This one goes out to a certain special someone…

Gary “Trollerto” Ruppert draws our attention to the fact that Newsmax has debunked the whole Haditha thing. We needed no further encouragement to check it out — which is how we learned that the mastermind behind the entire “incident” is a 12-year old girl:

But the “innocent” Haditha 12-year-old failed to give any further details about which other family members knew about the bomb plot. Or whether one of her relatives had detonated the blast.

So what did this girl do?

“I was planning to go to school. I was about to go out of bed. I knew the bomb would explode so I covered my ears,” the youngster said, according to a CNN translator. [Emphasis added]

So what did she know and when did she know it? And what does that make her?

The Haditha co-conspirator continued[.]

Co-conspirator! Now that’s some sweet, honey roasted wingnuttery.

Bradrocket adds: I hate to be a party pooper, but the fact is that none of these comments was written by the “real” Gary Ruppert. It was a very nice parody of a parody though, and whoever wrote them deserves credit. However, the fact is you gave yourself away by joking about bongs- the fact is that the “real” Ruppert is as humorless as they come.

Sebster adds: Bradrocket is only saying what the gay immigrant terrorists want you to believe. Vote for fear!

Bradrocket adds: The fact is Seb has me nailed. The fact is I’m on the take from the Mexhomonazis of Amerikkka.

In other news, David Ortiz rules. Also, here’s a close-up of Gavin’s crotch:



Comments: 28


Sadly, No! = PWN3d!!11!!. Gary Ruppert is TEH ROXXOR!!!!11111!!!


I think Kerry and Gore helped her plan the attack, and Hillary bought the equipment.

I read it on little green shitballs. It’s clearly true, moonbats.

Also, Michael Moore is fat.


The fact is that anyone who relies on NewsMax for information is sub-retarded.


Sherman, dude, I loved your work on “Bullwinkle”….damn, where did I put that bong…


No one needs a bong when reading Newsmax is the equivalent of taking ‘shrooms, acid, ecstasy and a stool-softener all at once.


Dear proprietors of Sadly, No!

Well,of course this was parody! How stupid do you think it is possible for humans to be?

By the way, I love this site, and your commenters are very much above average (except for my loathesome, trollsome self, that is).

Hugs and kisses,

Fake Gary


How does anyone know that there is a “real” Gary Ruppert?


How does anyone know that there is a “real� Gary Ruppert?

There probably isn’t. Gary is just some kind of collective hallucination.


I’m waiting for a Bizarro Gary to turn up, chanting “Hugo Chavez 4 Prez” while quoting Marx.


How very… meta.


Ah HAH! So Gary Ruppert is George Dubya Bush, puppet-in-chief! That does explain a lot of things.


I hate to be a party pooper, but the fact is that none of these comments was written by the “real� Gary Ruppert.

Maybe so, but I think it falls into the category of “if there wasn’t a Gary Ruppert, we’d have to invent one”. The fact is (to borrow a phrase) there are a LOT of people who believe just exactly what Gary believes. True Believer Wingnuts. By debunking Gary we can debunk the talking points collectively and perhaps have an effect on the general discourse. And, it is kind of amusing on a Sunday Afternoon.

Entirely off topic, I’d just like to say that the Giants Bullpen is TEH SUXXXOR!!!!111!



In that case, could we please get some better acid?


Gary Ruppert is George Dubya Bush, puppet-in-chief!

Don’t be absurd. There are many words in the real Gary’s posts which are correctly spelled.


He might have speeeel checkâ„¢. Or maybe the secrit survice helped him.


So, basically a 15 year old girl who had knowledge of a bomb plot is somebody who deserves to be shot to death?

Among other things, just knowing about it doesn’t make her an immediate threat; had they taken her into custody, instead of, you know, murdering her, they might have been able to find out about future plots.

Not tom mention that massacres don’t really help us win the hearts and minds of the Iraqis.

Newsmax is monstrous.


Well, if Newsmax reports something, it MUST be true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I read about reading it on the internet, i think yer right.


I deem Gary Ruppert to be trivial, marginal, and inconsequential.

Therefore, it is an important truth.

You may qoute me.


Agree with Christopher, Newsmax is monstrous. Apologists for murder always are monstrous. I am old enough to remember a time in this country when decent people would be ashamed to say such things. Those days would appear to be gone.


Maybe so, but I think it falls into the category of “if there wasn’t a Gary Ruppert, we’d have to invent one�. The fact is (to borrow a phrase) there are a LOT of people who believe just exactly what Gary believes. True Believer Wingnuts. By debunking Gary we can debunk the talking points collectively and perhaps have an effect on the general discourse

I have no idea of whether Gary Ruppert is just a parody run amok or there really is a real Gary, feverishly downloading winguttery from newsmax, hotair, fox news and the like, rushing over here with his cheetos stained hands with the post that will wreck our Islamexicomunisto plans to destroy America via the UN. But you are absolutely correct Mikey that lots of people (29% or so of the US population) believe as Gary does and recite O’Reilly talking points with earnest gusto in everyday coversation. The scary thing is that as soon as O’Reilly changes his story, they change theirs and it’s We were always at war with East Asia while always allied with Eurasia sorta thing. It’s freaky.


Why not offer to get Gary registered for ID purposes? You could entice him with a free abortion or something.


We were always at war with East Asia while always allied with Eurasia sorta thing

This is true, and I find it fascinating. In the post colonial era, we have NEVER been at war with caucasian people. Only brown people. Korean, Vietnamese, Panamanian, Salvadoran, Afghani, Iraqi. If alliances suddenly changed and for some unexplained economic necessity we had to go to war against, say, France, I can promise you that it would take much more than a vote in congress authorizing the use of force. Short of a Formal Declaration of War, such a conflict is inconceivable. But killing brown people is just so much easier and more palatable.

I am old enough to remember a time in this country when decent people would be ashamed to say such things. Those days would appear to be gone.

Sad but oh so true. I remember people were ashamed of My Lai. Of course, there was also a time when an American could travel around the world and get nothing but kindness from the people of the world. I rememeber when the thought of being an American made my chest swell with pride. Like me, you remember. And speaking only for me, it is a source of some sour comfort that I will not live to see the decline of the American nation that I expect to happen. Resource competition, global warming, financial stupidity and economic insustainability will result in the decline of America to a third-world economy with a feared (and possibly for-rent?) military.



Clearly, this 12 year old deserves to have had her family killed because that morning, she failed to run outside in her nightgown to intercept a Humvee full of heavily armed male soldiers.

Oh, I am sorry. I tried for sarcasm, but it has simply sickened me.


Did anyone check to make sure the twelve year old girl isn’t named Nayirah? I smell a PR plant.


Seb is George Michael? cool.


er, or make that Gavin


…Wait a second! I just noticed that bulge on the top right of the cropped shot. (Yes, yes, I’m slow on the uptake.) Is that what I think it is?

Please, Gavin. I know you’re happy to see me, but — not in front of the rest of S,N!, OK? *gesturing* I’ll call.


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