High Noonan
Posted on March 20th, 2010 by Tintin
Shorter Peggy Noonan
Now For The Slaughter
- Obama’s postponement of a trip to Australia because he needs to stay in Washington to secure his domestic health care reform agenda is much more detrimental to the international reputation of the United States than George Bush’s invasion of Iraq over non-existent WMDs.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
I got off the boat.
“Presidents have a right to certain prerogatives, including the expectation of a certain deference. He’s the president, this is history. But we seem to have come a long way since Ronald Reagan was regularly barked at by Sam Donaldson, almost literally, and the president shrugged it off. ”
Fuck you Peggy with a rusty chainsaw. Twice.
The smackdown of her talking points by Rep. Weiner on Morning Ho was a think of beauty, and I would never in my life get out of the boat for a Noonan column. Sometimes you just have to walk on by.
Public service blogwhoring:
Top one is just P.N., bottom is Weiner’s rebuttal, avoiding the intro & Howard Dean.
AWS, definetely do not get off the boat for the Kickner excretion then.
The other story in Peg’s word processor:
Excuse me, but it is embarrassing—really, embarrassing to our country—that the president of the United States has left to visit to Australia and Indonesia without sticking around to pass a piece of domestic legislation he’s been promising for a year will be passed next week. What an air of chaos this signals to our country. And to go to Australia of all countries, a nation that would understand, that has never needed face to face diplomacy in a time of crisis like.
How bush league, how undisciplined, how kid’s stuff.
So, is Lady Pegworth of Noonington turned off over the size of Obama’s package that he’s ramming down her throat?
She’s not swallowing it AWS. She’s a good Catholic girl.
That Weiner guy kicks some serious ass.
Weiner is no pussy. This is called a truism.
What’s the record for most penis jokes in a health care debate?
What’s the record for most penis jokes in a health care debate?
Do you consider “Peg” a penis reference?
Well, I don’t believe we had a Weiner leading the charge in previous debates, did we? (excluding the Clenis)
I was planning to feed my children on that “popularity and prestige” for the next three years. And now it’s gone!
“Do you consider “Peg” a penis reference?”
No. That is a cunt reference which is like totally the opposite.
Speaking as someone who lives in the same county as Weiner and therefore hears more about him than the average American politics junkie, he thinks he’ll be the first Jewish president. Spitzer thought it would be himself, until he proved to be too fucking stupid to not stupidly fuck; now the baton (veiled circumcised PENIS reference) has passed to Weiner.
Rahm always wanted to be the first Jewish Speaker of the House. You can look it up as they say.
Yo E$ Klein, peeped yr post in other thread. glad ur livin it up down in da bahamas right now lol. listen marty p$r$tzzzzz may b able 2 toss sum mega-bucks yr way if ur down 4 sum columnspace on how totez vital it is 2 support israel rite now. hit me up. u still got my digits from that nite @ the spotted pig i think (lol wot a nite!)
know ur always lookin 2 advance ur career so hit me up
it wasn’t worth it—worth the discord, worth the diminution in popularity and prestige, worth the deepening of the great divide.
My Google skills are sadly deficient. I cannot find those columns from Ms Noonan where she criticised Bush for worsening the polarisation of American politics by not consistently agreeing with Democrats.
Speaking as someone who lives in the same county as Weiner and therefore hears more about him than the average American politics junkie, he thinks he’ll be the first Jewish president.
Given the downward trend in branepower in the U.S., it’ll probably be David Lee Roth.
Given the downward trend in branepower in the U.S.
I blame the zombies.
Jon Chait said, March 20, 2010 at 12:19
“Do you consider ‘Peg’ a penis reference?”
Well, “Peg” is title of a hit song from the ’70’s by Steely Dan, who were named after a dildo. So I’d say it’s a couple of degrees of seperation from one.
I long ago gave up on the Pegaloon. I’m convinced her continued employment as a pundit is part of some outreach program for the mentally ill. She’s like the Norma Desmond of wingnuts (the Carol Burnett version.)
You can laugh, but as an Australian, I can assure you, what she says is true.
As soon as the news of President Obama’s postponed visit was made public, a collective gasp was heard throughout the land, with cries of, “well, of all the ungrateful…”.
Thought you were our friends …
So, is Lady Pegworth of Noonington turned off over the size of Obama’s package that he’s ramming down her throat?
I think it’s more the fact that he took his jacket off in the Oval Office while doing it, something ***RONALD REAGAN*** would never do.
So sorry, we really are your friends. Tell you what, to show how much we like you, we’ll send you our president if you’ll send us your health care.
Actually, can we keep the president and send them a whitman’s sampler of wingnuts lovingly coated in concrete?
Well, depends. Is it dark concrete or milk concrete?
“I wonder at what point the administration will realize it wasn’t worth it—worth the discord, worth the diminution in popularity and prestige, worth the deepening of the great divide. What has been lost is so vivid, what has been gained so amorphous, blurry and likely illusory. Memo to future presidents: Never stake your entire survival on the painful passing of a bad bill. Never take the country down the road to Demon Pass.”
Yes, never attempt to legislate any help for the working class that will cause the discord and emotional discomfort of members of my party, forcing them to openly carry guns to presidential appearances, horribly caricature the president and speaker of the house, accuse them of fascism, scream incoherently at their representatives in town meetings, and compare the passage of a health care bill to the holocaust. So much has been lost by the incivility and partisan tactics of president Obama.
“I wonder at what point the administration will realize it wasn’t worth it—worth the discord, worth the diminution in popularity and prestige, worth the deepening of the great divide. What has been lost is so vivid, what has been gained so amorphous, blurry and likely illusory.
Yeah, Pegs. Go ask someone who will be able to have health insurance, finally, instead of being bankrupted with medical expenses, how amorphous, blurry and illusory it is.
send them a whiteman
’ssampler of wingnuts lovingly coated in concreteFiKKKst.
Never stake your entire survival on the painful passing of a bad bill.
Shorter Noonan: “LOOK WHAT YOU MADE US DO!”
What’s Nooners doing in my kitchen? Drinking my breakfast? Bitch.
“let me note that Glenn Beck has long appeared to be insane.” This is her reason for appearing as the voice of sanity. Who cares about getting a bill passed when you could be throwing shrimps on the barby?
HUH? You mean Peggy Noonan isn’t dead yet?
Hmm … someone wanna just see if she can fog up a mirror to make sure?
Her writing sure as hell isn’t clarifying the issue much.
“Peg” is an ersatz penis reference. Also: humorless.
Thank you MB, for the link to the video of Not-before-noon-somewhere being slamdunked by Weiner. She got Weiner right across the chops, and her weak reply was “something education too something”. Her credentials consist of working for Reagan and he would say to her “RELEASE THE KRAKEN!” while leaving his jacket on.
Weiner’s pointing out that health care is 20% of the economy, so you can’t say it’s unrelated to job creation… and Noonan’s response is “education is related too”? When employers can’t hire people because every extra dollar has to go to textbooks and tuition for their employees, then you can tell me education is related in the same way as health care.
bottom is Weiner’s rebuttal
Is it just me, or is this central to someone’s point?
Demon Pass!! I thought it was Demon Sheep?!
Oh look, mangoes! Boy, those sure look tasty! [reaches for fruit, knee-deep in water; mango explodes] AAAAAAHHH, my eyes! Help me! Blood everywhere! Water boiling with piranha! No! For the love of god, no!
The shorter is correct: Obama is chastised for pursuing the most important domestic policy agenda he has before him, when he ought to be in Australia, hangin’ with the Bruces.
“You could see”? “Look embarrassed”? “Seemed hushed”? “Looked like people who…”? “We all seem to be…”?
These people no longer even pretend to be doing anything besides making shit up.
I blame the zombies.
you always do
The reporters didn’t even provoke or needle in their questions.
Reporters who do provoke and needle and ask supplementary questions do so to show their respectful acceptance of what they have been told.
Sam Donaldson used to shout questions at Reagan when he was getting in his helicopter. Obama was never called a commienazislamofascist while riding in his helocopter. Reagan always wore his jacket when riding in his helicopter, a tradition first started by Washington. Obama sometimes takes his jacket off. Do you know who else sometimes took his jacket off? Wake up sheeple.
It’s about time somebody pointed out that the President is choosing to focus on a paltry domestic issue affecting only 20% of the nation’s economy rather than giving Indonesia the full measure of respect it is due as a major world power