We Lie Because We Care
Posted on April 26th, 2010 by D. Aristophanes
Shorter Andy McCarthy, Teh Corner:
Reply to Jim Manzi
- While admittedly I know fuck-all about climate science and it seems likely that anthropogenic global warming is actually happening, I deny it exists because otherwise scientists might pass a law against stuff I might want to do, like fill up my swimming pool with crude oil and light it on fire or something, plus the Islamo-Nazis want us to worry about global warming so’s we’ll be distracted from their plot to blow up the universe, and how strange it is that this doesn’t seem to bother you in the slightest, Mr. Greeny-pants Crypto-Jihadist!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Also, this towards the end:
Says the guy who earns a living as a paid shill for the terrorism alarmist community. Hilarious.
Mr. Greeny-pants Crypto-Jihadist!
Meanwhile, I’d conclude, get back to me when you have more certainty about the nature and extent of the problem, plus a compelling case that it’s worthy of being on my plate given all these other first-order challenges.
Sounds almost Jonahesque. If only he had asked the common taters to do some research for him.
Facts. And what use are those?
Meanwhile, Victor Davis Hanson has a pompous sad over Obama’s poll numbers:
How about we attribute it to the fact that most sane people know we owe all these problems to the Bush-Cheney regime.
This, in spite of the efforts of the New York and D.C. media to rehabilitate the G.O.P. by promoting national amnesia.
Sky high cholestrol and blood pressure might be something that could possibly affect the quality of my life in the future in a negative way. They tell me the fact that I don’t save a dime toward retirement might impact my later life in a bad way. But right now I’ve got to pay the bills and fight off the Mooslims. Why would I worry about the distant future when I may drop dead next week anyway?
plus the Islamo-Nazis want us to worry about global warming so’s we’ll be distracted from their plot to blow up the universe
MOOSLIMS want us to explore renewable energy and get off of oil, thus bankrupting them, so obviously our only response is to punish them by buying more oil.
“Victor Davis Hanson has a pompous sad ”
That’s an understatement.
It’s a wonder these morons can even feed themselves.
The crux of McCarthy’s argument:
None of which McCarthy will state or point out. They are ,b>that obvious.
Actually, no. The crux of McCarthy’s argument was that Manzi’s brutal takedown of Levin’s warming denialist bullshit is that it “came from nowhere” and then instead of responding directly to McCarthy’s citations of Lindzen, Manzi instead focused on what Lindzen actually said. Preposterous! Especially since Manzi’s original post was about how conservatives refuse to address anything they disagree with. Which McCarthy still hasn’t addressed.
And also, PENIS.
It seems like he has bottomed out at Bush’s 2004 average, which doesn’t seem like the worst thing ever.
30% of the nation on entitlements. Hmm, what percentage of the US is non-white?
Anyway, what I never understood about these people is, supposing global warming is a big hoax, oil is still non-renewable, right? So what is the plan for when it runs out, which it will, even if we drill every place we can? Shouldn’t we be prepared in advance?
As if the middle east doesn’t have us over a barrel already (see what i did there?). The problem would still be closer than the supposed bankruptcy of social security. Why should we cede green technology advantages to China and Japan?
In short, why do these people hate America.
I can never decide whether Andy’s father was Joe or Charley.
That’s not a tag fail – that’s the transcontiental conspiracy of scientist colluding together to make me look bad. Because I’m doing their moms.
weak economy, 10 percent unemployment, astronomical deficits, polarizing appointments, and apologetics abroad
Let’s see: Bush, Bush, Bush, lie, and lie.
polarizing appointments
But…but…without those, the senate 3D doesn’t work!
It’s fun to read Andy McCarthy’s OMG BILL AYERS IS OBAMA’S GHOSTWRITER posts.
“That is, I would say it’s not the government’s job to gather together “the leading subject matter experts to produce a review of the known science” and then have their product “reviewed by a standing body of leading scientists …” If the issue is truly important enough, the experts will sort that out themselves. ”
Whaa? Duuuude. See: National Academy of Sciences. There. is. no. controversy.
The “birth certificate” search is also amusing.
I actually clicked through and read McCarthy’s post, and it’s even worse worse than the shorter.
It may be tough for a sane person to handle reading that paragraph, so let me summarize. According to McCarthy, we just can’t bother with climate change because:
1. We’re only human, and life is too short.
2. Deficits!
3. Entitlements!
4. Unemployment!
5. Taxes!
6. TERRORISTS!!!!!!!
8. Socialism!
9. Everything else!
His point being, America can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. Why, with all these terrorists to deal with, and all this tea party wankery to fret about, who has time to pass climate legislation? The government is just one man, after all.
what what?
His point being, America can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.
That may actually be true…for the same reason that it was said of Jerry Ford – too much helmetless football.
I actually clicked through and read McCarthy’s post, and it’s even worse worse than the shorter.
That is one of the things you can always count on with our little Andy. The reality is always worse than anything that you can imagine or make up. That is why I always trust the shorter.
30% of the nation on entitlements. Hmm, what percentage of the US is non-white?
Is that including unemployment and Social Security? Because that would be a teensy weensy bit dishonest, wouldn’t it?
I would say that, given our finite capabilities and the shortness of life, AGW may not be a problem at all, and, if it is a problem, it is not urgent enough to obsess over.
“We’re all gonna die anyway, so what’s the diff?”
Will this hawt wingnut-versus-wingnut catfight soon escalate into a chainsaw duel?
Sadly, nay.
Only 95% certainty? TEACH HTE CONTROVERSY!!!11!!!ONE!
Maybe because there’s (a) no “rampant fraud” involved in reading thermometers around the world & tracking the results over time, or taking pictures of glaciers or the polar icecaps – or in discounting anomalous tree-ring data from a single study, for that matter, & (b) the financial interest of the petrochemical community in manufacturing spurious “controversy” around the problem dwarfs any such interest on the opposing side, & they’ve already been caught red-handed shovelling FUD, illogic & straight-up bullshit on said subject too many times to keep track of by now.
Having dished out plenty of “scathing” myself, I’m confident that no one around here minds a good, sharp argument. Your post, instead, was unprovoked and gratuitously insulting.
it’s ok when i do it, but not when you do QED so SHUT UP
“We’re all gonna die anyway, so what’s the diff?”
And of course he doesn’t give a shit how much his kids or grandkids suffer in the meantime. On the othr hand, being that this is Andy McCarthy, he may accurately assessed the likelihood that he will never have any descendants and just doesn’t give a shit about our kids and grandkids.
As if the middle east doesn’t have us over a barrel already
Now you make Edward Tufte cry.
plus a compelling case that it’s worthy of being on my plate given all these other first-order challenges.
Like what, sport, Green Eggs and Ham?
“Too much other stuff!!! I haz a confooz!”
plus a compelling case that it’s worthy of being on my plate given all these other first-order challenges.
As if anyone is expecting HIM to solve it. Dude, it’s not on your plate, you can put down the safety spoon.
amazing thing is not that Obama has fallen faster and further than any first-year president, but that in quite wondrous fashion, he still earns an average approval rating in the polls of 48 percent
or, ‘but how can he be so popular if he is so unpopular’?
actually, it is non-true that he has ‘fallen faster’ & etc, as a quick look at the gallup presidential historicals (click on the picture of ronald) will show
instead, obama has been doing cognitive dissonantly better than mr ronald since december, which clearly can’t be true despite having actually taken place
ai haz a fascist
Is that including unemployment and Social Security? Because that would be a teensy weensy bit dishonest, wouldn’t it?
The government has nothing to do with Social Security, just like it has nothing to do with Medicare.
oil is still non-renewable, right?
Not according to Doctor Jerome Swiftboat Corsi- He has a theory that he made up all by himself (and he’s a Doctor!) called abiotic oil which says oil is made by rocks and kind of trickles up and is for practical purposes limitless. If oil was biogenic, how come there’s no long form dinosaur birth certificates in it? So no need to worry- carbon is harmless and infinite (proof: what do you get when you sear a steak? Carbon! Any time you want! Tasty!). So don’t worry and just Drill, Baby Drill! Nothing could possibly go wrong! Expect to hear these arguments from the GOTea party.
No, it won’t be climate change or immigration or swarthoislamofascism that will usher in the Apocalypse- it will be gay Archie.
Just the fact that the all the Oil companies deny Climate Change should be enough for anyone smarter than a bucket of dirt to realize the situation is genuine.
Cognitive closure? Epistemic dissonance?
the fact that the pentagon has deemed it a significant threat and will be a factor in further political instability should be enough for anyone smarter than a bucket of dirt to realize the situation is genuine.
but in typical moronic conservative fashion, we cant solve the problem now and do it cheaper, its better to wait until its a full blown disaster and theres tons of suffering and death and will cost 100x more to fix. see fixing levees, katrina, etc.
Shorter Andy McCarthy:
“My ass; let me show you it.”
As mildly cheering as it is to see a few conservatives question their own orthodox echo chamber I find the whole “epistemic closure” bit a little precious. First of all because it was many of these same pseudo-intellectual assholes who were responsible for pushing the Straussian “it’s cool to keep the rubes in the dark and manipulate them so long as their Betters understand what’s really going on” in the first place. Their army of Palinite idiots– an army they helped create– is now embarrassing them and trying to topple their little kingdom so now it’s suddenly a problem. Spare me.
And as for climate change, none of them are brave enough to admit that mostly they stick to their guns because to do otherwise would mean that they’d have to admit that the Dems and the dreaded Algore were right and they were wrong. They’d rather see half of Florida disappear than look “weak” by adjusting to reality.
His core argument seems to be that he’s going to be dead before the planet burns, so why bother?
I would say that, given our finite capabilities and the shortness of life, AGW may not be a problem at all […]
Hey kids: IGMFU!
the financial interests of the alarmist community in the existence of the problem
Andy, I will discount on that basis the day you and your pals discount on the basis of the financial interests of the oil and oil-futures-speculation communities in the non-existence of the problem.
Seriously, why doesn’t anybody ever throw that back in these fuckers’ fat faces?
… the financial interests of the alarmist community in the existence of the problem …
Algore made up global warming so he could sell lots of DVDs and buy more food and get fatter.
Also algore farted because he was so fat and that caused global warming LOL
Some people claim to be concerned about AGW, but they are not investing in energy-conservation technologies or non-fossil-fuel energy sources. HA HA we discount their advice since they do not put their money where their mouths are.
Some people claim to be concerned about AGW, but they are investing in energy-conservation technologies or non-fossil-fuel energy sources. HA HA they are obviously motivated by their financial interests.
Global warming is real but it is important that we lie and say it isn’t because terrorists.
(A shorter version of the shorter.)
Tired of living paycheck to paycheck?
Join the Alarmist Community!
“I started out painting houses to make money while in school. After joining the alarmist community I’ve earned more in the past year than I would have in 10 years. Not only am I able to travel wherever and whenever I choose, I also have the ability to perpetrate rampant fraud anywhere I am. If you don’t take a chance, you don’t have a chance. You’ve got to give this a try!”
– Clint, Kennewick, WA
Shouldn’t there be a
file photo of a puffer fishrecent portrait of McCarthy to illustrate this post?Alternate shorter:
I lie about AGW because I cant be arsed studying it and collecting real arguments. Besides, if I studied the subject I might find out I was wrong and have to change my mind.
I lie about AGW because
I cant be arsed studying it and collecting real argumentsI’m not paid to have an opinion. I’m paid to get on my knees and suck Exxon cock. Besides, if I studied the subject I mightfind out I was wrong and have to change my mindwaste precious cock sucking time learning something that I am not paid to know. Slurp!fixd.
I know! Funny story, it’s true, this one time I was walking down Congress Avenue with a whole shitload of dirty fucking hippies and I looked at the one next to me and said pretty much the same exact thing, verbatim, like I was all,
She just nodded and kept walking because pretty much all four thousand or so of us were there for that exact reason at the time, true story.
The gubmint can have my incandescent bulb when they pry it from my cold dead fingers and also the cold dead fingers of the other 3 wingnuts who are helping me change it at the time.
zebbidie – I am in awe.
In the tradition of the internetz, I cavort and gambol in the sunlight of attention, whilst taking reflected credit for something I have neither the imagination or manual dexterity to create.
It’s a better outcome than curling up under my desk at work crying inconsolably.
Hey Andy, do you know how many Future “McCarthy”s have to start every conversation with the phrase, “No relation.”?
All of them…
Tim Lambert at Deltoid shows the absurdity of the AGW denialist position now that their arses have been kicked out of the park by the Oxburgh inquiry finding that Climategate was a load of bollocks.
According to Australian journalist bum wiper Andrew Bolt: The chairman of the committe, Lord Oxburgh, rode a bicycle to get to the committee meetings. Thus he is a no-good greeny thus the findings are not true.
Classy team Andy is in, But, you know, the adult diaper industry depends on these guys.
I would say that, given our finite capabilities and the shortness of life, AGW may not be a problem at all, and, if it is a problem, it is not urgent enough to obsess over.
I.e our finite capabilities to imagine life without SUVs. Trust me, without my SUV I’d rather die.
Not if I am a senior government leader of a country trillions of dollars in debt who is also tasked with making real decisions about unsustainable entitlement programs,
I.e. the military-industrial complex.
a global war against jihadists whose mass-murder attacks — and their catastrophic costs — are impossible to predict,
…because we’ve only had the one so far…
the imminence of game-changing nuclear capability in a revolutionary jihadist state that has threatened to wipe Israel off the map and whose motto is “Death to America,”
Unlike America, whose motto is “Death to scary Mooslims. And Messicans. And darkies. And anyone else whose stuff we want.”
aggression from other hostile nations,
Such as, errrm, oh, look at that scary thing over there! (sound of running feet)
a judiciary that is steadily eroding popular self-government,
and a host of other actually pressing problems.
Like the fact that me and my righty buddies are supporting the adult diaper industry, which will collapse without our fear-mongering.
Hey, Another Kiwi, you beat me to it: curses, foiled again!
And Andrew Bolt, he is a terminal wankstain.
sod the politics, I found this the most disturbing part of the piece:
I was happily out of pocket yesterday, traveling to beautiful Santa Barbara for a weekend retreat organized by David Horowitz’s Freedom Center — and a panel this morning with John Yoo and my fellow Cornerite Marc Thiessen.
dare I say; “Pool Party”
Great minds and all that Just Alison back from the semi-dead
I was happily out of pocket yesterday, traveling to beautiful Santa Barbara for a weekend retreat organized by David Horowitz’s Freedom Center — and a panel this morning with John Yoo and my fellow Cornerite Marc Thiessen.
There’s never a meteor strike around when you really need one.
Oh Jeez…(Laughing till out of breath and gasping)…NOW I know why The Corner doesn’t take comments…
I was happily out of pocket yesterday
Veiled…ew…celibacy reference?
America a freedom haters,you will all be purged and infiltators punsihshed!We are the real USA and you are trying to detroy it with the terrorsts.
Americans are like numbers. The rational ones are a tiny subset of the real ones.
I imagine this as a metal song:
America! A freedom haters!
You will be purged and infiltrators punished!
We … are … the real USA-A-A-A-A
And you … are … trying to destroy it … WITH THE TERRORISTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
There’s never a meteor strike around when you really need one.
Proof that there is no God.
Americans are like numbers.
We’re all unique snowflakes! Stop making fun of Trig!
What I liked most about the original Manzi post was that he added a hyperlink to ‘Australia’ in his list of countries.
The link went straight to the Wikipedia page on… ‘Australia’.
You know, in case this readers didn’t know what this ‘Australia’ was that he was talking about.
Thoughtful indeed.
No link for Sweden though. Go figure.
I was happily out of pocket yesterday, traveling to beautiful Santa Barbara for a weekend retreat organized by David Horowitz’s Freedom Center — and a panel this morning with John Yoo and my fellow Cornerite Marc Thiessen.
get a load of the other luminaries attending this asteroid-tempting wankfest:
Thus far we have confirmed as speakers, Victor Davis Hanson, Allen West, Andrew McCarthy, John Yoo, John Eastman, Congressman Ed Royce, Andrew Klavan, Ralph Peters, Robert Spencer, Michael Reagan, Pat Caddell, Frank Gaffney, Senator Jim DeMint, Senator Jon Kyl and James Woolsey
and – I used to always think that ‘out of pocket’ meant ‘I’m broke. Was I wrong?
The tool-on-tool incident that is Manzi-Levin is kind of tough to love. It’s neither a fair fight because one of the combatants is not obviously deranged, and there’s an inevitability to how it plays out.
I mean, you want to root for violence, but Manzi being a big Frum-humping evidence-based pussy is never going to give you that. He called Levin’s book dopy wingnuttery, backed it up, and now has to deal with Levin’s rabid buttmonkeys calling him an evidence-based pussy. And a traitor. How do you fight that?
Then, it was kind of inevitable that the nutz would fall in behind Levin cos he’s got a talk radio show. And the first rule of wingnut chairborne fight club is do not fight with someone who can talk uninterrupted 3 hours a day at teabaggers.
Meanwhile, I’d conclude, get back to me when you have more certainty about the nature and extent of the problem, plus a compelling case that it’s worthy of being on my plate given all these other first-order challenges
I’d like to see Andy farting this out to a roomful of actual atmospheric scientists. Which he wouldn’t of course – he’s strutting and puffing out his chest for his even-more-clueless wingnut audience.
I used to always think that ‘out of pocket’ meant ‘I’m broke. Was I wrong?
Not to me you weren’t. Maybe there’s a mad conservapedia entry for “out of pocket” but I’m not checking.
Maybe there’s a mad conservapedia entry for “out of pocket”
It’s an idiotic football* reference, meaning something like “away from where I’m home and safe.”
* (1) American football, not that pansy soccer crap. (2) Not a veiled foot-play reference.
It’s an idiotic football* reference, meaning something like “away from where I’m home and safe.”
Ah… so he’s “out of the pocket”, which leads me to believe he thinks he’s about to show us some mad Favre-skillz which I can totally imagine a wingnut loser fantasizing about.
he’s about to show us some mad Favre-skillz which I can totally imagine a wingnut loser fantasizing about.
I’m pretty sure he’s capable of retiring four times.
So, why do we go to school to “learn” things if we can just refute them with a “I don’t belieeeeeve it”? If we can all just float through life with the clothes on our backs and the knowledge we learnt on the playground and/or cabal news, why do we have scientists, professors or politicians?
For instance, am I free to say: “There are nearly a billion people on Earth who want to see America burn” and when someone counters with: “No, that is simply not true” can I counter with a Smoke Bomb and run out of the room screaming?
he’s about to show us some mad Favre-skillz which I can totally imagine a wingnut loser fantasizing about.
I’m pretty sure he’s capable of retiring four times.
As well as throwing key interceptions that blow the entire season. He’s OBAMA!!!
Knowing the shorter will be accurate, I sigh and peel another banana. The flavor of mangoes is ashes in my mouth.
little Andy
He has a theory that he made up all by himself (and he’s a Doctor!) called abiotic oil which says oil is made by rocks and kind of trickles up and is for practical purposes limitless.
LOLWUT? I guess that makes just as much sense as “Jesus will put more back!”
The flavor of mangoes is ashes in my mouth.
But is your hovercraft full of eels?
Have you balm for your gilead?
Does your cup runneth over with PENIS and POOP?
Conrad Black says “I am bananas” in the most genteel way:
Is he actually writing this stuff from prison?
assisted by the balm of the inevitable George Soros’s money
Silly me. I forgot. Soros money bad, Scaife money good.
Substance, I guess he is — he’s not due to get out ’til 2013.
I just hope the prison shows this stuff to the other prisoners. Might get Black a much-deserved shankin’.
Conrad Black says “I am bananas” in the most genteel way:
Did you read the actual column? I’m about three paragraphs in, and it is some of the most overwrought, faux-intellectual shit I’ve read in a while.
Such as:
(b) the financial interests of the alarmist community in the existence of the problem.
“Goddamn professors and hippies trying to profit from OH LOOK OVER THERE IT’S SO SHINY!” *hides*
I’m about three paragraphs in, and it is some of the most overwrought, faux-intellectual shit I’ve read in a while.
Maybe life in the hoosegow’s driving him crazy?
Okay, crazier.
Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™
Here’s the kicker for me, and it coalesced yesterday while I was watching Monica Crowley make an ass of herself on The McLaughlin Group yesterday.
She was railing on about potential new FDA guidelines limiting the amount of sodium in processed food, and how antithetical this was to our freedom.
Freedom? Like, sweetheart, the salt shakers are going to be confiscated (right after the guns)?
You’re free to shake all the salt you want. Similarly, if somehow *scientists* could pass laws prohibiting or limiting carbon emissions, you’d still be free to break the rules.
You’d just be subject to whatever penalties are appropriate for the level of rule-breaking you do.
Deal with it, libertarians.
[…]and that the water levels and world temperature are not rising, the glaciers are not melting, and much of the alarmist data is false[…]
more liberal media bias!
I like how he can make pronouncements that have no basis in reality, yet by clapping loudly expects his wish to become true. Like the sig line of an anonymous AGW denier, “I declare global warming over!”
You bet.
Lilting and lovely.
like who wear pith helmets, Arte Johnson?
Maybe life in the hoosegow’s driving him crazy?
Dude, all I know is that I had to take a break from reading it every other sentence.
[…]and that the water levels and world temperature are not rising, the glaciers are not melting, and much of the alarmist data is false[…]
I also enjoyed this: “Now that it has been established that Al Gore’s infamous ‘settled science’ is really such pungent intellectual ordure that it, too, could damage the ozone layer…”
Uhhh, so, like, he doesn’t actually know what the fuck global warming even is, but he’s declaring that it’s not real?
Also, “odure”??? Really???
I am so waiting for the collapse of society as we know it. The right-wing freakout will be worth the calamity around everyone else. I am a sociopath and I approve this message.
I am so waiting for the collapse of society as we know it.
As I post at my blog today, we could use a reality check. I, for one, welcome our alien overlords.
The deal with Black is that he was always pretending to be better than he was. When he became the person he was pretending to be, he still couldn’t drop the act. Every weird phrase is an acknowledgment that he isn’t good enough.
Us telling them we have to conserve or we’re all fucked = “Shut up, that’s why”.
When their penis extension tells them that?
“I believed in it all along, who do you want us to hate and sic ourselves on?”
But I guess the DOE are a bunch of Oblamamafascist commies, so whatever. They really want to live in Waterworld/The Road/The Postman/Il Postino/Cinema Paradiso/er/Thunderdome, don’t they?
His final sentence is so, um, detatched:
In Elie Wiesel and his colleagues, HRW and Amnesty would meet a very formidable adversary.
Yeah cuz they are organizations so at odds with each other. Bloods n Crips got nothing on the Wiesel-HRW&AI turf wars.
Prison life seems to amplify the crazy. I bet his ‘pen’ name is Connie.
and – I used to always think that ‘out of pocket’ meant ‘I’m broke. Was I wrong?
In this instance it means he paid for it himself, and did not rely on wingnut welfare.
I am so waiting for the collapse of society as we know it. The right-wing freakout will be worth the calamity around everyone else. I am a sociopath and I approve this message.
No thank you. The validation of being right all along would not be enough to make up for having to deal with a 24/7 fapgasm from the rapture and/or survivalist crowd.
The validation of being right all along would not be enough to make up for having to deal with a 24/7 fapgasm from the rapture and/or survivalist crowd.
The end of civilization will not be on their terms, however. It will be on whatever terms the Fates decide.
There’s the beauty: as the Outer Banks sink into oblivion and Florida’s flooding turns it from a flaccid-yet-manly penis into a toothpick out of Georgia’s ass, the outcry of “But no one could possibly have foreseen…!” will be sweet.
If a bit anticlimactic
As I post at my blog today, we could use a reality check. I, for one, welcome our alien overlords.
-From actor’s post
Uh, actor, have you read this post and the subsequent linked articles? Lots of humans have nothing but disrespect for Earth and its inhabitants. (Brown people? Uh, I’m white, get away from me and take this bomb as a parting gift.)
The global warming issue is a central to my, uh, point…yes. If aliens were to visit Earth, they’d be dumbstruck at the sheer ambivalence we exhibit towards one another and the planet. Aliens will no doubt loot this planet for all its worth and it will be McCarthy et al who will be begging to nuke em off the planet… killing us all in the process.
No thank you. The validation of being right all along would not be enough to make up for having to deal with a 24/7 fapgasm from the rapture and/or survivalist crowd.
Hey, if the blue states take refugees and can rebuild, I’m all for it. Wall those motherfuckers off and let them shoot each other and eat possum for dinner.
Lots of humans have nothing but disrespect for Earth and its inhabitants
Covered that in my reference to Arizona.
She was railing on about potential new FDA guidelines limiting the amount of sodium in processed food, and how antithetical this was to our freedom.
It’s not OUR freedom she’s worried about; it’s the freedom of big agribusiness to serve us shit they and the government pretend is unadulterated “food”.
I’m gonna write a blog post sometime in the next week or so about current government policy towards food production and the food supply, and it’s gonna be called Eat Shit and Die.
Covered that in my reference to Arizona.
Yes you did. And I would hope ‘Zona would be the first ones to sleep with their glactipox-ridden sleep pods.
They are already here. BTW. I read it on the internets.
it’s the freedom of big agribusiness to serve us shit they and the government pretend is unadulterated “food”.
True, but she couched it as “they’re taking away our freedom” as if somehow mom’s chicken soup recipe would be audited by an FDA agent standing over her.
Eat Shit and Die
That sounds delicious. But, if we start regulating the amount of salt in food, what’s next? Regulating how banks can operate? Regulating executive power? This all sounds very communisty.
Wall those motherfuckers off and let them shoot possums
each otherand eat each otherpossumfor dinner.fiqqst for extra crunchiness.
This all sounds very communisty.
Thus, the ordure obdured.
It’s not OUR freedom she’s worried about; it’s the freedom of big agribusiness to serve us shit they and the government pretend is unadulterated “food”.
Yeah. Something like 70-80% of the sodium in the average American’s diet comes from processed foods. The health issue is a big deal, but I am also frustrated at the fact that people have dead palettes and don’t enjoy food unless it’s laden with sodium and/or HFCS.
Wall those motherfuckers off and let them shoot possums
each otherand eat each otherpossumfor dinner.Whatever they eat, it’s certain to be salty!
I’m pretty sure that everything started to go downhill once we started with the co-existing claptrap. I could make a timeline to demonstrate this very clearly, but it would take a lot of work, and these cheetos are not eating themselves.
The global warming issue is a central to my, uh, point…yes. If aliens were to visit Earth, they’d be dumbstruck at the sheer ambivalence we exhibit towards one another and the planet. Aliens will no doubt loot this planet for all its worth and it will be McCarthy et al who will be begging to nuke em off the planet… killing us all in the process.
“You know, sometimes I think the surest sign that there’s intelligent life in the universe is that it hasn’t tried to contact us yet.”
– Calvin and Hobbes
Salt: It’s what’s for dinner.
these cheetos are not eating themselves.
Wouldn’t it be cool if they were? Paging M Night Shyamalan…
Whatever they eat, it’s certain to be salty!
And fatty.
Whatever they eat, it’s certain to be salty!
And fatty.
I’ve heard possum is pretty lean! Red-staters, on the other hand…
“You know, sometimes I think the surest sign that there’s intelligent life in the universe is that it hasn’t tried to contact us yet.”
Excellent, Chris. 100% agreed.
Also, I live my life by the credo: “Look out of Number One”
I’ve heard possum is pretty lean!
Emily Possum, the actress? Yeah.
Also, I live my life by the credo: “Look out of Number One”
And that’s why they call you “Ol’ One Eye”
I swear, I just heard a co-worker tell another co-worker that she’d stop by and look at his etchings later…
Paging M Night Shyamalan…
I have the misfortune of looking forward to his new martial art fantasy. But I know it is just going to make me weep for the braincells that will be wasted holding onto its memory, like almost every other Shamalama movie. Dare I give him another chance? Is it wrong to want him to not make lousy movies?
And that’s why they call you “Ol’ One Eye”
Phew.. I always thought that was because, instead of saying goodbye, I moon.
I swear, I just heard a co-worker tell another co-worker that she’d stop by and look at his etchings later…
The classics never die!
are I give him another chance?
The last chance I gave him was The Village. He’s out.
I just heard a co-worker tell another co-worker that she’d stop by and look at his etchings later…
Did I tell you I found a new job?
, I just heard a co-worker tell another co-worker that she’d stop by and look at his etchings later
Smooth Operator
Is it wrong to want him to not make lousy movies?
The boy can’t help himself. He can’t make good movies.
He takes the most intriguing plot ideas and makes a muddled bowl of oatmeal out of them and they’ve gotten worse as he’s gone along. I get that he’s trying to make social commentary (like “Signs” and undocumented workers and hysteria), but he fails epically.
I always thought that was because, instead of saying goodbye, I moon.
Ah. Your other nickname: “Goodnight Moon”
mingo plaintively asks–
I used to always think that ‘out of pocket’ meant ‘I’m broke. Was I wrong?
Yes, but so is the idiot who used it to mean “I was away from the office.” It means cash you’ve advanced to pay for something. “My expense account will reimburse me for the, uh, corn starch, but so far I’m out of pocket two large.”
And “apologetics” does not mean what McCarthy thinks it means. It means justifying or proving Christian doctrine. Am I saying McCarthy is an imbecile? I am indeed.
he fails epically
No, that would be a bang.
He fails pathetically, with a whimper.
Remember remember the month of November
I’ve heard possum is pretty lean!
I’ve heard it’s greasy as all get out, but I haven’t ever had it and don’t intend to so I’m really Jonahing it.
I always thought that was because, instead of saying goodbye, I moon.
Oh, and here I’d thought people were making a veiled penis reference when they said about you “that’s a moray!”
He fails pathetically, with a whimper.
I suppose it’s because I keep my expectations high.
Watching a Shamalylamadingdong movie is like reading a Clive Cussler novel. You really *want* it to be good, because the idea intrigues you, but after you’ve watched it, you get so infuriated, you start biting things.
Oh, and here I’d thought people were making a veiled penis reference when they said about you “that’s a moray!”
That’s no moray. That’s not even a nightcrawler.
Sweetheart deals, vote buying, and lavish taxpayer-funded lifestyles. These are all too common among our current Washington politicians.
And all brand new with the latest administration!
Hey, guys, I have this weird empty feeling in my middle, what does that mean? Oh look, it’s blue over my head when I open this big wood rectangle and walk through it!
I’d say he fails with a wince.
lavish taxpayer-funded lifestyles
Like this?
That’s no moray. That’s not even a nightcrawler.
Do you have any interest in this relevant website?
And “apologetics” does not mean what McCarthy thinks it means.
While specifically it means people who defend Christianity, it has come to an accepted meaning of people who defend anything of widely-held belief.
A right-winger would be an apologist for capitalism, for example.
I’d say he fails with a wince.
*polite golf clap*
Nicely played!
golf clap
Enough about Tiger, already.
Enough about Tiger, already.
Who, now?
Watching a Shamalylamadingdong movie is like reading a Clive Cussler novel. You really *want* it to be good, because the idea intrigues you, but after you’ve watched it, you get so infuriated, you start biting things.
Indeed. I become SO ANGRY when people have a good idea, but pull it off badly. Mostly because I never have good ideas…GRRRRRR.
Isn’t McCarthy using it not in the sense of defending anything, but in the sense that the wingnuggets accuse Obama of apologizing to furriners for how AWESOME the US is?
I become SO ANGRY when people have a good idea, but pull it off badly.
I’m guessing you’re not a fan of Jefferson and Madison.
Its almost 9:30 here, I thought you’d never ask! I’d hate to try to make it to lunch sober.
Mostly because I never have good ideas…GRRRRRR.
Maybe if I showed you my etchings…
I’ve heard possum is pretty lean!
I’ve heard it’s greasy as all get out, but I haven’t ever had it and don’t intend to so I’m really Jonahing it.
I actually have no idea. We have a “how to cook wild game” book floating around somewhere–I should look.
Just Alison back from the semi-dead
I wish to welcome my zombie sistren back to Sadly No. Late and all, but hey! Zombie here!
I’d hate to try to make it to lunch sober.
Beer and salt: the Breakfast of Champions.
I’m guessing you’re not a fan of Jefferson and Madison.
Those white-haired fuckers.
Mostly because I never have good ideas…GRRRRRR.
Maybe if I showed you my etchings…
Are they…inspiring?
Are they…inspiring?
Awe. Inspiring.
We have a “how to cook wild game” book floating around somewhere–I should look.
Ha, me too: “If He Kills it, Cook it” is the name. Not a lot in there for vegetarians.
We have a “how to cook wild game” book floating around somewhere–I should look.
Ha, me too: “If He Kills it, Cook it” is the name. Not a lot in there for vegetarians.
It’s rather amusing to see it alongside my gluten-free cookbooks and my cookbooks from my vegetarian days.
Also, I live my life by the credo: “Look out of Number One”
With all the shit moats around here you really need to be looking out for number two!
I wonder if he’ll include his decision to clear more brush on August 6, 2001?
Clive Cussler.
How I loathe him. His heroes never met a problem they couldn’t solve by using the power of (in no particular order) sexism, racism, vintage cars, and vintage planes.
His heroes never met a problem they couldn’t solve by using the power of (in no particular order) sexism, racism, vintage cars, and vintage planes
Between that and the cheesy dialogue, I stopped reading him after the second book I picked up.
But I have to admit: his real life books about finding shipwrecks are actually pretty good.
decision to clear more brush on August 6, 2001?
Wait, so its groundbreaking but its been used before? The GOP in a nutshell. And what a great person to follow when trying to polish your legacy.
I wonder if he’ll include his decision to clear more brush on August 6, 2001?
Good lord, that title is as awkward as his speaking style.
I stopped reading Cussler when I realized that “Dirk Pitt” was, unironically and intentionally, his hero’s name.
I stopped reading Cussler
…when I found Lee Child. Jack Reacher kicks Dirk Pitt’s ass.
I stopped reading Cussler when I realized that “Dirk Pitt” was, unironically and intentionally, his hero’s name.
How tragically he ignores his hero’s brother and sister Armand and Peach respectively, who in my mind are far more interesting characters.
Jack Reacher kicks Dirk Pitt’s ass.
That sentence has as many veils as “Dick Armey and Harry Reid used to work together.”
“Reacher.” Heh.
when I found Lee Child
Yea, but I’m a scuba diver and Cussler actually includes a fair amount of diving in his books, which is why I bothered in the first place.
I get that he’s trying to make social commentary (like “Signs”
I was so busy laughing my ass off over the idea of aliens with the technology to travel millions of light years through space being ultimately stymied by an axe handle propped against the door. How embarassed they must have been to travel all that way to discover someone left all the tools and weapons in the loading dock. I also was greatly amused that the aliens came to Earth to harvest humans for food…humans who are made up mostly of water which by some very bad luck for the aliens is poisonous to them. I thought Signs was one of the funniest movies in years, all it needed was Crooowe T Robot and Tom Servo.
‘Possum quality depends on the time of year you get it- they getter fatter for winter. The meat is spare and gamey, and even when “lean”, it tastes greasy. Squirrel is much better, but you need a lot of the little bastards to make a good plate full of critter goodness. As far as survivalists and their ilk go, when the shit hits the fan, just kill a couple and take their stuff. Simple solution to a complex problem- those folks just aren’t that wise, in a streetwise sense. My luck, I won’t live long enough to see the big show. Some of these guys really are poseurs and couldn’t live much past the last refill on their blood pressure/stomach problem/diabetes prescription(s). Living off the land, by your own wits, in a hostile environment, is not for the dim of wit and those of low intelligence. Humans didn’t advance to the present state by brute force. As the aforementioned Mr. Black probably learned in the joint- the strong take off of the weak, but the smart take off of the strong- probably why he’s trying to whip out the “smart” card and front that scam. The survival nuts all think they’ll be the one-eyed king in the land of the blind- there’s too many two-eyed sumbitches like me out there for that to happen. I am not sure I want to see what the resulting mess will look like- “Mad Max- Thunderdome” meets “28 Days Later” is not appealing, at all. The planet just might be shaking us ALL off, like very irritating but fragile fleas.
How tragically he ignores his hero’s brother and sister Armand and Peach respectively, who in my mind are far more interesting characters.
Aren’t they his mother and father? Cuz I thought Cussler reached deep into the Pitt of this pair.
I also was greatly amused that the aliens came to Earth to harvest humans for food…humans who are ugly ugly bags made up mostly of water
Fixed for ST:TNG goodness.
As the aforementioned Mr. Black probably learned in the joint- the strong take off of the weak, but the smart take off of the strong- probably why he’s trying to whip out the “smart” card and front that scam.
Yea, and that works until a semi-dumb one realizes what the smart are up to and do what people have done for millions of years: beat the crap out of a smart ass and hang him up in a gym locker, then steal his stuff.
humans who are made up mostly of water which by some very bad luck for the aliens is poisonous to them.
Yeah, uh, if water were poisonous to you, would you visit a planet that was 3/4 covered with the stuff?
Even my love of Joaquin Phoenix couldn’t redeem that piece of shit, which is saying something, since I’ll gladly watch 8MM.
Aren’t they his mother and father? Cuz I thought Cussler reached deep into the Pitt of this pair.
clever, but I chose to say brother and sister, because in the books, he is the son of Senator George Pitt (R-Libertopia).
and why is it my neurons store this crap instead of doing something useful, like helping me pass calculus II back in college?
son of Senator George Pitt
Ordure in the court!
ugly ugly bags made up mostly of water
Not a ST:TNG episode but the OG ST. Rock-boring critters made of silicon…”I’m a doctor, not a bricklayer!” etc.
Passing calculus is easier if one lubricates one’s inner self.
Yeah, uh, if water were poisonous to you, would you visit a planet that was 3/4 covered with the stuff?
And where it periodically falls out of the sky? I haven’t actually ever watched that film, I ignored it as best as I could on a flight and that annoyed even me.
And where it periodically falls out of the sky?
Um, and where it also is suspended in the air in tiny droplets?
Ref for my citation:
Willy, it was TNG believe it or not: episode
I knew a wannabe survivalist who said his friends planned to guard banks at the first sign of breakdown. Why a bank would want a bunch of armed strangers guarding them in a crisis confused me, but I was glad that they wouldn’t be at the grocery stores, gun stores, or pharmacies, which would be where I headed.
Ya big jerk!
Ya big jerk!
Is that a name or a threat?
I knew a wannabe survivalist who said his friends planned to guard banks at the first sign of breakdown.
Well, that’s mighty nice of him. I assumed that banks had lockdown procedures and other security measures to prevent lootings, but if a ragtag group of retards (satire) wants to stand around and be useless, more power to ’em.
I knew a wannabe survivalist who said his friends planned to guard banks at the first sign of breakdown.
Perhaps they meant sperm banks? In future Mad-Max societies, sperm will be currency.
group of retards
Stop making fun of Sarah, Bristol, and Trig!
group of retards
Stop making fun of Sarah, Bristol, and Trig!
But I said it was satire!
In future Mad-Max societies, sperm will be currency.
Women always get the shaft in Post-Apocalyptia.
Um, and where it also is suspended in the air in tiny droplets?
Up to 80 grams per cubic meter… it only could’ve been better if the aliens wanted to eat fish but could only catch them by hand.
Actor, how could that be a threat? Please use pictures and verbal explanations, perhaps thoughtfully arranged and printed on paper for easy conveyance.
In future Mad-Max societies, sperm will be currency.
I’d rather garden.
Women always get the shaft in Post-Apocalyptia.
But in my scenario, it pays!
I was glad that they wouldn’t be at the grocery stores, gun stores, or pharmacies, which would be where I headed.
Yeah, I used to talk to one of those guys (around the time of Y2K); he was obsessed with stocking up on gold. I never could get him to understand that gold would be near the bottom of the list of things people would want in a collapsed civilization.
Women always get the shaft in Post-Apocalyptia.
But in my scenario, it pays!
So, is it measured per sperm, or in terms of volume, or what?
I just grossed myself out.
Each sperm = one cent. I’m a billionaire!
So, is it measured per sperm, or in terms of volume, or what?
mason jars
Each sperm = one cent. I’m a billionaire!
Fucking patriarchy.
T&U: Mostly because I never have good ideas…GRRRRRR.
A: Maybe if I showed you my etchings…
Um, she said good ideas. I don’t think agreeing to see your etchings would qualify.
Jack Reacher kicks Dirk Pitt’s ass.
That sentence has as many veils as “Dick Armey and Harry Reid used to work together.”
I write with a veil on. I do get a lot of double takes but it helps me finish.
Fucking patriarchy.
Fucking patriarchy.
I don’t get it…sperm are as common as dirt and easy to extract!
Handjobs are theft!
I don’t get it…sperm are as common as dirt and easy to extract!
But: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0kJHQpvgB8
Clive Cussler…….How I loathe him. His heroes never met a problem they couldn’t solve by using the power of (in no particular order) sexism, racism, vintage cars, and vintage planes.
I am too lazy to look it up, but I believe the last time I looked inside a Clive Cussler book, it was “Raise the Titanic.”
The characters had just successfully raised the sunken ocean liner – which, of course, had been lying at the bottom of the ocean for some 60 years.
While exploring the insides of the ship, the hero and some hot-pants female character succumb to the temptation and have mad passionate sex on one of the stateroom beds. You can imagine what condition perishable items such as bed-linens would be in, having spent 60 years corroding and rotting at the bottom of the ocean.
After throwing the book at the wall, I never picked up another Clive Cussler book again.
actor212 said,
April 26, 2010 at 18:03
tigris said,
April 26, 2010 at 18:03
Back to back corrections. Impressive.
OK, my brain is now officially and permanently drug-addled. Not like that is necessarily a bad thing…
You can imagine what condition perishable items such as bed-linens would be in, having spent 60 years corroding and rotting at the bottom of the ocean.
I imagine, as do Cussler’s fans, that they would be fresh from having been washed in the pure waters of the ocean bottom. Also, salty.
Sitting here reading this thread it just dawned on me. Signs is actually a brilliant movie with meaningful social commentary. You just need to know the back story. See, back on the alien planet the alien equivalent to the Teabaggers were upset about the guvmint infringing on their freedoms. Apparently the alien guvmint had just passed a law limiting the amount of H2O the food industry could put into processed foods. So the alien Teabaggers were able to get just organized enough to mount an insurection, hijack an intergalactic space ship and go Galt, or is that Gort? Then they could have all the H2O they wanted. And with guvmint reagulations they were free to do as they pleased and live simply by their wits alone. (Which explains why they were ultimately defeated by the axe handle propped against the door.)
Sirius – Brilliant theory, but for one flaw. It does not account for the stupidity and nails-on-a-blackboard annoyingness of the humans.
You can imagine what condition perishable items such as bed-linens would be in, having spent 60 years corroding and rotting at the bottom of the ocean.
Sounds slimy. And not in a good way.
David Brooks is teh best is pure genius. By genius I mean retard.
N__B That is explained by the fact that we have our own Teabaggers. They were probably even building a fence at the border to keep the illegal aliens out!
David Brooks is teh best is pure genius. By genius I mean retard.
That’s the same fucking thing he said on the radio on Friday!
we have our own Teabaggers
What’s this “we” bullshit, paleface.
sexism, racism, vintage cars, and vintage planes.
Also coffee and breakfast foods.
I read one Clive Cussler novel a few years ago. It was written in a kind of detached, abbreviated way, like a Cliffs Notes version of itself. Really weird style.
I mean, I can’t remember exactly, as I think I drank away some of the brain cells that stored that shit over the weekend, but I’m pretty sure that’s almost verbatim what he said on his little NPR segment with EJ Dionne.
David Brooks is teh best is pure genius. By genius I mean retard
How dare you be mean to Trigg!
beat the crap out of a smart ass
veiled jail rape metaphor?
I have ‘hope’ for Airbender, mostly because it’s based on an existing successful property and it’s not just “Shamalama Makes Random Fantasy Flick”. I have ‘hope’ that there’s someone involved in the production who’s reining him in so as not to utterly destroy what was already successful without him.
I still might not go see it, though.
I think I drank away some of the brain cells
You should stick to liquor and cut out that zombie crap.
almost verbatim what he said on his little NPR segment with EJ Dionne
Oh, really?! So, are you saying that the Brooks’ time-honored charade of making up false equivalences and stating them as fact (like saying Rubio is “principled” with a straight face — side note: you have to give it to Brooks for that. He must make a killing on the poker table with bawls that big) is not only used in the NYFT but also regurgitated on Press the Meat and N(v)PR? I refuse to believe it, therefore, it doesn’t happen. HA!
WTF?!? Shamalamadingdong is doing Avatar sans Toph? Fuck that noi…um… What’e this Airbender thing you’re talking about?
Sirius – Brilliant theory, but for one flaw. It does not account for the stupidity and nails-on-a-blackboard annoyingness of the humans.
that is pretty well explained, for me, by the presence of Mel Gibson.
So, are you saying that the Brooks’ time-honored charade of making up false equivalences and stating them as fact […] is not only used in the NYFT but also regurgitated on Press the Meat and N(v)PR?
Yes! What a surprise, right?
I think I drank away some of the brain cells
You should stick to liquor and cut out that zombie crap.
yeah! don’t go diluting the brain. we like em rich fresh and juicy.
In future Mad-Max societies, sperm will be currency.
*rubbing hands with glee*
Finally…I’ll be the bank with the biggest assets!
Please use pictures and verbal explanations, perhaps thoughtfully arranged and printed on paper for easy conveyance.
I’m tempted to post the specifics, however, I will just post the general case, and let your SafeSearch filters do their stuff.
I read one Clive Cussler novel a few years ago. It was written in a kind of detached, abbreviated way, like a Cliffs Notes version of itself. Really weird style.
Yes, its like he is an author who is bored by writing, and refuses to take the time to do it correctly.
I never could get him to understand that gold would be near the bottom of the list of things people would want in a collapsed civilization.
Maybe. Maybe not.
For sure, currency would be worth less than the paper its written on, but gold…
If a society collapses while the rest of the world goes on, gold is suddenly immensely valuable in that society. Inflation might hammer the hell out of the currency, but gold will be market value and will buy a lot more imported crap.
If, however, the entire world caves, gold is valuable only so far as you can hide it in a stockpile for when commerce resumes at some point, likely as an inheritance.
In future Mad-Max societies, sperm will be currency.
That’s why I’ve been saving mine in jars for 30 years.
It does not account for the stupidity and nails-on-a-blackboard annoyingness of the humans.
FOX News fans.
That’s why I’ve been saving mine in jars for 30 years.
“Jars” would be The Ho’s name?
That’s why I’ve been saving mine in jars for 30 years.
I salute you…as long as I don’t have to shake your hand.
That’s why I’ve been saving mine in Jar-Jar Binks for 30 years.
Yeah, sure, nobody who saves their sperm has ever shaken your hand.
Jar-Jar Binks
Stop making fun of Trig!
nobody who saves their sperm has ever shaken your hand
I shook hands with Hilary Clinton once, but I don’t think she counts.
Yeah, sure, nobody who saves their sperm has ever shaken your hand.
Wait. That’s a thing? I mean, aside from in a medical setting for reproductive purposes?
That’s a thing? I mean, aside from in a medical setting for reproductive purposes?
Look, girls have hope chests. Guys have prayer jars. K?
I would say that, given our finite capabilities and the shortness of life, AGW may not be a problem at all, and, if it is a problem, it is not urgent enough to obsess over.
To hell with our descendents… apres moi, le deluge, motherfuckers!
Oh totally. PeeJ’s collection is older than most though. Most of mine was lost in a tragic fire that claimed 2 American Lives (4000 Also-Rans Not Missed).
I mean, aside from in a medical setting for reproductive purposes?
What does sperm have to do with xeroxing?
The cool thing is that if you keep the sperm in the fridge the goo tends to clump up nearest to where the eggs are.
The cool thing is that if you keep the sperm in the fridge the goo tends to clump up nearest to where the eggs are.
Banging on the side of the jar shouting “Lemme at em! Lemme at em!”
Much like the men who produced them.
That’s why I’ve been saving mine in jars for 30 years.
Note to self… if visiting PeeJ, stick to mustard…
Boys, remember what we learned in class:
The jar in which you store your sperm,
Will tell the world what you affirm.
The jar in which you store your sperm,
Will tell the world what you affirm.
Must be jelly cuz jam don’ shake like that.
Boys, remember what we learned in class:
Moby Dick is a sperm whale.
Boys, remember what we learned in class
Cleaning erasers isn’t the only way to get extra credit?
Was it Catholic school?
Boys, remember what we learned in class
When in danger or in doubt
run in circles, scream and shout
Was it Catholic school?
Who? Me?
Beat the ones you’re larger than,
Run from larger if you can.
Boys, remember what we learned in class
Yellow in front
Brown in back?
go for the eyes!
Yup, waiting until I was done with lunch to check this thread was a wise move.
I become less and less optimistic about the human race on the whole because we are genetically programed to be selfish f*ckwads. On the Sundance Channel program “The Lazy Environmentalist”, I saw a family that rejected almost every attempt to camp a little “greener”. Their big issue was they needed a gas powered generator for their multiple DVD players (‘rents and each kid) and particularly so the coulld have a microwave for the microwave popcorn essential to enjoying their movies. Though they were justifiably critical of “solutions” for solar cooking and water heating that didn’t work all that well, they did remark about how pleasant the campsite was without the constant chug of the generator.
Imagine having to experience the great outdoors camped next to these selfish @-holes.
Imagine having to experience the great outdoors camped next to these selfish @-holes.
If I knew the wind direction, I would know precisely where to dig the latrine.
Their big issue was they needed a gas powered generator for their multiple DVD players (‘rents and each kid) and particularly so the coulld have a microwave for the microwave popcorn essential to enjoying their movies.
Why did they even bother to go camping?
Boys, remember what we learned in class
Pens make less noise when dropped so it’s easier to look up girls’ skirts?
Yup, waiting until I was done with lunch to check this thread was a wise move.
The patriarchy sez: who told you you could eat?
…run in circles, scream and shout
Didja go to school on the Moon or something?
Their big issue was they needed a gas powered generator for
their multiple DVD players (‘rents and each kid) and particularly so the coulld have a microwave for the microwave popcorn essential to enjoying their moviesjars of sperm in the fridge.Fixx0red for
great justicerelevance to comment thread.Girls read books so fie on learnin’
Plus we’ve got these bugs we’re burnin’
Imagine having to experience the great outdoors camped next to these selfish @-holes.
Been there, done that. It’s even worse when they come equiped with a trailer the size of my house, TV sets, and, I shit you not, a white picket fence they put up around their campsite. And us with two WWII surplus pup tents at the time… Not a jury in the land would have convicted us…
Their big issue was they needed a gas powered generator for their multiple DVD players (‘rents and each kid) and particularly so the coulld have a microwave for the microwave popcorn essential to enjoying their movies.
EW WTF? That kind of shit makes me homicidal.
On the Sundance Channel program “The Lazy Environmentalist”, I saw a family that rejected almost every attempt to camp a little “greener”. Their big issue was they needed a gas powered generator for their multiple DVD players (‘rents and each kid) and particularly so the coulld have a microwave for the microwave popcorn essential to enjoying their movies. Though they were justifiably critical of “solutions” for solar cooking and water heating that didn’t work all that well, they did remark about how pleasant the campsite was without the constant chug of the generator.
Rugged individualists, going back to the basics by taming the wild one DVD at a time just like Davy Crockett would have done…
Completely OT, I am compelled to share with you my newfound knowledge that the 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die can all be streamed from Radio 3 Romania. That is all.
And us with two WWII surplus pup tents at the time… Not a jury in the land would have convicted us
Yes, but *they’re* the survivalists….*snark*
Yup, waiting until I was done with lunch to check this thread was a wise move.
The patriarchy sez: who told you you could eat?
It’s okay. I have an emergency supply of laxatives in my desk. In a half-hour, it won’t matter.
Bookmark it, Libs.
I have an emergency supply of laxatives in my desk. In a half-hour, it won’t matter.
Unless you have jars at the ready, you’re not fully prepared.
Unless you have jars at the ready, you’re not fully prepared.
Is bulimia poo going to be a post-apocalyptic currency, too? Sweet!
Unless you have jars at the ready, you’re not fully prepared.
PeeJ used up all the jars.
Imagine having to experience the great outdoors camped next to these selfish @-holes.
Yup, I have shared campgrounds with these sorts of people. The good news is, you only have to go maybe 500 yards away from the road to leave them and their overweight children far behind. If you’re gone all day hiking, you only have to deal with them during and after dinner, until the time (at most state / national parks) they have to shut down their generators. They’re annoying but ignorable.
The Jeebus freaks with the guitars who just luuuuurve to sit aroung the campfire and witness — well, it’s a good thing I don’t go camping armed. Bear spray has crossed my mind, though.
PeeJ used up all the jars.
Robocop: Libertopia or Left-Wing Agitprop?
I shit you not, a white picket fence they put up around their campsite.
The thing is, that means that someone has actually made a portable picket fence for campers. So, more than one family has that shit!
I am a total wuss when it comes to camping (I like indoor plumbing and mosquitoes think they’re my BFFs), but even I think that’s ridiculous.
Bear spray has crossed my mind, though.
veiled facial reference?
Bear spray has crossed my mind, though.
What about the right to arm bears?
The Jeebus freaks with the guitars who just luuuuurve to sit aroung the campfire and witness — well, it’s a good thing I don’t go camping armed. Bear spray has crossed my mind, though.
I’m not much for camping, but I do recall climbing Mount Sinai with a revival group from Colombia which, once at the top, had to break out in charismatic-type chants. There’s something about these groups that militates against being quiet and appreciating the place; one way or another, they’ve always got to mark their territory.
Robocop: Libertopia or Left-Wing Agitprop?
So an ultrareligious man is suddenly liberal, because he mentioned that Robocop is metaphorically the American Jesus?
The parallels can be made, of course: Jesus died and was resurrected to cleanse our sins. Likewise, Robocop was all but dead and arose to cleanse the world of sin in his own special way.
And Jesus carried a really cool Glock. Also.
Oh, snap, I missed this: The Jeebus freaks with the guitars who just luuuuurve to sit aroung the campfire and witness
Sounds like my dad! Luckily, he never took me camping. I encourage the use of bear spray.
they’ve always got to mark their territory.
There’s a jar for that.
one way or another, they’ve always got to mark their territory.
At least they weren’t leaving scat, even if they were singing it.
What type of camping is this? 500 yards from a road? Soudns more like a
tornado magnettrailer park.There’s a jar for that.
Who are you to regulate where they can and can’t piss?
This is America. The Founding Fathers did not watch their buddies die face down in the muck so some fucking strumpet could tell them to pee in a jar, dude.
Completely OT, I am compelled to share with you my newfound knowledge that the 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die can all be streamed from Radio 3 Romania. That is all.
And with freecorder you could copy it all! Not that I condone piracy.
At least they weren’t leaving scat, even if they were singing it.
What kind of Jeebus freaks do you hang out with? “Kumbaya” is about the most rhythmic those motherfuckers get.
one way or another, they’ve always got to mark their territory.
At least they weren’t leaving scat, even if they were singing it.
You beat me to it, you scoundrel! [sulk]
Are there male strumpets? I think of myself as more of a trombone.
WTH: One of Verhoeven’s more infamous claims through his “research” …
“Idea” that facts don’t matter. ✔
Hasty generalization. ✔
Hollywood paints unfair picture of America. ✔
It’s a formula, boilerplate. Without it, WTH and that ilk wouldn’t be able to create these posts.
I think of myself as more of a trombone.
You mean Strombone¹.
fucking strumpet
I take tea with my strumpet, thank you very much.
Doesn’t the villain in Robocop get heroically fired by his boss, thus enabling Robocop to heroically make many holes in him?
I take tea with my strumpet, thank you very much.
I like parties with my tea.
“Shamalamadingdong is doing Avatar sans Toph?”
The film’s based on season 1 (they’re hoping for a trilogy). Toph shows up in season 2.
I like
partiesbagging with my tea.FIXED!
I like
partiesbagging with my tea.FIXED!
Well played, sir. Next martini is on me. I spilled it.
Next martini is on me. I spilled it.
Um. No. But I know a labradoodle that drinks.
But I know a labradoodle that drinks.
Top Gear Dog?
Robocop: Libertopia or Left-Wing Agitprop?
Breitbartywood: Still Crying About Movies Made Over Twenty Years Ago?
Top Gear Dog?
He goes from 0 to .06 BAC in one lap.
“After throwing the book at the wall, I never picked up another Clive Cussler book again.”
I was trapped on a cross-country bus with only “Raise the Titanic” for entertainment. Remember that the hero was going to raise the ship (known at the time of the novel to have a huge gash and to have broken in half) by patching it up and pumping air in? First, the wreck would have to be re-engineerd to have the structure of a bathyscaphe, water tight and resistant to thousands of pounds of pressure per sqaure inch, both from the inside and the outside. Then, the air would have to be compressed to match the water pressure at at 2.5 miles beneath the surface. That means that the air would be compressed to considerably less than 0.001 of its ordinary volume, and would consequently be heavier than water, which is non-compressible. If you did manage all of this and the boat started to float (which it wouldn’t since you just made it heavier), the air would double in size every 100 feet or so and tear the ship apart if not released fast enough, or sink it again if released too fast. And I just had high school physics.
RobNYNY1957 said
Ooooh, look at Dr. Boyle, would you? 🙂
Top Gear Dog?
He goes from 0 to .06 BAC in one lap.
Top Gear Dog is a girl, silly. Or was. I don’t know if she’s still alive…
particularly so the coulld have a microwave for the microwave popcorn essential to enjoying their movies
I’m sure they aren’t aware of any other method for popping corn, either.
Regarding the Jeebus freakers witnessing at the campfire – frankly, as long as they’re campfire-and-lanterns-and Kumbayah, I’d vastly prefer them to the generator-suing, RV-driving microwavers.
RobNYNY1957 said
Actually, in 1996, a section of the hull of about 20×30 feet was raised within 300 feet of the surface, by utilizing lift bags attached to the hull. The portion was dragged about ten miles to Newfoundland before the ropes began to strain to the failure point.
So it’s *possible* ¹, but you’d need to lift if section by section then reattach the sections once raised and drained.
¹ By possible, I mean not in my bloody lifetime and it’s been fifteen years and the hull’s become even more degraded since, so while the technology to lift it off the surface exists, don’t hold your breath waiting.
Top Gear Dog is a girl, silly.
I don’t watch the show for the bitches. I watch for the cars.
Top Gear Dog is a girl, silly.
I don’t watch the show for the bitches. I watch for the cars.
I watch it for the funny, hapless Englishmen. The cars are cool, though.
I was trapped on a cross-country bus with only “Raise the Titanic” for entertainment. Remember that the hero was going to raise the ship (known at the time of the novel to have a huge gash and to have broken in half) by patching it up and pumping air in?
Oh, yeah. it was patently ridiculous on its face, but I could at least suspend disbelief on something technical engineering. But the idea that two people would decide to go at it on a slimy decayed bedstead was just the last straw.
But the idea that two people would decide to go at it on a slimy decayed bedstead was just the last straw.
Hey, that’s a Friday night for some of us!
But the idea that two people would decide to go at it on a slimy decayed bedstead was just the last straw.
Is it sad that my first thought when I read that was that obviously they didn’t have mold/mildew allergies?
Methinks I can’t derail this thread–it’s already been done derailed! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
it’s already been done derailed!
How do you figure? We’re still on topic!
See, the Titanic was sunk by an iceberg, which we all know are formed in the cold arctic seas.
However, it broke loose in April, early April, which is clearly way too early in the season to worry about rogue icebergs.
Therefore, the Titanic was sunk by GLOBAL WARMING!
And nevermind that you couldn’t have sex on a moldy old bed unless the hot summer sun of global warming hadn’t dried it out at least a little.
I think I’ve decided to track down the series rather than subject myself to M’Night ever again.
“How do you figure? We’re still on topic!
See, the Titanic was sunk by an iceberg, which we all know are formed in the cold arctic seas.
However, it broke loose in April, early April, which is clearly way too early in the season to worry about rogue icebergs.
Therefore, the Titanic was sunk by GLOBAL WARMING!”
Well played, suh! Well played. I doff my cap.
Lookit Jonah:
Lookit Jonah:
The riting. It hurts mah branes.
We are not on the verge of a dictatorship and Obama is not a Hitler in waiting.
But “Liberal Fascism”! It was the title of your book!
“The riting. It hurts mah branes.”
It makes muh eyes raiiiin.
Well played, suh! Well played. I doff my cap.
It’s Boobquake day, shouldn’t that be your bra?
You know who else fought — and killed — socialists?
ritingwronging. It hurts mah branes.Fizzled.
Linky dinky do to Boobquake Day
“It’s Boobquake day, shouldn’t that be your bra?”
Best I can do ya is a strap. Don’t think that’s sexy? Well, just pretend you’re an Iranian cleric. I just sploded someone’s mind.
The fringe folks who carry such signs help no one.
Just put a Hitler ‘stache on the smiley face on the cover of your book called Liberal Fascism.
Best I can do ya is a strap. Don’t think that’s sexy? Well, just pretend you’re an Iranian cleric.
Yeah, if we’re going by conservative godbag standards, every day is Boobquake Day for me. I just can’t get too worked up over it.
Best I can do ya is a strap. Don’t think that’s sexy?
I’ll need a better visual. Perhaps one might regularly issue such pictorials examples in a monthly or better weekly “news letter” format?
I just can’t get too worked up over it.
Don’t sweat it. We can pick up the slack for ya.
“I’ll need a better visual. Perhaps one might regularly issue such pictorials examples in a monthly or better weekly “news letter” format?”
You’re big on those! I assume you’re just doing research, though.
You’re big on those! I assume you’re just doing research, though
I’m on deadline, so I can’t get too in depth right now.
Don’t sweat it. We can pick up the slack for ya.
Thanks. I’m going to go take a nap.
Whatever Glenn Beck is smoking, I want some of it.
Whatever Glenn Beck is smoking, I want some of it.
We saw this trope started over a year ago, when the second bailout was proposed and teabaggers went bonkers. Even Troofie came out on S,N! and called Bush a liberal.
Ron Rosenbaum gets himself worked up into quite an incoherent tizzy about the Tea Party and Nazism and Hitler and so on.
Well I’ll have to look up Rosenbaum, cause the topic merits consideration. Nazism and the Tea Party Movement are both case studies in what happens when people who’ve been filled with conservative, elite-produced rhetoric for decades are let loose in the political system.
Fascism was the product of fifty years of propaganda from the conservative establishment, which was meant to discredit the rising socialist movement with more and more unhinged rhetoric (the claim that Bolshevism was a Jewish conspiracy figured prominently, as did accusations of foreign infiltration and stabbing the army in the back). When the Great Depression discredited the establishment, their former followers went completely haywire and, well, when all you know about politics involves Jewish conspiracies, it’s not hard to predict where things will end.
What’s going on now is similar in that the people who’ve been trained by forty years of Nixonian rhetoric to vote Republican are now turning their fire on the Republican establishment and saying they no longer trust the GOP to drive them where they want to go, they want the steering wheel now. Understandable, Rosenbaum and the rest of the reality-based community are a little worried about that.
We saw this trope started over a year ago, when the second bailout was proposed and teabaggers went bonkers. Even Troofie came out on S,N! and called Bush a liberal.
I had only seen “not a conservative,” but I guess that’s basically the same thing to those people.
What’s going on now is similar in that the people who’ve been trained by forty years of Nixonian rhetoric to vote Republican are now turning their fire on the Republican establishment and saying they no longer trust the GOP to drive them where they want to go, they want the steering wheel now. Understandable, Rosenbaum and the rest of the reality-based community are a little worried about that.
I’m not.
Give them the keys. Hell, put a turbocharger on the car, give them premium gas AND nitrous AND a jet pack! Let them run the goddam Party of No off the fucking cliff and let’s see who crawls from the wreckage.
Glenn Beck is smoking Limbaugh’s ((✸))
From 2005, no less: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/4164/george_w_bush_is_a_liberal.html?cat=9
From 2005, no less:
Jesus. Paragraph breaks are your friend, dude.
And for a more authoritative view: http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/national/article944806.ece
I suspect once the establishment conservatives got wind of Bush’s problems in his first term, they started to build a case for his liberalism. Beck is just now picking up on that, figuring that he can solidify his image as the flag-bearer for the Teabaggers, who genuinely are angry at both parties, altho much more at Dems.
It may backfire, tho. An awful lot of them were forced to defend Bush vigorously during the Bush years, and their egos will not let them stray too far from that defense.
I will say, though, that Beck was playing the whole “I’m an independent” bullshit even when Bush was in office, so he may be able to get it to work for him.
The fringe folks who carry such signs help no one (which may be why the Larouchies seem to be the main culprits, a fact the MSM has no desire to clarify).
Heh. These banner-waving racists have a long track record of being paranoid-style, impulse-control-deficient loonies in the past, which (some might say) makes them representative of the teabag movement, so Jonah is quick to imply that it actually makes them non-representative.
In the absence of evidence that banner-waving racists were previously ‘Larouchies’ (and apparently the MSM is providing no clues), I can only assume that it’s a matter of definition: he has defined banner-waving racists as not true Scotsmen.
If only the Teabag group were centrally organised and funded; then it would be possible for the sponsors to tell the MSM “Do not treat these loons as the public face of our group, for they are interlopers”. But alas, it is a self-organised, self-selected grass-roots movement.
I actually made the point to my very conservative father-in-law ‘way back when it was starting to become clear that no WMD were going to be found in Iraq that Bush II (aka Il Duce) was not really a Conservative. He didn’t have a response, which is unusual. Dubya isn’t a liberal, most certainly not a “progressive,” but he ain’t nobody’s conservative either, in the traditional sense. There has to be a word to describe him, let me think…oh yeah, “dumbfuck.”
An awful lot of them were forced to defend Bush vigorously during the Bush years,
Yeah, and they’re pissed too.
Many funny responses to the Von Trapp family campers who were oblivious to filling the surrounding hills with the sound of gas powered generators. He tried doing Jiffy-Pop over a campfire (which even the Jiffy-Pop people know doesn’t work) and got all indignant when it burnt. He and the missus were adamant that they didn’t trek all the way out into the remote outback to be deprived of Netflix’s latest offerings, and would go further to say that to do so without their precious microwave popcorn would be worse than waterboarding (though to be fair the kids at least seemed a bit receptive to rethinking their needs, as long as it still included the Wii, their hair dryers, and their 2.5hp nail polish power mixer.
As per one of the other comments, I was surprised that they opted out of the mega-RV experience with the multiple satellite dishes and expandable floor space with modular pop-out compartmnts and the backdoor ramp to the ‘garage” to roll out the multiple off-road bikes and quads (while towing a jeep to boot for trips into town). In contrast with their low-tech DVD’s, they might as well be foraging off the land for grubs and berries in loin clothes (what the grubs and berries were doing in loin cloths I have no idea!).
I empathize with all those who’ve had the displeasure to camp next to jerks (I’ve been lucky to this point). The white picket fence almost sounds ironic, like putting out a plastic flamingo, except I’m sure it’s not in this case. It’s obviously the idea of staking out some territory and sectioning it off as one might with blankets and beach towels at the shore.
In my opinion, camping should be a little like the effort put into Halloween for adults. That is, try to be as comfortable as you can without trying too hard and going overboard. If you need to faithfully replicate your domestic environment to the last degree, stay home (or stay in suitable lodgings).
The connection to the topic is that McCarthy is worried that concern for AGW might cause an unforseen restriction of his lifestyle in the future. This allows him to dismiss contemplating those things he could be doing now entirely (like the Camper von Slash-and-Burn family).
I feel the perfect mascot for the perpetually self-centered would be Master Shake of the ATHF. He sounds pretty much like every gopper I’ve heard in recent years.
Give them the keys. Hell, put a turbocharger on the car, give them premium gas AND nitrous AND a jet pack! Let them run the goddam Party of No off the fucking cliff and let’s see who crawls from the wreckage.
Are you volunteering to be in the car when it goes off the rails? Cause when Republicans eventually take back the White House (in two, six or ten years), if it’s a teabagger they’ve nominated, that’s where we’ll be.
We can’t just keep limping away from every Republican presidency. If the trend of each one being more radical than the last (in this case, a teabagger rather than George W. Bush), they’re eventually going to fuck up on a scale that affects us all and that no one’ll be able to fix. That might finally discredit their party enough to push the country back to the left… but there’ll be a hell of a price to pay.
they’re eventually going to fuck up on a scale that affects us all and that no one’ll be able to fix.
As we’re still not fixed from the last one…
Did you read the actual column? I’m about three paragraphs in, and it is some of the most overwrought, faux-intellectual shit I’ve read in a while.
The Conrad Black discussion is long past, but I wanted to add that unless it is mind-bogglingly arrogant overwrought, faux-intellectual shit, there’s a good chance it was ghost written.
The balm of Soros money?
The only balm I use is Bag Balm! And yeah, I’ve used it on my taint. Helps with the biochip scar, old chap.
Are you volunteering to be in the car when it goes off the rails? Cause when Republicans eventually take back the White House (in two, six or ten years), if it’s a teabagger they’ve nominated, that’s where we’ll be.
I meant the Republicans.
And keep in mind that it’s not unheard of for a party to run the White House for a few decades (FDR/Truman) particularly after a major Republican fuck up.