Let’s Gang Up On Women!
Posted on February 26th, 2010 by D. Aristophanes
Shorter Dr. Mrs. Ol’ Perfesser, Dr. Helen
Women Suck!
- Women are weak and they suck! Memeorandum, here I come!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Also, women are crybabies!
PS Women cry
Bitch bring me my money!
PPS all of this will be recounted in my forthcoming book ‘Tales of Brave Ulysses: Punching Women Is Cool’!
PPPS: I’m going Galt … by rape!
PPPPS: I have never seen a case of male violence against a woman that I didn’t like
Well said Brett! Soon the scabs will infect THEIR PENISES TOO!
unless it was a tranny
“[W]omen are not taught the boundaries of violence”
No, they aren’t, because horrifying violence against them is tolerated on many levels in most countries in the world. They don’t learn boundaries because there aren’t any.
Dr. Helen Memorial Women-Punching Meet-Up: Tuesday, Nov. 3 2013: Edinburgh Castle, SF 10pm – be there or be an alimony-paying faggot!
Can’t punch ’em, can’t NOT punch ’em!
I got out of the boat…
What could I do? I saw take-look-at-this-video-of-romanian and immediately thought- gymnast?
I paid for my salaciousness… and how!
I’m trying to remember the last time I got out the boat.
Still trying to remember…
The Bobo speaketh. Lamar Alexander is a genius, Reid and Pelosi are dum-dum-heads, and the health care bill will go down in defeat because shut up, that’s why. He jokes about having only watch the first half-hour. I imagine that’s what actually happened, and the next 6 hours were how it played out in his head.
Sorry if this qualifies as a threadjack, but what else is there to say about “hurr hurr, wimmins got slapped”?
Well said Brett! Soon the scabs will infect THEIR PENISES TOO!
That reminds me of something.
One time, a woman slapped me. And I cried. Damn you, ALLWOMEN!
I’m a divorced dad. One time, my ex hit me. I HATE WOMEN. also, a childe hit me. I HATE CHILDREN. Then, Dr. Helen got all nekked and wore a push-up bra. Then I was all hitting kids and my ex-wife and Dr. Helen was grinding all sexy.
This is the fantasy of Sparks. FUCK YOU
Hey, I got slapped by a woman too- and I was only a newborn baby!
The text does not capture the full snivel.
Mums jump up to get beat down.
Personally, I prefer to have women gang up on me.
Ah, the musings of someone who wants to do nothing more than to choke a bitch.
One time I was clubbing small children and beating the shit out of a mouthy bitch with a steel rod and Dr. Helen was wearing a push-up bra and giving me the thumbs up FUCK YOU I’M NOT WEIRD IT WAS MY FANTASY
sometimes i think how awesome would it be to punch some bitch on the rag right in the face and then dr helen would be all ‘its push-up bra time for you sailor’ and I woudl totally be into then AND THEN I WOKE UP
but then i was like ‘it could totally be real’ the only thing stopping you is your imagination
Sparks, are you Joe Scarborough?
then dr. HELEN was all, ‘lets tell your story to the WORld SPRARKs b/c you have suffered so much and I was all’ WHERE”S that fucking PUSH-UP bra?’ and she goes: “right here my BIG BIG BABY’ and then I go ‘Cool.’ And she’s all, “COOL’ and I’m all let’s watch the youtube on that one bitch that got beat down by a cop and then she cried’ and then we do it again and again and again and again and then its morning and no bitches ever make me feal like so small ever again
The commenters are priceless.
I watched that three times.
because it’s such a thrill for the man babies to see a woman get what every woman deserves.
This strikes me as something Camille Paglia would be contrarian about. I mean isn’t this real equality.
What’s weird is at first I was like “ok, if someone slapped me I might slap them back too” But then I watched the video, and that was just unpleasant to watch by any standard.
The Mael brothers seem a bit edgier than normal tonight.
it feels REALLY REALLY Good
One time, a woman slapped me. And I cried. Damn you, ALLWOMEN!
One time, a woman slapped me. And I cried. But then I became aroused. Fully engorged. And I knew what it had been to make me come to such a state. And now I spend all my money to get that feeling over and over again. I pay a woman to slap me and kick me and punch me and whip me and spit on me and rub cigarettes out on my inner arms and treat me bad, like real bad, like I was a naughty boy that needed punishment.
And that woman, was Dragon-King Wangchuck’s mom.
Hail to thee, D-KW’s mom, you made me the wretched headcase I am today.
Isn’t that the origin of pretty much all right-wing “humor”?
Blah blah blah setup, and then the bitch (or male deemed feminine by virtue of faggotiness or daring to actually like women as people or care about things deemed feminine like the Earth) got what’s coming to ’em?
Well that and hur hur, negroes are lazy, stupid and/or criminal?
It’s probably why they react so strongly to being laughed at. The only times they do that is as a thinly veiled attempt to passive-aggressively say “I’d love to see you dead” so they assume everyone uses humor the same way.
And I was sorely tempted to row ashore, but I know from experience helping emotionally and physically abused women exactly the quality of the mangoes in question.
like a lot of these Mango islands, teh stupid is not in the piece, its the commentators. Yes, the Mangoes are rotten, but its what lurks in the palm grove beyond the beach that is truly terrifying….
This piece is yet another example, every single one of the guys that commented on that should have a restraining order (if they don’t allready have).
Never want to sleep again?
Remember that the attitudes depicted by each and every one of those guys is currently the cultural base idea of manliness and masculinity and every male alive is under cultural pressure to be more like those guys (many if not most are successful at resisting it, but the pressure is still there).
Also, rape and violent domestic abuse are some of the worst investigated crimes with some of the lowest incarceration rates and republicans and men like these actively lobby to strip the funding of the few domestic violence centers and rape counseling services there are.
And with that, have a good night.
Hey, pimpin’s hard.
Also, St. Trotsky, is that Zappa’s Bobby Brown I hear in the background?
I have to believe that even Dr. Helen can read through those comments and think only, “Dear God, what have I done?“
like a lot of these Mango islands, teh stupid is not in the piece, its the commentators. Yes, the Mangoes are rotten, but its what lurks in the palm grove beyond the beach that is truly terrifying….
Well, the point of “stay on the boat” isn’t about the awful state of the fruit we find, but of the life-threatening tigers of stupidity and wretchedness hiding behind them.
Which is why I stay on the boat. That way, my only problem is the drive-by arrows of ignorance and racism flung by trolls, which will go through my neck and end the burgeoning career of young Laurence Fishburne.
Clearly *that* is the normal state of affairs when it comes to violence between women and men.
Yes, violence against women is good, except when Obama (or was it Axelrod) rhetorically do it.
Yes, even in wild, lawless Romania, where the murder rate is less than half it is in the United States.
This woman shows one video of a woman slapping a police officer and extrapolates from it that all women expect to hit men with impunity.
In technical terms, this is what is called the engineer’s proof by induction. (If the premise holds at k=5, then it holds for all k).
Once again, I wish I were a wingnut. Life would be so much easier if you could prove a categorical statement with one data point.
*I have to believe that even Dr. Helen can read through those comments and think only, “Dear God, what have I done?“*
Remember, you’re talking about a woman who owns TWO copies of Liberal Fascism because she finds it such a useful reference. I used to troll over there and she’s hopeless.
A Dr. Helen joke: why are there so many battered women? Because they just. Don’t. Listen.
From the DoJ: In 2008 the rate of intimate partner victimizations for females was 4.3 victimizations per 1,000 females age 12 or older. The equivalent rate of intimate partner violence against males was 0.8 victimizations per 1,000 males age 12 or older. And that’s just from the people who know them.
Good news side:The rate of intimate partner violence against females declined 53% between 1993 and 2008,
Find your own statistics
This woman shows one video of a woman slapping a police officer and extrapolates from it that all women expect to hit men with impunity.
In technical terms, this is what is called the engineer’s proof by induction.
And following it leads to the police officer exploding, high over Cape Canaveral.
Wait wait wait…Mrs. Perfesser realizes she’s talking about Romania, right? I’m guessing she doesn’t have the slightest fucking clue about culture/society/politics in Romania. Hell, I sure don’t.
But hey, any excuse to play the usual tunes. It’s FEMINISM RUN AMOK again. Not, you know, just some random minor incident with unfortunate video.
Shorter Dr Mrs Putz:
I’m a closet lez.
Well, if there’s one area of the world that’s defined by feminism run amok and overwhelming civil rights for women, it’d definitely be the former Eastern Bloc. Especially after the woman-loving tenure of this beloved leader who controlled the country with freedom-loving woman-coddling policies up until slightly over 20 years ago at the end of 1989.
It’s no wonder that woman slap with impunity what with the long rein of the matriarchy successfully keeping men down with policies such as this for so long.
Luckily, we don’t coddle bitches here like that.
This would be the correct link to the insane fucktard of a dictator they had.
Dr. Helen is a visionary. She knows that the real problem is not the daily beating, killing, raping and harassing of women, but that uppity bitches are SLAPPING MEN–WITH IMPUNITY!!!!
While I’m on a roll:
This is a report on domestic violence in Romania. The problem is so bad that half of all women in prison there are serving sentences for self-defense murders of violent partners.
Money quote would be this by the Executive President of the Center for Equal Partnership, Roxana Tesiu:
“The Romanian population is significantly more toleranttowards domestic violence in all its forms[than the average level in the EU].”
So yeah, men slapping bitches is shockingly rare and totally standing up for freedom in this dark land for the proud white male.
Here is the real link in pdf or it’s the first result in google for “domestic violence statistics Romania”.
For the lazier, the short summary is its an official study of domestic violence in Romania and found it common, lazily enforced against by police and heavily enforced against when women dare fight back, especially by EU standards and it’s even lax by American standards.
St.T, P-i-A,
Why I… I… I…
Aw damn. Bravo, sir. Well played, well played indeed.
Though to be fair to our Bucharestian compatriots, they are trying to fix it these days and combat the fact that (another money quote) “In many Romanian families, violence against women is still seen as ‘normal’.”
Also trying to undo the situation where 21% of women were found to have been abused in current relationships or in the past. Most were systematic and many women stayed with the partners because (yet another money quote) “women consider domestic violence as ‘normal problems for a family'” a reason given by 1/4 of the women who stayed.
Family values, bitches!!!
Ooh, one last money quote for the road. They had a bill to introduce restraining orders into law in 2003, but it was shot down by the legislature because and here’s the money quote: “Romanian society is not ready for this”.
Let me repeat that.
Romanian society
Was not
Ready for
Restraining orders.
But hey, women still feel uppity enough to slap police officers so obviously they need to be put back in their place.
And to return things back to the necessary tone:
I had to get a romanian restraining order against D-KW’s mom because she kept on breaking in to use my bed to slap St. Trotsky, Pope in Avignon.
Also, PENIS, also.
Take that, slappin wimmin!!
I have no intention of watching the video, but I did wade out into Dr. Helen’s bushy jungles to find this ripe fruit:
We don’t know for a fact that Dr. Helen has such a virulent case of syphilis that it has spread to her central nervous system and has been ravaging her brain for years, but perhaps we could have an in-depth discussion about it.
In Dr. Helen’s world, if you are accused of being a pedophile and child abuser, your best bet is not be offended about it. Thus in order to show how much I truly value Dr. Helen as a human being, I’d like to ask her how often she abuses children.
That’s it, I couldn’t resist. I swam ashore, threw a molotov cocktail into the bushes and swam as hard as I could back.
The mangos…the horror, the horror!
Dr. Helen’s bushy jungles
There’s not enough Nair that could get me to hack thru that tough overgrowth.
uppity bitches are SLAPPING MEN–WITH IMPUNITY!!!!
Dr Mrs Putz ought to marry Dennis Prager and have lots of babies.
But srsly, re: Dr. Helen – is the neurosyphilis the reason she molests children? Then again, she may have always been a child abusing psychopath. Even in that cae, could it be that the viral infestation that has migrated from her genitals to her brain has excacerbated her thirst for the flesh of innocent children.
We don’t have all the facts at the moment, but we really ought to be speculating about it as much as possible.
We don’t have all the facts at the moment, but we really ought to be speculating about it as much as possible.
It’s like on House, where they throw out every possible diagnosis and treat for it until House talks to Wilson and suddenly has an epiphany.
Which always made me wonder when they’d write the script where he talks to Wilson BEFORE the patient shows up and thus can cure him out of the box.
So, differential group, what causes cannibalism, heartlessness, sociopathic disinterest in your own gender, and hydrocephalic idiocy?
You know what else sucks?
Straws. And vacuum cleaners.
Her commenters really got off on that, didn’t they?
It is disturbing to see a psychologist accumulating a web following of socially maladjusted individuals and posting content that “validates,” as a shrink might say, their hostility and resentment.
Imagine how different the comments would be if the participants were Mexican, and Dr. Helen were making a point about machismo.
They can turn on a dime, the inconsistent pudknockers.
Sissy-Boy Slap-Party
The problem is, women are not taught the boundaries of violence, therefore they think it’s acceptable to use with any man.
Yeah, getting beaten up by fathers, boyfriends or husbands will occasionally lead to some women not knowing the boundaries of violence. Crazy bitches, huh?
I see she got rid of the “finances” label. What the hell was that about?
It is disturbing to see a psychologist accumulating a web following of socially maladjusted individuals and posting content that “validates,” as a shrink might say, their hostility and resentment.
It becomes an echo chamber. Just look at Arnold Alkon and her (pseudo)Psychology Today mentor, Satoshi Kanazawa
Don’t you love the internal hoops she has to jump thru to get from this:
to this?
So a man hits a woman enough times and she thinks its acceptable to hit any other man back, but men never hit women.
Dr. Helen has taken a break from beating children to appease the syphilis-induced delusions running through her head to post this:
and then links this article.
Absent from the discussion is any consideration of under-reporting by the victims of interpersonal violence. Regardless, the fundamental irony is that in supporting her position that the silly bitch got what she deserved, Dr. Helen cites an article described by its author thusly:
Dr Mrs Putz really ought not to piss me off:
Thank God someone is sticking up for policemen who are physically abused by small women. Take back the night, brother!
Thank God someone is sticking up for policemen who are physically abused by small women. Take back the night, brother!
Dr. Helen is grateful for the police officer’s courageous bravery!
Dr. Helen is grateful for the police officer’s courageous bravery!
To wade back into that morass would be like kicking a nursery school kid for her lollipop.
Most jurisdictions in the US only got them by the 1990’s, according to something I read recently. We’ve gone around one of those sigma curves where now the idea is unthinkable. For example, today, in many places, if the police respond to a domestic and there are injuries and they can’t tell who started it, they arrest both of them. In some places, if one person has been beating the other, they arrest the perp and charge him/her under aegis of the state–the victim no longer has to cooperate.
What scares me are places where women’s rights are going backwards, thanks to right-wing creotard pukes like Rick Warren and their Islamicist anti-woman allies. Patriarchal fucks who can’t get it up unless it’s an IRL torture scene have formed a mutual help alliance to fuck women (and gays, and minors) over worldwide. I’m glad Hillary Clinton is in the State Dept because she is one of their biggest enemies.
Speaking of women’s rights, OMG WTF–Miscarry, go to prison?!?
Point of personal pique, Comrade Chairman. Remember “Don’t Tase Me Bro” guy? Remember the flaccid rod of (D)onkey authority who was displacing air at the podium at the time, with a live microphone in front of his pie-hole? Remember how he sucked one thumb and kept the other firmly lodged in his ass while the local Deppity Dipshits cattle-prodded a potential Dem voter and dragged him away in front of witnesses? No, no of course you don’t. What’s more, I have no point because (wait for it) “Don’t Tase Me Bro” was a dude, and Cop Slapping Chick was a chick.
Eventually a regular-military American servicemember will be captured and tortured to the point of madness, then executed, on camera. And it’ll be duped a thousand times and tweeners will see it first, then news anchors, then think tankers and military analysts, and then it’ll be sanitized and sprayed like a shitmist on the big four networks. And everyone in the Lower 48 will piss their pants with indignation, and everyone else in the world will be filled to the brim with girlish glee, because really, where the fuck do we get off?
Pop quiz: you people who are indignant at my counter-example, do you imagine a male grunt or a female grunt in the hot seat, as it were? And if it’s a female grunt, do you figure her given name is Zsa Zsa? Don’t answer, the whole deal stinks enough already.
Did you know that 1 in 3 men will be raped in his lifetime, and that two million men and boys are currently sex slaves? You didn’t? That’s because it’s actually women. But sometimes women expect they can slap men without getting hit back, which, if you’re looking at it honestly, is a bigger problem.