RedState: Fuck The Facts, Ma’am!
The Jim Manzi-Mark Levin kerfluffle has yielded maybe the best quote of the year from a rightblogger:
Mark recognizes that when you are at war, while it is important to get facts right (and I think Mark did a darned fine job sourcing his book, giving you the chance to criticize it), it is also important to inspire the troops and to do so by distilling the realities of the fight into useful information. I frankly don’t know if every statistic in Goldwater’s Conscience of a Conservative was correct or not. Nor do I know if every statistic or number in Reagan’s A Time For Choosing speech in 1964 was correct. I DON’T CARE. I know the facts were in the ballpark, and more importantly, the principles were timeless and correct.
That’s pretty much teabaggery in a nutshell, courtesy of RedState blogger ‘hogan’.
‘I have neither the desire and time nor the expertise to analyze in detail Manzi’s specific criticisms of Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny,’ he admits. ‘I DON’T CARE’ about the truth because we are ‘at war’ with ‘statists’, he thunders.
And who can argue with this admitted total fucking moron? WE’RE AT WAR! An insistence on factual accuracy is a luxury we can’t afford when the nation faces an existential threat, such as the top marginal tax rate being raised back up a couple percentage points from its all-time historical low to its previous all-time historical low. It’s just like Pearl Harbor (if the Japanese had only mildly dented 5 percent of the ships in our Pacific fleet while actually performing some needed maintenance on the remaining boats)!
Meanwhile, hogan’s ‘stop-hitting-yourself’ quotient is off the charts. Manzi’s charge of ‘epistemic closure’ in his takedown of Levin really makes hogan’s blood boil because it forced him to do some minor Googling in lieu of working on his short game:
Now, I had to look that term up. Cuz I ain’t as smart as those guys who sit around in circles over at the New Republic, the New York Times, and increasingly, sadly on occasion, the National Review, and blather on endlessly about topics that would make even wonky professors’ eyes roll, much less a regular-old American like me who enjoys watching the DIY network and American Idol after getting back from the driving range and playing with my son.
A seething resentment of intellectuals is obviously at play here, but at least hogan took the trouble to research epistemic closure –a term Manzi uses to describe what he thinks is a troubling tendency on the modern Right to pretend that liberals’ best arguments simply don’t exist rather than take them on with rigor, while also excommunicating any amongst the conservative brethren who note that this might be happening.
But for hogan, looking up the term is one thing — comprehending the concept as it relates to Manzi’s charge proves for hogan to be a bridge to far:
I am sorry there Jim, no matter how much research you’ve done or no matter the extent to which I might even agree with you at times, while you are sitting in your little circle with a bunch of other self-indulgent asses that no one else in the world gives a rip about putting out posts like yesterday’s nonsense, Mark is out on the front lines inspiring a generation of Americans to fight back against statism.
Manzi concludes his heretical Corner post by saying that Levin’s chapter on global warming is ‘an almost perfect example of epistemic closure.’ He’s right. It’s only ‘almost’ perfect.
A perfect example requires that you mix in the irony of somebody actually practicing epistemic closure to defend against the charge of it.
It’s just icing on the cake, then, that hogan concludes with a reprisal of the time-honored winger Earth Day pledge to willfully burn through barrels of expensive fossil fuels just to show us enviro-weenies what’s what:
Come 2014, I will continue to use the stockpile of incandescent bulbs I plan to amass in the coming 4 years – and will gladly pay the electric bill so I can have the light I prefer to have. Forgive me for wanting the freedom to have a frigging light bulb of my choosing. I will continue to drive a gas-guzzling Jeep Wrangler if I have to hand-build an engine to replace it, because I freaking like to drive it. I will continue to flush my toilet however many times it takes to get the job done – and I will continue to take a long hot shower.
BWAHAHAHA! Who’s laughing now, Lie-bruls?
I will continue to flush my toilet however many times it takes to get the job done
Now there’s a real man.
I will continue to flush my toilet however many times it takes to get the job done – and I will continue to take a long hot shower
We could give him a demonstration by flushing his toilet while he showers.
Permit me a moment to give this anti-American creep an assumption of seriousness that he doesn’t deserve:
Go ahead. No one is stopping you. No one will ever stop you from building your own eingine. No one will ever stop you from building your own car. But if you want the convenience of buying a pre-built car, well, there are laws about how those cars run. It’s called the common good, and it’s really as simple as that, and I wouldn’t even call it a basic concept of America because it’s a basic concept of every society that has ever existed anywhere ever.
But don’t let me ruin the precious sense of victimization you so clearly cherish.
whoah, I guess he showed us, huh?
hogan is fighting on the side of liberty and laissez faire economics by demanding that the free market deliver mass-produced gas-guzzling clunkers that nobody wants to buy.
I am sorry there Jim; no matter how many times you prove that we’re not in a war against statism, you’re smearing true patriots like Mark who is inspiring us in the war against statism!
Thumbs up, Rick.
I hope he tries to do all this in 2014, and as he’s draining his bank account (or paying credit card interest through the nose) he remembers this column.
He won’t, of course.
Don’t you love it when anti-intellctual idiocrats try to talk down to people?
But it is as close to going Galt as he will ever get.
factual accuracy is the gestapo of liberal fascism.
Shorter hogan: Mark Levin is right because he tells me stuff that I already thought, without having to do any research whatsoever!
I have a feeling that no matter how many times he flushes, he won’t go down the drain. Some shits are just too massive for any toilet to handle.
I have neither the desire and time nor the expertise to analyze in detail Manzi’s specific criticisms of Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny…
Ah. More of that open and free debate between well-informed and intelligent parties on the right, then, eh?
Can’t you just picture hogan at the auto-parts store in Galt Gulch…, where are all the millionaire doers in this store who will sell me some spark-plug wires for my Wrangler? Hello? Anybody here?
and I will continue to take a long hot shower
The only thing that’s keeping me from running screaming to local trepanner to MAKE THE MENTAL IMAGES GO AWAY OH GOD is the certain knowledge that such an event occurs roughly as often as appearances of the comet Kohoutek.
There are also laws about who and what is allowed on public roads, like emissions and safety inspections, and that communo-stati-fascist “driver’s license” requirement.
much less a regular-old American like me who enjoys watching the DIY network and American Idol after getting back from the driving range and playing with my son.
War is hell.
But if you want the convenience of buying a pre-built car, well, there are laws about how those cars run.
Even if you want to drive it on the public roads in most states it has to pass certain basic tests of safety and emissions. But he can drive it around his own back forty* all he wants.
*veiled fat ass reference.
Forgive me for wanting the freedom to have a frigging light bulb of my choosing.
Yeah, that’s why all those kids died in the mud at Normandy, you fucking sociopathic douchenozzle.
Rest assured they would have mentioned freedom to choose light bulbs in the fucking Consitution – had they, um, been invented. But they foresaw it and that’s why we have the 10th Amendment, blurp blurp.
THIS. is why. I hate wingnuts. Here I am thinking over in my lil’ mind of minds recently the whole concept of “freedom” and “liberty” and what it really goddamn means and they’re going on about how YOUR GODDAMN LIGHTBULB IS WHAT WE FOUGHT THE NAZOBOLSHIMOSLINS about. fuck.
He doesn’t deserve freedom.
Jesus,Till. You and your gottdamn fast fingers.
Shorter hogan: I am a selfish douchebag who doesn’t care about my children’s future.
I bet he’s stockpiling phosphates to put in the soshalest detergent that the greenie-meanies are pushing these days.
I bet he’s stockpiling phosphates to put in the soshalest detergent that the greenie-meanies are pushing these days.
When are people going to stand up and say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”??? WHEN?
Here’s hoping all his upstream neighbors take full advantage of their right to POOP in the river.
I picture him sitting in the basement, wearing an old saucepan on his head, and cradling a shotgun, protecting his stash of incandescent bulbs from the agents of the NWO.
Um, if he’s watching the DIY Network (Our Motto: “Sure, give it a try. You’ve got health insurance, right?”) I suspect rebuilding a Jeep engine is a bit beyond his grasp. If it were a 55 Willys he might have a shot. Modern car, eh, not so much.
So he’s off to Plan B: Light bulbs.
The rigor! The vigor!
I wonder what he’ll do when sugar in soft drinks is taxed? You think he’ll buy sugar free and roll his own?
I will continue to flush my toilet however many times it takes to get the job done
Stand tall, O Brave Minuteman!
a regular-old American like me who enjoys watching the DIY network and American Idol after getting back from the driving range and playing with my son.
I picture him sitting in the basement, wearing an old saucepan on his head, and cradling a shotgun, protecting his stash of incandescent bulbs from the agents of the NWO.
Forgive me for not being a True Patriot, but I don’t see how he can get that worked up over lightbulbs.
I picture him sitting in the basement, wearing an old saucepan on his head, and cradling a shotgun, protecting his stash of incandescent bulbs from the agents of the NWO.
“Yew kin have mah inkies when yew kin pra them frum mah cole ded hans!”
If they’re not stuffed with babies what good are they?
Shorter hogan: I
am a selfish douchebag who doesn’t care about my children’s future.poop myself in fear every day.I fully support his right to fill his home with insecticide.
Shorter hogan: I poop myself in fear every day.
Well, I guess it’s good that he probably doesn’t have a low-flow showerhead, then.
You think he’ll buy sugar free and roll his own?
REAL men drink corn syrup straight.
I will continue to drive a gas-guzzling Jeep Wrangler if I have to hand-build an engine to replace it,
I bet. Where will he get the parts to build this engine? Will he invest in a machine shop? Or, will he buy parts form a junk yard and make a junk engine? I bet this guy doesn’t even own a torque wrench…
Well, I guess it’s good that he probably doesn’t have a low-flow showerhead, then.
He always gets his own spot at the driving range, too. As well as two or three on either side. His nickname is “Downwind.”
I will continue to flush my toilet however many times it takes to get the job done
I guess I poop about as much as the next skinny white chick, but I find one flush does it for me. Consider adding fiber to your diet, or maybe even a diet to your diet.
By the way …
I will continue to drive a gas-guzzling Jeep Wrangler if I have to hand-build an engine to replace it, because I freaking like to drive it.
I thought “if it feels good, do it” was the motto of teh selfish lefty hippie commies?
Shorter hogan: I’m a ignert putz but I was told I should hate Manzi so I made shit up.
I bet this guy doesn’t even own a torque wrench…
He probably thinks a torque wrench is the quiet one in the set of Monkee wrenches.
OK, that hurt.
I thought “if it feels good, do it” was the motto of teh selfish lefty hippie commies?
Yeah, well, SHUT UP.
I guess I poop about as much as the next skinny white chick, but I find one flush does it for me. Consider adding fiber to your diet, or maybe even a diet to your diet.
High-fat diets lead to floaters…maybe his poo just keeps popping up?
I picture him sitting in the basement, wearing an old saucepan on his head, and cradling a shotgun, protecting his stash of incandescent bulbs from the agents of the NWO.
Wait…Hogan is Rugged in Montana? Huzzah! We’ve found him!
Didn’t bother reading the dude’s dreck; did he mention flouride in the water yet? Or his absolute right to drink well water that’s been polluted by the industrial hog operation down the road?
‘Cause that’s what a Real Man ™ would do.
Hogan’s self-proclaimed non-intelligence is too strident to be true. You’re sure he’s not an evil infiltrator?
If the GOP have their way, this guy will be able to buy his light bulbs with chickens or vegetables.
Hogan’s self-proclaimed non-intelligence is too strident to be true. You’re sure he’s not an evil infiltrator?
I’m 100% sure. It is RedState, after all.
Forgive me for not being a True Patriot, but I don’t see how he can get that worked up over lightbulbs.
He doesn’t like the feel of the compact fluorescents.
He doesn’t like the feel of the compact fluorescents.
I am NOT clicking that link.
Levin and McCarthy respond again at The Corner.
Remind me to start a rumor next year about Obama’s black helicopters rounding up incandescant lightbulb hoarders and sending them to the camps. hogan (btw, I can not say that without hearing Werner Klemperer’s voice in my head) won’t need to flush, he’ll need to do laundry.
Yeah, well, SHUT UP.
Whatever, skinny white chick who thinks her poop don’t float. If our shit ain’t buoyant, the terrists have won.
High-fat diets lead to floaters…maybe his poo just keeps popping up?
I was gonna say – he saved himself the bother of pointing out that he doesn’t follow any faggy vegetarian diet (where “vegetarian” is defined Ohio-style as “eating vegetables along with the meat.”)
Levin and McCarthy
Didn’t they write songs for The Ruttles?
I have neither the desire and time nor the expertise to analyze in detail Manzi’s specific criticisms of Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny…
Also known as learning journalism at the feet of Jonah Goldberg.
O, when will they stop ramming their Wrangler-engine-homebuilding and over-toiletflushing down our throats? Waahhhh. Waaaaahhhh.
If our shit ain’t buoyant, the terrists have won.
Vegetable soups sink Poops!
(lame-ass Linkin Park music)
Hello friends, it’s The Great One. We’ll get to a call and then forty minutes of commercials in a second, but I want to discuss something of extreme importance. Obama’s tyranny.
(a full fifteen seconds of silence for whatever reason)
The fact is, Obama is all Marxisting out his communist Stalinsmanship over the fact that he won’t let me eat Cheesy Poofs! Dammit, he’s probably sending his minions over as we speak! Damn him! I’m gonna eat these Cheesy Poofs, you guys! Seriously! Meeeeeeehm, Obama doesn’t want me eating these Cheesy Poofs! Well I’m gonna!
(hypercaffeinated announcer: “Mark! Le-vinnnn!)
(40 minutes of commercials)
Come 2014, I will continue to use the stockpile of incandescent bulbs I plan to amass in the coming 4 years – and will gladly pay the electric bill so I can have the light I prefer to have. Forgive me for wanting the freedom to have a frigging light bulb of my choosing. I will continue to drive a gas-guzzling Jeep Wrangler if I have to hand-build an engine to replace it, because I freaking like to drive it. I will continue to flush my toilet however many times it takes to get the job done – and I will continue to take a long hot shower.
I simply MUST waste all the energy I possibly can! We’re fighting for our LIVES here!
where “vegetarian” is defined Ohio-style as “eating vegetables along with the meat.”
Heh. I was a vegetarian in my late teens and early twenties, which was basically akin to having two heads, at least in southeast Kansas. I would tell people I was a vegetarian and they would always say, “WHAT DO YOU EAT???!!!” Ummm…not meat?
I was also once asked if I was from California because I bought tofu at the grocery store. I just couldn’t believe they had tofu in the first place.
Glad to see the concept of truthiness hasn’t died yet…
I hope someday to roll up to the next CPAC convention with a tanker truck full of bleach and yell, “Al Gore says you shouldn’t drink bleach! Good ol’ American bleach, like Ronald Reagan invented during World War II! You gonna let Al Gore tell you what to do? Step right up and show Al Gore what’s what!”
You’d get a few who’d hesitate. But a few “What are you, some kinda Mooslam sympathizer?” accusations would get the whole convention chug-a-lugging…
I choose to fight the statists….
The man is actually an anarcho-communist mole.
You’d get a few who’d hesitate. But a few “What are you, some kinda Mooslam sympathizer?” accusations would get the whole convention chug-a-lugging…
For a winter meeting of CPAC just put signs out that say the Fedrul Gummint now prohibits people from going out onto river ice.
Wait, he admits to watching American Idol? WTF? I mean seriously, who does that. I always figured people watched it, since it’s been on forever, but I’ve never run into somebody admiitting it.
And I love the faux gearhead vibe all these types fall back on as some sort of tough guy non-nerd cred. As an actual “automotive enthusiast” that likes to drive really fast on racetracks every chance I get, messing with a modern car actually takes some brains. A knack with software and computers and suchlike is quite handy. Good luck fabbing up a new ECU for your Wrangler there in Galt’s Gulch, moran.
And once the gas is gone, you know what, we’ll still be driving fast on racetracks, it’s what we do. Who the fuck cares whether it’s in an electric car or an internal combustion one.
Wow, there are a lot of italics in this comment. Also.
Wait, he admits to watching American Idol? WTF? I mean seriously, who does that. I always figured people watched it, since it’s been on forever, but I’ve never run into somebody admiitting it.
That’s just the kind of badass he is. Secure enough in his masculinity that he admits to watching a show that only teenage girls wouldn’t be ashamed to watch.
There is only one Great One and his name is GRETZKY muthafuckas!
And once the gas is gone, you know what, we’ll still be driving fast on racetracks, it’s what we do.
but but but Limbaugh says ‘lectric car no make go fast! It unpossible!
messing with a modern car actually takes some brains
That’s the funniest bit about this whole screed of his. He still thinks an auto mechanic slaps his truck up on a lift, twists a couple of bolts and voila! Ze car, she ees feexed!
Uh uh. I’ve taken a few automotive repair classes in my day because I like tinkering with the engine, but once the Nineties came around, I realized I was way out of my element, since I couldn’t get regular access to one them thar DYEeggnawteck centers with the plugs and the wires and the CPU that beeples and boops.
Last time my mechanic asked to show me something, I did the usual man thing “Yah huh, yea, I see it right there” without a goddam clue what he was pointing to.
I never felt so old.
He’s also going to build florescent bulbs when he runs out of those. Too.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse for Tiger Woods:
You won’t believe it. You just won’t believe it.
It makes his penchant for pissing on and slapping around his mistresses seem the heighth of gentlemanly behavior.
Go ahead. Click through. The nightmare of his existence is truly hell on earth.
Man, this hogan guy just leaves me full of unanswered (unanswerable?) questions.
Like, what the fuck is a “statist”? I mean, I know what the word means, but I don’t understand why it’s such a slur. If you say “communist” or “fascist” I can at least come up with some negative examples of those things to compare with. But who was history’s worse “statist” and why do RedState cobags think they’re fighting a made-up war with his ideological descendants?
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse for Tiger Woods
He’s also going to build florescent bulbs when he runs out of those. Too.
All he needs is a jug and some fireflies.
He’s also going to build florescent bulbs when he runs out of those. Too.
The vacuum between his ears should come in particularly handy.
Levin and McCarthy
Yeah, they wrote that hit “All You Need is Hate,” right?
(and actor, I *AHEM* myself)
He’s also going to build florescent bulbs when he runs out of those. Too.
All he needs is a jug and some fireflies.
He was gonna use them jugs for moonshine!
Yeah, they wrote that hit “All You Need is Hate,” right?
Imma let you slide on a technicality.
I will continue to flush my toilet however many times it takes to get the job done – and I will continue to take a long hot shower.
This is Sparta!!!!!!!
I don’t see how he can get that worked up over lightbulbs.
That’s because you’re an intelligent adult. Sorry, Truculent.
This post–go know where you’ll find wisdom–has made me understand them, at last.
It’s ALL PLAY-ACTING. It’s all posturing. It’s all chest-thumping, and dressing up like Paul Revere, and appropriating archaic, 18th century prose styles, and brandishing words like “tyranny” and “methinks.”
The entire wingnut right is a Revolutionary War Re-enactment festival, in which the stupid and the half-smart get to pretend to be more than they are, and to solicit (and receive) the validation of others just like them.
Period. There are no “ideas.” There is no “theory.” There are no “principles.” Hence, there is no discussion, debate, or even agreement on first principles or basic terms. They’re not in it for that. They’re in it to play dress-up and make-believe, to feel both victimized (and thus feed their inherent self-pity) and courageous (and thus feed their fantasies about what they “really” are).
No wonder they’re so efficiently manipulated by Rush and Fox. No wonder you stick a microphone in their face and ask, “Why is Obama a communist” and they stammer (or bullshit) like a kid who didn’t read the chapter the night before.
They’re not motivated by a desire to change the world, even. They’re solely motivated by a need to act out a fantasy for the nourishment of their own needy egos.
No? Too harsh? Too simplistic?
Imma let you slide on a technicality.
Actor’s getting soft.
Like, what the fuck is a “statist”?
Anyone who thinks goverments are anything more than alien organisms come to Earth to suck the brains of humans dry.
No? Too harsh? Too simplistic?
You talking about your explanation or the Teabaggers?
Actor’s getting soft
Who the fuck are you, my pharmacist?
That’s because you’re an intelligent adult. Sorry, Truculent.
You should be!
Anyone who thinks goverments are anything more than alien organisms come to Earth to suck the brains of humans dry.
Y’know, Pere, you keep this up and my four novel trilogy is going to end up a short essay on…
Hogan will then demonstrate his second amendment rights by shooting himself in the foot.
I am surprised Hoagie didn’t go for The Big Defiance.
You know, running his inflatable lawn ornaments (the snowman is his favorite) 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
He must be saving that one for later.
Hogan will then demonstrate his second amendment rights by shooting himself in the foot.
I hope he doesn’t chip a tooth.
So now that HCR is a dead-letter, with a rather emarrassing deficit of Death Panels or legions of small businesses going under as a result, statism is the new Great Satan, eh?
Wow, I guess I missed the part where Obama created an entire behemoth of a government agency out of thin air, despite existing institutions that were already able to address the issues it constantly FAILS to functionally interact with, just like Bush did with the DHS? Or how he’s been pimping out stimulus checks the Treasury can’t afford to every single man woman child & beast in the land, like Bush did? Let alone how he went to telecom companies & asked them to illegally violate basic civil liberties, then retroactively changed the rules to get them off the hook? Or how he’s been continually using signing-statements to neutralize every elected branch of government & repeatedly passing Draconian laws that blatantly erode Americans’ basic human rights? Because those are some mighty fucking statist policies – if not flat-out Stalinist – so of course these “anti-statist” folks were seriously losing their shit like crazy for the entire past decade, right? No? Not one lousy whimper?
Perhaps hogan can hear my tiny violin playing for him.
Shortened for accuracy.
Teh Stoopid: you cannot wash it away.
Unintentionally revealing quote of the day:
Nor do I know if every statistic or number in Reagan’s A Time For Choosing speech in 1964 was correct. I DON’T CARE.
Can’t you feel the hostility in this quote, and the nameless fear beneath it? What is that fear of, anyway? It’s like a fear that’s based in being proven wrong, but a repressed fear…which means the owner already is aware they’re probably wrong on some level…so why hold on to that fear in the first place?
Somewhere along the path from their first thoughts as children until now, ‘hogan’ and others like him step off a reasonable path. And they are aware of this on some level. And they’re so afraid of admitting this that they’d rather *not care about being correct* than admit they could be wrong, and risk changing their minds and *becoming* correct.
“I don’t want to know, because that will make me think, which I don’t want to do because I know already!”
There’s a thesis in here somewhere, that cuts to the heart of a lot of political delusion. It’s not limited to conservatives; it’s a human syndrome. But it sure seems a lot more prevalent in conservatives than liberals for the past 30 years or more.
but but but Limbaugh says ‘lectric car no make go fast! It unpossible!
Amen brother!
But seriously, yeah, does anyone else occasionally become terrified shitless that we share this country with such children?
Also, OT, but I passed comps. Thank the baby Jesus.
“I don’t want to know, because that will make me think, which I don’t want to do because I know already!”
Think make brain owie.
does anyone else occasionally become terrified shitless that we share this country with such children?
Not as much as I get scared that other people might actually start taking them seriously.
Not as much as I get scared that other people might actually start taking them seriously.
Well, I mean, they kind of do. The fact that the media need to report “both sides” of the global warming “debate,” among a million other things, show that they’re taken seriously enough for people to pay attention to what they’re saying.
Also, OT, but I passed comps. Thank the baby Jesus.
Yay! Must be a good karma week. The GF had a good second interview for a cool job today, I have an interview for an interesting ( at least to me) gig tomorrow.
Congrats, T&U.
Congrats! I’ll have a beer for you. Oh wait, it’s not for you, I was gonna drink it anyway. The next one is for you.
Also, OT, but I passed comps. Thank the baby Jesus.
YAY! 🙂
BTW, “Acceleration & Torque” would make a great album title.
I passed comps
Did that hurt? I know what it’s like to pass a stone.
I know what it’s like to pass a stone.
I get the impression the stone is the less painful of the two.
The GF had a good second interview for a cool job today, I have an interview for an interesting ( at least to me) gig tomorrow.
Yay! Good luck.
Thanks, guys. I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to be a problem, but it’s still a little nerve wracking.
So, then a lesson for the stupid about dictatorship and just how close we really are. In deference to the intended audience, I’ll try to keep it simple with Do’s and Don’t’s:
1. Do take everyone’s guns away.
2. Do give them much better guns right back by ordering conscription.
3. Do continue the gun giveaway by ordering those unfit for military service into police duties.
4. Do seize all major manufacturing without compensating the owner.
5. Do indicate your lack of tolerance for dissent by making examples of those who do.
1. Do not let the press say anything negative about you or your government.
2. Do not let your puppet legislature vote to determine policy.
3. Do not allow an independent judiciary any authority.
4. Do not allow free interstate or international travel or trade.
5. Do not allow the free exchange of ideas in any medium under any circumstances.
Not a complete set of lists by any means, but the gist of the thing is that we’re currently running at about 10% of dictatorship capacity.
I can hear the black helicopters outside as we speak…
I know what it’s like to pass a stone.
I get the impression the stone is the less painful of the two.
I’ve never passed a stone, but this was the most painful thing I’ve ever done.
I can hear the black helicopters outside as we speak…
See, the only problem with your totally reasonable list is, in the hands of the unreasonable, that’s about 90% complete, apart from the conscription parts.
Ooh, SPLC hate, how cutting edge! VDARE article from 200-fucking-FIVE: “The SPLC even lists the American Enterprise Institute as a “hate” group. [KL correction 10/5/05: In fact, AEI is not listed in the SPLC’s “hate group” page, but an article describes AEI “sponsored scholars” as having “views” that are “seen by many as bigoted or even racist”, citing Dinesh D’Souza, author of The End of Racism, and Charles Murray, co-author of The Bell Curve.] ”
Mark Levin, five years behind fucking VDARE.
Cheney sez telling Leahy to go fuck himself was “sort of the best thing I ever did.”
Right after shooting that old guy in the face, he means, because that was SWEET.
Damn, tigris is fast on the keyboard!
How sweet it is!
Cheney sez telling Leahy to go fuck himself was “sort of the best thing I ever did.”
I’ll actually agree with him there. It’s about the only thing he’s done where someone hasn’t died.
In deference to the intended audience, I’ll try to keep it simple with Do’s and Don’t’s:
Your list is invalid due to lack of mentioning the integral importance to liberty of access to hot showers and incandescent lights.
I will continue to flush my toilet however many times it takes to get the job done
somebody is easily amused
“Your list is invalid due to lack of mentioning the integral importance to liberty of access to hot showers and incandescent lights.”
Dammit. I meant to get those in there somewhere.
Cornerstones of autocracy, those jackbooted Bureau Of Shower And Bulb thugs.
and more importantly, the principles were timeless and correct.
Okay, freedom to act like a 5-year-old having a temper tantrum may be timeless, but I’m no so sure about that other part.
you know, I am particularly taken with the conept of “ballpark facts”. I used to think that facts really didn’t need a qualifier of any sort, but this concept is … remarkably freeing….
I will continue to flush my toilet however many times it takes to get the job done
In true Red State tradition, let’s all send him a can of Metamucil.
I find one flush does it for me. Consider adding fiber to your diet, or maybe even a diet to your diet.
Lars van Trier says differently:
Your list is invalid due to lack of mentioning the integral importance to liberty of access to hot showers and incandescent lights.
I am particularly taken with the concept of “ballpark facts”
So is he talking “Officer, she looked like she was in ballpark of 18” or is he talking the Infield Fly Rule?
In true Red State tradition, let’s all send him a can of Metamucil.
I was going to send prunes, but that works, too.
somebody is easily amused
I am now reminded of that video of the cat flushing the toilet, then playing with the resultant swirlies. it was a really smart cat. unlike hogan.
“but this concept is … remarkably freeing….”
Ignorance is indeed bliss.
There’s nothing quite like the ability to spout the most nonsensical bullshit imaginable then get all indignant and changey-subjecty and strawman-shifty when people ask you to back it up with messy stuff like “facts” and “logic.”
Time for pedantry? Why not…
Speaking from real world experience, a well-designed low flow toilet will not have a problem with big manly turds or even feminine hygiene products.
It’s the cheapos from Lowe’s that can’t handle it.
Of course, converting an older toilet to lower volume doesn’t work, because it was designed to use more water.
So, dumb shit, don’t buy a cheap toilet. It’ll get you in the end.
dammit. cut n paste fail. come on actor, mock me already….
So is he talking “Officer, she looked like she was in ballpark of 18? or is he talking the Infield Fly Rule?
I dunno, but it’s anything but ‘out in left field’.
Wow, you don’t understand in any way, shape or form the point “hogan” was making. Either you are being deliberately obtuse or you are really out to lunch. After all it has been shown that there are demonstrable errors of fact in the IPCC report. Does that mean you have to reject it all outright? According to your use of “logic” here, you would have to.
Why do I think you won’t continue with such logic?
There’s nothing quite like the ability to spout the most nonsensical bullshit imaginable then get all indignant and changey-subjecty and strawman-shifty when people ask you to back it up with messy stuff like “facts” and “logic.”
But, hey if the principles are timeless and correct, you don’t need the facts to be all correcty and such.
Also, OT, but I passed comps. Thank the baby Jesus.
Woohoo! Well done.
Shorter VDARE:
“We are SO NOT racists, though we do think the ideas of those who are have a lot of merit and should be rationally debated in a reasonable manner by well-intentioned adults, ’cause some spic said something once and therefore yadda yadda blurp blurp.”
Please go away. The adults are talking.
without hearing Werner Klemperer’s voice in my head
You and me both, PeeJ, you and me both. Oddly apropos.
Doopdeedoop, gee I sure haven’t seen a troll ’round here in a whi–
another j – the thing about his not caring about the accuracy of the facts in the Reagan speech or Goldwater book is that it completely undermines the very tiny amount of plausibility his ‘we’re at war’ excuse has.
We’re not ‘at war’ with ‘statists’ (whatever they are) undermining us from within, so the point is dumb anyway. But there could theoretically be some merit to the idea that in a truly existential national crisis, some factual accuracy might be legitimately sacrificed to the need for inspirational rhetoric. I would hope to argue even in those circumstances that truth and reason should still be given priority … on the other hand, ‘Common Sense’ had inaccuracies but I still value its polemical value.
So I guess I can almost see hogan’s defense of Levin’s book, because it’s of the moment and ‘we’re at war’ (in his mind) after all. But why does hogan continue to not care about the factual accuracy of those old Reagan and Goldwater screeds? Why does he give a flying fuck if it were to turn out that
Reagan was less than honest in his decades-old complaints that the government bought a yacht for Haile Sellassie and ‘dress suits for Greek undertakers’? Or that we ‘spent $43 in feed grain program for every bushel of corn we [didn’t] grow’ in the early 1960s?
What ‘war’ effort is his continued and prideful ignorance of the accuracy of those facts aiding? Is our civilization threatened by an army of Greek undertakers demanding free suits? The real fact is as you say — hogan really doesn’t like facts of any stripe, just a steady diet of confirmation bias.
the principles were timeless and correct.
Except he doesn’t know if they were either timeless or correct because he can’t be bothered to spend a minute researching, but if incandescent bulbs, 30 gallons flushes, and Jeep Wranglers were good enough for Jesus, by gum, they’re good enough for him.
it has been shown
I hate this contemptible, weasely passive formulation with the deepest hate.
Wow, you don’t understand in any way, shape or form the point “hogan” was making.
enlighten us.
what is “it all”? Climate change? minor errors in out of context internal communications don’t even invalidate the one report, let alone the thousands of other independent results that show support.
Meanwhile we mock one doofus who petulantly proclaims his proud pissing away his own money and resources in an effort to ‘show the liberals’.
Teabonics: Wow, you don’t understand in any way, shape or form the point “hogan” was making. Either you are being deliberately obtuse or you are really out to lunch
English: You don’t agree with me.
Why do I think you won’t continue with such logic?
Woohoo! Well done.
Thanks! .
After all it has been shown that there are demonstrable errors of fact in the IPCC report. Does that mean you have to reject it all outright?
just a steady diet of confirmation bias
said in Johnny Fever’s voice, doubtless.
Don’t forget the shower cops.
When they throw down it makes the shower scene in Psycho look like Mary Poppins
said in Johnny Fever’s voice, doubtless.
*ding* we have a winner.
The funniest part of hogan’s piece is the beginning of the last paragraph:
demonstrable errors of fact in the IPCC report
That reminds me of the old anti-evolution canard: “Where are the intermediate forms?”. Of course to have all the intermediate forms you would need fossils of every bacterium/animal that is an ancestor to everything living today. That doesn’t happen – fossilization doesn’t work that way. Not a counter-argument.
Or Dan Rather and his kerning, which didn’t change the considerable evidence Georgie was AWOL.
A misplaced comma does not invalidate an argument or validate the opposing argument.
it has been shown
in the heat of the sun a man died of cold.
After all it has been shown that there are demonstrable errors of fact in the IPCC report.
but they were in the ballpark.
Y’know, proud and willful ignorance would almost be cute, in an “I’ll poop in my pants if I want to, mother” sort of way, if it weren’t for the fact that these morons have managed to wrest the wheel of one of our major political parties away from another bunch of more logical, predictable sociopaths. As it stands, it’s just horrifying.
‘Hogan’ did overlook one important, timeless and correct principle:
Nobody really gives a rat’s ass what Hogan does except Hogan. What a drama queen.
This kind of thing is the reason I love Sadly No. That was gold; will comment further later, but for now
Wait a minute. The Natinoal Review has become too liberal for these guys? The Franco-loving, anti-Civil Rights mouthpiece of William F. Buckley is becoming contaminated? Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.
Wow, you don’t understand in any way, shape or form the point “hogan” was making. Either you are being deliberately obtuse or you are really out to lunch. After all it has been shown that there are demonstrable errors of fact in the IPCC report. Does that mean you have to reject it all outright? According to your use of “logic” here, you would have to.
No, you don’t have to reject the report outright. But if there are ‘demonstrable errors of fact’ in it, it would certainly cause many people to want to go back through the report with a keener eye towards verifying the other facts it cites.
That’s all Manzi said about Levin’s book, anyway. He found the global warming chapter to be very poorly researched and written, and then said this finding caused him to wonder whether the rest of the book wasn’t similarly full of crap.
That is very the definition of a reasonable position to take. Hogan, on the other hand, does not address any of Manzi’s complaints about Levin’s writing — rather, he makes the astonishing statement that he ‘DOESN’T CARE’ what the actual facts even are.
He and his commenters then compound this bit of idiocy by saying that Manzi has rejected Levin’s entire book, which is just a lie — Manzi said the global warming chapter’s flaws made him question the rest of the book, not reject it outright, since he hadn’t studied the parts that weren’t in his area of (amateur) expertise.
A misplaced apostrophe though, and it’s armageddon.
Man, I just have a thing for italics today.
Hey, isn’t this fucking adorable:
They had no idea that WellPoint was using a computer algorithm that automatically targeted them and every other policyholder recently diagnosed with breast cancer. The software triggered an immediate fraud investigation, as the company searched for some pretext to drop their policies, according to government regulators and investigators.
Once the women were singled out, they say, the insurer then canceled their policies based on either erroneous or flimsy information. WellPoint declined to comment on the women’s specific cases without a signed waiver from them, citing privacy laws.
And the scumbags are hiding behind HIPAA. Nice.
Either you are being deliberately obtuse
you say it like it was a bad thing!
Nobody really gives a rat’s ass what Hogan does except Hogan.
I dunno, Littlepig. If he The Hoge wasn’t doing silly, meaningless things, what would be mocked at Sadly, No?
Wait. There’s a difference?
a computer algorithm that automatically targeted them and every other policyholder recently diagnosed with breast cancer
some algorithm
Either you are being deliberately obtuse.
nah, we are being very acute!! hahaha!
A misplaced apostrophe though, and it’s armageddon.
Of course. “Crux of the biscuit” and all that.
I dunno, Littlepig. If he The Hoge wasn’t doing silly, meaningless things, what would be mocked at Sadly, No?
It’s not the doing, it’s the goddamn whining.
You know, if climatologists wrote “I don’t have time to research this shit, it just FEELS right because I want to make hogan and Rich have to poop in girly toilets and also too JIMMY CARTER OMG LOVE HIM” people would’ve taken them as seriously as we’re taking this wing nugget.
It’s not the doing, it’s the goddamn whining.
Ballpark Facts. They plump when you make ’em up!
some algorithm
I assume that’s a snippet from within
void Customer::fuck_over(unsigned long long /* VPR */ howMuch)
Otherwise, you’d have a lot of trouble using that code without global variables.
I want to make hogan and Rich have to poop in girly toilets
you know, everything they don’t like turns out to be emasculation anxiety for these guys.
Well yeah, all that sciencey stuff is just cover for our NWO toilet tyranny.
Also, OT, but I passed comps. Thank the baby Jesus.
Gratz, as the kids say. Nice going.
Good for you on your comps, T&U! A nice thing to see in your rearview window.
global variables
global variables are a myth because kernighan and ritchie are fat!
A nice thing to see in your rearview window.
Veiled Tushie Reference
…Or maybe Veiled Assless Chaps reference, depending on how you swing.
Veiled Assless Chaps
who would veil assless chaps??!??!
A nice thing to see in your rearview window.
Veiled Tushie Reference
Objects in mirror are closer than they apAAAARRRRGHHH
Unfortunately there will forever be Creed and/or Nickleback. Horrible never dies, it just moves to Branson.
A misplaced comma does not invalidate an argument
Tell that to the compiler.
Bravo, sir. Epistemological-Closeratings-Gate has been a fount of lulz, but this line is Art.
Nobody really gives a rat’s ass what Hogan does except Hogan.
Colonel Klink was always interested.
Oy vey, the ‘statism’ bit, again.
It’s easy enough to slap this lazy douchebag around but the whole ‘statism’ bit could stand as Exhibit A in the epistemic closure argument– shit they made up out of thin air but have repeated to themselves so often for so long that everyone, from the supposed Deep Thinkers on down, believe is the real motivation behind Liberalism.
Sorry, Wingnuts, even in the most locked-down totalitarian systems increasing government power is never an end in itself; it’s always a means to achieve some concrete goal. There’s no such thing as a ‘statist’ and never has been. Your ‘war’ with ‘statism’ is entirely inside your fucking head so your justification of morale-building propaganda to fight that ‘war’ makes you a goddamn double-lunatic.
OMFG, while tooling around teh YouTuberies looking for a clip of Klink yelling HOOOO-GAN!!!one1!! I found THIS!
I can only say that I’ve been consistantly at war with statistics and the statheads who wield them since my days leading the Big Red Machine to its consistant domination. You’ll never see another team like that one put together by computers and statistsics. I always said Reagan had the biggest heart in politics but Atwater also had the grit so I can’t really compare them.
I see your Klink/Batman crossover and raise you a Hogan’s Heroes Jell-O commercial:
Joe Morgan
You were a fine baseball player Joe but your color commentary skills have always been dubious at best
Nothing like having someone who hates learning tell you about what constitutes good research. The next time I get a revise & resubmit, I’ll try the old “you could criticize it, so it must have been well-sourced.” Post hick ergo propter hick!
Oh, SHUT UP! You know you are wrong,liberals,about everything, the People are wise to your LIES and we use facts and logic, well ALGORE and MICHEL MOORE are liarss and fat and poop.
This also reminds me of a story that used to circulate about my dissertation advisor (unconfirmed, but definitely within character). After receiving a D on a paper, a student came to his office to complain. The student hemmed and hawed and finally boiled the argument down to “yes, sure, it’s not written very well, but the ideas are good!” My advisor takes the paper, rips it into pieces and delicately sprinkles them on the ground. Seeing the horrified expression on the student’s face, he gestures at the scraps and says “But the ideas, they are still there!”
Mark is out on the front lines inspiring a generation of Americans to fight back against statism.
Hey shitbag, when people are actually dying in actual front lines in two wars that YOUR favorite politicians started, maybe you should cool it with those war metaphors.
I just wanted to thank you Mr, er, Hogan is it, yes well, umm Mr, er, as it were, Hogan, that is, oh dear what is that odor–but yes Mr. Hogan sad to say the Review has declined oh goodness no I couldn’t impose on you say when does your maid come in? At any rate yes the Review has sometimes er failed to be on the no, really, I can’t stay [glances at watch] but Mr. Hogan, like you, I consider myself the salt of the errrr I’ve never heard of that particular brand of port…..oh it’s wine you say? Well yes but you see I have an engagement I just wanted to say that it’s good honest foot soldiers such as DEAR GOD MAN WILL YOU PUT ON A SHIRT? oh excuse me but errr, as Catullus, er surely I meant Cato once wrote of…..oh dear God look I’m just going to send you a thank you note from hell for doing whatever it is you’ve been doing and keep it up and I must be going now.
Levin rebutts Manzi as only Levin can:
Science requires proof. Where’s Manzi’s? Knowledge is something you can acquire. Class, apparently, is not.
Being lectured on class by Mark Levin is like…
I was trying to find the podcast/blogginheadthing or wev, but this will do just as well:
Being lectured on class by Mark Levin is like… watchng ME-gan McArdle invoke intellectual honesty
Whoops, left my sainthood on. I blame Obama.
his out-of-nowhere rant
His out-of-nowhere rant inspired by Goldberg agreeing with a Ross Douthat NYT article about how conservatives can too have internal debates without everybody dogpiling on the dissenters!
Joe Morgan
You were a fine baseball player Joe but your color commentary skills have always been dubious at best
Dubious? how about nonexistent? Joe’s an idiot. On the other hand, I doubt if even he has to flush more than once, maybe twice.
Hogan seems like ‘jack-of-all-trades, master-at-none’ from here. Wheter it’s logic or auto technology, he’ll half-ass it ’til it’s in the ballpark. He’s lucky those old Wranglers are pretty simple, just like he is. The incandescents are brighter than he is, though.
Being lectured on class by Mark Levin is like…
… being instructed on gastro-intestinal health by RedState Hogan, The Destroyer Of Commodes
Being lectured on class by Mark Levin is like…
…getting healthy eating trips from K-lo.
Being lectured on class by Mark Levin is like…
… getting yelled at about firearm safety by Dick Cheney.
K-Lo pr0n addiction watch: today’s post on The Corner, entitled “Too Big To Work.” Hey, at least she’s not a size queen.
So is he talking “Officer, she looked like she was in ballpark of 18? or is he…
I read this at first as “she looked like she was in the ballpark of 18 inches,” and couldn’t figure out whether the officer was intervening because of some “you must be this tall to have sex” law or whether the guy was tearfully explaining his Crying Game moment to the cop.
(And yes, a “small persons’ protection act” which gave the OK to sex with 18-inch women but drew the line at 17-inchers would not have very much real-life application. I do realize that. Maybe the guy was caught humping Tinkerbell, I don’t know. The point is… I’m not sure what the point is. Never mind.)
How many times would Galt flush?
That’s not the first time I’ve heard some wingnut with a fetish for incandescent bulbs. I’m afraid I don’t really get the outrage. Light is light. I don’t recall wingnuts stockpiling freon so they could spray it gleefully into the ozone. My AC stills blows cold air whether it’s powered by freon or little gerbils spinning on a wheel so what’s the difference?
It’s almost as though they’d shit in their pants just to show you they can.
None, duh. The nanobots have done away with flushing. And POOP.
And as for McAddled’s little diatribe about honesty:
I’m glad this shithead has a medical degree now. So the early detection of diabetes, with simple tests/treatment, is demonstrably MORE EXPENSIVE than the all-out hospitalization and surgery/drug therapy/transplants that someone in late stage diabetes requires.
What a smarmy, empathy-deficient, shitbag.
This hogan character is obviously very unhappy. He is likely to become ever less happy as the world marches on without him.
Unfortunately, there’s little good evidence that preventative care actually saves money (it may save lives);
So who to believe as to which evidence is ‘good’ and which is not? Health-care policy wonks who read the Cochrane Collaboration reports and all, or a professional ideologue who is heavily invested in the primacy of individual freedoms above overall health outcomes? Gosh it is a difficult choice.
all it has been shown that there are demonstrable errors of fact in the IPCC report. Does that mean you have to reject it all outright?
Q.E.D. bitch
So the early detection of diabetes, with simple tests/treatment, is demonstrably MORE EXPENSIVE than the all-out hospitalization and surgery/drug therapy/transplants that someone in late stage diabetes requires.
Does she ever provide any evidence for this nugget, or is it like every other assertion she’s pulled out?
Don’t you love it when anti-intellctual idiocrats try to talk down to people?
What do you mean?
It’s kind of depressing to see that the Teabaggers are still steeped in the Politics of Spite.
Apropos of nothing, be sure to remind any right-wing acquaintances of yours about Obama’s National Not Setting Yourself On Fire Day, June 15th. There’s still time for them to buy all the gasoline and matches they’ll need!
I don’t know if anybody is still reading this thread, but I just go to it now and I wanted to say, “Congratulations!” to T&U and thanks for the laughs to all those who turned in C++ compilation jokes.
Soothly, ye Sadlynaughts can make fine purses from even the mangiest sow’s ear.
So, dumb shit, don’t buy a cheap toilet. It’ll get you in the end.
You know, after spending a lot of time in Tokyo, I’m always disappointed in the quality of American toilets. Even the best ones at Home Depot have no electronic devices of any kind. Seriously. No rinse with adjustable pressure and temp, no air-drying, no deoderant spray, not even temperature-controlled seats? And we call ourselves civilized?
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