Oh Noes! We’ve Lost Glenn Beck

Pamalama-ding-dong is horrified to learn that nuts come in many shapes:


Something very disturbing happened today on FOX. Glenn Beck, who has, for the most part, steered clear of jihad, sharia and Islamic supremacism, put his toe in the water, and for the first time since I started fighting the long war, I got nervous.

Beck just called Wilders a fascist, and far-right.

He also mixed up Dominique de Villepin with Jean Marie Le Pen.

What is he doing?

Why would he stigmatize Wilders this way? Wilders is the embodiment of what our founding fathers extolled. Individual rights. Freedom of speech. Not sharia law.

What’s worse: ‘The green traitor is eating it up.’ Which reminds us of how this whole feud between Pam Atlas and Charles Johnson started — not to pat ourselves on the back, but S,N! was there to document the green traitor’s return to the land of the sane way back when.


Comments: 60


Best line ever: ‘… for the first time since I started fighting the long war, I got nervous.’

Lots to work with there, but it’s fascinating that Pam doesn’t consider her hourly Mooslims-iz-gonna-get-us all-cap freakouts to be a sign of nerves.


Villepin with Le Pen? How the hell could he confuse Villepin with his favorite frog?

Ohhhh… right. He’s a MORON!!!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Now, this couldn’t have anything to do with Saudi ownership of a 7% stake in Newscorp, could it?



He also mixed up Dominique de Villepin with Jean Marie Le Pen.

Chris already pointed it out – this is a man who’s shit-scared of George Bernard Shaw’s legacy and who thinks FDR put the fasces on the dime as a secret Nazi sympathetic symbol.

So, yeah, bugfuck insane, pretty much.


But what happens when two bugfuck insane people go to war? Job security for D. Aristophanes, that’s what! w00t!


Oh my. I don’t know if I have enough popcorn.

Lurking Canadian

Is it possible that Glen Beck was visited last night by the ghost of his former business partner, who was then followed by three more ghosts?


Ladies and gentlemen, this just in;


“We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada,” Palin said in her first Canadian appearance since stepping down as governor of Alaska. “And I think now, isn’t that ironic?”

The death of satire.


It’s funny that wingnuts only point out Beck’s fucktardery when he disagrees with them.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

for the first time since I started fighting the long war

Yeah, all those years she’s been humping those saline-filled rucksacks through the deserts of Nassau County.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

But what happens when two bugfuck insane people go to war?

When two nuts go to war
Lulz are all that you can score.


Neither Billy Wilder nor Gene Wilder were far-right fascists.

Gene Wilder not dead, by the way.


Who is Wilders?


He’s a far-right fascist douchebag, pretty much like Beck (!) said …


Something very disturbing happeneda everytoday on FOX.


Also, let me be the first to tell all of you that Long Island is much more than iced teas and bigotry.



ugh, i get all that code right and i but an “a” instead of an “s”?? ….stupid, useless fingers.

The Tragically Flip

Did Howard Beale have a talking to by one of America’s real owners where the system was explained to him?

I look forward to Beck’s new “everything is hopeless, just give up and go home” depression hour.


Via Wikipedia, some of his goals:
– Replacement of the present Article 1 of the Dutch constitution, guaranteeing equality under the law, by a clause stating the cultural dominance of the Christian, Jewish and humanist traditions.
-A five-year ban on the founding of mosques and Islamic schools; a permanent ban on preaching in any language other than Dutch. Foreign imams will not be allowed to preach. Radical mosques will be closed and radical Muslims will be expelled.

So some are more equal than others, freedom of speech as long as it’s in Dutch and not radical as he defines it, and freedom of religion as long as it’s one on the approved list. Just like the founding fathers!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m going in- I know the mangoes are silicone, but the schadenfreude will be most gratifying.


Who is Wilders?

I’m upset by him scoring ScarJo, but maybe fascist is too harsh a term.


Okay, second question: Why are America’s FInest U.S.A. FREEDOM Fighters paying attention to what goes on in Commiefascistmuslimyhomo Europe? I mean, the world is a hovel-dwelling gay French socialist brown horde wasteland beyond the fabled shores of U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!, and that’s all you need to know, right?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m upset by him scoring ScarJo, but maybe fascist is too harsh a term.

Don’t be so despondent, don’t you know she’s a clone? You’ll get your chance to score some of that sweet, sweet laboratory-cultured goodness.


Beck thinks Wilders is a fascist? Damn, and here I’d thought he was.


All this reveals, in my opinion, is that Beck is a much cagier operator than Geller. He’s smart enough to know that backing European fascists, whose links to straight out Nazis are easy to enough to find, is politically suicidal. Geller, on the other hand, sees an ally in anyone else who hates Muslims. Geller’s championing of the EDL (whom even the BNP keep at arm’s length in public!) is a sign of how tone deaf she is on the subject.


This is supposed to in this thread but WP is not cooperating.
Uh, double post? FYWP, coz i didn’t do dat.

This is rich:

My fav:

Everything changed for Atlas on September 11, 2001. She immediately began to immerse herself in gaining a full understanding of geopolitics, Islam, jihad, terror, foreign affairs and the imminent threats to our freedoms that the mainstream media and the government wouldn’t cover or discuss.

“Imminent threats to our freedoms”?? No mention of indefinite detentions, lighting the up Constitution with a lit stogie, etc… xenophobe much?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

All this reveals, in my opinion, is that Beck is a much cagier operator than Geller. He’s smart enough to know that backing European fascists, whose links to straight out Nazis are easy to enough to find, is politically suicidal.

I don’t see it this way, given the effort American righties have been expending trying to link Fascism to the “Left”. Those links are easy enough to find, if you are a normal person, but many of Beck’s fans have been convinced that most sources of knowledge have been tainted by an amorphous “Progressive” conspiracy. Hell, they even came out against “Snopes” when the site started debunking viral right-wing e-mails.

I really think (at the risk of sounding like a rightie) that Prince Bin Alaweed’s stake in Newscorp is a factor in Beck’s backpedaling- one doesn’t bite the hand that signs the paycheck. On a less conspiratorial-sounding note, the uptick in domestic terror events is probably a factor as well- how many more attacks would it take before Beck et al. get a visit from DHS or a lawsuit from the SPLC?


Good point, herrnaphta, but Beck still highlighted Henry Freaking Ford as hero for standing up to FDR, and Ford’s connections to the Third Reich and international Fascism are common knowledge.

“Common knowledge,” of course, is still far beyond your average Beck fan.


Dammit- I saw the title and thought “Oh, boy, the ole evil rat-fuck bastid done clocked out! Heart, suicide, fanboy-stalker-muder, pretzel-choke?” No, not at all. Dammit, just, dammitall!


“Replacement of the present Article 1 of the Dutch constitution, guaranteeing equality under the law, by a clause stating the cultural dominance of the Christian, Jewish and humanist traditions.”

Those three “traditions” are utterly and completely unlike one another – the first two are religions while the second is a very vague and general philosophy. “Humanism” is hardly a cultural thing – the Dalai-Lama and various strands of Islam could qualify for that too.

“A five-year ban on the founding of mosques and Islamic schools; a permanent ban on preaching in any language other than Dutch.”

Oh, well then.

When my family lived in Paris, we went to an English-language mass run by Irish priests. Every expat community has some place like that (no doubt including the Dutch in Paris, London, Washington and probably a number of Muslim-majority countries as well). Has it occurred to him that applying that law universally would screw over thousands of non-Muslim expats too?


LULZ (h/t gocart mozart)


All this reveals, in my opinion, is that Beck is a much cagier operator than Geller.

Well, that or that no matter how fucking nuts Beck is, Crazy Pammy is even nuttier.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Dammit- I saw the title and thought “Oh, boy, the ole evil rat-fuck bastid done clocked out! Heart, suicide, fanboy-stalker-muder, pretzel-choke?” No, not at all. Dammit, just, dammitall!

My bets would have been on “two wetsuits, one dildo”.


“Imminent threats to our freedoms”??

For certain non-imminent values of “imminent.”


From Pammy’s shite.
“The Islamic/left-wing fringe is everywhere”

She’s on to us.
Step one:
1. Allow gays to marry before you execute them.
Step two:
2. Women must stay barefoot in the kitchen while wearing a burkha during every abortion procedure.
Step three:
3. The families of all commie atheists get free wellfare for life after death by stoning.
Step four:
4. Unionise all jihadists.
Step five:
5. Carbon tax on all IED’s

and so on . . .


“I really think (at the risk of sounding like a rightie) that Prince Bin Alaweed’s stake in Newscorp is a factor in Beck’s backpedaling- one doesn’t bite the hand that signs the paycheck.”

I think BBBB’s explanation is as good as any. The ties between the American right wing and European fascism go way way back (remember William F. Buckley gushing over Generalissimo Franco in the 1950s National Review). The only explanations for this are that 1) Glenn Beck grew a conscience on this particular issue, and if you believe that, I’ll tell you another, or 2) he’s got an ulterior motive – a “hajji” stake in Newscorp sounds like a plausible one.


Something as inexplicable as this happened last April to Charles Johnson (http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/20021.html). Apparently, he became bitter and disillusioned by the fact that he’d seen “people he trusted” hook up with “racists and Nazis” and the anti-jihadist movement was just “a bunch of kooks.”

Trouble is, the so-called “anti-jihadist” movement in Europe has ALWAYS been a euphemism for anti-Islamic racism, a market that was cornered long ago by the same neo-Nazis who also routinely deny the Holocaust, push for amnesty for WW2 collaborators, oppose free trade and rabidly hate the United States, by the way. There’s no way in hell Johnson could have rubbed shoulders with the “anti-jihadist” brigade for the better part of a decade before realizing they were all goose-steppers. My guess is personality conflict of some kind, but certainly not moral qualms.


Chris – the Chuckie Greenballz breakup with Pam happened even earlier than that. Check link in the above post.


Pammy’s comments section was great fun. Attacking not just Beck, but O’Reilly and Fox News. They feel so betrayed! Pam will never betray them. No sir.


So Beck actually called a RT fascist a fascist? So is this one of those broken clock things, an intra-mural douchebag slapfest, a sudden moment of clarity, or an omen of Ragnarok?

Honestly I think I need to consult some goat innards to figure that out.


Oh Noes! We’ve Lost Glenn Beck

Look behind the couch.

For me, when it comes to this crazy skank, getting off the boat is a distinct pleasure!

Beck could destroy the freedom movement in Europe — and the US — if he erroneously stigmatizes it as fascist.

Because Europeans surely dote on his every word.

UPDATE: Beck should know better. He is doing what the left-wing media did to the tea parties: labeled them fascists and racists with impunity.

Which they thoroughly refuted by wildly cheering as Tom Tancredo longed for the good old days of means-tests as a prerequisite to voting – & by consistently echoing Stormfront’s “Obama’s Socialist Agenda Is Teh Triumph Of ZOG’s New World Order” rhetoric.

If everyone is a bad guy, even the good guys, who is going to fight the good fight?

Just because they’re not all out to get me doesn’t mean I’m paranoid, or something. Now if you’ll excuse me, these paint-chips aren’t going to huff themselves … SSNNNNNUUUURRRF!


Enough with the update-rabies already! Holy fuck, what is this, the crash of the fucking Hindenburg?

Yes, even a fake-crying nutbar like Beck gets something right once in a while – yabba-dabba-big-fat-hairy-whoop. The fact that he can form sentences in English – or call a hardcore fascist a hardcore fascist – still won’t erase the crazy … nor will being excoriated by another nutter like Pam.

Sorry, Glenn – you’ve gnawed the heads off of so much semantic poultry by now that not even the loathing of a glassy-eyed freak like Pam Gellar can rehabilitate your reputation.


,,,a permanent ban on preaching in any language other than Dutch.

Uh. And what about Hebrew, Pam?

Geert Wilders vs. Dutch Catholic wingnuts wouldn’t be as comical as Beck vs. Geller but I’d still like to see what would happen if he got close to banning Latin Mass.


Here in the UK, while we know our homegrown Nazis (Griffin) and French ones (Le Pen) for what they are, Dutch ones get eulogised by the mainstream right. Mention the late Fortuyn or T van Gogh, or the sadly not-late Wilders, to a British conservative and they’ll start praising the bastards.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Which they thoroughly refuted by wildly cheering as Tom Tancredo longed for the good old days of means-tests as a prerequisite to voting – & by consistently echoing Stormfront’s “Obama’s Socialist Agenda Is Teh Triumph Of ZOG’s New World Order” rhetoric.

How does a Jewish girl from Nassau County get involved with groups that throw around terms like “ZOG” anyway? I mean, that whole “enemy of my enemy” crap only goes so far.

Shut up, that's who

Which reminds us of how this whole feud between Pam Atlas and Charles Johnson started — not to pat ourselves on the back, but S,N! was there to document the green traitor’s return to the land of the sane way back when.

It’s hard to decide what’s the best thing about having fucked up my brain by smoking way too much weed before finally kicking a few years ago, but right now I’m leaning towards the fact that I can watch the Wire on DVD again and read great pieces like that with only vague recollections of the details. It feels like the first time!


Wait Beck gave a thumbs up to Henry “the Jooz” Ford- I need to see a citation for this, because my god there’s very few times in American History where you could more clearly back the wrong side- not even the Civil War is as clear a choice (you could argue that for poor Southerners- you’d be wrong and a backer of treason but still) the guys anti-semitism wasn’t exactly veiled.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

not even the Civil War is as clear a choice (you could argue that for poor Southerners- you’d be wrong and a backer of treason but still)

Nah, not even that- those people are still messed up from the divide-and-dominate tactics used by the neo-feudalists. The fact that they willingly served as cannon fodder for the planters puts the teabaggers’ fear of a national health insurance system in context.


How does a Jewish girl from Nassau County get involved with groups that throw around terms like “ZOG” anyway?

There’s a funny little rift in recent years among the skinhead tribe: some of them actually declare their enthusiastic support for Israel, because the folks they’re making life hell for in Gaza are non-whites.

Plus it’s an old cliche that rings true – if you go far enough either left or right, you wind up in an ideological Twilight Zone* where neither “left” nor “right” really means much of anything anymore. There’s a form of extremism called “The Third Way” that sees nothing wrong with breeding a hybrid of Maoism & fascism.



I think you could argue that for some poor Southerners- the Civil War is like the invasion of Iraq- clearly fighting was wrong but they were being invaded (again not a truly valid perspective) but my point was more- siding with Ford is less understandable than siding with with the South (at the time not now obviously).


Pardon this off-topic post, but I’d like S,N to know that the front page of the WaPo execrable “Opinion” section (home of the catapulters) promises the return of their Ombudsman, Mr Alexander, on March 1st.

Despite many many messages pointing out that Mr Alexander did in fact return (he wrote one of his limp noodle columns, although maybe he did that from parts afar) this curious and telling sloppiness continues to this day.


You go to war with the wingnuts you have, not the wingnuts you want.

Speaking of which, whatever happened to Marie “too hot for the other letters of my last name” Jon’?

And Nazi ties are hardly a political penalty in our country… the Bush family made its fortune re-arming Nazi Germany illegally, and no one on the right or even center gives a crap. Hell, its a badge of honor. The Bush family may have their fingerprints on more American deaths than any American family in the past century, and it doesn’t matter at all.


FROM WIKIPEDIA: …Geert Wilders has acquired nicknames such as “Mozart” and “Captain Peroxide” due to his flamboyant platinum blond hairstyle. Radio Netherlands calls him “the most famous bleach-blond since Marilyn Monroe”. He is married to a Dutch–Hungarian former diplomat, with whom he can only meet about once every week due to “security” concerns…(lol!)
SOURCE – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geert_Wilders


I am marketing a new kitsch product called The Sharia Pet.

It is a terra cotta bust of Pam Gellar that is watered with the blood of Muslims which in turn makes the busts bust get bustier.

Fun for all fellow travelers in the right wing war against IslamoterraObamafascistenviroqueers.

Galactic Dustbin

And Nazi ties are hardly a political penalty in our country… the Bush family made its fortune re-arming Nazi Germany illegally, and no one on the right or even center gives a crap. Hell, its a badge of honor. The Bush family may have their fingerprints on more American deaths than any American family in the past century, and it doesn’t matter at all.

Yup its the mark of bold capitalist vision.


“Geert Wilders has acquired nicknames such as “Mozart”

Dems is fighting words Dickerson.


Does anyone else find reading LGF a really weird experience these days?


“How does a Jewish girl from Nassau County get involved with groups that throw around terms like “ZOG” anyway? I mean, that whole “enemy of my enemy” crap only goes so far.”

Interesting reversal of history. Back in the 1930s, Arab nationalist movements lined up behind Hitler and Mussolini like nobody’s business, why? Because they were against the Jews. Today, a not inconsiderable slice of BNP and FN support comes from Jewish voters, why? Because he’s anti-Arab.

There really is no such thing as taking the enemy of my enemy principle too far.


Speaking of terrorists;


A blonde American woman from Philly, named Coleen LaRose, who doesn’t give the slightest inclination of being a radical and whose own boyfriend of five years didn’t even know she was Muslim.

I would love, I really, really would just love to know how the fuck the ‘profiling’ these geniuses keep calling for could possibly have come in handy here.


(comments are closed)