Kitten Kombat ’06: Round the Second

It seems that Republic of Palau of Progressive Gold has decided to step into the gladitorial kitten ring, posting pictures of (I shit you not) angel kittens. Really, go look for yourself. They’re a bunch of fluffy felines with cherubic wings attached. Too. Cute.

But unfortunately, the good folks at Progressive Gold have underestimated our resolve to win this conflict. Witnesseth:





Do not fuck with the master.


Comments: 34


Kitten Kombat!!!!!!!!11ONE!!!11ELEVEN!!


The eyes of the last one follow me around the room!


[Torgo] The Master wants you to stay….[/Torgo]


The fact is that such pictures demonstrate the left’s collusion with Satan.

I shall now go patrol the Canadian border in hopes of catching my very first illegal immigrant kitten.


But unfortunately, the good folks at Progressive Gold have underestimated our resolve to win this conflict.

Sadly, Mew.


Pardon my ignorance, but what means this “Torgo”?


[slaps forehead]


Sorry. Go about your business.


Kittens in sweaters. I present you with four demonic Satan cats, and you come back with kittens in sweaters.

I’m not sure this even warrants a response 🙂


[Torgo] The Master does not approve of such…devices. [/Torgo]

Chef Gary Rupert

The fact is that here’s a recipe for kitten bisque (h/t Newsmax):

1/4 cup chopped onion
2 T. margarine
1 1/2 cups milk
1- 8 oz. cream cheese, cubed
2 cups young kitten, cute
2 T. sherry
1/4 tsp. salt

Cook onion in margarine until tender. Add milk & cream cheese. Cook, stirring occasionally, until cheese is melted. Add remaining ingredients; heat.


Chef Ruppert- you forgot the Ranch Dressing. That is BY FAR the most important component.


The fact is, you cannot top the pure power and evilnessness that is KITTENS in SWEATERSS!


Martin- the fact is I don’t even have to try. I have recruited more than THIRTY hellbeast minions to use in the Kitten Wars this Summer, and I will be using them only on worthy opponents. The Angel Kitties were most certainly worthy, and your blog deserves ample credit for them. The Sweater Kitties, not so much. But your bravery in challenge Brad “The Master of the Kittens” R. is to be saluted.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go back to being drunk with power now.


And so, it was with this that the Great Kitten War began. The dispute had been simmering for years as many a liberal blogger, distrustful of his or her blogroll, stockpiled image after image. For if a rival were to gain a monopoly of kitten pictures, while one’s own one blog lay bare of such images, the consequences would be unthinkable. But the problem remained: If someone was posting kitten images, other people would have to in order to keep the trolls scratching their heads and the readers commenting about the kittens. Even worse, the constant posting of kitten pictures prompted desperate research projects, each blogger trying to find the perfect kitten picture to overawe their opponents.

Few would remain standing.


Hate to say it, but THIS site has you badly beaten…

and they weren’t even playing to begin with. 🙂


Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go back to being drunk with power now.

You know, lots of people get drunk with power, but have you ever seen someone hungover with power?

Not a pretty site. (ba-dum-ching!)


I got yer evil kitties right here:


People ought not dress up cats. They don’t look like they appreciate it. Look at them cats, they all look liked they’d kill their owner if they could. Dogs, now. Dogs don’t mind you putting them in silly costumes for whatever twisted reason makes otherwise sane folks do that.

That bottom cat looks like he’s ’bout to whup someone’s ass. I guarantee you someone found cat shit in their shoe the next morning.


Cute Overload has a skwerl in a (crochet) sweater. Cats cannot compete with the sheer cuteness of that skwerl. And I agree, cats don’t care much for being dressed up. The Japanese are GREATLY to blame for the dressed up cats phenomenon, as they are for much faux-cuteness in general, IMO.


Forgot to add, the second cat from the bottom looks more like a bishop than a devil. I’m not making comparisons, I’m just saying.


Blast… sweaters.
Brad, I think I speak for all of us when I say we must act quickly and decisively to make up the kitty-clothing gap; whilst the demonic (or episcopal, in the case of second from the bottom) costumed cats were tell effective, you’ve forgotten that in a post-9/11 world, sweaters are a necessity to defeat the Kitty Picture-Oppenents-Global. Think about it: would you prefer to have cats in sweaters or similarly uncomfortable dress, or have your entire family obliterated by their Death Kitties because you lacked the resolve?

The Reality-Based Dave

Matt T: Only if the “someone” is named Fat Freddy.


Brad is such a kitten-hawk. I hear he got like three student deferments from the Great Kitten War of 1969.


Brad is such a kitten-hawk. I hear he got like three student deferments from the Great Kitten War of 1969.

Typical Demo-pussy propoganda, slandering a brave patriot like Brad with such disingenuous bile. I guess the only legitimate commenters on cat-related wars are cats themselves, because even though the vast majority of kittens want us to finish the mission, old, fat cats from the last kitten war are the only ones with any moral authority.

(Meta Moment: Wow… this is fun. I can see what attracts wingnuts to this kind of talk).


Be careful, kathleen, brad will strike you with his penis for calling him a kitten hawk. And I heard it was 5 student deferments, other priorities, doncha know.


Agh! That’s 2 posts in a rowthat have a link tag stuck on! In the epic Retardo vs Pasty one, ortho bob’s comment is where it begins. In this one, it starts at salvage’s comment. Mind you, it does make for libks that are nearly impossible to miss. What happens if someone tries to embed another link?

Chef Gary Rupert

Chef Ruppert- you forgot the Ranch Dressing. That is BY FAR the most important component.

Saladly, No!


Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go back to being drunk with power now. You mean Steel Reserve, right?

I have to tell you though, as a retired general from the Kitten Brigades, I totally disapprove the way you are handling this Kitten War. Folks, I tried to tell Brad R. before his invasion that we’re going to need a helluva lot more Puss ‘N’ Boots on the ground. He seems to think this Kitten War will be swift and easy and people will be throwing puppies at us once we march in. Brad R., what is your exit strategy? Or is this going to be another litterbox like that other kitten war?


Yosef: I’ve adopted the Glenn Reynolds Doctrine when it comes to kitten strategery. My plan is simple: win.


I guess the only legitimate commenters on cat-related wars are cats themselves



This Elective Kitten War is totally distracting our nation from its real mission of capturing that squirrel with the huge nut-sack. We had him pinned down people, then he slipped across the border when the Evil Kitties went up!


Don’t worry Kathleen, we’ll lure the evil sod back with wet pussies


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