Caption Contest!

Via Texas Roy, we learn that the Anchoress is in a tizzy over this photo of Obama and Stephen Harper:

When people wag a finger in my face, I reach out and cover their hand and say some variation of “don’t say another word to me until you put that finger away.” The variations are not always courtly, but they get the point across.

Uncourtly variations from the Anchoress? One can only imagine the effect on finger-wagging offenders that her mixing-and-matching of ‘fiddlesticks’ with ‘adulterer’ brings about. But Our Lady of Perpetual Concern also has a request:

The look on Harper’s face, I can’t read. He’s either cowed or repressing his own anger. He appears to be looking directly at Obama’s finger. He is making a fist. Anyone want to supply a caption?

Why, certainly! Here ya go:

Look, Mr. Prime Minister, I feel you should know that the cascading torrent of Rev. Wright-inspired hate that infuses my every molecule is now being channeled into the single finger that I am pointing at you, to your obvious chagrin … this finger, you see is a weapon to me, a psychic wand, if you will, that I am using here to focus all of the enormous jealousy and contempt for competent leadership and principled morality I possess at the nearest representative of same in the person of you, Stephen Harper.

What’s more, I don’t think it will be possible for viewers of the photo being taken of this moment to read too much from a single image taken out of context and probably less than optimally useful as a viewable artifact due to tricks of perspective.

In short, my entire life history, the very nature of my immutable, grossly misshapen essence, will be fully on display in the snapshot that captures this moment. All of it — my roiling pathologies … my deep desire to undermine all that is good … my self-loathing … my infantile intellect … my rage-filled frustration at being confronted with successful lives I can never emulate. All of those things are on display, focused narrowly into my single pointing finger … a Finger of Hate, you might say … a Digit of Despair and Treason.

I also think I am not succumbing to hyperbole when I predict that future generations of Americans will point to this one photo and say, ‘This is where it all went wrong … this is the moment that America fell.’

(Edited for brevity)

Tintin adds:


Comments: 296


Mr. Harper: Tear down this wall! Also, pull my finger.


He’s saying, “Hey, Steven, hang on there a minute, you’ve got a bit of poutine gravy on your upper lip.”


Obama to Harper: ‘Look, a finger!’


“Do you know the way to San Jose?”


When people wag a finger in my face, I reach out and suck on it with all the sensuality I can muster, especailly is it’s a black finger. A big black hot finger finger unnnhuhhuhh

fuxxed for pyschological accuracy


I love the fact that she thinks Stephen Harper is contemplating slugging Obama. That’s a messed-up little brain ye got, Mizz Anchoress, ma’am…


Does anyone remember the drudge report item on how Obama had an evil gaze that he was using on Sarkozy and Harper. The evidence consisted of 3 still shot pictures.


Also, I like to imagine Obama is saying “SCUSE MAH FINGAHS.”


Since when do we give a shit about the fee fees of Canadians?


Why must Obama be so obsequious belilgerent to foreign leaders?!


“Don’t mess with me, frostback motherfucker. Check it out, even my shadow has a shadow. So does my shadow’s shadow.”


Stop bowing! Stop wagging your finger! Stop bowing! Stop wagging your finger!

My sister! (slap) My daughter! (slap) My sister! (slap) My daughter! (slap)

She’s my sister and my daughter!


“Dude, smell this.”


“Why are you Canadians always linking to some stupid shit about some stupid Canadian issue in my favorite blogs’ comments sections? Seriously, nobody gives a fuck. Get your own internet. Oh, and stop staring at my junk.”


“This continent is where I was really born.”


When people wag a finger in my face, I reach out and cover their hand and say some variation of “don’t say another word to me until you put that finger away.”

Ooh, put it away where, baby?



More pictures of Harper and Obama’s finger here. I think Obama is lecturing him about those British sailors who smiled after the Iranians release them, warning him not to let Canadian soldiers do the same. That was low moment in history, I’ll tell you.


“Dude, pull smell this.”

Fizted for better Smell-o-vision.


Whoops. Memo to self: Read comments.

You may *AHEM* me Scott. At your leisure, of course.


Shit, holding up Actor’s self-pwnage regimen is hard work.


“Liberal up, Harper, or I’ll blow Canada all the fuck the way to Africa, bitch!”



Best Anchoress commenter:

Also, can’t imagine how it is that his handlers or the MSM allowed the release of a picture in which the halo-like white circle surrounds Harper’s head more than Obama’s. Note how the line actually diminishes near him. The projectionists and gatekeepers are slipping.



Wait, I did that wrong.




This is my favorite comment: “(As for me, I miss Reagon.)”



Also, can’t imagine how it is that his handlers or the MSM allowed the release of a picture in which the halo-like white circle surrounds Harper’s head more than Obama’s. Note how the line actually diminishes near him. The projectionists and gatekeepers are slipping.

Wow, that’s a derangement that’s too meta for me to understand.


“Now, I done sassed Sarah Palin, and bitch be from OUR own mufuckin COUNTRY, boyo, so don’ be thinkin’ I won’t SASS yo’ own lily-white ass even if you from Canada! If it wan’t f’ us yo’ sorry butt be speakin’ French, suckah!

Now take back that candy bar to the 7-11 and tell the manager you’re VERY SORRY for taking it and you’ll never do it again. Or we’ll invade.

Don’t play me, honky. We done invaded all kinds a countries!”


I miss the swaggering cowboy. He may have been tongue-tied; he may have screwed up with an errant backrub, but he didn’t bow to royalty, he didn’t give embarrassing gifts to allies, he didn’t show the Dalai Lama the back door. He never said to a visiting ally (paraphrased) “I’m gonna go have dinner with Laura, and if you decide to obey me, I’ll be around.”



Most likely real caption:

Obama: “Mr. Prime Minister, if you’ll look behind you, you’ll see we’ve brought in some cake for you.”

Harper: “Oh, thank you, Mr. President, that looks delicious.”



More pictures of Harper and Obama’s finger here.

I especially like #19 in which Harper appears to be retaliating. Of course, since he’s Canadian, it’s a very soft, mild, friendly kind of retaliation. Either that or he just can’t get it up.


“One in the pink, and two, wait I think I got this wrong… JOE HOW DOES IT GO AGAIN”


Dude, seriously. Does that hair actually move?

Melvin "Cheese" Wagstaff

“Don’t be feigning a lack of interest in the subject of job opportunities for librarians, Harpo. That’s some fascinating shit and you know it.”


Is that made of bacon?


he didn’t show the Dalai Lama the back door



BTW, my entire knowledge of “Urban”-speak comes from episodes of “Aqua Teen Hunger Force”, so if I offended I’d like to apologize for the offending offense.


Listen here you filthy peasant, in my presence you are to keep your eyes lowered!


He is making a fist

Fist, hell. He’s saying ‘will it be OK if I give you a hand-job, Barack?”


That was way less than 15 minutes.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

OT – but is any post about Intertube Pron EVER really OT?

Here is the latest advance in Innertube Technology. Use your imagination (obviously) as to what happens next.


It seems to me that Harper is looking down lower than Baracks’s finger.


“That is the weakest Harrison Ford impression I’ve ever heard, Harper. You should be ashamed as you look. Now try this: YOU FIND THAT MAN!”

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Oh hell, why did I say my last post was OT?

Fist, hell. He’s saying ‘will it be OK if I give you a hand-job, Barack?”


“Don’t be feigning a lack of interest in the subject of job opportunities for librarians, Harpo. That’s some fascinating shit and you know it.”

Oh, snap!

Did y’all see the link to this on aliculblog? What do they think he was doing? Buying drugs???



“I’m pointing at the moon and you’re looking at my finger.”


after Gary Larson:

“What We Say To Canadians:” (any of the aforementioned)

“What Canadians Hear Us Say: BLAH BLAH BLAH Canada BLAH BLAH Harper BLAH BLAH BLAH poutine BLAH BLAH BLAH Canada BLAH BLAH BLAH…”


What the #%$& is wrong with that woman?

Nothing about Obama’s posture in that photo, including his finger, suggests that he is angry or aggressive.

As for Harper, he does not look like he’s “cowed” or “repressing” anything; he looks like he’s listening and thinking.

What the #%$& is wrong with that woman?


What the #%$& is wrong with that woman?

How much time do you have?


“You know, I think I passed it on the way here… go out the stage door behind you, take the escalator up one floor, it’ll be on the right.”


Grrrr, dunno how to quote properly …

Also, can’t imagine how it is that his handlers or the MSM allowed the release of a picture in which the halo-like white circle surrounds Harper’s head more than Obama’s. Note how the line actually diminishes near him. The projectionists and gatekeepers are slipping.

[g said] Wow, that’s a derangement that’s too meta for me to understand.

One of those times when the mask slips and the Boosh faithful reveal that they knew perfectly well the WPE maladministration was cravenly manipulating not only his acolytes but the religious zealots on which they depend. Remember all the photos of that cretinous weasel with a halo over his head?


Um…he looks like he’s staring at Obama’s junk in that picture, not his finger. In which case, my caption is:

“Tell me, schatze, is it twue what they say about the way you people are…gifted?”


19 is Harper asking if there isn’t one downstairs, but Obama says the upstairs one is closer.


When people wag a finger in my face, I reach out and cover their hand and say some variation of “don’t say another word to me until you put that finger away.” The variations are not always courtly, but they get the point across.

What does she do when Jeff Goldstein cockslaps her?


Did y’all see the link to this on aliculblog? What do they think he was doing? Buying drugs???

Well, in their defense, he is a ni black. That’s what those people do.


“Dude, check it out-smell my finger!”


So sinister is this photo. Reality likely goes something like this:

“Have you eaten at that restaurant around the corner here? The food was fantastic!”


Lemme get this straight:

If Obama bows his head slightly to hear the words coming from a shorter man who is mumbling because he is in awe of the President of the United States, that’s appeasement to these assclowns, but if he points a finger to emphasize a point, now somehow he’s become a bully????


the halo-like white circle surrounds Harper’s head more than Obama’s. Note how the line actually diminishes near him. The projectionists and gatekeepers are slipping.


I mean, “The Anchoress” and all, but, SWEET SCREAMING CTHUGA ON A PLATTER what-the-fuck?

“Halo”? WTF? Where is she GETTING this shit from? And lordy lordy lordy the “MSM” has never ever published a picture of THE ONE showing him in a bad light, no, not ever, unless you of course count the little “OMFG he’s checking out some booty” kerfluffle a while back. And I thought the media was liberal-controlled, so why publish a non-halo picture even if a large white circle could be taken as “halo” instead of “Marathon” (a little FPS humor there) and dismissing her total fucking batshit insanity for even looking for halos.


DA, you missed her update:

From JasperJava, in the comments section, an amusing quicktime video of Obama’s meet-and-greets at the summit. You can see Harper at about 47 seconds in, and things look more genial.

It is, of course, difficult to gauge a shutterclick, and we probably shouldn’t build on passing instants, after all.

Indeed, heh.


Obama: So … in Canada, you can have that odd growth on your neck removed, and it won’t bankrupt your family? Wonder what that’s like?

Harper: It’s nice. You should try it some time.


As far as the Anchwhoress goes: I can’t wait until she meets someone who is not only more mean than she is, but who is willing to beat the crap out of some rude bitch wannabe tranny whose social skills are on par with the average half-retarded dachshund.

That’d be awesome.


Shit, holding up Actor’s self-pwnage regimen is hard work.

You are learning well, my young Sith master.


OK, caption:

“Dude, check out the shadow puppet I can make with this finger”


“Dude, wanna see me drive the opposition batty? Here, check this out”


“Yeah, sorry about nuking Edmonton but the possibility of being served poutine with cilantro in it was not something I considered remotely plausible so whatever, asshole.”


“My face is up here asshole.”

“That’s not my health care package you’re staring at.”



“Tell me, schatze, is it twue what they say about the way you people are…gifted? It’s twue! It’s twue!

(Line that didn’t make it past the censors and, thus, was cut and explains the few seconds of … **ahem** … blackness on screen at the end of the scene):

“That’s great, baby, but that’s my arm you’re sucking on!”


the Anchoress is in a tizzy over this photo of Obama and Stephen Harper

As am I.

Obama shouldn’t wave his finger at Harper like that.

Rather, he should be kicking that Parliament-FUBARing, reporter-dodging, program-killing, drug-war-loving, e-coli-death-joking, corporation-blumpkinning, chartered-bank-threatening, kitten-fondling, gimlet-eyed POS right in the yarbles. REPEATEDLY & VERY HARD.

Caption: “Majority government or STFU.”


noen – thou art full of win.


It is, of course, difficult to gauge a shutterclick, and we probably shouldn’t build on passing instants, after all.

Then don’t, you stupid bitch. Duh.

I know, it’s all in fun, to speculate on what Dr. Evil is up to based on an fucking photograph of a guy talking to a guy.


Also, can’t imagine how it is that his handlers or the MSM allowed the release of a picture in which the halo-like white circle surrounds Harper’s head more than Obama’s. Note how the line actually diminishes near him. The projectionists and gatekeepers are slipping.



What does she do when Jeff Goldstein cockslaps her?

I’m pretty sure even Jeff Goldstein wouldn’t cockslap the Anchoress … with Amy Alkon’s cock.


Rather, he should be kicking that Parliament-FUBARing, reporter-dodging, program-killing, drug-war-loving, e-coli-death-joking, corporation-blumpkinning, chartered-bank-threatening, kitten-fondling, gimlet-eyed POS right in the yarbles. REPEATEDLY & VERY HARD.


Cock-punching is above Obama’s pay grade.


“Yeah, sorry about nuking Edmonton but the possibility of being served poutine with cilantro in it was not something I considered remotely plausible so whatever, asshole.”

Pwns 2 at ONCE! Well done, Lawnguylander.


“Harper, please! I am not from Havana.”


This is just a standard “analysis” of the type that magazines like US Weekly, Life & Style, and OK! do all the time. They get some sort of expert to examine one in a series of snapshots, and conclude that Angelina is gonna axe-murder Brad in his sleep that very night, ’cause look at how she’s looking at him. But for all we know, she was getting ready to sneeze, or her Jimmy Choo’s were killing her. It’s just bullshit. If Obama were actually flipping him off, that’d be different.

They did that with a photo of Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni a while back, saying it looked like Michele was glaring horrifically at Carla, when it’s obvious from the photo that Carla’s not even in Michelle’s line of sight.

Also, Ameh.


When people wag a finger in my face, I reach out and cover their hand and say some variation of “don’t say another word to me until you put that finger away.” ….

….Shorter Anchoress: Don’t stick it out if you don’t plan on using it!


This is just a standard “analysis” of the type that magazines like US Weekly, Life & Style, and OK! do all the time. They get some sort of expert to examine one in a series of snapshots, and conclude that Angelina is gonna axe-murder Brad in his sleep that very night, ’cause look at how she’s looking at him. But for all we know, she was getting ready to sneeze, or her Jimmy Choo’s were killing her. It’s just bullshit. If Obama were actually flipping him off, that’d be different

I’ve noticed that respectable journalists like Bill O’Reilly bring super expert body language analysts on the show to give us the story behind the story.


When people wag a finger in my face, I reach out and cover their hand and say some variation of “don’t say another word to me until you put that finger away.”

“Well fuck, bitch, find your own goddamn way out of the mall.”


Honestly, what is w/ the Catholics? Have they managed to breed a group of especially delusional congregants in the last 1500 yrs., or is it just that anyone who is sane gets out, & the remaining loons are able to double down their lunacy?

Probably both. Nature & nurture.


Comment from the swamp–(I got out of the boat–icky)

I guess his mother never taught him that when you point a finger at someone else at least three of them point back to you.

Unfortunately for the President, like so many other young African-American males, his father didn’t stay around to help raise his child.

I like the finger pointing at young African-American males, RIGHT after explaining that a finger pointed at someone else means three are pointed at you.


I’ve got a caption for you. Rather, I’d just like to say this directly to this pearl-clutcher: BITCH, PLEEZ.


‘Stephen, would you mind making a loose fist for a split-second while I point abstractedly in your general direction? Great, thanks — it’s been a few days since we had a wingnut photo interpretation freak-out, and I could use the laughs.’


What Fish said. Obama’s saying, ” Does a single hair of that shit ever move at all? Because, seriously, every Canadian who has ever emailed has begged me, “Please, Mr. President, you gotta ask Harper what’s up with the fucking hair, because we can’t believe it’s real but he won’t tell us a goddam thing.”


Turns out, Obama might actually have had good reason for wagging a finger at Harper:

Harper reneges on nuke deal


“Hey, Jimmy Johnson hairstyle having douche, my newest crescent design logo, let me show you it.”


‘Lemme tell you about nuclear fallout — this fucking hairstyle is the only thing that would survive.’


My fave from the comments:

Doc, I’m afraid a lot of Obama voters were thinking stuff like “Hope ‘n Change.” They didn’t take the time to actually take a long, hard look at the guy. Or, if they did, they hoped that it would just work out somehow.

Yea, Obama voters were thinking when they could have just looked and seen a nigger socialist.


“Just pretend I’m scolding you so that I can counteract all the bowing…what? …Oh, you think they’ll spin negatively? Oh, crap, he already took the picture.”


“You got a little something sticking out from under your hairpiece”


‘And atop the Prime Minister’s head you can see a miniature model of the missile-repelling shield that we plan to build around the United States and Canada.’


“Please, Mr. President, you gotta ask Harper what’s up with the fucking hair, because we can’t believe it’s real but he won’t tell us a goddam thing.”


Gentlemen, we cannot afford a hair-technology gap!


“I like the finger pointing at young African-American males, RIGHT after explaining that a finger pointed at someone else means three are pointed at you.”

Teh stupid. It burns!


Harper: “What’s up?”

Obama: [points finger]


Honestly, what is w/ the Republicans? Have they managed to breed a group of especially delusional adherants in the last 40 yrs., or is it just that anyone who is sane gets out, & the remaining loons are able to double down their lunacy?

Didn’t really need to be fixed, but I did anyway.


Bad Harper! Bad, Bad Harper! No more peeing on the Kyoto Accord! Do that again, and I’ll hit you in the nose with the rolled up IPCC report.


‘No, you listen! It’s like my real father Malcolm X said back in Kenya while I was carrying out the honor-killing of several female relatives … OMFG did I say that out loud?’


“Become a Marxist like me or else the hairpiece gets it.”


The next time I decide to read the comment sections at these bastions of idiocy, would some firmly back-hand me right across the face?


“Well fuck, bitch, find your own goddamn way out of the mall.”



“Become a Marxist like me or else the hairpiece gets it.”

HA! Nice!


“I’m tell you, Stevie, WHITE women are more fun to rape. For realz.” *

*from the fevered dreams and possible masturbatory fantasy of your average Anchoress-reader.


“‘No, you listen! It’s like my real father Malcolm X said back in Kenya while I was carrying out the honor-killing of several female relatives … OMFG did I say that out loud?’”

Love it!


The next time I decide to read the comment sections at these bastions of idiocy, would some firmly back-hand me right across the face?

I did it, too. Now I’m eating a Big Grab of Jalepeno Cheetos to mitigate my trauma.


“My eyes are up here, Stephen. Ask Mrs. Harper, along with America, about that.”


I guess his mother never taught him that when you point a finger at someone else at least three of them point back to you.

At least three? What is the possible maximum in this individual’s species?


“I did it, too. Now I’m eating a Big Grab of Jalepeno Cheetos to mitigate my trauma.”

OHHHH! I didn’t know that was a the proper brain balm. Have to try that next time. Nah, I’ll just go back to Vodka.


At least three? What is the possible maximum in this individual’s species?

A thumb COULD point forward.


Nah, I’ll just go back to Vodka.

Vodka is better, but frowned upon at work. However, snacking myself into morbid obesity is not only accepted, it’s also practically encouraged.


When people wag a finger in my face, I reach out and cover their hand

And when someone grabs my hand while I’m angry, I usually break their wrists.

Hm. Perhaps I should go scold her…


At least three? What is the possible maximum in this individual’s species?

Depends. Do they have to be fully-formed?


. Perhaps I should go scold her

She could just pay up.


“I’m happy for you that the Vancouver games were such a big success and I’mma let you finish but the closing ceremonies, WTF? Please to explain flying beavers and shit.”


Harper: “What’s up?”

Negative G.

(and if they ask “what’s new” it’s c over lambda)


BHO: Dude, check out all the sha-a-a-a-dows. Whoahohoa.

SH: No way, dude, I’ll freak if I look at that. No way.


“Does this look infected to you?”


“LOL. All the top Stanley Cup contending teams are belong to us.”


Obama; “See, the irony is what they need to do is to get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit…”

Harper finally looks up, sees that the mic is open and cuts it off.


LOL. All the top Stanley Cup contending teams are belong to us.”

ha! Nice!


“This is the crest-shaped logo I picked out. It goes perfectly with my not-so-secret Muslim ways, dontcha think?”


“Look behind you, Stephen. Zorb!”


“Mind if I dance wif yo date?”


“Vodka is better, but frowned upon at work.”

What kind of unreasonable BASTARDS do you work for?


Well, it had to be said…if it hasn’t already:

“Where all the white women at?”


With your comment and the hockey comment, I can’t resist.

I’d be so ashamed if I was a Panthers fan. This guy is almost as bad as John Sterling of the Yankees.


Obama: Back rub?

Merkel: Don’t even think about it.


Oh no, he’s bowing again. He’s both haughty and submissive at the same time!


**Yo–you–whitey. Where can a brotha get a bucket a Popeye’s up in dis piece?**


I’d be so ashamed if I was a Panthers fan. This guy is almost as bad as John Sterling of the Yankees.

Aw, c’mon actor, Sterling is godawful but at least Moller’s funny!

“I had lunch with McCauley half an hour ago!” The randomness appeals to my lowbrain powerz.


I had lunch with someone who can’t close ital brackets half an hour ago! Myself!


Aw, c’mon actor, Sterling is godawful but at least Moller’s funny!

In a corny, clown-car crash sort of way.


“He’s both haughty and submissive at the same time!”

I’ve heard that can come in handy in some circles.


**Yo–you–whitey. Where can a brotha get a bucket a Popeye’s up in dis piece?**

Also, some motherfucking iced tea, too.


clown-car crash

Now *that’s* funny. Also, at least Moller knows what’s happening on the ice, as opposed to Sterling, who thinks every popfly is leaving the park.


Acoording to, Christians are gathering together to share medical bills… what a novel idea! I’m sure it will INSURE something good happens. I f only we could INSURE a similar secualr method by which people would distribute the costs of health care among themselves… INSURING benefit for all…

In other depressing news, McCain wants “the trigger pulled” on Iran. I assume it means what it says. *sigh* whatta fuckknozzle.


The projectionists and gatekeepers are slipping.

Don’t know about the gatekeepers, but it’s pretty damn clear all the projectionists now comment on wingnut blogs, Skippy.


Also, at least Moller knows what’s happening on the ice, as opposed to Sterling, who thinks every popfly is leaving the park.

You’re too young to remember Lindsey Nelson, who announced for the Mets in their really tragic days of the 60s…as opposed to every other MOTHERFUCKING decade.

He once started his home run call…on a foul pop up to the catcher! Of course, that was back in the day when liquor flowed like water in the booth.


McCain wants “the trigger pulled”

I think he wants to vomit but can’t reach his hand into his throat.


You’re too young to remember Lindsey Nelson

Sadly, yes. And if there isn’t booze flowing in that both with Waldman and Sterling, they have no excuse. Waldman is the worst by far. She really bothers me. I think it’s the fact that she uses sucking candies* while on the air.




I’ve seen her picture. No thank you. While I’ve dated uglier, I never had to listen to them for three hours.


“Vodka is better, but frowned upon at work.”

What kind of unreasonable BASTARDS do you work for?

I know, right? Fascists.


I never had to listen to them for three hours.

lulz! I’ve played deaf before.

Anyway, another caption:

“Eat this booger and I’ll acknowledge your “country”.


I know, right? Fascists.

I bet if you pulled out a bottle of sippin’ whiskey, they’d be all OK about it.


“You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.

But we’re not friends.”


What then is the education to be? Perhaps we could hardly find a better than that which the experience of the past has already discovered, which consists, I believe, in gymnastics for the body, and wingnut still-image hermeneutics for the mind.

Plato quote.


Harper: “They said you was hung”

Obama: “They was right”


“Careful or the zombeez will NOM on that.”


“Teabaggers say that I was born here in the heart of Africa, but I was actually born on the other side of the globe.”


“Don’t forget, Saskatchewan for Texas and a state to be named later. Don’t welsh on me!”


Bad Prime Minister! Bad!


I bet if you pulled out a bottle of sippin’ whiskey, they’d be all OK about it.

No, but I wish they would be.


“Yes, Steve, that suit, along with your dejected look, make you look fat.”


That laser (water?) gun looks like an oddly-shaped ham steak.


All of it — my roiling pathologies … my deep desire to undermine all that is good … my self-loathing … my infantile intellect … my rage-filled frustration at being confronted with successful lives I can never emulate.

…my racism, my pure and unjustified hatred for all things white…

You forgot one pathology, which just shows who the real racist is, now doesn’t it?


Esteev said,
April 14, 2010 at 21:26

“Eat this booger and I’ll acknowledge your “country”.

“Yes, Steve, that suit, along with your dejected look, make you look fat.”

Esteev, you’re smoking this thread. Nice work.


“Wait, wait! I know this one: The priest says to the alter boy….”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

This is my favorite comment: “(As for me, I miss Reagon.)”

I never thought any of the Anchoress’ readers would be Toshi Reagon fans!


Esteev, you’re smoking this thread. Nice work.

hahah! thanks, tsam, it’s nice to be recognized for my lowbrowness. <–unintentionally racist.


I’m pretty sure even Jeff Goldstein wouldn’t cockslap the Anchoress … with Amy Alkon’s cock.

I first read that as “Jeff GOLDBLUM wouldn’t…” which made for a hell of a mental image.


“A lot of people are pretty hacked off about Canadians getting twice as much time on the luge run as anyone else. What do you have to say about that?”




“You callin’ me an ahole, you eh-hole?!”


“Sit! Sit! There’s a good boy.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Gentlemen, we cannot afford a hair-technology gap!

Feh, Blagoyevich (spelling?) got this covered.

The Goddamn Batman Can Beat Up A Dude With One Finger

“Wait, Steve–Steve, look at me–you’re telling me, Steve, that you read the Anchoress’ blog voluntarily, not like someone sends you–Steve, eyes up here, Steve–like someone sends you an email with a subject line like ‘hot wet teens’ or some dumbass shit and you click on the link and it’s some crazy paleo-catlicker bitch who still has a wet-on for W, you actually have her bookmarked and read it like she’s not bugfuck crazy? Look at me, Steve. Look. At. Me. I’m sorry that no one told you this before now, but that shit doesn’t fly. You’re a grown-ass man, and you got better things to do. Tell you what–goddamn, Steve, can’t you look me in the eye like a man… aw, fuck it. Just, I don’t know, keep staring at my shoes or whatever the fuck you wanna do–tell you what, Steve, you wanna give a shit about some crazy-ass bloggers, do something about Adam Yoshida! How about that Kathy Shaidle? Yeah, did her owners skip her shots or what?

“Do what? Man, what the fuck ever, man. Ship ’em to Saskatoon or some damn place. The hell, man, 80% of your country is like Rura Penthe, tell ’em that they have to go there for their health care–what? Rura Penthe, motherfucker! Shatner is your homeboy, you should be all over that shit! Whatever.

“Yes, they are nice shoes. A shoe store–look, dude, I gotta go nuke something.

“I was thinking more of a burrito, actually. But thanks for checking.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

That laser (water?) gun looks like an oddly-shaped ham steak.

For that matter, so does Harper.


The priest says to the alter boy….”

Oh, yum, yum, sex in another dimension!


For that matter, so does Harper.

There’s a Canadian bacon joke here, but I just can’t quite put my finger on it…

Obama's Secret Police

What Obama was actually saying at that moment:

“Steven, you should try some of those shrimp-kebabs.”


“Stephen, I tell you at first I loved “the Power of One” and then I realized it was trying to tell me I could solve all of my problems by going back in time and learning to box at the age of five or six under the tutelage of an undiscovered master of pugilism training. As if a lifetime of cranial trauma makes solving the random problems of everyday life easier? I mean it’s not like you can punch out your landlord, or your boss or your kid whenever they give you trouble. Seriously, boxing? That’s the lens through which you perceive the whole world?” “So anyway, want to see a neat trick? Pull my finger.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Obama (wagging finger): “I don’t dig on swine!”

Harper mumbles, “Pork chops taste good, Canadian bacon tastes good.”


“You look like that asshole on the Partridge Family!”

(for you young’uns)


Re: Updated photo —

TinTin, is that a hunk of meat in Obama’s fist or is he holding France?


There is now a desperate effort afoot by assorted climate alarmists to explain away the revelations of the incriminating e-mails leaked last year from the University of East Anglia (UEA). A concerted whitewash campaign is in full swing to save the IPCC and its questionable conclusion that the warming of the last thirty years is anthropogenic. But ongoing investigations so far have avoided the real issue, namely whether the reported warming is genuine or a manufactured result by scientists in England and the United States who manipulated temperature data.

Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) has repeatedly characterized anthropogenic global warming (AGW) as a “hoax” — and he may soon be vindicated. Certainly, the remedies invoked to “fight” AGW are a cruel hoax — mainly a tax burden on low-income households who will pay more for electricity, food, transportation, and other necessities of life.

The UEA’s “internal” investigation has largely absolved Dr. Philip Jones, the head of its Climate Research Unit (CRU) and author of most of the e-mails, of any misdeeds. (The UEA has also commissioned an “independent” investigation by Sir Robert Muir-Russell, due in August.) Pennsylvania State University (PSU) has merely slapped the wrists of Dr. Michael Mann for various ethical offenses but sees nothing wrong with the science. The United Nations, at the urging of the Royal Society and U.S. National Academy of Sciences, has launched a supposedly independent investigation of IPCC procedures to be conducted by the InterAcademyCouncil (IAC), a creature of the science academies. It is likely to backfire and lower further the public’s opinion of the academies — and indeed of science generally.

The latest report, by the British House of Commons’ Science and Technology Committee, received testimony from many sources, conducted hearings, and largely absolved Jones. How can we tell that it’s a whitewash? Here are some telltale signs:

* It refers to the e-mails as “stolen.”

* It did not take direct testimony from scientifically competent skeptics,

* Yet it concludes that there is nothing wrong with the basic science and that warming is human-caused — essentially endorsing the IPCC.

These investigations have focused mainly on procedural issues and scientific ethics, including the withholding of data, preventing skeptical scientists from publishing their results, pressuring editors of scientific journals (often with their ready connivance), and generally misusing the peer review process. None of the investigations have gone into any detail on how the data might have been manipulated — nor were any of the panels competent enough to do so. But this is really the most important task for any inquiry, since it deals directly with the central issue: Is there an appreciable human influence on climate change in the past decades?

Instead, much of the attention of newspapers, and of the public, has focused on secondary issues involving climate impacts, not causes: the melting of Himalayan glaciers, the possible inundation of the Netherlands, deforestation of the Amazon, crop failures in Africa, etc. While these issues are important and demonstrate the sloppiness of the IPCC process, they cannot decide the cause of warming: natural or anthropogenic.

So what do the e-mails really reveal? We know that Jones and his gang largely succeeded in “hiding the decline” of temperature by using what he termed “Mike [Mann]’s trick.” Most assume that this refers to CRU tree-ring data after 1960, which do show a decline in temperature. However, I believe that it refers to Michael Mann’s “trick” in hiding the fact that his multi-proxy data did not show the expected warming after 1979. So he abruptly cut off his analysis in 1979 and simply inserted the thermometer data supplied by Jones, which do claim a strong temperature increase. Hence the “hockey-stick” graph in his Nature (1998) paper suggesting a sudden major warming period since the late ’70s.

Only a thorough investigation will be able to document that there was really no strong warming after 1979, that the instrumented record is based on data manipulation involving the selection of certain weather stations (and the omission of others that showed no warming), plus applying insufficient corrections for local heating.

How to confirm this? The only possibility may be an investigation by the U.S. Congress. Not this Congress, of course. But after the November 2010 elections, control of important committees like Science may change. Hearings that use real experts can then unravel ClimateGate, demonstrate the manipulation of temperature data, and once and for all destroy the “warming trend” on which the IPCC has based its fanciful conclusion of anthropogenic global warming.

Once accomplished, it will become possible to do away with the myth that CO2 is a pollutant and all of the controls and regulations that are based on this mistaken notion. Yes, that includes EPA’s Endangerment Finding on CO2 and all cap-and-tax legislation. The nation, and indeed the world, will be better off.


D.A. Looks like she has found you out, smart these Catholics are, but you did comment in your own name…..


D.A. Looks like she has found you out, smart these Catholics are, but you did comment in your own name…..

He posted as Dan Riehl?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?


I miss the swaggering cowboy. He may have been tongue-tied; he may have screwed up with an errant backrub, but he didn’t bow to royalty, he didn’t give embarrassing gifts to allies, he didn’t show the Dalai Lama the back door. He never said to a visiting ally (paraphrased) “I’m gonna go have dinner with Laura, and if you decide to obey me, I’ll be around.”

Uh, didn’t W “pop in” at the Great Wall of China, sign the guest book and bounce in 10 minutes flat? Didn’t he hold hands with a Saudi king? Didn’t he (I’m making things up right now) announce “mission accomplish” in Iraq and yet we’re still there? Oh, that isn’t made up.

Enough with the nonsensical, unfounded hatred of Obama, please. It’s upsetting the dog.


He posted as Dan Riehl?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?



So … in Canada, you can have that odd growth on your neck removed, and it won’t bankrupt your family?

Odd shaped it may be, but I do not want my head removed.


I miss the swaggering cowboy.

I do too. Next time I aim more carefully.


“…and then a shoe’s gonna hit you right about there. Just sayin’.”


By his own words shall ye know him…

lololol yeah i read that on April Fool’s day. I thought there was a hilarious post on the Anchoress. DA/Dan must feel so get to get that off* his chest.



Do you think, in his moments of levity, Barack Obama thinks about appointing a Muslim justice to the SCOTUS?


By his own words shall ye know him…

lolol yes I read that, sorry for the confusion and making you waste time finding me a link.. I thought there was a great comment by DA as Dan on The Anchoress.

Speaking of great comments on the Anchoress:

I guess his mother never taught him that when you point a finger at someone else at least three of them point back to you. Unfortunately for the President, like so many other young African-American males, his father didn’t stay around to help raise his child. — anon


McCain wants “the trigger his finger pulled”

Fist. For great justice.


Obama: The bathroom is back that way, to your right.


Obama: The bathroom is back that way, to your right.

Followed by: I haz a accident…

Explains the dejected look, and the fist that’s not a fist, but relaxing to the open position now.


Obama: “Boom, baby! You da man, Steve.”

Harper: “Awe shucks, ‘Bama—you da man. You da man.

Obama: “Now you exit that way, Steve. There will be somebody with a candy bar for you to bring your blood sugar back up.”

Harper: “Whew! I could sure use a candy bar, ‘Bama. Thanks. Which way?”

monkey knife fight

“Christ, what an asshole.”


I think it’s obvious from this other pic in the set that Harper is letting Obama know that the barn door is open, if ya know what I mean.

“Hey Barack, do you know your cock and balls are hanging out of your pants?”

“Know it? Hell, I wrote it!”


Love the new photoshoppery by Tintin, btw… 🙂

monkey knife fight

He appears to be looking directly at Obama’s finger.

No he doesn’t. He seems to be looking straight at Obama’s cock (pbui).

A concerned citizen

I guess his mother never taught him that when you point a finger at someone else at least three of them point back to you.

Unfortunately for the President, like so many other young African-American males, his father didn’t stay around to help raise his child.

Indeed. Imagine how Obama would’ve turned out if only he had a father figure in his life. He coulda been something important, like a blog commentator. Or maybe working at Petco or Home Depot. The audacity of rope!


Unfortunately for the President, like so many other young African-American males, his father didn’t stay around to help raise his child. — anon

Isn’t it thoughtful of them to include this nice, gratuitous swipe? bless their little hearts.


Unfortunately for the President, like so many other young African-American males, his father didn’t stay around to help raise his child. — anon

Isn’t it thoughtful of them to include this nice, gratuitous swipe? bless their little hearts.

Mmmh. You reminded me of a recent Orson Scott Card book I flipped through – the sequel to “Empire,” which caused some commentary here when it came out a couple of years ago (

It’s a wonderful story; not going to bother with a detailed plot (if you can call it that) overview, but the reason your post reminded me of it was this line;

[…] with him was a young African boy… clearly African, not African-American, from the respectful way he carried himself and the way his face betrayed no emotion at all.

Completely gratuitous, completely unnecessary, completely irrelevant except not really, because that kind of line is what the book’s all about. Ahhh, conservative tolerance. Warms by liberal fascist heart like nobody’s business.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

By the way, maybe this is just central to the Anchoress’ point or something, but if some fuckhead grabbed my hand because I had a finger that was a-waggling, I’m pretty sure I’d have to snatch said hand away and think happy thoughts to prevent myself from PUNCHING THEM IN THE FUCKING FACE.

Just saying, she might want to beware how she makes her point about personal space via escalation.


Love the new photoshoppery by Tintin, btw… 🙂

now that it’s mentioned, the original photo looks shopped to me. The arm doesn’t seem to hit the right point for the elbow; look where his left elbow is hanging.



After Palin finished speaking, a man acting as the emcee thanked Palin and said: “You hear that my lefty friends, you see that, conservative women — they’re smarter than you and they’re hotter than you.”

Really sums up the scope of Palin’s politics – “vote for her, she has legs!” And the obligatory reference to how much smarter they are, stemming from the vast inferiority complex that keeps her base up at night and turns them out at the polls.


Just saying, she might want to beware how she makes her point about personal space via escalation.

Imma betting she’s never actually done that.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Obama: The bathroom is back that way, to your right.

There’s a bathroom on the right!


“What I tell you three times is true. That’s once.”


After Palin finished speaking, a man acting as the emcee thanked Palin and said: “You hear that my lefty friends, you see that, conservative women — they’re smarter than you and they’re hotter than you.”

Wow, cognitive dissonance, objectification and stereotyping, all in one incoherent sentence. Well played, teabagger. Well played.


Fox News finds out how Obama surrendered to the Muslim caliphate at the nucular summit:

Once again, conservatives see Muslim conspiracy in an administration logo.

Earlier this year, conservatives developed a conspiracy theory in which the Obama administration manipulated the redesign of the Missile Defense Agency to incorporate the Islamic crescent as part of a “submission to Shariah by President Obama and his team.” In fact, as Richard Lehner of the Missile Defense Agency told Fox News, the logo “was used prior to the 2008 election.”

Now, the right-wing has worked itself into a fit over another Obama administration logo, this time claiming that the logo for Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit [Note: it’s an electron orbiting a nuculus] has the “kind of crescent moon you see on the flags of Muslim countries,” in the words of the New York Post’s Michael Goodwin. Goodwin’s argument has been echoed in the conservative blogosphere and, not surprisingly, was picked up by Fox News.

I would suggest following the link to watch the video, but I am sure that by now the Obamasid Caliphate has laced the video with subliminable fluoridation that will make you have gay abortions.


Obviously, The One is getting ready to ram his package down that pasty Canadians throat.


I think Harper fell asleep and Obama is abou to poke him.


On that crack about the way African men carry themselves—I used to play a game in downtown Houston of guessing which black businessmen were African and which were African-American. I’d stop the ones I thought were African and asked them for directions. Didn’t play long, because I guessed it right 100% of the time. I didn’t interpret it as something special about African men—where they grew up, everybody was black. It’s a reflection on how racist our society is that very successful black businessmen in very expensive suits don’t walk with the open chest of a man who has never been beaten down, or worn down by racism. (They did, btw, have expressive faces when you talked to them.)

Having spent his childhood in more diverse environments, like Hawaii, Obama was spared the brunt of racism in the U.S.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I have to concede the point that, yes, Sarah Palin is hotter than I, but she’s definitely not smarter.


she’s definitely not smarter.

Ooh, smarter than Sarah Palin. Now there’s a high bar.


Ooh, smarter than Sarah Palin. Now there’s a high bar.

More expensive than lint.


Sarah Palin is hotter than I

but non! 😉


Harper got caught playing Pocket Billiards and BHO is telling him it will make him deaf in the ear on the side of the ‘cue’ hand.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

PeeJ, I, uh, feel flattered.

You should have been in Brooklyn last night, it was a total Foodienerdgasm.


“Listen Harper, ONE more snide remark about the Olympic hockey finals and I’m gonna pull out a can of whup ass on you! Hell, you speak French with a goddamn Okie accent! And look at me when I’m talking to you, you Canuck douche!”

[Harper mumbles: Booosh, he at least gave me an endearing nickname: Moosie farts. I miss him, eh?”]


More expensive than lint.

Easier than DKW’s mom.


vacuumslayer said,
April 14, 2010 at 20:14

“I’m tell you, Stevie, WHITE womenmen are more fun to rape. For realz.” *

*from the fevered dreams and possible masturbatory fantasy of your average Anchoress-reader.

NOW fixxedth to moar correctly match anchorettes fan-boy base phantasies!!



Fuck! That’s too cool. Never thought anything would make me _want_ to go to Brooklyn.


It doesn’t concern me that bendable straws were so important to her that she had it put into a contract, but it does make me curious about the nature of bendable straws. Being a person who doesn’t particularly like sucking liquids through a tube, so has never developed a discriminating tastes for different kinds of straws, I am curious. What does a person get out of bendable straws that they can’t get from a straight one, and why is this important when drinking water while sitting or standing in an everyday sort of way?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Fuck! That’s too cool. Never thought anything would make me _want_ to go to Brooklyn.

It’s not a bad place to be- the intellectuals make up for the trust-fund hipsters.


It doesn’t concern me that bendable straws were so important to her that she had it put into a contract, but it does make me curious about the nature of bendable straws. Being a person who doesn’t particularly like sucking liquids through a tube, so has never developed a discriminating tastes for different kinds of straws, I am curious. What does a person get out of bendable straws that they can’t get from a straight one, and why is this important when drinking water while sitting or standing in an everyday sort of way?

It hadn’t occurred to me, but I read a comment that said for women of a certain age, drinking from a non-bendable straw makes you dip your chin down so that you have a double chin. With a bendy straw you can sip your water while still having your chin raised, without displaying an unsightly doubled chin.

Also, bendy straws don’t disappear unretrievably down inside a bottle

the bendy straw language might be boiler plate in the Speakers Bureau contract.


UPDATE: Looks like Anchoress got punk’d. Let this serve as a reminder that you really shouldn’t build weird and contrived narratives around individual photos taken out of context, not that the |Anchoress would do anything like that. It is after all, the lefties that are prejudiced discriminatory bigots. Liberals suck.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I dunno, I think the bendy straws thing is to play to the horndog old guy demographic that makes up her main constituency.

Hur hur… lookit her workin’ that straw… uhhhhhhhhhhh…


Brain Bleach Alert!

This refers to the sometimes painful action on the penis occured mostly during sex. The penis bends in the middle or at the base wrongfully.

Lurking Canadian

Since when do we give a shit about the fee fees of Canadians?

Is what I’m saying! Since when do American politicians have to be nice to Canadians? Couldn’t he have been scolding Harper about softwood lumber, or our not being in Iraq (admittedly, Harper wanted us there, so that’d be unfair), or something?

As for Harper, it’s not fair to try to interpret his facial expression. He only has two. There’s the fake smile, betrayed by his dead, dead eyes. Then there’s the pouty bitchface, shown above. His programming doesn’t contain any other subroutines than those two.


What does a person get out of bendable straws that they can’t get from a straight one, and why is this important when drinking water while sitting or standing in an everyday sort of way?

There is less chance of shoving it up your nose with a bendable type straw.

You also don’t have to make that ‘Straw-Sucking Face’ with a bendable straw.

I’m betting those were key selling points to Sarah.


Obama: “I told you not to buy off the rack.”

Harper: “..but, but it was a blowout sale.”


Caption Contest!

but, it’s obvious!

“i told you that was the wrong pancreas!”


Crack reporter and livestock enthusiest Bob “But the goat consented” Owens is hot on the trail of the latest grand deception by the marxist anti-christ. Will this be the downfall of the ObamaHitler or something else? Stay tuned.


you mean you haven’t heard about the border dispute over the isles of langerhans?


For the record, I think shooting the Canadian PM in the face with a water pistol was a bit out of line.


Shoater Winguttia:
Ok, Ok, Ok,… this will disqualify him from the election!


I read a comment that said for women of a certain age, drinking from a non-bendable straw makes you dip your chin down so that you have a double chin. With a bendy straw you can sip your water while still having your chin raised

Would it not be easier for all concerned simply to give her a sippy cup?


Look Stephen, shut it about the Olympic hockey already. SRSLY d00d, I am *this* close to putting Alfreddson on the no-fly list.


UPDATE: Looks like Anchoress got punk’d.

Um, is there anything more than the obvious “Anchoress is to stupid what your mom is to easy” data already in evidence?


I don’t mind the whole flexible straw thing. Public figures can take a sip of water or whatever without bending down or looking goofy. Well, goofier.

But if you think about it, a bent flexible straw looks sort of like an Islamic crescent.


But if you think about it, a bent flexible straw looks sort of like an Islamic crescent.

They are also very popular in Ickypeepulstan.


Michelle Obama always makes her flexi-straw bow toward Mecca.


Obama: “Harper, don’t you know that bendy sraws are for quitters. Real men drink straight out of the bottle.”

Harper: “Sorry Mr President”


Speaking of using nostalgic memories as toilet paper, X-Com will be making a triumphant return to the gaming scene as a first-person shooter.


Millions of Canadians supplied a caption, none of them pleasing to the Anchoress.

Watch Amy Alkon include this in her next rudeness etiquette book.


Will this be the downfall of the ObamaHitler or something else? Stay tuned.

He went to his daughter’s soccer game. That’s it?

Continuing your vacation (as part of setting records for vacation-taking while in residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.) while a major US city is drowning–no biggee. Going to your daughter’s soccer game in town?




Obama: Now are you from Canada, Ireland, or New Zealand? I have to admit I have trouble telling y’all apart.


Wait, Gun-counter Gomer quotes Don Surber not-quoting the President, and thus concludes that the President must be lying about something the President has not been quoted saying.

Does that sum it up?

Ezra in the hizzy

I read a comment that said for women of a certain age, drinking from a non-bendable straw makes you dip your chin down so that you have a double chin. With a bendy straw you can sip your water while still having your chin raised

Would it not be easier for all concerned simply to give her a sippy cup?

you’re being mean to Trig again, aren’t you?

Ezra in the hizzy

Screw the effin bendy straw, she needs one of these


I think this would work better for Saint Say-ruh’s chosen marks audience.


B4 that looked like a good time. Gotta see if there’s something like that in Chicago.

One can really learn a bunch about food by reading Harold McGee


Obama: Now are you from Canada, Ireland, or New Zealand? I have to admit I have trouble telling y’all apart.

There was an rumor at my (French) international high school that George W. Bush had gotten off the plane in Quebec City and said “Hola, mi amigos!” to an audience of French-Canuks. I’ve never verified if it’s actually true or not, but the thought of it amused me greatly.

It’s not as if he didn’t stick his foot in his mouth often enough otherwise for it to be plausible.


One can really learn a bunch about food by reading Harold McGee

Is he the one with the tattoos?


The fact is, faggots.


Also check out Cornfed Yankers story on the terrible assault on a Bobby Jindal aide and the guy caught on a video of a protest march. Owens, at least, says it is not a smoking gun but is ludicrously paranoid about how IT COULD VERY WELL HIM, and he’s a lefty!!!!


BO: blah,blah,blah
SH: zzzzzzzzzzz


I don’t remember any U.S. president pointing or bowing as consistently as Obama does. I remember JFK’s habit was to hold out his hand with his index finger tucked under his thumb, no doubt because he well understood how rude pointing is. President Clinton would point to acknowledge fans in a crowd, but that’s about it.

Woodrow Wilson would bob his head and caress his thighs. Martin van Buren indicated which sandwich he preferred with his right elbow. Grover Cleveland spat when he was disconcerted.


Ronald Reagan would buff his hair to a high sheen when in estrus.


Super Sarah hockey-Mom street cred @1:23 into the vid.

Spent a lotta time here doin’ some kids’ hockey stuff and of course the guy wouldn’t know me from Adam, but I had the privilege once of meeting Ruzione…


Every morning, after breakfast, the Bush family would crash about in the treetops hooting raucously


..Eruzione returned to his alma mater of Boston University to be the assistant coach for the hockey team for three seasons, and where he currently works as Director of Special Outreach.

…ah, special outreach (is that like the short bus?)

Illuminati Repton

Because this is the Internet, and this is what Internet people do:


Caption the first:

“Don’t look now, but here comes Junkpuncho.”

Caption the second:

“Suck it, bitch. You should be on your knees thanking god that I’m not Cheney.”


Has anyone here had a negative experience with someone pointing their finger at them in their adult life? I can’t think of one. I remember parents doing it when I was a kid, but I don’t think anyone else has ever pointed at me in a similar manner. Can think of several instances of people pointing at me in public to get my attention and saying things like, “Hey!” or “You coming to my show, Friday?”

These wing-nuts might benefit from some couch time.


…depends on the finger


…I reach out and cover their hand and say some variation of “don’t say another word to me until you put that finger away.”

Yeah, maybe.

But what if I stick my finger real far up my asshole first? What would you say then?


Many people get uncomfortable when I wave my finger. Just saying


So I got back out of the boat again (slow learner, apparently), and found this gem that I must have missed earlier:

All pointing does is remind everyone of Osama bin Laden. Every time that guy points I want to break his finger. In the words of Mark Levin, there, I said it!

Holy fucking shit. Apparently bin Laden is older than pointing. Or maybe no one pointed before bin Laden became an international celebrity? Wtf?


All pointing does is remind everyone of Osama bin Laden. Every time that guy points I want to break his finger. In the words of Mark Levin, there, I said it!

Funny. In a political context, finger-pointing makes me think of Uncle Sam who wants me for U.S. Army. If you’re conservative, it apparently makes you think of Osama Bin Laden.


Citizen Refugee

“Up here, Stephen. Bring your fist up here”

“Aw, Barry. Isn’t that what terrorists do?”


OT, but megan’s been at it again. Yes, with writings.

As I wrote years ago, somewhere, I doubt many bank hiring committees in the fifties got together and voted not to hire any negro bank managers. Yet, somehow, they didn’t hire any negro bank managers.

Possibly, this was actually due to finger-pointing performed by said potential negro bank managers.


“That’s right……………Zoom Kobe’s! Say, you really know your Nikes!”




Smart, handsome, dreamy, supragenius Progressive with great haircut points at some frumpy dude. But enough about E$ and Yglesias, here’s a picture of President Dreamboat doing something.

Just Alison, back from the semi-dead

Apropos of absolutely nothing, I have to tell you I’m feeling absurdly, obscenely happy right now. Why? Well, firstly I’ve now got a job, and the prospect of fortnightly dollops of pay into my account fills me with glee.

Secondly, I got the results of a brain scan today, and there’s no tumour and no haemorrhaging. So I’s not gonna die just yet – I had some kind of mysterious seizure a few days ago and having been daily thanking gods I don’t believe in every time I wake up.

Yes, I know the construction of that sentence was woeful. Sue me. Nothing can dent my elation at the moment – the thought of being able to go to sleep confident that I will indeed wake up tomorrow morning is enough to make me laugh like a drain.


Kudos Alison, I hope everything works out great for you.


I’m not really a proctologist.

Just Alison, back from the semi-dead

N__B said,
April 14, 2010 at 18:32
“Do you know the way to San Jose?”

Bwahahahahaha. Just had to make sure everyone noticed this one – totally brill, N__B.

And thanks, proctologist-or-not. Still doesn’t mean you can point your finger at me, though.


UPDATE: Looks like Anchoress got punk’d.

she may have got punk’d, but like all good righties, her and her entourage of saddoes still think this makes Obama a wanker/boor, etc, etc. These fuckers would argue 2+2=5 if Obama said it was 4.


One can really learn a bunch about food by reading Harold McGee

Is he the one with the tattoos?

yes, from topchef


<i.there’s no tumour and no haemorrhaging

Your explanation for your absence is reluctantly accepted. But don’t let it happen again. And back to work now — you have a lot of profanity


Nothing can dent my elation at the moment – the thought of being able to go to sleep confident that I will indeed wake up tomorrow morning is enough to make me laugh like a drain.

Yay! Welcome back.

Now get back to work.


Snail Joust –

Congrats on the good news. And you’re being far too kind to my old joke of a caption.


yes, from topchef

See, that’s the problem with combining my shotgun approach to humor and cultural references. I was making a Bombshell McGee joke and never even heard of the guy…



Alison, good to hear from you again and congrats on both bits of good news, I shall toast you with an Armagnac tonight….

Has anyone here had a negative experience with someone pointing their finger at them in their adult life?

When Mrs. Lobbey is drinking she does it, and it does run through all the female members of her family. I actually don’t think they realise they are doing it and I’m not so fucken sensitive that i find it offensive….


When Mrs. Lobbey is drinking she does it, and it does run through all the female members of her family.

It runs through that half of the species, buddy.


Has anyone here had a negative experience with someone pointing their finger at them in their adult life?

“Welcome back into New Zealand. Here at Customs we have selected you at random for our ‘special examination'”.


Good to see you back, Just Alison.

Outlines the stupidity of the Tea Party movement.

Also, congratulations to Just Allison! Always nice to have a job, doubly so if you’re also learning you’re not going to die.


Outlines the stupidity of the Tea Party movement.

Facts? We don’t need your stinking facts.


Who’s going to sit with Bono? I’ll settle this. Eeeny meeeny miney moe … my mother told me to pick the best one, And you are not it!


Who’s going to sit with Bonoer?

heh heh…you thaid Boehner…heh heh


These fuckers would argue 2+2=5 if Obama said it was 4.

Hahaha! 2+2=4 What a idiot.


nb, the topchef was a throwaway line since they all seem to have multiple tattoos on that show. harold mcgee is actually nerdy kind of food science writer guy and not quite the tattooed vixen you were thinking of. altogether comment fail. /slinks back to work/


Has anyone here had a negative experience with someone pointing their finger at them in their adult life?


Yea, you could say the consequences were less than pleasant.


I miss the swaggering cowboy…. he didn’t give embarrassing gifts to allies

Yeah, like that bronzed miniature copy of a Texas cowgirl statue and box of repros from the National Archive. Classy!


And so this perfect thread winds to its conclusion: long, NO futile arguments with trolls, and Just Allison with great news. Oh, and fucking hilarious.

I thought Scott started it FTW but Pere’s “English, motherfucker” also won my heart.

Well done, traitors.


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