I’ve Missed You a Lot, Justin Darr
It’s been a long time since I last checked in on Justin Darr. Happily, he hasn’t gotten any smarter since we last parted:
We told you so: the UN takes one more step toward global government
Justin Darr
June 19, 2006For years, Conservatives have been trying to alert Americans and all freedom loving people in the world about the dangers the United Nations poses to individual liberty and democracy. Whether it was “Agenda 21,” the United Nations’ plan for global sustainable development that would void your private property rights, force you to give up your car in lieu of a bicycle, and reserve almost half of the United States as no human zones to facilitate habitat for migratory animals, or the United Nations’ plan to wrest control of the Internet away from the United States and place it under the “unbiased” control of China, Sudan, and Cuba, or NRA President Wayne LaPierre’s warning that the UN’s “Small Arms Review Conference” was nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to destroy the 2nd Amendment, Conservatives have always seen the UN as the anti-American organization it is. And, categorically, we have been ridiculed and called insane by the left as a result.
I won’t argue with that last point.
The left is so consumed in their anti-Americanism that they tend to gravitate toward and support anyone who is opposed to the United States, even to the point of becoming apologists for terrorists, and in this case, a dysfunctional and corrupt international organization.
A dysfunctional organization that will somehow take over the entire world and make Justin eat tofu and ride some gay-ass bicycle to work.
Above: Darr’s new wheels. Bling-bling.
When a liberal is defending the UN, the arguments are generally based on some perceived notion that just because the majority of petty juntas, Communist dictatorships, and radical theocracies of the world have an opinion about something, then that opinion is, by default, granted the coveted Liberal mantle of “international moral authority.”
As you all know, I’m quite the fan of petty juntas and radical theocracies.
However, reality paints a very different picture of the United Nations. Generally, the world body’s member states oppose and attack the United States not out of the interests of their populations, but their own personal ego and lust for power.
There’s no better way to gain power than by opposing the most powerful nation in the world, after all.
There is no international sense of the common good, and unless under extreme pressure, desire to make the world a better place among the nations motivating the actions of the UN. What there is, instead, is a pathological obsession to force the United States to conform to the bidding of the absolute worse of the member states. The operative word there is “force.” The world is jealous of America’s wealth, power, and strength, and has opted to use the United Nations as the vehicle to undermine America by whatever means possible.
So when the rest of world tells America, “Don’t invade Iraq!” it’s because they’re jealous they can’t invade Iraq themselves.
Until now, as the left loves to point out, the United Nations had no mechanism to enforce its policies or other neo-Communist resolutions. Compliance with United Nations resolutions was voluntary, and had to be, in the case of the United States, approved by our elected representatives. If any nation does not like what the UN has to say, then they can just ignore it, and in most cases, there is nothing anyone can do about it. That is until now.
Last week, the United Nations unveiled a proposal to develop its own standing army to enforce what it deems to be international law. Oh, wait! Did I say “standing army?” I should have used the UN’s own words.
Last week, the United Nations unveiled a proposal to develop its own “Emergency Peace Service” to “take action to prevent war and dire threats to human security and human rights.”
“Human rights” do sound pretty darn sinister. Thank God Bush and Rumsfeld have done away with them forever.
Do you know what those rights might be? Do not feel bad; nobody else does either, including the people who wrote the proposal./p>
Yeah, it’s too bad that no one has ever written a universal declaration of human rights or anything. That could help clear things up.
Other than genocide, there are no clear definitions of what the UN would consider a “crime against humanity,” just as it has no clear definition of what terrorism is more than five years after 9/11. So really, the proposed UN army could be used for whatever the UN wants.
The army will obviously be used to enforce “No Human” zones in suburban Iowa. Duuuuuh!
Granted, a United Nations army would probably look like an unholy hybrid of a yoga class, group therapy session, and a gun shop, but it is still a first step. It is not as important how effective an UN proposal could be as it is the fact that yet another piece of our sovereignty has been chipped away from us and yielded to an unaccountable foreign body. Do allow yourself to be deceived, American sovereignty is the only thing that keeps Americans free and preserves our way of life. And, each small step the UN makes takes us one small step closer to losing our liberty. If we allow that day to come, do not claim you were not warned.
I, for one, welcome our new yoga class overlords.
he looks like a chubby peewee herman, to boot.
an unholy hybrid
why are these loony Christionists so obsessed with the unholy hybrid? I feel like they all got together, got wasted, and watched a few episodes of the Simpsons’ Treehouse of Horrors, woke up and forgot it was a cartoon.
See, here’s the bizarre logic of the right wing on the UN:
1) The UN is useless, wasteful bickering body which is basically run by Cuba, China Iran and North Korea.
2) The UN is a dangerous body bent on world domination and wishes to grind America into the dust.
But even though points one and two seem to contradict each other, notice what happens when put into the context of the UN doing something. For example establishing a permenant peacekeeping force. (which might be a good idea everytime a darfur sorta thing happens). Anyways IF the UN gets the troops, (and how 12,000 lightly armed peacekeepers could subjugate the US I don’t know, but then I never graduated from the 101st Fighting Keyboardist Wingnutt Strategy Correspondence Course) then it proves the UN is some dastardly evil entity bent on world domination. If it doesn’t get the troops and thus has to turn to the United States for help, then it proves that the UN is worthless.
It’s wingnutt heaven. No matter what happens, the UN is bad.
HG, what you’ve got here is a classic case of projection. The U.N. is either evil, or inept, or often both. Hmm…where have I heard of that particular combination?
“Hello Kettle? It’s Pot. You’re black…”
why are these loony Christionists so obsessed with the unholy hybrid?
Well, everybody knows that the U.N. is actually the Whore of Babylon which will usher in the reign of the Antichrist.
I mean, I’ve personally seen Kofi Anan coming into work on his Seven-Headed Behemothobile.
You laugh now, but who will be laughing when you have to have a UNESCO issued barcode tattooed on your forehead to be able to buy your latte or rent the latest season of Seinfeld on DVD?
Ever notice how no Secretary General of the U.N. has a normal, Christian name? I mean, what the heck is a Kofi Anan? Or a Boutros Boutros-Ghali? Does anybody remember U Thant? What kind of first name is U? It’s a letter, not a name.
It’s a fact that the U.N. is the font of all evil global liberalism everywhere in the galaxy.
…it has no clear definition of what terrorism is more than five years after 9/11…
Ahhhhhh …
Meanwhile, here’s a headline from Yahoo News:
Taliban attacks kill 30 in Afghanistan
Can someone please tell me why the fuck there is still a fucking Taliban? What the motherfucking fuck? Nice “War On Terror” you’ve got there, assholes. Nice to see that these fuckheads are still pissing in our faces.
George W. Bush is the greatest gift EVER to the world of fundamendalist Islamic assholes. When they establish their global caliphate, they should put his fucking face on their currency.
George W. Bush is the greatest gift EVER to the world of fundamendalist Islamic assholes. When they establish their global caliphate, they should put his fucking face on their currency.
I can see it. I really can. And that frightens me.
Frankly, I’d much rather live in a world dominated by the UN than in a world dominated by the United States under Republican leadership.
Can someone please tell me why the fuck there is still a fucking Taliban?
The only reason to believe there IS a taliban is because the US military says so. Seems to me that every Afghani they kill is a “Taliban” and every time that someone in Afghanistan is dissatisfied with the American occupation’s heavy-handed tactics and tendency to kill civilians to the point where he caps off some rounds or plants a “device”, that fucker’s a Taliban also. Y’know, just as the huge majority of Iraqi insurgents are NOT foreign jihadis, the huge majority of fighters in Afghanistan just might be regular folks, just REAL unhappy with YET ANOTHER FUCKING OCCUPYING WESTERN ARMY ™. It amazes me, the way our current administration thinks the word “sovreign” only applies to white people…
Well, seeing as how well they have been doing so far, I wouldn’t give Republican World Domination exactly a long lifespan. They after all, cannot control Baghdad after 3 years of occupation. If they cannot control the capitol of a country that is population and territorial wise less than the size of Texas, well, they have shown how toothless American Hegemony really is. Do not think that the enemies of the United States have not looked at the example of Iraq and learned the exact opposite of what the chickenhawks intended.
The world has also been spreading lies about America in fourth period gym, so her boyfriend the UK won’t take her to the prom.
” Last week, the United Nations unveiled a proposal to develop its own “Emergency Peace Serviceâ€? to “take action to prevent war and dire threats to human security and human rights.â€? ”
How’s this different from a UN Peacekeeping Force?
Man, I can image the right-wingers now, fantasizing about being the Neo-Paul Revere (who didn’t do much, btw)
“To arms! The Powder Blue Helmats are coming! Hide your women, illicit drugs, and Little Red Books!”
“… just because the majority of petty juntas, Communist dictatorships, and radical theocracies of the world have an opinion about something …”
..just because the majority of petty wingnuts, evangelical pedants, and fighting keyboardists of the world have an opinion about something …
A big duck in a small barrel
The world is jealous of America’s wealth, power, and strength, and has opted to use the United Nations as the vehicle to undermine America by whatever means possible.
The fact is that life ain’t nothin’ but bitchez and money.
But unless AmeriKKKa remains high rolla numba 1, the terrorists have already won. Can’t you moonbats understand that?
Hi, girls! BIG GIRLS! (tee hee)
But seriously, can somebody help me out here? Is long hair (on guys) a “black thing”? I need a black expert (on blacks in general, or on black hair more specifically) to tell me what the hell this article is about. I just don’t get it. I thought blacks had the nappy hair. I didn’t think they could grow it long.
So tell me, black experts – is long hair (on guys) a BLACK THING, or are these amusement park employees just some bitchin’ and moanin’ Kumbaya crowd that I should BAN from my BLOG – FOREVER?
Toodles, JOHN
Look, Justin Darr is HOTT…in a low-rent personal injury lawyer kind of way, I mean…
Only two people I’ve seen with that hairline: Justin Darr and Chairman Mao. Should someone tell him, just to see his reaction?
Fake Gary, I love you.
So long as they make those idiot emo kids cut their Emergency Dustmop do’s too, it seems fair to me,
So tell me, black experts – is long hair (on guys) a BLACK THING, or are these amusement park employees just some bitchin’ and moanin’ Kumbaya crowd that I should BAN from my BLOG – FOREVER?
I have to admit, out of context, Aravosis’ post on his blog is freaking hilarious. But when you read the article he links it sort of makes sense… sooort of. Even when he is being sincere he can’t help being a tool.
That may have been the best “Fake Gary” ever. Actually, having to endure the existence of the O.G. (original Gary) has actually been kind of worth it. He’s like the rain that brought a million Fake Gary flowers.
And Jon Lovitz. Don’t forget Jon Lovitz.
Hmm, I see Justin is still an ingot of pure, 24karat Stoopid. For instance…
OK, so he’s dying to use “in lieu of,” but isn’t he using it incorrectly? To arrive at the meaning that he seems to be straining for, wouldn’t it have to go something like, “force you to use a bicycle in lieu of a car”? ‘Cos the way he has it now reads to me sorta like this: “force you to give up your car instead of a bicycle.” Gah!
But, wait! I’ve got one for Brad, too.
Wot, is the U.N. gonna be using killah robotz as troops? ‘Cos otherwise, the blue-helmeters are gonna count as humans in the “No Human” zones, and we can’t have that, can we? What? They’ll all be brownish people? Oh. That’s different!
Got it. Thanks. Anybody being RUDE on my blog about Long Hair (on black guys) will be automatically BANNED FOR LIFE. I didn’t think it was a “black thing”, but I wasn’t sure! Thanks!
Now, about that Slingbox and the Slingblade…
Jillian: Does anybody remember U Thant? What kind of first name is U?
I adore you.
When I asked this chickenhawk why he isn’t in Iraq, he told me he was wounded in the Gulf War. He didn’t tell me he was shot in the head.
Does anybody else but me ever visit Annie’s blog out of morbid curiosity? It’s generally the same pattern. A few days of random posts about birds or dogs or something, then a post about Annie securing a bottle of some sort of liquor, then a few batshit, drunken posts in all caps. These are usually rants about being banned from some blog. Then she disappears for a week or so, then she comes back and it starts all over again.
How come she never comes here anymore? Was she banned? If so, she probably deserved it. She’s been banned everywhere in the blogosphere at this point. Anyway, Annie, if you’re reading this, I’m smoking a bowl right now. I swear.
How come she never comes here anymore? Was she banned?
Nope. But I ain’t about to provoke her into coming back.
Compliance with United Nations resolutions was voluntary ….. If any nation does not like what the UN has to say, then they can just ignore it, and in most cases, there is nothing anyone can do about it. That is until now.
Just a couple of years ago these same people were claiming that Iraq violated UN resolutions and hence had to be invaded to enforce the UN resolutions. And all those years of sanctions on Iraq was mandated by UN resolutions and they sure as hell were enforced in the name of UN by US and UK. It is only the the permanent members of the security council plus a few other European nations plus Israel who can “just ignore” resolutions. Everyone else have always been forced to obey them. I don’t understand why the conservatives in US are so hostile to UN, when the UN has been so useful to US to achieve its aims. If it wasn’t for the UN sanctions that destroyed Saddams weapons and armies the US would be in an even worse situation than they are now.
Dysfunctional organizations are always the most dangerous when it comes to ruling the world.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around Brad R.’s invocation of “suburban Iowa.” Uh, is there such a place?
I grew up in Iowa and I wasn’t aware of any suburbs. Hell, it barely has urbs. Oh sure, there is a place called “Urbandale” (which means “Citytown”) outside Des Moines but still….
Y’all have a real talent for finding wingers who are completely un-self-conscious about standing up in public, ranting about their hallucinations, and then smugly suggesting that their doing so is some kind of favor to the world. And a real talent for dealing constructively with them.
he looks like a chubby peewee herman, to boot.
I see Squiggy, myself.
he was homeschooled, right?
UN Army? Where do I sign up?