Killing Stupid Memes is Fun and Easy

Michelle Malkin happily endorses this Townhall column from Jeff Emanuel. I like this part the best:

Interestingly silent on this and other atrocities carried out by the insurgents in Iraq are the “human rights� groups who seem to spend every day accusing the United States of torture, war crimes, and various human rights violations.

Indeed. Human Rights Watch has issued a report called “A Face and a Name: Civilian Victims of Insurgent Groups in Iraq” that clearly besmirches America’s name by whitewashing the insurgents’ activities as mere “war crimes.” Similarly, Amnesty International has said the insurgents “show utter disdain for basic principles of humanity,” which is a clever way of sending encrypted messages to Zarqawi and his 72 virgins that say, “Hey! Nice work, homeboyeeeeee! Let’s meet up later at Taco Bell for a gordita! I’ll ring u on my celly!”

The bottom line is that human rights are a sham that was invented by the same gay homosexual hippies responsible for the Magna Carta.


Comments: 45

ned fucking flanders

Of course, the reason they can type these things and not worry is because they know there is absolutely no chance that their readers will seek out this information for themselves, and almost no chance they’d be exposed to it accidentally.


*fingers in ears* Lalalalalalalala! I can’t hear you!

Your silence on this issue is shocking.


I don’t think the Malkins is to blame. She’s deafened by silence on such a regular basis she probably can’t hear herself think.

Meanwhile, in a stunning validation of Bush administration policy, North Korea is about to test a long-range missile, and the silence from Malkins continues to be silent.


Ah, the argument from ignorance really just seems to be the default these days, doesn’t it? I guess there isn’t a whole lot else they can do. Actual facts are solidly against them.
— TP in UT


As Ann Coulter said (after being asked why she hates Canada): “Because they speak French.”

P.S. Does anyone have a link to the Utube video where Ann argues with a Canadian interviewer about Canadian
participation in the Vietnam War?


No, Chief! Not the Cone of Silence!!!!


I signed up for back when I was doing a post on the Coulter defenders … just left a link to this post. Batten down the hatches …


From The Left ™: No endorsement, zero, of killing, kidnapping, detaining, raping, torturing or threatening anybody from EITHER side. We have, by the way, been the only ones in this debate who consistently talk about the Iraqi civilian casualties in a way that indicates their lives even matter. To the wingnuts, it’s pronounced “colateral damage” and those lives and families have approximately eight percent of the value of American lives and Families.

From The Right ™: Cries of outrage when the insurgency does something bad to our troops (who are, after all, occupying their country and dropping bombs on their children), but only a ham-handed defense or explanation when an American fire team murders 24 civilians in their homes. See “Relative value of American and Iraqi life in the Wingnuttisphere”.

Seems to me, there is no shame in being called out by the Malkin thing for some sort of anti-American behavior. I’ll keep my honor and risk her wrath, every damn time….



Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are the two most significant human rights organizations, no?

Amnesty International did not just condemn the Iraqi insurgency, they wrote a 56-page report about it. Both organizations condemned the actions of Iraqi insurgents in the harshest way possible. Jeff Emanuel, you are a first-rate assbag. You too, Table Tennis Ball Vagina Shooter.


I like this part, talking about Zarqawi:

They are not the words of a man simply in need of the West to “reach out” to him in an effort to “make an appeal to his human decency,” as many peace-at-any-cost proponents have claimed.

Ah yes, the peace-at-any-cost proponents who want to give Al Qaeda a big hug. I love those guys! I always see them hanging out at the…er…

Well, I’m sure they’re around somewhere.


The thing is that, to them, the human rights people are silent. Since, you know, their fax machine doesn’t shit out RNC talking points outlining the latest press release from Amensty International. You know, that whole Gitmo thing and all.


I don’t know why I’m still amazed at the capacity of the 101st Chairborne to pretend whatever’s outside their puny awareness at any given time simply doesn’t exist. We longtime members of human rights groups were interestingly blackballed from media or castigated before the invasion of Iraq and during “shock and awe” for warning about what it would unleash. The continual on-site monitoring that comprised the most reliable picture of what’s gone on in Iraq (including the recent reports) only vindicate those pre-invasion warnings.

Malkin soaked herself silly when the Chickenhawk in Chief painted bullseyes on troops backs and implored paramilitary combatants to “Bring it on!” (This is table Number One …!!!) Well there it the fuck is, and coming still: slaughter for no clear mission and no end in sight; the chaos they wanted and continue to foment, of everyone and anyone.

Disturbing facts are piercing the bubble around the dickish moral values, pro-slaughter stance at a spiralling rate and Malkin’s soaking in precious bodily fluids. Oh boo fucking hoo.


From The Left â„¢: No endorsement, zero, of killing, kidnapping, detaining, raping, torturing or threatening anybody from EITHER side.

I argued myself beyond this 4 years ago when, while discussing the invasion of Iraq skeptically, I was called a “Saddam lover.” It will never stop until zitty little cretins like Jeff Emanuel (have you ever seen an oilier t-zone in your entire life?) find it no longer useful to do so.

When when will that be, exactly?



Yeah you got the ‘right’ there. That news story is all over every newspaper in the country. Count up all the childish namecalling in this ‘blog’ and you pretty much have the ‘facts’ of the left/pacifists.

Clues to the clueless: We LIBERATED their country. If we are occupying why are we allowing elections. By that standard we are still occupiers in Germany and Japan.

So what should we do about N Korea? Give them more technology like Carter did? Or Clinton did with China? Perhaps we should just ignore USS Cole, Tanzania, Khobar towers, 93 WTC, Iranian hostage…forget it. I am talking to people devoid of reality. Lets be really really nice to the totalitarians and the *real* ideological facists and everyone will be happy.

Keep shitting on your countries’ image. I hope it makes you feel better.

PS. How does foreign policy equate to ‘conservative’ or ‘liberal’? I am guessing you simply do not know the definition of either term.


Can someone say “non sequitur“?

Anyone have any idea what David is ranting about? I don’t speak wingnut.


Damned if I know. I thinks it’s the Cheeto’s talking.

When are you enlisting, DavidM?


David is saying that he really doesn’t like people who’s color or religion scare him and he wants to kill them all and feel good about it. David is a mindless, genocidal, bigoted parrot who is scared of anything he doesn’t understand and lashes out at his betters. He is to be pittied, and ignored…



Heres a hint: do a google for HR groups against Islamics then do a quick one on ‘Guantanamo or Abu Gharib or Haditha’.

Sadly, yes Jeff E. has a point.

I am not enlisting, I am past age. It doesn’t matter though because the all-VOLUNTEER military has enough recruits. Thanks for asking though.

As for the rest: read the moonbat comments above and I am sure you can figure it out.


Do a Google search for miserable failure, then read the 56 fucking page report HRW prepared against Islamics. Google speak truth, no?


We LIBERATED their country.


Keep perpetuating the lies of the Right. I hope it makes you feel better.


It doesn’t matter though because the all-VOLUNTEER military has enough recruits.

Sadly, No!


DavidM –
You’re past age for military service, and you still spell like a 12 year old? Jeebus.

Lets be really really nice to the totalitarians and the *real* ideological facists and everyone will be happy.

Are you implying that the Ideological fascists we have here in America aren’t _real_ ideological fascists?


Just ignore the bitch. Even smile and wave to her the next time you see her. We all know that whatever liberals do, she will always find fault with liberals. It is what her audience expects. Do her audience care if she lies? No, just like many of them still believe the crap that got the US into this war in the first place. By responding to her obscene views, we are validating her beliefs for her and with her audience.


Gee mikey go look up ‘projection’. You must have a ouija board to glean all that from my post.

“Keep perpetuating the lies of the Right. I hope it makes you feel better.”

Yeah thats right, the elections were a sham. Saddam was elected by the populace, people just loved the mass killings and torture chambers!

Please keep talking. It ensures we don’t have people like Kerry in the white house.

Point still stands. You found ONE report on a HR group concerned about abuses against our troops. Abu Gharib, Haditha and Gitmo are plastered all over the media. A cursory glance at CAIR and AI shows nothing.

‘Miserable failure’ – this is the medias opinion of Bush. I paint the same opinion of the previous 2 presidents who ignored the problem entirely while playing buddy buddy with the Saudis and the Chinese.

I thought coulters latest book was just an effort to be provocative, but reading some posts here I am not so sure…I’m done. Enjoy the bliss folks!


DavidM … please, don’t go! You’re no Gary Ruppert, but you’re nearly as clueless … how can a left-wing smear site like this survive without targets like you?


Speaking of playing buddy buddy…


You must have a ouija board to glean all that from my post.

You made it clear what tribe you belong to. I just happen to know that tribe’s credo.

Saddam was elected by the populace, people just loved the mass killings and torture chambers!

And I’m sure if we had asked, they would have actually really wanted an armed invasion of their country, military occupation and the current lack of security and basic services. They’re very grateful. Ever read Riverbend? She’s an example of your grateful liberated Iraqis. Asshat.

I paint the same opinion of the previous 2 presidents who ignored the problem entirely while playing buddy buddy with the Saudis and the Chinese.

Buddy buddy with the Saudis?!! Oh no, that must be really terrible. Thank goodness the Bush family would NEVER stoop to that level. Jesus christ, dood, can you even READ???

Thank goodness AGAIN that your superhero, GW Bush, didn’t ignore the problem.

bin Laden determined to attack inside US

My Pet Goat

You’d think The Right ™ could find better spokespeople, this dood’s just dumb.



And here’s a hint for you, sweet pea: read the links in the post. You know, the ones which show the human rights groups actual response(why lookie there! An AI link! Whadaya know!) rather than the silence that was Jeffy’s incorrect point.

And it might not be too late! And you realize they met their goals because they lowered them, right? They have to recruit over 9,000 in each of the four months until the fiscal year closes to meet the total, and they’ve averaged 7000 or less(5,806 in May; they exceeded their low goal! um… yay?). Only four months left, and just over half the total goal met in the last 8 months… they need you, man.


Previous two presidents, as long as you skip Reagan and H.W. (Speaking of playing buddy buddy with the Saudis, and Saddam, for that matter).


Thanks tigrismus – I was going to make that very point (they lowered the goals).

And Ann guest-posted at Agitprop today.


the same gay homosexual hippies responsible for the Magna Carta

You mean like this one?

Check out that limp wrist…


Point still stands. You found ONE report on a HR group concerned about abuses against our troops.

Actually, I found two, and their the two biggest human rights groups in the world.

Also, if you look through their archives, you’ll find countless articles denouncing the gross abuses of governments like Syria, Iran and North Korea.

But yeah, I’m sure they only criticize the American policies of rendition and prisoner abuse because they are out to get America.


Point still stands.

Define “stands.” From what I’ve seen, the point stumbled home after a night of drinking and playing cards with his buddies and then fell flat on his face in the middle of taking a leak.


Bush, thankfully, is cracking down hard on Google and Microsoft for their capitulation to Chinese censorship….On Bizarro World. Just as he firmly made the case for human rights and democracy when the Chinese Premiere came to the U.S. a couple of months ago…On Bizarro World.

Geez, this is fun. Bush is basking in the non-stop adulation of the Iraqi (and American) people…On Bizarro World. Bush stood by his energy plan and stop kissing Saudi ass…OBW.

And I can’t resist this nugget: people just loved the mass killings and torture chambers!, graciously, Bush has decided to give the people what they want, eh Dave? Jesus X, Dave, even the US Ambassador in Baghdad knows the score, unless he’s in on it too!

The ‘democracy’ Bush has installed in Iraq has sewn the seeds to ethnic cleansing and civil war, has no functional defense forces, an energy policy which currently consists of poisoning the ground water with ‘black’ oil, has a President who is advocating amnesty for Iraqis who’ve killed Americans and is widely considered the most corrupt on Earth. I think Bush put it together so his incompetent kleptocracy would look marginally better in comparison.

But yeah, Iraq’s a complete success!…OBW.


Point still stands. You found ONE report on a HR group concerned about abuses against our troops. Abu Gharib, Haditha and Gitmo are plastered all over the media. A cursory glance at CAIR and AI shows nothing.

Hey, Shitwhistle, did it ever occur to you that militant Islamic Fundementalists are, like, the worst people in the world, and therefore that it is not really “news” when they commit atrocities? It’s what they do– it’s like calling it news when a lion eats a zebra. When the United States does it, however, it IS a big deal, because we are not supposed to be The Worst People On Earth. We’re supposed to be better than everyone, I thought, according to you fuckheads. Why can’t we act like it?


When the United States does it, however, it IS a big deal, because we are not supposed to be The Worst People On Earth. We’re supposed to be better than everyone, I thought, according to you fuckheads. Why can’t we act like it?

Because WE are the bestest people in the entire universe and THEY are the worstest! You see, even if the Islamofascists are petting kittens and holding hands singing together, they’re still Eeeeeeeeevil! But even if we commit acts of genocide the whole world over, we’re simply Spreading Democracy and Liberating Oppressed People. Because we’re Good, and they’re Bad. It’s all so very simple, isn’t it?

Charlotte Smith

Gotta love the troll’s last post: “I thought you liberals were OK, but now I know you’re not! I won’t respond to any of the rebuttals of my points and leave!” Even money says it’ll be back to talk up a storm without acknowledging it was wrong about its previous comments.


Holy shrimp! Take a look at this Iraq War Rationale Fact Sheet put out by the White House. Amid the various and sundry half-truths and empty assertions they made (before the U.N. inspectors went back in), there are a few citations that the Administration used to justify their insane war…who could have provided them?

Former UN Human Rights Special Rapporteur Max Van der Stoel’s report in April 1998 stated that Iraq had executed at least 1,500 people during the previous year for political reasons.

Amnesty Internationalreported that, in October 2000, the Iraqi Government executed dozens of women accused of prostitution.

And thankfully, Amnesty International have any documented proof of the Saudi’s terrible human rights record otherwise, our Wahabbi bretheren might be embarassed by the cruelty of their leadership.

When oh when will the UN and Amnesty speak out against Islamist injustice?

And this is rich (for the dumbshits out there who always wondered ‘where the left was’ when the Taliban was in power in Afghanistan): From a precis of Amnesty’s documentation of the Taliban’s crimes.



I am pretty impressed with the emotion that David M managed to convey through internet type. I really felt I could hear his panicky, angry, sulky voice THROUGH my computer. Unless that is the NSA tap.

anyway, why are trolls so boring these days. He shows up to literally spout nonsense. I really didn’t understand what he was saying. Then he doesn’t even attempt to address any of your points, except to lie about them. And then signs off with the patented “you liberals are losers and will continue to lose elections as long as you call any attention to yourselves at all, and I am leaving now so bye you losers”. booooooring. we have heard it all before, and – frankly – done better.


But that’s wingnut reality. If they didn’t hear about it didn’t happen. If these people were in any way honest, they’d admit they’d never even heard the word Taliban until September 12, 2001.

Feh. I’m tired of their lies.


“people just loved the mass killings and torture chambers!”

Sadly, the death toll and danger to ordinary people has increased from the dreadful mark set by Saddam since we’ve been occupiers.

“the previous 2 presidents who ignored the problem entirely while playing buddy buddy with the Saudis and the Chinese.”

Which behavior regarding the Saudis and the Chinese is identical to that of the current president.

“Perhaps we should just ignore USS Cole, Tanzania, Khobar towers, 93 WTC, Iranian hostage…”

Well…..93 WTC and Tanzania (don’t forget Kenya) we caught our guys; Iranian hostage, I don’t recall Reagan or Bush I doing anything thing about it, and we didn’t pinpoint the perps of the USS Cole until after Dubya came into office. So who the fuck ignored the Cole??????

Sigh. You’re all quicker than me. Dave Whatever is No Gary Ruppert.

And….mikey? Can I be your minion?


Oh, God. please indulge me in another point to be made after a day of enforced inability to comment.

I fucking HATE the argument that goes like this “Well, I didn’t notice you denoucing XXXXXXX.”

This argument appears in equal regularity on both sides. It’s fucking stupid.

I’ve had enough wine with dinner tonight so that I can’t go on in greater detail.


I don’t think anybody should kill anybody else.

Please inform me why this is wrong.


So what should we do about N Korea? Give them more technology like Carter did? Or Clinton did with China? Perhaps we should just ignore USS Cole, Tanzania, Khobar towers, 93 WTC, Iranian hostage…forget it.

Um, what did North Korea have to do with the USS Cole, Tanzania, Khobar towers, 93 WTC, and Iranian hostages (presumably, the ones that GHW Bush secretly negotiated with the Kohmeni government to hold onto until the U.S. election was over as a boon to the Ronnie Raygun ticket in ’80)? Did I miss something?

I am not enlisting, I am past age.

You sure about that, sweetie? They just raised the max age for enlistees yesterday, to 42. It was the second time they’ve raised it this year. You know, ‘cos they’re just swamped with enlistees to the point that they don’t need you or your kids. Yeah, that’s the ticket!


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