
I’m too lazy right now to attempt to properly structure a post, but still I ought to write something…

Now about the Armando ‘outing’. Yes, it’s awful what was done by NRO and is just the latest in a series of wingnut atrocities of this kind. I begin to wonder if so many in a row and in so short a time means that it’s coincidental or concerted. But as far as Armando himself goes, well I agree with SS but would amend/add two things. For one, we on the left couldn’t just ignore Armando; he had too big of an audience and too much pull at the hugest lefty site for that to happen: we had to take his bullshit into account. For another, I’m not surprised a bit to learn that Armando was a corporate whore for Wal-Mart, and I dont say that because Armando was one of those intolerable centrist nuts whose bullshit form of even-handedness not only ruined the 90s for us but imperils our future once we crush the wingnuts; I say it because it was Armando’s schtick to always have it both ways, to split the difference to the point that the only beneficiary was himself. He demonstrated as much when he calculatedly ingratiated himself with wingnuts by befriending the awful awful Kos-stalker Tacitus; and indeed IIRC it was he who introduced the horrible Red State creeps into Kos and shouted-down any protests with the force majeure only a made-man at Kos could summon. Armando was poison to Kos: both to the community and to the man whose bitterly envious enemies he made a strategic point of defending and befriending.

And speaking of whom, I wonder if Armando’s friendship with that paragon of internet honesty and decency will pay any dividends now? Where is Tacitus to speak up for his dear chum? Tacky had already left Armando in the lurch at Pork Swords Crossed; will he resurface now to demand that NRO sign his pathetic Online Integrity pledge? Tick tock, tacky tock.

Here’s Elton shortering, and Verhoevening, Max Boot.

Shorter Niall Ferguson: Behold my hackneyed metaphor!

Moses Whine hates the U.N. so much for attacking St. Limbaugh that he wishes Jack Abramoff on it!

The Malkinoids at Hate Air have a mole at the YearlyKos convention. Report: Kos said “dustbin of history”! See? That’s from Trotsky! Proof that Kos is a crypto-commie scumbag!

It’s nice to know that quoting what now amounts to a cliche is evidence of evil. But maybe it is true: Comrades Kristol, Podhoretz, Kirkpatrick, Wolfowitz, et al have been quoting that line (and many more) of Trotsky’s for years!

But then the poster, one Allahpundit, isn’t the most attuned-to-irony sort of guy. Well, ok, he is; but only for the most simple, cretinous kind of irony: “See, my name is Allahpundit which is a joke at pious muslims’ expense ahahahaha!” This master of comedy (Jeff Goldstein references him at least twice a day, so hilarious is he) used to have a blog of his own, now gone the way of the Dodo. Sample joke:

..if I want to be governed by leftist Jew-haters, I’ll stay home and vote Green Party.

Incidentally, you know what would be funny? If Ralph Nader got hit by a car doing about 80 miles an hour, and his head ended up stuck in the front grill, and as his life ebbed away his eyes focused for a second — and it turned out to be a Corvair. Can you imagine? Which is not to say anyone should try that; for Christ’s sake, people, we’re talking about a Corvair here. You could get hurt!

Bwahahaha 40-year-old jokes recycled and shit through a LGF screen: squitteringly highlarious, I’m telling you! Hey, I got one. Wouldn’t it be funny if some wingnut — oh, let’s say, Allahpundit — got hit by a Hummer while giving Ken Mehlman a hummer! And then, like, their bodies were smeared against its grill like dragonflies in summer?? Can you imagine?! Oooh, I got another, though it’s more of a highlarious observation rather than a straight joke. What if wingnuts went around quoting Nazi talking points! Wouldn’t that be a hell of a ‘gotcha’?

One last thing. Read this post by Kos. What he’s describing and endorsing is very very similar to… Noam Chomsky’s “libertarian-socialism.” My god! Doesn’t he know that Chomsky is the Anti-Christ? I hereby call on all Sensible Liberals and Principled Libertarians to denounce Kos in the harshest way! So get off your duffs, Brad DeLong (who recently admitted in videoblog that his centrist, corporate-whore ideology of neoliberalism doesn’t benefit the poor anywhere; duh, Dr. DeLong, duh), Kevin Drum, Jon Chait, Matt Welch*: y’all have some screeds to write!

*I could name other Sensible Liberals whose behavior from 2001-03 was abominable. But I won’t. You (and they) know who they are.


Comments: 22


That was brilliant, Retardo.


I just can’t believe you’re not in Vegas liveblogging(I would do that little trademark sign here if I just knew how!) the “Snark – From Whence To Where?” panel.

melior (in Austin)

Wouldn’t it be funny if Michelle Malkin got interned in a relocation camp just because she looks like a Muslamunist? Hahaha!

Or if someone mistook Ann Coulter for a woman in a dark alley (ok, reeally dark) and she was raped and was forced to have the kid because abortion was illegal? Boy now that would be hilarious!


I think it would be funny if Armando were outed as if his anonymity and job were a matter of “right to know” ethics by an e-mailer who seems to think it important enough that we remain ignorant of his/her real name or place of employment that s/he only uses a pseudonym.


My god! Doesn’t he know that Chomsky is the Anti-Christ? I hereby call on all Sensible Liberals and Principled Libertarians to denounce Kos in the harshest way!

Yeah, well, I just flipped through all the Chomsky books I own, and it’s undeniable: not one of them contains any pictures of kittens in baskets, so, you know, fuck him.


“Allahpundit” truly does suck.


I am very much a Libertarian Dem, and this is exactly what my next book will be about.

is this the part where we start calling him a sell-out?


Say more mean things about Max Boot!!! Please!!! Photoshop him wearing a can of Spam on his head and a grass hula skirt, fending off a herd of rampaging warthogs or something.

I really, really hate him. He’s incredibly stupid. Were I not on my way out the door to drive to Atlanta, I’d find y’all a link to an article where he fretfully worries about the imminent and ominous development of an earthquake ray by the Chinese.

An earthquake ray.

This guy gets his defense policy information from Lex Luthor and Solomon Grundy, and the rest of the world takes him seriously.

I really, really, really hate him.


Too funny, Retardo. I was scratching my head in wonderment at that post of Kos’ this morning, but I thought it was just me not being an important and influential ‘lefty’ blogger and so that’s why I thought it was a really bad idea to even CONSIDER the horrors of Libertarian Democratism or whatever it’s called.

BTW, how much more eliminationist ‘humor’ needs to be spewed by rightwing assholes like the oh-so-wittily-named Allahpundit and the Queen of All Skanks, before it’s OK for me to start smiting them with my Walking Stick of Justice? Someone please let me know, because I’d really like to get started on that. One of the (only) cool things about being a lil whitehaired disabled lady: The right wing assholes never see you coming (they don’t see you at all, really), and even if they did, they don’t think you have it in you to smite them bwahahahahaha!

Hey! You kids get offa my lawn! (Obligatory, but not really heartfelt. I don’t have a lawn.)




Mal – gracias.

Jillian – You obviously dont listen to the erudite Kevin Drum, who once so slobberingly endorsed Max Boot, calling him the most interesting of the neoconservatives and adding words to the effect that why, if you want to really kick someone off the LA Times, do it to Robert Scheer, who is just a shrill liberal, instead! Grrr. Sensible Liberals: the right’s useful idiots since 1992.

Mr. Mordant, I think you’ve read my code as well as anyone *wink nod secret handshake*

GW — I think the time to swat them with your walking stick is …anytime you feel like it.


It’s pronounced Mordant you faux-liberal, multi-cutly…something or other.


One of the (only) cool things about being a lil whitehaired disabled lady: The right wing assholes never see you coming (they don’t see you at all, really), and even if they did, they don’t think you have it in you to smite them bwahahahahaha!

Madam, you are divine.


I’ve spent maybe ten minutes of my life reading/reading about Armando, so is it worth noting that this is the first place I’ve read anything about his real life? Just feels a little weird.


…so is it worth noting that this is the first place I’ve read anything about his real life? Just feels a little weird.

I think Crossed Pork Swords (teh fuckin’ fonniie..lollZ!!!1!) said it all. You don’t compromise your principles for the sake of some ludicrous ideal of “balance.” It’s a lie liberals have been fed for too long, and there’s no reason, now most of all, to perpuate it.


I think Crossed Pork Swords (teh fuckin’ fonniie..lollZ!!!1!) said it all. You don’t compromise your principles for the sake of some ludicrous ideal of “balance.� It’s a lie liberals have been fed for too long, and there’s no reason, now most of all, to perpuate it.

Could you be less subtle and just whack me with a board or something? I’m baffled.


Could you be less subtle and just whack me with a board or something? I’m baffled.

I am rarely subtle. Armando’s participation in Ticky-Tacky’s Swords Crossed signaled his downfall.

There is no imperative for liberals/social democrats to expose their beliefs to derision, scorn, and the unethical behaviour of Tacky and his followers. I don’t know what Armando was thinking.


Actually, I think Armando’s “downfall” was signalled by years of e-screaming at commentators at dKos who just happened to disagree with him. A bigger bully I’ve never seen on the internets, and that’s saying something!


One of the reasons I haven’t been back to DailyKos in over a year is that Retardo is not a front-page diarist.


Isn’t NRO supposed to be the online mouth-piece for one of the biggest and most respected conservative magazines?

Why are they pulling this tabloid crap?
Actually, the Wall Street Journal pulls the same crap. They’re a respected paper but their editorials are written by drooling morons.

Is there a good right-wing publication out there somewhere?


“Incidentally, you know what would be funny? If Ralph Nader got hit by a car doing about 80 miles an hour, and his head ended up stuck in the front grill, and as his life ebbed away his eyes focused for a second — and it turned out to be a Corvair. Can you imagine? Which is not to say anyone should try that; for Christ’s sake, people, we’re talking about a Corvair here. You could get hurt!”

Uh, Allahpundit: The Corvair had a rear-mounted, air-cooled engine, like the original Volkswagen Beetle, which was one of the reasons Nader claimed it was “Unsafe at Any Speed.”

The damned things didn’t HAVE a “front grill” to get stuck in, numbnuts.


I’ve been trying not to indulge it schadenfreud over this – The biter bit, those who live by the crossed sword, mills that grind slow but exceedingly fine, and other expressions expressive of recognition of cosmic payback. –I haven’t been succeeding very well. Bad Monkey, no Transcendence!

…the erudite Kevin Drum, who once so slobberingly endorsed Max Boot, calling him the most interesting of the neoconservatives and adding words to the effect that why, if you want to really kick someone off the LA Times, do it to Robert Scheer, who is just a shrill liberal, instead! Grrr. Sensible Liberals: the right’s useful idiots since 1992.

You’re kidding!?!? Really?!? Geez, and here I’ve been calling him “Kevin Dumb” all this while without knowing (half* how badly he deserved it!


(The principle reason for the schadenfreud being that Armando was responsible for banning and driving away a lot of decent people on dKos – and now he feels he can’t participate, and he’s mostly blaming “left-wing trolls” at dKos and not his winger “friends” who backstabbed him -? Cry me a river. Karma’s a bitch and all that.)


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