Deep Versed In Books And Shallow In Himself1
Posted on March 10th, 2010 by Tintin
ABOVE: Milton Scholar and Law Professor2 Stanley Fish
tries to remember his name
Stanley Fish, The New York Fucking Times
Do You Miss Him Yet?
- One billboard outside a miniscule town (Pop. 3048) in Minnesota paid for by a couple of local merchants proves that I was right when I said in 2008 that within a year of Bush leaving office, the entire country would wish he were President again.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
1Milton, Paradise Regained, Book IV, Line 327
2At a fourth-tier law school
You could randomly sit on any barstool in the country and have a more intelligent conversation with the person on either side.
Or the barstool. And to answer the question, NO.
Fish is from the shallow end of the gene tidal pool.
1st in graduatuion rates and in the 4th tier of law schools. Just like every other school in Floirda – they teach the test, not how to think.
Stanley Fish – wasn’t he a character on Barney Miller?
Who wants to bet these posters were printed between election and inauguration day, with the tacit agreement that they’d be run out as soon as Obama’s approval numbers dipped into the 50% range (which, by the way, happens to virtually every president)?
If educated cats could talk, many of them might find fault with his evidence.
I can’t find the item, but I remember reading earlier that Bush’s *current* approval rating, more than a year out of office is actually lower than it was in February 2009.
I know you miss him
I know you miss him
I know you miss him blind
I had two reactions to this:
1) That’s the future of conservatism: unscientific = scientific; and
He’s being beaten like the Rank Organization’s gong in the comments.
Stanley Fish, The New York Fucking Times
Okay, okay, at least it’s the blog edition, not the print edition. It’s still fucked up, but marginally better.
Evidence that he is CORRECT.
I miss George Bush.
No. Really. I do.
Not as President, forget that, but as the butt of jokes?
Oh hell yea!
Of course, one might disagree with that assessment, but the fact that it is made in the lead article of a major mainstream magazine tells its own story.
Yes, the story of how its editors have their heads as far up their asses as you do.
But, Mr Feesh, who cares? GeeWizz is out of office. He’s no long president. Who cares who misses him or who doesn’t? Also, the question of “Do you miss GW Bush?” isn’t a yes or no question; it is multiple choice.
A. Yes
B. No
C. Yes, because of the comedy gold he created
D. Yes, because I’m a conservative
E. No, because I’m a liberal
F. Yes, because, because.
I miss my “The Worst of Bush” or “Bush Countdown” page-a-day calendars…
He’s being beaten like the Rank Organization’s gong in the comments.
Apart from the comment from India, who apparently really misses Bush so may have paid for the billboard, the kindest thing anyone said about Fish’s piece is that it was deliberately antagonistic.
I haven’t had enough fruit today so.. mangoes, here I come.
Dude looks like a non-Just-For-Men-using, constipated Mike Ditka.
And as tempting as the mangoes may be, not getting out of the boat for this one.
Besides, I save the fish for Fridays.
OK, I couldn’t eat all the mangoes, the 3 were enough.
Alternate Shorter Fish:
“Because I made a prediction, and even though, for example, the comments to my post proves I was wrong, I was right!”
I literally cringed when I read the phrase “based on unscientifc web-polling”. Jesus, Fish, could you at least tell us the website, so we know if you’re trolling FreeRepublic or not? I don’t need more reasons to drop out of J-school, you hack.
At a fourth-tier law school
That misses the backstory of how he ended up there after Berkeley and JHU and Duke and UIC, which is a somewhat amusing one, unless you happened to be doing English Lit at Duke during his time there.
(If you’ve ever read a David Lodge ‘campus’ novel, Morris Zapp is more or less based on Fish.)
Dude looks like a non-Just-For-Men-using, constipated Mike Ditka.
After falling asleep on a waffler.
The image is all over the Internet, hundreds of millions of hits, and unscientific Web-based polls indicate that more do miss him than don’t.
SIGNS POINT TO YES – “Well, me, myself, I, and that handsome, waffle-faced dude in the mirror all do, that makes it practically unanimous.”
Fish is clearly a moron. But why on Earth does S,N! care about the school rankings of a right-wing magazine?
From Fish’s Wiki:
“Camille Paglia, author of Sexual Personae and public intellectual, denounced Fish as a “totalitarian Tinkerbell,” charging him with hypocrisy for lecturing about multiculturalism from the perspective of a tenured professor at the homogenous and sheltered ivory tower of Duke.”
Jeez — If Paglia hates him can he be all bad?
Y’know, that picture resembles Marlon Brando in the Godfather, only less so.
Stanley Fish, the Godblarter.
It’d be a contrarian anti-matter explosion if they met each other.
A comment that got posted before a moderator over at TNYFT realized Fish’s prediction hadn’t come true and that, if anything, the complete opposite was true:
LoLoRz. Phish Phail!
If Bush is so popular, why are hacks still being employed to rehabilitate his image?
Stanley Fish, the God
blFarter.Fixed for better flow.
Kind of OT but.. who cares about Fishes when we have NEW FEARS TO BE AFRAID OF?!?!
Thanks for the tip, Esteev. Time to invest in Depends stock.
The NY(F)T has a comedy section now?
Heh. New York Fucking Times. Trying to get actor and I reminiscing about Studio again?
I, for one, miss him terribly. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to see him back on the news every evening, in shackles, standing in front of a war crimes tribunal.
Trying to get actor and I reminiscing about Studio again?
I still can’t let Tom Wolfe touch me.
The image is all over the Internet, hundreds of millions of hits, and unscientific Web-based polls indicate that more do miss him than don’t.
Well, it’s true that comics miss him.
no ranking for Fish on Rate Your professor. too bad,
no ranking for Fish on Rate Your professor. too bad,
Well, when you’re the Davidson-Kahn Distinguished University Professor of Humanities and Law And Part-Time Fry Cook, you’re above such pettiness.
The more I think about it, the more I miss Bush.
For example, the moral clarity he brought to issues.
Whatever position he took on something, I knew I could be against it without even having to think about it.
Never mind POOP and PENIS, What this thread needs is ASS!
Kind of OT but.. who cares about Fishes when we have NEW FEARS TO BE AFRAID OF?!?!
Ha! Jihad Jane. Bitch is lucky she didn’t meet GI Jane. And yeah, I’m way afraid now. Even whitey is in on the jihad thing. Next thing you know some illiterate white supremacist booger eating hillbilly is going to bomb a federal bui l d….oh. wait. Never mind.
Even whitey is in on the jihad thing.
And like all ghetto trends, it’s now played out ever since the whiggers picked it up.
Oh, look. A rational, thoughtful comment on the Jihad Jane story:
WHY would ANY AMERICAN woman WANT to be moslem,to begin with? I hope she is executed for treason or kept in solitary for the rest of her life at the very least.
Posted by:
suejkw 3:55 PM
Okay, distinguished panelists, what is “to snorkel” in the context discussed here?
And like all ghetto trends, it’s now played out ever since the whiggers picked it up.
Yeah, but I was way into it before it got all tready and shit.
2 assholes make a sign and one asshole agrees with them. Now we all want fucntionally retarded man back?
Okay, distinguished panelists, what is “to snorkel” in the context discussed here?
HAHA! I’m guessing it’s what they call it in the Navy–happens often enough that it was named!
Okay, distinguished panelists, what is “to snorkel” in the context discussed here?
I’m guessing you put one end in your mouth and blow.
what is “to snorkel” in the context discussed here?
I’m guessing here that it’s related to “going down” as in a submarine, or like the device a diver would put in his mouth to inhale.
To be fair to Stanley, W’s stock has recovered a bit, all the way to 38-55. So folks with a favourable opinion of bush are only outnumbnered 1.5:1
IOW, if the Senate actually reflected the opinions of the general public, a sense of the Senate disapproving of W would be filibuster-proof.
BUT, these numbers are still way better than W was enjoying while in office, therefore we should cut taxes and invade Iran. Q.E.D.
The New York Times presents its latest essay contest. Complete the following sentence, “I miss George W. Bush because…”
Contestant winners will be published in the sinking ship of American journalism and given a professorship at a useless law school.
My entry “I miss George W. Bush because there was always a dim flickering light at the end of the tunnel, the day he left office.”
fears about homegrown terrorists in the United States who may be difficult to spot.
Oh noes, we can no longer rely on skin colour to mark the scary people!
Oh noes, we can no longer rely on skin colour to mark the scary people!
We may have to expand the “no-fly” list to include persons with boobs.
“This is a very rare case of a disturbed woman,” he said, but it signifies how “the Internet not only allows them to communicate, it allows them to recruit.”
Their persuasive speeches and sermons, which have been effective in recruiting men and women in the Middle East, are “beginning to work for some misfits in the United States,” he said.
Well you can see how a helpless woman might be confused by lots of fancy words.
Well you can see how a helpless woman might be confused by lots of fancy words.
Bush called them “soccer moms”.
Miss him? Was there a hundred years between the election and the inauguration? I thought we’d never be rid of it.
Do you miss Dick Cheney yet?
on topic
Oh noes, we can no longer rely on skin colour to mark the scary people!
We may have to expand the “no-fly” list to include persons with boobs.
And bad peroxide jobs. Victoria Jackson, take note.
on topic
Een Soviet, Bush misses YOU!
Stanley Fish, The New York Fucking Times
NYT, now for fish-rapping.
Stanley Fish, the GodblFarter.
The Cod Farter
After conducting an unscientific review of blog comments about Stanley Fish, I can conclusively state he sucks moldy ass.
So now it’s Bush nostalgia. Next week, back to He Was Always A Liberal?
Bush called them “soccer moms”.
The MSM called them “security moms”. Remember? The dumbasses who had children, yet voted for the guy who really wanted to send their children to a neverending war. This should not be construed as trying to let men off the hook for voting for Bush in ’04, but geez, what a bunch of dumb whores.
pedestrian, that was one of the first things I thought of when I read that Fish piece – well, considering that there are still people in Russia who miss Stalin, why would it be so surprising that some people miss Bush?
But that’s not really what Fish is saying – he thinks that Bush is not only missed, he’s on his way to full-scale rehabilitation, and one of his pieces of evidence is…the fact that he did Haiti disaster relief messages with Bill Clinton. “Hi, I’m President Bush, and I know a little something about calamitous events that tear an entire nation apart…”
I agree with one of the commenters at the link who says that Fish is just trolling for liberal hate, because he couldn’t possibly take his own arguments seriously.
Do you miss Dick Cheney yet?
After the unavoidable exposure to that growth he calls his daughter, I sorta do miss him. She’s as evil as him and twice as stupid.
The MSM called them “security moms”. Remember? The dumbasses who had children, yet voted for the guy who really wanted to send their children to a neverending war.
Oh, I’m sure most of them kept their kids out of the military, and would have objected most strenuously if the draft had been re-instituted. Besides, I never believed that things like “soccer moms” or “security moms” even existed anywhere but in the minds of “journalists” who thought that David Brooks was a person of keen and rare insight. What there were, in ’04, was a lot of people who thought Bush had a bigger dick than Kerrey and would keep the scary Jihadists away.
What there were, in ‘04, was a lot of people who thought Bush had a bigger dick than Kerrey and would keep the scary Jihadists away.
Ah yes, the Peggy Noonan school of very serious punditry.
Wow, pedestrian, the number of straw men that Nooners sets up and knocks down in that little piece is just astounding. You’re right, though; she thought Kerry was smarter, but Bush was more manly, and that’s all that mattered.
Also, bonus veiled PENIS reference:
It was a happy night at the Club for Growth.
Given that Fish has written that science = religion because it requires as great leap of faith to believe your own senses as it does to believe bronze-age mythology, unscientific web polls are as good as any other method of discerning what the public thinks.
Ah-hah! I believe we’ve found the genesis of Liz Cheney: she started out as a boil on Dick Cheney’s ass.
At least Liz seems harmless enough that people are actually calling her out on her “jihadists in the DOJ” fearmongering bullshit. Cheney seems to get a nauseating amount of deference from former officials and lawyers and pretty much anyone else who should know better than to allow themselves to appear in agreement with their silence. It does restore a little faith, for me anyway, that when she tries to channel McCarthy the Washington guns return fire.
Stanley Fish, The New York Fucking Times – Do You Miss Him Yet?
In the word of Bill Maher:
I miss Bush.
Fish is an example of why people hate professors. he is a very old man who wants attention and a response. His shriveled genitals no longer are visible so he shakes his intellectual weenie at people.
Fish and the other English professors of his generation killed the study of literature. Fish also wrote a weenie shaking review of Sarah Palin’s book, of course finding it wonderful even as he asserted that there was no truth in it.
If Fish had been around in Nazi Germany, he would have praised Hitler for Hitler’s ability to box the Jews into indefensible categories. Then he would have asserted that liberals who did not show Hitler and the Nazis respect were “elitists” who thought they “were better than the good honest small town German people.”
Any idiot can play Fish’ game.
Why does the Times publish his rancid screeds?
I don’t think it’s hyperbolic to claim that if you miss the Bush administration, you can only be genuinely stupid.
zombie Bob Keeshan ?
Sure people miss him – they forgot to allow for windage.
2 + 2 =FISH!
That misses the backstory of how he ended up there after Berkeley and JHU and Duke and UIC, which is a somewhat amusing one, unless you happened to be doing English Lit at Duke during his time there.
Oh, do tell–I’ve always wondered about this. I was an undergrad at Duke while Fish was there, and while I certainly didn’t have the level of interaction with the faculty that grad students would’ve had, I nonetheless had the clear sense from other English professors that something very, VERY weird was going on. ‘Twas enough to keep me from being an English major.
It’s already been mentioned, but I thought I’d link to the NYFT post by Fishface on Bible Spice’s exercise in shit-list-mongering. Apparently Fishface is an equal-opportunity fluffer, his next beneficiaries being not-Joe the not-Plumber and that sad little woman who scratched a backwards-B on her own face.
That misses the backstory of how he ended up there after Berkeley and JHU and Duke and UIC, which is a somewhat amusing one, unless you happened to be doing English Lit at Duke during his time there.