He’s So Tuff
Above: Teabagger-embracing conservapundit, self-conception.
John “The Manliest LOLcow” Hindrocket, Esq.sez:
In large part, the current focus on threats of violence is aimed at the tea partiers, just as they were accused, apparently falsely, of racism. It is not hard to understand the Democrats’ motives; the tea parties are the most vital force, and likely the most popular force, in American politics, so smearing them is mandatory. But anyone who has attended a tea party rally will consider laughable the idea that the movement somehow tends toward violence.
The tea parties, and conservative pundits’ reaction to them, was the subject of Glenn Reynolds’ interview of Jonah Goldberg on PJTV. It’s a fun conversation between two very smart guys. Glenn posed the question, “why are so many conservative pundits wimps?” But he made clear that he wasn’t talking about web-based pundits like us. Or him.
It is important for conservative leaders to embrace the tea party movement, and it seems that nearly all do. For what it is worth, I do not consider David Brooks to be a conservative leader. To be a leader, you need to have at least a handful of followers.
Above: Teabagger-embracing conservapundit, reality.
Lulz. Now there’s too much stupid and too many lies in his post for me to bother with unpacking, but this little digression got my attention. I want Sadlynaughts to know I suffered through the entire 16 minutes of this piece of crap, and that’s not including the several second introduction/solicitation to register with PJTV by Stephen Green, aka Patrick Bateman. But I never heard Perfesser Corncob or Pantload call anyone a wimp, though you can tell Reynolds hates David Brooks. I might have missed it; whatever; I’m disappointed. Still, it’s what Hindrocket heard, which says something about him — and them. Obviously, for Hindrocket, it requires some kind of manly-man ramrod Prussian strength for a wingnut to support the Teabaggers, which he finds lacking in the Emessem wingers and Republican establishment types, but finds in abundance in 82nd Chairborne members like himself.
I have to say I’m impressed. He’s so butch. I bet he likes gladiator movies.
I see that that reality-embracing teabagger has his ESPN Fantasy Baseball tee on. So, after a few minutes of tweaking his lineup, a few hours on Call of Duty, and a 12 corn dogs later, he’s ready for some deep teabagging.
Nothing like the smell of mustard in the morning.
..I want to bite and kiss you..
But anyone who has attended a tea party rally will consider laughable the idea that the movement somehow tends toward violence.
Yes, because those guns that so many love to bring to these things are actually water pistols.
I want Sadlynaughts to know I suffered through the entire 16 minutes of this piece of crap
You do realize that’s 16 minutes of your life you will never get back, don’t you?
just as they were accused, apparently falsely, of racism
So those racial epithets shouted at African American congressmen were just….what?
Conservative pundits do threaten and encourage violence and they’re wimps because they aren’t willing to carry it out themselves.
I want Sadlynaughts to know I suffered through the entire 16 minutes of this piece of crap
Wow, you just might be the manly man to satisfy Assrocket’s manly man-crush.
So those racial epithets shouted at African American congressmen were just….what?
Somebody watched a video and didn’t hear it which means it didn’t happen.
I’m sorry. Here’s some brain bleach.
A true conservative leader is tanned and wears nothing but a cape, leather underwear, and sandals, and is on guard against 7 foot tall effeminate Persians, and relishes the company of other such manly men.
Hellooo, Ultimate Warrior lookin’ for comments…
To paraphrase a favored wingnut statement… It doesn’t matter what the teabaggers do, they’ll deny it is racist.
Guys, someone shot my office. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a hot date tonight.
A date.
Dinner with friends.
Dinner alone.
Watching TV alone.
“why are so many conservative pundits wimps?”
It looks like that’s how PJTV sent it out over the wingnut wire. For example, see the running headlines at Big Government and Hot Air right now.
A true conservative leader is tanned and wears nothing but a cape, leather underwear, and sandals, and is on guard against 7 foot tall effeminate Persians, and relishes the company of other such manly men.
Oh man, I just got back to my desk from my bunk and here we go again.
…just as they were accused, apparently falsely, of racism.
Sometimes they lob ’em so they hang over the middle of the plate and you have to decide how you’re going to hit ’em outta the park. With apologies to our gracious hosts – I’ll go with this one – Sadly, No!
Laughable! he said. HAH HAH!
“anyone who has attended a tea party rally will consider laughable the idea that the movement somehow tends toward violence.”
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
This is, on every single possible level, like stating “2+2=5” and actually believing it’s true.
I’m just … speechless. Absolutely without speech.
I’m sorry, but I couldn’t make it past the “fun conversation between two very smart guys” remark.
I refuse to watch it, no, can’t make me, no no no…
I posted this on the other thread, but it bears repeating that the NRCC said that taxpayers are the victims, not Perriello.
Implied endorsements of violence from the mainstream voice of the party? HILARIOUS.
the tea partiers, just as they were accused, apparently falsely, of racism.
I noticed this also. It’s becoming a meme among the anti-HCR Wolverines that the “f****t” and “n****r” stuff was made up … sort of similar to how it’s a meme among the birthers that the birth certificate Obama displayed during the campaign was forged. In both cases the meme exists to disprove factual evidence that the wingnut belief system is full of shit.
Somebody watched a video and didn’t hear it which means it didn’t happen.
Pretty much, yeah. I know that some goober posted 23 seconds of video and declared that, because there were no racial slurs in that tiny snippet, there were no racial slurs period. This is why we need to teach more formal logic in school.
This is an old stand-by of the conservative movement. Deny everything – no matter how ridiculous you may seem – and eventually the media will feel compelled to report on both sides.
For what it is worth, I do not consider David Brooks to be a conservative leader. To be a leader, you need to have at least a handful of followers.
I actually have to defend David Brooks here. Has Brooks ever claimed or even suggested that he is a conservative “leader”? Has he ever made any pretense to being one? Not that I’m aware of.
Apparently they ARE entitled to their own facts. Suck it, libs.
My favorite example of this phenominon is the warning about neo-nazis targeting tea party rallies for recruitment. By the time it went through a few rounds of “Fwd: Fwd: Fwd…,” it had morphed into “dastardly liberal ACORN thugs pretending to be neo-nazis turning up at tea parties to make people believe the tea parties are racist.” Because, you know, it would silly to think that actual neo-nazis would be attracted to a movement that hates immigration reform with a white-hot passion.
“Phenomenon.” I fail spelling forever.
I still bet more people follow Brooks’s blather than cornpup’s.
…not the teabaggers, but the fringe who believe the teabaggers are patriots, but too public to do any real “good.” Fact, a democrat had several rat poison covered with dog food, (meat by-product snowballs,) tossed over her backyard fence. Her dog ate the rat poison and convulsed to death. It might have been a coincidence, but I’m not a big believer in it.
It doen’t matter who commits such acts, the republicans and teabaggers are responsible for creating the atmosphere of democrats as enemy. They know it, because it is deliberate, but they always “act” perplexed when their manipulations work. The right wings behavior may not be sedition, but it appears to be pretty damn close to it.
As I wrote on my blog today…see, PeeJ? I’m trying to be more restrained about blogwhoring…I WELCOME this increase in violence and the “Family Circle” Not ME! immature excuses and rationalizations surrounding it.
It just means the Teabaggers are becoming more and more irrelevant with each passing hour.
Somebody, somewhere, must have photoshopped a penis into that picture in place of the corndog.
This is, on every single possible level, like stating “2+2=5? and actually believing it’s true.
Hinderaker might be the craziest person on the right side. I know it’s tough competition, what with your Pam Atlases and Michelle Malkins and so forth, but there’s an important distinction. While Malkin and Atlas are basically unemployable outside of wingnut welfare, Hinderaker is a graduate of two Ivy League institutions. While that alone doesn’t preclude someone from being nuts, consider his professional record: he is an award-winning attorney in what I assume are fairly complicated areas of the law (unlike his blog partner Paul Mirengoff, who’s a management-side labor lawyer and gets paid handsomely for the most lopsided legal codes that don’t involve drugs).
Yet Hinderaker is on the record believing the following:
Religious leaders are overwhelmingly liberal Democrats.
Biology has definitively proven that Darwin was wrong
The governments of Russia, Venezuela, and Iran are cooperating to sell cocaine in the United States
Jimmy Carter is a literal traitor to the US
they were accused, apparently falsely, of racism
No, Hindrocket, no. A false accusation would an accusation that is false. For example, one could accuse you of being intelligent and literate. Given that both of those assertions are false, this would be a false accusation.
This concludes today’s lesson in avoiding douchery.
Yet Hinderaker is on the record believing the following:
[lots of Hindy bullshit]
It must be very strange to be Hinderaker. A man of extraordinary vision and brilliance approaching to genius, he can’t get anyone to notice. He is like a great painter or musician who is ahead of his time, and who unveils one masterpiece after another to a reception that, when not bored, is hostile.
Hindrocket was also the guy who said that Dubya was a genius, right? The whole (paraphrasing) “how strange it must be to be GWB, so much genius, not to be appreciated in our lifetime” thing?
Yeah, his grip on reality is messed up. Maybe he’s from Earth-2 or something, the earth where Alf Landon won World War II and Eagleton authorized a break-in at Nixon’s national headquarters.
AARRRRRGH! Timestamp’d!
Troll’s Remorse
Teabagger Modus Operandi:
( a ) Constantly incite already-unstable mobs of assholes to do violence with the most bloodthirsty rhetoric available
( b ) Wait for the obvious to happen
( c ) Express shock & horror over it, & imply that it’s all just a left-wing ratfuck to make you look bad – or an “isolated incident”
( d ) Repeat
I read that as “essinem”.
I will have to steal that “chairborne” joke.
If they can’t get the stink off now, they’re fucked when someone gets killed by a ‘patriot’. The plausible deniability factory is running three shifts, all week. Blaming the other side and claiming more threats is part of the whole package. And, yes, someone with Photoshop skills needs to add the penis to Buttmissile’s sammich. Motion seconded, call for vote? Dammit.
It’s sad that right wingers are incapable of shame or embarrassment. After all, how could one experience either emotion if one is always right. It must be empowering to live without doubt and self-awareness. If volume can be used as a measure of one’s intellect, louder is lower and more easily manipulated.
“We are tools with god’s hand molesting us.”
I’m sorry, was the above sentence arrogant?”
There are two reasons that Hindrocket could be well educated and yet a brainwashed dimwit. He bought or was given his degrees regardless of performance or he is deliberately being mendacious for grudges only known to him. Maybe, a liberal girl dumped him in college or made a remark about his very small penis. He might have had a conservative mother who chose to manipulate the hell out of him rather than punish him in a more traditional manner. He might hate humans in general or Americans in particular. His salary might have something to do with his right of right gist.
“You look like a smart guy Mr. Hindi…whatever. You can go out and pontificate all by your lonesome, or you can join us and turn out the kind of red meat that our followers drool over. You have total editorial freedom as long as overall the liberals are losers and republican losers were not fascist enough. Anything that helps Americans survive is bad or false, but anything that pumps up the military and law enforcement as heroes is reality. Big government is very very bad, unless it is used for spying on Americans, locking them up without due process and allows for torturing the dumb bastards just because we can.”
“Don’t worry yourself about whether it works; it works for what we want, which is to make Americans fearful that if we simply choose to we can torture to them. We love intimidation, bribery and blackmail as leadership tools and hate leading by example.”
“All science is unfounded theories, most of them of the conspiracy type. We only tolerate other religions, because god is on our side. We know this because we are a Xtian nation based on the capitalist void where morality and compassion are wrongly placed.”
“Jesus was a Communist, therefore we believe in the King James god who had a wayward son. We know this person could not have been god’s son, because he hung around with rebels, whores, street people, and eccentrics. Everyone knows that a real Jesus would have been kissing our asses the way god intended. Like you kiss our ass because we pay your salary. Better than what you could make teaching is it not?”
“You really do not want to go back to being an academic nobody do you? Of course not. You must always give the impression that you honor stupidity over critical thinking, because critical thinking is elitist; besides everyone knows that conformity is the only good and we will tell you what to conform to. OK?”
“Well, Mr. Hindrocket, you have agreed to all of our commands so do a little groveling to prove you’re sincere and you are welcome aboard. We’re on the war train. Dah da da da Yeah… We’re on the war train.”
Meanwhile, Roger L. Simon at Pajamas Media condemns overenthusiastic teapartiers for their acts of violence, and by “condemns overenthusiastic teapartiers for their acts of violence,” I mean he rallies the troops to perpetrate another Kristallnacht.