Shorter David Brooks

The Hard and the Soft

  • This horrific tale of a guy who cut off his own toes while fleeing from the Nazis demonstrates why the Norse won nine gold medals at this year’s Olympics.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

On a serious note, anyone who has read “Lords of Chaos” knows how hardcore the Norse are. Their metalheads weren’t like the candy-assed metalheads in other countries who “rebel” by painting their fingernails black. No, these guys would torch churches, promote fascism and go on murder sprees. Now that’s hardcore, bitches!

I guess my point is that if I had to make a list of people I wouldn’t want to piss off, the Norse would be at the top along with Afghans (yeah, I know: gulp).


Comments: 257

Rusty Shackleford

They’re not yelling “BROO-ks” – they’re booing


Also, anyone who has read Lord of Chaos knows that tugging your braid doesn’t solve anything.


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

We Vikings don’t take kindly to ridicule, however.

I may have to dip a toe in the river and see if them damn mangoes are worth it.



There must be many reasons for Norway’s excellence [in the Winter Game], but some of them are probably embedded in the story of Jan Baalsrud.

How about they INVENTED most of the fucking sports and have enough cold weather to practice them for long periods and take great pride in them?????

See, Bobo, it’s like basketball is an American sport, and how many many people play the game, thus expanding our pool of talent, almost guaranteeing that anytime an American basketball is seeded in a tournament, it stands a pretty damned good chance of winning, and it has nothing to do with Barbara Fritchie and the first American flag.



We Vikings don’t take kindly to ridicule, however.

By Odin’s Beard! I would never ridicule thee!


I read the Brooks column, and I gotta admit that the 50K would seem like a walk in the park compared to what that guy did.


I get the feeling that Elitist Fuckhead David Brooks wouldn’t leave his Georgetown digs to retrieve the paper if he had a fucking hangnail.


They’re not yelling “BROO-ks” – they’re booing

I was yelling “BROO-ks”.


My grandparents were all from Nordic countries and goodness, were they tough. But hardly fearsome–those Nordics moved elsewhere long ago. And Bobo, if you want to know where the toughest folks in Scandinavia are–try Finland.


The Donner Party would so have eaten these Norselings for lunch. And it would hardly have even filled them up. They once ate a man for snorin’ too loud.


We Vikings don’t take kindly to ridicule, however.

And yet Dik Browne remains unlynched by a horned-helmet horde.


The title of Chapter One of Mr. Brooks’ new book:

In Which I Determine the Character of the Nation by Watching an Episode of “I Shouldn’t Be Alive”


almost guaranteeing that anytime an American basketball is seeded in a tournament

Well… I guess “almost guaranteeing” is enough of a modifier.

THIS was ridiculous though.


What happened to my links? They were expertly tagged and such. FYWP.

Here, try this and this. RE: almost guaranteeing that anytime an American basketball is seeded in a tournament, it stands a pretty damned good chance of winning


And Bobo, if you want to know where the toughest folks in Scandinavia are–try Finland.

Sucking up will get you nowhere…but please keep trying!


And yet Dik Browne remains unlynched by a horned-helmet horde.

Dik Browne? The documentarian?


Eight of the those nine gold medals came in cross country and biathlon. The other was Aksel Lund Svindal’s in the Super G (one of three Alpine medals for him).


Dik Browne? The documentarian?

Yes, for “untalented hack” values of “documentarian.”


Yayyy! Tag, I’m it!

Anyway, Mr Brooks, can we (editorial, ahem) please write an article that have to idea remotely related to one another?

And the title? Veiled much?

Alt: “Adamantine and Squishy”


And the title? Veiled much?

He imagines being thrown down in the furs in the Great Hall at Lejre, and used like the toy that he is.


please write an article that have two ideas remotely related to one another

I think I hit the rubber cement a bit too hard today…Bolded for fixingness


Alt: “Adamantine and Squishy”

So soon in the thread to have D-KW’s mother brought in.

Ted the Slacker

Why did Canada win the hockey gold?

Instinctive theory: They take this shit way more seriously than any other country on the planet.

A Bobo theory: Let me tell you this story about a guy called Bryan Adams. He had this song, “anything I’d do, I’d do it for you”; so when Canada said to the Sid the Kid and his buddies, “go do it for us”, they remembered what Bryan Adams said and that’s what happened.


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That’s heartening.


And Bobo, if you want to know where the toughest folks in Scandinavia are–try Finland.

Simo Häyhä would have shot all of his toes off … with one shot.


By the way, why do I get the feeling Bobo subscribes to this s(h)ite?


Why did Canada win the hockey gold?

Clearly because some Yukon trapper ate his foot.


That is certainly an exciting tale (even when bobo tells, my imagination is vivid enough) of survival, courage and Nazis. But it illustrates everything wrong with David Brooks. This column is enough to make you think he doesn’t believe in occam’s razor.


Why did Canada win the hockey gold?

Obviously, there were no Americans willing to sacrifice a limb. (Or, play defense in OT!!!!)


When will the rest of you schmucks realize that while you can’t simply pluck out one or two individualistic anecdotes and portray them as representative as the soul of national character, David Brooks can?


David Brooks can go to hell.


So soon in the thread to have D-KW’s mother brought in.

Yeah? Well your mom was doing this thread even before the post went up.


Dik Browne? The documentarian?
Yes, for “untalented hack” values of “documentarian.”

He won the Viking version of the Oscars for that: the Herring.


Eight of the those nine gold medals came in cross country and biathlon.

Norway: bans guns, wins biathlon medals

America: highest gun ownership on the planet. Doesn’t win medals in biathlon.

What am I missing here?


before the post went up

Euphemisms. Always euphemisms.


Norway: bans guns, wins biathlon medals

America: highest gun ownership on the planet. Doesn’t win medals in biathlon.

What am I missing here?

USA!USA!USA! can’t win until the biathletes shoot at one another.


There’s so much crazy on the Right, cartoonists don’t even have to make up dialog any more.


What am I missing here?

I bet we take the lead in male ex’s killing former female lovers and/or their children.


America: highest gun ownership on the planet. Doesn’t win medals in biathlon. / What am I missing here?

The biathlon takes place on skiis, not a slow moving Escalade.


Why did Canada win the hockey gold?

Pfffft, like that’s an actual question. In the 20 times that Canada has competed in men’s Olympic hockey, we’ve taken 8 golds, 4 silvers and a bronze. Canada won hockey gold because that’s what Canada does.

Ted the Slacker

What am I missing here?

The targets are a wee bit smaller than a moose. Also.


As a rule, Vikings have red beards.

To understand the full meaning of that sentence, you must know German (and use it).


OT: Coolest thing I’ve ever read, evar.

You need to read more pron.


The targets are a wee bit smaller than a moose. Also.

So even the right wing definition of gun control is invalid?


OT: Coolest thing I’ve ever read, evar.

Great! That means my life is now….lemme see, a million days is 2,739 years, carry the one…1/27 of a second shorter!!!!!

I want a refund, dammit!


More medal minutiae: One of Norway’s silver medals came in men’s curling because best uniforms ever!



I said read.


One of Norway’s silver medals came in men’s curling because best uniforms ever!

Ooooh. Dazzle camo!

I said read.

Ooooh. Dazzle camo!


One of Norway’s silver medals came in men’s curling because best uniforms ever!

Many Norwegian war heroes died for those pants.


Said it before, do not fuck with Finland. On iPhone so bare linky:


Ja, dass troo! Ve fought der battle of Vinjesvingen so dot our descendints cud vare does shtupid pants wit der plaided diamunds, jah.

Don’ ask vat ve fought der battle of Hegra Fortress for. Dot’s a surprise!


PeeJ, you’re actually reading Sadly No on your iPhone?

You’re a braver man than I, Gunga Din.


PeeJ, you’re actually reading Sadly No on your iPhone?

I’ve done it form my 1st-gen ipod touch. W/o net.


I read that piece (god knows why) before this post went up, and was thinking, “Bobo, did you know that they have, like, socialism in Norway now? I wouldn’t sing its praises if I were you.” Fortunately, I am not Bobo, and can hypothesize that having universal health care is maybe good for a country’s talent pool.

A concerned citizen

More medal minutiae: One of Norway’s silver medals came in men’s curling because best uniforms ever!

It’s ironic that you link to a site called, because those pants are a definite curling yes in my book.


I am not Bobo, and can hypothesize that having universal health care is maybe good for a country’s talent pool.

Norway’s curling pants would not be possible without socialized ophthalmology and psychiatry.


The Donner party was so desperate they were thinking of eating their lutefisk supply.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Feh, the Norse fall like cornstalks before a combine harvester when they’re up against unipeds. Must be all that fat around their kidneys making them logy and short-of-breath.


Norway’s curling pants would not be possible without socialized ophthalmology and psychiatry.

They look like they were designed by a drunk gay Scottish fashion designer with a cruel sense of humour and tight shoes.


They look like they were designed by a drunk gay Scottish fashion designer with a cruel sense of humour and tight shoes.

Actually, let me amend that statement: they look too comfortable to have been designed by a gay man.


Look up battle of Suomussalmi for do not fuck with Finland reference.

A couple trick bookmarklets make iPhone sadlynaughting _almost_ manageable.
Someone please post the booboos in paradise link – no Bobo thread is complete w/o it.

The curling pants merely balanced out Johnny Weir’s outfits.


Don’t have to tell me about Suomussalmi, PeeJ. My dad was nearly killed there.

It was where we invented the Molotov Cocktail.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

They look like they were designed by a drunk gay Scottish fashion designer with a cruel sense of humour and tight shoes.

Ya got it all wrong! The pants are in the style of the classic Harlequin, a testament to curling’s roots in the Commedia dell’arte.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It was where we invented the Molotov Cocktail.

Wrong thread!


It was where we invented the Molotov Cocktail.
Wrong thread!

Althouse is more a Sterno drinker.


I feel that it is important to point out that the tip of David Brooks’ tongue looks very much like a butt.


Someone please post the booboos in paradise link – no Bobo thread is complete w/o it.

Your wish is my command.


The American political establishment love affair with fascists:

Citing the far greater scale of death and destruction in Haiti, the newspaper(WSJ) praises the comparatively higher level of preparedness for such a disaster in Chile, and writes: “But such preparation is also the luxury of a prosperous country, in contrast to destitute and ill-governed Haiti. Chile has benefited enormously in recent decades from the free-market reforms it passed in the 1970s under dictator Augusto Pinochet.”

One wants to respond, to coin a phrase, “Lie, but at least make sense.”

The mourning of Pinochet:


“I feel that it is important to point out that the tip of David Brooks’ tongue looks very much like a butt.”

His forked tongue looks like a ballsack. Which perfectly captures the essence of everything he ever said – lies and being the elites teabaggee.


Why did Iran move its stockpile of low-enriched nuclear fuel to above-ground storage that is vulnerable to air attack? The New York Times reports that IAEA inspectors in Iran just saw this:

… imagine the surprise of international inspectors almost two weeks ago when they watched as Iran moved nearly its entire stockpile of low-enriched nuclear fuel to an above-ground plant. It was as if, one official noted, a bull’s-eye had been painted on it.

Why take such a huge risk?

Iran has long used North Korean engineers to build military tunnels deep in their vast mountains, where they are protected from air strikes by many tons of rock and concrete. But this time is totally different — the Iranians exposed their whole stockpile of enriched uranium to precision bomb strikes. Further, they did so in plain sight of U.N. inspectors.

There are three rational interpretations. None of them apply, because this is not a rational regime by normal human standards. But let’s look at them.

One is that the nuclear fuel needed to be moved above ground to enrich it further, which A’jad just announced they want to do. So in effect, Ahmadinejad openly called attention to what they are now known to be doing.

The second rational explanation is that it’s a royal screw-up. Don’t believe it. These people are mad, but not stupid.

The third is that the real Iranian stockpile has been moved elsewhere and that U.N. inspectors are being suckered with fakes. Remember that during the Kosovo War, the Serbians were able to fake out the U.S. Air Force with wooden “tanks” while hiding their real tanks from high-altitude bombing. U.N. inspectors are a lot less savvy than the USAF.

Those are rational explanations for rational regimes. The Iranians are not necessarily rational in that way. They are a suicide-preaching, murder-preaching, profoundly regressive, pre-medieval regime. They are throwbacks to the martyrdom cults of the Dark Ages. Ayatollah Khomeini himself caused thousands of teenagers on motorbikes to be sent racing into Saddam Hussein’s minefields to martyr themselves in the Iran-Iraq War in order to clear them. The sacrificial lambs were promised a direct entrée to Paradise, with green plastic signs around their necks reading “Key to Paradise.” Allah can read Arabic. Happy day, kids, this is your chance to become a Shaheed for Allah.

Normal human beings don’t think that way.

To understand Amadinejad’s “I dare ya!” move with his enriched uranium, we have to try to think the way these people think.

I believe that the regime is deliberately trying to trigger an Israeli or American bombing strike at a time and place of its choosing. That time is now, and the place is the location of the enrichment factory.

Why now? Because there is an uncontrollable democratic rebellion threatening to boil over in the modernist half of the Iranian nation.

Why this place? Because a bomb attack on uranium stored above ground would raise a cloud of radioactive particles spreading around the world, as it did after the Chernobyl plant disaster in the Soviet Union. By contrast, underground uranium can be degraded just by making the roof fall in, with little or no radioactive particle leakage.

Remember that Saddam Hussein had a giant, rickety warehouse full of yellowcake uranium — all the time we were told he had no WMDs by the sleazy Western media. We heard about that warehouse only three years after Saddam was overthrown, the yellowcake was very carefully repacked and moved out, and it was sent to Canada for reprocessing. The uranium warehouse was never bombed or shelled. The risk of a radioactive disaster — or at least a P.R. disaster — was much too great. President George W. Bush tolerated years and years of vicious personal smears by the Democrats and the Left about his “failure to find WMDs” just to ensure that the yellowcake was moved safely out of the country. That’s the kind of man George W. Bush is. He did the right thing, and he took the hits from all the sleazy demagogues.

But why would A’jad invite such an attack on his precious enriched uranium? Because this is a martyrdom regime. These people derive their deepest justification from suffering — the real thing, not the phony suffering the Western media like to celebrate on the nightly news. In Iraq, you can see news photos of Shiite religious processions with men whipping their backs bloody every single year. Suffering is the key to Shiite psychology, and in Iran, Khomeini turned the willingness of his followers to suffer into a political weapon. That is how A’jad still uses it today. Ahmaninejad appears to be a “Twelver,” a follower of the most radical suicide- and hate-preaching cleric of them all, Ayatollah Yazdi, a real mad hatter. A’jad certainly wants every intelligence agency in the world to believe that he is a madman, because who wants to fight a real nutjob? There’s no knowing what he will do.

A’jad’s political calculation may be that after thirty years of forcing every Iranian child to chant “Death to Israel! Death to America!” — an Israeli/U.S. attack will unify the country behind the cult in power. That would allow A’jad to carve up and kill the democratic opposition.

So far the Israelis haven’t struck the “Bomb Me” target. They are in a serious bind. A’jad keeps taunting them with a genocidal nuclear attack. He is building the means to do it. But he is also aching for a good excuse to go and kill the Jews and the “Crusaders.” When he is asked what the two greatest duties of a Muslim are, he answers, “To Kill and Die for Allah.” That’s official doctrine. It’s what children are taught in school.

A’jad organized suicide charges in the Iran-Iraq war, and last year he appointed a known torturer to be the police chief in Tehran. A’jad’s personal guru, Yazdi, calmly discussed on video how it is legal under Islam to rape prisoners — boys or women — prior to their execution; the only restraint is that raping a woman should be done in private. It’s the dress code, ya see. The naked body of women must not be exposed to the lustful eyes of men, even if the woman is being officially raped, tortured, and murdered. Three years ago, they did it with a Canadian woman journalist.

These people are bestial, sadistic, anti-human, the very worst that humanity throws up from its cesspit of horrors. Legal rape-murder is sanctioned by Twelver doctrine. (The Ayatollah Khomeini himself explained that intercourse with animals is permissible. But women can’t wear short sleeves.)

The other side of their destructive sadism is masochism. One reason they can inflict horrors on other people is because they expect to suffer themselves, and they do, in ritually approved ways. They are taught to yearn for death. “We desire death just as you desire life” is a standard slogan of Islamist death cults, both Shiite and Sunni.

What A’jad is doing by exposing his uranium as a target is to taunt the enemy with a martyrdom act for the entire Iranian nation. He is exposing his nation to a bombing, knowing that radioactive uranium particles may spread in a giant cloud. Even if there were little radioactivity, the worldwide outcry from the hysterical Left would trigger a P.R. disaster. It would be identical to a “Dirty Nuke” — no nuclear reaction, just a lot of radioactive material being vaporized.

Ahmadinejad is always testing. That’s what bullies do. It’s what Saddam was always doing.

The Iranian regime knows perfectly well that most of the world is expecting an Israeli and/or allied strike on Iranian nuclear facilities sometime soon. They would rather have it happen at a time and place of A’jad’s choosing. Obama might call it “the Audacity of Martyrdom.” Because this is a very high-risk move by the maniacs of Tehran.

The first rule of war is never to do what the enemy expect at a time when they are ready for it. It is therefore important not to fall into this trap. I believe that the IDF will not do so, because they have far better intelligence regarding Iran than the CIA does. Recently, the son of the head of Hamas was revealed to be an Israeli spy, now going public as a Christian convert. With the horrors the Khomeini regime has routinely inflicted on the people of Iran, it is very likely that enough Iranians hate the regime that they are keeping Israel and the Saudis well-informed.

Any attack on key nuclear components in Iran must be carried out at a time and place of Western choosing. A decapitation attack on Ahmadinejad personally might be welcomed by the people of Iran. An above-ground uranium stockpile attack would not.


March 2, 2010 at 19:13

How about “nowhere” and “never”. Does that work for you, dickless?


FFS, CTSTW!!!! Could you at least put the formatting back in when you copy/paste? Imagine what James Lewis must be thinking when he sees all his carefully tagged italics stripped out. For shame.


How about “nowhere” and “never”. Does that work for you, dickless?

If he’s dickless, add “no how” to your list.


Wheee, now the Iransheviks WANT us to bomb them!



P.S. You know who else has long used North Korean engineers to build tunnels deep into her vast mountains?

Hint: It’s your mom.


Normal human beings don’t think this way.


Wheee, now the Iransheviks WANT us to bomb them!

New Tourist Slogan: “Come For The Coffee, Stay For The AmrRams”


Oh, yeah, SPECIAL GOOD BONUS DUMBFUCK POINTS to the author for the whole “they are not thinking like us humans” bullshit.

Someone should probably go back to wanking over episodes of “24” instead of pretending to be a journalist or whatever.

Coach Urban Meyer

Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? Here at Da Cool Coach Central, us True Americans are giving the double thumbs up to Boss Bunning’s mastery of constitutional SPREAD! Ya better believe that the American people don’t want any more of Obummer’s silly socialist tax-and-super-spend dreams and schemes, so it only makes sense that Boss Bunning puts a big heaping helping of STOP to crazy crap we just don’t have the money for! A tip from Da Cool Coach: Don’t build your home on a floodplain, ya nerds! Badoodle-boo-yeah!

Hear that comin’ down the track, loony libs? It’s conservative victory, comin’ back. Urban out.


DK-W, Thanks a lot for your last two posts. I have to change my pants because I LOL’d so hard I wet myself and such.


mastery of constitutional SPREAD

I love constitutional spread on my bagel in the morning.


I wet myself and such.

You know who else wet himself at mention of D-KW’s mother? Hitler, that’s who.

Or possibly I’ve got scrambled memes.


Wait, you wear pants?!? I thought you were just a giant head with vestigal limbs.


“Hear that comin’ down the track, loony libs those of you who don’t vote against your interest? It’s conservative victory train wreck, comin’ back happening before my very eyes. Urban Moran out.”





I thought you were just a giant head with vestigal limbs.

I used to be, but thanks to Socialized Medicine within the Homestar Runner Universe, that kind of surgery can be done of the weekend.

Today, I can get all-up-ons yer mom!


From 19:22 message:

From 19:35 message:
True Americans are giving the double thumbs up to Boss Bunning..

I don’t doubt it.


Speaking of memes, deliciously scrambled with gayborted fetus toppings or otherwise, and given that this thread has that loverly Bobopic up dere, the complete lack of the words “tonguejack” and “shitbox” is troublesome.


For PeeJ and his dismay at the dearth of meme-flogging:



God made it official through Paul, the first century rabbi who dabbled in community organizing, that “love is more important than anything else.” The Doobie Brothers (neither rabbis nor community organizers) rephrased it for the modern age: “Without love, where would you be now, without love?”

This question was answered by Barack Obama and Democratic Party leadership as they sat around the Blair House banquet table at the health care summit this past Thursday, determined to push and pull a protesting citizenry into a loveless future.

Welcome to the United States of Obama. Without love, this is where we are now.

Gone is the love of the founders for individuals “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” It has been replaced by the derision of a political and media elite — David Brooks of the New York Times proudly calls this the “intellectual class” — determined to control every part of the lives of those they judge “too dumb” (Time magazine) to be allowed choice.

Forget the God talk and the founder mumbo-jumbo about individual worth, Obama and friends say. We need to take charge of the “dodos.” The Communist Chinese have it right, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman writes wistfully, in ruling “from the top down.”

Obama and the Democrats must take control of our citizens, the Times urged after the summit, and ignore widespread opposition. Citizens need to know their place, and their place is to do what the intellectual class says.

Arrogance? No, it is just an emerging order of privilege, largely liberal and Democratic, in which elites live by a different set of rules. Case in point: Federal and city tax dollars went to build a New York Times headquarters that had a restrictive lease that the Village Voice described as “‘Times’ to Commoners: Go Elsewhere.” Meanwhile, Congress exempts its own from Obamacare.

And so choice is no longer to be an option in health and medical services. As the Blair House summit showed, Obama and congressional leaders relentlessly continue to push government control over individuals, all the while adding to their personal power and wealth through confiscatory taxes and regulation.

Without love, the average citizen is biodegradable fuel for the lifestyles of the elite and powerful. And it is why an 86-year-old New Jersey senator gets life-saving cancer surgery to be denied under the proposed Obamacare rules for the rest of us. And once Obamacare is established, he would still get the surgery — while a senior not in Congress will not.

Listen up, people, they say: The senator may be old, but he is one of us. And you — you’re just old, of no “instrumental value,” as the president’s Ivy League social engineers put it. Don’t let the coffin lid hit you on the way out.

No love for the sheep. Our elite shepherds have developed a taste for rack of lamb and use our taxes to buy the mint jelly. The Democratic contribution to the Ritual Decalogue of Judeo-Christian tradition: Thou shalt cook a goat in the mother’s milk.

The Obamacare summit showcased rationing for those officially proclaimed less desirable, increased taxes, and vast new federal bureaucracies. Obamacare will create 400,000 new jobs “almost immediately,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi crowed.

And buried in the 2,400 pages a Virginia Republican put on the banquet table are the details: thousands of new clinical and abortion centers staffed by ACORN-like community and union activists hired by Democrat-affiliated groups to stand between patients and doctors. Health care, brought to you by some of the same folks who gave you taxpayer-funded child prostitution.

And so the nine-year-old son of the golfing partner of President Obama is cut while surfing in Hawaii and is immediately rushed to the hospital at taxpayer expense. But in Chicago, low-income children are turned away from the University of Chicago hospitals. They are forced to take public transportation to other hospitals as the result of a scheme by hospital executives to “cherry-pick wealthy patients over poor,” as the the American College of Emergency Physicians put it.

The executives behind the scheme to “redirect” the poor and unconnected: Michelle Obama and Obama senior adviser David Axelrod during their pre-White House years. Don’t let the emergency room door hit you on the way out.

Love is a great affection and liking displayed in respect for the God-given rights of individuals, said the nation’s founders. But without love, the Boston Herald noted, the Blair House was a “summit of arrogance.” We love us, not you. Consequently, there is one set of rules for us, another for you.

Without love…Nancy Pelosi takes the hard-earned dollars of citizens and uses the military “as a multi-billion dollar chauffeur- and baby-sitting service.” At the same time, she pushes through environmental exemptions for the California wineries owned by her wealthy family and friends while leaving 35,000 farmers and laborers in central California out of work because the federal government has restricted the water for farming at the request of wealthy environmental groups.

There is no love in Washington for ordinary citizens. Barack Obama tells Americans to “prioritize, make tough choices” about what to spend in these hard economic times. Meanwhile, he is the first president to have the taxpayers fund a “steady stream” of celebrity chefs to satisfy the first couple’s “well-documented high-end appetites” and serve $100-a-pound gourmet beef at casual dinners and parties.

This is a government that believes it has outgrown the vision of Jefferson and Madison and the other founders of a nation based upon a love of individuals “endowed by their Creator.” It is a government of privilege, bolstered by media elites — on both the right and left — convinced that the average American is “Too Dumb to Thrive,” as the Time headline put it.

The New York Times puts it this way: “Dumb and Dumber: Are Americans Hostile to Knowledge?” And then its reporter answered, of course — citizens “are ignorant.”




POOF! Magic!

WTF. Disappearing is the last thing I’d expect from a family named McStay.


OT, bit of a dust up in central Oregon:

The community was reacting to a visit last week by Paul R. Mullet of Athol, Idaho, who told townspeople he is the leader of the neo-Nazi group and is shopping for John Day property for a new headquarters.

In addition to changing hith name, I think he thould altho get a new addreth.


True Americans are giving the double thumbs up to Boss Bunning

Those aren’t thumbs they’re giving Bunning.

But hey, who gives a flying fuck that tens of thousands of our fellow Americans are out of work and, for many, getting ready to lose all they own?

It must make conservatives all warm and fuzzy to think about all those people whose lives will be destroyed due to some political grandstanding! And if a few have kids who starve, even better!

How very Christ-like the party of GOD is, donchyathink?


I’m confused. Copypasta troll has regaled us with two lovely bits from American Shitter – but somehow he’s managed to pick one that advocates not bombing Iran and a second which seems to be calling for universal health care and some sort of socialist class warfare against the elites.


Without love, the average citizen is biodegradable fuel for the lifestyles of the elite and powerful.

So would you call making sickness profitable “love”? Would you call dropping someone from their policy after they lose their job “love”? Would you call bringing gov’t to a halt because of a lack of solutions”love” (that I call moronic, selfish, petty, GOP). Would you call balking at reform because your campaign funds will shrivel (veiled? Nope!) “love”?

You do realize our health care system is atrocious, right? If you don’t, too bad. Too bad because you sorely need mental health care and probably can’t get it because of the astronomical prices.

Keep up repeating the things you know nothing about, CTSTW!


WASHINGTON — Asked for his take on the nation’s sharp right turn after its leftward lurch under Barack Obama, Heritage Foundation founder Edwin Feulner replied, “The political pendulum always swings back.”

The longtime president of America’s foremost conservative think tank has seen many presidents come and go, but he has never lost his deep and abiding faith in an informed and aroused electorate.

Heritage, with its vast army of conservative analysts, researchers and experts in multiple fields, spends its multimillion-dollar budget informing Americans about many things, especially the benefits of a free-market economy and the threats that big government, excessive taxation and overregulation pose to our freedoms and our economic future.

But the one lesson Feulner said he has relearned lately is that “there are no permanent victories or permanent defeats in Washington. It is always a permanent battle” of ideas.

Obama was able to convince an angry, frustrated and fearful nation that government was the answer to all our concerns, but that myth lasted less than a year before the electorate rebelled against the direction he was taking the country.

Feulner quoted Thomas Jefferson in the late 1700s when the young nation seemed to be moving in the wrong direction for a time, raising taxes and enacting the Alien and Sedition Act that restricted freedom of speech.

“The spirit of 1776 is not dead. It has only been slumbering,” Jefferson wrote. “The body of the American people is substantially republican. But their virtuous feelings have been played on by some fact with more fiction; they have been dupes of artful maneuvers, and made for a moment to be willing instruments in forging chains for themselves. But time and truth have dissipated the delusion, and opened their eyes.”

“That’s what is happening today across the body politic,” Feulner said in an interview. America has taken a wrong turn in recent years, and our country and its economy have become “less free.”

The most alarming manifestation of this can be seen in the 2010 Index of Economic Freedom (, which shows that the United States has slipped among the economies of the world.

The U.S. economy still remains in the top 10, “but the score went down to such an extent that it went from the ‘free’ category to the ‘mostly free’ category,” Feulner said.

The index’s point system rates any country scoring 80 or higher a free economy, but the United States fell into eighth place with a score of 78.0. Canada, just ahead of us at 80.4 points, “is now the freest economy in North America. Great Britain, for the first time, fell out of the top 10.”

Though an optimist by nature, Feulner believes “it’s going to get worse for the U.S. There have been decreases in financial freedom, monetary freedom and property rights.”

On the brighter side, the index shows that “the number of countries moving upwards with more economic freedom still exceeds the others moving backward like the U.S,” he said. Nonetheless, he added, “You’ve got countries like Denmark and Chile right behind the United States that could easily go past us.”

America’s economic future is especially threatened by the Obama administration’s hyper-regulatory agenda that is determined to tax anything that moves. And Feulner regrets that his think tank was not more relentless in making the arguments for the critical role that lower tax rates play in a growing economy.

When Ronald Reagan left the stage and tax-cut crusader Jack Kemp died, the right lost its strongest advocates for free-market economics. The Heritage Foundation played a major role in the tax-cut revolution that led the 1980s out of a deep recession, but Obama’s election showed once again that “there are no permanent victories,” Feulner said.

“I kick myself in the fanny every once in a while. I should have been over there trying to figure out who Jack Kemp’s successor was in terms of carrying on the battle for supply-side tax cuts,” he said.

He is similarly rueful about the homeownership policies and declining lending standards under the Bush administration that led to the present economic catastrophe. “We should have kept up the drumbeat over the years. We did every once in a while, but not consistently about why this was bad policy.”

Obama’s election, on a very liberal agenda, convinced Feulner that Heritage had to reconnect with the grassroots. In the past year, he and his think-tank warriors have hit the road, establishing community committees in cities around the country to promote tax cuts and other free-market ideas.

The anti-tax, anti-big-spending tea-party movement has given new life and energy to the conservative cause, he told me. “This is really a genuine grassroots reaction to the excesses of these inside-the-Beltway know-it-alls who think they know what’s good for the country better than individuals citizens know for themselves.

“I still believe America’s best days are ahead of us,” he said. “We’ll come back.”

Marion in Savannah

Long boring copying and pasting troll is boring.

Rusty Shackleford

Tonguebox my jackshit, copypasta troll


Nancy Pelosi takes the hard-earned dollars of citizens and uses the military “as a multi-billion dollar chauffeur- and baby-sitting service.”

I know, I just haaate how Pelosi is trying to use gov’t to help citizens. It just makes me sick that she can’t just be real and be a finger puppet to lobbyist and/or have an affair with a staffer.

As opposed to Rep. John “How’s My Tan Look” Boner who takes the hard-earned dollars of citizens and thinks of great defensive strategies such as “Too Long/Too Short/This Porridge is Just Right.”


The longtime president of America’s foremost conservative think tank

“Conservative think tank” is simply a place where conservatives congregate to roll over and unload a few shells into a policy that help others.


In a vain attempt to jerk the thread back on topic:

The Canadian women’s four-person bobsled team won gold because of The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Also, here’s where you can get those Norwegian curlers’ pants. Warning, you might want to turn the brightness down on your monitor.


The “copypasta” troll may be lazy, but its motives are sound; from the very start of his rotten ascendancy to the top office in the land, your beloved Messiah has been nothing but the very face of hatred in this country, dividing races and genders alike in his wake, ignoring those millions of cracks in the glass ceiling given to us by Hillary, the true uniter in American politics, the true face of love for true blue Reagan Democrats of Appalachia, that beating centrist heart of the progressive movement, without which the Democrat Party will perish as the Messiah steers the boat into the cliffs of his own arrogance. Shame, I say, shame.


“Conservative think tank” is simply a place where conservatives congregate to roll over and unload a few shells turds into a policy that help others pool that others swim in.


conservative think tank

Round these parts we just call them cesspools.


Also, here’s where you can get those Norwegian curlers’ pants.

It’s very inclusive that they have pants for both black and white men suffering from disco balls.


Great minds….


Great minds….

That’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a week. And even then it was just D-KW’s mom swooning at my feet.

we are losing the awesomest-invention-evar race to New Zealand. Not coincidentally, New Zealand has a tradition of cannibalism.


the true face of love for true blue Reagan Democrats of Appalachia

So blue-faced people of Appalachia?

You know, universal healthcare would help those poor folk.


And even then it was just D-KW’s mom swooning at my feet.

I believe she said “Dear Lord what the hell is that foul stench?” before passing out.


we are losing the awesomest-invention-evar race to New Zealand.


Mine is full of eels! Top THAT, Kiwiboy!


Iris. Very sparkly.


I believe she said “Dear Lord what the hell is that foul stench?” before passing out.

Your mom is Ann Althouse? Or Arnold Alkon?


we are losing the awesomest-invention-evar race to New Zealand.



On the brighter side, the index shows that “the number of countries moving upwards with more economic freedom still exceeds the others moving backward like the U.S,” he said. Nonetheless, he added, “You’ve got countries like Denmark and Chile right behind the United States that could easily go past us.”

OMFG they’re going to steal all the good wage slaves! Gentlemen, we cannot allow a sweatshop gap!

Seriously, WTF is Copypasta thinking he’s going to accomplish? We’re going to read this and say “OH MY GOD the Heritage Foundation is right MIGOD I’VE BEEN LIVING A LIE!!!”?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Slightly OT, but still relevant since it is about an addled pundit…the comments at Ted “Uber-coward” Nugent’s column at the Washington FishWrap are priceless.

Hint: Deerslayer probably regrets allowing comments on his rants.


I always wanted to combine the biathlon with ski jumping. The team on the ground wold shoot at the other team’s skiers as they jump. You could call “skeet shooting,” except that name has been taken.


Hang about. I thought the Scandiwegians were an effete, doomed race, softened by socialism, who were allowing themselves to be swamped by the faster-breeding muslims. Now they’re all Hard Men. Did I miss a memo?

Brooks is in his anecdotage, but his approach has one advantage… any time any European country dominates in a sporting event, he can probably find some tale of survival and determination from the local Resistance movement to pad out into a bullshit story about national character.


Better sport: Ski Jousting. Two skiers with lances leap off of opposing ramps at each other .


WTF?!? Against my better judgement, I got outta the boat.

graf 1: Norway wins a lot of Winter Olympic Golds for a country with such a small poulation.
grafs 2-14: Pithy recap of a David Howarth book. Srsly, something like what you might write for a book review in seventh grade.
graf 15: Bullshit rationalization for wasting everyone’s time – yet again.

Fucking Bobo – read a book he really liked (probably got sexually aroused by the thought of having gangrene set in or something) and now is projecting it on every fucking thing. That’s great, Brooks. I’m glad you still know how to read, but this column was FUCKING STOOPID. And srsly, judging by Jan Baalsrud’s story it takes an epically inhuman moran to get to the end of it and think “Skis! This is all about the Winter Olympics!”


On a serious note, anyone who has read “Lords of Chaos” knows how hardcore the Norse are.

They’re the HARDCÖREST at not getting the joke.


Hang about. I thought the Scandiwegians were an effete, doomed race, softened by socialism, who were allowing themselves to be swamped by the faster-breeding muslims. Now they’re all Hard Men. Did I miss a memo?

The Scandinavians produced Northern Kings, Sethian, Nightwish, Apocalyptica and Paradox Interactive – the guys behind Europa Universalis. They are far from doomed.

But they came close with ABBA and Joey Tempest.

Marion in Savannah

Oh, Iris is back. As I recall she was graded 7 out of 10 for troll potential.


But they came close with ABBA and Joey Tempest.

They were almost non-starters with lutefisk.

I hadn’t heard Nightwish’s name since I was….


we are losing the awesomest-invention-evar race to New Zealand.
Sadly, the guy was following existing hoverwing designs, though he improvised a bit with the materials.


Earlier publicity for the hoverwing builder from 2007.

I guess my point is that if I had to make a list of people I wouldn’t want to piss off, the Norse would be at the top
Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.


Hovercraft blow!


You could call “skeet shooting,” except that name has been taken.

“Skeet jumping”

Not to be confused with skeet surfing

Marion in Savannah

“Ski(er) shooting.”


Also, here’s where you can get those Norwegian curlers’ pants. Warning, you might want to turn the brightness down on your monitor.

From the FAQ,

Should I wear shirts with stripes or other pattern with the pants?



Here’s Bobo’s excuse for subjecting his readers to his book review:

Baalsrud was kept alive thanks to a serial outpouring of love and nurturing. At the same time, he and his rescuers displayed an unbelievable level of hardheaded toughness and resilience.

Huh. Amazing what people living under foreign occupation can get up to. That’s the sort of insight that really would have been really useful not that long ago.


Should I wear shirts with stripes or other pattern with the pants?


Unless you want to trigger an epileptic fit.


More OTness, those leftwing socialest über-liberal leftyleft anti-American appeasing Frenchloving doveniks of the Rand Corp. hate America


How do terrorist groups end? The evidence since 1968 indicates that terrorist groups rarely cease to exist as a result of winning or losing a military campaign. Rather, most groups end because of operations carried out by local police or intelligence agencies or because they join the political process. This suggests that the United States should pursue a counterterrorism strategy against al Qa’ida that emphasizes policing and intelligence gathering rather than a “war on terrorism” approach that relies heavily on military force.

Xecky Gilchrist

This suggests that the United States should pursue a counterterrorism strategy against al Qa’ida that emphasizes policing and intelligence gathering rather than a “war on terrorism” approach that relies heavily on military force.

What they don’t say is that “policing” is a slang term for “firing zillions of cruise missiles.”


those leftwing socialest über-liberal leftyleft anti-American appeasing Frenchloving doveniks of the Rand Corp

It sucks when you’re own military-industrial complex turns against your military-industrial complex.


we are losing the awesomest-invention-evar race to New Zealand.


Also, scroll down past the planes.


Amazing what people living under foreign occupation can get up to.
Heroism and resilience can only be expected from occupied European peoples.


Better sport: Ski Jousting. Two skiers with lances leap off of opposing ramps at each other .

Not bad.

But how about a biathlon event in which skiers armed only with butter knives go up against snow cephalopods with lasers and then engage in drive-by shootings with harpoon guns? Or skiers in zoot suits with baseball bats attacking curling teams with gaudy pants? Or perhaps the Mickey Kaus Invitational Downhill Ski-Wrestling Challenge, in which eager skiers attempt to capture and subdue a herd of alluring yet elusive ski-goats?


Something just occurred to me — why does Bobo Brooks’ tongue have an ass-crack?


Did I miss a memo?

Uh oh. Looks like somebody didn’t get his Wingnut Meme-of-the-Day calendar in his Christmas stocking.

…the Rand Corp. hate America

Gee, too bad that little tidbit didn’t come out oh, say, NINE YEARS AGO.

It sucks when you’re own military-industrial complex turns against your military-industrial complex.

They all hate each other, always have. They just like our money more.


the scandanavian countries can’t possibly exist anymore because socialism. real americans know that mooselims has taken them over and have put in the shari lewis law

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

They all hate each other, always have. They just like our money more.

When the execs from Boeing get together with the execs from Lockheed and Raytheon down at the club, they place Gentlemen Bets on who can get the greatest cost overruns past their respective Congressional pawns.


the shari lewis law

**golf clap**


skiers armed only with butter knives go up against snow cephalopods with lasers and then engage in drive-by shootings with harpoon guns?

Needs more ninjas.


a little off-the-topic music, please…

wall st journal

On the terror front, many Tea Partiers question the very notion of a war on terror, and see some law-enforcement policies adopted in its pursuit as unacceptable intrusions on American liberties…

…In significant sectors of the broad Tea Party movement, the war on terror, and the intelligence and law-enforcement policies originally crafted by the administration of Republican President George W. Bush to fight it, arouse sentiments ranging from suspicion to hostility.

As much as anything, the Tea Party movement is animated by antipathy toward government intrusions into private lives, and for many that extends toward intrusions with the stated goal of smoking out terrorists.

On that front, the movement in some respects has more in common with libertarians than with traditional Republicans such as former Vice President Dick Cheney, tireless champion of the Patriot Act and aggressive tactics in rooting out terrorist threats.

At the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington two weeks ago—an annual gathering of conservative activists that this year had a distinct Tea Party overlay—one panel discussion was entitled “Why Real Conservatives are Against the War on Terror.”

In a paper prepared for that event, Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer now a fellow at the American Conservative Defense Alliance declared: “Fear has been the key to the door for expansion of government and government powers and the people in charge in Washington have seized the opportunity. It has also eroded the liberties that have defined us as a nation.”

Similarly, the Web site of Oath Keepers, an organization of present and former military and law-enforcement personnel who say there are some government orders they won’t follow, declares: “We will NOT obey any order to detain American citizens as ‘unlawful enemy combatants’ or to subject them to trial by military tribunal.”

One sign of how these tensions can divide, former Rep. Bob Barr got a combination of cheers and boos when he delivered a speech at the CPAC gathering urging that Americans “not be seduced by that siren of security over freedom.”


Or skiers in zoot suits with baseball bats attacking curling teams with gaudy pants?

I’d buy that on pay per view.


Literally stepping out of the boat.

Separation of Whaaaaaa?


TV: nice find. Talk about going into the Heart of Darkness for teh mangoes. Ain’t nothing that would get me over to the Urinal website.

To repeat what’s been said many times before, all that libertarian stuff about freedom before security and PATRIOT act = bad and “we won’t participate in military tribunals” and so on…where were for the last seven fucking years? How come they weren’t having tea parties in 2004?

Oh, right, there was a Republican putting all these policies forward then.

Yup, tea partiers are TEWTALLY non partisan.



a little off-the-topic music, please…

*cueing up Yakety Sax*


Separation of Whaaaaaa?
Awwww FUCK.

Why can’t the wingnuts be up in arms about any other piece of the Senate Bill. Bernie Sanders’ Community Health Centres was the one thing I liked best about Compromis-apal00zers.

Fuck Damn Shit Fuck. If those Teabagging morans or their Talibangelical So-Con fuckwits kill the CHC’s… FUCK.


This horrific tale of a guy who cut off his own toes while fleeing from the Nazis demonstrates why the Norse won nine gold medals at this year’s Olympics.

So the Germans won so many because… ? Also: why did the Poles win so few, because Petra Majdic’s bronze medal win was HARDCORE.


So the Germans won so many because… ?

They cut their toenails so short.


Glenn Greenwald is, well… this is hilarious:

“…the grizzled warrior David Brooks performs a chest-beating war dance over Afghanistan of the type he and his tough guy comrades perfected in the run-up to the Iraq War.”

LoLoRz! (h/t DK-W)


@ actor 212

I was NOT sucking up when I commented that the Finns were the toughest folks I ever saw. The realization actually came as a surprise. I was visiting Finland after discovering they probably have the best education system on planet earth and are probably the best-read. So I am discussing this reality with some Finnish intellectuals on a sunny July day on the south shore of Lake Saimaa. Nearby there was a beach of sorts where a small collection of adults were watching the neighborhood children who were swimming. One of the persons I was with had two 7-year-old daughters who had run off excitedly to jump into the water. But here’s the deal, the water was 7° C (44°F). This is really cold–most folks cannot last ten minutes in such water. Yet an hour later when we decided to go look for some place that sold beer, those little girls begged to stay behind in the water.

Now THAT is tough! And we left them behind. When I questioned the mother about leaving the girls, she said with some degree of bemusement, “They’ll be fine. There are always adults around. None would ever let a child get into danger.” And they WERE fine–they finally had enough about 30 minutes later and they ran over to us, laughing and shivering. They had almost turned blue but they were very happy.

Tough AND civilized beyond anything we in USA can even imagine.


Or skiers in zoot suits with baseball bats attacking curling teams with gaudy pants?

I want the skiers to continue to wear spandex.


Or skiers in zoot suits with baseball bats attacking curling teams with gaudy pants?

needs more giant radioactive monkeys.



One of the hardest cultural adaptations I had to make as a Finn-American was realizing that, as tough as I thought I was, I was a wimp.

My family and their friends used to roll in the snow naked after sitting in a sauna for a half hour or so (the lakes were frozen solid). We’ve all heard those stories, but until you actually experience a Finnish sauna (which has temps exceeding 200 degrees) in the winter, you have no clue what that really means.


The Russians did so poorly this year because they didn’t lose enough toes during the Siege of Leningrad.


The Russians did so poorly this year because they didn’t lose enough toes during the Siege of Leningrad.

[Insert generic vodka joke here]


A Finnish-American friend of mine has changed ethnicities several times. When he was growing up in Portland (OR), he was just plain white. In New York City, he was a gentile. In Albuquerque, he was an Anglo. If he had moved to Salt Lake, he would have been a gentile again, but a different kind. Now he lives in Minneapolis, where he is Finnish-American (the fifth best kind of Scandinavian).


The Winter Olympics were like Berlin in 1936.

This is a writer who, after gloating about how Texas had as many medalists as Finland…great nation, by the way…then goes onto whine about how jingoistic Canada is.


Literally stepping out of the boat.

Catholic wingnut Edward Mechmann.

Edward Mechmann’s long-lost brother.


Spandex is ok but I’m not watching until they switch to body paint. If it’s good enough for Sports Illustrated swimsuit models and the Plane People of New Zealand it’s good enough for Olympic athletes.


The Winter Olympics were like Berlin in 1936.

The maple leaf is the swastika of Canuckofascism.



I bet Herman would be for policy that benefits the greater good rather than focusing on one particular issue that should get his brother’s company’s IRS exemption revoked.


Spandex is ok but I’m not watching until they switch to body paint.

Why bother with the paint, after a minute or two they’ll all be blue anyway.



How do terrorist groups end? The evidence since 1968 indicates that terrorist groups rarely cease to exist as a result of winning or losing a military campaign. Rather, most groups end because of operations carried out by local police or intelligence agencies or because they join the political process. This suggests that the United States should pursue a counterterrorism strategy against al Qa’ida that emphasizes policing and intelligence gathering rather than a “war on terrorism” approach that relies heavily on military force.

Hahahahaha, no . . . really?

The more you know.


The Winter Olympics were like Berlin in 1936.

Thank goodness, I was waiting our turn to be Hitler. I didn’t have to experience Vancouver2010 up close and personal and I’ve never been a fan of the Olympics but that article really is de trop.


I thought terrist groups were supposed to pee their pants and go home once they got a whiff of giant, unwashed American PENIS military power.

Rummy wouldn’t have lied to me.


Something just occurred to me — why does Bobo Brooks’ tongue have an ass-crack?

Simple. Bobo is into body-modification. He’s a body-mod exhibitionist.


Simple. Bobo is into body-modification. He’s a body-mod exhibitionist.

Bobo bo mo. Bobo bo mo ex. Bobo bo mo ex nihilo.


When David Brooks writes a column called “The Hard and the Soft,” that’s a big “Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here” sign for me.


Why bother with the paint, after a minute or two they’ll all be blue anyway.

Thereby putting the lie yet again to the myth of global warming.


When David Brooks writes a column called “The Hard and the Soft,” that’s a big veiled
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The United States’ “Podium” program inspired Canada’s Own the Podium program, just as Jim Crow inspired the Nuremberg Laws.


a big veiled PEMS reference?


The loose marijuana laws only added to the nightly revelry in the downtown streets — which, frankly, seemed to have little to do with the Olympics.

Canada wanted to hold a party, and the Canadians did

You mean to tell me that those frostback bastards actually had a good time? Don’t they know that the Olympics is all about wandering aimlessly through blizzards after having your big toe shot off and then being blinded and concussed in an avalanche while being hunted by bloodthirsty Nazis? The Olympics should be a hellish mix of misery and fear and unspeakable agony – anything less is a betrayal of what our Norwegian resistance ancestors went through so that we could live in a world free from any pot-smoking party-down enjoyment. Or something.


It looked fine in preview.

   ______  ___      _____ 
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The Olympics should be a hellish mix of misery and fear and unspeakable agony

Well, he WAS talking about cross-country skiing…


For those who haven’t heard: Breitbart has kicked O’Keefe under the bus.

Call Takebacko the Dog Poop Eating Dog!


[ecphonesis elided] fer fucks sake. Boehlert’s not a bad guy but criminy, he is one gullible fuck. Eric? Why do you take _anything_ Britefart says at face value?



The stoopid over there is breathtaking:

“Health Distribution and Responsiveness Distribution” measure inequality in the other factors. In other words, neither factor actually measures the quality of health care delivery, because “inequality of delivery” is independent of “quality of care”.

Right, because why count delivery of healthcare to people who cannot get any anyway, right? We should only measure healthcare for those who can afford it, and that will pop us right up to the top of the rankings…



The dressed-as-a-pimp storyline was one Breitbart, O’Keefe, and others eagerly pushed last fall. And it was one the press quickly embraced. (In truth, O’Keefe was often dressed rather conservatively — slacks and dress shirt — when he talked to ACORN staffers, and he often presented himself as a law school student and an aspiring politician trying to rescue his prostitute girlfriend from her abusive pimp.) The outlandish costume was used as a prop to both mislead viewers, and to make ACORN staffers look like idiots for not being able to spot the obvious ruse.

So he wasn’t “trying to find funding for a brothel” but was trying to find housing for his ostensibly homeless “girlfriend” trying to get out of an abusive situation????


The stoopid over there is breathtaking:

Actor, I have post two OT links to this post but this one really got me steamed. That witch with a B, Dawn, over at the alleged “Smart Girls Nation” is so head over heals in love with her health care she twist numbers and language around so much they don’t even mean anything.

The whole health care reform debate shouldn’t even be a debate. It’s a matter of morality. I mean we screw over wounded vets, we screw over the elderly and we screw over our progeny over a few dollars that we end up just shoveling into a canon of a tank or into the pockets of some banker because he can explain the importance of a credit default swap on a double-A tranche of a subprime collateralized debt obligation.

I’m sick and tired of this debate. Our country is no longer run by we the people. I know I sound like a Tea Partier but I’m not. I am a liberal guy who just wants no one to have to worry about a sickness forcing them into a bankruptcy that the gov’t won’t bail them out of — unlike that double-A tranche moran.

If you get a chance, read some of the comments. There are a few really really amazing replies to this article. I’m optimistic that people are starting to realize who gives a tranche about them.


Xecky Gilchrist

Call Takebacko the Dog Poop Eating Dog!

I LOLed.


Yglesias has this in a blog on Norway and sports:

“Norwegian sports policy is handled by the Ministry of Culture. The state annually allocates funds to the Sports Federation, and sports receive one-third of the profits of the state-run football pools and “Lotto”. ”

Might be a bit more relevant than WW II, but it’s easy to see why Brooks wouldn’t want to go there.


This comment at Brooks’ place is gold Jerry!

“Thanks for the bedtime story, Uncle Dave. Americans sure could learn a lot from this fine example of socialism and rugged individualism.”

“Wait a minute! We, the Americans, are deathly afraid of socialism. If you tell stories about people helping others without demanding compensation, people will think socialism isn’t the devil incarnate! Before you know it, we’ll be taxed to feed hungry American children! American farmers will get price supports! Elderly Americans will get health care! American corporations won’t have to pay to educate their workers! Roads will be built to support American commerce! Public hospitals and libraries will serve Americans in their communities!”



Go watch this video. You’ll have all the moral arguments you can muster and then some. And you’ll even find out that we could do healthcare reform without changing our current system much and it would still rival Germany or Japan.


This comment at Brooks’ place is gold Jerry!

I’m going to use this bit in my act.


sports receive one-third of the profits of the state-run football pools </i

Wait! You mean gambling on sports supports sports and not some privatized concern in Vegas????


Go watch this video.

I will, but now its time to drown out the plight of others with ISLANDERS hockey! With the Blackhawks in town we get to see the best American forward during the Olympics: Patrick “I’ll Beat Yo Ass Cabbie” Kane.


*hanging head in shame*

I been tagged…


I will, but now its time to drown out the plight of others with ISLANDERS hockey!

Wouldn’t a ballpeen hammer to the back of your head work better and be less painful?


The name of this blog is highly suspect.
Actually, so’s the topic. The WHO (no, dammit,not the super superbowl entertainment) hasn’t “ranked” the countries since 2000 because well, here, let them tell you.

The World Health Organization’s ranking of the world’s health systems was last produced in 2000, and the WHO no longer produces such a ranking table, because of the complexity of the task.

Good data is still available at the WHOSIS
Or the OECD

etc. etc. und so weiter


Wouldn’t a ballpeen hammer to the back of your head work better and be less painful?


*disappointment/Rangers hatred*


*disappointment/Rangers hatred*

Don’t hate the playah. Hate the game.


For those who haven’t heard: Breitbart has kicked O’Keefe under the bus.

Of course. Now that ACORN is irredeemably slimed, Bright Fart has no further use for O’Keefe. Which is the only commonality Bright Fart shares with humanity.


“Shorter David Brooks”

I am short enough gaddamit! If I was any shorter I would be a vagina.


We had the whole of northern Europe praying “Save us from the Norsemen,” while we had the women folk running the farms. Now we have socialized everything and stomp in winter sports and create black metal. Clearly it’s only candy-ass girly men from warmer climes who worry about their masculinity. Suck that “Brooks.”


“Now that ACORN is irredeemably slimed.”

Does anyone know the status of ACORN’s lawsuit against these fucktards. It was in the news a few months ago when it was filed and I haven’t heard anything since.


Also, I am “David’s Penis.” Words I never thought I would say and hope to any god to never have to say again.


Does anyone know the status of ACORN’s lawsuit against these fucktards. It was in the news a few months ago when it was filed and I haven’t heard anything since.

It would be ironic to see Breitbart, O’Keefe and Giles sued to the point where they could only eke out a living turning tricks.

Did I say ironic? I meant to say immensely satisfying.


I am David’s Penis!


It would be ironic to see Breitbart, O’Keefe and Giles sued to the point where they could only eke out a living turning tricks.

The two of those people I’ve seen pictures of would starve if that were their only way to eke.


The two of those people I’ve seen pictures of would starve if that were their only way to eke.

Always refreshing to see consumers of the better varieties of porn.


The two of those people I’ve seen pictures of would starve if that were their only way to eke.

That’s unfair to Giles.

Securitiesfraud Legendre

Nice catch from the WSJ, brigadier.

“But such preparation is also the luxury of a prosperous country, in contrast to destitute and ill-governed Haiti. Chile has benefited enormously in recent decades from the free-market reforms it passed in the 1970s under dictator Augusto Pinochet.”

I guess all of Haiti’s business regulations, welfare, social security, unemployment insurance, government-run public health care, state education, high income tax, corporate tax, onerous occupational health and safety regulations, expansive government, worker’s compensation plans, protectionist subsidies and tariffs, and general unease with allowing rice and sugar cartels to basically run the government are probably to blame for their extreme poverty and the concomitant unpreparedness, or would be if any of those things existed.


Can I get in on this?


*disappointment/Rangers hatred*

First, Tavares will save us so don’t despair. Second, how can you hate a team that has only won 4 Stanley Cups in its entire 84 year existence and only one since the league expanded beyond 6 teams? If you feel anything it should be pity. What a bunch of losers.


First, Tavares will save us so don’t despair.

Played out a LONG time ago.


“Chile has benefited enormously in recent decades from the free-market reforms it passed in the 1970s under dictator Augusto Pinochet.”

If only Baby Doc and Papa Doc had prevented building codes, none of this would have happened.


The best part of the grrrrrrrrrrl nation was her(?) making the point that, if you removed some of the factors contributing to early death in the US (e.g. murder, father rape, etc), then the US life expectancy would be HIGHER!!!.

The stupidity levels, however, would remain the highest as well.


First, Tavares will save us so don’t despair.

Like, say, Robert Luongo? Zach Parise? Y’know, the guys Millbury traded away?


Always refreshing to see consumers of the better varieties of porn.

You can see me? Dammit I was SURE I had turned that camera off.

That’s unfair to Giles.

She’s the one of the three I haven’t seen, so I can’t deny that it’s quite possible she could make it as a 2$ hooker whoring for crack money.


I am short enough gaddamit! If I was any shorter I would be a vagina.

Don’t fret! You can always claim to be Arnold Alkon’s clitoris.


It would be ironic to see Breitbart, O’Keefe and Giles sued to the point where they could only eke out a living turning tricks.

They aren’t already? I’m pretty sure they taped voluntary confessions–shouldn’t law enforcement authorities be looking into that?


I plan not to fret actor I plan. I would absaolutely not like to see Amy Akkon’s long form clitoris certificate also I must say..


First, Tavares will save us so don’t despair.

Played out a LONG time ago.

Substance, I noticed that was “a Tavares tribute from Chile” (complete with “subtitules”) from 2007.

Would it be irresponsible to speculate etc.


“But such preparation is also the luxury of a prosperous country, in contrast to destitute and ill-governed Haiti. Chile has benefited enormously in recent decades from the free-market reforms it passed in the 1970s under dictator Augusto Pinochet.”

And only 700-800 dead (so far). One shudders to think how many might have been spared died if the damn socialists had been allowed to turn Chile into a workers’ paradise, complete with up-to-date earthquake building codes.


Jesus, Bobo’s tongue DOES look like a butt.

Which is the kind of thing prompting me to spend as little time at the top of S,N! threads as possible.


From T.V.’s post upthread:

On the terror front, many Tea Partiers question the very notion of a war on terror, and see some law-enforcement policies adopted in its pursuit as unacceptable intrusions on American liberties…

…In significant sectors of the broad Tea Party movement, the war on terror, and the intelligence and law-enforcement policies originally crafted by the administration of Republican President George W. Bush to fight it, arouse sentiments ranging from suspicion to hostility.

Gosh, and only nine years late!

One wonders what could have possibly happened in the last, oh, year and a half or so, to get these guys on board…

USA Freedom Power

Sometimes it takes a dictator to implement Freedom and in Chile’s case it worked. Obama is a dictator trying to implement Socialism, so we may need a Military Dictatorship to bring freedom back.

By the way, Bunning is my hero, defunding the lazy, rewarding initiative and taking a hard line on the Deficit, which the liberals pretend to care about as they hand out more money to welfare moms well claiming the rich should pay more taxes, well, as IF!


OT, but new posts up at my place: the first featuring both zombies and PENIS; the second with a brilliant photoshop and no less entertaining essay; and the third while not timely, always appropriate.


Sometimes it takes a dictator to implement Freedom and in Chile’s case it worked.


USA Freedom Power

The diffrence? Bush used his power to fight evil. Obama uses that power to bring in the Socialism. Patriotic Tea Baggers know the difference, and what Bush needed to kill the terrorists Obama took too far and is using to HELP terrorists, like the lawyers, since when do terrorists get lawyers?

USA Freedom Power

Oh and the class warfare? The “stop Bush tax cuts and bring back estate taxes?” You should get down on your knees and thank every rich person for creating oportunity in USA, not trying to get him to leave with Socialism and redistribution.


Donald Douglas, is that you?


First, Tavares will save us so don’t despair. You’ll be disappointed, but “no big deal, change can’t come overnight” will be your comment. The playoffs will go Red Wings, and a little nervousness will creep in. The usual suspects will fall into the usual categories. As the season drags on, The Bruins, Kings, and (much to your horror) Penguins will be too close to call.

My advice at this point to you will be to go to bed. You will wake up to an Islander Stanley Cup and the Great Ranger Freakout will be on.

Bookmark this, hockey fans, as this is exactly how it is going to go down. You will be wonder how the hell I was able to call this.


What we need in this country is less taxes, less regulation, more child labor and more Triangle Shirtwaist Factories. Damn you, Teddy Roosevelt!


…oh, and “Exterminate the brutes!”

USA Number One Sexy Time Bing Bang

You should get down on your knee’s and thank rich pepoel because its easier for them to kick you that way and they might give you a shiney new dime after!

Ludlow Lattimer Jr

What this country needs is none of those damn unions interfering with the right to work for sub-poverty wages. USA FREEDOM WOLVERINES REAGAN


thank rich pepoel

any relation to Ron Popiel deserves all my gratitude. I love my Chop-o-matic!


any relation to Ron Popiel deserves all my gratitude. I love my Chop-o-matic!

But wait! There’s more!


No, c.a.(if I may be so informal), we need fewer taxes, fewer regulations,you see, because the taxes, they are discrete quantities as are the regulations.
You are correct, mais oui!, in that we need more child labor and more whatever you said but I could have sworn the Beck and the TeaParty-ers were all upset, angry and disturbed by the later distant cousin of the manly TR, non?
Ah, the crazy, she is difficult with to keep. Up. Too.


You should get down on your knees and thank every

coming to a theatre near you:

Slave Mentality, A Love Story (gush!)


Sometimes it takes a dictator to implement Freedom

We had to destroy the village in order to save it.


Truth on Ice is making sense. Listen to him, liberals.

Anonymous said,

March 3, 2010 at 1:38 (kill)

First, Tavares will save us so don’t despair.

Like, say, Robert Luongo? Zach Parise? Y’know, the guys Millbury traded away?

Millbury? Who the fuck is that? Bart Simpson’s loser friend? Oh wait, you must mean Milbury. He was just trying to get revenge for a beating that Bobby Nystrom once gave him but he’s long gone anyway.





I have read We Die Alone

It’s an absolutely unforgettable story, which belongs on the same shelf as Apsley-Gerard’s The Worst Journey In The World and Rawicz’s The Long Walk

My dismissive opinion of Brooks has been raised ever so slightly by the fact that he seems to have read it, and remembered it in detail.


The two of those people I’ve seen pictures of would starve if that were their only way to eke.

It would take a while, mind you.


Slave Mentality, A Love Story (gush!)

Hey, I think I saw that movie in San Francisco.


Slave Mentality, A Love Story

Hey, I remember that one. Wasn’t it called Twilight?


I’ve just watched a recent documentary called “Dead Snow”, and I have to say, the supposedly hardcore Norwegians did not do so well against the army of Nazi Zombies.


Truth on Ice is making sense. Listen to him, liberals.

O/~ Beat your wife, Potvin, beat your wife! *clap clap*
Beat your wife, Potvin, beat your wife! *clap clap*
Beat your wife, Potvin, beat your wife! *clap clap*
Beat your wife, Potvin, beat your wife! *clap clap*
Beat your wife, Potvin, beat your wife! *clap clap*
Beat your wife, Potvin, beat your wife! *clap clap*
Beat your wife, Potvin, beat your wife! *clap clap* o/~


Nordski’s are tough enough to look you square in the eye and say, “We are socialists, so what?”


Regarding dictators and freedom, I made a joke back at university that Spain, under Franco, had gone so far to the Right that the only way to restore democracy was to bring back the monarchy.


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