Damn It
Rove off the hook. Oh well.
In other news, no one should believe anything Jason Leopold writes again ever.
UPDATE: Oh jeebus, come on:
I reached Truthout editor Marc Ash on his cel phone this morning. “I wasn’t aware that he had said that,” he said of Luskin’s announcement, but insisted that Truthout was “absolutely” standing by its earlier reporting.
“We’ve done a lot of work on this story, we’ve talked to a lot of people,” he said, “and some of the people who provided information for the story are absolutely in a position to know.”
OK, guys, it’s time to lay your cards out on the table. Your sources clearly burned you big time. Tell us what you know and how you came to know it.
Ugh. Look at that fat fuck, so pleased with himself.
Well, maybe they’ll get him in the forthcoming Iraq War Crimes Tribunal…
Don’t hold your breath.
I see this as but more evidence that Rove worked a deal and he’s thrown Big Time under the bus.
I see this as but more evidence that Rove worked a deal and he’s thrown Big Time under the bus.
If you hold your breath from that, your body will evolve and grow gills 🙂
Meanwhile, Bush is in Iraq.
Until it’s confirmed by someone other than Luskin, a man I wouldn’t trust on a stack of Bibles personally signed by God, I’m still going to hold out a leetle bit of hope.
Why do good things happen to bad people? I mean, is there any plausible scenario in which Rove’s not guilty? Is this actually justice being served? Seriously, help me out here; the fair-minded liberal in me is trying to understand this (and also trying to avoid being killed by the bloodthirsty left-winger in me). It’s kinda like the Duke rape case – if he’s not guilty, then he shouldn’t be convicted, no matter how distasteful he may be.
Someone plainly leaked Plame’s identity, if Rove didn’t, who did?
The list grows shorter… and Big Time Dick ain’t lookin’ too good these days. A little bloated and pasty, if you ask me.
Sadly No, indeed. Guess I have to start believing in hell again, ‘cos that jowly little fuck has it coming.
Rove = Plame civil suit?
It could happen.
I don’t believe in Jason Leopold, but I don’t believe in Gold Bars Luskin, either.
Remember, folks, Fitz’ investigation has been declared dead, oh, about eleventy-five billion times in the past. And it’s usually right before he does something spectacular, like jailing Cooper, jailing Miller, or indicting Libby.
Let’s look at the known facts, not what Gold Bars is spinning:
1) Has Fitzgerald disbanded the Grand Jury? No.
2) Has Rove been to the GJ at least five times (that we know of)? Yes.
3) Do innocent people get called five times before any GJ that’s not run by a hack like Ken Starr? No.
4) Following #3, if Rove is in fact guilty as sin, how does he free himself? By offering up somebody else’s scalp.
5) Who possess the only scalps Fitz would value over Rove’s own? Bush and Cheney.
6) What would happen to the GOP’s 2006 chances if Bush pardoned Libby, Rove and/or Cheney? Can you say “House Judiciary Committee Chair John Conyers”? I knew you could.
Taking all of this into account, it sounds as if Rove has managed to sell Cheney to Fitz — or at the VERY least, guarantee that Libby gets a prison cell.
Wilson’s lawyer has already said this morning that if Rove isn’t indicted, civil lawsuits are a possibility — and the hint was that it was a STRONG possibility.
Well, I agree: someone leaked, and maybe it was Rove, maybe it was Big Time; however, we just don’t know at this point. It could have been a number of people, and I trust that Patrick Fitzgerald is gonna go after whoever he thinks did it. Let us continue to pray to God/Jahweh/Allah/Zarathrustra that he nails someone big in the Bush Adminstration.
Taking all of this into account, it sounds as if Rove has managed to sell Cheney to Fitz — or at the VERY least, guarantee that Libby gets a prison cell.
The way things are going, I suspect it is the latter…
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
The fact is that Fitz couldn’t even find a “gotcha” charge against Rove like he did for Libby.
Heck, have you all noticed how Fitz hasn’t actually moved to charge someone with leaking Plame’s name? Doesn’t that say something? The fact is that “leaking” Plame’s name was not a crime at all.
So, in conclusion, I WAS RIGHT, I WAS RIGHT, I WAS RIGHT.
More chaff from Luskin.
Until the letter in question is produced so we can see exactly what it says (if anything) It’s all just a very expensive defense attorney blowing balloon juice. He’s declared Rove off the hook before.
(sigh). Ok, just let me hold on to my dreams, OK? In the absence of a Righteous Smiting from Fitzgerald, maybe Karl can at least get bitten by a dog, or one of the Twins. Or maybe the LauraBot 2006 will go berserk and rip his arms off. Something.
OK, guys, it’s time to lay your cards out on the table. Your sources clearly burned you big time. Tell us what you know and how you came to know it.
Possibility 1: TO got burned and they should out them.
Possibility 2: Luskin &Co are trying to “flush” the sources. TO should sit tight until the letter content is revealed.
I don’t have sufficient intelligence regarding the totality of the facts to rank the possibilities.
The Truthout thing reminds me of Ben Bradlee getting burned by the story that LBJ was about to fire and replace Hoover, only to name him FBI director for life the next day.
Someone plainly leaked Plame’s identity, if Rove didn’t, who did?
The fact is that “leaking� Plame’s name was not a crime at all.
Alright, hold on, back up a little. This has Never been about prosecuting someone for leaking Valerie Wilson’s name. Anybody who thinks it has either hasn’t done their research or simply cannot read. The Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982 (PL97-200, 50 U.S. Code Secs. 421–426) is written so poorly, is so full of qualifications and compromises that it is well known in government law circles that it is next to impossible to prosecute under it. There has only ever been one case brought, back in 1985 against Sharon Scranage, and it was full of special circumstances, not the least of which being that Ms. Scranage was herself a CIA agent.
While the Press and many commentators and pundits have ignored this fact, Fitzgerald has been working diligently to prosecute cases of Obstruction and Perjury. That’s all there was ever going to be. And that will be enough, in this case. Can Rove and Cheney skate on these charges? Of course. It’s a dificult case to bring, because it requires evidence supporting intent. If it is plausible that recolections are merely faulty, a jury can acquit. These thugs have commited enough crimes that their future in a cell is all but guaranteed. Sure, we’d like to see them frog-marched out of power right now, but until our side has control of at least one branch of government or one house of congress, we will be fighting an uphill struggle. You want to see them pay for their crimes? Take back the Senate in November and get some investigations underway. Otherwise, we’ll continue to get scraps…
agree with mikey.
norbizness’s factoid is quite interesting. Even we Reality Based World citizens are prone to confirmation bias, and every time the media says something’s going to go down, we somehow believe it’s so.
Any more examples of egregious misinformation quickly smacked down (with or without public humiliation) by common sense? I call these “salty moments.”
Mikey is right that the Plame “leak” is not a crime under the IIPA.
Especially because Plame was outed in the 90s by Aldrich Ames.
Especially because Plame had not done any overseas work since then.
Basically the Libby charges are a “gotcha”.. an admission that Libby didn’t commit any crimes before the investigation began.
I’m pretty confident that the Libby matter can be settled in his favor. Either with an acquittal, or with a plea bargain.
While Brad R is pretty much a clueless leftist, he does have enough shame to not fall for the far-left nonsense from Leopold. Granted, that’s the equivilent of not stepping on hot coals after you stepped on them.
Gary- yep, while people who fall for NewsMax stories are the smartest people in the world.
Mikey is right that the Plame “leak� is not a crime under the IIPA.
What I said is the statute is very dificult to prosecute. It doesn’t mean a crime was not committed. It means the legislators made it next to impossible to get a conviction.
Especially because Plame had not done any overseas work since then.
Gee, Gary, I’ve read the statute a couple of times. I guess I missed the part where it requires overseas work in order to be classified “covert”. Could you direct me to that information, please?
Basically the Libby charges are a “gotcha�.. an admission that Libby didn’t commit any crimes before the investigation began.
Emphasis mine.
That’s ok, Gary. See, WHEN you commit a crime is pretty much irrelevant to your guilt or innocence. This is why you never see the “But your honor, I killed him BEFORE Christmas” defense. The question is whether he lied to the Grand Jury. If he committed perjury or obstruction, he will serve a sentence. See, it’s like I heard from this old republican congresscritter: “No one is saying the BLOWJOB was a crime. The impeachment is over the LYING about it.”
Can we get someone to admit that the Clenis impeachment charges were meritless “gotchas” since they only occurred after the investigation got off on a rabbit trail after the initial investiagtions fizzeled.?
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Why Is Karl Rove Smiling? Because He Has Stuck It To The Liberals Yet Again!
A month ago a liberal loon website TRUTHOUT.org published a “breaking story” about how Karl Rove was going to be indicted within the week.
Nothing happened but the left and MSNBC hack partisan shows like Hardball and Countdown stuck with the story.
Now Karl Rove has been informed that he will NOT be indicted for anything and here is the response from the Truthout tin foil hat people.
“But Truthout.org — the one publication to report, repeatedly, that Rove was definitely going to be indicted — isn’t buying it. But it’s much worse than that, Truthout reported that Rove HAD BEEN indicted and is under indictment RIGHT NOW!
I reached Truthout editor Marc Ash on his cell phone this morning. “I wasn’t aware that he had said that,” he said of Luskin’s announcement, but insisted that Truthout was “absolutely” standing by its earlier reporting.
“We’ve done a lot of work on this story, we’ve talked to a lot of people,” he said, “and some of the people who provided information for the story are absolutely in a position to know.”
The liberal bloggers are frantic now. One poster even said, “At least we have the Scooter Libby trial to look forward to!”.
These people are totally out of control.
Howard Dean, the head of the DNC said this morning, “He doesn’t belong in the White House. If the president valued America more than he valued his connection to Karl Rove, Karl Rove would have been fired a long time ago,” said Dean, the Democratic Party chairman, speaking Tuesday on NBC’s “Today” show. “So I think this is probably good news for the White House, but it’s not very good news for America.”
An innocent man is out of legal trouble and all the liberals can do is scream about it. They are saying a “secret deal” was made, that only Republicans get off scott free, that Rove is helping Fitzgerald get Cheney and that it is all a, guess what, “A Karl Rove Plot!”
Now Valerie Plame, the supposed “outed” Cia agent, who was not covert at the time, and her Democrat stooge husband Joe Wilson are saying they will sue Rove in Civil Court.
I know Rove is shaking in his boots on that one.
Let’s have ALL of Joe Wilson’s dirty laundry hang out for the public to see what a hack he is.
I LOVE hearing the libs scream in agony, at election time, where I open the door to hear them wail, and in weeks like this where we kill Zarqawi, The Iraq Government is up and running and Rove is Innocent.
In Matworld the liberals keep putting all their energy into tying to bring down the Bush Administration on scandals, while we run the country.
Nice try Morons!
Next time try taking care of your own house and worry about your own scandals with Minority Leader Sen. Reid taking bribes, Rep. Kennedy, who JUST pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, and Rep. William Jefferson, Democrat from Louisiana, who had $90,000 in MARKED FBI bribe money in his freezer.
While you are at it, remove Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid from power. But then again, don’t. They are way to helpful to my cause and to the destruction of the Democrat party.
It’s obvious what happened. Rove gave up Bush and Cheney to save his own skin. That’s why Bush skedaddled to Iraq. Fitz should have confiscated his passport and put him under house arrest. Do we have an extradition treaty with Iraq? Has Bush gone to fight them over there so he doesn’t have to fight them here?
Seriously though, hoping against hope that Rove really does get what’s coming to him is just one more recipe for a letdown. It pained me to see him smiling as I’m sure it would have made him happy to see me distraught.
Karl Rove is guilty as hell and Luskin is a lying SOB. You right wingers are so full of shit, I hope you rot a slow and miserable death.
The Intelligence Identities Protection Act is one piece of legislation that the leaker could be charged under. There are others, but for some strange reason, GOP ops always want us to focus on that one. I wonder why….
Stacy the imbilcile:
What happened to the compassionate liberals????
Can’t take a little truth and reality?
he He He He He He he
For God’s sake, this is where Ruppert’s been hanging out.
Fitz has been approaching this investigation in a professional and systematic manner, but does anyone think there will be a break – much less an indictment – before Election Day? Unless/until there is, Rover will still be free to gull idiots like Ruppert with his gay marriage/flag amendment/tax cut bullshit and Dems won’t be able to retake both Houses. The best we can hope for is a slim majority in the House and a return to more-or-less equity in the Senate. How the hell do we hold this criminal administration responsible on those kinds of numbers? Still, hold them accountable we must, so get out and start donating, volunteering, talking to your neighbors, and organizing!
What happened to the compassionate liberals????
This isn’t the place to come to if you’re looking for “compassionate liberals.” See, we hate you, and feel no compassion or good will to you whatsoever. We learned from the best– we learned from smug assholes like yourself. So when the tables are turned, cocksucker, be sure that we will kick you when you are down.
Gloat all you want. Your president is a failure and a fucking international joke to boot. If we win the House in November, “PlameGate” is going to look like a fucking tea party.
actually, things may be about to get a whole lot more interesting.
if it is true that rove has flipped and given up bush and/or cheney and/or libby, then bush and/or cheney and/or libby will have to destroy push back against rove in their own defense, especially if fitz has any plans to use rove as a witness.
hmmm … i wonder what skeletons are about to come out now?
JK Loon:
You proved my points.
You on the left are evil and dangerous.
Who the hell cares what the “International” people think?
We should close down the corrupt UN and kick them the hell out of the USA.
PRESIDENT is no failure. You just can’t stand that what he wants to do goes against the loon way of doing things.
Zirqawi Dead
Bush rallies Troops in Iraq
Rove Screws the libs
Kennedy DUI
Get ready for you to LOSE seats in November you Nutroots.
IF THE SHOE FITS-The Democratic Party -By Linda Bowles
The base of this party consists of a number of special interest groups, including the sky-is-falling environmentalists, abortion industry workers, bilingualists, illegal immigrants, ideologically homeless ex-communists, communists, convicted felons, unconvicted felons, pornographers posing as artists, propagandists posing as journalists, network anchors posing, food stamp junkies, anti-American multiculturalists, hard-core feminists, abused and abusable women, the venereally diseased, anti-tobacco fascists, anti-religious bigots, latent anti-religious clerics, pro-gay clergy, gay clergy, government employees, union bosses, government contractors, the sexually disoriented, educrats, trial lawyers, the willing poor, drug addicts, old sin New Age atheists, race hustlers, members of the black caucus, professional victims, punk musicians, condom manufacturers, proud and practicing members of the North American Man Boy Love Association and dead people buried near Chicago.
What happened to the compassionate liberals????
What ever happened to the honest conservatives? Yep, I’m old enough to remember them.
Guys who never confused their religion with their politics.
Guys who would strongly disagree with me, but NEVER call me a traitor.
Guys who believed in civil liberties, and would be even more outraged than I am over the warrantless wiretapping and NSA surveilance programs.
Guys who would rather die than defend war crimes or genocide.
Guys who thought the government should spend LESS, not more.
Guys who got angry with Democrats for our foreign interventionist instincts.
Guys who’s role model was Abraham Lincoln, not Joseph Stalin
Cobag says this:
JK Loon:
You proved my points.
You on the left are evil and dangerous.
Then compounds the idiocy with this:
Who the hell cares what the “International� people think?
You crazy liberals with your “diplomacy” and your “international relations” are so evil and dangerous. Everyone knows an iron fist and unending war are the only way to have a good and safe world.
Now get back to Everquest, you fucking dork.
OK…So Turdblossom is off the hook in the Plame Case…
…Now, it’s time to open a full investigation on the Mohammed Naeem Noor Khan leak…
Now get back to Everquest, you fucking dork.
I take that back. On further review of your post, I think you’re probably a little too dim to be into Everquest. This should be revised as follows:
Now get back to your episode of WWE Raw, you fucking dork.
JK47: Oh, come on. I like that show. Besides, it’s on Mondays. Let’s not let imbecilic rightwing nutjobs cause us to fire into our own people!
JK47: Oh, come on. I like that show. Besides, it’s on Mondays. Let’s not let imbecilic rightwing nutjobs cause us to fire into our own people!
Wow, I thought more people would be offended by the “Everquest” reference. I thought WWE and NASCAR were fair game. Sorry, brah, no disrespect.
It’s fine, I know I’m in the minority market for that sort of programming. Still, it stings having to face that.
Wow, the wingnuts do the happy dance for the littlest thing nowadays. One of the Minor Demons narrowly avoids indictment for the present, and it’s New Year’s Day, Christmas, and Rush’s Birthday in one!
I guess with the current track record of millions of dollars in corruption, indictments and jail time for prominent Republican members of Congress, the near total failure of any initiatives of Their One Anointed Preznit (even allowing for Zarqawi, an admitted Bad Man who had next to nothing to do with 9/11, and was unable to handle a weapon properly) the failure of banning homo nups, and an approval rating WITHIN AMERICA that’s nearly as bad as the one outside of America, any positive news is worth a party.
Democrats Lose seats in November? Only in Diebold’s machines.
Zirqawi Dead
Bush rallies Troops in Iraq
Rove Screws the libs
Kennedy DUI
One of these things is not like the others. It sure is tough coming up with four whole wingnutty examples!
And I didn’t know they were calling Scooter “the Libs” now. Why hast thou forsaken me, Information Superhighway?
Mikey, Rove et al could indeed be prosecuted under the IIEA, it’s not that circuitous, and there could also be a charge under the less difficult espionage act.
Plame was covert. This has been established.
“…special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald found that Plame had indeed done “covert work overseas” on counterproliferation matters in the past five years, and the CIA “was making specific efforts to conceal” her identity, according to newly released portions of a judge’s opinion.”
“Addressing deficiencies of proof regarding the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, the special counsel refers to Plame as “a person whose identity the CIA was making specific efforts to conceal and who had carried out covert work overseas within the last 5 yearsâ€?—
And as for Aldrich Ames, there’s no evidence that Ames outed Plame. Ames was sent away in 1993, Plame remained on overseas assignment with no change till 1997, then returned only because she was marrying Mr. Wilson. An outed agent would have been brought in, and many were, but not Plame.
As for the on-the-cuff declassiication, it wasn’t kosher, only if the classified info had originated in the white house could the white house declassify it without review. It originated at the CIA.
Now for Jason Leopold. I heard him on Ed Shultz today, he was asked to explain himself and why he hadn’t revealed his sources. He waffled and kept repeating the same thing…”I don’t know what happened, but what happened between the time I reported it and now…?” He answered a direct question with a question. And implied that he was standing by his story. This didn’t impress me, I can tell you. Rove wasn’t indicted and Leopold reported that he was. What I think happened is that Leopold saw a man go before the G.J. 5 times and that’s highly unusual w/o getting indicted. He saw activity around the Rove law offices, and he surmised that an indictment was imminent. He took a gamble. He wanted to get a scoop, so he threw all his chips on the table and just went with the indictment claim, thinking all the odds were in his favor. He shot the wad.
But there’s a good side to all this. What I saw was the entire anti-Bush, anti-war cyber community behave from day one in an ethical, responsible and honorable way. They didn’t run with the story pell mell, and if they carried it they sourced it to Truthout. They took note that Truthout was the only outfit reporting this. And when it didn’t pan out in the following days the blogosphere and the Francosphere asked direct, annoyed questions…they held Truthout’s feet to the fire, they demanded that this be addressed and explained. I can’t see the rightwing media and blogosphere doing this. This lapse was a rare occurence, something else I can’t say about the blog-gruppen. Sure, it gave the hyenas some cackle juice, but it also pointed out the accuracy and conscienciousness of the liberal and anti-Bush cyber-community. Not surprising, since it’s honesty and conscience that drives the anti-Bush sentiment in the first place.
This is actually a victory for the Right.
What the ruling says is carte blanche is granted to one of the chief architects (if not the mastermind) to slander and intimidate any reputable critic of (false) WMD or “Imminent Threat” claims so that a path can be cleared for the deaths of 2400+ Americans and 30,000+ Iraqis in the worst ways imaginable.
Anyone who is naive enough to still believe that “regime change” and “democracy” for Iraqis were the initial motives behind the Iraq war ought to have the shit they have for brains flushed out- because it’s clogging their ears. Just once, prove that if the “Imminent Threat” claim were taken off the table, as it should have, even by the CIA’s own assessments- that the invasion was justifiable.
All For Nothing, get it?
Zero. Zip. Nada.
Congratulations Righties!! -Now get to the front lines. Let the rest of us know then how your victory feels.
Hey Cepan, tell everyone here how you think pedophiles are brave. Tell ’em how you refuse to “condemm” any Cons who do bad things to children.
Dare me to prove it?