HCR: MOAR Wingnutty Blarg Blarg

Shorter Bill Kristol
The Weekly Standard
“The Eighteenth Brumaire of Barack Obama”

  • Thank God for Republicans and their future majority which, in the next few years, will finally suffocate the last gasps of liberalism before Obama’s health care reform legislation incites the Prussians to invade and destroy us.

Shorter Powertools
“Silver Linings”

  • That’s ok, liebruhls: We will have the last laugh. Meantime, we’re going on a diet. Obama, your death panels will never take us alive!

Shorter Confederate Yankee
“Media Matters I Stated An Obvious Truth”

  • Guh-huylk! Ahh done said oncest that anybody callin’ healthcare a “right” needed killin’. Now Ahhm-a sayin it agin, Media Matters, so you’ns better have yer ears on.

Shorter Michelle Malkin
“[Blah Blah Blah]”

  • Oh, you gloaters will pay. You, Pelosi. You, Obama. Oh yes, you will get it. You WILL PAY, DAMN YOU! BLARGH BLARG!

Shorter Perfesser Corncob
“[Wahh Wahh]”

  • Et tu, Fox? You put that Democrat asshole Geraldo on the air with his incomprehensible Mexican accent while we’re layin here all butthurt? Really?

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 158


So why does Confederate Yankee have “.mu.nu” in his address and not a more American-like upper-level domain?

Every other thought I have in reaction to the above is likely shared by everyone else visiting here, beginning with the logical conclusion that if Life is an inalienable right endowed upon Man by his Creator, then it should follow that Man deserves the maintenance necessary to perpetuate that Life.


Oh, is that schadenfreude on the table? Yummy! You wouldn’t have some Tears of Impotent Rage to wash it down with, would you? Oh, thanks so much.


Hah Hah, world. You won’t have ‘Mericah to kick around in 37th place for heyalth, no more.
This is a good thing for Republicans obviously


Since the Kristal Bawl of Wrong has spoken, we can take as a given that this HCR will never be repealed.


The liberal health care is in its last throes…


It’s good news for John McCain, that’s for sure.

the socialest paradise of the south seas

teh death panellists will be greeted as liberators…


The liberal health care is in its last throes…

Yay! That means we’ll get single-payer through.


The absolute tragedy is that when the death panels fail to appear, they’ll take credit for stopping them.

the socialest paradise of the south seas

fail to appear, pffft. ye of little faith. No, the real tragedy is the absence of truthy on one of the few occaisions when he’d actually be welcome


Well, the next six months will be crucial.


I guess I’ll be the nitpicker; I believe ‘oncest’ should be spelled ‘wunst’.

It’s called spellchecker, people.




Malkin’s commentariat is just priceless.

why is everyone so surprised by what Fox News does with their show hosts…the conservatives on that network are in the minority.


…the conservatives on that network are in the minority.



Ow, my brain. I think you just broke it.


“Oh yes, you will get it. You WILL PAY, DAMN YOU! BLARGH BLARG!”

Ooooooooh, okay, I see now: so *Michele Malkin* will be kicking off the Great Civil War of Heartland Values Destroying the Rest of America!!

Thanks to advice from a previous thread, I’m storing my bullets in the refrigerator (it prolongs their freshness!), so I should be in good shape to fend off the Legions of Heartlandiness–or at least those that manage to survive the desert and the hyenas (my place is kind of remote). I’ve also barricaded the door with the Vogue Fall Fashion issue, which can double as body armor should the need arrive. And I have booby-trapped my canopic jars: NEVER try and touch a pharoah’s liver without her consent!

Bastet be praised!


And when the giant asteroid slammed into Planet Wingnuttia, the extincted dinosaurs all heaved a great sigh of relief:

At least we won’t have to accept all that SOCIALMALIZED MEDUHCINE. And them RINOs. We won’t have to worry about them not mores.

Now we am all SOVEREIGN, INDEPENDENT cold-blooded republicamatiles!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

the conservatives on that network are in the minority.


Okay, this? This is either the greatest satirist at work today, or the reason satire no longer works.


“And he seems to have trouble enunciating.”

Gasp! The Perfesser discovers that Geraldo Rivera isn’t white!

In fairness, Geraldo made it tough for him.

Just Alison, back from the semi-dead

Dragging my twisted self (shoulder injury, long unfunny story, haven’t been able to use right arm for about 3 months) to the keyboard to congratulate you Merkins. Hey-up, now you’ll see what life’s like when you don’t have to drill your own teeth!

And on a serious note, FWIW: we got our first public health incarnation umpty-some years ago. It stunk a little bit. Maybe a big bit. The bill was basically a monster built out of “dollar sale!!!” parts, lots of little bits stuck together with spit and cornflakes.

After x years, where x is a number I’m too achey-breaky to look up right now, guess what happened? We got the sparkle ponies bill, that was neat and shiny and gave us everything with icing and weekly abortions on top.

Okay, I lied – it’s not completely sparkle ponyish. But it’s pretty fucking good, and the US of M has just taken the very first tiny step along that road. Rejoice!


Is this November 2004 or something?


Yo Just Alison, nice to see you back. I hope the trans-pacific cousins get to like the salty bitterness of affordable health care


why is everyone so surprised by what Fox News does with their show hosts…

Suddenly I’ve lost my appetite for the Soylent Green

Just Alison, back from the semi-dead

G’day, AK. I’m with you on that – I’m currently enjoying the glories of the evil socialest gubmint paying for my ultrasound and cortisone injections, while trying to maintain my quota of baby-eating and granny-killing.

And as soon as I start my new Real Job (TM) next week (less pain *and* more money! Yay!) I’ma gunna be getting me some private health insurance for about $1300 per year. Heh heh heh. Our trans-pac cousins have only got the very first taste of that salty bitterness – maybe because the package was rammed too far down their throats?


When I clicked on the Perfesser’s whine, the subject bar at the top read
WHY DID THEY PUT GERALDO RIVERA ON TONIGHT?: He’s even more useless than us

Which I thought somes it up pretty well. And i love the commenter complaining that Fox actually puts on people from the other side of the argument. Fair and balanced, and all that


I thnk michelle is just bitchin’ that they won’t give her a paying gig..


SUMS it up

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

In fairness, Geraldo made it tough for him.

You mean his name isn’t actually Gerald River and he hasn’t been followed by a horrible series of typos that keep adding vowels to the end of his name?



So, has Obamacare Fascism Inc (TM) yet developed guidelines on how many wingnut tears we can drink before OD-ing on schadenfreude? Because I expect that to be a determining criteria for death by panels.

I, for one, welcome our new health care overlords.


OK: I just reread Little Billy “I Wets Me Pants” Kristol’s piece in all its lunatic glory, and I gots to give him de props:

The “Brumaire” column is so wonderfully looney toonez that it defies parody. Never has a pretentious “Look at how big my brainz is” squawk sounded so flaccid and yet simpering. It MUST garner a nomination in this year’s “Great Moments in Douchebaggery” and ought to be a permanent audioanimatronic display in ThisbeLand.

Or perhaps it could be adapted into a Pyramis scheme.

It’s a “canIhascheezeburger” mashup without any pitchures.

Rave-o, Meester Kreestole. Medium Well Done!


Oh, boy. I thought teh Malkinthing’s readers were loopy.

Biggovernment really does produce a different class of whiners. Only read two pages of comments, but there was at least 3 threats of shooting Obama/Liberals, anyone else they dont like…..

trust the FBI is monitoring…


This is just precious. I have stepped fully off the boat and went hacking through the forests for the plumpest mangoes. The mangoes of hate, that is, being displayed, right now, and every right bloggers comment pages. They jsut can’t believe they lost, and boys its hurting them…

I’m off to buy popcorn for the rest of the day.


… there was at least 3 threats of shooting Obama/Liberals, anyone else they dont like…

Anything in there about ineptly impersonating a telephone cleaner in a Congressional office closet?


Biggovernment really does produce a different class of whiners.

Yeah, the Internet Tough Guy alert level is well past “Plaid” over there. The whole “They’re gonna have to throw me in the hoosegow before I pay a penny in taxes now” thing is just ridiculous. You know none of these unhinged, cheetoh-fingered sociopaths have the stones to back up their braggadocio. Small favors, I suppose.


Geraldo was the only FOX News personality whose contract allows him to be made to work on Sunday night. It’s not like Tweety showed up on MSNBC. You think Hannity works Sunday night? He’s on the Gulfstream V, flying back from this wknd.’s Rip-Off America gig .

Currently on the tee vee: Mourning Joe & Rat Buchanan. Can we get them in front of a telebision death panel?


Troofy? Hello, is this thing on? Troofy?


The mangoes of hate

Hmmmm, band name or album title? I can’t decide.

They jsut can’t believe they lost, and boys its hurting them…

Well, they did have one of the most extreme, single sided media full court presses ever going strong for months on end. In their estimation, how could they lose?


Hey, is there butter on that?


ineptly impersonating a telephone cleaner Tee hee.

Cornpone Wang’s commentators, as linked last thread.

Not long, but all nuts. Those lefties are going to make them ‘splode in righteous rage!!

this is a dangerous anger, that could explode at anytime with any spark from the progressives to set it off.

I’ve heard and seen a lot of folks talking about armed revolt.


I wonder if this is how folks felt in 1860?


I wonder if this is how folks felt in 1860?

I don’t suppose the effects of wood alcohol change much over time.


OMFG! Here I thought it’d be safe to wade out for some schadenfreudalicious mangos – but I forgot about how big a fucking jerkhole that Kristol guy is.

But in the America of 2010, won’t farcical misgovernment do real damage to the country and to the world? Could the circus acts end in tragedy?

REALLY?!?!? WTF?! Sweet IPU in her garish hidden-osity, wotta fucking ASSHOLE. Gee, farcical misgovernment doing REAL damage? Kinda like, oh I don’t know – invading countries on made-up grounds? Letting an entire city drown? That whole Iraq thing? De-regulating the financial industry until they were taking 401K’s to the racetrack? IRAQ???

FUCKBUM! How the fuck could Kristol type that without spontaneously combusting in a pyroclastic fountaining of ignorance and hypocrisy?

Yeah Billy-boy, overhauling the American health insurance industry is like totes going to bring the world to it’s knees (so that Obama can ram his package down it’s throat) – totally unlike all of those global stabilizing policies like teh Iraq invasion, or letting Big Oil write energy policy, or maybe overthrowing the government of a large Middle Eastern country and then having hundreds of thousands of military contractors hang about randomly shooting the populace. Or like anything that you and your bloodthirsty, EPICALLY selfish neo-con movement has agitated for in the past… like for EVAR.


OK, I got off the boat this time. Tasty, tasty mangoes:

The decade of the 1960s—the first appearance in full flower of modern American liberalism…

Passage of Social Security, the Abraham Lincoln Brigade as a precursor of FDR’s leading the worldwide war on fascism — what a wacky time those 1960s were!

It took conservative politicians and policies decades to undo the damage of Great Society hubris, post-Vietnam weakness, and ’60s cultural foolishness.

When it comes to restoring traditional morality, David VItter is still continuing the valiant work Henry Hyde, Strom Thurmond, and Larry Craig began.

Much wreckage still remains.

E.g. the private affirmative-action plan which produced this column(ist).

Have we had in modern times a president who was so out of his depth?

(Please note: “modern times” offer limited. Does not include 1981-1989 or 2001-2009.)

America in 2010 isn’t France in 1852.

Our domestic cheese production lacks a certain flair.

Napoleon III’s weakness and foolishness invited the Franco-Prussian war of 1870….

A weak, foolish dictator-wannabe started a disastrous war by invading a country which had not attacked his own. The most recent example of this is on another continent in another century, at least if you want to keep raking in that sweet wingnut welfare.

But, fortunately, here in America, we have an opposition party and an engaged public.

Yeah, but the Teabaggers and the people who need health care oppose each other!

The Republican party will then gain seats in November…

Glory be! Halleluljah! Bloody WIlliam the Wrong has spoken! (Wait, did he explicitly write November 2010? ‘Cause otherwise, we might have work to do this year!) Now, if I could only get his opinion of my future erotic encounter with Scarlett Johansson…


Oh my! It’s time for PIE!


Bill Krostol is King of Trolls.


Those Forgotten Street guys are pretty impressive;

“Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, whom Hillary Clinton says is her heroine, is one of the most evil human beings in history. Right now she is preoccupied with supervising fellatio in Hell because of the tens of millions of black people she subjected to the genocide of abortion.”

You can almost taste the crazy…


Kristol, even.

I sometimes wonder how much of his BS is just entertainment, like Rush supposedly is. You know, for people who rooted for the Orcs in Lord of the Rings.


I wonder if this is how folks felt in 1860?

What, just before the Northern War of Aggression?


Give or take a yr.


Just Alison, back from the semi-dead said,
And as soon as I start my new Real Job (TM) next week (less pain *and* more money! Yay!)

In the meantime, feel free to visit Another Kiwi’s blog, which is currently lacking in BUGGERYBOLLOCKS and similar larrikin incivility.


Has Rush Limbaugh issued a “ha ha, I was just joking” yet, or can we expect him to actually leave the country as promised?


Or perhaps it could be adapted into a Pyramis scheme.

Don’t forget the Thisbe topping!

I wonder if this is how folks felt in 1860?

What, just before the Northern War of Aggression?

This is a topic that leaves me almost snarkless. Treason in defense of slavery, triggered by the legal election of Abraham Lincoln. Hmm…insane, violent behavior because one of their own isn’t in the White House. Good thing that’ll never happen again.


The fact is, this is how Hitler started out. FIrst Health Care for free, then a a war of agggggresion to pay for it, and killing Jews.


“it’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.”

That song has been in my head this morning.

The ramming and cramming tears of impotent rage are schweeeeet!


So, was the RAMMING OF OBAMA’S HUGE PACKAGE DOWN REPUBLICANS’ THROAT a single event, a drawn out process, or should they imagine a giant oblong dark package being jammed down their throat, forever.


I’ll take “forever,” Alex. And a vowel.


The fact is, ramming this down the throats of real Americans at a time of joblessness is not only unconsitutional but stupid, it will create debt, and the People Said No. But the knowitalls in DC ignored them, brushed their concerns aside, well us tea bag patriots have got something special in store for you traiters, yes we do


A little theme music, maestro.

It’s chocolate-covered so it goes down easier, Gary.


The fact is, democracy died last night and was replaced with a Hitler and Stalin type dictatorship wear the Wishes of The People are overrun. Millions of Americans will now choke on the socialism, but you dont care, liberals. You just want to win and use any means


“The fact is, this is how Hitler started out. FIrst Health Care for free, then a a war of agggggresion to pay for it, and killing Jews.”

Not that you are Real Gary…but, what the hey:

I thought that kkkkkilllllling Jjjjjjjews was the feature, not the bug? Or was this only if they were gay? Or dusky-hewed?

*Sigh* These weren’t issues when I was young. We had a proper panoply of gods and goddesses, unlike whatever the hell you 21st century people like to think you’re up to, and we didn’t have any of these weird hang-ups about sex. For Bastet’s sake, I was married to my own half-brother and you never heard me whining! No! I learned from it and grew as a person! Why do you people always have to stampede to “indiscriminate slaughter” as your default position to the slightest hint of opposition???

Damn. I really feel a need to invade Nubia right now. You know, to let off a little steam.


Out here in the fields
We pray for repeal
Before our grans must stop living

We tried to fight
To stop what’s right
Our throats have healthcare rammed in ’em

It’s a Teabag wasteland
Just a Teabag wasteland
They’re all wasted!


Oh, what’s that phrase? That one we heard last decade? It was kind of a taunt, as I remember.

Oh yes. Now I have it.

“Elections have consequences.”

And running a semi-senile hack for president and a dim-witted celebrity-whore for vice president have consequences, too.


You just want to win and use any means………

and the problem is…..


Collection #1, from Ace, who’s commentators are on a Frothing at the mouth scale of 11!!!:

“Yes. Break their windows and then break their heads.”

“I’ve worried for a while that a replay of the Boston Massacre is possible.”

“you’d have to get to the red-state part of California to find open resistance, but that doesn’t mean its not here: the last gun show i went to here in ammo and weapons were selling out the door, just like everywhere else. Molon Labe.”

“The tax recipients now outnumber the tax payers. If the latter won’t give it up on April 15, they are going to do some bleeding. One way or another, they are going to give it up. Burn, baby, burn!”

“For all of you young enough to not know what Kent State is – Google it and fast forward 40 years and tell me that it CAN’T happen today!”

Along with a very unhealthy love of guns, goes a complete misunderstanding of history. This is great….


You just want to win and use any means……

Like a vote in the elected legislature. A little different than signing statements.


Or armed rebellion, for that matter.

The Day After the Day Obamacare Died

What did I tell you, libs? The botox-soaked witch Pelosi didn’t have the votes to ram this down our throats. I hope you bookmarked it, because you are wondering how I was able to call this.


None of this will hold up in court because it is UNCONSTUSHULL for Democrats to pass things Republicans don’t like.


You watch. In three years, the Republicans’ campaign theme will be, “We were for health care reform all along. We just wanted to make it BETTER.”


Well, I have the tickets and we leave tomorrow. I’m taking my mom on a little trip. I expect the death panel will be waiting for her when she gets back but at least she’ll get to have this last bit of fun before we put her down.


Yessir, we’ve got us a President who doesn’t govern by the polls. Nope, he goes with his gut. Stands by his principles. Does what he thinks is right even if it isn’t popular.

What? We’re talking about Obama and not Bush? Oh, sorry. My bad.

He’s out of touch! The people didn’t want this! What about the polls? He’s ramming this bill down our throats!

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

I expect the death panel will be waiting for her when she gets back but at least she’ll get to have this last bit of fun before we put her down.

Couldn’t you just roll down the windows and let her hang her head out one last time like normal people?

Release the Kraken!

Now the spastics will wave their guns at their state legislators to pass a bill REFUDIATING health care. That’s right, they will Refute and Repudiate healthcare for their state’s citizens, including the ones who want it. They will go to their state’s capitols and write their demands on posterboard, with one letter out of every sixteen missing. And while they’re refudiating, we’ll release the Kraken.


“18th Brumaire of Barack Obama” for the win.

I mean, what I take away from that title is a simultaneous comparison of Obama with BOTH Napoleon and Marx. (And has Bill been reading Marx? For SHAME, Mr. Kristol! For SHAME! Even knowing the titles of what he wrote is merely the first step on the one-way road to becoming a Stalinist G.B. Shavian progressive brownshirt!)


I wonder if the “Kristol is always wrong about everything, absolutely everything he says” meme ever penetrated his bubble? I wonder if he has any idea that that’s how he’s widely perceived?



I like it.



“We were for health care reform all along. We just wanted to make it BETTER.”

Republicans = BASF?


Oh crap, it’s Monday morning already.


What I’m simultaneously dreading and looking forward to myself is the inevitable festival of wingtardia at work over the next couple days. I’m figuring Crazy Teabagger Lady is going to hide in her house for awhile anyway, lest Obama’s death squads catch her roaming the streets after age 65.


This killed me from the NYT:

“Are you so arrogant that you know what’s best for the American people?” Representative Paul Broun, Republican of Georgia, asked the Democrats. “Are you so ignorant to be oblivious to the wishes of the American people?”

Dear Representative Paul Broun:

It’s called representative democracy. You’re soaking in it.

Your Balls

P.S. What’s left of them.


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

The desperation of the right wing punditry is comforting.

NOTE TO PEEJ: Shameless blogwhoring at that link.


the People Said No. But the knowitalls in DC ignored them

Amen for that. Else we’d still have slavery.

Howard "Bunny" Colvin

Everybody wants to hear from Troofus but I need to know how this could have happened after Obambi alienated the true heart of the Democratic party, the Reagan Democrats. Can I get an Iris up in here?


Actually, yesterday would have been Primidi, 1 Germinal, not 18 Brumaire, which is November-ish.

So the date of the defeat of the Reaganite revolution was The 1 Germinal Of Barack Obama.


Damn this shit is dope. Y


Damn this shit is dope. YOU THE MAN NOW OBAMA! Hit my digits, yo, I know you gots them. Remember whose been onboard since day motherfuckin’ one.


The 1 Germinal Of Barack Obama.

Wheat Germinal?


So, what do people think; What other forms does this great teabagger resistance will take other then the whining on internet?


I’ve been trying to resist trolling the Lubbock newspaper’s Republican blogger for taunting purposes. It’s like shouting into the wind over there…

Howard "Bunny" Colvin

Damn this shit is dope. YOU THE MAN NOW OBAMA!



Germinal was the seventh month in the French Republican Calendar. The month was named after the Latin word germen, which means germination

Germinal was the first month of the spring quarter (mois de printemps). It started March 21 or March 22. It ended April 19 or April 20. It follows the Ventôse and precedes the Floréal. It was named sapadun in Souletin Basque[1].

One of the achievements of the French Revolution was to come up with a calendar and time system far more confusing than the prior Gregorian / traditional western systems.

I am encouraging the additional irony of all those TeaTardicans so worried about ramming and shoving and throats regarding the “seed” nature of the word.


What other forms does this great teabagger resistance will take other then the whining on internet?

Personally, I think it’s the death of the Teabag movement, which was put on life support two weeks ago when Glenn Beck had Eric Massa on and fumbled what he claimed would be a slam dunk interview.

Pardon the mixed metaphor.

The Teabaggers failed to get the single biggest issue (see what I do there?) that they opposed off the table. That’s pretty much ballgame over.


the “seed” nature of the word

They still wouldn’t get it if it had been named Seminal


And what do you think your reactions are going to be like come November 10th? Really, making fun of people for losing is just pathetic. At least they tried to do what their party wanted them to do. What will you have to comfort yourself with when Democrats lose congress and Obama does what is almost impossible and loses his re-election? That you managed to force people to buy health insurance and drove the Democratic party further to the right?

Are you really going to be happy with that?


To think, people used to criticize Republicans because all they had was hatred of people like us to hold them together. Well, it’s time to look in the mirror and decide what we actually have that we all believe in. As near as I can tell, it’s nothing. And because of that, we’ll never have anything worth having.

Look, most of you can’t even cheer the bill that was passed. The only real joy you’re getting from this piece of shit bill is how it makes Republicans feel.


The Tea Party movement can’t die until one of them tries to blow up a federal building with a truck bomb. After that, they’ll all disappear into their crazy shacks for another decade…


What will you have to comfort yourself with when Democrats lose congress and Obama does what is almost impossible and loses his re-election?

Wheee, something new to bookmark!

Really, making fun of people for losing is just pathetic.

Yep, ’cause the other side has always been SO restrained and honorable about their wins, yep, shure’nuff. *snerk*


The only real joy you’re getting from this piece of shit bill is how it makes Republicans feel.

And you know what? If it sticks in the craw of a bunch of sociopaths who’ve fucked up everything they’ve touched for years on end, I’m a-gonna applaud. Fuck ’em.


Why don’t you fucking libtards look in the mirror and see that you have alienated we, the true democrats? What will you do when Nigger Hussein Obongo loses his re-election? How can you stand that botox-soaked witch ramming this bill down America’s throat? Do you stupid assholes have nothing left but hate?

Yours truly,
A real genuine leftist, I promise


Why don’t you fucking teabaggers look in the mirror and see that you have alienated we, the true racists? What will you do when Senator Obote loses his re-election? How can you stop that viagra-soaked warlock thrusting this bill down America’s anus? Do you smart mouth have nothing left but Spangles?

Yours truly,
A real genuine twat, I promise


The Teabaggers failed to get the single biggest issue (see what I do there?) that they opposed off the table. That’s pretty much ballgame over.

Yep, and Frum is already out blaming the ‘baggers and the House GOP idiots who listened to them. I expect a whole lot more of that.

Also (too) I suspect the ‘baggers are unprepared for the changes in infrastructure as the various ant-HCR astroturf orgs shut down or move on to the next scam. Real grassroots organizing takes a shit-ton of time and hard work– work they haven’t done because it all seemed like it was “just there”.


Okay, here’s some tasty Schadenfreude.

A TRUE PATRIOT not only calls for the assassination of the President, but when called on it, immediately backpedals and defends himself by claiming to be a gutless coward who was just talking big – and people should stop being mean and writing bad stuff and so on.


You humans are a funny species. It seems to me that you only care about one another during a tragedy; and even then it’s only for a few weeks. Then, when some (Most) of you want to help those who don’t have the means to help themselves (for whatever reason[s]), those opposed to it (“it” being helping others of the same species) think that some slight against them as a political body has been injured in some way. You know why we don’t contact you people? Because we’d be a afraid of what you would try to do with our powerful brains and weapons — which we don’t need because we have achieved total peace for the last 2 million years. Thanks in large part because WE ARE THE SAME BEINGS. Earth seems to be ruled by a number of different, yet unknowingly the same, species.


Well, well, if it isn’t the gross frog chorus of giggling Obots here at Sadly, O!, out to get their ill-deserved yucks at America’s expense once again. What you people need to realize is that if the rightful winner of the Democrat primary, Hillary Clinton, had received the nomination she completely deserved, we wouldn’t be in this mess and healthcare would be something Americans would cherish. Instead, you’ve got the Messiah trying to ram his dark socialism and industry-coddling ideals down America’s throat, despite the fact that the true blue Reagan Democrats of Appalachia, those Bubba voters who comprise 90% of the Democrat vote, oppose his misogyny and vile attempts at an impotent complete takeover of the healthcare industry. Shame on you, I say, and it is for this that you’ll hear the sound of my boots walking away from your Corrupt Party.


Shame on you, I say, and it is for this that you’ll hear the sound of my boots walking away from your Corrupt Party.

OH LAWDY LAWDY HOW WILL WE EVER RECOVER FROM SUCH A DEFEAT! I fear for the Republic! OH NOEZ! Dogs and cats living together, mass insanity!


Oh dear god … soullite has come up from under the bridge again … or it’s just a really, really good parody. So hard to tell any more.

(The worst part is that they– the Firebaggers — think they’re the One True Left, and don’t quite understand they’ve become the left’s Teabagger movement: a bunch of whiny, deranged lunatics who seem more interested in imposing purity tests and stomping their feet until they get EVERYTHING they want. Good job, Jane! Way to get the minions into a frenzy over a Democratic legislative success! And to post at The Huffingglue Post a takedown of a bill Congress didn’t even vote on — nice touch.)

I’m at home today (kidney stone decided today was moving day, apparently) so I’m not getting the up-close reaction of the wingnuts at work.

I am, however, enjoying the mangoes over at Kristol Island. So, so very sweet …


If only you had nominated Hillary Clinton, a woman with a proven track record for enacting health care reform, we wouldn’t be oppressed by the dark rule of our dark overlord.


At least they tried to do what their party wanted them to do.

well, THAT’S too bad. Because actually, their job is to do what their CONSTITUENTS want them to do.

That may be part of their problem.

because all they had was hatred of people like us to hold them together.

Who you calling “us”, breather?


Really, making fun of people for losing is just pathetic.

Right, cuz y’all were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO gracious in November 2004, you mangy little prick.


You know why we don’t contact you people?

Cuz dolphins are better lays?


The only real joy you’re getting from this piece of shit bill is how it makes Republicans feel

No, you dumb fucking piece of troll shit, this is the joy I’m getting from the bill:

1. Adult children may remain as dependents on their parents’ policy until their 27th birthday
2. Children under age 19 may not be excluded for pre-existing conditions
3. No more lifetime or annual caps on coverage
4. Free preventative care for all
5. Adults with pre-existing conditions may buy into a national high-risk pool until the exchanges come online. While these will not be cheap, they’re still better than total exclusion and get some benefit from a wider pool of insureds.
6. Small businesses will be entitled to a tax credit for 2009 and 2010, which could be as much as 50% of what they pay for employees’ health insurance.
7. The “donut hole” closes for Medicare patients, making prescription medications more affordable for seniors.
8. Requirement that all insurers must post their balance sheets on the Internet and fully disclose administrative costs, executive compensation packages, and benefit payments.
9. Authorizes early funding of community health centers in all 50 states (Bernie Sanders’ amendment). Community health centers provide primary, dental and vision services to people in the community, based on a sliding scale for payment according to ability to pay.
10. AND no more rescissions. Effective immediately, you can’t lose your insurance because you get sick.


Shame on you, I say, and it is for this that you’ll hear the sound of my boots walking away from your Corrupt Party.


Can you hear it? You have to listen closely….

Hear it?

It’s the sound of little troll feet stomping under the bridge!

Ted the Slacker

I am, however, enjoying the mangoes over at Kristol Island. So, so very sweet …

I’m finding the Instapuke mangoes about the tastiest I’ve ever tried. The HTML shorter is also rimshot of the year.


4. Free preventative care for all

This was my favorite piece.


Free preventative care for all

yeah; this one should have been #1 on the list…



The NRO is off-line!!!!!!



503 Service Unavailable
No server is available to handle this request.


I’ve been trying to resist trolling the Lubbock newspaper’s Republican blogger for taunting purposes. It’s like shouting into the wind over there…

You go on resisting – I’ll take up the slack.


7. The “donut hole” closes for Medicare patients, making prescription medications more affordable for seniors.

Two words: FUCKIN’ A.

Not having to explain to someone why their co-pays went up in the middle of the year for no apparent reason is always a good thing.


Did y’all see this on the Confederate Wankee post (I can’t be arsed to look if someone posted it): “My flag flies upside down as we are all in distress and stand to lose our lives, property and liberty to this tyrannical government.”

Dude, that is so punk rock.


I’d guess NRO is seeing just a bit too many plainly stated threats on their comments?

The Consulate of Costa Rica

Paging Mr. Limbaugh. Paging Mr. Limbaugh. Your visa application has been approved. Enjoy your stay with us.

Dr Jeremiah Acorn

If you haven’t already, go to Memeorandum NOW and enjoy.




The NRO is off-line!!!!!!

Yeah, we rounded ’em all up last night. Sorry, guys, but this blog may go out of business as the tentacles of the Obamarmy spread across this great nation.


Holy crap! James “The Amazing” Randi is….gay?????

I never knew that, and he lived a few blocks away from me when I was growing up!


Actor, seriously, he did? I went to school with his foster-son.

Where did you live?


I’m finding the Instapuke mangoes about the tastiest I’ve ever tried.
–Ted the Slacker

::checks Instahayseed::

Now that’s a mango! Especially the “reader email” update:

Does FOX not realize that it’s not a good idea to put someone like [Geraldo, who is now apparently the most progressive human being evah!] on after we’ve been not only racketeered but defiled by the Dems?”

They really are a truly special kind of stupid, aren’t they? I mean, it’s like they all went to some Wingnut Skuul Of Stoopid …


Jennifer, I haven’t been able to entirely resist. I posted a couple of comments and am considering posting a link to the Frum article, just for the joy of the screaming that would ensue…


I’d guess NRO is seeing just a bit too many plainly stated threats on their comments?

I’m thinking either they had a collective head assplosion, or the ISP said, “Look, your wingnut welfare check bounced last night at midnight”…


I grew up on the UES, g.


In the ’70s he lived in a seaside town in NJ. His foster-son was 2 years behind me in high school, played drums in band with me.


What g said.

Is it Danish National Health Care? No. Will we reach Danish national healthcare in my life time? Don’t know, certainly will push for it.

But what we have is a good bill. Not game changing, but a critical first step. I mean, we have in this country an overwhelming number of people willing to fuck themselves over if they think it’ll make the life of a brown person worse. We have people willing to cackle over the preventable deaths of others out of blind wingnut insanity.

It’s not the greatest bill, it’ll need a lot of servicing, but it’s a net positive and a worthy cause of champagne popping in the real left.

And here’s why.

Real progressives know from the history of every fight they have ever begun that the history of a struggle is spending decades upon decades fighting for, defending, and scrambling over scraps before you can even approach something decent. Gay rights groups had to fight for decades chasing legalize discrimination-esque bills to get enough power to get a law passed that means that police actually have to investigate when someone kills us. Women have fought tooth and nail, scrambling for tiny perches of equal treatment and settling for small victories like Title IX and no-fault divorce.

The point of this is that real progressives understand that politically, the struggle is one’s whole life. Getting from the shit sandwich of today to the Denmark lite of the distant future is a painful barrage of constant failures, compromises, tiny wonderful victories that provide the perch and base camp for the next excursion.

Is this bill what I wanted? No. But it’s the base camp for the next fight.

And this is a victory. A real positive improvement of the lives of the disenfranchised an powerless.

We get to feel good about this on its own merits.

If you are a progressive, rather than Troofie in disguise, I’d trust you’d see as well who it helps and be pleased for something that is at least a step in the right direction even if it isn’t what you wished and dreamed for.



I remember him from the 60s when he was on Wonderama on Sunday mornings, and sometimes on the Today Show. He probably moved once he started making some coin.


Scott – I’m being moderated. Apparently Mr. Chest-Thumping Big-Man Teatard doesn’t post comments that he can’t refute.


And damn it, I’m drinking in the wingnut tears. I’ve fucking earned it. For longer than my entire life, they’ve spent their lives literally basing their politics on what they think would make people like me cry or suffer. Like the high school bullies that they are, they’ve devoted huge amounts of time and devotion and nasty vile actions to mocking the perceived weak, the suffering, the non-conforming out of petty, pathetic issues about masculinity and “strength”.

I’ve had to watch health care reform get watered down as conservative democrats cowered in fear before a tiny handful of white supremacists who have in recent days not only gone after a civil rights hero, but also an 11 year old boy and a Parkinson’s sufferer (not the first time, they’ve done so either) and openly stated that people without health insurance deserve to die.

They are “suffering” not because of anything real, but because they know passing health care reform is a legislative victory for democrats and increases their political power as a party. Not out of any genuine ideological differences. And even if I were to take them at their word, their stated fears about health care are an insane amalgamation of untrue delusions of their own making.

In short, they made their own hell as I fought hard to make their lives better.

If they want to sob into a cup about black dusky cocks jamming down their throats and the fact that maybe just maybe life will get better for someone out there.

Well, then, I’m an empathetic girl, but fuck them, let me fill my wine glass deeply of their tears and sip oh so slowly.

Damn, that’s good shit.


Jennifer, it might be an automatic thing — sometimes my blog on the same site moderates new commenters. Of course, I always approve ’em — don’t know that Mr. Conservative will.

I just checked back over there, and he’s absolutely not responding to my comments.

Spengler Dampniche

“OMFG! Here I thought it’d be safe to wade out for some schadenfreudalicious mangos – but I forgot about how big a fucking jerkhole that Kristol guy is.”

How quickly we forget.

What’s just so wonderful this mornin’ is the opportunity to collect all these windfall mangoes and make preserves outten em. We can put away jars and jars of mangoes for future use, adding a rich, sweet sauce to the derision of tomorrow.

We’re living in quote-rick times, komrades.

Spengler Dampniche


I think my keyboard has gone Galt.

Spengler Dampniche

“Is this bill what I wanted? No. But it’s the base camp for the next fight.”

I’m getting that tattooed on my chest.


So the good parts of the HCR:
1. 30 million more Americans get coverage.
2. No more denial for pre-existing conditions.
3. Right-wing blowhards pissing themselves.

I find I have to agree with Boenher on one point though. This isn’t the law Americans wanted. They wanted something way more radical than this. Of course, single payer or any sane proposal would never have made it through the GOP filibuster (aided and abetted by Joe and Ben).


Something must be said for those who care about their fellow humans rather than huge amounts of ficticious wealth people think is “important”. While I understand you humans are a primitive species, you all are an occasional delight to the universe when you move passed your feeble attempts to accumulate those papers you exchange for services and towards your collective consciousness. Money, as you call it, was irradicated from our word around the same time war was. Once we realized that it was in the better interest of the species to allow every being, as long as they are nonviolent, to offer their talents to the universe, peace and prosperity was and is real. You are a young species but beginning to grow up.


While I understand you humans are a primitive species, you all are an occasional delight to the universe when you move passed your feeble attempts to accumulate those papers you exchange for services and towards your collective consciousness. Money, as you call it, was irradicated from our word around the same time war was.

English is your second language, huh?

We have this program called “Obamacare” that can help you learn a new language, guaranteed!


I guess from Kristol’s PoV, Medicare was a tragedy, since it kept so many old people from dying off at an earlier age, and their survival into old age drained off resources that could be better spent on trillion dollar experiments to prove that the belief that sunnis and shiites might not get along is just a bunch of pop sociological hooey.


Bill Krystolnacht’s column is clearly, the winner. What the hell was that bit about Napoleon at the end? Does he want to bring back Bonarpartism?


Yep, and Frum is already out blaming the ‘baggers and the House GOP idiots who listened to them. I expect a whole lot more of that.

Repub infighting. Sweet. Now when the baggers go the whole hog and form a breakaway party, it will leave the main one with nothing left to do but start clawing at the center ground.

My plan is working. Working. Ah ha ha ha.


Good thing I don’t like mangoes, so I’m safe in the boat. Have the young lady in the sarong bring me another of those drinks with the little paper umbrella please…


Bill Kristol has read the Eighteenth Brumaire like I’ve read the collected works of Edmund Burke.


Scott and Jennifer, I was posting over there just now as JMos and I and another guy basically won an argument on (get this) whether Martin Luther King was a Republican. Mostly he just seems to ignore the stuff he can’t knock down, which is most of it.


You know why we don’t contact you people?

No, and I really expected a call after the probing. PS I’m keeping your cat.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“For all of you young enough to not know what Kent State is – Google it and fast forward 40 years and tell me that it CAN’T happen today!”

You know he was fapping off to the news when it actually occurred.

What the hell was that bit about Napoleon at the end? Does he want to bring back Bonarpartism?

He wants to bring back Boehnerpartisism.


He wants to bring back Boehnerpartisism.

He wants to bring back boner-partyism.

Sorry, that was juvenile, I know.


Well they can probably afford viagra now


Alien Being said,



Here’s one from the Big Gubmint comments:

I only have one thing to say.Take all you money out of your bank account. Pages 58 and 59 of the bill will allow the gov to automatically withdraw from your account for this heathbill. This is robbery. This is illegal. They are saying screw you, we can do what we want.

I looked at pages 58-59 of the bill, and it’s all about the government setting up mechanisms, including a website, to allow consumers to get information about affordable coverage.

So this claim is true, because everybody knows that when you go to any government website to look for information, the government automatically gets access to your bank account, not to mention your medical records, your private diaries, and your hypothalamus.

(Of course, if the government somehow were to get unwanted access to your info just because you look at a website, I think you could point the finger of blame at that darling of the wingtards, the PATRIOT Act.)


Pop, pop, fizz, fizz, oh, what a relief it is! The teabag head asplosions are so cool- better than- dare I say- 4th of July displays! Also, the Kent State comment was way out of line- I was there, and the whole thing was pretty much a combination of Repub governor and townie pushback, why the Guardsmen fired is still not clear, but they didn’t really need to, but did. That will probably be the same story when (if) the teabag tin soldiers go ballistic (literally and figuratively). I sure would like to see all those teabag tax protestors do time with the guys I did time with and ran with on the streets. That will be pure comedy gold!

Turbine Yukon Palin

I wonder if the “Kristol is always wrong about everything, absolutely everything he says” meme ever penetrated his bubble? I wonder if he has any idea that that’s how he’s widely perceived?

Also interesting: should it ever penetrate his bubble, and should he accept the premise as true and ‘fess up to it, what kind of localized rupture in the space-time continuum would occur?

Or, like those lady androids from Star Trek, would his necktie start blinking furiously as he tried to be both wrong and not-wrong at the same time, until his circuits fried and he shut down, slack-jawed? Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease….


So the date of the defeat of the Reaganite revolution was The 1 Germinal Of Barack Obama.

germ, aka Siemens

speaking of ramming packages and salty bitter tastes

so, December baby?


I am encouraging the additional irony of all those TeaTardicans so worried about ramming and shoving and throats regarding the “seed” nature of the word.

Shit, I am anticipated.


I mean, we have in this country an overwhelming number of people willing to fuck themselves over if they think it’ll make the life of a brown person worse.

Word. It’s the American insanity.

Wish I could crack a joke here, but … I got nothin’. Well, except the fact that white wingnuts’ raging envy and emulation of Blacks (culturally and politically) has to be FSM’s little joke.


(comments are closed)