Hey, if we’re going by Kudlow Logic, doesn’t the stock market’s rise this morning indicate that Obamacare has saved the economy???

(Not that I really think this since I’m not a moron. But if we’re going to play the game that way…)

UPDATE: Just saw Kudlow himself on CNBC. He was positively baffled that health care stocks would be going up after this reform passed.

Uh, Larry, that’s one of the big problems we cuh-wazy lefties had with this legislation in the first place — that it contained too many giveaways to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.


Comments: 34


Obamacare has saved the economy

Obamacare gave me a whiter smile AND vacuumed my floors! Thanks, Obamacare!

Spengler Dampniche

Them Wall Street fagits just like Obama’s bulky package, that’s all.

The Goddamn Batman Day-Trades In His Sleep

Obamacare has not only given me larger and firmer erections, it slapped the smile right off Enzyte Bob’s face; that’s gotta be worth a cool trillion right there.


It’s the rise in Death Panel stocks.

Everyone’s trying to get in on the ground floor when we start killing grandma.

Regarding that, if anyone needs anything Death Panel related, Cerberus Old Codger Kilns LLC is ready and waiting for your business. We’re an aggressive new company that seeks to push and shove its way down the unwilling throats of the marketplace.


Everyone’s trying to get in on the ground floor when we start killing grandma.

There’s an app for that!


But seriously, “health care” stocks are soaring because the bill is the biggest giveaway to big insurance and big pharma ever.


Does anyone else find it a funny coincidence that it’s suddenly cloudy today??? Clearly GAWD HATES HCR!!!!!


I need to hurry up and put some more Death Panels on the roof to take advantage of these wingnut solar flares. They should amortize themselves in a matter of days, at this rate.


the bill is the biggest giveaway to big insurance and big pharma ever.

You make that sound like it’s a bad thing.

Look, we got a bill passed that comprehensively covers the health insurance industry and effectively brings that monopoly under Federal oversight.

If it means, short term, giving them a little money to shut up, I’m OK with that.

Spengler Dampniche

Anonymous, you clearly don’t understand how this works: give the rich and powerful a wheelbarrow full of nickels, and while they’re shoveling them into the limousine, us proles catch the coins that end up on the ground.

Over time, we accumulate sufficient nickels to purchase ammunition and mangoes. Then we commence the revolution.


Does anyone else find it a funny coincidence that it’s suddenly cloudy today??? Clearly GAWD HATES HCR!!!!!

It’s sunny here in Teh Heartland. Clearly, Red State Jeebus is down with Obama’s package!


Brad – extrapolating from a single morning’s trading activity is obviously silly, as you say. Still, resolution of HCR (could have been passage or not) should provide some stimulus to hiring in the private sector, simply because businesses now have a much better idea of what their insurance obligations to new workers wil be.


Would Obama just sign is already so we can start rounding up wingnuts?


I feel better better knowing that when I’m sent to the reeducation center or the gulag I’ll be able to have free healthcare.

Has Rushbo left the country yet?


Has Rushbo left the country yet?

Of course not. If you look at his original quote he didn’t say he would leave when the bill was passed but when it was fully implemented. That won’t happen till well past the three month limit of wingnut memory span. So when its time for Rush to keep his promise and go he can just deny he ever said such a thing and the wingnuts will claim it is just us lie-berals making stuff up. Just like how O’Really apologized to the American people and never trusted anything from the Bush administraton again after there turned out to be no WMDs in Iraq. Oh, I’m still waiting for that to happen.


Over time, we accumulate sufficient nickels to purchase ammunition and mangoes. Then we commence the revolution.

Shhhhh, told tell them our plans……. the Mangoes are on a need to know….



Shhhhh, dont tell them our plans……. the Mangoes are on a need to know….


Oops, Brad, I didn’t see your post was up when I posted something right on top of it. D. Aristophanes got me back, however, by doing the same thing to me.


Cerberus Old Codger Kilns LLC

trying to horn in on the undead action, eh?

Zombie Legal Entity will be calling on you….


Just like how O’Really apologized to the American people and never trusted anything from the Bush administraton again

He never got waterboarded either. Life’s not fair.


Zombie Legal Entity will be calling on you….

Is that like a ZCLU?


“Just saw Kudlow himself on CNBC. He was positively baffled that health care stocks would be going up after this reform passed.

Uh, Larry, that’s one of the big problems we cuh-wazy lefties had with this legislation in the first place — that it contained too many giveaways to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.”

I don’t suppose, while hunting for explanations fo rthe rise in health-care stocks, the words “Maybe I was wrong” ever issued forth from his lips? Or ever will?


Tintin and Brad (and everybody else) — we may be tripping over each other with posts for a while yet … this wingnut ragegasm over HCR is like Christmas and Hannukah and Arbor Day and Guy Fawkes Day and the World Cup and the Folsom Street Parade and April Fool’s Day and Amy Alkon’s Shit Moat post all rolled into one!


Brad and Tintin (and Mencken, Gav, Seb, Travis et. al.) – we may be tripping over each other with posts for a while yet … this wingnut ragegasm over HCR is Christmas and Hannukah and Guy Fawkes Day and the World Cup and Amy Alkon’s shit moat post all rolled into one.



Speaking of Alkon, here’s her front page today:

Latest Column

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Drag
People are speculating that Tiger has a “sex addiction,” when all the ordinary guy can usually be accused of is a porn addiction. What separates the sex addicts from the porn addicts? Being rich enough to get the girls in 3-D.


Advice Goddess Blog

The Morbidly Obese Woman Has Yet To Sing
In other words, it ain’t over until the lawsuits against the health care bill are…

Amy’s Mall

Let’s Go Shopping!
Go Shop

Features Page

Return of the Pink Rambler
UNLESS YOU’RE A down-and-out drag queen with a talent for hot-wiring, your first choice of car to steal probably wouldn’t be my powder-pink 1960 Nash Rambler, with its white top, a big pink-and-white covered tire on its trunk, and enough chrome to solar-power Encino for several days…

Do you sense the theme there?


just saw Kudlow himself on CNBC. He was positively baffled that health care stocks would be going up after this reform passed.



He was positively baffled that health care stocks would be going up after this reform passed.

You could have turned your television off right there.


Regarding that, if anyone needs anything Death Panel related, Cerberus Old Codger Kilns LLC is ready and waiting for your business.

Witty retort.


You sorry libs just don’t understand. Teh stawk market is merely laying in wait, buying its time until all your liberal 401ks are sucked in…


sufficient nickels to purchase ammunition and mangoes

The mangoes ARE the ammunition.
For a mangonel.

Trilateral Chairman

just saw Kudlow himself on CNBC. He was positively baffled that health care stocks would be going up after this reform passed.


Really. Usually Kudlow’s better prepared than that and can trot out the whole “well, they WOULD’VE gone up more except for this” rationalization. No worries, though. At some point, the stocks will go down–even if only for a second–and that’s when Kudlow can spew out his prepared schtick about healthcare killing the economy.


I can see him being baffled by the insurance stocks thing- heck, you could read this bill as mixed for them (though they’d always rise initially since the uncertainty is gone) but- Pharma stocks, really I mean c’mon Larr’ even if we’d gone single payer they’d likely have gone up- you know what with more people actually getting healthcare and all.


I see a trend, alright, with one days’ (well, almost a whole day) data in hand: more bad craziness from the right side of the wrong headed-folks. This is gonna be a fun ride, oh boy oh boy oh boy!


My hit of Woodford Reserve tastes just a little sweeter today. OMG, Obamacare is some sort of master distiller!


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