Erickson vows to punish Stupak by sending him money

From the “shit you can’t make up” files:
We Can’t Let Bart Stupak Go Without A Judas Like Parting Gift
We can’t Bart Stupak go without a parting gift. Judas, after all, got 30 silver coins to sell out our Lord. Stupak needs something for selling out all the children sent off to be slaughtered thanks to his “compromise” that any President can pen away to oblivion — notwithstanding the questionable legal assumptions behind it.
Let’s send him 100 silver coins. It’s only a $4.00 investment on your part.
Hey, I want some silver coins too! How many kids to I need to abort to qualify???
(Also, CNN: You picked a real winner. May I suggest Mark Noonan next?)
Fetuses are worth more than THE LORD?
Fetuses are worth more than THE LORD?
No puncture wounds. As soon as you crack the binding, the resale value goes through the floor.
Until they’re born.
Adjust for inflation. Remember the Lord was betrayed almost 2000 years ago
So does that mean Irky Irksome is Caiaphas?
I still think sending dead babies through the mail would have been a better strategy. Hmph!
I still think sending dead babies through the mail would have been a better strategy. Hmph!
But then what would I put in the plastic eggs for the Easter Fetus hunt? Liberals, never thinking what effect their hair-brained schemes might have on REAL PEOPLE.
Really want those Brad?
But then what would I put in the plastic eggs for the Easter Fetus hunt?
Fetus cookies?
PLASTIC? Available through his site, right, just like the salt? And for a mere four dollar “investment!” He’s the Amway of bloggers.
May I suggest Mark Noonan next?
I’m holding out for a certain Confederate Yankee.
Erickson shouldn’t forget that Judas was only doing what Jehovah wanted.
Like Gallagher, Erick Erickson has one trick and he’s determined to run it into the ground.
Let’s send him 100 silver coins. It’s only a $4.00 investment on your part.
100 coins for $4? That’s like, 4 cents each!
Why not send real money? That will cost $25, and will be closer to the Bible, Irky?
Also our coins aren’t pure silver any more. Some sort of liberal plot, no doubt.
He’s the Amway of bloggers.
Onward, Christian sellers.
Erickson shouldn’t forget that Judas was only doing what Jehovah wanted.
Jehovah was also apparently hip with the baby-killing.
He really says that?
Man, CNN has a got a diseased donkey by the tail
God forbid Erickson’s readers do anything that’s actually useful, like write a letter expressing disapproval of Stupak’s vote or contributing time or money to an opposing candidate.
Nope, they’re gonna go all drama queen stalkerish. You know, my ex-wife was a bit of a stalker and after we split up, I got various kinds of magazines and advertising which was clearly initiated by her out of bitterness and spite and, well, childishness and immaturity as well.
I don’t see much difference here.
TruculentandUnreliable said,
March 25, 2010 at 19:26
I still think sending dead babies through the mail would have been a better strategy. Hmph!
But think of the shipping costs…and the tude you’ll get from the UPS workers.
But … but … he’s a conservative thought leader! One of the leading lights of the online conservative movement! HE’S A SOMEBODY ON THE INTERTUBEZ!!!
Or that’s what CNN’s press release said. I wonder if those clowns ever bothered to read Eric’s site …
I still think sending dead babies through the mail would have been a better strategy.
I agree, and would open up a whole new market for the mandatory gay baby abortions we have to start having now that HCR has passed.
Man, CNN has a got a diseased donkey by the tail.
On the plus side, they’re probably grateful that it’s only the tail onto which they’re holding. Not that the other part is of sufficient size to be held by anyone other than manly-man Ericksdottir.
Actually, UPS is all good with shipping almost anything as long as it fits in one of their boxes*, or is wrapped in brown paper.
(* Veiled OPPOSITE-OF-PENIS reference.)
bitterness and spite and, well, childishness and immaturity
That’s the Republican base right there.
Erik bin Erick, doing his best to support the USPS.
When I click the “info” button on my remote for John King’s show, I am informed that it is “news for average Americans.” So much for upping our standards. Cue Pat Paulsen.
Actually, UPS is all good with shipping almost anything as long as it fits in one of their boxes*
(* Veiled OPPOSITE-OF-PENIS reference.)
Fair enough, but you missed this:
, or is wrapped in brown paper.
Veiled pron reference, which implies veiled PENIS reference.
Actually, UPS is all good with shipping almost anything as long as it fits in one of their boxes*, or is wrapped in brown paper.
Better than the USPS, who probably wouldn’t be okay with you answering “all four” to this question: “Anything fragile, liquid, perishable, or potentially hazardous?”
Nope, they’re gonna go all drama queen stalkerish. You know, my ex-wife was a bit of a stalker and after we split up, I got various kinds of magazines and advertising which was clearly initiated by her out of bitterness and spite and, well, childishness and immaturity as well.
I don’t see much difference here.
Wait a second — renato, are you telling us that Ericksdottir is your ex-wife? My deepest sympathies.
thanks to his “compromise” that any President can pen away to oblivion
So now Ewick opposes “signing statements” and the absolute power of the unitary executive, I guess.
Anyone else ever read Elmer Gantry? My favorite scene is where someone he screwed over mails him thirty dimes wrapped in a Bible tract and he has no idea what it means.
“Anything fragile, liquid, perishable, or potentially hazardous?”
What? I mean, the baby’s dead, so fragile doesn’t play into it, perishable is a problem of course, and liquid maybe, but hazardous?
Not unless it’s a zombie fetus!
so fragile doesn’t play into it, perishable is a problem of course, and liquid maybe, but hazardous?
Well, you want an intact fetus so’s he knows what he’s looking at. And surely a fetus is a disease vector…though zombie fetuses would be AWESOME.
And you know what? It’s a dead baby joke, and not a very good one. No need to deconstruct it.
So there.
March 25, 2010 at 20:07
“Anything fragile, liquid, perishable, or potentially hazardous?”
Don’t forget deeeeeeelocious!
Well, you want an intact fetus so’s he knows what he’s looking at.
Well, I mean, yea, but if you wrap it suffocatingly tightly in bubblewrap, you’re good to go, and you can always run it thru the Foodsaver to hermetically seal the fucker.
“Wait a second — renato, are you telling us that Ericksdottir is your ex-wife? My deepest sympathies.”
well at least he’s his EX.
I figured out what SFAW means. I think I Google too much.
And I’m still worried about CNN. They are taking away all the experts from Fox!
The Lord wasn’t in mint condition.
They are taking away all the experts from Fox!
Irk was the “asshole to be named later” in the Beck trade.
The Lord wasn’t in mint condition.
Well, if we just polished Him up the way we polish our bishops, no one would know the difference!
Well, I mean, yea, but if you wrap it suffocatingly tightly in bubblewrap, you’re good to go, and you can always run it thru the Foodsaver to hermetically seal the fucker.
Now, that’s just disgusting.
Now, that’s just disgusting
Yea, I know. Maybe if we stuck it in a Spacebag, it would get less messy.
OK, I wandered over there and found this comment:
They have dead kids? Aren’t there laws about that sort of thing?
Yea, I know. Maybe if we stuck it in a Spacebag, it would get less messy.
Okay, I am SO not going there.
“sell out our Lord?” Heckuva job, CNN, it’s not like the pseudo-religious douchebag demographic isn’t already well represented on teevee.
They have dead kids? Aren’t there laws about that sort of thing?
Maybe the kids just told them they were dead to get them off their backs.
The RS commenter are a special breed. “Special” as in Trig and “breed” as in dachshund.
Cf. This “brainy” fellow who quotes Sam Adams, 1772 Boston Gazette.
That tanning bed tax floored me too.
Imagine how terrified Stupak would be if you sent him Erk Erkkssson.
Maybe the kids just told them they were dead to get them off their backs.
My parents disowned me when I told them I was dead. But, I was like “it’s not like I’m teh gay!”
That tanning bed tax floored me too.
I saw taht item on the news today, and slapped my forehead and wondered why I didn’t think of it first.
It makes perfect sense. Tanning beds are to skin care what cigarettes are to your aerobic capacity and if you use one, odds are very high you will need some form of medical treatment for your skin at some point in your life. A tax on tanning beds suddenly makes as much if not more sense than a tax on sugared drinks.
Imagine how terrified Stupak would be if you sent him Erk Erkkssson.
Tightly wrapped in bubblepaper and sealed in a Foodsaver?
I’m interested in your ideas and would like to subscribe to any newsletter you may have. Is there a website I may view?
That tanning bed tax floored me too.
I’ve seen a few proclamations from dumb white people that it’s racist…
My parents disowned me when I told them I was dead.
Mine disowned me when I was found alive, unlike my four older siblings.
Who all died at some weird summer camp on Crystal Lake.
I found a hockey mask there. It was sooooooooooo cool! I wear it all the time.
A tax on tanning beds suddenly makes as much if not more sense than a tax on sugared drinks.
Yeah, and I’m sure you think “everyone should have access to affordable health care” too… pinko.
I’ve seen a few proclamations from dumb white people that it’s racist…
They’re being deprived of their right to be dark skinned!
I’ve seen a few proclamations from dumb white people that it’s racist…
You had me at “racist”.
I’m sure you think “everyone should have access to affordable health care” too… pinko.
Of course I do! I haven’t slept with all the women my age yet!
Of course I do! I haven’t slept with all the women my age yet!
Uh oh, DKW’s granny better watch out!
I figured out what SFAW means.
Well, I guess that’s one meaning, but it ain’t mine. Praise FSM!
I think I Google too much..
Yes, we’ve been meaning to talk to you about that …
They have dead kids? Aren’t there laws about that sort of thing?
Probably. But it also explains how Ericksdottir knew so much about someone being a “goat-f***ing child molester” – except in Ewick’s case, it seems he was “goat-child-f***ing molester”.
We *are* angry at the O.
They’re pissed at the Big O?
Well, shyooot, all the more for the rest of us.
Uh oh, DKW’s granny better watch out!
Oh no! You din’t!?
Praise FSM!
No can do, how would Erick Eric Erick Erickson’s post’s premise work?
“Cantor: ‘Hot Tub Time Machine’ is an assault on my life” -JC Christian
I haven’t slept with all the women my age yet!
Well, it’s partly because they “like you as a friend”.
But without benefits, amigo, sorry.
Well, it’s partly because they “like you as a friend”.
But without benefits, amigo, sorry.
They’re pissed at the Big O?
Geez, no wonder they’re cranky all the time.
Why? Because CNN and the like put people like Erick Eric Erik Erickson on teevee.
bitterness and spite and, well, childishness and immaturity
Four of your less popular Disney dwarfs or the runners up for the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse? You decide/./
Ugh. I was just going to make a comment defending my grandmother’s honour but clicked on McGravitas’ link instead…
Teh Horrors.
Why? Because CNN and the like put people like Erick Eric Erik Erickson on teevee.
No, because they’re congenitally stupid and batshit insane. And that’s just for starters.
I cannot IMAGINE being that desperate.
Oh. My. Gawd.
Apparently, Jean Schmidt of Ohio…you may recall her start turn as the Wicked Witch of the West…received a threatening message on her answering machine last week.
Notice that, unlike the incidents involving the Democrats, there have been no witnesses to either of these GOP-involved “threats” both of which could have easily been inside jobs designed to evoke sympathy or at least mitigate the Democrats outrage.
A blogger for a Taiwanese newspaper wonders when America will have another civil war.
Welcome to the party, pal!
Substance –
Hey, I already made him cry. Did you really need to do that to him? (And the rest of us, you bastard.)
Well, if we just polished Him up the way we polish our bishops
Not going to go there.
She’s younger than me
No, because they’re congenitally stupid and batshit insane. And that’s just for starters.
Agreed. Also, too, from my linky:
Come on, guys, be nice…she has really pretty…uh, she has a cute…uhh…she’s got a nice…uhhh…
Yeah, I got nothin.
actor212 –
What Schmidt forgot to mention was that the “threat” consisted of
(1) Someone saying they’d throw water on her, and
(2) A little dog barking in the background
She’s really only 34??? Does she purposely try to make herself look 50?
Someone saying they’d throw water on her, and
“I’m melting! I’m melting!” -Jean Schmidt of Ohio
What Schmidt forgot to mention was that the “threat” consisted of
(1) Someone saying they’d throw water on her, and
(2) A little dog barking in the background
That’s a threat when monkeys fly out of her bu–
Yeah, I got nothin.
Her teeth are white?
bitterness and spite and, well, childishness and immaturity
Four of your less popular Disney dwarfs or the runners up for the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Even the 7 Deadly Sins have wannabees.
I wish Irk Irksome would punish me by sending me these. I would feel very chastised.
Even the 7 Deadly Sins have wannabees
So those would be the Four Nauseating Annoyances?
I wish Irk Irksome would punish me by sending me these. I would feel very chastised.
Betray Jesus! It’s delicious!
A blogger for a Taiwanese newspaper wonders when America will have another civil war.
Yet even more evidence that China is behind the Tea Party movement.
That’s right! Teabaggers are a Commie plot to destabilize America from within.
I’m waiting for Jean Schmidt and Eric Cantor to show off the backwards “B” some librul carved into their foreheads…
I’d say that the threat Jean is talking about is the one that came from her health care provider telling her that, because of his preexisting condition, her son Peter is being denied coverage but… That can’t happen!
Well, it wouldn’t be the first time that Jesus’ execution was celebrated by chocolate. I mean, if you include the whole 3 day zombie / vampire rebirth thing.
Her teeth are white?
Yes, she does seem to have a full set of decent-looking teeth.
I don’t know why I’m even bothering. After all, one of my mottos is: “If you can’t say something nice, come sit by me.”
She’s really only 34??? Does she purposely try to make herself look 50?
Geez laweez, she’s younger than I am and looks closer in age to my mother.
I’m waiting for Jean Schmidt and Eric Cantor to show off the backwards “B” some librul carved into their foreheads…
Actually, they were backwards “O”s
Geez laweez, she’s younger than I am and looks closer in age to my mother.
Each column she writes ages her 5 years. That’s what happens why you type lies.
All of these wingnuts look older than they are. Maybe they all have paintings that get younger-looking and more beautiful any time the ‘nuts do anything nice. Which means they’re indistinguishable from the original.
I think it’s that rugged Heartland sunshine.,14402/,14402/
They must be members of that street gang, the Cribs.
Psst! Esteev….Peter is her husband.
I know! I found that hard to believe also, but there you have it.
…that any President can pen away to oblivion…
Observe the causality – at some point in time in teh future, ebil future Preznit Gayborto McBabykilla rescinds the Executive Order – which basically re-iterates what is already in the
Senate billPatient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act. This is followed by health insurance companies putting together health plans that cover abortion and still qualify for subsidies – despite still being excluded by the language in the healthcare reform legislation. As a result, a bunch of women (probably extremist Muslim liberals) who were only waiting for a health care plan that covered abortions to be available go out and have all sorts of dangerous unprotected sex and then… OMG! Abortions everywhere!She’s married to her own son?!! SICK!
As a result, a bunch of women (probably extremist Muslim liberals) who were only waiting for a health care plan that covered abortions to be available go out and have all sorts of dangerous unprotected sex and then
Worse! They’ll carry their babies until the EO is rescinded then descend en masse to have their 38 month old fetuses aborted!
Sooooo, somebody sent white powder to Anthony Weiner’s office. I don’t think it’s cocaine.
Someone’s begging to be made fun of.
AIE fires Frum for health care fart.
TeaTards are also looking to express their appreciation to the Senate Parliamentarian, you know, the ones Republicans brought in because the previous one wasn’t doing what they wanted.
I don’t particularly have an opinion on whether or not to protest at a public figure’s home, but I feel like most people don’t really fear anything happening when a bunch of lefty-libs go protest at some bankster’s home, I mean, unless you’re really scared of giant puppets.
Frum linky.
Richmond Police Statement on the Cantor window-breaking.
Notice the shooting took place on TUESDAY, before the attacks on Democratic reps were reported.
Sooooo, somebody sent white powder to Anthony Weiner’s office.
See, in New York, that’s, um, a show of affection. We send confectioner’s sugar to our worthy opponents when they’ve won a battle to “sweeten” things up.
That sucks. I really like the guy.
I guess we know why the rethugs are always accusing the left of being such terrorist loving traitors to the rule of the law: projection.
Frum linky.
Considering that Norm Orenstein is one of Al Franken’s best friends, this is a bit surprising.
Frum linky
Do’h! (Thanx DKW)…oh yeah, I know: “AEI.”
Well, it wouldn’t be the first time that Jesus’ execution was celebrated by chocolate.
Eat this in memory of me.
Notice the shooting took place on TUESDAY, before the attacks on Democratic reps were reported.
Notice that it wasn’t Cantor’s office, like he claimed it was.
Rep. Jean Schmidt from Ohio just released a voice mail where a man calls her a “racist fuck” and said he is going to “shoot teabaggers in their fucking face”.
Convenient, isn’t it, Troofie? No witnesses to these voicemail claims, meanwhile Teabaggers have been video taped throwing bricks and spitting and cursing Congressmen.
Sounds like you guys missed out on the pity party.
I’m not “troofie” but the tape has been released by her office.
Full transcription:
Hey, Troofie? When you coming to New York again? Comedy Central wants to film the beat down you’re going to get.
You can play the audio at the site.
Yeah, I’m glad the president passed health care
She claimed she got the message last Thursday. HCR was passed Sunday.
Nice try Troofie.
The voice mail is recorded, you stupid fuck.
The voice mail is recorded, you stupid fuck.
It’s clearly a phony. She got it last week. HCR didn’t pass until THIS week, you illiterate, innumerate racist fuck!
That just means the person who left it is a complete moron.
So you’re saying you left the message on her machine?
Point proven! Thank you, idjit!
Morons who don’t understand the parliamentary process, and who liberals want to register to vote.
Speaking of threats to Democratic congressmen and our Bart Stupak – remember how the Neuge claimed that he didn’t mean Stupak personally when he yelled Baby Killer – he was referring to the bill?
Apparently that’s a nuance too far for the deranged masses.
Note: teh fucking censoring of motherfucking profanities is CBS’.
Notice the shooting took place on TUESDAY, before the attacks on Democratic reps were reported.
Notice that it wasn’t Cantor’s office, like he claimed it was.
Notice also the bullet hit while coming down, rather than being shot at the window of not-Cantor’s office.
Lessee they mailed Rep. Weiner a suspicious white powder. Supposedly they shot at Rep. Cantor (I wonder what Rep. Cantor has in common with more than a few Democrats but few if any other Republicans in Congress that he would be a target rather than any other GOoPer … hmmm …). And now the tea-bagging types are talking about “Judas”?
And yet some of my fellow Jewsians still think that the left is more anti-Semitic than the right?
Now, about that white powder the FBI is investigating that was received at Anthony Weiner’s office, the one referencing his support of HCR….I’d say that’s a credible case of terrorism, wouldn’t you?
That’s not some nutcase making up voicemail messages. That’s someone re-enacting the anthrax scare of 2001.
Remember that? The terrorist that, like so many, Bush never caught?
Morons who don’t understand the parliamentary process
Republican Senators! We get it! Move on already!
Here is a crazy idea. Let’s admit that there are nut-jobs on both sides of the political spectrum. The question must be who is the most off the wall bonkers at the moment?
Notice also the bullet hit while coming down, rather than being shot at the window of not-Cantor’s office.
Of course, there was nothing on the building for the shooter to target, like a big old bulls eye on the window saying “Cantor’s Office Here!”
The question must be who is the most off the wall bonkers at the moment?
The folks trying to overturn the Constitutional process of legislating by resorting to violence and temper tantrums?
Meh. There’s quite a difference between a few nutjobs (who inevitably pop up everywhere) and an organized campaign of fear-mongering, demonization, and intimidation. ‘Snot just quantitative.
Here is a crazy idea. Let’s admit that there are nut-jobs on both sides of the political spectrum. The question must be who is the most off the wall bonkers at the moment?
Yes, the truth is always in the middle. Always.
actor212 said,
March 25, 2010 at 21:55
Exactly. It’s akin to watching an adult with disposable income and access to firearms behaving like a child denied access to the cookie jar.
No Euroweenies like UKBristolDave should comment on American politics.
You’re part of the problem, the libs always used you as an example when they rammed this through. And your pathetic little island is turning into a survelliance state with cameras every five feet, and Muslims running roughshod over your laws, traditions, and religion.
Meh. There’s quite a difference between a few nutjobs (who inevitably pop up everywhere) and an organized campaign of fear-mongering, demonization, and intimidation. ‘Snot just quantitative.
*ding* *ding* *ding*
False equivalency is false.
No Euroweenies like UKBristolDave should comment on American politics.
Neither should anyone with a penis less than two inches long, which rules out all Republicans, and most other rodents.
Meh. There’s quite a difference between a few nutjobs (who inevitably pop up everywhere) and an organized campaign of fear-mongering, demonization, and intimidation. ‘Snot just quantitative.
Yes and if I can run further with that and point out the fact that the tea baggers would have had no steam were it not for major corporate funding and corporate media cheerleading.
Thus, not only are they nutjobs but more importantly they are idiots being used by a fascist corporate conglomerate that is hellbent on destroying the very social contract those morons depend on.
It’s akin to watching an adult with disposable income and access to firearms behaving like a child denied access to the cookie jar.
You’re kinder than I, my friend. I called them little girls losing their Barbie dolls.
I am stating the obvious. How did I get sucked into that?
the libs always used you as an example when they rammed this through.
Presented without comment. Except these two comments here.
I am stating the obvious. How did I get sucked into that?
It got to be a habit with me, too, over the Dumbya Bush years when so many people were constantly denying the obvious.
Muslims running roughshod over your laws, traditions, and religion
Why, just the other day, I saw a chap on the Tube reading the broadsheets AND HE WAS WEARING A BURQA!
You’re kinder than I, my friend. I called them little girls losing their Barbie dolls.
Hey, now. Let’s not slander little girls here. I would’ve gotten the Stare of Death and most likely a spanking if I acted like these assholes as a child.
Some of those brown skinned foreign devils can make good shoes, you know. Have a care there with the willy-nilly application of “roughshod”
I would’ve gotten the Stare of Death and most likely a spanking if I acted like these assholes as a child.
Central to my point.
Also, I?W?N?
Another kiwi said,
FreedomFucker would actually have to wear shoes to get that.
Maybe it’s a barnyard reference, in which case…it would be wrong to speculate
Also, I?W?N?
*sigh* I tried to phrase it in a way that would not prompt that response, but that may be impossible.
Soooo, who’s going to spank the wingnuts? I refuse, and it’s not my area of expertise, anyway.
Hey, Freedom Lover?
Don’t retreat…RETARD!
Soooo, who’s going to spank the wingnuts?
Let’s ask zrm. Maybe he won’t notice whose ass he’s spanking.
I’m a Euroweenie am I? Oh chase me FreedomLover24, chase me!
Personally I really love the fact that your insult is so playground it backs up my point of view. Actually, it validates actor212’s view.
Actor212 – I bow to your insight sir.
And your pathetic little island is turning into a survelliance state with cameras every five feet
Heavens! Next they’ll start monitoring internet traffic!
Some of those brown skinned foreign devils can make good shoes, you know.
It’s because their skin is naturally tougher.
Actor212 – I bow to your insight sir.
It’s that liberal arts education, but thanks.
Is Vitter up for re-election?
Or is he more of the wetsuit-and-dildo-up-the-sphincter kind of guy? It’s so hard to tell GOPers apart any more …
(And, no, actor, there is neither a newsletter nor website. Perhaps a podcast … ?)
I did one of them damn Liberal arts things at University. I feel like such a fool as my dissertation was on Nazi Germany and I never realised that they were Liberals just like me.
I should have just done business studies and learnt how to screw things up.
Personally, I think “Euroweenie” is kind of cute. Then again, I am an emasculating, man-hating feminist, so what do I know?
Jeez, I get the biblical reference and all, but why not make it 100 coins of gold?
Gold is a good investment, so that would also send Stupak a message about being a fiscal conservative too.
I think “Euroweenie” is kind of cute.
Be a great name for a huntin’ dog.
TruculentandUnreliable said,
March 25, 2010 at 22:27
I like “Euroweenie” as well. It’s possibly the worst (as in not very good) insult I have had chucked at me since I was 9.
I may have to cry myself to sleep tonight.
Y’know, I can say unequivocally that no matter who the sender or receiver of hate messages, threats, bricks, spit, etc. is, the behavior is over the top and unacceptable. I can also believe there are people on both sides of the issue who have let their emotions get away with them. It’s shitty and wrong.
However, there’s one side that’s been encouraging such behavior. They have their own news channel and they’ve been winding up the nutcases for months. It ain’t the Democrats.
Can I just add that we MUST protect the Weiner?
Can I just add that we MUST protect the Weiner?
Oh, the Weiner is my #1 priority!
Oh, the Weiner is my #1 priority!
I’m serious! The Weiner cannot remain enclosed within walls forever! It must occasionally withdraw and breathe the air of US freedom, shake the snow off its rubbers and be free to make quips and other ejaculates!
Soooo, who’s going to spank the wingnuts? I refuse, and it’s not my area of expertise, anyway.
Depends. Do we get to use a water cannon? If so, ME FIRST!
Only needed when spanking McCain.
And those would be for McCain as spankee, not for the spankerer.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go huff a can of spray paint … brb
Only needed when spanking McCain.
Yikes! Imagine nailing a full Depends with a water cannon. I just gagged. Seriously.
Can we go back to the Weiner jokes, please?
I certainly don’t want to see my Weiner get powdered.
Nice try with the tanning bed fees, B. Hussein, but I use the same spray-on as Snookie. HA!
Can we go back to the Weiner jokes, please?
My weiner is kind of a joke. So I’m told by DKW’s mom.
“The Weiner cannot remain enclosed within walls forever! It must occasionally withdraw and breathe the air of US freedom, shake the snow off its rubbers and be free to make quips and other ejaculates!”
You gotta watch it there, give the weiner too much length and freedom and pretty soon you’ve got a hotdog on your hands that’s crying about being chilli.
Frankly, these jokes should go no furter.
So Red State finances a Democrat. Wow.
They’re pissed at the Big O?
Well, I don’t see why! I mean, I didn’t much care for it, but I’m just not that into cartoons featuring giant robots.
Oh, wait, I’ve got that wrong again, don’t I.
Frankly, these jokes should go no furter.
The thread about the sou Kraut is ——————>
grrrr…souR Kraut.
Sorry, I’m still getting used to the new vibrating digits in my prosthetic hands.
Sorry, I’m still getting used to the new vibrating digits in my prosthetic hands.
I know there’s a joke to be made, but I just can’t bring myself to make it …
We’re probably all alone here, SFAW, and I can’t be offended
*picks up 30/30 shotgun for “cleaning”*
We’re probably all alone here, SFAW, and I can’t be offended
“Can’t” as in “not possible”, or as in “won’t allow it”?
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