Raw Lefty Stow

My name is Rick Rickson, I listen to Higson.1

Erick Erickson, RedState:
Billy Graham’s Son Is Too Christian For Barack Obama’s Army

Billy Graham’s son Franklin, a solid evangelist in his own right,

Franklin — is he the black one, or is that Shermy?

If the…no wait.

Damn it, this is not where I had envisioned this post at this point in its composition.

Graham Crackers (l-r): Graham Père, Graham Toupéere

Uh, my name is Orc-Orcson, I make Robert Pork Bun.2

Erick Erickson, RedState:
Billy Graham’s Son Is Too Christian For Barack Obama’s Army

Well, gosh. You have to wonder: If not Billy Graham’s son, Franklin “CandyGraham” Graham — or as he is most frequently known, “Billy Grahamson” — then who the heck would be too Christian for…wha? Let me read that again.

Erick Erickson, RedState:
Billy Graham’s Son Is Too Christian For Barack Obama’s Army

Oh, the Army. I was like, when exactly did Barack Obama get an arOH MY GOD

Billy Graham’s son Franklin, a solid evangelist in his own right, was invited to give the address at the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer service.

“Army-Navy Drive and Fern Street, Arlington, Virginia 22202.”

“Franklin Graham, everybody!”


Barack Obama’s administration has revoked the invitation.

“Army-Navy Drive and Fern Street, Arlington, Virginia 22202.”

“Fra[needle scratching on record]

[a far, lonely train whistle. a breeze sighs through pines. the dry rustle of a passing tumbleweed — alone and hungry, it begins to weep]

That’s sad. A speaking invitation was cancelled. It’s angry-sad, with a rising angry. A speaking invitation was cancelled!

Why? Well, it turns out Franklin Graham really believes in Christ and holds that Christ really is “they way and the truth and the life.”

This is so typical, given the epidemic of meaningless symbolic outrages perpetrated sneakily against Christians by the far-leftists who infiltrate institutions such as the Pentagon. Christ is ‘they way.’ Grrr, angry. Who is ‘them?’ Incitements ring us, and we are rung by them.

It is a outrage.3 Guess we’ll be moseying. Bobey-dope dobie-doe…


…obie-dobie-obe. Just passing through to see what was up with that revoked invitation at the Pentagon. Ah, it says that Franklin Graham really believes in Christ and holds that Christ really is “they way and the truth and the life,” so that’s the story. Welp, guess I’ll head over thataway. Bobey-doe, obie-dobie-ope, flooby-doobie…


Title cf. recent self-critiques that we concentrate on titles. Not being able to think of one, we labeled the careless wad of material shoved under the title bar with an anagram for ‘Fawlty Towers.’

1 It is possible to do just as Rick and Robyn describe.

2 If it need be said, this is a Robert Bork pun.

3 Cf. Honeymooners (audio, 0:06).





Consequently, Franklin Graham has spoken out about Islam — the only religion to see its followers carry out violent terrorist attacks on the United States in the name of that religion — and its violent ways.


OMDFG!!1 IT WAS tHE MUSLoMS THE HOLE TIME!!!!!explamationpo1nt!11!!1


The Council on Islamic-American Relations and other Islamic groups got upset with Franklin Graham pointing out the truth.

Ooh, that always gets their dander flying, doesn’t it? I mean, they’ll try to claim that it’s nearly a perfect symbolic storm, with an anti-Muslim bigot heading a religious event at the Pentagon, bla-bla. But it’s a well-known proven fact that the verb, ‘to prove,’ in the Muslim language literally means ‘to invite possession by a passing fib demon’ — and speaking of Muslims, or rather of Muslims speaking, our friends Hassan and Abu seem to be up to something, and let’s see what it is:

featuring Hassan & Abu

ABU: Allah be praised for this fine weather, do you not agree, my friend?

HASSAN: Chop. What? Oh, yes, Allah be praised in everything, for certain, yes.

ABU: Well, I shall be seeing you later, Abu. With this fine weather, such as we see through the window. This window toward which my hand, with a rolling, Oriental flourish, is now gesturing…

[Hassan looks up. Out the window, fog is blowing past the top of a wet minaret.]

[Hassan looks at Abu.]

[Abu glowers malevolently.]

HASSAN: The weather is fine, Abu.

[Abu looks normal again, twirls moustache flashing a goofy grin, exits deadpan with swirling cape.]

HASSAN: Fine for me to make poo in your turban.

ABU: [sticks his head through the doorway] Oh, Has-sa-an… Tomorrow shall be a Taco Tuesday, praise Allah, for on Wednesday someone is going to make boomity-boom. It is not you. Or… [glowers quizzically] What is it that you said just now?

HASSAN: May Allah crown you with emoluments, praise Allah.

ABU: The boomer will be Faruq. [exits, cape swirling] Oh, Faru-u-q…

§   §   §

Did you notice how threats of ‘pointing out the truth’ made the Fib Demon possess Abu’s body? This seems spooky to us, to be sure, but it’s merely an ordinary fact of life in the Land of the Crescent.

So the Obama Administration caved.

Obama, Osama, everyone’s in caves.

Army spokesman Col. Tom Collins confirmed today, that at the Army’s request, the Pentagon Chaplain’s Office had contacted Graham to withdraw the invitation extended to him to be the main speaker at the Pentagon’s observance of the National Day of Prayer.

You’ll note it says Army.

We noted it seems to be some kind of high-concept drag queen cocktail army. “Longstanding policy dictated the reversal, said Cap’t Fuzzy Navel of the Army’s Dancing Hoo-Hah Office. ‘I have a lovely bunch of coconuts,’ added Lieut. Champale Flirtini.”

Actually, we noted this, from the quoted ABC News piece:

[Col. Tom] Collins said, “Army leadership became aware of the issue and immediately recognized it was problematic.” He added, “This Army honors all faiths and tries to inculcate our soldiers and work force with an appreciation of all faiths and his past comments just were not appropriate for this venue.”


True, but it was Obama appointees who made the call. Let’s not obfuscate whose responsibility it is.

Because Obama appointed the entire category, ‘Army leadership’? Yes, let’s not obfuscate the fact that no responsibility for anything ever falls upon stuff that conservatives like, but instead blamearangs.


Comments: 121

A concerned citizen

Some of the troops are Muslim. Franklin Graham hates Muslims. Therefore, Franklin Graham hates the troops.


Well, the buck does stop with Obama. So I’ll give Erk a pass for blaming Obama for something the Army did. I won’t give him a pass for blaming all Muslims for 9/11 the way bigots like him always fucking do.


Alternate caption for the pic above:

mmmmm pie!

Megan McNuggets

Consequently, Franklin Graham has spoken out about Islam — the only religion to see its followers carry out violent terrorist attacks on the United States in the name of that religion

That’s funny, I didn’t know Mormonism was a sect of Islam.

Lieut. Champale Flirtini

So my new commenting nym.

Lieut. Champale Flirtini

He should try the Air Force. Aren’t they like 100% fully owned by Dominionists at this point?

A Suitably Clever Alternate Identity

Consequently, Franklin Graham has spoken out about Islam — the only religion to see its followers carry out violent terrorist attacks on the United States in the name of that religion

Well, clearly he’s right, because why would Christian extremists carry out violent terrorist attacks in the name of Islam? That’s just silly.


Not good.
I start again.
It is spring. Time passes.



the socialest paradise of the south seas

thanks bom, you blew my mind


If it need be said, this is a Robert Bork pun.

The lowest form of humor, indeed.

I remember hearing someone say, way back then, that he couldn’t take a judge named “Bork” seriously. It was the sound that a naked, sweaty Raymond Burr would make getting up from a leather sofa.


I need to find a way to casually work, “I have a lovely bunch of coconuts” into my daily conversations.

“Why? Well, it turns out Franklin Graham really believes in Christ and holds that Christ really is “they way and the truth and the life.” ”

So, someone in the Army decided that MAYBE it’s not a great idea to have someone who thinks Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and a variety of other religions can go fuck themselves, speak at a National Day of Yaaaaay Religions!

This proves that Obama hates Christians.



So, someone in the Army decided that MAYBE it’s not a great idea to have someone who thinks Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and a variety of other religions can go fuck themselves, speak at a National Day of Yaaaaay Religions!

I swear, the only people who get their butts chafed at the thought of someone not worshiping the toilets they shit in easier than gun owners, it’s American right-wing Christians. Look, ya big baby, you think we’re all gonna burn forever in a pit of unimaginable pain right? Just savor that thought and shut the fuck up.


when the edges of teabag party and the christian coalition finally touch the chariots of the gods and the students of the illuminati secret government, old episodes of the outer limits, the attack of the crab people, and plan 9 from outer space will resume their rightful place in the history classes of our nation’s primary schools


I need to find a way to casually work, “I have a lovely bunch of coconuts” into my daily conversations.

Finishing every sentence with “In accordance with the prophecy” is also entertaining.


Poor Frank;in, he’s just misunderstood, or at least that’s his story

I believe it is my responsibility to speak out against the terrible deeds that are committed as a result of Islamic teaching.

Of course, he did say
The God of Islam is not the same God. He’s not the son of God of the Christian or Judeo-Christian faith. It’s a different God, and I believe it [Islam] is a very evil and wicked religion.”

OOOH, Abraham’s gonna be pissed when he hears about this one! (that he said 10 years ago-people are so cruel to remember what one says, dontcha think?)


The God of Islam is not the same God. He’s not the son of God of the Christian or Judeo-Christian faith. It’s a different God, and I believe it [Islam] is a very evil and wicked religion.”

Good thing we have Islam’s long-form birth-certificate.


My only concern is that, since Franklin’s lump-of-dog-shit father was never overtly rejected by the federal government, this will be interpreted as an attack on Franklin rather than as rejection of the whole bigotry-in-defense-of-sectarianism meme.

Also, my computer is running out of hyphens. Anyone have any spares? Also.


[…]resume their rightful place in the history classes of our nation’s primary schools

The first few dozen seconds of this comes to mind when think about what synthesis of history wingers would approve. The rest of the video is the excuse for Franklin’s insensitive remarks about Islam.


[…]when I think about[…]

Pedantic shame corrected.

Istanbul ( not Constantinople)

Because no Christians ever commit acts of terrorism in the US in the name of their religion:




It’s about two pages long.


From Franky’s explanation (as linkied by Tom M:)

“The brutal, dehumanizing treatment of women by the Taliban has been well-documented and internationally condemned. However, the abusive treatment of women in most Islamic countries is nearly as draconian and falls far short of the dignity, respect, and protection almost universally given to women and mandated by the United Nations.

Hmm. Project much, there, Francis?


We need a hand-dandy all-purpose word or phrase for the whole “not letting someone (or some group) dominate == oppressing them” thing.

I mean besides “cowardly bigoted shitbag.”


“Spoiled brat” does the trick for me, kingubu.


He should try the Air Force. Aren’t they like 100% fully owned by Dominionists at this point?

It’s getting to be that way. That’s one of the reasons I retired.


But Franklin Graham loves Muslims and only wants them to share in the joy of Christ the Savior. Is that so wrong?



Dammit! It’s always the stupidest joke in the post that gets me. Always.


Whoa, crazy format time! Maybe I need to read this shit in Firefox…

Anyway, I have nothing to add, except that this: “Fine for me to make poo in your turban” made me guffaw loudly and now my cat is glaring at me for waking him up.

Oh, also, I’ve observed this before, but it’s funny to me how members of privileged groups view any move that might try to mitigate their privilege a little as OPPRESSION. Poor babies.


it’s funny to me how members of privileged groups view any move that might try to mitigate their privilege a little as OPPRESSION.

Well, sure. They take the privilege as the natural order of things (save the very few that gain self-awareness) so from their point of view it IS oppression.

Stag Party Palin

We need a hand-dandy all-purpose word or phrase for the whole “not letting someone (or some group) dominate == oppressing them” thing.

Stag Party Palin

Bloody [Enter] key.

The word is ‘infantile.” Yeah, it’s a dull word. WATB works too.


Oh, also, I’ve observed this before, but it’s funny to me how members of privileged groups view any move that might try to mitigate their privilege a little as OPPRESSION. Poor babies.

Well, yes. The biggest difference between left-wing populism and right-wing populism is that one appeals to the dispossessed, the other to the people who feel dispossessed but are actually just losing their privileges. The cognitive dissonance required to believe things like “the Civil Rights Act will enslave white people” lays the groundwork for their irrationalism in every other respect.

For example (http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20100423/ts_csm/296527_1#mwpphu-container, comments section of the Christian Science Monitor’s article about the Graham thing);

We must remember that President Obama was a civil rights lawyer. He worked for the rights of every type of person and group, except those that happen to be white (caucasian). Obama is in office for the blacks and the whites have to take a back seat to him. I’ve been de-meaned and ridiculed by my boss who happens to be black. He finds every little thing to one up himself and put me down. I am the better man. I have no need to put others down to feel important and powerful. He told me that he has all the certificate and degrees I have and had to settle for a lower paying job. If this man did have my education and credentials, he would be in a very high ranking and high paying job with affirmative action and racial quotas on his side. Many blacks are coming out now showing that they are professional and I think that’s great. They are great people. My boss is a low life and a good for nothin…..


WATB works too.

I heart WATB.

I’ve been de-meaned and ridiculed by my boss who happens to be black.

I’ve also noticed that they can’t distinguish between isolated personal experience and systems of oppression. Which, you know, is the product of privilege.


Surely he can’t be far from blaming the previous administration for boondoggling the whole Iraq campaign. Any moment now.



Dammit! It’s always the stupidest joke in the post that gets me. Always.

What are you talking about, that joke was AWESOME.



Dammit! It’s always the stupidest joke in the post that gets me. Always.

What are you talking about, that joke was AWESOME.

Plus, I think the pooping in the turban joke was the stupidest. And, yeah, the stupid, juvenile ones always get me.


Heh. Rich Lowry weighs in on the epistemic closure issue.

I like how these people basically admit that they have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about, but still expect their “readers” to listen to what they have to say.


Heh. Rich Lowry weighs in on the epistemic closure issue.

It’s clear that Levin met the Manzi article with absolutely nothing, but these two are both fine folks who are correct.


If that nasty comment is any indication, That guy’s boss didn’t do a very good job of de-meaning the hateful little shit.


Clearly, there’s a reason for this. And it’s got to be because the Obama administration just found out Reverend Wright’s calendar had him available on the date.

And Bill Ayers is going to open with some irreverent comedic remarks.

Can someone explain epistemic closure to me? I can’t be arsed to research it.


POOP is inherently funny.


pork buns!

You know, that used to be illegal in 49 states.


Can someone explain epistemic closure to me?

Band-aids, stitches, butterfly sutures…

Release the Kraken!

When it comes to religion, the Kraken always says, “If it ain’t Zeus, it ain’t no use.”


If you piss off Hera, better live in terror.


it’s funny to me how members of privileged groups view any move that might try to mitigate their privilege a little as OPPRESSION.

See “Civil War, U.S.”


Bottom line: you want to know who’s now running the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy and the Marines and calling the shots where it counts? Fundamentalist Muslims and homosexual activists.

So sayeth Bryan Fischer of the AFA.


Picking apart a particularly insane sentence again to induct insights into conservative psychology, Thanks to Chris above, this quote does it for me again:

He told me that he has all the certificate and degrees I have and had to settle for a lower paying job. If this man did have my education and credentials, he would be in a very high ranking and high paying job with affirmative action and racial quotas on his side.

And why wouldn’t the guy who wrote this quite just check and *see*if this other man did have all education and credentials he had?

Because then the guy who wrote this would face the prospect of *realizing* that de facto institutional racism does exist, and that he benefited from it. And what is worse for him than realizing this, is realizing that he’s wrong.

And a large chunk of what he’s using to justify his own lack of success will be gone, and he’ll himself have to face that he is responsible for his own situation. And not the laughable concept of the Black Man keeping the White Man down.

Which is the most amazing part of the whole thing, to me; how people have enough unconscious awareness to avoid conscious awareness. And how people can be so afraid of changing their minds that they would rather be out of step with reality. Being out of step with reality is, to me, certainly a much more problematic situation than being consciously uncomfortable…


Bacchus something something crackas.


Can someone explain epistemic closure to me? I can’t be arsed to research it.

It’s a technical term for a person whose mouth has a deathgrip on their own ass and therefore never questions their beliefs, but merely recycles their own shit in perpetuity.

(Link SFW unless your boss is an ophidiophobe.)


I report, with great disappointment, that a google image search for
“pork buns” (safesearch OFF) yields exactly the same results as the above link.

My faith in the Intertr0nz is shaken, not stirred.


“I’ve also noticed that they can’t distinguish between isolated personal experience and systems of oppression. Which, you know, is the product of privilege.”

I try very hard to use my own experiences as an example to people like this to teach them what the difference is between systemic oppression and personal experience.

But try as you might, willful ignorance is almost completely intractable. The reward for such behavior far outweighs any promise that awareness might bring.

Our culture is steeped in imaginary thinking, in fact I think it must be integral to human survival as it is so widespread. Believing in unicorns/Jesus/race constructs/that wrestling is real/rich people love you….all those trappings provide some fictional secure membership in the White Way.

As long as members have FaITH that good things will happen if they believe enough and they haven’t reaped the bennies yet, you are in no way going to put a wedge in that position — because they are far too thirsty to stop pursuing that oasis right now.


I report, with great disappointment, that a google image search for
“pork buns” (safesearch OFF) yields exactly the same results as the above link.

Which reminds me that Charlie Stross is writing a new novel titled “Rule 34.” I’m so very scared.

Especially since John Scalzi already followed furrydom to the logical conclusion.


the only religion to see its followers carry out violent terrorist attacks on the United States in the name of that religion

I see what he did there. Since McVeigh, Rudolph, Roeder, and their ilk don’t yell “Jesus Christ, I am doing this on account of the Jesusy-ness of Christdom!” while they carry out their violent terrorist attacks, they don’t count as violent terrorist attacks.

Release the Kraken!

If you don’t worship Athena, I’ll be seein’ ya!

Release the Kraken!

Where’s your offing to Hephastus? He invented the bong to waste us!

Right Reverend Kraken

If I show my junk to Aphrodite, she might just smite me!

Lieut. Champale Flirtini

Because no Christians ever commit acts of terrorism in the US in the name of their religion:

Tell that to the Mormons, who have been on both sides of that.

Or the Native Americans, who were on the unfortunate end of it.


“the only religion to see its followers carry out violent terrorist attacks on the United States in the name of that religion”

Ah, but you miss the wisdom of the mighty Erik. In the name of “that religion” refers only to Islam and it is undoubtedly true that only muslims has carried out attacks in the name of islam. Since no Christians has carried out terrorist attacks in the name of islam, they are off the hook.


Because then the guy who wrote this would face the prospect of *realizing* that de facto institutional racism does exist, and that he benefited from it. And what is worse for him than realizing this, is realizing that he’s wrong.

And a large chunk of what he’s using to justify his own lack of success will be gone, and he’ll himself have to face that he is responsible for his own situation. And not the laughable concept of the Black Man keeping the White Man down.

Which is amusing given the American right wing’s claim to hallow personal responsibility above all. Then, when it comes to their own actions, they’re never responsible. It’s the government’s fault, it’s too big, too powerful. It’s the liberals’ fault, they control society. It’s the darkies and immigrants, they’re stealing my jobs. It’s the Muslims, they all hate me.

Somehow, nothing’s ever their fault.


“Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.”

-FZ, who probably wasn’t even aware that Erik Erickson was alive.


Don’t mess with Ares, you bunch of sissy fairies.


U can find Dionysius, where the best booze in Greece is.


Artemis? I heart that Miss.


Don’t pray to Demeter, she’ll cut off your peter.


Lock up your ladies, here comes Hades.


I liked “Candy” Graham but Graham “Stain” or “Not Ben” Franklin are good too.

“Five twenties for a” Franklin Graham seems a little long.

Franklin “I’m not Billy” Graham works.

Crazy Frankie G seems appropriate.

Franklin “I laid it all out in a line and hoovered up the whole” Graham isn’t really snappy.

Franklin “Mint” Graham?

How about Franklin “My dad’s a fuckin loon and I want to be just like him” Graham?


I just now got the pun!!! W00t!


I left a dead stag for Diana.
She’ll help me kill what I canna.


Narcissus got nuthin’ on us
we the wingnut brigade
proud to the core
and likely gay

Narcissus got nuthin’ on us
we the wingnut brigade
wit’ gods on our side
until the lefties collide

with my universe
puts us in reverse

or something like that.


As long as we’re on the subject of the national day of prayer, I have to share this excretion from Cal Thomas that was published in my local paper yesterday. I’m always amused by self-refuting columns and this one is a beauty; in the space of a mere two paragraphs, Thomas goes from pondering whether the ruling that struck down the national day of prayer statute is “the result of our moral decline, or its cause” to claiming that “[p]olitically, presidential prayer proclamations are no more significant than those for national pickle week.” Uh, so which is it, Cal: a critical piece of our nation’s moral infrastructure, or some meaningless bit of ceremonial deism?

What really irritates me about the column, though, is the latter portion where he pretends that the national day of prayer is just some generic exhortation to pray, meditate, or whatever. As the ruling notes, the claim of universal inclusiveness (except for the dirty godless types, ‘natch) is a sham, made in the hope of evading court review. And that’s what I love about Irky Irksome having a red-faced tantrum on his blarg over Graham’s disinvite; it illustrates the point that “national day of prayer” really means “national day of conservative evangelical proselytization.” How dare the Pentagon respect the beliefs of those subhuman vermin that prostitute themselves to false gods!


national pickle week

Veiled Washington Monument reference.


Gimme that ol’ time religion,
It’s good enough for me!

We will hail the name of Eris
The Hellenic Dame of Chaos
Which is why this verse doesn’t rhyme
Or scan
It’s good enough for me!

teh Universal Schlong

national pickle week

Veiled Washington Monument reference.

I see what you did there.


Veiled Washington Monument reference.

Objects in the Reflecting Pool may be closer than they appear.


Boing Bong reports on serious pickle-related news.


Gimme that ol’ time religion,
It’s good enough for me!

With that in mind, why is Erick-Son-of Erick messing around with that faggorty New-Age Christianity stuff? Why, instead, isn’t he demanding that America’s annual National Prayer Year be marked by hymns to Odin or something for our Warriors about to set sail? Wasn’t that good enough for your founding vaters Erick?

Outrage Pay Reminder

Greetings Orc-Orcson,
Your levels of outrage are getting low, try some ReligiousRighteousnessOutrage(TM)!


serious pickle-related news

There’s no moron like an oxymoron.


the whites have to take a back seat to him. I’ve been de-meaned and ridiculed by my boss who happens to be black. He finds every little thing to one up himself and put me down. I am the better man.

Ah, so Trooth is too busy these days to be trolling S,N!


Go tell it from Mt Olympus,
From Thrace on down to Heraklion
Go tell it from Mt Olympus
The Titans have been beat.

Old Cronos ate some babies
All the kids he spied
But Zeus did slip his notice
And went on to patri-ci-ide!


My eyes have seen the glory of the coming pantheon
Bacchus trampling out the vintage where the grape-stained shorts are donned
Zeus is meting out his justice towards the women he’s been on
The gods are never gone


Old Cronos ate some babies
All the kids he spied
But Zeus did slip his notice
And went on to patri-ci-ide!

Poor J.C.

His dad got him first.


Since no Christians has carried out terrorist attacks in the name of islam, they are off the hook.

Well, whoever is responsible for the anthrax attacks is very likely not Muslim, but they scribbled something like “praise Allah, this letter was sent by Osama bin Laden himself, no really” to send along with their gifts.

Monkey Child of the Dragon King

As long as members have FaITH that good things will happen if they believe enough and they haven’t reaped the bennies yet, you are in no way going to put a wedge in that position — because they are far too thirsty to stop pursuing that oasis right now. -Kate

The horror! The horror!

Opiate of the masses, the god that needs to be invented so we can deal with an untenable situation…

What the hell is it with our brains, anyway, that they react like panicked pigeons to any even mildly contradictory input and maintain a death grip on cognitive dissonance? Never mind actual horror stories, such as the daily news or YouTube comments.

Send answers to this address:


Isn’t “Graham Cracker” on top of the list?

I thought I read every last word of the previous comments but AHEM if you must.


You know how blacks shouldn’t rule on affirmative action and women shouldn’t rule on gender pay inequities and gas shouldn’t make rulings on gay marriage because they would be biased (unlike straight white males)?

Doesn’t that mean that Christians should not be allowed to rule on discrimination against Christians? Because of the bias and all. Conservatives would never be hypocritical.


Looch, Gav used it in the caption to the photo.

His posts continue to be intricate and complicated to a lick my nuts infinity degree.

Graham Crackers (l-r): Graham Père, Graham Toupéere


New post featuring and linking to old Mad Magazine parody of The Exorcist over at my place.

Things is too slow to hang here today.

Lieut. Champale Flirtini

Wouldn’t Graham Père be Graham Cracker Crust?


Barack the Barbarian


Barack the Barbarian is a four-issue comic book mini-series published by Devil’s Due Publishing beginning in June 2009. It was written by Larry Hama, with art by Christopher Schons.

The story features the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama as a Conan the Barbarian-style figure. It also features politicians like Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, and Dick Cheney in fictional roles.



Looch, Gav used it in the caption to the photo.

Eeep. Power House AHEM.

*Shuffles off in shame*


Looch, Gav used it in the caption to the photo.

? Where did that come from? What am i missing?





Thank you for taking the joke to the next level- reminding us that Erickson SHOULD be a Heathen was teh awesome!


Once you go Perseus you never reverseus.


“the whites have to take a back seat to him. I’ve been de-meaned and ridiculed by my boss who happens to be black. He finds every little thing to one up himself and put me down. I am the better man.”

This is one of the secrete Truthfs of the universe that explains why we will never have nice things.


Barack the Barbarian

Red Sarah.


Red Sarah

That is exactly how her fans see her.


Red Sarah


Trig? Is that you??


That is exactly how her fans see her.

“Hi, this is Sarah Palin and I approve this image.”


Don’t badmouth Zeus or he’ll set some shit loose!


If politicians could learn to harness the financial stupidity of people who blindly support hucksters like Graham-son, our fiscal woes would be history!



You hire a cheap taxidermist, you can’t complain about shoddy stitching.


You know what’s hilarious? Listening to people who get everything from Fox News launching into spittle-flecked screeds about how this is just more evidence of how our “Judeo-Christian” values are under attack by Islam. And one of the original complaints, with threats of legal action, came from Air Force vet Michael Weinstein and his Military Religious Freedom Foundation. Weinstein invoked Graham’s horseshit about Islam as a primary reason why he should be disinvited, but it sure as hell wasn’t because Mikey attends a mosque on Fridays. Here’s a little hint for the “Judeo-Christian values” crowd: Jews aren’t actually as stupid as you seem to think they are.

Franklin “I’m not Billy” Graham works.

Yeah, Billy had the Clintons as special guests at his final New York City crusade in 2005. Franklin provided a plane paid for by his “charity” to fly Sarah Palin around Indiana on her book tour. These things are not exactly identical. Alas, nepotism is a problem even for the well-meaning; there were supposedly those in the organization that were skeptical of handing things over to Sonny Boy.


“I’m for morality, but morality goes beyond sex to human freedom and social justice. We as clergy know so very little to speak with authority on the Panama Canal or superiority of armaments. Evangelists cannot be closely identified with any particular party or person. We have to stand in the middle in order to preach to all people, right and left. I haven’t been faithful to my own advice in the past. I will be in the future.”

That’s this guy’s father.

Sounds like the apple fell too far from the tree.


Red Sarah


Forget about the coochie [veiled eunuch reference], how about that unidentifiable thing where she should have a mouth?

I’m pretty sure that thing is not from Earth.


Sounds like the apple fell too far from the tree.

Yes, indeed. I do have a lot of respect for Billy Graham. His support for the civil rights movement especially springs to mind (paid bail money for MLK, argued against the KKK about the importance of integration, refused to speak to segregated audiences both in the Southern U.S. and South Africa…) Not a perfect man, but there was a lot to admire there.

His kid, however, sucks. America’s religious landscape definitely took a turn for the worst in the 1970s – why? I’d say because that’s when it was taken over by unrepentant segregationists still smarting from their defeat in the previous decade (Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, most obviously).

You know what’s hilarious? Listening to people who get everything from Fox News launching into spittle-flecked screeds about how this is just more evidence of how our “Judeo-Christian” values are under attack by Islam.

You know what else is hilarious? The phrase “Judeo-Christian values.”

They don’t seem to realize that sentence is itself a concession to the political correctness they hate. A hundred years ago, no self-respecting nativist would have said that with a straight-face; we were a PROTESTANT nation, Gawd damn it, none of that Moses worshiping or Mary worshiping shit in our country. Now that Jews and Catholics have integrated into the mainstream, the right has to adapt their rhetoric accordingly; even they couldn’t escape the tide of history.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Is it just me, or does anyone else keep trying to click on “40 comments”?


I’d rather bonk Persephone,
Than molest D.Aristophanes…
Though if he looks like Apollo,
I’ll do him to follow.
But if he looks like Gavin M
I’m afraid I’ll just be doin’ his mom.


You know what else is hilarious? The phrase “Judeo-Christian values.”

Er, yes, especially when they’re using it to attack the actions of a Jewish military veteran. Hence my original comment.



What kind of wine has Mikey Weinstein been drinking?
As an anti-Christian Jewish supremacist and as the president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, he’s doing all he can to create an anti-Jewish backlash and help bring about the predicted endtime Holocaust of Jews that’ll be worse than Hitler’s.
Neither Falwell, Hagee nor any other Christian initiated this prediction. But Weinstein’s ancient Hebrew prophets did.
In the 13th and 14th chapters of his Old Testament book, Zechariah predicted that after Israel’s rebirth ALL nations will eventually be against Israel and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed!
Malachi revealed the reasons: “Judah hath dealt treacherously” and “the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this.”
Haven’t evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and persons perceived to be Jewish? Then please explain the hate-filled back-stabbing by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher etc.) against followers of Jesus such as Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.
Weinstein wouldn’t dare assert that citizens on government property don’t have freedom of speech or press freedom or freedom to assemble or to petition the government.
But God-hater Weinstein maliciously wants to eliminate from government property the “free exercise” of religion – especially by evangelicals – a freedom found in the same First Amendment. Significantly, this freedom was purposely listed FIRST by America’s founders!
And Weinstein wouldn’t try to foist “separation of church and state” on strongly-Jewish Israel, but he does try to foist this non-Constitution-mentioned phrase on strongly-Christian America.
In light of Weinstein’s Jewish protectionism and violently anti-Christian obsession, Christians in these endtimes should be reminded of Jesus’ warning in Mark 13:9 (see also Luke 21:12) that “in the synagogues ye shall be beaten.”
Maybe it’s time for some modern Paul Reveres to saddle up and shout “The Yiddish are Coming!”

PS – Some, like Weinstein, are so treacherously anti-Christian they will even join hands at times with enemies, including Muslims, in order to silence evangelicals. It was Weinstein, BTW, who put pressure on the Pentagon to dis-invite Franklin Graham from speaking there on the National Day of Prayer!
PPS – Weinstein is an echo of the anti-Christian, anti-American Hollywood which for a century has dangled every known vice before young people. We seriously wonder how soon the lethal worldwide “flood of filth” (global harming!) that Hollywood has created will engulf and destroy itself and help to bring to power the endtime Antichrist (a.k.a. the Man of Sin and the Wicked One)!


Then please explain the hate-filled back-stabbing by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher etc.) against followers of Jesus such as Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.

Sarah Palin is funny and stupid and Michele Bachmann is funny and stupid.


The average Muslim is safer with Franklin Graham because Graham has never believed in cutting off anyone’s head!


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