Interesting questions, fascinating answers

Well, it’s Saturday, and all we want to do is… Amber, Amber, Amber!

Sadly, No!’s best friend Amber Pawlik is back, and this time, well, let her tell you:

I am trying to determine who is more evil: the Ayatollah thugs of Iran or Western media.

Which is more evil? The funny thing is that we’ve often asked ourselves this question, imagine that! Just why is Amber so upset however?

First, the show [Nightline] portrayed Iran as being more progressive than its neighbors. Hey, Iran isn?t so bad: compared to Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, or North Korea and Cuba even!

Who here wants to buy Amber an atlas? Amber has more excellent questions though:

What would you think of someone who said that Castro wasn’t so bad, his country has some nice things compared to other dictators? What would you think of a media outlet who interviewed someone during NAZI Germany who insisted the way to freedom was “collaboration” with the NAZIs? Now what do you think of our current Western media, who is intent on confusing and obscuring the situation in Iran?

Yes, what do you think boys and girls? The media or the thugs? Because you know the media doesn’t follow the Amber party line (the Iranian government is pure evil) and you know what they say: if you’re not with Amber, you’re with cock evil.


Comments: 16


ah yes that evil media…is there anything they can’t do


What would you think of a media outlet who interviewed someone during NAZI Germany who insisted the way to freedom was “collaboration” with the NAZIs?

It would make me fuckin hurl.

Simply spew my head off.

Barf like there was no tomorrow.


At last, a worthy successor to Ann Coulter’s crown.


I think I’m in love.


Of course, Amber fails to answer the most important question of all, “which is more evil: Iran or Clinton’s penis?”

It is left as an exercise for the reader to determine the obvious answer.


Don’t get me wrong: I still am in love Amber. I just want to help make her more perfect than she already is.


Of course, Amber fails to answer the most important question of all, “which is more evil: Iran or Clinton’s penis?”

Iran, of course. Amber loves cock.


Iran, of course.

Bingo! You win the cigar.

Amber loves cock.

Yet another reason why I love Amber.


Looks like S,N! is falling down on the job. I’m startled to learn for the first time from WOC about a new Amber column that S,N! hasn’t covered. Amber wrote about the horror of seeing Janet’s televised tit, and Amber’s dismay that the media didn’t have pictures of said tit available online with sufficient dispatch, thereby proving yet again that the media suck.


NTodd and Frederick: Aren’t you two married or something? All these feelings for Amber can’t be good for you.


I’m startled to learn for the first time from WOC about a new Amber column that S,N! hasn’t covered.

The combination of nipple and Amber was just too much for us — all the excitement prevented us from being able to write about it. We’ll try again later.


All these feelings for Amber can’t be good for you.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black . . . .


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black . . . .

Hey, how many emails have you (or NTodd) ever received from Amber? Somebody’s jealous… :p


If Amber fucks a man with a big cock, does that make her a lesbian faster?


Along the same lines as WKD, I wonder what Amber thinks of cunnilingus. We know she loves cock, but is afraid that excessive contact therewith will turn her into a lesbian. Using Amber-logic (an oxymoron, admittedly) receiving cunnilingus from a guy would be even more likely to turn her into a lesbian, since lesbians reputedly engage in cunnilingus more frequently than they have sexual contact with cocks.


Who here wants to buy Amber an atlas?
I think she shrugged off atlases long ago….


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