Why I Don’t Watch Hannity & Colmes
I can stomach O’Reilly, Cavuto and Gibson just fine, but watching Hannity & Colmes makes me positively ill. Example:
COLMES: Ann, I’d like to know. You just made an accusation against —
HANNITY: Liberals.
COULTER: Yes, I’ve made it before.
COLMES: — and you have basically said that, what, they like terrorists —
COULTER: Affection for terrorists, yes.
COLMES: What liberal has affection for terrorists?
COULTER: All of this defense of Saddam and —
COLMES: Well, who?
“The man on first!”
“I don’t know!”
“Third base!”
COULTER: — oh, well, “They weren’t that bad.”
COLMES: Show me the evidence — who said they’re not that bad?
COULTER: I was quoting you.
COLMES: Who said they’re not that bad?
COULTER: In the first segment, you were saying, “Poof, this” —
COLMES: Who said terrorists are not that bad?
COULTER: Saddam Hussein.
COLMES: When did I say he wasn’t that bad?
COULTER: You’re defending him on these weapons, trying to minimize them.
COLMES: When did I defend Saddam Hussein? What did I say in defense of Saddam Hussein?
COULTER: OK, I know you don’t watch your show when it gets re-played. When you’re on the show —
COLMES: Well, I can’t watch it now because I’m on it and doing it.
COULTER: — do you listen to yourself?
COLMES: I’d like to know what I said in defense of Saddam Hussein.
COULTER: You’re dismissing these weapons as, “Oh, poof” —
COLMES: No, I’m actually quoting a Defense Department official —
COULTER: Right, why is that?
COLMES: — who told our own Jim Angle that this is nothing new. In fact, these were not the WMDs, Laura Schwartz, that we were told by the administration were the cause for going to war in Iraq.
SHWARTZ: Exactly.
COLMES: That is according to our Fox News reporter —
COULTER: That’s not true.
COLMES: — and that is according to a defense source that he has.
COULTER: That is not the reason we went to war.
Completely, totally unfazed by facts. Making baseless accusations against your adversaries. Refusing to concede even the most obvious point, i.e., that Colmes was in fact quoting a FOX News reporter.
Completely, totally unfazed by facts. Making baseless accusations against your adversaries. Refusing to concede even the most obvious point, i.e., that Colmes was in fact quoting a FOX News reporter.
Completely, totally unfazed by facts. Making baseless accusations against your adversaries. Refusing to concede even the most obvious point, i.e., that Colmes was in fact quoting a FOX News reporter.
Welcome to your modern “conservative” movement, kids. God help us if they control this country for another two years.
Why the hell is Ann Coulter polluting the public airwaves? Can someone cause a damn wardrobe malfunction with her already so she can get banned?
When I hear things like this, I get this mental image of a film robot that just had it’s logic circuts overloaded. *Beep* Does-not-compute *Beep* O-ver-load-ing *Bzzzzztttt* (smoke starts rising from the head)
The scary thing is that I can picture her exact inflection and crazed, weasely facial tics as she dodges the facts.
Asking them for specifics is kryptonite.
I thought mature adults were supposed to know that interrupting someone before they’re done positing an idea is rude. Nevermind the idiocy, that’s to be expected, but they could at least be NICE about being stupid.
I can understand Coulter being on Fox. She’s just an extreme version of Hannity or O’Reilly. It’s why the networks have her on I don’t understand.
I’m reminded of that Monty Python skit about Having an Argument.
“This isn’t an arguement!”
“Yes it is”
“No it’s not!”
“Yes it is!”
Colmes wasn’t too bad, y’know? He managed to get her spluttering later on by noting that liberals can’t, apparently, say anything bad about members of the military who do bad things.
And given how The Thing doesn’t really go on hostile ground in the US, it’s the best we can hope for until she is fooled into such arenas.
Where’s the parody Coulter? There must be someone who’d be prepared to don a wig and gargle rocks, and knock out a book saying that all conservatives are ignorant fucktards, then do the rounds of the talk shows.
Huh. Personally, I wouldn’t mind slapping Bill O’Reilly silly.
Wow. Evidently, Brad left an italics tag on after his first blockquote and it made the rest of the front page italics, too! Huzzah!
Can someone cause a damn wardrobe malfunction with her already so she can get banned?
The cure might be worse than the disease.
And given how The Thing doesn’t really go on hostile ground in the US, it’s the best we can hope for until she is fooled into such arenas.
Watch The Beast show off her knowledge of world military history.
Just a quick close of the italics tag. Hopefully it’ll actually work.
Tips accepted.
Where’s the parody Coulter? There must be someone who’d be prepared to don a wig and gargle rocks, and knock out a book saying that all conservatives are ignorant fucktards, then do the rounds of the talk shows.
Cathy Jones on CBC’s “This Hour Has 22 Minutes” does a mean rightwing bitch talkshow host who is quite reminiscent of Coulter… deliberately insulting and harassing her liberal guests until they walk off the set, and then feigning ignorance as to why they are upset and calling them crybabies.
Did you repeat the same paragraph three times because of a technical glitch, or is that some sort of parody of the conservative method of repeating talking points over and over until they’re seared into our brains?
Never put the words “Ann Coulter” and “Third Base” in the same posting ever again.
Where’s the parody Coulter? There must be someone who’d be prepared to don a wig and gargle rocks, and knock out a book saying that all conservatives are ignorant fucktards, then do the rounds of the talk shows.
Did you guys miss “Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Liar” and “The Truth With Lies” by Al Franken? Okay he doesn’t do the wig or gargle rocks thing (er, well maybe he does, but anyway), but he sure does pretty much say that all conservatives are ignorant fucktards – and he has his own radio talk show! Yeah! Somehow, though, when he does it, people think he’s joking (except Bill O’Reilly). Whereas with Coulter, oh wait.
i fell asleep on the train and i had a vision of coulter mummified in duct tape. too bad i had to wake up.
I wonder if Colmes believes he will be honoured by history for having actively encouraged the biggest farce in public discourse ever?
“The Truth With Lies�
Um, it’s “The Truth (with jokes)”
“Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Liar”
is actually “Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot”
Beginning to Wonder, have you actually seen either of those books? Or even parts of them? Franken documents specific evidence for every claim. (For example, he obtained documents from airlines showing that Rush was required to purchase two seats, proving that Rush is, in fact, “fat” by an objective, pre-defined standard.) In Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them, he quotes each lie, then proceeds to cite respected sources showing that the statement is in fact false. In some cases (many, actually), he cites previous and contradictory comments from the liar in question (like Dick Cheney’s famous “I never said that” BS).
If Colmes ever asked Franken to cite specific examples, you’d get to watch Colmes’s eyes glaze over while Franken cites chapter, verse, time, date, and witnesses. He’d never stop talking. (And the Truth, with Jokes was too much truth, not enough jokes, for my personal taste.)
Oh, and I’ve yet to see any place where Franken advocates killing people, where he complained that widows of 9-11 victims who (widows, not victims) support conservative causes are oppurtunistic bitches who enjoy their husbands’ deaths, or where he states that making a ridiculous claim and “getting away with it” means that the claim is automatically true.
If Colmes ever asked Franken to cite specific examples, you’d get to watch Colmes’s eyes glaze over…
That’s Colmes in a nut-shell, right there. If the moronic prevaricators he is valiantly “challenging” didn’t exist, he’d have to invent them. People who actually tell the truth don’t seem to interest him at all.
I once got into an argument with a group of wingnuts on a right-wing blog by telling them that Fox News claims to be impartial when they said it is the only openly conservative network. They were so obsessed with trying to “prove” that I was “lying” that they wouldn’t even concede that the Fox News slogans are “Fair and balanced” and “We report, you decide.”
Never put the words “Ann Coulter� and “Third Base� in the same posting ever again.
pop goes the weasel!
Where’s the parody Coulter? There must be someone who’d be prepared to don a wig and gargle rocks, and knock out a book saying that all conservatives are ignorant fucktards, then do the rounds of the talk shows.
My good friend Ann Slanders departed blogtopia (y!sctw!) quite a while ago. Some cyber squatter has usurped the URL and has a prototypical spam for car insurance as its’ only post. All of the archives are lost to the fog of history. D’oh!
Are we absolutely sure that these people aren’t androids programmed by aliens with a poor understanding of human behavior?
What the fuck between this and the Santorum thing its like Colmes grew a pair.
It’s more like the deceptions and lies and untruths have decayed to such a level that even Colmes can point out how wrong they are in the soundbites they give him.
Oops – I posted before morning coffee and made some doozy mistakes. Sorry – didn’t mean to give the impression that I was pro-Coulter!!! Gag! I adore Franken and am perfectly aware that he can completely – and effortlessly – out-debate any wingnut, any time. I read “Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot” (Thanks, Nancy) and “Lies and the Lying,”etc., but haven’t yet read “Truth with Jokes” Whew, guess I’ll have to work hard to repair my tarnished reputation………
Did you guys miss “Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Liar� and “The Truth With Lies� by Al Franken?
Um, those are books. And as much as I like Franken, he’s too caught up with things like ‘fact-checking’ to translate to the soundbite zone of the cabloids and talk shows.
I just think it would be fascinating for someone to fabricate either an out-Coultering Coulter or a left-wing caricature, making the same kind of twitchy scattergun assaults on conservatives. Do it for a few weeks, then reveal it as a parody. Ideally, get her on Faux News against Coulter. There’s surely an obscure stand-up comic who’d have the skill to pull it off.
I’m not sure it’s even possible to caricature Coulter at this point… the real thing is so absurd as to render satire virtually pointless.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to humiliate someone who has no concept of shame. But somebody needs to knock Coulter off her high horse.