A Blizzard Of Stupid

ABOVE: Mark Finkelstein

One of the worst effects of the mid-Atlantic Snowmaggedon was not the icy roads or the empty grocery shelves but was instead the instant transformation of every Tom, Dick and Wingnut into an expert climatologist. Most contented themselves with jumping up and down, waving their hands wildly and screaming “Look, it’s snowing! Bite me Al Gore!” But NewsBlusterer Mark Finkelstein, an unemployed lawyer turned restaurant critic1 for the Ithaca Times, takes it to the next step by actually trying to do some science-y stuff with, of course, predictably hilarious results:

By now, we’re all familiar with the global warmists’ attempt to explain away the record-breaking mid-Atlantic blizzards. Take this, for example, from the New York Times [emphasis added]:

“government and academic studies had consistently predicted an increasing frequency of just these kinds of record-setting storms, because warmer air carries more moisture.”

So more snow fell from Philly to DC because the temperatures were warmer than normal during the blizzards?

That last sentence is a quintessential Wile E. Coyote moment where the coyote is setting the trap that the viewers know is going to backfire with tragic results.

DC has been hit by three major snowstorms this winter: 16.4 inches on December 18–19, 18.0 inches on February 5–6, and about 12 inches on February 10. Let’s compare DC’s actual temps with normal temps for those days.

Date             Normal Avg. DC Temp.           Actual Average DC Temp

Dec. 18                        39                                                   30.8
Dec. 19                        39                                                   26.3
Feb. 5                          36                                                   34.8
Feb. 6                          36                                                   27.4
Feb. 10                       37                                                   25.9

Bottom line: the temperature was colder than average on every one of the snow days. On average the snow days were about eight degrees colder than average. To spin these facts as proof that the blizzards are evidence of global warming because “warm air holds more moisture” is bunk.

I guess Finkelstein, when getting his PhD in climatology, skipped the lecture where they explained that snowstorms occur when moisture-laden atmosphere from warmer areas come into contact with colder air in another area. So one wouldn’t expect the temperature in DC to be warmer during heavy snowfalls. Duh. For an excellent discussion of the connection between warmer weather in one place and heavier snowfalls in another place, read this post by Dr. Jeff Masters at his Weather Underground blog.

Will the MSM note this little analysis?

The only thing accurate in Finkelstein’s post is his suggestion that the MSM won’t note his “little analysis,” but not for the reasons he supposes.

1Restaurant critic may be stretching it since Mark is, apparently, engaged in trading favorable reviews for free food, as indicated in the legend at the bottom of one of his, er, reviews:

Restaurant stories in the Ithaca Times are generally done with the full knowledge of the establishment’s owners. The writer interviews staff members and is presented with a meal for two as a courtesy of the restaurant.

It’s nice to see another NewBlusterer upholding the ideals of journalistic integrity.


Comments: 244


an unemployed lawyer turned restaurant critic1 for the Ithaca Times

So he’s still unemployed. The only worse job in Ithaca is being provost of SUNY Ithaca, which is basically Cornell-on-the-Cesspool.


Will whore for food.


You know ELSE is a whingnut lawyer in Ithaca?


Will the MSM note my little analysis? Of course not, because I am not a climatologist and have no idea how climate works they’re in Al Gore’s pocket!


Part of the reason the IPCC had to change the terminology from “global warming” to “climate change” is morons like this.

Global warming is an accurate and scientific way to express the *cause* of climate change, which is the effect of warming.

But nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooo! If iz waming, I can haz hot, rite?

Fucking idiots. It’s no wonder we can never have nice things.


On the contrary, the MSM will give great attention to this little analysis, because even if it’s bunk, it’s a right wing perspective on things and we must be fair and balanced about that.

Paul Krugman thusly; “If Bush said the Earth was flat, the mainstream media would have stories with the headline ‘Shape of Earth: Views Differ.’ Then they’d quote some liberal saying that it was round.”


Restaurant stories in the Ithaca Times are generally done with the full knowledge of the establishment’s owners.

“Wow, the service and food were fabulous, and you can’t beat the prices!”


You know ELSE is a whingnut lawyer in Ithaca?

I think she graduated UMichigan law school but she did matriculate…*shudder*…Cornell undergraduate.


If today is colder than yesterday, SUMMER WILL NEVER ARRIVE.

Garry Allyn DeManty

Do the words “ClimateGate” mean anything to you liberals? Maybe you should clean you own house of fraudsters and liars in “academia” who are obviously cooking the books to get more government funding. It’s been cold all winter and temperatures keep getting down, plus “scientists” thought the globe was cooling in the 70s. Its just paranoia to scare people into giving up their hard-earned wealth, same old liberal nonsense.


Tig and I were about to go to the same place


I thought he meant Professor Dijon. OR HITLER.


quelle surprise

Update: Rush cites this article to rip global warmist hypocrisy. On today’s show, Rush Limbaugh cited NewsBusters and read from this article to demonstrate the global warmists’ hypocrisy:

*sigh* FYWP


Yes, I was referring to prof. Dijon.


Do the words “ClimateGate” mean anything to you liberals?

Um, no, because it don’t exist.

Garry, just because one or two papers were stolen long before they were in any shape for publication in respected scientific journals and just because a few crackpots have gotten papers published in some out of the way journal published in Hindi does not a scandal make!

By your standard, Bigfoot should be blamed for every car accident in Washington state because ONE person claimed to see him shortly before he drove off the road drunk.


Will the MSM note this little analysis?

One of my favorite things about wingnuts is their belief that everything they write is important. If I had done five minutes’ worth of googling and thought I had disproven a major scientific idea, it might occur to me that if I could do five minutes’ worth of googling, so could anyone else. So rather than publish my great feat of reasoning, I’d sit on it and figure out why no one else had published it already. This is why I don’t regularly publish moronically wrong things on the internet.

Also, and such as: I know that there are moneyed interests, such as oil companies, that would love for global warming to not be happening. I would presume that your average wingnut is dimly aware of this (though perhaps I presume too much). Oil companies hire scientists, right? They have their own research they need to do. So why don’t the wingnuts think of that?


Psst, Garry…

Record Warmth Last Month, according to Satellite Measurements
This information has already been out a few days, but just to recap, satellite measured temperatures of the lower troposphere last month from Remote Sensing Systems indicates that January 2010 was the warmest January in the satellite record. Records go back to 1979.

The image below shows the temperature anomalies for the month of January. Note the incredible warmth over the eastern and northern half of Canada. This is a reflection of the persistent blocking high pressure pattern that has persisted across the high latitudes. This blocking also forced the coldest air well south into the Lower 49, western Europe and central Asia. The warming was also enhanced by a moderate El Nino.


Guys, I was just talking to my sister in California. Don’t freak out or anything but she told me that it was 3 hours earlier than it is here in NY!! She tried to tell me that it’s normal but I can only imagine if time is changing in other places around the globe?!


It’s been cold all winter and temperatures keep getting down




Do the words “ClimateGate” mean anything to you liberals?

Pfft, like a sorry little gate could keep out the CLIMATE.

Garry Allyn DeManty

Actor- And you believe these numbers from fraudsters? HA HA HA


The comments, look at the comments. Truly, they are a bunch of fucking retards.

Obama should announce that doctors now say autosurgery is bad. The amount of verbiage disputing the finding would be immensely amusing to read. It would possibly wake up some blithely ignorant folks to what the whingers have going on. And best of all, would eliminate a lot of them from the party. And life too but who cares?


Hey Garry? You know that climate change denialists deprive me of my civil rights. Why do you hate America?


The problem nobody is addressing is the ongoing ATTACK of SNOWZILLA on our nation’s CAPITOL. No gates gonna keep him out, either, but will the MSM discuss it? NO because they love abortion and Gorbama. All I can say is thank God for the Heartland and our mostly straight military.


“warm air holds more moisture” is bunk.

Better proof is the fact that even though your mom is a cold and frigid bitch, I can get her to squirt like a fire hydrant.


actor212 said,

February 12, 2010 at 22:08 (kill)

Psst, Garry…

That’s the thing. It could be 70 degrees out for all of January, but one snowstorm in February and it’s all “SNOMG globl warming iz a HOAX!!!!!!!!!” Long-term patterns mean nothing to these people; remember, many of them have already forgotten all about the Bush administration.



Or people who have spent the majority of their adult lives studying climate trends — which should not be confused with weather, Garrrrrry. There’s a difference, just like there’s a difference between being gay and choosing to be a bigot.

But yeah, be my guest, believe the unemployed-lawyer-turned-food-critic-turned-part-time-climatologist because he can see out his window.


The problem nobody is addressing is the ongoing ATTACK of SNOWZILLA on our nation’s CAPITOL. No gates gonna keep him out, either, but will the MSM discuss it? NO because they love abortion and Gorbama.

Well, I heard that Malia and Sasha will bang their rings together and turn into the Wonder Twins, then call up Gamera from the depths of the Chesapeake Bay to fight Snowzilla.

And if that doesn’t work, Chelsea Clinton has Mothra on speed dial.



It’s not even that the January data are all that relevant to a discussion of climate, but that if that’s the game these assholes want to play, I say tie them up with stupid facts which gives us the chance to fix things before they get so bad that even those assholes notice.


So while baking in the summer, shoulld one suddenly acknowledge global warming then?

Of coures not, because it’s WEATHER.

But it’s fun to tease wingnuts in the summer. Hell, it’s fun to tease them year round.


When I commented on the presence of a French Gewürztraminer by Pierre Sparr, she enthusiastically opened a bottle for us. The wine had a peppery floweriness that is the essence of good Gewurz.

Err….is Finkelstein unware that those are Alsatian wines, and in fact the model that all other (California, Washington State) Gewurz aspire to? It’s like calling a bottle of Vosne-Romanee “French Pinot Noir.”


Err….is Finkelstein unware that those are Alsatian wines, and in fact the model that all other (California, Washington State) Gewurz aspire to? It’s like calling a bottle of Vosne-Romanee “French Pinot Noir.”

He’s not a food critic today, g. It’s Friday so he’s a climatologist, doi.


It’s been cold all winter and temperatures keep getting down

Not only that – I just noticed that the sun was slipping lower and lower in the sky! What if it disappears altogether?


Err….is Finkelstein unware that those are Alsatian wines

You’re asking a man who thinks “Alsatian” is the kind of dog you’d find at a firehouse…


Why, “Garry,” do you keep on going to people even dumber than yourself for your information? Perhaps you are st00pider™ than them after all.


NOOOOOOOOOOO AIYEEEEEEEE Beware Teh Paradox of Teh StØØpids™©


It’s Friday so he’s a climatologist*, doi.

*Correction: Weatherologist because they are, like, totes the same thing.


Sorry Fugu, indeed.


Colder than average temperatures = GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX!
Warmer than average temperatures = OMG, GLOBAL WARMING IS TOTES HOAX-EDLY HOAX!
This salad has a zesty dressing with hints of exotic fruits like raspberries = GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX!


My dog no longer has balls. To compensate, I trained him to lick mine.



Ah, it makes sense now. It’s similar to telling krazy kristians that the best way to stop gay marriage is to go to church and pray about it, yes?


Note to self. Offer to walk PeeJ’s dog when he goes on vacation.


“It’s been cold all winter and temperatures keep getting down”

Temperatures are getting down? Are they boogie-woogieing all night long, too? I always knew temperatures were cool.


the best way to stop gay marriage is to go to church and pray about it, yes?

I like your style.


I thought Ithaca housed all of central NY’s hippies.

Where the fuck are they finding these people?


Garry, you have been irrefutably declared victory over already. Your continued presence violates our constitutional rights.


My dog no longer has balls. To compensate, I trained him to lick mine.

Do you deliver?

Garry Allyn DeManty

The reality of the situation is that the earth continues to cool despite fraudster science to the contrary, and that man has nothing to do with the changing of temperature. we haven’t had a warm day here in Georgia for months, and you want me to believe it’s warming. Liberals want people to accept things beyond the scope of possibility, like how share the wealth will somehow get rid of the Obama Recession. You just click your heels and believe it, liberals. Here’s a phone call from reality, maybe you should pick it up.


The wine had a peppery floweriness that is the essence of good Gewurz.

It was also free, which probably has as large an effect on wine reviews as on restaurant ones. BTW, Ithaca newspaper people, I’m totally available to tell you how great beer is.

Garry Allyn DeManty

I hereby declear victory over you stupit libs on your fraud of “fat algores global warming”.

Acknowledging “fat algores global warming” would deprive me of my civill rites.


the earth continues to cool

“The earth,” sorry to tell you, is not your immediate area, Garrrrry. And by cool, you must mean warm because they are shipping snow to Vancouver for the Winter Olympics.


So the temperature during a blizzard is actually lower than the average temperature for that day! I am gobsmacked. I also didn’t know that there is a direct correlation between temperature and volume of snow, which in reality has nothing to do with moisture in the air.

Bu the way, what happened to the snow in Vancouver? Are there left-wing talk radio hosts out there claiming victory for global warming?


One thing that always kills me about the Climate Gate folks is their insistance that the Cilimate scientists are cooking the books to get goverment grant money, when of course if they had any REAL EVIDENCE that global warming isn’t happening they could go to EXXON present their evidence and get paid elventy-leven millon dollars each by a grateful Oil industry.

Again we are dealing with a classic case of projection:.” I lie to keep that sweet right wing welfare cash coming so everybody else does the same thing.”

Idiots – may their dreams be haunted angry polar bears the rest of the their miserible lives.


The earth warming is “beyond the scope of possibility.” Meanwhile, the reality is the earth is cooling because that is totally within the scope of possibility.


Garry Allyn DeManty

I’m very confused about the idea of “weather” vs “climate”.

It violtes my civlll rites to be forced to be educated or actually address reality.


My dog no longer has balls.

The Invidible Hand of the Free Market always provides.

Which is also proof that G0ball WR4mnIGS HAX!


Garry Allyn Minty Johnson is RIGHT!!!

Here in Wisconsin, it hasn’t even been warm for nearly HALF A YEAR!!

And it happens EVERY YEAR!!!

How do you libs explain THAT? You can’t.


shipping snow to Vancouver for the Winter Olympics.

obviously, they should have had the winter Olympics in Georgia.

Marion in Savannah

What’s on his business card? “Will pimp for fud?”


You just click your heels and believe it, liberals.

Whoa! You clearly have us mistaken for Larry Craig!


obviously, they should have had the winter Olympics in Georgia.

The skiing in Georgia this decade is going to be killer.


Hey, I heard they won’t allow reality in the military because it violates some bohunk’s civil rights.


Hey, I heard they won’t allow reality in the military because it violates some bohunk’s civil rights.

No more killing either, it violates everyone’s rights. From henceforth every global conflict will be decided with a Tickle Fight; the first to smirk loses.

Garry Allyn DeManty

Hey liberals, look at this: http://www.oism.org/pproject/

That’s over THIRTY THOUSAND upstanding American scientists who think Algore’s global warming is a fraudulent sham, unlike the fraudsters and hucksters involved in ClimateGate you keep quoting from. You’re cooked, liberals, you might as well change the subject like you always do, typical liberal strategy.


Liberals want people to accept things beyond the scope of possibility, like how share the wealth will somehow get rid of the Obama Recession.

1993 — Country mired in the First Bush recession.

President Bill Clinton raises taxes.

Recession ends.

See? It works!


My dog no longer has balls. To compensate, I trained him to lick mine.

Ah, the wonders of peanut butter…


That’s over THIRTY THOUSAND upstanding American scientists who think Algore’s global warming is a fraudulent sham

Fred Seitz is a physicist. And a crackpot.

Oh…did I mention he’s working for Exxon? http://www.exxonsecrets.org/html/personfactsheet.php?id=6


blockquotes violate rights


I could go on…Noah Robinson’s a biologist, Art Robinson’s a fraud who’s admittedly to never even doing research into global warming…


Garrry Allyyyn UnManly, I’m going to post this again because I think repetition is teh only way you learn:

“The earth,” sorry to tell you, is not your immediate area, Garrrrry. And by cool, you must mean warm because they are shipping snow to Vancouver for the Winter Olympics.


Can someone explain the “Algore” thing to me? Do they think that’s his name? Do they think he’s like Bono?


we haven’t had a warm day here in Georgia for months,

Yes, not since November or thereabouts!! It’s frightening!


Can someone explain the “Algore” thing to me?

I figure it’s cuz he’s white and got no rithm.

Get it? Algorithm?

HAH! I crack me up!


hat’s over THIRTY THOUSAND upstanding American scientists who think Algore’s global warming is a fraudulent sham

And their website looks my Geocities Morrissey fan page from 1996.


The skiing in Georgia this decade is going to be killer.

I may need to move back because here in New England it’s been pretty shitty. My favorite XC place is having its worst season EVER.


Can someone explain the “Algore” thing to me? Do they think that’s his name? Do they think he’s like Bono?

It’s something along these lines.


And their website looks my Geocities Morrissey fan page from 1996.

Heat is murder.


“The petition was so misleading that the National Academy issued a news release stating that:

The petition project was a deliberate attempt to mislead scientists and to rally them in an attempt to undermine support for the Kyoto Protocol. The petition was not based on a review of the science of global climate change, nor were its signers experts in the field of climate science.”

lots of links to other debunkings here:



Heat is murder.

warming is Theft.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

The article at http://mediamatters.org/research/200706060009 debunks the oism.org fraudulent petition.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

I shoulda known a zombie would beat me to the punch!


That’s over THIRTY THOUSAND upstanding American scientists

Sadly, NO!

There are only a handful of “scientists” on that list and the few who actually are scientists, are not climatologists. Some of the “signers” (I’m not going to point out that many of the people “signed” while dead):

W. Kline Bolton, M.D. is a professor of medicine and Nephrology Division Chief at the University of Virginia. Nephrology deals with the study of the function and diseases of the kidney.

Zhonggang Zeng is one of the 9,000 with a PhD. He is a professor of mathematics at Northeastern Illinois University. His most recent publication is entitled “Computing multiple roots of inexact polynomials.”

Hub Hougland is a dentist in Muncie, Indiana. He was inducted into the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame last year.


That’s over THIRTY THOUSAND upstanding American scientists,

…actors, engineers, duplicate names, fake names, and fictional characters….

Fleshed that out a little for you.


“scientists” thought the globe was cooling in the 70s


No, wrong, but thank you for playing. There are some lovely consolation prizes for you behind the curtain. Just follow Carrol Merril…


You know, we really should stop violating Mr. Dementy’s civil rights like this…..


Hub Hougland is a dentist in Muncie, Indiana. He was inducted into the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame last year.

Yeah, THERE’S someone I’d believe over, you know, an actual climate scientist.

Fuck, under Garry’s logic we could just let hobos drift in off the street and write public policy. Dogs could teach higher mathematics! Just think of the possibilities once we give up this whole “academic expert” bullshit!


Hey, any fake trolls in here I can argue with pointlessly? It’s been a slow day.


Scratch my THIRTY THOUSAND SCIENTIST’S NAMES on your arm with a fountain pen, this means you really love me…


You know, we really should stop violating Mr. Dementy’s civil rights like this…..

So there is a civil right to be and remain a complete moron!

Randy Allyn DeMantooth

Which of you lieberuls will be the first to rate for Wile E. Coyote? You know you want to.


bored idiot said,

February 12, 2010 at 23:03 (kill)

Hey, any fake trolls in here I can argue with pointlessly?



Well now, “Garry.” That worked out well for you, didn’t it? Did you enjoy the intertr0nz equivalent of getting plowed* up the poopchute with an ice auger*?

Please present your next case. This is fun.

* Get it? (snow)plow? “ice”? Get it? huh? Aint I clever?


we could just let hobos drift in off the street and write public policy.

Sarah 2012!!!


That’s over THIRTY THOUSAND upstanding American scientists,

…actors, engineers, duplicate names, fake names, and fictional characters….

“Dick Hertz? Who’s ‘Dick Hertz’? Can someone show me who’s ‘Dick Hertz’?”


Scratch my THIRTY THOUSAND SCIENTIST’S NAMES on your arm with a fountain pen, this means you really love me…

And “global warming” is just a miserable lie
You have destroyed my flower-like life
Not once – twice
You have corrupt my innocent mind
Not once – twice


There are only a handful of “scientists” on that list

But. but 9,029 of them have PhDeeeeees!


“Hub Hougland is a dentist in Muncie, Indiana. He was inducted into the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame last year.”

In your face Larry Biird

Garry Allyn DeManty

Typical liberal strategy. Attack the messenger.

THIRTY THOUSAND scientists. You’ve half sucessfully tarnished the names of a handful, but of course they too still have science credentials whether you like it or not libs. What has your actor Algore ever done? Like I thought.

Carrie Prejean's Latex Sawzall Attachment

Breaking: Steve over at NMMNB has some juicy sadlynaught fodder!

In general, I would prefer to slay the dragon when he’s sleeping, or have a sexy she-dragon seduce him and kill him with poison dragon lipstick.
–Teabagger Greg Girard, now jailed in MA for hoarding weapons and body armor


But. but 9,029 of them have PhDeeeeees!

You know, if I’ve discovered anything recently, it’s that even a goddamn doctorate doesn’t NECESSARILY keep you from believing some really DUMB SHIT.


Hub Hoagland – Indiana Basketball Hall Of Fame

HIGH SCHOOL: Scottsburg (1955)

COLLEGE: Vanderbilt (1959)

Scottsburg High School career scoring record of 1,323 points … earned 20 varsity letters in five sports, softball, cross country, basketball, baseball and track … selected all-sectional and all-regional in 1953-55 … valedictorian and named to the Louisville Courier Journal all-state teams during high schol career … received a full scholarship to Vanderbilt University and set a field goal percentage record in 1958 (.478) … All-Air Forces Systems Command Team in 1964-65 … a pediatric dentist in Muncie.

His profile is listed just after Branch McCracken, the lesser known brother of Phil.


“You’ve half sucessfully tarnished the names of a handful, but of course they too still have science credentials whether you like it or not libs. What has your actor Algore ever done? Like I thought.”

“Tarnished the names’ by pointing out they are not climatologists?



Um. No. More like three (non-climatological) scientists and thirty thousand morons like yourself who believe them.

Carrie Prejean's Latex Sawzall Attachment

“Branch McCracken” worst porn name ever


Idiots – may their dreams be haunted angry polar bears the rest of the their miserible lives.

Turning a dream into an unhaunted angry polar bear is bad enough. Haunting them just makes them angrier.


received a full scholarship to Vanderbilt University and set a field goal percentage record in 1958 (.478)

This just caught my eye.

.478? Was a record?

Hell, I hit that percentage drunk most games, and I played JV ball in high school!


“, but of course they too still have science credentials whether you like it or not libs”


Garry Allyn DeManty

[[[“Tarnished the names’ by pointing out they are not climatologists?]]]

They arent “climate-ologists” in the sense that they refuse to associate with fraudsters and hucksters, so what? they’re REAL climate scientists and know what’s up with the weather. sorry, libs, lose again!


“They arent “climate-ologists” in the sense that they refuse to associate with fraudsters and hucksters, so what? they’re REAL climate scientists and know what’s up with the weather. sorry, libs, lose again!'”

They don’t study climate , so why do you associate with these Frauds and Hucksters?

Garry Allyn DeManty

[[[They don’t study climate ]]]

They do! they just don’t have the label because they aren’t part of the “liberal elite”


Shorter Garry

“Only liberals believe that studying something all your life would make you a reputable soucce”

Garry Allyn DeManty

[[[“Only liberals believe that studying something all your life would make you a reputable soucce”]]]

“studying something” = “being influenced by radical leftism”


“They do! they just don’t have the label because they aren’t part of the “liberal elite””

That makes no fucking sense, and your lust to pas frauds off as scientists is frightening


You know, if I’ve discovered anything recently, it’s that even a goddamn doctorate doesn’t NECESSARILY keep you from believing some really DUMB SHIT

I work with MDs; trust me, I know the limits of education.


“studying something” = “being influenced by radical leftism”

For example

studying the collected works of Ayn Rand


Idiots – may their dreams be haunted angry polar bears the rest of the their miserible lives.

Angry HORNY polar bears.


[[[They don’t study climate ]]]

They do! they just don’t have the label because they aren’t part of the “liberal elite” didn’t graduate from an accredited university with a degree in climate sciences

Fixed for truthiness





So, Garry, you’re saying that a pediatric dentist has ignored his patients to study climate science (without bothering to, you know, even claim CPE credits) full time, and in greater depth than acknowledged experts?

NO WONDER our healthcare sucks and so many malpractice suits are filed! Doctors can’t practice their….lovin’!


Wow, Garry’s opened my eyes to lots of things! Maybe I should go read a book on architecture and design buildings in my spare time, because, you know, with an IQ like mine, I ought to be able to be an expert in that in no time!

Engineered lumber? Bah! Steel? FEH! Gimme corrugated cardboard, and lots of it!

St. valkyr of science

So I know this guy’s a fake, but still,

MD != PhD
PhD in biology != PhD in climate science

Science is not one big subject. I study physics; don’t bother asking me about the Krebs cycle because the last time I studied bio was in high school. I know that carbon has a specific absorption spectrum, which affects which wavelengths of light it will allow through it. This is definitely testable in a lab, and has been tested many times.

Carbon does not absorb much light in the visible range, but does absorb a sizable chunk in the infrared range–as it happens, this is also a sizable chunk of the range of frequencies emitted by the earth. This is light that is absorbed in the carbon in the atmosphere, thus heating the atmosphere.

This is really basic physics. The absorption spectra of the elements and ions in the atmosphere are not in dispute. Nor is the result of the air absorbing heat in dispute. The atmosphere is heating.


So, Garry, you’re saying that a pediatric dentist has ignored his patients to study climate science

What is with dentists these days? Between this guy and Orly Taitz, you’d think it was the mercury in the fillings or something.


don’t bother asking me about the Krebs cycle

You get the Krebs, you buy and use the funny shampoo, then get the Krebs again and so on.


Maybe I should go read a book on architecture and design buildings in my spare time, because, you know, with an IQ like mine, I ought to be able to be an expert in that in no time!

There’s a lot of Garrys out there who think just this way.

“My brother in law laid these plans out. I just need you to draw it.”

Building safety, fire safety, exiting, accessibility, energy efficiency, structural, not to mention aesthetics, all just a liberal plot.


What is with dentists these days? Between this guy and Orly Taitz, you’d think it was the mercury in the fillings or something.

Anyone audited their Vicodin and Percocet recently?


You get the Krebs, you buy and use the funny shampoo, then get the Krebs again and so on.

Ah, the Maynard strain. Very difficult to get rid of once it’s on your couch.


Reminds me of a number of times when I’ve listened to anti-evolutionists talk about how they had spent “a year” reading and researching evolution and this taught them that it wasn’t true, etc.

And I think to myself, ‘Wow, and to think some people spend their entire fucking life and career studying such things. And you just did a bit of layman’s reading in a year.’

Welcome to Gary Novak’s world.

Here’s proof that soil does not come from rocks. Along the Missouri River a few miles above the Big Bend Dam in South Dakota, there are Cambrian sea snails about a foot (30 cm) or more in diameter (similar to Nautilus). The shoreline is about 300 to 500 ft (100 to 150 m) below the surrounding terrain. If an ancient sea were the source, where did all the surrounding dirt come from.

The answers were created by an earthquake which occurred in the area in February 1983…

…I don’t remember the magnitude of the quake (probably about 5.5), but it split my woodframe house leaving the plaster cracked, and it cracked the concrete basement floor. Claiming that compressed land creates an earthquake, where there is supposedly no fault line, 10,000 years after a glacier is obnoxious.

The soil, of course, fell down from space, part of it while the earth was forming, and presumably some more after a planet exploded where the asteroid belt is. A significant amount also results from volcanic debri.


Building safety, fire safety, exiting, accessibility, energy efficiency, structural, not to mention aesthetics, all just a liberal plot.

“Fire escape”? Can’t they just climb down a rope made of sheets like on the TeeVee?

St. valkyr of science

you’d think it was the mercury in the fillings or something.

Explains what happened to the hatters.


The answers were created by an earthquake which occurred in the area in February 1983…

So all those Tide commercials I watched as a kid….*sob*

Stupid liberals and their corporate polluters…

Carrie Prejean's Latex Sawzall Attachment

I once got a Maynard stain on my couch.

I just flipped the cushion over, and made him bring a towel next time.


Climatologists. Yah. Someone up above mentioned the results of their “web designer / programmer.” Someone can call themselves anything they want. Output is what matters.

Tell me “Garry,” why does the word gullible come to mind just now?


Just for once I’d like to see some climate scientist or evolutionary biologist take up writing books on how all of modern dentistry is a hoax.


You get the Krebs, you buy and use the funny shampoo, then get the Krebs again and so on.

Ah, the Maynard strain. Very difficult to get rid of once it’s on your couch.

I just mention the word “W-O-R-K” when that happens.


Cid, dentistry is theft. Remember?


I keep forgetting I’m not the oldest fart in the room, Pere.


This is why I shouldn’t switch my nym.


Shit, I just read Ask the Pilot over at Salon and now I’s desgning myself an airliner!

The Tragically Flip

This isn’t a god damn election. Back when Einstein proposed relativity, before he published it, the count among scientists was something like this:

Relativity – 1
Newtownian physics – All other scientists

Yet Einstein was right. Fucking conservatives, still trying to parlay appeals to majority as if there is no such thing as empirical reality.

The evidence is what matters shitstain, not your list of engineers and MBAs who signed one of James Inhofe’s stupid lists.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Well, I heard that Malia and Sasha will bang their rings together and turn into the Wonder Twins, then call up Gamera from the depths of the Chesapeake Bay to fight Snowzilla.

Gamera’s not coming out of the Chesapeake, those Maryland bastards ate him.



Gamera’s not coming out of the Chesapeake, those Maryland bastards ate him.

Pikachu! I choose you!


still trying to parlay appeals to majority as if there is no such thing as empirical reality

Same thing with creationism – they think if they can get a certain number of people to believe their bullshit, regardless of what people who know what the hell they’re talking about say, it’ll make it valid science. Even though it’s not.


Can someone show me who’s ‘Dick Hertz’?”

Just watch America’s Funniest Videos -there’s always five or six guys that are “Dick Hertz”.


Gamera’s not coming out of the Chesapeake, those Maryland bastards ate him.

Gamera is really neat

He is full of turtle meat

We all love you, Ga-mer-aaaaaaa!


dentistry is theft. Remember?

Theft, however, is a Republican sacrament.


Theft, however, is a Republican sacrament.

A reading now from the book of the Apostle Sutton.


And if that doesn’t work, Chelsea Clinton has Mothra on speed dial.

She got really close to those twins, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.


Using the commutative principle, Dentistry is a Republican Sacrament.


Hey, WP, can I fucking comment now?


Here’s proof that soil does not come from rocks.

Even if all he says were true, rocks from space and volcanoes are still rocks.


If soil came from rocks, WHY ARE THERE STILL ROCKS??

There! I’ve run rings around you logically.


By your standard, Bigfoot should be blamed for every car accident in Washington state because ONE person claimed to see him shortly before he drove off the road drunk.

Goddamnit, they said if I stayed clean those records would be sealed!


Even if all he says were true, rocks from space and volcanoes are still rocks.

Soil is not just ground up rock. Soil is characterized as having interacted with an environment, and by most definitions of soil, with a living environment.

Soil differs from its parent rock due to interactions between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and the biosphere.

Not only is there no need whatsoever to ignore all the fucking rocks lying around and the entire crust of the Earth and look to shit falling from space, fallen space rock would still have to go through all these processes to form.

Weirdo dumbass’ “explanation” based on him not understanding earthquakes and making stupid questions to himself about how an ancient sea could possibly lead to dirt in no way answers any important question.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Why, “Garry,” do you keep on going to people even dumber than yourself for your information? Perhaps you are st00pider™ than them after all.


NOOOOOOOOOOO AIYEEEEEEEE Beware Teh Paradox of Teh StØØpids™©

Morans all the way down.


There! I’ve run rings around you logically.

The circular trail of zombie disjecta membra was my first clue.


If soil came from rocks, WHY ARE THERE STILL ROCKS??



DENTIST, n. A prestidigitator who, putting metal into your mouth, pulls coins out of your pocket.

Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary.


It really pisses me off when climate is equated to weather.


Dirt is actually angel poop.

Says so in the Bible.

That’s why when you’re little your parents tell you not to eat it.


Now where’s my fucking check, Regnery?


Oi, as a genuine scientist (though admittedly not in this field (MS in biology)) this debate is painful.

There was no Climategate. Period. They hacked huge amounts of records and found diddly squat. When they realized they had diddly squat they found things out of context that sounded bad and then made them public and got a bunch of morons riled up. They didn’t find fraud, they found a few emails talking about “tricks” and one about not using a data set since it wasn’t usable.

From this they claimed fraud. No, morons, science doesn’t work like that. The thing about science is that it fucks up a lot. How many samples do you think we end up having to throw out, how many times we have to do a PCR run to get something we can put in a figure because it’s too faint or unreadable, or poorly aligned? How many datasets do we collect where the interesting differences fail to show up or where the equipment is miscalibrated so half the set is garbage or Steve forgot to backup June so it got lost in the last computer crash?

Pretty much always. We have to run sets over and over just to get an antibody that’ll bind to our reagent or to get a decent looking visualization or any one of a hundred other things because of small errors, random crap, or shit just not working right. And it doesn’t get easier with databases. The same shit can show up including large sets of data with nothing of worth inside of them. We “throw it away” all the time, because we can’t use it. The scientists in question got a dataset from an ancillary source they couldn’t use, so instead of wasting their computer space on it (because space is finite and crucial for large database manipulation) they deleted it knowing that if it turned out to be useful, the ancillary source had a copy of their own while they tried again from there.

And the “tricks”. Heads up to non-scientists but we talk about tricks all the time. They’re the name we call techniques, methodologies, “cheats” and whatnot for getting the equipment to do what we want. Working off a computer program designed for phylogenetics, but want to use it to look for indel frequency? You “use a trick”. Program designed for a general task, but have a lab-wide specific use for it, some bright former student as the “list of tricks” for getting what you want.

That’s all they are. We use “tricks” to get something we have in the lab cleaned up for the formal picture in the paper we submit. But they aren’t deceitful tactics, because science isn’t authoritative, it’s a rugby scrum. If we used bad data or our graphs are openly manipulated and unverifiable, then we will be found out, disgraced, and our works torn to shreds by other scientists. See the “vaccines cause autism” guy. He genuinely manipulated his data. Immediately, other respectable scientists started pointing out that what he found was not being repeatable by his experiment and investigated his original datasets and found out, hey, he committed real fraud.

And debunking something in science is as lauded as discovering something.

That’s another big thing. If someone found evidence, real scientific evidence that global warming was a myth, that a secret cabal of Al Gore’s fat cells are really at fault, or whatever, that scientist wouldn’t just be loved by Exxon, they’d be loved by the scientific community at large. They’d be swimming in nobel prizes and would instantly have their picks of schools to teach from. Because science wants to know the truth and they care more about what is than anything else.

They are not some monolithic organization, one does not go to science and they tell you what to research and work on and then tells you what they are looking for. It is impossible to run a conspiracy in science because there is more in it to debunk or find something new about a long-held theory than it is to prop up the old guards. We all want to find the “big something” and confirming what we already knew doesn’t fulfill that as often though it can aid others in a greater understanding of an existing big something.

But no, the troll is a science-illiterate who assumes that scientists are like clergymen, speaking the standard gospel of science and who will be punished for deviating from that line, whereas scientists are the exact opposite.

Sorry for the long post, but scientific illiteracy bothers me and the “Climategate” story was some of the dumbest failures of journalism even at the time, which is impressive considering that we were just exiting out of O’Keefe’s openly fictional account of ACORN at the same time.

Open note to journalists, I know you feel bad for wingnuts being wrong all the time, STOP TRYING TO GIVE THEM FREE BASE HITS. I know you want to give them a win, I know you want to “make it fair”, but “allowing them to find something” without them actually finding something just makes them worse and less likely to base their stuff on reality and thus get closer to an actual honest win.


Out of curiosity I googled a few of the names – namely Vijaya S. Desai, MD and Cecil F. Desai. I never realized that part of Pediatrician training involves an intensive in Climatology


Restaurant stories in the Ithaca Times are generally done with the full knowledge of the establishment’s owners. The writer interviews staff members and is presented with a meal for two as a courtesy of the restaurant.

Oh, lizard shit! They can’t even extort a decent bribe, like a bottle of wine?

At this one horrible rag I worked for, they made us reporters do restaurant reviews. We were forbidden to say anything critical, on the perfectly sensible grounds that none of us knew anything about food. So we often found ourselves writing stuff like “the crackers were neatly wrapped.” But even that piece of used TP knew better than to have us identify us to the owners and try to get out of paying for food.

This one fairly prominent columnist for a major metro paper had a reputation, years ago, for falsely claiming he was a restaurant critic for a regional glossy to try to get out of paying. I’m not naming him because I don’t know whether this is true. But I do know that the mag was led to include this line in its restaurant reviews: “Restaurateurs are instructed to treat as frauds anyone identifying themselves as critics for Regional Glossy Magazine.”

I just wonder how badly this poor guy needs the free food?


Yeah, the “if we have majority opinion or a lot of believers, we win” thing is just weird. I suppose it’s interesting from an evangelical perspective, since evangelism has always seemed to work as basically Jesus as an interchangable pyramid scheme device (hence evangelical community susceptibility to more generic regular pyramid schemes). They assume thus, in a world surrounded and based on the wisdom of pyramid schemes that all the world works like a pyramid scheme.

If enough people believe evolution didn’t happen, biologists everywhere will have to abandon it and thus use something else, like Jesus to do any experiment. Same with climate change. Oh, if enough people believe it, then it doesn’t matter that scientists keep coming up with correlations that add up to “we’re fucked”.

And it shows in how they view science. Oh, it must work like us where they just believe it without evidence to make it appear for Satan and they will punish and harrass anyone who disagrees wholesale. It is wholly beyond their understanding that everything works by data, experiment, and peer review, so it’s not some mob voice voting “yes, I believe in it”, but 1000s of hours of man-hours spent collecting 1000s of reams of datasets that collectively all together keep coming back to a picture of we’re fucked to the point that a new dataset would have to come up with some interesting shit to explain it away.

There’s a big ass reason that Einstonian physics was an addition to Newtonian rather than a full dismissal. Newtonian physics work…on Earth for medium ranged bodies, neither too big nor too small. That ends up needing to be taken into account by any new theory and so Einstonian physics did so calculating also why it wasn’t working for very small and for very large.

Similarly, any new proof for climate change not being real would have to explain 1000s upon 1000s of datasets all coming to the one conclusion of general fuckeditude and be able to incorporate it into the theory of not being fuckeditude. Meanwhile various groups try and pinpoint the exact shape, timescale, and impact level of fuckeditude and disagreeing wildly, because that’s how science works.

But to them, the science council is just making it up and using their raw numbers of scientists to hide behind and so they’ll have to win by finding enough random people to believe differently.

It doesn’t matter if it’s one guy who “believes it”. If they are right, the science will show it and as the data keeps confirming it, it will grow to become more and more of a staple.

But again, beyond their worldview and why evangelical christianity may be one of the most toxic poisons to our democracy (they believe the world can change by getting large numbers of people to believe crazy shit and they vote).


Restaurant stories in the Ithaca Times

How can people work in kitchens as hot as this food they bring me?


My yard has the premium pre-rocked soil


Bitter Scribe-

Yeah, I thought the point of being a restaurant critic was that you got the same service as “anyone” by going in anonymously and then writing about your experiences. Now, how real that barrier is can vary as becoming important can lead a smart restaurant to start recognizing certain critics by sight or a small town may lead all restaurant owners to know the writers because of the insularity of the town.

I mean, ideally the writers get the meal comped by the paper, though these days I imagine they just tell the writer to call it a business expense on their taxes. But actually telling the restaurant owner ahead of time or interviewing staff? Yeah, that’s messed up.


Yeah, the “if we have majority opinion or a lot of believers, we win” thing is just weird.

Especially for evangelical Christians, as they aren’t even the majority of Christians.


zombie disjecta membra

Ribbed! For extra pleasure.


Especially for evangelical Christians, as they aren’t even the majority of Christians.

They are 100% of the people they consider christians.


Especially for evangelical Christians, as they aren’t even the majority of Christians.

True, that’s rather the stated magical spell, but it gets filtered through the workings of the “persecuted majority” so that they need to be small or perceived as small, but still work their magics and being deserving of being treated like their delusions trump reality by virtue of their numbers and they try and battle with “evil” by tallying up the numbers on “their side” versus those on the “other side” and declaring themselves winners by virtue of having “enough”.

In short, their incurably insane and having 20% of our populace under their thrall isn’t helping.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Call 9-1-1 ‘cos Cerberus is on fire!

But again, beyond their worldview and why evangelical christianity may be one of the most toxic poisons to our democracy (they believe the world can change by getting large numbers of people to believe crazy shit and they vote).

Even worse, these are people who are enthralled by an eschatological fantasy which involves the majority of the world’s population to be immolated. Since they think their rescue from the planet is imminent, there’s actually a disincentive to seek sustainability and sanity.


In SadlyNo you’ll never hear Marvin say “Where’s the Kaboom? There should be an earth shattering Kaboom!”

Kabooms ALWAYS follow wingnuts.


‘Bet you weren’t expecting this:

(AP) JERUSALEM — Palestinian protesters have added a colorful twist to demonstrations against Israel’s separation barrier, painting themselves blue and posing as characters from the hit film “Avatar.”

The demonstrators also donned long hair and loincloths Friday for the weekly protest against the barrier near the village of Bilin.

They equated their struggle to the intergalactic one portrayed in the film.


I was wearing sandals in December, ergo global warming is real.


Catching up on the thread now…

OISM! hahahaha. I read about this nonsense on Pharyngula. Classic!


But– but– who said soil comes from rocks? Not me. I thought soil came from, like decomposed vegetation and stuff. Sand comes from rocks, tho I think its like, worn off, rather than created by “compression”. Compression makes OIL. Everyone knows that.


–oh and Diamonds. Compression also makes DIAMONDS. That’s why raw oil is often full of diamonds. They clog up the pipes and valves, too.


Wingnuts think of scientists as being like “the Professor” on Gilligan’s Island. He’s all smart ‘n stuff, so he knows how to build a radio from a coconut, and he also knows about obscure South Pacific Island headhunting tribes, and also how to identify poisonous plants and animals. He’s the stereotypical “scientist”: he must know all there is to know about meteorology, astrophysics, paleontology, microbiology, you name it. It’s all “science”.


who said soil comes from rocks? Not me. I thought soil came from, like decomposed vegetation and stuff

Crazy Sufferer of “Mental Pain” blog guy said soil came from rocks which fell from space.

But rocks are indeed part of the “stuff” which makes up soil. Decayed vegetation is among the other stuff.

soil – (i) The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the Earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants. (ii) The unconsolidated mineral or organic matter on the surface of the Earth that has been subjected to and shows effects of genetic and environmental factors of: climate (including water and temperature effects), and macro- and microorganisms, conditioned by relief, acting on parent material over a period of time. A product-soil differs from the material from which it is derived in many physical, chemical, biological, and morphological properties and characteristics.


All soil ultimately forms from rocks or their weathering products. Geologists classify rocks according to their origins. General rock types can weather to give soils with distinctive properties.

H/T to the National Resources Conservation Service of the USDA, and the Soil Science Society of America, and by the letter “S”.

I mean, that is, if you want a buncha damn longhair faggot scientist big word types telling you what soil is, instead a listnin’ to a damn good patriotic skeptic American who writes stuff on the internet about dirt falling from space ’cause a he thinks an earthquake seems sorta unnatural.


Wingnuts think of scientists as being like “the Professor” on Gilligan’s Island. He’s all smart ‘n stuff, so he knows how to build a radio from a coconut, and he also knows about obscure South Pacific Island headhunting tribes, and also how to identify poisonous plants and animals. He’s the stereotypical “scientist”: he must know all there is to know about meteorology, astrophysics, paleontology, microbiology, you name it. It’s all “science”.

A moderately well read general contractor would probably seem like a powerful wizard to the average 10th century European.


El Cid: Like I said, compression! You must have compression, or nothing else makes sense.


But again, beyond their worldview and why evangelical christianity may be one of the most toxic poisons to our democracy (they believe the world can change by getting large numbers of people to believe crazy shit and they vote).

This one creationist (I don’t feel like looking him up) keeps quoting Gandhi: “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.”

It’s instructive that they see the scientific community as enemies to be defeated, rather than potential colleagues to be persuaded.


PS: My grandfather had a friend who attributed everything to “the PRESSURE!”

He usually seemed to be talking about barometric pressure and how weather affects mood and mood affects driving or eating or whatever, but it became a Family Joke to blame “The Pressure” for everything ourselves:

Bad grades at school” “it was the PRESSURE!”
Overslept” Pressure!
Fight with a friend: Pressure! and so on.


Dear lord in heaven, that Garry is a stupid fellow.


That’s why raw oil is often full of diamonds. They clog up the pipes and valves, too.
But they can be filtered out and installed on drill-bits for drilling for MORE OIL. It’s all part of God’s plan, see.


For Cerberus in particular, but not exclusively, I have some thing to say about that “fraud” business. You might get confronted with this bit (though it is unlikely as they rarely bother to actually read the details. In any case, it might be handy to say that you know something about it.

There was one email (perhaps a series, whatever) that referred to using someone’s “trick” to “eliminate the colder temps” or some such. That was seized on by the loons as PROOF POSITIVE that they were big honking frauds. To be honest, if I didn’t already know what they were talking about, and hadn’t actually worked with large data sets gathered from telemtry of uncertain accuracy and reliability, I too would suspect fraud.

I’m not a lowly scientist (I don’t consider myself a “computer scientist, in spite of a computer science decree) but I did work for a bunch of scientists sometime way way back in the previous century. The hydrologists and chemists and agronomists where I worked (USDA Ag. Research Svcs.) had fucking TONS of data from their own rain gauges, NWS data, stream gauges, well levels, chemical marker sensors, and so on and so forth. From tens or hundreds of thousands of instruments over a large geographical area (the U.S.) . Spanning many years. Like I said, a shitload.

There are ways to know, fer pretty damn sure, when data are suspect. Sensors break, go out of calibration, these things hiccup occasionally and suffer random glitches. Sometimes it’s a matter of operating outside of the design range. And so on and so forth. To account for those facts, we used “tricks.” Merely finding which data are suspect employs some tricks. It is sometimes possible to conform certain data; having one sensor in a series of three constantly off by X is an almost trivial example. For less trivial examples, we used “tricks.”

Point of this is, when the charge “they admitted it!!!ONE1!!” is made, please know that your absolutely correct to say, “no they did not. You fucking retard.”


This may be the first time USDA got mentioned by two commenters nin completely separate contexts in one thread. I didn’t see El Cid’s comment until after I pubklished mine so I apologize for not including soil scientists among the scientists I worked for.


And yes, the gin has already been flowing.


This may be the first time USDA got mentioned by two commenters nin completely separate contexts in one thread.

All part of the USDA – ACORN plan.


As for Garry’s insisting 30 THOUSAND ‘real’ scientists deny global warming; I think the best response is “At least ONE MILLION real scientists corroborate that Global Warming/Climate change is real.

So: It’s a Million against 30,000. The biggest numbers win.


computer scientist

you’d be a computer scientist if you found out new things about computing. as it is you’re probably an engineer, like me

scientists find out new things about the universe

engineers design new devices and systems

technicians are trained to operate complicated devices and systems

and wingnuts just make shit up


This one creationist (I don’t feel like looking him up) keeps quoting Gandhi: “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.”

It’s instructive that they see the scientific community as enemies to be defeated, rather than potential colleagues to be persuaded.

I have another Gandhi quote he might like: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.”


“mr gandhi, what do you think of western civilization?”

“i think it would be a very good idea”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“At least ONE MILLION real scientists corroborate that Global Warming/Climate change is real.

Well, those “scientists” are all in on the scam. They are part of a socialist cabal that is trying to lower the standard of living for U.S. residents, and reducing the population of the world for some nebulous, nefarious reason.

Now, REAL scientists would looking into what the queers are doing to the soil.


There are ways to know, fer pretty damn sure, when data are suspect. Sensors break, go out of calibration, these things hiccup occasionally and suffer random glitches. Sometimes it’s a matter of operating outside of the design range. And so on and so forth. To account for those facts, we used “tricks.” Merely finding which data are suspect employs some tricks. It is sometimes possible to conform certain data; having one sensor in a series of three constantly off by X is an almost trivial example. For less trivial examples, we used “tricks.”

(1) Data-mining is a vital part of your national security, sez the FBI and TSA.
(2) According to the Great Gazoogle, data-mining algorithms use “tricks” all the time.
(3) But the word ‘trick’ implies fraudulence.

=> You’re all doomed and the t3rr0rists have won!!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

(3) But the word ‘trick’ implies fraudulence.

Or prostitution


Snow anywhere in any amount at any time completely disproves global warming.

Because, because just shut up that’s why.


instead of “trick” just use the old standby “heuristic”. the wingnuts would fall asleep before the second syllable

seriously, german engineers are famous for speaking in the most impenetrable jargon, while american engineers use colloquial descriptions that are easy to understand. on the other hand, idiots don’t mess with the german engineers cuz they can’t unnerstands the fancy talk


Now, REAL scientists would looking into what the queers are doing to the soil.

We faggotzez generally do like our sex dirty.


<i(3) But the word ‘trick’ implies fraudulence.

Or prostitution

O Pinochle


as it is you’re probably an engineer, like me

Yes, but not like you. I, for one, would NEVER refer to the standard units you use. The RCH, for example.


Everybody and his aged grandmother uses the word “trick” to mean a shorter, easier way to get the right answer. If you google “math tricks,” the results won’t tell you how to convince your teacher to give you a grant for getting the answers wrong.


as it is you’re probably an engineer, like me

Yes, but not like you.

Oooh. A paradox.

A paradox, a paradox, a most ingenious paradox… [/G&S]


For some reason dentists seem to be prone to crank views. Lots of the creationist “scientists” that signed *their* petition were dentists, along with these for the denialists. Could be the same dentists, who knows. Why I personally know a dentist who is a denialist – the only dentist in my social circle. That’s 100% of the dentists scientists! Global warming is a hoax!

I am afraid to ask her about evolution.


For some reason dentists seem to be prone to crank views.

I imagine they spend a lot of time daydreaming to keep from addressing the ugly truth of how they spend their days.


Teeth are irreducibly complex.


On that note, do we have any stats on creationism, birtherism, and denialism among proctologists?


Re: the restaurant critic issue: The anonymity of reviewers is not a given. Up till the 70s or so almost no one did anonymous reviews; they all shook down the restaurant for the meal, at least. It’s *wonderful* that folks are outraged by reviewers who phone ahead and do not pay for their meals.


Honestly, I don’t want to have any idea what goes on in a proctologists head. Although probably nobody sets out to be a proctologist, it’s the kind of thing that just happens to you, I’m guessing.


would NEVER refer to the standard units you use. The RCH

??? but how could you measure a metric fuckload, then?

The Tragically Flip


Great comment. What I keep coming back to is that the wingnuts already believed very strongly in a global conspiracy of research-grant-whoring scientists who had concocted anthropogenic global warming as a mere tool to secure government cheese long before the CRU emails. “Hide the decline” just validated their pre-existing completely unfounded beliefs.

That they thought this idea was not-crazy is itself crazy and speaks to the deep cynicism of conservatives – they really think that everyone else just views government as a pinata to keep beating for candy the way they do with the military industrial complex patronage machine. It doesn’t occur to them that scientists got into science because they’re really interested in their research, and most of them don’t actually want to spend their career making up fake results just to secure more grants. If they were those kinds of assholes, they’d be movement conservatives, investment bankers or marketing cigarettes to children.


Although probably nobody sets out to be a proctologist, it’s the kind of thing that just happens to you, I’m guessing.

“Honest, office: I woke up and my hand had somehow got in there…”


“Algore” is vintage Limbaugh. If you’re ever in a thrift store in the south, look for a copy of The Way Things Ought to Be and flip around. You’ll be amazed at Rush’s longstanding obsession with the former Vice President.


I are ashamed that Oregon, my adopted home, iz also home to those nutbags. I are also a bit pissed that they have Oregon in their name. I just got here a few years ago and they are negatively impacting my civic pride. Mebbee I’ll start a campaign to move to them Idaho (or You da ho or whatever it is) where they would be a better fit.


Rush’s longstanding obsession with the former Vice President.

How fortuitous you should mention that on a Friday evening! (This IS Friday, innit? I get confused…) Perfect opportunity to comment thusly on Rush’s obsession with Al.


I love how the denialists are throwing around algore algore algore. Al Gore’s theory. Al Gore’s global warming. Like he invented it or something, spun it all out of his entrails. If these idjits are ever forced to admit that there IS global warming they’ll no doubt try to blame it on poor Al.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

instead of “trick” just use the old standby “heuristic”.

The wingnuts would be even more enraged by this, because “heuristic” sounds like a portmanteau-word combining “hubris” and “hedonistic”, which exactly describes how they view the “Global Elite”.


Dentists seem to be prone to crank views… well maybe that’s why they off themselves? Suicide among white male American dentists is higher than average but not as high as among white male American doctors. proctologists.
So, it makes a difference into which hole one sticks one’s hand all day?


just use the old standby “heuristic”

A most timely suggestion!


&#9835 ;I got rithm! ♬ I got rithm.

Microprocessor-Stockpile the Extroverted Shadow bat

You gotta wonder — I would, but I’m pressed for time — how these fuckwits get into this state of vehement denial of anything they can’t solve by shooting it. Global warming requires a change of lifestyle, mindset, and relationship with the world. That’s kind of way the fuck too much for these folks. So they just deny it. The president is a coon. They can’t handle it, so they deny he’s an American. The economy is in the shitter and tax cuts don’t work. They go full metal underpants gnome.

Iran? Not so much. All they need is an EMP from Israel and problem solved.



I got your “too short” right here.


So, it makes a difference into which hole one sticks one’s hand all day?

Heh. I know one proctologist joke.

What’s a sigmoidoscope?

An 18 inch long tube with an asshole at both ends.

…so it’s a pre-fiber-optic joke, but the old ones are the best.


Not that a climate dhange denying freeloading restaurant reviewer would actually care, but actual rugged free market entrepreneurs- from France!- really care about climate change and its effects on actual wine:

“But Michel Chapoutier, a celebrated Hermitage producer in the northern Rhone, believes his wines’ increased popularity has come at a price.

“I’m nervous about the future,” Chapoutier says. “Yes, we have more and more good vintages now, but we have to choose between vegetal wines or ones that taste like jam.”

That’s vegetal, as in good enough for juice or maybe Wild Irish.

But I guess BC can just replace Oregon for the land of kind grape:

“Harry Peterson-Nedry, founder of the Chehalem winery in Newberg, Oregon, keeps records of degree days — a measure of the amount of heat received during the course of a year. His charts show that heat accumulation in McMinnville, in the heart of Oregon’s wine country, has been above the 1971-2000 average of 2,100 degree days every year since 2001. In 2003, the total reached 2,555, 22 percent over the norm.

“The trend is definitely up,” says Peterson-Nedry, 57. “This is just the beginning.”

Just because your blessed terroir has produced wine fit for the Pope in Rome (or Avignon, whatevs) for 1000 years doesn’t mean we can’t fuck it up.

We broke the planet. Brawndo is what we harvest.

It’s the electrolytes, yo.


Xexky Gilchrist said

Where the fuck have you been? Another victim of the spam bib?

Anyway, from my first life as a med student:

Proctologist’s secretary comes running out of the building after him. “Dr. Bumhole! You have to sign these papers TODAY!” He pulls out a proctoscope from his breast pocket and says, “Aw shit. That asshole must have kept my pen.”

Veal, tip, etc.


From stryx’ link:

Eric Hamacher came to Oregon […]

And made some fan fucking tastic wines. The local Pinot Noir – most of which, imho, are to die for, is in trouble and folks around here know it. I don’t want to hafta move to Canuckifuckistan!


That’s over THIRTY THOUSAND upstanding American scientists who think Algore’s global warming is a fraudulent sham, unlike the fraudsters and hucksters involved in ClimateGate you keep quoting from.

Albert Einstein was once told that 100 physicists had signed a statement saying his theory of relativity was pseudoscience. His reaction was “If it were true, all it would take is one.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Global warming requires a change of lifestyle, mindset, and relationship with the world. That’s kind of way the fuck too much for these folks.

To paraphrase Gene Wolfe, they’re sitting at home, waiting for the money to run out.


Deltoid’s Tim Lambert debates anti-global-warming fruitcake non-scientist Lord Monckton, and plays audio of someone reading the words of a scientist whom Monckton likes to quote explaining how he keeps getting her science (and gender) wrong.

In addition, someone follows the money:

NEVER mind the science, follow the money. It is perhaps not well known that celebrated climate sceptic Ian Plimer is on several mining company boards – which earned him more than $400,000 over the past two years – and has mining shares and options worth hundreds of thousands of dollars more.

Plimer, 63, once described by opposition leader Tony Abbott as a ”highly credible scientist”, is author of the sceptical tome Heaven and Earth.

Now into its ninth reprint, the book has sold 40,000 copies here and more overseas since it was published last year, and catapulted Plimer on to the world stage.

At December’s Copenhagen climate change summit, Plimer was one of the key speakers at a well-publicised fringe event for sceptics, telling his audience: ”They’ve got us outnumbered, but we’ve got them outgunned, and that’s with the truth.”


Did those 30,000 scientists explain how increased amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases could do anything other than slow the rate of release of infrared longwave IR photons into space?

Did they come up with any new alternate method by which the Earth releases solar-absorbed energy back into space as heat?


I, for one, would NEVER refer to the standard units you use.

As any fule kno, the RCH is also an important unit in the printing industry. Also. Or it used to be.

What’s a sigmoidoscope?
An 18 inch long tube with an asshole at both ends.



1. Any Gene Wolfe reference gets +1.

2. Mea fucking culpa already. I got some elf this week (Leg of lamb, get it, huh? get it? I kill myself). Deboned it, draped with a mustard & herb coating, roasted to perfection. The ample leftovers went into a _real_ shepherd’s pie the other night. Dayum, that was good.

The bones I roasted to a medium dark brown along with some onion and carrot, then simmered that lot in water together with celery and bay leaf for quite a while. Okay, I fell asleep and it simmered overnight. Perfect!

The amazingly delicious broth, now strained and degreased, is simmering with diced carrot, finely diced turnips and tomato, and a handful of barley. The last remains of the lamb meat , and some chopped parsley, will go into the pot shortly.

We shall start with a salad of roasted beets, supremes of blood orange, crumbled goat cheese and finely sliced red onion dressed with a sherry wine vinegar vinaigrette. Oh, yes, it will be liberally adorned with caramelized pecans.

The soup will be the main course. And – big fucking surprise – an Oregon Pinot Noir.

Homemade crusty all along.

Quick “popover in a frying pan” with apricot jam to finish.

Well it IS Friday and we MUST maintain this blog’s food and wine cred, yes?


Did they come up with any new alternate method by which the Earth releases solar-absorbed energy back into space as heat?

Come ON. Most of these people are the same ones who say Obama is stupid & can’t speak without a teleprompter and Bush is a liberal. Facts mean nothing to these people. Physics? A mere bagatelle.


er, crusty _bread_. I blame the gin.


Where the fuck have you been? Another victim of the spam bib?

Gladly, no – I just got busy at work, and it’s probably about to happen again, sigh.


I never thought I’d see those words arranged that way on this blog – at least not by a regular! Pardon.


er, crusty _bread_. I blame the gin.

Whew, I was worried.


Oh crap this guy replies to emails:

Can you appreciate that people get skeptical when there’s less snow than normal and global-warming advocates attribute it to global warming, but when there’s more snow than usual, they claim that’s due to global warming, too? Do you consider all global warming harmful? There have been large variations in the earth’s climate over the eons. Does it just so happen that the current climate is the ideal one, so that any warming or cooling would necessarily be undesirable?


Warmer air does hold more moisture than colder air. Whether the warmer air is statisticallty unusual or due to global warming, is the question. For the air to hold and then release all the moisture that came out as 2 feet of snow, it indeed needed to be a relatively warm air mass meeting a cold air mass. It sounds really stupid to say that the surface air temp at my house was colder than normal, so the air mass that snowed out must have been colder than normal too. If the clouds that snowed out were colder than normal they would hold less moisture than normal and the amount of snow would have been less than normal as well.


Many of us are also skeptical because we believe that the scientists advocating global warming are not objective and disinterested, as the CRU and IPCC scandals indicate. They benefit from grants available to those who advance global warming theories. In Al Gore’s case, he has made millions with various ‘green’ initiatives.


Now, how real that barrier is can vary as becoming important can lead a smart restaurant to start recognizing certain critics by sight or a small town may lead all restaurant owners to know the writers because of the insularity of the town.

Ithaca’s a fairly small town, to be sure, so it’s possible that the only way to be restaurant critic is to do so openly, but to dsguise when you actually review the place. Even if he was “just” a reporter with the local paper, he’d likely be known and get good service.

But, he likely has to review restaurants in the surrouding towns in the area (they drive long distances for good meals in Central New York state, believe me) so I wonder how…ethical…he is about those.

Oh, who am I kidding? He’s REPUBLICAN!


Many of us are also skeptical because we believe that the scientists advocating global warming are not objective and disinterested, as the CRU and IPCC scandals indicate. They benefit from grants available to those who advance global warming theories. In Al Gore’s case, he has made millions with various ‘green’ initiatives.

How does he feel about Fred “On The Exxon Payroll” Seitz leading HIS side?


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