Pipes’s Diary, Ah

Above: Schlemiel, schlimazel, schlociopath.

Shorter Daniel Pipes
“When Obama Meets Netanyahu'”

  • Dude, if I were Bibi I totally know what I’d say to Obama: screw the Palistinians, we need to concentrate on the Persian vermin — to wit, unless you commit the United States to bombing Iran conventionally, you will “force” Israel to nuke it with our submarines. Oh, and by the way, you suck.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 32


The shorter is accurate. (Water’s not very deep.) DP’s conclusion to his rant:

Faced with such logic, I hope Obama would put aside the Palestinian issue, at least temporarily.

I’d hope Obama would slap some fucking sense into Bibi if faced w/ such logic, but that’s just me.

Is that DP picture twenty yrs. old?

Caveman Danny Pipes

Obama no talk!

Huff and Puff and Blow shit up!!


Alternative shorter:

If I were Bibi, I’d tell Obama to cut to the chase and decide which sand-coons get bombed and when.

From the same stable of craziness, shorter John Bolton:

Don’t make me take an even bigger shit in my pants.

And from the Neocons’ most trusted plant:

If you thought the Iraq war was a giant fuck-up, just wait till you see how healthcare reform turns out.


What’s darkly funny is that none of the weirdhawks like Daniel Crack Pipes (And I Don’t Care) actually believe that the U.S. foreign policy establishment is in any objectively definable way going to start giving the slightest shit about the Palestinians.

All this is whether or not the U.S. FPE remains 110% committed to the most lunatic right wing militarist policies of the Israeli government — failing to do so would be ‘favoring the Palestinians’.

You know, in the same way that including a vegetable or two on the same plate as your 3 lb steak means you have converted to radical veganism.


If only we had more calm, diplomatic voices of reason like John Bolton to help Obama navigate the complicated world of international relations by screaming at him and throwing staplers at his closed door.


WARNING!! TtS’ second link is to bobo. I managed two sentences before I wanted to throttle the jerk:

Parties come to embody causes. For the past 90 years or so, the Republican Party has, at its best, come to embody the cause of personal freedom and economic dynamism.

<fine print>Personal freedom not valid for minorities, people with vaguely Muslim-y sounding names or those who use e-mail. Economic dynamism refers only to those in the highest income tax bracket.</fine print>


While the shorter is unerringly accurate, wouldn’t you just love it if barry smacks the shit out of Bibi. Live, on stage, at the white house. There is something about Bibi’s face that you could never stop slapping it.

(I suppose that makes me anti-semitic)?


For the past 90 years or so, the Republican Party has, at its best, come to embody the cause of personal freedom and economic dynamism.

It’s a stretch to say that the party of Teddy Roosevelt and Jacob Javits is the party of Bobo and Beck.

Oh wait. He said “at it’s best,” so he’s admitting they are at their worst right now.


It’s all about the pictures of the wingnuts for me. The p’shopping, though entertaining, isn’t necessary. An undoctored look at what these people look like is enough to tell us everything we need to know.

If Daniel Pipes isn’t the very image of an ugly soul writ onto flesh, I don’t know who is.

Sometimes, I think that a website that only showed simple photographs of the people on the Right would be all that we need for us to know they are evil people.


I think that a website that only showed simple photographs of the people on the Right would be all that we need for us to know they are evil people.

For the most part, I think you’re right, but some of the most hateful are babes.


Time for another entry in the Alternate Universe Encyclopedia.

ISRAEL. [Middle-Eastern nation, blahdeblah area, blahdeblah population]…. After supplying America with the weapons which gained it decisive superiority over the U.S.S.R. in the Cold War, Israel found its alliance with the U.S. frayed when the Cold War ended. Although no prominent Israeli politician has ever explicitly called for an end to the continuing financial and military subsidy of the U.S., a number of voices have been raised questioning its continuing necessity, with the Likud Party in particular often murmuring about American “ingratitude” and wondering whether America truly recognizes who the junior partner is in the relationship….


Peece proseses is 4 PUSIES!


I do love the 1000 yard, Stalinesque hate stare that Mr. Pipes has mastered for the camera. I’ll bet he thinks about GI Joe when he’s putting that face on.

Lurking Canadian

For the most part, I think you’re right, but some of the most hateful are babes.

Yeah, but even the good looking ones have that sneer. I think they must all practice it in the mirror.


Schlemiel, schlimazel, schlociopath.

Verkakte putz.


I do love the 1000 yard, Stalinesque hate stare that Mr. Pipes has mastered for the camera. I’ll bet he thinks about GI Joe when he’s putting that face on.

For some reason, Freddie Kreuger springs to mind.

address my envelope, lips!

I’ll bet he thinks about GI Joe when he’s putting that face on.

Ah, that explains the fuzzy beard. Trouble is, he thinks he’s the manly 12″ model, whereas he’s just the 4″ little thing they came out with in the 1980s.

My GI Joes had battle scars; perhaps anyone talking smack about what the prez should be doing vis-a-vis Palestine should maybe be showing the same level of real-life experience, Hmmm?

All talk and no kung-fu grip, these guys. *sigh*


I thought of Leatherface, actor.


I thought of Leatherface, actor.

Well, yea, you would, unbreather.


Funny how twunts like this fucking guy always seem to be the tough-talking wannabe badasses, isn’t it?

Attention neocons: Not getting laid without having to pay for it is not a good excuse to start wars. It won’t get you laid.


Let’s put aside Palestinian issue – which even the past year shows has little chance of a breakthrough.

…which has absolutely nothing to do with my government’s intransigence! Honest.


“That will be difficult; the IDF intelligence, planes, and payloads may not be adequate. Therefore, only Israel’s submarine-based nuclear weapons can assure operational success.”

Wow, still a psychopath. Sure, the IDF may be capable of damaging nuclear sites, but that’s just not as satisfying as actually nuking them, thus taking out the site and thousands of hajji civilians with it. You know, those same Iranians that I like to gush about when talking about how much I want to see them free. Well, there’s more than one way of setting them free, isn’t there.

It’s never emphasized enough that the American right wing WANTS to bomb shit, including the overkill and the thousands of dead people that might otherwise stay alive (see the doctrine that “the U.S. needs to pick up a little country every ten years and fling it against the wall.”) It’s not even selfishness or ends-justify-the-means realism anymore, just the pure cathartic release they get from killing.


Our self proclaimed Intellectual Conservatives try to write, look & dress like English professors or politicians of the early 1900’s (before the Great War). If it is just impossible to look like a British Academician or House of Lords politician (see Doughy Loadpants, McArgleBargle), then they just try to write that way, using works like “rather” and “quite”, and trying for the dry-understatement style.

That is just one of their many habits which chaps my hide, I mean, It’s a Bit Much, eh-what?”

Above: Schlemiel, schlimazel, schlociopath. You forgot Schlitheel. Or just Schlit.


. . . . or Chicken-schlit.

(Aren’t you glad your comments section doesn’t allow, let alone encourage, the use of italics, Bolding or underllining? Cause, they really drive me wild! Tho I can make-do with quotes and occasional CAPITALS.


“For the most part, I think you’re right, but some of the most hateful are babes.”

“Yeah, but even the good looking ones have that sneer. I think they must all practice it in the mirror.”

I don’t think its a sneer, exactly; more likely the result of irreversible Brain Damage caused by being Republican.


Aren’t you glad your comments section doesn’t allow, let alone encourage, the use of italics, Bolding or underllining? Cause, they really drive me wild!



Nuts to underlining.


Therefore, only Israel’s submarine-based nuclear weapons can assure operational success.
Such is his abhorrence of the potential nuclear weapons that could conceivably result from an enrichment program, Pipes is looking for reasons why a nuclear first strike should be used against it rather than conventional weapons.

Nuclear warheads are a FINITE GOOD.


Where do you FIND these clowns?


Under rocks, mainly.


I think if Israel decided to go it alone in nuking Iran, they would find themselves TRULY alone.

After destabilizing the price of oil in order to satisfy the Lik-ta-kill-ud’s bloodthirst, Israel would become the world’s pariah state, as Americans would uniformly line up to say “Get those bastards off our titty NOW!”

Go ahead, motherfuckers. Do it. It would almost be worth the worldwide Depression you’d cause just to smash your fucking out-of-control apartheid state into dust.



Revisiting after the facts, just thought I’d add one comment;

I think if Israel decided to go it alone in nuking Iran, they would find themselves TRULY alone.

Negative. Even if Israel decided to go it alone in nuking Iran, you know the entire right wing would simply stand, clap and cheer, and you’d have a deluge of articles explaining why the threat was “imminent” and the Israelis had no choice. If there was any political fallout, it’d be directed at the Obama administration for not having helped them. And forgive me for having so little faith in the American people, but I think most Americans would lean their way – sixty years of war crimes certainly haven’t bothered them before.

Hell, even from those few conservatives who have a conscience even when hajjis are involved, mostly what you’d hear is “WHY!!! Obama, WHY!!! WHY weren’t you stronger in standing up to Iran, if you had been then Israel wouldn’t have had to do this and all these people would still be alive! It’s YOUR FAULT they’re dead!!! You BASTARD!!!!!!”


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