged his birth certificate. What’s worse, is that given that he lied about where he was born, the only logical explanation is that he is a Muslim, and as you all know, Muslims are all bent on killing all freedom loving Americans.
I can’t even sleep anymore, knowing what I know. This is serious, you guys. What do we do?
And a drone army controlled by antisocial griefer clans ought to scare the shit out of
America’s enemies,Everyone!Sterlingized for your protection.
I am going to march around with a sign that indicates that I have mental problems.
I am going to march around with a sign that indicates that I have mental and spelling problems.
Fixeded for greater accuracy.
Grrr. I blame the cold medicine.
Grrr. I blame the cold medicine
That’s why I always zap my medicine in the microwave for at least 20 seconds.
Properly chastened cold medicine is important.
That’s why I always zap my medicine in the microwave for at least 20 seconds.
True, warming it up does help it go down* better.
That’s why I always zap my medicine in the microwave for at least 20 seconds.
I add moonshine, flame it, and try to drink it down before I lose my eyebrows.
You can clearly see who has the fast typing fingers here.
Mine were bought from a wizened little man at a marketplace in Marrakesh. They work great, but he warned me about a curse that would eventually kill me in a terrifying and abrupt w
Yes. What’s really over the top, though, is the genuineness and sincerity with which so many bewildered conservatives ask “but why on earth won’t these people vote for us?” Usually leading to some kind of conclusion about the unfairness of the black/Hispanic mind.
Do you think they see it that way? I’m more inclined to think that they know exactly why any non-white or female who is not insane would ever vote for any of those assholes. I think they just seem stunned that their propaganda campaigns work pretty well on undereducated white guys, but have little effect on everyone else. So maybe the bewilderment lies more in the inconsistency in the effectiveness of their bullshit…? You can just hear them now–“we hired a darkie to head the RNC, what the fuck else do those people want?”
Substance McGravitas said,
May 3, 2010 at 18:43
I can’t even sleep anymore, knowing what I know. This is serious, you guys. What do we do?
I am going to march around with a sign that indicates that I have mental problems.
Well, I tried that, but he still has his stranglehold on our democracy. I’m not advocating violence, but this guy needs to go away before we are just like hitler.
Prager, in the article linked above:
but this guy needs to go away before we are just like hitler.
The Russians, as far as I know, have no interest in our headbones.
They work great, but he warned me about a curse that would eventually kill me in a terrifying and abrupt w
Aw, and they’re so generous they even hit submit for you! I’ve heard people talk about “giving fingers,” now I know what they meant.
Mine were bought from a wizened little man at a marketplace in Marrakesh. They work great, but he warned me about a curse that would eventually kill me in a terrifying and abrupt w
Is this sort of like “The Devil Went Down to Georgia,” but with typing?
In this morally inverted world, the virtual absence of blacks from tea party rallies cannot possibly reflect anything negative on the black and minority absence, only on the white tea partiers.
Aren’t many children in NAMBLA marches, either, the little ageist jerks.
Shorter dumbfuck wingnut:
We hate big goverment. We hate that we’re swimming in
Mexicansillegal immigrants due to the failure of the federal government to act! We’re also completely at ease with our political contradictions and conspicuous psychosis. We feel that these traits embody a true American.The Russians, as far as I know, have no interest in our headbones.
I’m sure I saw one looking in my window at my headbones last night. That’s why I sleep with a fully loaded MAC10.
Misdirection! Only ONE of the weapons in our arse. Enal.
“Leftist big-government policies have been disastrous for black America just as they were in the countries that most Hispanics emigrated from”
Well, seeing as how “black America” fared under Right-wing big-government policies, and seeing how most Latin American countries experienced a lot of right-wing juntas in the 70s and 80s, it’s no wonder they’ve thrown in with the Leftists.
Is this sort of like “The Devil Went Down to Georgia,” but with typing?
“If you win you get this shiny IBM Selectric II made of gold…”
Is this sort of like “The Devil Went Down to Georgia,” but with typing?
“If you win you get this shiny IBM Selectric II made of gold…”
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
Devil’s in the house of the pea-soup fog.
Well, seeing as how “black America” fared under Right-wing big-government policies…
Black people have never lived under right-wing policies. While white people, over the past fifty years, have lived under Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, for black people it has been one long Johnson.
Misdirection! Only ONE of the weapons in our arse. Enal.
Sorry to tell you this, but those are fakes…
“And, the fact that you’ve got ‘replica’ written down the side of your guns. And, the fact that I’ve got ‘Desert Eagle point 5.0’ written on the side of mine, should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence.”
Is this sort of like “The Devil Went Down to Georgia,” but with typing?
“If you win you get this shiny IBM Selectric II made of gold…”
Worst. devil’s bargain. EVER.
And, the fact that I’ve got ‘Desert Eagle point 5.0? written on the side of mine, should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence
Yes, the possibility that Microsoft is making firearms is terrifying!
The kitchen table COLLAPSED and I haven’t got the money for a new one! CURSE YOU, SOLID GOLD SELECTRIC II!
Yes, the possibility that Microsoft is making firearms is terrifying!
Hey, a dialogue box that says “Are you sure you want to shoot this guy in the face?” every time you try to use your gun might actually be helpful.
Hey, a dialogue box that says “Are you sure you want to shoot this guy in the face?” every time you try to use your gun might actually be helpful.
Yeah, but the blue screen could be fatal.
Nice VPR. And from off the boat:
Incredibly, despite being a statement by Dennis Prager, this is true. The lack of minorities among the teabaggers does not imply that they are racist. Rather, the implication of racism is derived from all the racist imagery and rhetoric used by the teabaggers.
Hey, a dialogue box that says “Are you sure you want to shoot this guy in the face?” every time you try to use your gun might actually be helpful.
Hey, it could even still be named Clippy!
Hey, a dialogue box that says “Are you sure you want to shoot this guy in the face?” every time you try to use your gun might actually be helpful.
I could totally see that evil paperclip in Office egging you on to shoot the guy.
‘Scuse yer fast FINGAHS.
Your joke was also better…
Hey, it’s a haiku!
“Are you sure you want to
shootdelete this guyin the face?”OMG Clippy! I’m dying here.
LOL re: Clippy. Or that weird, creepy Einstein…
Clippy must DIE.
Unless cybernetic organisms hell bent on establishing a socialist utopia in the US are flooding our borders, I think this is unnecessary.
Moar “white people aren’t racist because they aren’t going to be affected by the Arizona law.”
Great lead:
For this leftist, this is as close to La Raza as I get. Talk about hyperbole. You aren’t a white supremacist if you are alarmed by illegal immigration. But you are a white supremacist when you enact laws that only effect one racial group, moran.
“But like the gambling addict who keeps gambling the more he loses, those addicted to government entitlements keep increasing the size of the government even as their situation worsens.”
Yes that’s right, the poor increase the size of government while making sure their welfare allotments are low enough to starve a goldfish.
In this morally inverted world, the virtual absence of blacks from tea party rallies cannot possibly reflect anything negative on the black and minority absence, only on the white tea partiers.
Wow. Thanks, Substance McGravitas. I could unpack this for *days*.
In this morally inverted world, – the world disagrees with us, but we must be right. Therefore the world is morally wrong.
the virtual absence of blacks from tea party rallies cannot possibly reflect anything negative on the black and minority absence,
His intended complaint is crazy enough for an ordinary lunatic – “Why doesn’t the media blame minorities for not liking us?”
But his kludgy mind has phrased this in a revealingly poor way – that something negative should be reflected onto minority *absence*. As if minority *absence* were itself a thingness that could have intentions, including a negative attitude.
(head explodes)
So he’s criticizing this nonexistent absense, which his mind has fuzzily created as an abstract object for his emotional resentment. He resents this absence because it’s inconvenient – and he doesn’t recognize the absence is the result of a lot of people making individual decisions to stay the frak away from his crazy people’s one-side debating society.
Don’t forget Ward Churchill!
the poor increase the size of government while making sure their welfare allotments are low enough to starve a goldfish
Well, see, that’s the problem. How do they have enough money/time to care for a goldfish? They should spend more time voting Republican so a mainly white demographic of America can continue to rule. Then they should just go home.
The NY Post is banging* on all cylinders today “Even my nanny, who I know is illegal, thinks illegals should be deported.”
Please stop putting words in the illegal’s mouth. And sand. Then please accompany this police officer because you are breaking the law and, because you admitted it, will be sentenced to the maximum 5 years in prison.
I believe the thanks are due to Mr. HTML Mencken.
Racism does play a significant role in Europe,
And in America, my friend, and in America. Let’s not pretend that the PJTV crowd that’s currently the strongest political faction in the country are anything other than hardcore white racists. This isn’t just a European problem.
but it’s profoundly dishonest of American leftists — anxious to pander to such extremist groups as La Raza — to paint anyone alarmed by illegal immigration as a white supremacist.
A gigantic pile of horsecrap, and yet another case of conservative projection. Neither Obama nor his party are anything radical or extremist – they deliberately do everything they can to tone down extremist voices within their own party. Obama won precisely because he ran as a post-racial candidate and a symbol of racism overcome – for the black and Hispanic equivalents of the KKK, he’s still considered a house n!gg!r.
In this morally inverted world, – the world disagrees with us, but we must be right. Therefore the world is morally wrong.
Yep. In terms of our foreign policy, the future doesn’t look pretty, because I don’t see that logic ending any time soon.
American and European leftists share the conviction that the immigrant, legal or illegal, is always right — and the native-born citizen’s always wrong.
No native-born non-white citizens will be affected by this! YAY!
“But like the gambling addict who keeps gambling the more he loses, those addicted to government entitlements keep increasing the size of the government even as their situation worsens.”
Yes that’s right, the poor increase the size of government while making sure their welfare allotments are low enough to starve a goldfish.
These folks lambasting poor individuals for receiving a fraction of the amounts their own corporate welfare recipients do would be funny if it didn’t make me have murder fantasies.
Another strawman. But they don’t want to understand that it is not the immigrants rights, or at least the illegal immigrants rights that we are concerned with but the rights, safety and desires of the citizens. If those citizens don’t happen to look like Ralph Peters, they are still citizens.
No native-born non-white citizens will be affected by this! YAY!
Of course they’re affected! They are being called “racists” and don’t like the truth!
In this morally inverted world, – the world disagrees with us, but we must be right. Therefore the world is morally wrong.
Yep. In terms of our foreign policy, the future doesn’t look pretty, because I don’t see that logic ending any time soon.
It’s pretty terrifying when foreign policy isn’t used to make peace, or even to protect us, but to prove how big our metaphorical dick is.
It’s pretty terrifying when foreign policy isn’t used to make peace, or even to protect us, but to prove how big
And that’s what is all comes down too. Obama’s socialistic agenda is nothing more than a euphemism for “Enzyte doesn’t work for me” *tear*.
Let’s remember that the whole “La Raza” freakout is a smear.
Don’t 911 Truthers get laughed by the right? Now they are Oily Truthers!
First, they would know that the near-absence of blacks and Hispanics no more implied racism on the part of tea partiers than the near-absence of blacks and Hispanics in the New York Philharmonic implies racism on the art of that orchestra.
I have to admit, I find the angry, incoherent and misspelled signs to be somewhat of a distraction when I’m trying to enjoy the music.
Please stop putting words in the illegal’s mouth. And sand. Then please accompany this police officer because you are breaking the law and, because you admitted it, will be sentenced to the maximum 5 years in prison.
Ugh–come on, now. You know that breaking the law is white privelage.
Ugh–come on, now. You know that breaking the law is white privelage.
Silly me! It must be my white guilt that forces me to obey the law.
“I’m not trying to introduce a conspiracy theory, but was this deliberate? You have to wonder…if there was sabotage involved.”
Perino’s comment from Esteev’s link….
(not) Shorter Dana: I’m not trying to introduce a conspiracy theory, but here’s one for all you anti-government psychos out there, because we all know that environmentalists are just like hitler.
From Esteev’s link:
He’s conceding that much? I think that puts him ahead of, say, 95% of the people on his side.
And it’s immediately followed by a headdesk. When will these people get it through their heads that a fair trial is not a privilege to be enjoyed only by American citizens? It’s supposed to apply to anyone accused of a crime. In some sense, it is a human right.
Oh, and:
As political analcyst [correct spelling] Brit Hume eloquently said, “people [not him or any other white person] may have to endure some inconvenience.”
Obama’s socialistic agenda is nothing more than a euphemism for “Enzyte doesn’t work for me” *tear*.
Add the history around black men’s sexual prowess, and you get a whole stew of sexual inadequacies and racism that is being masked by political opinion.
Silly me! It must be my white guilt that forces me to obey the law.
No that’s what makes you vote for a foreign N******* muslim socialist hitler wannabe for president. I think. Wait. Yeah, no, that’s it. Yeah, this is just like reparations and stuff.
“Those people [not him or any other white person] may have to endure some inconvenience.”
Fixed to demonstrate intent.
In some sense, it is a human right.
They may concede that point, but will immediately engage in a debate over what defines “human”.
When will these people get it through their heads that a fair trial is not a privilege to be enjoyed only by American citizens? It’s supposed to apply to anyone accused of a crime. In some sense, it is a human right.
Whoa whoa whoa, Andrew. You sound kinda Constitutionally with that kind of talk. I’m not sure you realize that money doesn’t grow on trees. It transmits itself through osmosis to white people’s bank accounts so they can use the judicial system for its actual purpose: Keep Rich People Out Of Prison So The Can Get Rearrested For The Same Crime Later Only To Be Re-released. It’s the American Dream.
“I’m not trying to introduce a conspiracy theory, but I’d like everyone to meet Kuku, my conspiracy theory. Say hi to the people, Kuku!”
Yeah, this is just like reparations and stuff.
Seriously, isn’t the right to vote and a few projects sprinkled where they can’t be seen enough for those people?!
They may concede that point
I doubt it, actually. They’ll parrot “The Constitution only applies to citizens!” and ignore the founding fathers words to the contrary, because hey, don’t be naive times have changed those guys weren’t up against what WE’RE up against, just like they did in defense of the PATRIOT ACT/torture/every other unconstitutional crap they ever wanted to do.
– Dana Perino’s First Draft
It’s supposed to apply to anyone accused of a crime. In some sense, it is a human right.
But the Constitution says “endowed with certain rights by their creator.” So if you don’t believe in the right creator, then you shouldn’t get those rights.
After all, there’s only so many rights to go around and God ain’t creating any new ones.
Seriously, isn’t the right to vote and a few projects sprinkled where they can’t be seen enough for those people?!
Yeah! I personally have never owned a slave, and grudgingly admit that slavery was sort of wrong, but economically necessary and that flag doesn’t mean slavery and freedom of speech also! And don’t get me started on the projects. Where’s MY free house? Huh? I work 12 hours of my 8 hour day to pay for welfare for those people and they want more welfare?
I doubt it, actually. They’ll parrot “The Constitution only applies to citizens!” and ignore the founding fathers words to the contrary, because hey, don’t be naive times have changed those guys weren’t up against what WE’RE up against, just like they did in defense of the PATRIOT ACT/torture/every other unconstitutional crap they ever wanted to do.
Ah yes, the old double standard. Times have changed, and WE will decide what to ignore and what to enforce to the deliberately vague letter.
I saw a bumper sticker once that said “Please stop using Jesus as an excuse to be a narrow minded, bigoted asshole.” I believe we could use the Constitution for this admonishment as well.
America’s distinct values — E Pluribus Unum
I got off the boat, and… wow. Never in my life have I seen such a savage attack on a straw man. Torching the scattered bits of straw afterwards with a flamethrower seemed like a particularly excessive touch, but hey–I guess there’s no kill like overkill.
The amount of projection in that piece is absolutely unreal. Prager has one thing right, though; the teabaggers do indeed represent conservative opposition to so-called big government. Which isn’t to say that they’re any kind of coherent opposition, but rather a sort of moron magnet collecting angry wingnuts of various stripes, including Paultards, gun nuts, militia nuts, nativists, LaRouchies, Birchers, and so on. To the extent that teabaggers can be said to have a collective ideology at all, it consists of a familiar litany of right-wing grievances about taxes, regulations, and the alleged evils of “socialism” (which tends to be defined as “any government program they don’t like.”) Critiques of those ideas are a dime a dozen; I understand that Prager, being a hatfucking wingnut, might not agree with said criticism, but it’s utterly ridiculous for him to pretend that the critiques don’t even exist.
OK, Martian Buddy, that tvtropes site is funny forever. Now I have jargon for dissecting stories! Yay!
Beware the wiki-walk effect, though–I’ve been known to spend hours clicking “random article.”
Please to feature more pictures of teh sexy Amy Alkon.
Many thanks, my friend.
“but it’s profoundly dishonest of American leftists — anxious to pander to such extremist groups as La Raza — to paint anyone alarmed by illegal immigration as a white supremacist.”
That’s the latest, first they went after ACORN, now its La Raza who had the temerity to be a very effective organization working to improve the lives of people of the wrong skin color.
After all the grassroots organizations are destroyed they’ll be going after the YWCA, domestic violence organizations, UU churches, volvo drivers and anyone else that has something they can appropriate for themselves in a few years later.
And Ronnie came down and spoketh unto the crowd: “Hey guys! What can I do to help you son? Would you like me to send a military officer over with a bible cake? How about we get our Panamanian friends to send those hippies some cocaine? Whew boy, I feel tired, is it naptime yet mommie?”
I don’t know. It’s a very weird combination of being racist as hell, and being very honesty bewildered when the other races don’t rally to you; because, after all, aren’t you the superior ones? Don’t these silly hordes of people understand that everything would be better if they’d just sit down, shut up and let you run the country for their own good?
Reproduced below, a PJTV commentator gives a stunning example ( of a racist embittered and disillusioned by the inferiors’ stubbornness;
Beyond parody.
Oh Jesus, what an asshole. Even when there was a white majority, “Western Civilized, literate, educated WASPS” were a FUCKING MINORITY. A slim one.
Ooh, and where does this guy stand re. the bloody Catholics from the swarthier parts of Europe? Bet he’s just the kind of Bill Bennety guy who’ll stand up on his soapbox and intone like Sam the American Eagle, “Western… Civilization”… but then have a hemorrhoid when real-life Greeks or Italians move into his neighborhood.
And what makes him think the country club wing of the GOP is a big Israel booster? It’s the backwoods crackerific Bapatis blue collar/Southern fundie wing of the GOP that has a hard on for… well, not Jews, but Israel. For their own freaky reasons. (Also folks who wouldn’t be so keen on Jews moving next door.)
And of course, not many American Jews are the right wing neocon settlements-at-all-cost maniacs that he thinks real Jews are/want to be/ought to be.
I’m reminded of the character Alvy Singer, living under the Cyclone roller coaster at Coney Island, re. his Uncle Nickels,
“What an asshole.”
P.S. No Irish Need Apply!
No Irish, No Dogs!
Oh, and they’ve already gone after the Unitarian Churches:
(Another isolated incident by some lone nut, not at all politically-motivated terrorism committed by some lone nut.)
And since the Christian right was right there in the early 70’s, bitching and moaning and fighting the establishment of battered women’s shelters (bad for the Family!), sure, why not go after them?
Unless they want to admit that they have come to accept as normal something they were once terribly WRONG about. (Cite 32 other examples if you’re playing the home game.)
P.S. No Irish Need Apply!
No Irish, No Dogs!
I wonder if the guy can play that one o’l ditty on his squeeze box?
You know the one….
We Kept the pigs in the parlor
We Kept the pigs in the parlor
We Kept the pigs in the PARLOORRR!
‘Cause they were Irish, too!
Oh, they got that sorted ages ago. Italians aren’t the “real” Romans, nor are Greeks the “real” Hellenes. For that matter, Jews are not the “real” Hebrews. In fact, I’m pretty sure Egyptians aren’t the “real” Egyptians.
The only group they don’t pull this on is the Chinese, but whenever their (independent, prior) accomplishments as a civilization are brought up it’s all “la la la I’m not listening” or “that’s hearsay”. (Epcot’s “history of communication” is a true classic in this genre.)
So where did all the “real” Italians, Greeks, and Hebrews go, then? And is OJ looking for them?