They Think The Cycle’s Broken & It Makes Them All Uhskerred
Above: Demands a fully armed and operational battle station.
Shorter William Kristol
The Weakly Standard
“Billions for Domestic Boondoggles, Not One Cent for Defense”
- All this government spending on stupid domestic crap means less money to buy my precious, precious bombs.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
MOAR: For years — since LBJ (a wingnut in foreign policy) fucked himself and the country over with Vietnam — it’s gone like so:
A wingnut Preznint explodes the deficit with military spending. A Democratic President inherits the shattered budget, feels forced to abandon social democratic agenda to get the books in order. The next wingnut Prez does it all over again. But when healthcare passed, wingnuts took it that the cycle was over. It scared them shitless, bedwetters that they are. No more bombs, zOMG! Obama’s escalation of the stupid war in Afghanistan and his cronies’ recent hints that Social Security “reform” is possible should have comforted them but then there’s no comforting freaks like Kristol for whom even the highest, Cold War levels of defense spending are insufficient.
Of course, the U.S. spends almost as much on defense as the rest of the world’s countries combined — and that won’t change even if Gates’s recommendations are in fact institutionalized, which is the prospect that makes Kristol blarg so much. In fact, defense spending by the Obama bin Pacifist administration increased by three percent from 2009 to 2010 and Kristol’s beloved War on Terra has cost America about a trillion dollars so far. Kristol and Kristolmethodists have always been shrill about defense budgets; when in the 1990’s Clinton started talking about the Peace Dividend, neocons woke from their post-Cold War torpor and one could argue that more than any other one thing, Clinton’s (largely empty) threat to the Pentagon budget inspired the neocons’ witch hunting fervor during Lewinskygate and all that followed. It’s an old maxim that, sooner or later, if a country has a large and powerful enough army it will use it; since Kristol wants the American army used at all times, preferably to murder as many neocon boogeymen as it can get away with, it’s obvious why he obsesses on this issue, though naturally not to the point that he’d be willing to pay higher taxes for it.
Healthcare is not a boondoggle. Hell, Terry Schiavo just own the French Open, and without decent healthcare, there’s no way that would have happened.
won, too. …rassin frassin rule of englsih spelling and grammar…
I got out of the boat because I did not think that there was any way that was the actual title. I will never doubt you again, HTML.
I got nothin’.
I too am sick and tired of having to donate to my local Army fund in order to pay for these Afghan and Iraqi military occupations which Keep Us Safe (TM) from imminent rag-head attack. Why doesn’t the government pay for this?
Was there ever a time when being wrong about every single fucking thing, always, would have cost the individual responsible all credibility?
Because we need to get that time back.
If we spent less on the military budget, we’d actually fight “terrorism” more intelligently. Treating terrorism as a criminal and sociopolitical phenomenon rather than just blowin’ shit up would make a whole lot more sense, but then who’d get all that sweet, sweet DoD cashola?
A quick search on the Gazoogle show Kristol has it wrong once again. The title should have been –
“Billions for Domestic Boondoggles, 553 Billion for Defense”
Hating Mexicans won’t make you less of a loser.
NER would like to see pregnant immigrant mothers kicked to the curb and die rather than be treated in an emergency room. I guess that’s what he really means when he calls himself “pro life”.
“if wages weren’t artifically depressed.”
Glad to see he has come around to supporting strong labor unions and an increase in the minimum wage.
These people actually have the tenacity to hold protest marches on American soit
Speak English, ya French commie!
Bill “Kristol” Meth needs to step away from the pipe. Or smoke pot.
Hey Troofie, out of the closet yet?
Didn’t think so.
Hey, Looch, che fai?
“Operation Wetback” resulted in the deportation of around 80,000 people. Not all of them were illegal aliens. The folks behind the plan also climed that some 750,000 illegals fled the country to avoid capture. That number is highly doubtful. I have not been able to find any documentation on just how much this operation cost the taxpayer, nor have I been able to find any evidence that the operation had any real effect on illegal immigration or unemployment. The Truman commission on illegal immigration came closest to solving the issue, but at a price: Better wages for migrant laborers and strictly regulated working conditions. Employers’ advantage of hiring illegal immigrants would vanish. No demand, no need for supply. It never became law though. The people who benefit from the cheap labor supply own too many politicians. Funny how the conservatives who scream about immigration reform when the Dems are in power tend to have no problem with it when the Reps are in power.
Heh! Cue the circular firing squad.
When a corporation hires illegal aliens or exports American jobs overseas, they are an enemy of America.
Good to hear, you must really hate Reagan, then.
Because we haven’t, you know, already been spending billions in off-the-books money on those two never-ending wars, with another supplemental just approved (iirc). Maybe if Kristol hadn’t cheerlead that second war, he’d be getting a lot more than the “inadequate” $500+ billion budget for his precious war toys.
So, you finally admit it.The emphasis is mine. Democrat Presidents have a Socialist agenda. I thought they WEREN’T Socialist, but just “liberals” or “proressives”, but it seems the truth i that, just as the conservative movement has said for years, they’re really Socialists. Marxists. Wealth redistributors.
but, at a time of two wars
But wait! Major combat operations in Iraq were over by May 1, 2003! So I think officially it is only a time of one war. And here it is seven years after those major combat opertions ended. Isn’t about time we cut back some of the spending on a war that’s over.
Don’t Tread on Me has a facebook account.
Facebook is a SOCIAL network.
Ergo, DTOM isw a commie bastard.
Do I have that about right?
Redstate loves Caribou Barbie, who has endorsed Nikki “hotter-than-Hyderabad” Haley, so therefore any attack on Nikki is a direct affront.
Otherwise, “raghead” returns to it’s standard everyday use on Redstate.
Also, presumibly DTOM has a job and collects a paycheck which is redistributing wealth. Definitely a commie bastard.
Isn’t about time we cut back some of the spending on a war that’s over.
If we don;t piss money away for no reason, the terriers will have won.
We need to round up and deport all the illegals. Even though nobody but nobody has the faintest idea how you’d do that, or successfully do it, or do an incompetent attempt without utter chaos, or how you’d even begin to pay for it.
Somebody should just do it. Especially if they have magic. Magic would work. Why does Obama hate magic?
Somebody should just do it. Especially if they have magic. Magic would work.
You know why we never hear about people with magic? Think about it: if you had magic, what would you do? You’d never stop fucking is what you’d do. Same for me, same for most people.
This leaves two possibilities: D-KW’s mom has magic, or not.
You’d never stop fucking is what you’d do. Same for me, same for most people.
I’m not so sure. Too much of a good thin can ruin it. Or perhaps not. Do you suppose Hugh Hefner ever had a day when he woke up and thought to himself “I really don’t feel like going to work today”?
Do you suppose Hugh Hefner ever had a day when he woke up and thought to himself “I really don’t feel like going to work today”?
And then thought: “
I’ll just stay home in my pajamasI’ll commute downtown in a suit and tie.”But Don’t Tread on Me is pathologically antisocial, so that makes him antisocialist, right?
Beats the pubic agenda of the Republican party.
Uncle Facist, meet Auntie Socialist.
You’re goddamn right I do. The Constitution of the United States is just not valid unless it’s printed on a healthy monolayer of Rhesus Monkey kidney cells.
You liberals believe in a “living constititution”
Not all uss liberals. I’m pretty sure zrm believes in an undead constitution.
illegal aliens are CRIMINALS!
Sadly–for you–no! Oh yeah, in Arizona they may be, at least until the first court challenge. But not in the rest of America. I know this is a difficult concept for you to handle, but immigration law is not criminal law. And the cops are there to enforce criminal law only.
Don’t believe me? Try calling the cops when the RNC stiffs you on your contract for trolling services. They’ll tell, “I’m sorry, sir, you’ll have to bring suit against them in Civil Court. We can’t do anything.” Same for immigration law.
Not all uss liberals.
Ssorry, I sseem to be a bit ssibilant today. Now, where’ss my Preciousss?
So, giving away your Serpento-American status, eh, Ssssiriussss?
uss liberals
There’s a USS Liberals? Better hope our Israeli allies accidentally ignore the American flags you’re flying.
There’s a USS Liberals? Better hope our Israeli allies accidentally ignore the American flags you’re flying.
You mean like they did with USS Liberty?
“There’s a USS Liberals?”
It’s in the Navy and the flags are FABULOUS!
It’s in the Navy and the flags are FABULOUS!
That’s because all the seamen spend a lot of time “polishing the brass”.
Big Bad Bald Bastard
If we spent less on the military budget, we’d actually fight “terrorism” more intelligently … but then who’d get all that sweet, sweet DoD cashola?”
One reason to convert our military industry into a Space Industry. Same technology, but not nearly as many people slaughtered. Let the corporate monsters focus on Moon Bases and Asteroid Mining and Space Stations. Just as much graft and corruption, bribery and crazy rhetoric, but it might be beneficial to humanity, instead of the same old same old killing each other in the name of ______ fill in the blanks.
“Don’t Tread on Me” imagines he is a rattlesnake. Rattlesnake’s taste like chicken. Ergo: “Don’t tread on Meeeeee!” is a chicken!
KWillow, I’d rather see the people in the white coats working on an Apollo-style project to engineer viable renewable energy sources, but that’s not going to happen so long as the plutocrats are allowed to kill any promising technologies in the cradle.
Billions for Domestic Boondoggles, Not One Cent for Defense
…And thanks again for Sarah, Billy.
Let the corporate monsters focus on Moon Bases and Asteroid Mining and Space Stations.
Not to mention building hardware that gets used to lift people up instead of blowing people up.
Oh FFS. It’s amazing how these hatfuckers can rant and rave about government waste and inefficiency right up until the subject of defense spending is raised, at which point every penny we spend is somehow critical to the nation’s security.
Simply crack down on the employers who are hiring them.
You mean Republican businessmen?
I’ve got news for you, political correctness is the downfall of nations.
You mean Sarah “You Can’t Say Retarded Because It Offends Me” Palin?
Try checking the actual federal laws rather than Stormfront’s forums.
Yeah, federal laws contain surprisingly few uses of the word “thsi”, I’ve found.
“It’s amazing how these hatfuckers can rant and rave about government waste and inefficiency right up until the subject of defense spending is raised, at which point every penny we spend is somehow critical to the nation’s security.”
Military spending is not government spending you silly liberal. I think it was Dick Army who said during the Clinton administration [quoting from memory but its close] “The government can’t create jobs only the private sector can create jobs and furthermore, Clinton wants to close several military bases which will put many people here in California out of work.” He said this on the T.V. and his head didn’t explode from the cognitive dissonence. I was disappointed.
This is my new favorite insult.
Yes, “hatfuckers” is a very good word.
Pop music Hatfucker reference: “In the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hat.”
I forget what dark corner of the internets I first saw it in–“assrabbit” is another of my favorites.
It’s an old maxim that, sooner or later, if a country has a large and powerful enough army it will use it; since Kristol wants the American army used at all times, preferably to murder as many neocon boogeymen as it can get away with, it’s obvious why he obsesses on this issue, though naturally not to the point that he’d be willing to pay higher taxes for it.
The maxim, I believe, is “if you’ve got a hammer, all you can see is nails.”
This is the inevitable result of a country in which the military has the public’s blind trust and every other department their blind hate – the militarization of the government starts happening, including shit that the military was never meant to do nor is suited to do, and should frankly be left to another agency.
Also, this was released in the nineties, interesting article on what the author calls “postmodern militarism” (
B-b-b-b-but the Pentagon NEEDS moar sweet moolah to fill its
corporate hogtroughbudget! Amurika is threatened now like never before (not counting 1812-1814 or 1939-1945)! Pay no attention to the two oceans & total deficit of hostile neighbors behind teh curtain! Those $3500 toilet-seats & $18,000 coffee-makers don’t just buy themselves, you know!Telling that wingnuts can call a 3% increase in Pentagon lolly “Obama’s drastic cutting of our defense budget” … plainly, numeracy is the SS of Liberal Fashionism.
Grade 2 math: the GOP fails it.
Also telling that the moment socialism puts on a uniform, it stops being The Great Satan & magically becomes patriotic. Who knew Karl Marx was a teabagger too?
Our hospitals will currently admit anyone without checking their citizenship status.
Cool! So along with modifying the 14th amendment, we’re going to alter the Hippocratic Oath? Per esempio: “I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required…unless the patient cannot prove either citizenship or legal alien status to my complete satisfaction.” Or how about: “Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks–unless we’re talking about illegals, in which case, fuck ’em. Who’s for margaritas?”
You know, I really, really hope teabaggers go there. I want to hear about how mean the AMA and all those elitest doctors are to them! I think we’ll hear alot about how their Tough Pioneer Ancestors Did Jus’ Fine Without Them Fancy-Pantsy Think They’re So Much Better Than Us Doctors. I want them to Go Galt from modern medicine: come on, you know someone will propose it…
I’d add something about the hilariously depressive effect such a situation would have on tourism, but these wretched specimens of ersatz humanity don’t want any of them thar damn furriners in the country anyway. Close the borders to EVERYONE, dammit!
Look at the once mighty British Empire. Once Great Britain embraced political correctness and multicultrualism, the people no longer have any pride in Britishness, they continually apologize for their glorious history and culture and their chilldren are indoctrinated in leftwing revisionism
It’s about fucking time! Pog mo thoin, Sassanach!
shorter snarkleboobs:
A rare conscience attack for RedState. I wonder what the reaction would be if Mrs. Haley actually was a Sikh? I don’t wonder what the reaction would be if she was a Muslim (oddly enough, a shit ton of them were Republican voters until 9/11; go figure).
No, the “dumb racist Southerners in South Carolina” meme was perpetuated for me ten years earlier when Bush caught up to McCain in that state by prancing around with a picture of his daughter and calling her an illegitimate black child – and, in a more general sense, every time I have to listen to a conservative South Carolinian argue about anything remotely race related. This is just icing on the cake.
Hey, Looch, che fai?
B^4: Hangin’. Never did get called out for Census work. GF did indeed get canned. Chez Looch will now test the advisability of grass-top financial aeronautics (lower than tree-top level).
*adjusts goggles, scarf *
Of course, the U.S. spends almost as much on defense as the rest of the world’s countries combined
It’s like we expect to fight a war against all the rest of the countries combined. We certainly seem to be acting like we’re trying to get them all to hate us.
It’s not just that Kristol isn’t willing to put his wallet where his mouth is.
He didn’t put his ass where his mouth is, either. The wikky-p tells me that he graduated from prep school in 1970 and graduated from Harvard undergrad in 1973. If he really cared about Freedom and the clash of civilizations, he could have volunteered for the USMC and wound up in VN in some capacity. He also didn’t help liberate Grenada, hold the line in Honduras against the Sandinistas, bring Noriega to heel, or liberate Kuwait.
Also, he didn’t volunteer for the Israeli army, either. So he’s a double chickenhawk. Somebody else should someday pay for these kewl, kewl wars that somebody else’s children should go fight and kill and die in right now.
This guy gives steamed hamburgers a bad name.
So, do you think Kristol shows up in the wikileaks diplomatic correspondence? Or, perhaps, all of the neocons are conspicuously missing, even the ones who, presumably, with government jobs. Assuming, of course, there’s something to leak and it gets leaked.