Operation: “GAAAAAH!!! FAAAAAAGS!!!” Continues

The GOP continues to do for homosexuals what Strom Thurmond did for black people.  I’m sure they’ll be just as thankful:

President Bush and congressional Republicans are aiming the political spotlight this week on efforts to ban gay marriage, with events at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue — all for a constitutional amendment with scant chance of passage but wide appeal among social conservatives.

“Ages of experience have taught us that the commitment of a husband and wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society,” Bush said in his Saturday radio address. “Government, by recognizing and protecting marriage, serves the interests of all.”

It’s apparently the government’s job to socially engineer its citizens into having (straight) nuclear families.  Y’think Barry Goldwater’s rolling in his grave yet?

In his Saturday radio address, Bush cast the amendment as a defense of the stability of society and a strike back at judges who have overturned state laws similar in intent to the proposed legislation.

“In our free society, people have the right to choose how they live their lives,� Bush said.

“Which is why the government is saying to fags, ‘YOU CAN’T GET MARRIED, NYAH, NYAH, NYAH!!'”

Even the amendment’s proponents don’t expect it to survive this first step, let alone Senate passage by the two-thirds majority needed in both houses to send it to states for ratification.

“This is important throughout the country,” Sen. George Allen, R-Va., said Sunday on CNN’s “Late Edition.” “The fact that we’ll have a majority vote but not a two-thirds vote doesn’t mean that you don’t try.”

“We hate fags almost as much as God does,” said Allen, who then added, “FAAAAAAAAGS!!11!”

UPDATE: In the interests of extending an olive branch, I will note that David Weigel has a good piece on the FMA over at Reason 🙂

Though I do have to take issue with this:

Social conservatives are smart, and they’ve noticed that the marriage vote only comes up a few months before the GOP hits the polls, a move that signals less-than-Joan of Arc-like commitment to their beliefs. “It’s unfortunate that it’s coming up just in election years,” says the FRC’s McClusky.

They’ll keep pullin’ the lever, though.  Trust me.  We’ve seen this song and dance a billion times.  The Christian Right are some of the most gullible suckers on the planet.


Comments: 84


Even Scarborough on the Today Show this morning said it was just the repubs pandering to the base. Of course he thought it was a great idea and was a lose-lose situation for the dems.


It’s so blatant. I can’t believe the morons in the Christian Right aren’t insulted.


So, “social conservative” is the euphimism for small-minded, homophobic bigot.

On a related topic: Is George Allen a douchebag or what?


The morons in the Christian Right will be laughing all the way up to the burning doors of the Reichstag some day at this rate. And then we’ll be the ones looking like eejits, not them – only we won’t be laughing.

It’s all fun and games until somebody gets rounded up and put in a camp. And if you don’t think that’s what Bush’s “base” is aiming at, you haven’t been paying attention.

(Don’t get me wrong – I enjoy laughing at the morons as much as the next person does. I just don’t make the mistake of thinking that because they are laughable, they are therefore harmless.)


Obligatory disclaimer: Not all Virginians are as ignorant or as gladhandling as Sen. Allen.

Thank you.

-Ben in VA


The good news is that these camps will be run with the usual Republican competence. A be-monocled Bush will
stomp around the grounds insisting “No one ever escapes Camp 13!”, while a few feet beneath him the cast of
Queer Eye digs an overpass tunnel over their subterranean salons and steamrooms. Sergeant “heckuva job” Brownie
will see nothing. . . NOTHING!. . .as gays are smuggled first into camp, then onto a waiting British submarine and off
to freedom. Why, I imagine such a camp could even be used as a base to launch the occassional sabotage missions
against the glorious Chistian Reich. . . I mean Right.

One downside: the pilot episode will be in black and white.


All over the world, thoughtful people look at the cartoon-like American government and laugh. I am embarassed, among other even less pleasant things…



They just want to go back to a simpler time, when the only gay person in America was Liberace.


I really wish I could find this funny, but it’s something Canada’s own ridiculous (and unoriginal) Republicans-lite (ie, the Conservatives) are trying this summer as well…calling a vote in September on re-opening debate regarding the civil marriage legislation passed last year after three fucking years of debate and supreme court decisions declaring the then-current marriage legislation unconstitutional. Even if the attempt is doomed, the acrimony, frustration and divisiveness will be distracting and irritating.

It boggles the mind to see just how far social conservatives will go. And it’s not just gays who should be concerned….women, cultural minorities, everyone who has real concern to worry about their dignity as a person.


Liberace was gay?


The long-term electoral folly of this for the Reps. is greatly underestimated by them. Since the majority of conservatives under age 30 are tolerant of gays, every two years the effectiveness of this ploy is going to be weaker and weaker. The effectiveness of this ploy in sending principles conservatives out of the Rep. party in discust will not be weakened over time.

One can hope, at least.


Mal – No shit, It’s draining to be dealing with shit like this over and over. Steven Harper is a closet case anyway, that’s why he’s such a douchebag about all this. Not that Paul Martin was any better, I remember reading quotes from him that were totally offensive regarding gays. At least he had the sense to keep his mouth shut, because I don’t think anyone but Alberta is gonna put up with that nonsense.

I swear, it must be like pulling a lever to rally the conservative base. One labeled immigration, one labeled teh ghey! and one with the kill brown people sticker on it, right next to the console that controls the terror threat level. Each election or poll slump, G-dub just goes apeshit jumping around and reefing on em.


“‘In our free society, people have the right to choose how they live their lives,’ Bush said.”

Gosh golly, that sure jibes well with a proposed Constitutional amendment that would limit (as opposed to just about every other amendment, which enumerates) Americans’ rights.


but Alberta is gonna put up with that nonsense.

And even then, I dont blame the Albertans. If there’s one province with a population more alienated from politics or caught up in poltical tribalism…and…subject to controlled and manipulative media, it’s that one.

I make a yearly trip out to Alberta to remind myself that they’re just like everyone else.


distraction politics, la la la. pathetic.


Mal – I hate to be contrary, but what part were you in? It was crazyland in Alberta last time I went, Everyone had new cars and pockets full of disposable income from the oil money. Nearly everyone I met was on coke, or wearing a cowboy hat, or both, and everyone was spoiling for a rumble. Actually there’s a funny story behind that, a texan Bush supporter picked a fight with my friend just because of what we were saying about the preznit.

Also, not that I’m the picture of good health, but those people need to learn about salads and fibre and water.


And yet the very top conservative rock song of all time is “Won’t Get Fooled Again”.


The GOP continues to do for homosexuals what Strom Thurmond did for black people.

Didn’t Strom turn out to have had an illegitimate half-black child?

I’m just saying. Maybe George Allen and Jeff Gannon will have a buttbaby.


I guess it’s time for all those Christians to “get on their knees and pray…” Perhaps to Roger Daltry, who has about as much chance of getting this passed as God does.


“‘In our free society, people have the right to choose how they live their lives,’ Bush said.�

Orwell anybody?

My god and goddess…next thing you know they’ll be rallying the base around tracking down and prosecuting every woman who’s had an abortion in the past 30 years.

Oneiros Dreaming

Social conservatives are smart

Yeah, I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with that.


They’ll keep pullin’ the lever, though. Trust me. We’ve seen this song and dance a billion times. The Christian Right are some of the most gullible suckers on the planet.

Not this time. The social conservatives control all three branches of government. Now, even the Supreme Court. Before, you had Souter and Rehnquist, who were at least borderline sane. Now Souter is in the social minority, and the know-nothings want RESULTS.

If they don’t vote exactly the way that the Know-Nothings want them to, the Know-Nothings will run as a third party. If not in `08, then in `12. And with a candidate that will make Pat Buchanan a limp-wristed tree hugging bleeding heart commie.


It’s so blatant. I can’t believe the morons in the Christian Right aren’t insulted.

I haven’t talked to my barometer on the whacked out right, my parents, in a while, but I’m pretty sure I will soon be hearing how great this is.

Of course, they were going to be voting for republicans anyway. This move is sheer desperation.


If they don’t vote exactly the way that the Know-Nothings want them to, the Know-Nothings will run as a third party. If not in `08, then in `12. And with a candidate that will make Pat Buchanan a limp-wristed tree hugging bleeding heart commie.

Yikes. I can see it now. The Brownback/Dobson administration. With Jeff Sessions as head of DHS. Rick Santorum the National Security Advisor. Tom Tancredo as Attorney General. Crist on a popsicle stick. I’m going to have nightmares about that one….



No legitimate rights are limited by the Federal Marriage Amendment.

Homosexuals will still be allowed to marry people of the opposite sex.

There’s as much of a right to homosexual marriage as there is to polygamous marriage.

The fact is that this is the wedge which is going to hurt a lot of Democrats.

Because if they oppose the FMA, they are voting against the wishes of their constituents.


I love this lead in to the storry on CNN:

President Bush says he is “proud to stand with” those who support a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. Many Republicans say traditional marriage strengthens society. Many Democrats say the amendment is a divisive concession to religious conservatives.

Bias much?

Nancy in Detroit

next thing you know they’ll be rallying the base around tracking down and prosecuting every woman who’s had an abortion in the past 30 years.

Uh oh.


No legitimate rights are limited by the Federal Marriage Amendment.

Garybot ™ 2.0. Now with Democracy Plus. Makes the final determination for all of us what rights are legitemate and what rights are not.



Fucking liberal media!

It was crazyland in Alberta last time I went.

Timmah, stick to Kananaskis, Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper, Drumheller, the plus-15’s and the Devonian Gardens in Calgary and most of Edmonton. Avoid Whyte Ave. in Edmonton after sundown, most of Calgary, suburban Red Deer, Fort McMurray and any small town in the biblelette beltita.


New lead in at CNN: President Bush and Senate conservatives renewed their battle Monday to ban same-sex marriage through a constitutional amendment that only has a slim chance of passage. Some Republicans support the measure because they say traditional marriage strengthens society; others say the move is a reality of election-year politics.

A reality of election-year politics? I want the names of the Republicans that are saying that.


Hey, I won’t be looking at the Right-wing mouthbreathers if they ‘burn the Reichstag’…

I be shooting ’em.


Check out this online poll from my local newspaper: “Is President Bush’s push for the federal marriage amendment a political ploy to recapture his conservative power base?”

Don’t forget to read the comments (or leave one, sometimes the paper prints them), especially from the mouthbreathers.

My favorite so far: “This not an issue that he has waffled on to sway the polls. He has always been against the sodomites uniting. Some of you that have such a hatred for one of the best presidents we’ve ever had are almost as sick as the queers and lesbians.”



The fact is this amendment has no chance of passing.

The fact is the GOP only brings it up during election years, and then sweeps it under the rug afterward.

The fact is this is a pathetic attempt at pandering to their base.

The fact is the GOP won’t be in power much longer.


others say the move is a reality of election-year politics.

This needs fixing…

the others…some guy I just talked to… say this cynical move is a ..n attempt to create reality in the absurd circus of election-year politics



The Right has yet to summon an argument against same-sex marriage that they did not use againts interracial marriage in the 1950s and 1960s bigots argued that same-race marriage was historically the ONLY kind of marriage, that it was the basis of civilization, that it was the only form of marriage sanctioned by the Bible, that it was best for the children, etc.

For example. Gary argued, “Homosexuals will still be allowed to marry people of the opposite sex.” Compare that to this common argument of the 1950s and 1960s against interracial marriage: “Miscegenation laws aren’t discriminatory because they apply to both races. They prohibit black people from marrying white people AND white people from marrying black people.”

It is also a fun game to reverse the polygamous marriage argument. If the government has a right to prohibit polygamous marriage, it has the right to prohibit interracail marriage.

Sorry for being so pedantic, lemme see if I can find some snark around here… Um, that GWB, what a COBAG!


Sorry about the typos and run-on sentences in the above. I obviously think previewing is for squares.


Yes, of course. The amendment would not be discriminatory or bigoted, because it would not prohibit gays from marrying people of the opposite sex. And of course, it would prevent heterosexuals as well as homosexuals from entering same-sex marriages.

“The Law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich, as well as the poor, to sleep under the bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.” – Anatole France


Yeah, jpj, I have yet to see or hear a single objective reason for opposing gay marriage. Please, name one concrete way that boys marrying each other will “weaken” marriage. Name one single fact that shows gay marriage will harm our social structure. Name something, anything that makes you think having Pete and Paul down the street will harm your children.

And “God forbids it” is not objective–it depends on your religion.
“Historically, it has never been done.” Yeah, neither was democracy.
“I don’t like gays–they offend me.” Britney Spears offends me; get over it.
“Gays will be allowed to adopt.” Only “fit parents” are allowed to adopt. So if the two gay guys have a record of child abuse, they will have the same problem my asshole brother-in-law did when–oh, wait, he only beat up his biological offspring, so that was a-okay!

Gary? What’s the fact, dude?


Oh, and in case you were wondering, here are some snippets from Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1, 1967:

In upholding the constitutionality of these provisions in the decision below, the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia referred to its 1955 decision in Naim v. Naim as stating the reasons supporting the validity of these laws. In Naim, the state court concluded that the State’s legitimate purposes were “to preserve the racial integrity of its citizens,” and to prevent “the corruption of blood,” “a mongrel breed of citizens,” and “the obliteration of racial pride,” obviously an endorsement of the doctrine of White Supremacy.

…[T]he State contends that, because its miscegenation statutes punish equally both the white and the Negro participants in an interracial marriage, these statutes, despite their reliance on racial classifications, do not constitute an invidious discrimination based upon race.

There can be no question but that Virginia’s miscegenation statutes rest solely upon distinctions drawn according to race. The statutes proscribe generally accepted conduct if engaged in by members of different races. Over the years, this Court has consistently repudiated “distinctions between citizens solely because of their ancestry” as being “odious to a free people whose institutions are founded upon the doctrine of equality.”

Marriage is one of the “basic civil rights of man,” fundamental to our very existence and survival. To deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as the racial classifications embodied in these statutes, classifications so directly subversive of the principle of equality at the heart of the Fourteenth Amendment, is surely to deprive all the State’s citizens of liberty without due process of law. The Fourteenth Amendment requires that the freedom of choice to marry not be restricted by invidious racial discriminations. Under our Constitution, the freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of another race resides with the individual and cannot be infringed by the State.

Not 100% analogous, of course. Loving was about racial discrimination, and it addressed a state statute in conflict with the Constitution. If this marriage amendment somehow ever gets enacted, it will be because the American public does not view sexuality discrimination as something as odious as racial discrimination; and of course, it will become part of the Constitution, so the conflict in Loving will not be possible. But I think the Warren Court’s discussion of the rationale for the struck-down Virginia law, and the importance and meaning of marriage, is instructive.


The fact is that on this issue and on so many other issues that there really is no honest debate. Gary drops in here and poops out a vile and ignorant and stupid and dishonest piece of shit. So what do we do? We argue with it? What the hell? Let’s just call it what it is and move on.


Sorry folks, I’m not trying to say that your comments aren’t interesting as I generally learn a lot from your insights. My frustration level is high right now with this issue and the whole stupid border fence issue (ok and with practically everything else). This is really just propoganda/politics at its vilest. How do we combat it?


The fact is, Gary is either pretending to be an idiot, or he actually is one. I sincerely hope it’s the former.


Homosexuals will still be allowed to marry people of the opposite sex.

Gee, Gary, those arguments sound so familiar. What, do you get the RNC blastfax by way of your butt?


This is really just propoganda/politics at its vilest. How do we combat it?

You know who’s reallly good at answering questions like that? Ä°El gato negro!

¿Dónde está?…


Something about Gary just screams “ice-pick lobotomy.”


The fact is that homosexuality occurs due to a persistant addiction to homosexual acts which the homosexual suffers from.

There is no genetic pattern for homosexuality, nor any genetic signs of it.

Homosexuality is an addiction, like being addicted to alcohol, or heroin, which is caused by homosexual stimuli.


Wiil I be able to control myself?


The fact is that homosexuality occurs due to a persistant addiction to homosexual acts which the homosexual suffers from.

Uh, we’re going to need the breakfix technicians in here right away. The Garybot ™ seems to have a major bug. We have a perfectly circular logic loop here. See, homosexuals become homsexuals by being addicted to homosexual acts, which they engage in because they’re homosexuals so–BWAAAAANG!!!

Emergency shutdown, core and memory dump, system abended…

On the other hand, Gary does seem to fancy himself quite the expert on homosexuality. Hmmm, now I’m starting to sense a kind of Mehlman/McClellan kind of self-loathing here…



The fact is that homosexuality occurs due to a persistant addiction to homosexual acts which the homosexual suffers from.

I don’t suffer from homosexuality – I enjoy every minute of it!

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

The fact is that homosexuality occurs due to a persistant addiction to homosexual acts which the homosexual suffers from.

I think it’s time for: “The Stupid, it burns!”


Quick, name your favorite Homosexual Stimuli!
For me, it’ the manly stank of crazy that rises like sewer steam from Gary Ruppert’s armpits as he types away in his maniacal fashion. Who could resist that?


And with a candidate that will make Pat Buchanan a limp-wristed tree hugging bleeding heart commie.

Uh, I meant Pat Robertson. Or both.


“There is no genetic pattern for homosexuality, nor any genetic signs of it.”

Which is why scientists have discovered what is basically a gay gene!

Keep deluding yourself, Gary. You are most entertaining.


The fact is that homosexuality occurs due to a persistant addiction to homosexual acts which the homosexual suffers from.

If that were true, wouldn’t the converse also be true, that heterosexuality occurs due to an addiction to heterosexual acts?


you know, you say that Tig, but there was just a story somewhere about some guy who actually did get swindled by a Nigerian diamond/bank account spam. so it can happen. at least if you believe my unsourced, vague internet story.


Hey, Gary, there is no genetic pattern for religion either
and strangely enough most of the mouth-breathing gay-hating
pseudo-christians who push this kind of crap almost all seem
to be drug addicts who traded their habits for illusory halos


Kathleen: Were you referring to this New Yorker article?


Um, Gary-
…oh, never mind. If puberty didn’t help you figure this out, nothing will.
(sighs, shakes head, turns around and walks away slowly)


Guess what? “Genetic” does not mean immutable. My poor eyesight is genetic but with a relatively simple environmental fix (eyeglasses) I’m just fine. So arguing about the elusive “gay gene” won’t get anyone very far.

To guote one of the Great Minds of Our Time, “the fact is” that marriage is a matter of free choice between individuals and it is up to social conservatives to come up with a rational reason that prohibiting same-sex marriage is a reasonable use of state power. It should be THEIR burden of proof and they are unable to advance any rational argument for the ban on same-sex marriage.

Gary, and others who hold his beliefs are bigots. Whether or not anyone “chooses” to be gay or not is irrelevant. As the Crapture noted–being prejudiced against religous groups does not make antisemitism or anti-Caltholic or anti-Muslim rhetoric acceptable.


And what a lovely gift for Gay Pride Month. I swear they deliberately schedule these things to be most insulting. Cinco de Mayo? Let’s bash Mexican immigrants! MLK Day? Let’s fuck over black voters! International Women’s Day? Quick! Someone send us some gag rule legislation!



The fact is that homosexuality occurs due to a persistant addiction to homosexual acts which the homosexual suffers from.


Homosexuality is an addiction, like being addicted to alcohol, or heroin, which is caused by homosexual stimuli.

I’m sure Gary has vast experience in determining which homesexual stimuli are addictive and which aren’t. I mean, if it is like alcohol right, then isn’t there some way of enjoying it without becoming addicted? Not everyone who drinks beer is a lush after all.

Of course, I remain vastly ignorant about the whole matter, although I’m sure Gary could explain which homosexual stimuli I should avoid, lest I catch teh gay. I’m guessing that I should stay away from the colour pink at all hazards and never utter the word potpouri in a discussion with another man (and with a woman only with extremely uncomfortable reluctance) I’m sure he and Jeff Gannon are collaborating their 12 step plan right now.


“…scientists have discovered what is basically a gay gene!”

Do these gay genes make me look fat?


The causes of homosexuality have been researched extensively by Dr. Paul Cameron, Ph.D.

You can read Dr. Cameron’s important research here: http://www.familyresearchinst.org/FRI_EduPamphlet1.html

The fact is that I have made an extensive study of homosexual stimuli over the Internet.


“Whether or not anyone “choosesâ€? to be gay or not is irrelevant.”

Seriously. Why do people with liberal values use that kind of argument? If gays choose to be gays, do you suddenly support amending the constitution to discriminate against them? Am I supposed to run around waving my hands in the air in panic because exposure to gays might turn my son gay? Let’s stop letting the wingnuts define this debate for us. The right answer to “people choose to be gay” is “so what?”


The fact is that I have made an extensive study of homosexual stimuli over the Internet.

Better stop before you go blind.


“The right answer to ‘people choose to be gayâ€? is “so what?’ ”


And Gary, Dr. Paul Cameron is a well-known hack whose “research” has been thoroughly shredded by actual scientists.
In other words, Ruppert is pwned.


OK, that’s a fake Gary. That one’s too easy.


In retrospect, I should have put quotation marks around the word “doctor” in transcribing “Dr.” Paul Cameron. Anyone who works for a “pro-family” outfit is pretty much automatically disqualified as far as being taken seriously is concerned.


According to Dr. Paul Cameron, Ph.D.,

Also, tigrismus,

Many [righteous, Bible-believing heterosexuals] engage in one or two homosexual experiences and never do it again–a pattern reported for a third of the males with homosexual experience in one study. (1) And then there are ex-homosexuals – those who have continued in homosexual liaisons for a number of years and then chose to change not only their habits, but also the object of their desire. Sometimes this alteration occurs as the result of psychotherapy; (10) in others it is prompted by a religious or spiritual conversion. (18) Similar to the kinds of “cures” achieved by drug addicts and alcoholics, these treatments do not always remove homosexual desire or temptation. Whatever the mechanism, in a 1984 study (5) almost 2% of heterosexuals reported that at one time they considered themselves to be homosexual. It is clear that a substantial number of people are reconsidering their sexual preferences at any given time.

The footnotes prove how scholarly Dr. Cameron’s work is.


The footnotes prove how scholarly Dr. Cameron’s work is

Oh, Fake Gary, I think I’m in love…


Tigrismus, in my previous port I meant to quote this important passage from the scholarly research of Dr. Paul Cameron, Ph.D.:

There is evidence that homosexuality, like drug use is “handed down” from older individuals.

The fact is that homosexuality is something young, Bible-believing heterosexuals are tricked into by older people who, like pushers, suggest to them that homosexuality is “cool.”

The impressionable young minds of these deeply devout, yet manly young people are corrupted, and so they offer up their nubile flesh to these vampires.

Excuse me, I need to go read a new item on townhall.com.


*sigh* I’ll just flutter my eyelashes and pine in your absense.

Actually, in celebration of day 2 of National Headache Awareness Week, I seem to have aquired a headache. That makes me 2 for 2 so far this year! Um, yay? Sweet dreams all, and especially to you, dear Fake Gary.


Hmmm, it seems that Gary Ruppert is the Agent Smith of Sadly, No. There are at least ten thousand of him, and no matter how effective we have downloaded the logical left program, he keeps coming back…



Shorter George W. Bush:

“It’s Adam and EVE, not Adam and STEVE!”

So there!

Leviticus 54:9


Agh! Mal de Mer left the farking italics tag on! Help, Brad!

Maybe George Allen and Jeff Gannon will have a buttbaby.

If they do, how will we be able to tell that Sen. Allen is preggers (he’s the obvious bottom here)? Will his ass swell up to twice its normal size? Now there’s an image!


Oh, Fake Gary, I think I’m in love…

Back off…I saw him first. Seriously, there is something ineluctably sexual about Gary…his machine-like regularity, his workman-like support of Republican dogma, his…oh so hot…mostly proper spelling and grammar.

Frankly, Gary is quite possibly a sex machine. An organically-engineered contrivance whose only purpose, fundamentally, is pleasuring others. If he’s cute, my wife will totally leave me, she’s that turned on.


“The footnotes prove how scholarly Dr. Cameron’s work is.”

Indeed–they prove he’s not scholarly at all.


Actually, in celebration of day 2 of National Headache Awareness Week, I seem to have aquired a headache. That makes me 2 for 2 so far this year!

I’m considering hating you. I’ve had a headache since National Headache Awareness Week 1990. Maybe it’s a hangover from the addictive queerness or something.

And, hey, Gary, I haven’t been gay all week! This clearly proves your point!


“If they do, how will we be able to tell that Sen. Allen is preggers (he’s the obvious bottom here)?”

You can tell by the BrownBack! Folks! *ba-da-PSSH*

Real Gary tipped his (and all the other faghaters’) hand up there. They’re afraid that under the proper circumstances an offer of addictive drug-like homogay sex will induce them to renounce hetero love forever. The only people that think who one desires to kiss is a choice are the people who are terrified everyone will find out they want to kiss the mouths of members of the same sex.

(Isn’t one’s religion a choice? Can’t we then amend the constitution to disallow fundamentalist Christians from marrying and adopting? Let’s get on that, now that I think about it.)


D. Sidhe: Yes, I know mine aren’t as bad as yours, I do have relatively pain-free gaps of days on end. Don’t hate me for that, though, there are so many much better reasons.

Mal: After last night, I think you have more a chance with Gary, you’ve got his kind of equipment. Once you’ve brought him over to Libertinealism, though, we’ll all pile on, then go out for abortions and an all-you-can-eat organic local seasonal vegan buffet!


Dammit, imagine, if you will, a strike-through on the “tine”. Rassafrassin comment program.


Paul Cameron, .Phd, was dropped from membership in the American Psychological Association for violation of the Preamble to the Ethical Principles of Psychologists.



I believe Mr Cameron has also been mocked by statisticians and seventh grade math teachers everywhere.

Okay, tigrismus, you can have a pass on the headaches. Instead I’ll hate you because you are always extremely witty and I am consumed with envy.
Really, though, some guy having sex with Gary would just make him feel like even more of an expert than he already does. I have a suspicion that’s what Mr Cameron is working from.

Gary: Just because chicks keep telling you that they’ve become lesbians after your first date, does not mean they’ve actually become Hooked On Queer. It’s just an allergic reaction to you.


(comments are closed)