Seriously. SN! needs to be on top of the right wing takedown of that elite leukemia patient that Obama has been ramming down their throats, as mentioned earlier here.
Seriously. SN! needs to be on top of the right wing takedown of that elite leukemia patient that Obama has been ramming down their throats, as mentioned earlier here.
I went for the (first-order) mangoes, and evidently the fact that a hospital administrator said this person would be considered for assistance therefore, according to Gateway, HA HA OBAMA SHILL EXPOSED WOLVERINES!!1“
Kind of the same way that if you hand in a resume at Microsoft you can then buy that Jaguar, ’cause, hell, YOU WORK FOR MICROSOFT Q.E.D.!
Kind of the same way that if you hand in a resume at Microsoft you can then buy that Jaguar, ’cause, hell, YOU WORK FOR MICROSOFT Q.E.D.!
My mansion story started when I got that letter from Publishers’ Clearing House and I figured, hell, if I may already be a winner, that was damn good enough for a mortgage.
I went for the (first-order) mangoes, and evidently the fact that a hospital administrator said this person would be considered for assistance therefore, according to Gateway, HA HA OBAMA SHILL EXPOSED WOLVERINES!!1“
And, like, what was the administrator going to say? “No, that poor-ass bitch has to pay her ENTIRE FUCKING BILL plus interest even if it takes her 50 years to do it. PS: She owes us $20 for a box of Kleenexes.”
And, like, what was the administrator going to say? “No, that poor-ass bitch has to pay her ENTIRE FUCKING BILL plus interest even if it takes her 50 years to do it. PS: She owes us $20 for a box of Kleenexes.”
Clearly, she could have said what right wing blogger Jay Tea (Tea? Get it?) wanted to say to this cancer-flaunting bitch:
What these people want—and what Obama is trying to secure for them—is freedom from responsibility. Freedom from worrying.Freedom from anxiety.
Well, guess what? There’s no guarantee of that in life. Life comes with exactly one guarantee—that it will end. We all—rich, poor, white, black, man, woman, powerful, powerless—all get one permanent, lasting death. That’s it. That’s all we’re promised. Everything else is catch as catch can.
As I said elsewhere, Freedom’s just another word for no hair left to lose. Take that, chemo queen!
Also, I hope this guy never becomes a doctor at a children’s cancer ward.
Is it too much to hope that these jerks will all contract some horrible, wretched disease that will force them off their insurance policies and make them sell their houses and declare bankruptcy?
I was thinking along the same lines and wondering how they would rationalize the situation. Of course, something like “Obamacare did this to me!” would be a front-running candidate.
…Anyway, do these fucktards KNOW how much a serious illness costs to treat??? Jesus fucking Christ, it’s not like she’s talking about hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. The cost IS HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FUCKING DOLLARS. NOBODY except the richest of the rich can pay that back.
Seriously, these people can go fuck themselves. They are fucking EVIL.
Just found out that we’re going to have to send a child to Augusta, a wretched 4 to 5 hour drive from here, because he’s a Medicaid patient and NOT A SINGLE PEDIACTRIC NEUROLOGIST IN TOWN WILL SEE HIM.
Just found out that we’re going to have to send a child to Augusta, a wretched 4 to 5 hour drive from here, because he’s a Medicaid patient and NOT A SINGLE PEDIACTRIC NEUROLOGIST IN TOWN WILL SEE HIM.
What these people want—and what Obama is trying to secure for them—is freedom from responsibility. Freedom from worrying.Freedom from anxiety.
Well, guess what? There’s no guarantee of that in life. Life comes with exactly one guarantee—that it will end. We all—rich, poor, white, black, man, woman, powerful, powerless—all get one permanent, lasting death. That’s it. That’s all we’re promised. Everything else is catch as catch can.
Um,,,what, exactly is this arguing for? Do they oppose insurance at all? Because the problem for this patient is that she can’t get insurance. Isn’t the whole point of insurance “freedom from worrying. Freedom from anxiety?”
Just found out that we’re going to have to send a child to Augusta, a wretched 4 to 5 hour drive from here, because he’s a Medicaid patient and NOT A SINGLE PEDIACTRIC NEUROLOGIST IN TOWN WILL SEE HIM.
Have you carefully explained to him that we all are guaranteed of nothing but death, an unending dark tomb from which none of us can escape, and postponing that isn’t the responsibility of his fellow citizens?
Um,,,what, exactly is this arguing for? Do they oppose insurance at all? Because the problem for this patient is that she can’t get insurance. Isn’t the whole point of insurance “freedom from worrying. Freedom from anxiety?”
Worry and anxiety are precious resources which properly may only be applied to fears that Muslim Communist black welfare queens may be hiding under your bed in sleeper cells ready to SHOVE THEIR GAY AGENDA DOWN YOUR THROAT when you fall asleep.
Just found out that we’re going to have to send a child to Augusta, a wretched 4 to 5 hour drive from here, because he’s a Medicaid patient and NOT A SINGLE PEDIACTRIC NEUROLOGIST IN TOWN WILL SEE HIM.
So it’s going to be a round trip in one day since his family probably can’t afford a hotel. He’ll be taken out of school for a full day and will be completely exhausted the next day. His family will have to spend money on gas and food to eat while they’re on the road–if they even have adequate transportation to make the trip in the first place.
Not only is this cruel, but it also makes NO FUCKING SENSE.
El Cid, the kid’s book company that produces books like “Jerry Giraffe’s Bad Sore Throat” or “Eddie Elephant’s Bad Earache” that we use to explain treatment to kids hasn’t come out with that one yet. I’ll be on the lookout for it, though…
El Cid, the kid’s book company that produces books like “Jerry Giraffe’s Bad Sore Throat” or “Eddie Elephant’s Bad Earache” that we use to explain treatment to kids hasn’t come out with that one yet. I’ll be on the lookout for it, though…
How about Blogger Jay Tea Helps Kids Feel Better About Inescapable Death! and You’re On Your Own, Kiddo! How Adults Will Abandon You When You Get Sick Because You Cost Too Much Money.
Actually, on another non-political blog I frequent, we had a troll visitor who posted some anti HCR talking points, but the curious thing was, “she” said that she had never had insurance in her entire adult life, didn’t want it, and would rather “die” before being forced to have….insurance.
Is there an underlying opposition in the Right to insurance at all?
Is there an underlying opposition in the Right to insurance at all?
In the early days of the Clinton administration, when the Intertubes were brand spanking new and hadn’t needed to be reamed clean yet, the trope was “I won’t register my car so I don’t need insurance”.
For what it’s worth, it’s not just kids. To the best of my knowledge we’re the only ENT practice in town that will see Tricare (military insurance) patients. Tricare pays less than Medicaid, so of course the holier-than-thou self-professed Christian ENT who ostentatiously prays with all his patients before surgery refuses to see active duty military patients, their dependents, or retired military patients. Fucker.
he holier-than-thou self-professed Christian ENT who ostentatiously prays with all his patients before surgery refuses to see active duty military patients, their dependents, or retired military patients.
I went for the (first-order) mangoes, and evidently the fact that a hospital administrator said this person would be considered for assistance therefore, according to Gateway, HA HA OBAMA SHILL EXPOSED WOLVERINES!!1“
Without knowing if this person has granite countertops in her kitchen? I’m impressed!
holier-than-thou self-professed Christian ENT who ostentatiously prays with all his patients before surgery.
On the plus side, I for one would be delighted to know that I’m not going to be operated on by a surgeon who prays before doing it. I’d be very leery indeed of such a surgeon.
“Dottie Dingo’s Bad Permanent, Lasting Death and Unending Dark Tomb From Which None of us Can Escape”
What these people want—and what Obama is trying to secure for them—is freedom from responsibility. Freedom from worrying.Freedom from anxiety.
Well, guess what? There’s no guarantee of that in life. Life comes with exactly one guarantee—that it will end. We all—rich, poor, white, black, man, woman, powerful, powerless—all get one permanent, lasting death. That’s it. That’s all we’re promised. Everything else is catch as catch can.
As George Washington used to say, ‘Our new nation will allow us to pursue happiness; however, no one and nothing will guarantee you capture it, and every second of our life is merely a moment away from Death’s frigid hands reaching in and wrapping its cold fingers around our hearts.’
Just found out that we’re going to have to send a child to Augusta, a wretched 4 to 5 hour drive from here, because he’s a Medicaid patient and NOT A SINGLE PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST IN TOWN WILL SEE HIM.
Fun times. If my own experience is any guide, when he *does* get to Augusta he’ll get to see a neurologist who’s pretty much at the bottom of the barrel. That’s how it worked at one of the places I interned. The rich patients, or the interesting cases, generally got to see the senior physicians. The Medicaid patients (and some of the worried wealthy well) got dumped off on the cranky junior guy who hated people, wanted to spend most of his days smoking pot and playing his guitar, but couldn’t because of his student loans. I had to sit in on some of his exams, and, aside from being mortified at how he treated people, I think the experience made me dumber. I don’t know if he was actually getting people killed via his incompetence, but it wouldn’t surprise me much. (In neurology it’s actually kind of strange–we can fix so little, particularly w/r/t the adult brain, that the usual plan of action is “well, you’re fucked, here’s some palliative care”).
But hey, it’s this kid’s fault for being born poor, right?
In all seriousness, there really are financial constraints on the number of Medicaid patients a doctor can take on. For most of the tests we gave, the Medicaid reimbursement rate was something like half or two-thirds of the average private reimbursement rate. You couldn’t keep the lights on if you had a clinic full of Medicaid patients (and no, nobody was making zillions of dollars). That said, while there is an upper limit to the number of Medicaid patients a clinic can handle, that number is generally not zero. Though in poorer or rural areas, especially with increasing numbers of people ending up unemployed and ultimately on public assistance, it wouldn’t surprise me too much if a lot of places were running much closer to the line than they usually do.
“Hey Obama, Keep Your Hands Off My Fishing Pole .”
[Veiled presidential hand job reference]
“Buying bait at freaky bait shops run by guys I swear worked as extras on the movie Deliverance.”
[When it comes to fiddling with his pole, Giles is a master baiter especially around sodomy loving mountain men.]
“Taking a crash course from my dad and other gents regarding different lures and the various ways to present them.
[So that’s where he learned his awesome pimping skills. See Giles, Hannah also]
Pfft, as if. Only death and an eternity of one’s flesh rotting into the cold, cold ground are available, ENJOY. Also, that positively REEKS of hippy dippy “a pony in every pot” thinking, and would require a level of fascist central planning not even Adolf Pol-Stalin could aspire to.
Another fucking parasite striving to cry his way out of the grave. Thank god, though, his insurers were saved from having to fund his ‘O please don’t let me die’ whining. Too bad the town was full of stinking dirty hippies who were just so, so offended that little dying boy might soon have worms crawling through his eyeballs, just like we all will experience soon enough.
For his 12th birthday, Michael Brooks had an unusual birthday party — attended by hundreds of people, many of whom he had never met. The celebration was held at Michael’s Omaha, Neb. elementary school to raise funds to support the boy’s experimental cancer treatment.
Since a rare form of cancer was discovered in the boy’s arm in 2008, he has been fighting a battle against his disease. When chemotherapy proved unsuccessful, Michael’s family opted to place him in a clinical trial in Minnesota. The only problem? Michael’s insurance company won’t cover it.
The treatment has shown positive results so far, shrinking the tumor by 30 percent. Luckily for Michael, his family, friends, classmates, neighbors — even strangers — are behind him, happy to make a donation so that Michael’s family can afford his treatment.
Sure, on the plus side, this was VOLUNTARY private support for not letting little Mikey start rotting, but, c’mon, when are we going to seriously get over this ridiculous attachment we have to keeping other people alive?
One other thing, Cid: this was an experimental treatment. Likely the drug company (and the government! GASP!) was footing the bill for the drug trials themselves, so the family had to basically cover accomodations.
Not a trivial amount but not the full price of the treatment by any stretch.
One other thing, Cid: this was an experimental treatment. Likely the drug company (and the government! GASP!) was footing the bill for the drug trials themselves, so the family had to basically cover accomodations.
All the more reasons to protect insurers from having to help pay for experimental treatments to keep some or other kid alive.
Next time the insurance company should respond to coverage request by sending out some of those old round Quaker Oats boxes with the coin slot cut in the top and in doing urge these vampires to get a clue.
Oh, I totally agree! Insurance companies shouldn’t be forced to foot the bill for anyone’s mistakes! Not even their own!
You know, maybe if we stopped rewarded people for getting cancer and other diseases, they might think about it for a second or two before getting them.
One other thing, Cid: this was an experimental treatment. Likely the drug company (and the government! GASP!) was footing the bill for the drug trials themselves, so the family had to basically cover accomodations.
It actually varies quite a lot. Some clinical trials are funded. Others aren’t, or at least not well, particularly when they’re investigating treatments for rare diseases. Some of my colleagues have been involved in clinical trials where they basically said “Look, if you can get here, we’ll do a couple tests and give you the drug for free…but that’s it. No room, no board, no compensation, and if you need tests beyond the ones that are part of the protocol, it’s on you.”
I don’t know if there are trials in which the participant actually has to pay for treatment. I’ve heard rumors but nothing definitive.
Without knowing if this person has granite countertops in her kitchen? I’m impressed!
This is even better – this is like someone claiming that because you recieved a catalouge for granite countertops last week you have enough money to pay your own medical bills. Minus, you know, any proof of anything.
But the cancer lady’s toast. Once the wingnut horde gets ahold of Gateway Pinhead’s allegations, they’ll hound her to her grave.
You know, maybe if we stopped rewarded people for getting cancer and other diseases, they might think about it for a second or two before getting them.
Except for the ones from smoking, cuz, you know, it’s the American way to savage your health for the benefit of Big Tobacco.
Chemo-queen’s duty is clear, then — don’t keep these valuable producers and contributors to society waiting for too long.
Yes, she must immediately confess!…conFESS!…CONFESS!… each and every sin she has ever committed and narc each and every friend who’s had even a passing interest in anything unAmerican like French art.
Yes, she must immediately confess!…conFESS!…CONFESS!… each and every sin she has ever committed and narc each and every friend who’s had even a passing interest in anything unAmerican like French art.
Has she or someone she knows said something positive about Obama in the last year?
“I like to think of fire held in a man’s hand. Fire, a dangerous force, tamed at his fingertips. I often wonder about the hours when a man sits alone, watching the smoke of a cigarette, thinking. I wonder what great things have come from such hours. When a man thinks, there is a spot of fire alive in his mind–and it is proper that he should have the burning point of a cigarette as his one expression.”
Ayn Rand spent a lot of time thinking about manly men unbound by others’ cowardly yielding to conventions, such as the weakling parasites’ addiction to not-death. The grave-fearing hordes even hounded Rand’s early hero crush, William Edward Hickman, for his entrepreneurial efforts in kidnapping and dismembering little girls.
Is this the kind of society you big government socialists want to create? One where people who kidnap and dismember little girls feel bad about having a nice cigarette?
Most Wingnuts would be perfectly happy living under a bridge eating rats as long as they knew that the guys in the next bridge over didnt have any rats.
I forget who said that here first a while ago but I thought that was a perfect snapshot of the Teabag movement.
The salient fact in American politics—and we forget it at our peril—is that there are usually people enough in this country to elect a president who would volunteer to live with their family in a cardboard box under a bridge, and eat sparrows toasted on an old curtain rod, if you could promise them that the black, or Mexican, or gay guy in the next box over doesn’t even get the sparrow.
Is it too much to hope that these jerks will all contract some horrible, wretched disease that will force them off their insurance policies and make them sell their houses and declare bankruptcy?
OMG. I have found my calling. I will bioengineer a disease that can only be transmitted through golfing.
That’s what I figured: at bare minimum, the drug company and clinic provide the medication and monitoring. The patient has to pony up the rest.
I figured you figured…I forgot to mention that some trials *do* pay for transportation, put you up in a hotel (or at least give you a really good rate) and provide a certain degree of treatment aside from the study drug and the immediately-related tests. It’s not a bad deal if you happen to have a relatively common incurable disease.
They wield sentimentality like a weapon of manipulation, (which it can be.) Strangely, there isn’t one mention about “why” the administration is considering banning recreational fishing. I guess we are supposed to believe that the only reason one would ban such fishing is his communi-socia-Kenyan-Muslim-black theology-community-organi-I hate apple pie, baseball, and freedom agenda. Conservatives are fighting with everything they have to protect their absolute right to be assholes who are wrong.
disease that can only be transmitted through golfing.
Like serial infidelity?
Or am I confusing cause and effect?
That’s the closest I’ve seen to a Tiger Woods joke in the wild around these parts (Oh, go ahead, Ahem me). Which is why it’s important for me to point out that Woods has hired Ari Fleischer as his media front man. Yep that one.
Most Wingnuts would be perfectly happy living under a bridge eating rats as long as they knew that the guys in the next bridge over didnt have any rats.
I forget who said that here first a while ago but I thought that was a perfect snapshot of the Teabag movement.
I know I’ve said something similar before (only my example used “a rock and a sack of human feces”), but I’m not vain enough to claim that I invented it.
Is it too much to hope that these jerks will all contract some horrible, wretched disease that will force them off their insurance policies and make them sell their houses and declare bankruptcy?
It’s not a bad deal if you happen to have a relatively common incurable disease.
1 Contract cancer
2 Enter drug trial
3 ???
Perhaps this idea of infecting Republicans is better than we first thought! We could make it a national dialogue: “Hey, rightwingers? Why do you hate capitalism so much? Get cancer already! Do it for the troops!”
Yes, I noticed that when the commercials first aired.
I love Driver’s Seat by the way, but always felt ill at ease that it was recorded by, um, Sniff.
Sniff…Seat…get it?
Breaking news: bad pop music has a lot in common with bad advertising music.
Who would have thought?
In other news, 90 percent of pop music is made up of three, maybe three and a half chords.
Even in the same key.
Seriously. SN! needs to be on top of the right wing takedown of that elite leukemia patient that Obama has been ramming down their throats, as mentioned earlier here.
Seriously. SN! needs to be on top of the right wing takedown of that elite leukemia patient that Obama has been ramming down their throats, as mentioned earlier here.
I went for the (first-order) mangoes, and evidently the fact that a hospital administrator said this person would be considered for assistance therefore, according to Gateway, HA HA OBAMA SHILL EXPOSED WOLVERINES!!1“
Kind of the same way that if you hand in a resume at Microsoft you can then buy that Jaguar, ’cause, hell, YOU WORK FOR MICROSOFT Q.E.D.!
My mansion story started when I got that letter from Publishers’ Clearing House and I figured, hell, if I may already be a winner, that was damn good enough for a mortgage.
buy that Jaguar, ’cause, hell, YOU WORK FOR MICROSOFT Q.E.D.!
If you’re dumb enough to buy a Jaguar, you’re our kind of employee!
I went for the (first-order) mangoes, and evidently the fact that a hospital administrator said this person would be considered for assistance therefore, according to Gateway, HA HA OBAMA SHILL EXPOSED WOLVERINES!!1“
And, like, what was the administrator going to say? “No, that poor-ass bitch has to pay her ENTIRE FUCKING BILL plus interest even if it takes her 50 years to do it. PS: She owes us $20 for a box of Kleenexes.”
That is one spectacular combover on that singer.
Clearly, she could have said what right wing blogger Jay Tea (Tea? Get it?) wanted to say to this cancer-flaunting bitch:
As I said elsewhere, Freedom’s just another word for no hair left to lose. Take that, chemo queen!
Also, I hope this guy never becomes a doctor at a children’s cancer ward.
Everything else is catch as catch can.
**Inserts Babelfish**
“Fuck you, I’ve got mine.”
Is it too much to hope that these jerks will all contract some horrible, wretched disease that will force them off their insurance policies and make them sell their houses and declare bankruptcy?
AIDS would be poetic.
AIDS would be poetic.
I was thinking along the same lines and wondering how they would rationalize the situation. Of course, something like “Obamacare did this to me!” would be a front-running candidate.
What these people want—and what Obama is trying to secure for them—is freedom from responsibility. Freedom from worrying.Freedom from anxiety.
…Anyway, do these fucktards KNOW how much a serious illness costs to treat??? Jesus fucking Christ, it’s not like she’s talking about hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. The cost IS HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF FUCKING DOLLARS. NOBODY except the richest of the rich can pay that back.
Seriously, these people can go fuck themselves. They are fucking EVIL.
But there are humorous thoughts, too.
They’d have to take Conwankee’s gareeel.
NOBODY except the richest of the rich can pay that back.
“Are there no poorhouses? No debtor’s prisons?”
AIDS would be poetic.
But far too kind. I want something like pancreatic cancer. Or Huntington’s.
Actually, I want them to realize the full extent of their vileness and then set themselves on fire in despair.
Oh, by the way? I hate these people.
AIDS would be poetic.
But far too kind. I want something like pancreatic cancer. Or Huntington’s.
If you could get either of those and be suspected of teh ghey, I’d be fine with that. I want these jackasses humiliated too.
In this case it appears to be a cover of “Driver’s Seat” as the backup vocals intone “Driver’s Seat”.
To paraphrase Mike Malloy:
“Have I mentioned yet today how much I HATE these people?”
Not exactly OT….
Just found out that we’re going to have to send a child to Augusta, a wretched 4 to 5 hour drive from here, because he’s a Medicaid patient and NOT A SINGLE PEDIACTRIC NEUROLOGIST IN TOWN WILL SEE HIM.
As you were.
Not exactly OT….
Just found out that we’re going to have to send a child to Augusta, a wretched 4 to 5 hour drive from here, because he’s a Medicaid patient and NOT A SINGLE PEDIACTRIC NEUROLOGIST IN TOWN WILL SEE HIM.
As you were.
Xtian nation my a$$.
What these people want—and what Obama is trying to secure for them—is freedom from responsibility. Freedom from worrying.Freedom from anxiety.
Well, guess what? There’s no guarantee of that in life. Life comes with exactly one guarantee—that it will end. We all—rich, poor, white, black, man, woman, powerful, powerless—all get one permanent, lasting death. That’s it. That’s all we’re promised. Everything else is catch as catch can.
Um,,,what, exactly is this arguing for? Do they oppose insurance at all? Because the problem for this patient is that she can’t get insurance. Isn’t the whole point of insurance “freedom from worrying. Freedom from anxiety?”
But far too kind. I want something like pancreatic cancer. Or Huntington’s.
I think I’d rather they suffer the Glenn Beck treatment, and get hemerrhoids. And then find out there’s a two-month waiting list for treatment.
Have you carefully explained to him that we all are guaranteed of nothing but death, an unending dark tomb from which none of us can escape, and postponing that isn’t the responsibility of his fellow citizens?
Freedom from worrying.Freedom from anxiety.
Why do we have a Homeland Security department? An army?
Worry and anxiety are precious resources which properly may only be applied to fears that Muslim Communist black welfare queens may be hiding under your bed in sleeper cells ready to SHOVE THEIR GAY AGENDA DOWN YOUR THROAT when you fall asleep.
Why do we have a Homeland Security department? An army?
To blow shit up, to oppress non-whites, and to provide an endless inspiration for the makers of action figures.
Just found out that we’re going to have to send a child to Augusta, a wretched 4 to 5 hour drive from here, because he’s a Medicaid patient and NOT A SINGLE PEDIACTRIC NEUROLOGIST IN TOWN WILL SEE HIM.
So it’s going to be a round trip in one day since his family probably can’t afford a hotel. He’ll be taken out of school for a full day and will be completely exhausted the next day. His family will have to spend money on gas and food to eat while they’re on the road–if they even have adequate transportation to make the trip in the first place.
Not only is this cruel, but it also makes NO FUCKING SENSE.
an unending dark tomb from which none of us can escape
Eric Cantor’s “musings”?
El Cid, the kid’s book company that produces books like “Jerry Giraffe’s Bad Sore Throat” or “Eddie Elephant’s Bad Earache” that we use to explain treatment to kids hasn’t come out with that one yet. I’ll be on the lookout for it, though…
To blow shit up, to oppress non-whites, and to provide an endless inspiration for the makers of action figures.
Oh. OK. That makes sense: we shouldn’t be afraid of dying, except of boredom.
“Jerry Giraffe’s Bad Sore Throat” or “Eddie Elephant’s Bad Earache” that we use to explain treatment to kids hasn’t come out with that one yet.
“Heather Has Two Unemployed Mommies”
How about Blogger Jay Tea Helps Kids Feel Better About Inescapable Death! and You’re On Your Own, Kiddo! How Adults Will Abandon You When You Get Sick Because You Cost Too Much Money.
Actually, on another non-political blog I frequent, we had a troll visitor who posted some anti HCR talking points, but the curious thing was, “she” said that she had never had insurance in her entire adult life, didn’t want it, and would rather “die” before being forced to have….insurance.
Is there an underlying opposition in the Right to insurance at all?
“Jerry Giraffe’s Bad Sore Throat” or “Eddie Elephant’s Bad Earache” that we use to explain treatment to kids hasn’t come out with that one yet.
“You Just Aren’t Profitable” — that sounds callous and it is!
Church-goin’ does seem wasted on many folks, don’t it?
Is there an underlying opposition in the Right to insurance at all?
In the early days of the Clinton administration, when the Intertubes were brand spanking new and hadn’t needed to be reamed clean yet, the trope was “I won’t register my car so I don’t need insurance”.
So, yes, SASQ.
Looch, it’s not “do as the Book says” it’s “do what rakes in the cash”.
For what it’s worth, it’s not just kids. To the best of my knowledge we’re the only ENT practice in town that will see Tricare (military insurance) patients. Tricare pays less than Medicaid, so of course the holier-than-thou self-professed Christian ENT who ostentatiously prays with all his patients before surgery refuses to see active duty military patients, their dependents, or retired military patients. Fucker.
Looch, it’s not “do as the Book says” it’s “do what rakes in the cash”.
Um, yeah. Last I heard, usury is a sin, but we don’t seem to have a problem with it here. We usur the fuck out of shit.
T&U is especially liberal with the profanity today and I love it.
he holier-than-thou self-professed Christian ENT who ostentatiously prays with all his patients before surgery refuses to see active duty military patients, their dependents, or retired military patients.
Sounds like a Good Conservative to me.
self-professed Christian ENT who ostentatiously prays with all his patients before surgery
Oh Lord, give me this day his daily bread…
“Sounds like a Good Conservative to me.”
You don’t know the half of it. He’d blow Dick Cheney in Macy’s window on Thanksgiving and pay for the privilege.
“I Hate My Interests”
T&U is especially liberal with the profanity today and I love it.
I went for the (first-order) mangoes, and evidently the fact that a hospital administrator said this person would be considered for assistance therefore, according to Gateway, HA HA OBAMA SHILL EXPOSED WOLVERINES!!1“
Without knowing if this person has granite countertops in her kitchen? I’m impressed!
holier-than-thou self-professed Christian ENT who ostentatiously prays with all his patients before surgery.
On the plus side, I for one would be delighted to know that I’m not going to be operated on by a surgeon who prays before doing it. I’d be very leery indeed of such a surgeon.
“Dottie Dingo’s Bad Permanent, Lasting Death and Unending Dark Tomb From Which None of us Can Escape”
What these people want—and what Obama is trying to secure for them—is freedom from responsibility. Freedom from worrying.Freedom from anxiety.
Well, guess what? There’s no guarantee of that in life. Life comes with exactly one guarantee—that it will end. We all—rich, poor, white, black, man, woman, powerful, powerless—all get one permanent, lasting death. That’s it. That’s all we’re promised. Everything else is catch as catch can.
That’s all we’re promised. Everything else is catch as catch can.
Hmm. There’s this phrase, I can’t put my finger on where I heard it, but it goes something like:
“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Anyone know where that comes from? Gazoogle was no help.
Just found out that we’re going to have to send a child to Augusta, a wretched 4 to 5 hour drive from here, because he’s a Medicaid patient and NOT A SINGLE PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST IN TOWN WILL SEE HIM.
Fun times. If my own experience is any guide, when he *does* get to Augusta he’ll get to see a neurologist who’s pretty much at the bottom of the barrel. That’s how it worked at one of the places I interned. The rich patients, or the interesting cases, generally got to see the senior physicians. The Medicaid patients (and some of the worried wealthy well) got dumped off on the cranky junior guy who hated people, wanted to spend most of his days smoking pot and playing his guitar, but couldn’t because of his student loans. I had to sit in on some of his exams, and, aside from being mortified at how he treated people, I think the experience made me dumber. I don’t know if he was actually getting people killed via his incompetence, but it wouldn’t surprise me much. (In neurology it’s actually kind of strange–we can fix so little, particularly w/r/t the adult brain, that the usual plan of action is “well, you’re fucked, here’s some palliative care”).
But hey, it’s this kid’s fault for being born poor, right?
In all seriousness, there really are financial constraints on the number of Medicaid patients a doctor can take on. For most of the tests we gave, the Medicaid reimbursement rate was something like half or two-thirds of the average private reimbursement rate. You couldn’t keep the lights on if you had a clinic full of Medicaid patients (and no, nobody was making zillions of dollars). That said, while there is an upper limit to the number of Medicaid patients a clinic can handle, that number is generally not zero. Though in poorer or rural areas, especially with increasing numbers of people ending up unemployed and ultimately on public assistance, it wouldn’t surprise me too much if a lot of places were running much closer to the line than they usually do.
I went into a deli this afternoon and tried to get a meat bag for lunch but all they had was a no-fault sandwich.,_keep_your_hands_off_my_fishing_pole
“Hey Obama, Keep Your Hands Off My Fishing Pole .”
[Veiled presidential hand job reference]
“Buying bait at freaky bait shops run by guys I swear worked as extras on the movie Deliverance.”
[When it comes to fiddling with his pole, Giles is a master baiter especially around sodomy loving mountain men.]
“Taking a crash course from my dad and other gents regarding different lures and the various ways to present them.
[So that’s where he learned his awesome pimping skills. See Giles, Hannah also]
I went into a deli this afternoon and tried to get a meat bag for lunch but all they had was a no-fault sandwich.
You needed to buy a side order of comprehensive.
World-O-Crap has been all over that column. Giles styles himself as a humourist, and he’s funny but not for the reasons he thinks.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Pfft, as if. Only death and an eternity of one’s flesh rotting into the cold, cold ground are available, ENJOY. Also, that positively REEKS of hippy dippy “a pony in every pot” thinking, and would require a level of fascist central planning not even Adolf Pol-Stalin could aspire to.
Another fucking parasite striving to cry his way out of the grave. Thank god, though, his insurers were saved from having to fund his ‘O please don’t let me die’ whining. Too bad the town was full of stinking dirty hippies who were just so, so offended that little dying boy might soon have worms crawling through his eyeballs, just like we all will experience soon enough.
Sure, on the plus side, this was VOLUNTARY private support for not letting little Mikey start rotting, but, c’mon, when are we going to seriously get over this ridiculous attachment we have to keeping other people alive?
Only death and an eternity of one’s flesh rotting into the cold, cold ground are available, ENJOY
unless you’re rich, and then where’s my fucking tax cut and my business subsidy?
I know actor, I got off the boat at WoC and almost drowned.
One other thing, Cid: this was an experimental treatment. Likely the drug company (and the government! GASP!) was footing the bill for the drug trials themselves, so the family had to basically cover accomodations.
Not a trivial amount but not the full price of the treatment by any stretch.
I braved the gators long enough to drop a smelly load at Giles’ place.
All the more reasons to protect insurers from having to help pay for experimental treatments to keep some or other kid alive.
Next time the insurance company should respond to coverage request by sending out some of those old round Quaker Oats boxes with the coin slot cut in the top and in doing urge these vampires to get a clue.
All the more reasons to protect insurers from having to help pay for experimental treatments to keep some or other kid alive.
Oh, I totally agree! Insurance companies shouldn’t be forced to foot the bill for anyone’s mistakes! Not even their own!
You know, maybe if we stopped rewarded people for getting cancer and other diseases, they might think about it for a second or two before getting them.
One other thing, Cid: this was an experimental treatment. Likely the drug company (and the government! GASP!) was footing the bill for the drug trials themselves, so the family had to basically cover accomodations.
It actually varies quite a lot. Some clinical trials are funded. Others aren’t, or at least not well, particularly when they’re investigating treatments for rare diseases. Some of my colleagues have been involved in clinical trials where they basically said “Look, if you can get here, we’ll do a couple tests and give you the drug for free…but that’s it. No room, no board, no compensation, and if you need tests beyond the ones that are part of the protocol, it’s on you.”
I don’t know if there are trials in which the participant actually has to pay for treatment. I’ve heard rumors but nothing definitive.
Without knowing if this person has granite countertops in her kitchen? I’m impressed!
This is even better – this is like someone claiming that because you recieved a catalouge for granite countertops last week you have enough money to pay your own medical bills. Minus, you know, any proof of anything.
But the cancer lady’s toast. Once the wingnut horde gets ahold of Gateway Pinhead’s allegations, they’ll hound her to her grave.
I braved the gators long enough to drop a smelly load at Giles’ place.
Why you did, you little dickens, didn’t you?
That’s what I figured: at bare minimum, the drug company and clinic provide the medication and monitoring. The patient has to pony up the rest.
Why you did, you little dickens, didn’t you?
I figured I’d call the little less-than-manly-man on his prissy little fishing habit.
You know, maybe if we stopped rewarded people for getting cancer and other diseases, they might think about it for a second or two before getting them.
Except for the ones from smoking, cuz, you know, it’s the American way to savage your health for the benefit of Big Tobacco.
Chemo-queen’s duty is clear, then — don’t keep these valuable producers and contributors to society waiting for too long.
Chemo-queen’s duty is clear, then — don’t keep these valuable producers and contributors to society waiting for too long.
Yes, she must immediately confess!…conFESS!…CONFESS!… each and every sin she has ever committed and narc each and every friend who’s had even a passing interest in anything unAmerican like French art.
I figured I’d call the little less-than-manly-man on his prissy little fishing habit.
Yeah, but that some serious stupid-infested waters over there.
Yes, she must immediately confess!…conFESS!…CONFESS!… each and every sin she has ever committed and narc each and every friend who’s had even a passing interest in anything unAmerican like French art.
Has she or someone she knows said something positive about Obama in the last year?
We must know!
That’s different. Smoking is a heroic act.
Ayn Rand spent a lot of time thinking about manly men unbound by others’ cowardly yielding to conventions, such as the weakling parasites’ addiction to not-death. The grave-fearing hordes even hounded Rand’s early hero crush, William Edward Hickman, for his entrepreneurial efforts in kidnapping and dismembering little girls.
Is this the kind of society you big government socialists want to create? One where people who kidnap and dismember little girls feel bad about having a nice cigarette?
Most Wingnuts would be perfectly happy living under a bridge eating rats as long as they knew that the guys in the next bridge over didnt have any rats.
I forget who said that here first a while ago but I thought that was a perfect snapshot of the Teabag movement.
i think you’re thinking of this:
The original quote involves sparrows and a curtain rod, sir.
And lo, there it is, before I even pressed submit.
Speaking of “Sniff”: Eau de EW EW EW
Is it too much to hope that these jerks will all contract some horrible, wretched disease that will force them off their insurance policies and make them sell their houses and declare bankruptcy?
OMG. I have found my calling. I will bioengineer a disease that can only be transmitted through golfing.
disease that can only be transmitted through golfing.
Like serial infidelity?
Or am I confusing cause and effect?
OT: World now safe from seeing doggie butts.
Don’t hide The Light under a bushel.
That’s what I figured: at bare minimum, the drug company and clinic provide the medication and monitoring. The patient has to pony up the rest.
I figured you figured…I forgot to mention that some trials *do* pay for transportation, put you up in a hotel (or at least give you a really good rate) and provide a certain degree of treatment aside from the study drug and the immediately-related tests. It’s not a bad deal if you happen to have a relatively common incurable disease.
They wield sentimentality like a weapon of manipulation, (which it can be.) Strangely, there isn’t one mention about “why” the administration is considering banning recreational fishing. I guess we are supposed to believe that the only reason one would ban such fishing is his communi-socia-Kenyan-Muslim-black theology-community-organi-I hate apple pie, baseball, and freedom agenda. Conservatives are fighting with everything they have to protect their absolute right to be assholes who are wrong.
OT: World now safe from seeing doggie butts.
Doug Giles will have less masturbatory material now.
Those old videos are embarrassing to watch. I prefered the Lincoln video.
OT: World now safe from seeing doggie butts.
Now Erk’s not going to be on CNN? That it?
disease that can only be transmitted through golfing.
Like serial infidelity?
Or am I confusing cause and effect?
That’s the closest I’ve seen to a Tiger Woods joke in the wild around these parts (Oh, go ahead, Ahem me). Which is why it’s important for me to point out that Woods has hired Ari Fleischer as his media front man. Yep that one.
I know I’ve said something similar before (only my example used “a rock and a sack of human feces”), but I’m not vain enough to claim that I invented it.
Is it too much to hope that these jerks will all contract some horrible, wretched disease that will force them off their insurance policies and make them sell their houses and declare bankruptcy?
AIDS would be poetic.
Funny you should say that.
As conservatism rises, HIV infections are too, U.N. official says
I will bioengineer a disease that can only be transmitted through golfing.
Better cover all the bases and include watching NASCAR. Some dem raidnicks don’t get to play gawlf in they oberalls.
It’s not a bad deal if you happen to have a relatively common incurable disease.
1 Contract cancer
2 Enter drug trial
3 ???
Perhaps this idea of infecting Republicans is better than we first thought! We could make it a national dialogue: “Hey, rightwingers? Why do you hate capitalism so much? Get cancer already! Do it for the troops!”
My apologies to anyone who is living with or survived cancer (like me) for any offense that piece of snark might have raised.
“I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time.”
-H L Mencken
or did you forget who he is