Oh What A Difference A Day Makes!

Above: The Yolk’s on Erik

Erik Erikson hasn’t spent a nanosecond working on the Hill but apparently a high-school viewing of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington has turned him into a self-proclaimed maven on the fine points of Senate procedural rules. So here we have Erik chiding Roll Call for not fully understanding the proper use of the term “filibuster.”

Roll Call is dumbing down the Jim Bunning story in the Senate, calling what he is doing a filibuster. … What Bunning is doing is merely objecting to a unanimous consent request. The Democrats could very easily vote on the pending matter instead of trying to get 100% of the vote

There are many reasons to be dismissive of Erik’s knowledge of these matters above and beyond the fact that a former country lawyer and city councilman from Copperhead Junction, Georgia, is probably not a good go-to guy on matters involving the U.S. Senate’s rules. Another excellent reason is that almost exactly twenty-four hours earlier, Erik was displaying his mad parliamentarian skillz and himself calling Bunning’s action a “filibuster.”

The point of supporting Rand Paul was driven home to me last Thursday night as Senator Bunning launched a one man filibuster against the Democrats.

What’s up with Erik’s 24-hour switcheroo? I’m putting my money on this: between the time Erik called Bunning’s shenanigans a filibuster and then later called it a non-filibuster one of the third-string posters on Red State, somebody called Hogan, said that anybody who called Bunning’s action a filibuster was a “freaking idiot.”

I have to admit that, whoever this Hogan guy is, he now has the honor of being the only person to ever post anything on Red State that is actually true: Erik is indeed a freaking idiot.


Comments: 86

USA Freedom Power

Shut up!


Let’s not take out all of our hostility on one of the most profound and influential developmental psychology theorists of our time. Freud’s developmental stages were elementary compared to those of Erik Erikson.

The Tragically Flip

This is somehow worse than their “tying someone to a table and pouring water on them until they drown is not torture” sophistry.




I… er… uh…

I suppose that’s supposed to be egg on Irky Irksome’s face, but why’s he in a restroom stall?

It’s like that thing about not being able to say what art is, but knowing when you see it. That picture is art.

The Restroom Stall

Eric was attending the Larry Craig school of Senate procedure.


And now that Bunning gave up after his blockage stopped the provisioning of road funds and a lot else, the ghost of Newt Gingrich’s shut-down of the government over having to sit in the back of Air Force One said “Filibusted!”


I suppose that’s supposed to be egg on Irky Irksome’s face, but why’s he in a restroom stall?

That’s no egg- there was Cheeto dust on his fingers…


There are many reasons to be dismissive of Erik’s knowledge of these matters anything and everything, including his age and name.



how much is the usa freedom powder per gram?


Roaming PENIS!

Wolverines ... which are a lot like baders, but more heavily armed (and why can I put some much shit in this space, but a long post is called "spammy"?)

Does this mean there will be no eating of deer hearts?


He who is still stunned he can get SO much shit, but not some much shit, in this space


Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some penis art to view.


“The clear message from Tuesday’s argument is that the court’s five-member conservative bloc believes the right “to bear arms” is a fundamental right, like the freedom of speech, one that cannot be unduly restricted by federal regulations, state laws or city ordinances.

Oh goody! Now when some mindless corporation starts poisoning my land, threatens the lifes of my children, and steals my money, I get to gun down their board of directors without all those pesky Federal, State, and Local laws getting in the way.

Yippie kay yay mother fuckers!


Now when some mindless corporation starts poisoning my land, threatens the lifes of my children, and steals my money, I get to gun down their board of directors without all those pesky Federal, State, and Local laws getting in the way.

Well, I suppose you could argue that the use of a gun is essential to the 2nd amendment’s spirit of free expression of gun ownership.


Well, I suppose you could argue that the use of a gun is essential to the 2nd amendment’s spirit of free expression of gun ownership.

Anything less would be a denial of my Freedom of Speech rights.

Of course, if I really want to kill with impunity I should just set up an LLC.

Spengler Dampniche remembered his nym

If that pricey, sports-themed infomercial we Canadians were running for the past two weeks had any message at all, it’s that there’s lots of room up here.

Hint, hint.


Does the right to bear arms extend to the right to bear arms during a hearing in front of the supreme court? Maybe take it out and lay it on the table in front of you while your lawyer makes his closing statement? Maybe polish it with a soft cloth while making eye contact with your favorite justice? Maybe twirl it on your finger a couple of times and hold it up and look down the sight to have a look at your favorite justice while making quiet ‘pow pow’ sounds? I don’t see why not.


Spengler Dampniche said….

I’m so confused – I thought “to smoke pole” was a metaphor.


The art piece is a life size realistic sculpture of the artist’s penis and testicles made out of resin and beard hair.

What, he couldn’t use real pube hair? FAKE! FRAUD!!!


So nice I linked it twice.


Four in a row?


Don’t Bogart that PENIS, c.a.


Not five in a row when the subject is penises and PeeJ is here.


The art piece is a life size realistic sculpture of the artist’s penis and testicles made out of resin and beard hair.

Finally, a piece of fine art more self-indulgent than Fountain. The auctioneers at RegrEtsy await its arrival with a respectful hush.


“The clear message from Tuesday’s argument is that the court’s five-member conservative bloc believes the right “to bear arms” is a fundamental right, like the freedom of speech, one that cannot be unduly restricted by federal regulations, state laws or city ordinances.”

The elephant in the room no one seems to be talking about is that we’re talking about a right to bear “arms,” not “guns.” That covers a lot more ground that just M-16s and Uzis, or even RPGs and Stinger missiles; technically, if we’re going interpret this literally, I should have a constitutional right to build a nuclear warhead in my own basement. Then I can keep it, and bear it wherever I choose. I suggest putting it on the back of a trailer and hauling it round and round the beltway, then taking it on a city tour of every Republican politician in the District.

It’s my right, damn it! It CANNOT be restricted by federal regulations, state laws or city ordinances! Suck on that, IAEA!


Well, I suppose you could argue that the use of a gun is essential to the 2nd amendment’s spirit of free expression of gun ownership.

Production for use. It all makes sense now.


commie atheist is stealing all the comments.


Chris, you’re not being creative enough. What about MY right to brandish live steel in public, eh? Good enough for the samurai, good enough for reyl ‘murkins, dagnabit!


So, is that an egg, or an exotic lichen?

(I was going to make a PENIS joke but couldn’t make it past “mustard”.)


I stand corrected.

And a damn fine sight it would be, if I may say so. I also think Congressional stalemates should be resolved by duel. It works for the Klingons.


Production for use. It all makes sense now.

ha! i thought i was the only one to remember old movies like that!


Sorry to link to gawker but Rush Limbaugh has finally put his 5th Ave. penthouse on the market. It looks like Liberace took a dump in here.


The elephant in the room no one seems to be talking about is that we’re talking about a right to bear “arms,” not “guns.”

This. Plus, if we’re just going to ignore the entire first half of the Amendment anyway, thus divorcing the “right” from any legal responsibility whatsoever, things will get real interesting. These wingnut chickenhawks think they’ll be packing in the street, swaggering into us silly libs in our elite cities, but the lesson we’ll give them in urban warfare will be the very last one they’ll ever fail to learn. (Any survivors will see the value of sensible gun control.)

And the final rub? Our armed society will not be a polite society; we’ll laugh at them as they run. We know how well they take the whole “point and laugh” thing already, right? (I mean, there’s a reason they keep obsessively fondling long, hard “pieces”.)


According to the defintion provided by the US Senate itself, what Bunning was engaged in, other than a really bad piece of performance art, was a filibuster.

filibuster – Informal term for any attempt to block or delay Senate action on a bill or other matter by debating it at length, by offering numerous procedural motions, or by any other delaying or obstructive actions.

Perhaps the confusion stems from the fact that there is no legal definition for the word; it’s just an “informal” expression.


Any attys. out there who’d like to sue on my behalf so I can own a gun or 15 again?



Dibs on anthrax!

YOU get anthrax! And YOU get anthrax! And YOU get anthrax!…

I just wonder if these boneheads have thought through what it means to have unregulated gun ownership here in the US of A.

Wait, no I don’t.


Screw guns. After seeing Rush’s cheeseball attempt at Loius XIV decor, I demand guillotines.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“The clear message from Tuesday’s argument is that the court’s five-member conservative bloc believes the right “to bear arms” is a fundamental right, like the freedom of speech, one that cannot be unduly restricted by federal regulations, state laws or city ordinances.

I’d be totally up for carrying a halberd around, but it’s a pain in the ass getting through revolving doors while carrying one.


Any attys. out there who’d like to sue on my behalf so I can own a gun or 15 again?

The obvious.


Claymores for all!

Umm, I was thinking of the blades but if you want to carry around a land mine, have at it.


So, what’s our plan for luring all of the armed wingnuts into a “gated community” and then setting off a single firecracker in the dead of night? (I say they’ll expend at least 10,000 rounds before someone is hit, and another 90,000 or so before someone is shot intentionally.)

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Sorry to link to gawker but Rush Limbaugh has finally put his 5th Ave. penthouse on the market. It looks like Liberace took a dump in here.

The mural in picture three looks like it was copied off some dude’s airbrushed van. I can just imagine some classic “Boris Vallejo” style cheese just out of camera range.



I can’t find an actual link, there was a TheOnion piece titled,

138 Dead As Loud Sneeze Startles NRA Meeting

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Holy crap, SMcG, there’s some powerful WTF at the site you linked- I call Poe, though, because it’s all over the damn place: Illuminati, Creationism, Birtherism, Alex Jones- my favorite item was this:

China’s boiling & eating babies! WARNING: very graphic photos

It’s very reminiscent of Christwire.


I was gonna link just to Orly’s image, but it seemed like some extra goodies might be fun.


Hey guys! I got sick of spamming Taibbi’s comments so I came over here for a little while.


What are you wearing?


Citizen_X said,

Screw guns. After seeing Rush’s cheeseball attempt at Loius XIV decor, I demand guillotines.

Louise XIV? Looks more Loius QuinzeQueeze to me.


My latest living rock statue just died leadenly and with all the hopeful crap in this life a wonderful opulent living rock statue story would make my week. When the coroner opened Kermit up he found an ocarina jammed in Kermit’s lung. Kermit gave so much and asked so little in return.


Oh no she di-int:

IN THE COMMENTS: Jim Treacher said:

Is there enough booze in the world to get those guys laid?

Sadly, no.




TBogg notices that it was actually Treacher who said that, and posts an appropriate photo-representation of the would-be lothario:



I’m sorry, my mind is still boggling at the unfathomable stupidity of this statement:

“You’ve been asked repeatedly to provide the name of a person that has had their Constitutional rights or civil rights violated by the Patriot Act but you have not. You’ve been asked to demonstrate which of your Constitutional rights or civil rights have been violated by the Patriot Act and of course you have not.”

Gee, when the government announces that the 4th amendment will no longer operate as stated in the constitution, and declare that it is now legal for the government to secretly read my emails, tap my phone, and search my personal business records without warrant or notice – I haven’t actually had my civil rights violated?

And, the NSA is publishing the names of all of the persons whose emails they are reading, phones they are tapping, and business records they are searching without warrant or notice, IN THE NEWSPAPERS SO THEY CAN FIND OUT THEY ARE BEING SECRETLY SPIED ON?



Actually, the easiest way to get the Supreme Conservative Court and the Republican TeaTardist Party to back off from 2nd Half of 2nd Amendment absolutism would be to start a drive for ACORN and La Raza to begin providing subsidized handgun purchases and training for members of communities of color.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

El Cid:

So, if I have the gist of what you’re saying correct, you mean we should restart the Black Panthers? I mean, they certainly scared the shit out of the right-wingers with free meals to schoolkids.


So, if I have the gist of what you’re saying correct, you mean we should restart the Black Panthers? I mean, they certainly scared the shit out of the right-wingers with free meals to schoolkids.

Yes, but with much bigger, widely dispersed organizations not so easily recognized by thematic attire.


I want a squadron of tanks.


Do corporations have a right to bear arms now?


If money=speech, does butter=guns? Or does ignorance=strength?


Actually, that was the genesis of gun control, to keep blacks from owning guns after the civil war. It was basically a Jim Crow thing.
Do that La Raza and ACORN thing and watch how fast the NRA loses support. Because right now, the wingnuts think only rural white guys are “law abiding gun owners.” They still have an institutional memory that any african-american with a weapon is criminal.

Rusty Shackleford

I’d like to hear from zombie rotten mcdonald.


I want a doomsday device. And a mine shaft.

USA Freedom Power




you kids and your halberds. When my ancestors* dropped their weapons and ran from any battle their luckless selves found themselves found themselves to be involved in, they dropped good old fashioned pikes. or maybe clubs. None of yer hoity toity elitist halberds for them. And by god if a club or pike was good enough for them, to drop when they ran, they are good enough for me.

*Discounting my father, who in his two tours of duty in Viet Nam was neither issued clubs nor pikes nor ran from battle. But statistically speaking that was probably an anomaly- after all, my ancestors lived long enough to have descendants.


Erik is indeed a freaking idiot.



So, if I have the gist of what you’re saying correct, you mean we should restart the Black Panthers?

I knew my berets would come in handy one day!


you kids and your halberds.

That’s not a knife.

Now that’s a knife!


I knew my berets would come in handy one day!

You French fry!

(Isles crushed the Blackhawks)


If money=speech, does butter=guns? Or does ignorance=strength?

ignorance = Requirement for Right-leaning bloggering


(Isles crushed the Blackhawks)

I was disappointed. I tuned in for a comedy after the Rangers whipped the Senators.


I want a squadron of tanks.

The problem is you can’t drive ’em all yourself and mom’s not the greatest behind the wheel these days.


I demand a regiment of brightly costumed war elephants! accompanied by bagpipers and sousaphonists! I demand an aerial armada of Zeppelins in an array of fantastic shapes and colors! I want a crack platoon of Luchador shock troopers mounted on alpacas who rid into battle to mariachi music. I want trebuchet artillery that flings flaming Pinatas of death!
I want to lay off the sugar before posting.


I want to lay off the sugar before posting.

Was that a cube that had a funny brown tinge on one side?

Cuz, if you’re giving that up, I’ll take the load off your hands…got any blotters?


tensor astutely asks:

“So, what’s our plan for luring all of the armed wingnuts into a “gated community” and then setting off a single firecracker in the dead of night? (I say they’ll expend at least 10,000 rounds before someone is hit, and another 90,000 or so before someone is shot intentionally.)”

My imagination is enflamed by this. Not just gated communities. Anywhere where three or more are gathered in Gun’s name–swap meets, NASCAR crowds, gun shows, Tea Party parties, etc. Note, too, that it may take a second or third firecracker to ignite the hijinx, since the first will merely turn on the engine of small arms heroism (and high-strung paranoia). Additional sounds may be needed to switch it into gear.

Sure, innocent people may be hurt or killed. But that’s their *right.*


I want an All-Girl Army of Kung Fu Killers.

I’d only need a pair. An army of one.


Anywhere where three or more are gathered in Gun’s name

Very nice Paul Stookey allusion.


“These wingnut chickenhawks think they’ll be packing in the street, swaggering into us silly libs in our elite cities, but the lesson we’ll give them in urban warfare will be the very last one they’ll ever fail to learn. (Any survivors will see the value of sensible gun control.)”

Locate the home of every right wing politician in Washington (yes, including Joe Lieberman) and have a 24hour watch patrolling the street just outside of it with a loaded shotgun on their shoulder. And make sure not one of them is white.

If he complains about intimidation – “We’re just exercising our constitutional right to bear arms.” What works in town hall meetings should work outside of a senator or congressman’s home, no?


Sure, innocent people may be hurt or killed. But that’s their *right.*

And man o man do I agree. I’m pretty sure it’s right their in the constitution: The right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of bullet wounds.”


I’m pretty sure it’s right their in the constitution:

Wow, the rubber cement has affected my fingers, not my brain. (I tell myself)


What works in town hall meetings should work outside of a senator or congressman’s home, no?

Are talking about shouting about things you know nothing about because of what you saw/heard someone you respect and admire — despite of their horrific personal faults?


Well, I suppose you could argue that the use of a gun is essential to the 2nd amendment’s spirit of free expression of gun ownership.

Gunfire, like corporate campaign contributions, is speech, is it not? Speak with money, speak with bullets, what’s the difference?


(comments are closed)