Big Doings
Posted on June 13th, 2006 by Gavin M.
Check this out.
Are wingnut trolls actually paid provocateurs?
Why, that seems crazy — but apparently, some are.
Gary, phone home!
Oh, this doesn’t surprise me in the least. In fact, it’s no big deal at all.
…er, pay no attention to that sound.
Holy crap, paid for commenting on liberal blogs?!! Er, Bush is great! I sure love me some Commander-in-Chief! Rove was innocent, Wilson and Plame will be sent to Gitmo any minute now! And Fitzgerald! Though I read it’s actually pretty nice(LEMON CHICKEN!!), so maybe they won’t!
Damn, I’ve got nothing.
is it time to break out the aluminium foil?
the beavis-‘n’-butthead in me read that not as “DO-ing”, but as “doinnnnggg!!!” as in “look at my big doinnnggg!!!”, etymologically related to doinger [n.]
I see 2 craptastic possibilities. One, the likes of Gary Ruppert and BLT are getting paid to troll Sadly, No, among others, in spite of their inability to write and utter lack of humor. Or the other possibility, Sadly, No is not considered important enough in Left Blogistan for the Rendon Group to dispatch it’s highly skilled covert special ops 101st keyboard kommandos to wreak havoc on this site. Either way, bummer….
I’ve had a suspicion for a while that “Al” in the comments of Drum’s Washington Monthly blog is a paid commentor. He doesn’t comment on every post, but when he does he’s always one of the first ones to do so and always “on message” re: conservative talking points.
The fact is that these are smear tactics by the left to defame legitimate posters on their blogs.
It would be a shame, and asshole-ish to be mean to
jerkspeople like “Gary Ruppert” who are simply toiling away at their jobs. Positively rude. OTOH, it’s fun!The Left shows its clear hatred of the working man, and its coastal elitism, by denigrating employed commenters. The fact is that the Left claims to be on the side of working men, but shows that is turly isn’t with this post.
Gary, are you a kitten strangler? And by the way, how is your name pronounced in French?
When I first read it, I could have sworn to god that the title of this article was “Big Dongs”.
Just sayin’.
darkbackward –
I read the same thing. Seeing as this is S,N! I wasn’t surprised by a post about big dongs either.
Every wingnut must do his part to bring America down as quickly as possible!
Look at what Michael Antonovich is doing. He is the Supervisior of the Fifth District of Los Angeles County, CA. His little kingdom is the northern part of Los Angeles County and it is his little kingdom.
Antonovich’s Crackpot Clipping Service
I wonder how many other Repug politicians are abusing their resources the same way?
The fact is that between my gig with Netvocates and my paper route, soon I will have saved enough for a deposit on an apartment. Then I can move out of my car.
It’s an American success story of hard work and the free enterprise system making a man’s dream a reality. Suck it, moonbats!
The fact is that between my gig with Netvocates and my paper route, soon I will have saved enough for a deposit on an apartment. Then I can move out of my car.
It’s an American success story of hard work and the free enterprise system making a man’s dream a reality. Suck it, moonbats!
Fake Gary is a lot funnier than “Real” Gary.”
This doesn’t surprise me at all. I’ve seen behavior that smacked of this ever since I came to blogs 6 or so months ago. I’ve called out a few trolls on being paid commentators in the past. I I had no proof they were paid to post. It just jumped out at me from their posting patterns. In a way, it is comforting to know there really is an org like Netvocates, and that they really are being paid.
/agree Brad. The fake Gary is pretty funny.
Which actually sucks, because since I discovered the fake Gary is funny, I’ve been reading all posts purported to be from Gary Ruppert.
It’s probably just me, but when I check Sadly, No, I see this line and I can’t help but think of AbdA. Knowing me knowing you? Oh, hell, never mind…
The fact is that fake Gary has a sense of irony. Real Gary just reposts what he saw on Hotair and what he read on Newsmax. Of course, Fake Gary knows the irony of reposting stuff that has purely been reported by Newsmax.
But the question is, will those pesky Jersey Millionaire Widows just shut the hell up? It’s what God, Ann Coulter, and my proud sponsors at Diebolt would want. (Not necessarily in that order).
That’s funny. I took it as a possible reference to an old Thompson Twins song, “Watching”, in which “Watching you, watching me” is a lyrical couplet sung by guest vocalist Grace Jones.
But that really, really probably just me.
Ooohhh!! Ooooh!! Can I get paid, too???
But that really, really probably just me.
Thanks Marq. I really feel much less weird now.
Of course, Fake Gary knows the irony of reposting stuff that has purely been reported by Newsmax .
I’m a master media manipulator, dude.
By the way, it’s nice to be called funny by one of the editors of Sadly, No!, a site that manages to crack me up at least once every day, although “funnier than Gary Ruppert” is kind of a low bar (unless your definition of “funny” doesn’t include concepts like “devoid of logic,” “absurd,” etc., all of which Real Gary’s posts normally are).
Hugs and kisses,
Fake Gary (one of many, we are legion)
I noticed that Gary posted a comment immediately after the news of Zarqawi’s death was released, about 3:00 am eastern time.
Either he is up at odd hours dealing with screaming babies like I was that night, or he is a paid shill outsourced overseas. I am sure you could get a team of college graduates in India together to creatively and effectively recite talking points for a number of blogs…
Al, so the rumour at Drum’s place goes, died of a heart attack or cancer some whiles ago. Ever since then, so the rumour goes, it’s either been fake Al’s or other trolls ghosting under his moniker.
I, on the other hand, am paid to post by Nestle as part of a long term advertising campaign for a new chocolate Wheeties breakfast cereal. Think way long term campaign…
My organisation knows what you put your milk on in the morning, BTW.
I’m guessing in Brad and Gavin’s cases, the milk probably goes right on the evil cat minions. You know–to motivate them.
Mikey, you are not the only weird person. i thought of the ABBA song too. And now that Marq mentions the Thompson Twins I have it in my head. Thanks guys!
If I were a right-wing think tank and hired Gary to do my bidding, I’d want my money back.
The poor guy couldn’t convince water to be wet.
The fact is that between my gig with Netvocates and my paper route, soon I will have saved enough for a deposit on an apartment. Then I can move out of my car.
Your car’s got wireless? Or is it one of those fancy OnStar setups? Either way, I say waste less money on the frills and more on the essentials. Like Revising Prose, for example.
It’s probably just me, but when I check Sadly, No, I see this line and I can’t help but think of AbdA. Knowing me knowing you? Oh, hell, never mind…
That’s exactly how I meant it. Though I prefer Ebba to Abba.
I am sure you could get a team of college graduates in India together to creatively and effectively recite talking points for a number of blogs…
I never thought I’d see the day that a job was outsourced before Americans even really knew it was available. They should just start sending our want ads over there.
I’ve always thought that “Real Gary” is in fact a real troll and not parody. Nobody could be that relentlessly humorless, that synchronized with the latest GOP talking points, that obviously desperate for the loving touch of a female. Gary’s sexual frustration comes through so clearly in his posts. Dude needs to get laid in a very bad way. Let’s get a collection together and send him some Viagra so he can jerk off to the cover of the new Coulter book.
Let’s get a collection together and send him some Viagra so he can jerk off to the cover of the new Coulter book.
It would take a LOT more than Viagra to jerk off to mAnn—unless you count failure to climax (or even to rise) as “jerking off”.
Is it “jerking off” just ‘cuz you whipped out the Holy Hand Lotion and took notions from that old Divinyls song—even if you never “hit it with your best shot”?
I guess it’s like saying “victory” just ‘cuz Dubya whipped out a flight suit and took ideas from a Turd [Blossom].
Just say “Mission Accomplished”. It’s truthy. Noone will look into it too deeply. And no matter what, you’re gonna need a Kleenex.
The fact is that these are smear tactics by the left to defame legitimate posters on their blogs.
Value for money? Sadly, No!
Your car’s got wireless? Or is it one of those fancy OnStar setups? Either way, I say waste less money on the frills and more on the essentials. Like Revising Prose, for example.
Ever heard of the Public Library? Go there some time. You might learn something, you leftist, America-hating moonbat.
Ever heard of the Public Library? Go there some time. You might learn something, you leftist, America-hating moonbat.
Oh ouch. That hurt SO much.
BTW, the Public Library is a symbol of the welfare nanny state. Don’t you know anything?