Shorter Charles Krauthammer
Posted on February 12th, 2010 by Brad
- Obama just handed over the moon to the Soviets because he wants to spend money on clean energy. What. A. Homo.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
(Am I the only one who wouldn’t mind seeing Krauthammer permanently relocated to the moon?)
And China. They got Mars. Don’t forget that part.
Staying in the boat…
Ever get the feeling that if Obama invaded Iran, purged all of the brown people and gays, resigned his presidency, nuked North Korea, and found Bin Laden and publicly executed him on the White House lawn, these guys would still be mad at him for not cutting his fingernails correctly?
Yes, tsam, they would. They would hate him even if he pulled off his mask and revealed Richard fucking Milhouse Nixon had been behind it the entire time. Because they’re fucking haters.
I don’t even know what the fuck this means. Do I stay in the boat and leave myself to wonder, or soil my magnificent mind with the writings of Krauthammer?
“Russia will have a monopoly on rides into space.” -CK
Krauthheimer has a monopoly on batshitcrazy. – Esteev
(Oh and Chuck, if you’re reading this, how about you put that giant pus…err intellect to work and figure out how to create some jobs, yo.)
“Because they’re fucking haters”
Didn’t nobody teach em to hate the game, not the playa? Whatsa matter wit dese fools?
You just canNOT make these bozos happy. We’re not ceding the damn moon, we’re giving the transport jobs to private business. In other words, exactly what a damn Republican would want.
And yes, no matter what he did, there would be a problem with that schvartzer President.
Somewhere is stairwell is missing its Krauthammer.
Wait. What? I…er…the..and…ummmm…
I am so confused. This has got to be an early April Fool’s joke or something. I mean can anyone imagine Kraphammer typing out the following:
OMFG! U can’t privatize dat! Private Enterprise (heh) can’t possibly do what the gummint does so well!
Not only that, but:
Krauthammer? What did they put in your morning cup of
the blood of orphanscoffee?“(Oh and Chuck, if you’re reading this, how about you put that giant pus…err intellect to work and figure out how to create some jobs, yo.)”
Um, hello…ever heard of a TAX CUT, ya goofy commie?
FYWP! I got outta the boat to bring back the mangos and you gobble ’em up without sharing.
Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™
Never get mangoes from a jerk named “AnythingHammer”.
I love this type of article. It proves that everything a conservative argues about how health care (for instance) cannot be handled by the gov’t because, you know, the government can’t do anything right.
“It would be swell for private companies to take over launching astronauts. But they cannot do it. It’s too expensive. It’s too experimental. And the safety standards for getting people up and down reliably are just unreachably high.” – Krauthammer
So the government can safely launch people into space but cannot provide adequate, affordable health care. Why? Ohh, because there no profit margin in moonwalking on the moon.
Krauthammer takes the neocon philosophy intergalactic: Break it, THEN buy it.
Russia will have a monopoly on rides into space.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaa…you know, that might be because, you know, a) they need the money to fly and b) we have a bunch-o-privatized space shots already in the works.
I thought that’s what them conservashits were all about: free enterprise, the free market, efficiencies, that sort of thing.
I’m as upset as any man my age who watched men walk on the moon and thought about how we could fly off to space and yes, I owned a pair of Spock ears and how nice it would be to take a stroll down the path of worldwide peace and cooperation thru a Federation of space-faring societies and wouldn’t it be lovely to have all that: no more poverty, disease, hunger, but even I’m not stupid enough to believe that Russia is going to go places we won’t be able to get to first, once we get past this short time financial crisis.
Privatizing space travel seems like a very good idea. That way, safety gets replaced with profit for the primary mission goal. Safety is for fgts anyway. I don’t know why PoutHammer is getting all butthurt about that.
This reminds me of all those pukalicious repubs squealing about reading Abdumutallab his rights and then getting all kinds of intelligence out of him without waterboarding him.
Didnt nobody tell em to hate da game, not da playa? Whatsup wit dees fools?
Esteev, I was going to copy and paste your comment (in full, with links back) but Krauthammer doesn’t accept comments!
I’ll email it instead.
actor, “for some reason” I’m not surprised Krauthammer doesn’t accept comments.
Oh. Comments opened up. I’ll post it now.
Never get mangoes from a jerk named “AnythingHammer”.
Even Sledge Hammer!?
One of the mangos that WP ate, so sweet so cold, was the Esteev’s quote. The other was Chuckles raging against the military-industrial machine. Not kidding.
Chuckles has short term memory loss. All we have to do is wait for the next Republican President, then we’ll be able to do anything we want without regard to cost. Cost is only a problem when we have a Democratic President.
Once again the gLibertarian “Cool Toys” principle – as long as the government is providing Cool Toys (tanks, bombers, jets, missiles, rockets etc.) it’s hunky-dory and anyone who wants to cut off said supply to technofetishist wank-fodder is a nasty icky Big Government Liberal who’d rather help welfare queens and lazy orphans.
I was waiting impatiently for some conservative dolt to start in on the space program decision and whoop, there it is. This is a particularly golden example of their towering hypocrisy, because the administration is planning to promote private companies that are developing spacecraft — in other words, privatization of space exploration, instead of massive, government-run monolithic programs. Gee, competition, free market, private enterprise — that should get them fapping like crazy, right? Oh, no! The Chineeezzee is gonna nuke us from the MOOOOONNN!
This goes back to the early 60s, way back in the Goldwater era even Phillys Schlafly wrote a book about how the Russians were going to attack us from space stations, oh, noes.
Bush proposed the return to the moon program as an unfunded mandate. There wasn’t enough in the budget to build the rockets. If the Chinese get to the moon first, it’s because of BUSH, not Obama.
Never get mangoes from a jerk named “AnythingHammer”.
Even Sledge Hammer!?
No, but I’ll take the melons from his receptionist.
If the Chinese get to the moon first, it’s because of BUSH, not Obama.
Two words for Chucky: Iraq. War.
There’s some pretty hilarious comments on this page. Namely:
[Emphasis mine and comments added in ital]
JamesChristian wrote:
Obama wants to just give everything away. Handouts. Nothing for the noble or adventurous. Democrats are like frightened little children that won’t move out of Mommy’s basement. Consume and take, do no difficult work, consume like termites [mmm.. wood] everything others produce. Space is just one more example [ of ???]. It’s ok, we’re going to put away the childish, lazy sloth beginning in November. We’ll finish things up in 2012 [I’m 98% sure that’s a threat]. Democrats will not get away with it for much longer.[Those diabolical Dems…You’ll pay for winning the 2008 election!!….]
I THINK James is going on something about astronauts=Big Damn Heroes and only the government can provide us with inspiration like that and Obama prefers parasites in the inner city (HINT HINT HINT) and like that there.
Admittedly, yeah, I’d rather see money going to Lunar missions than to blowing up brown people. But folks like James, as I said, think those two things are all government should ever do, and it’s partially ’cause funding schools doesn’t provide James with entertaining action figures.
There’s some pretty hilarious comments on this page. Namely:
Pls to forgive me for being humorless, but that comment is disturbingly eliminationist. Oy.
The true irony is, if Bush hadn’t proposed the moon and Mars missions as part of his desperate failed attempt at creating a legacy…”That Kinndee feller…he had a legsee with that ‘moon’ stuff. Lemme tra sum dat”…then Obama wouldn’t have to deal with this shit.
Pls to forgive me for being humorless
I infer a dildo…
The big thing with the wingnuts is the weaponization of space; this is why they got so fired up over Star Wars-type missile defense back in the day. And they’re not 100% wrong; having the high position over your opponent has been an important part of war going back to Sun Tzu.
But it’s some real bullshit to piss and moan abot government spending and then complain about the cutting of a program which, by definition, has no tangible result on earth.
that comment is disturbingly eliminationist.
Oh its def eliminationist but its also hilariously typical.
Here’s an example of what could be done if NASA goes innovative. It seems pretty cool to me. And cost-effective.
(It’s obviously a promo piece — I’m sure there would be more science to it than just a robot walking around)
But it’s some real bullshit to piss and moan abot government spending and then complain about the cutting of a program which, by definition, has no tangible result on earth.
Solar panels.
Cordless power tools.
Smoke detectors.
Water and air ionization filters.
Fiberglass insulation.
Laser Heart Surgery.
Digital Mammography.
Infrared thermometers.
Firefighter breathing systems (also improved scuba systems)
Jaws of life.
Global positioning systems
Global mobile communications.
Yea. We could live without all those…
”That Kinndee feller…he had a legsee with that ‘moon’ stuff. Lemme tra sum dat”
Well, since Bush’s legacy pretty much involved fucking up everything he touched, you can hardly blame him… problem being he didn’t realize that Kennedy was willing to do more than just idly mention the fact in passing and hope Mrs. Space Mission Fairy would come down from the Magic Gumdrop Satellite and do the rest.
Do I stay in the boat and leave myself to wonder, or soil my magnificent mind with the writings of Krauthammer?
You have to wonder?
Magic Gumdrop Satellite
Is that like the Satellite of Love?
The comments over there are freakin’ classic.
What amazes me most is the cognitive dissonance the teabaggers possess. It’s so strong I’m honestly not sure how they hell they function in society.
We’re talking about people who for eight straight years didn’t say a single fucking word about Bush running up nearly $6 trillion in debt (closer to $8 trillion including both wars), pissing away a budget surplus, all while cutting another $1.2 trillion of income thanks to tax cuts primarily for the rich.
Now, however, any government spending is EVIL, donchyaknow, and protesting for the rich’s right to horde more cash is the very zenith of patriotism.
Reminds me of a quote from Galbraith:
It really is all about hating those Not Like Them, ain’t it?
Galbraith might have paused after the TARP fallout.
Is that like the Satellite of Love?
Yea. We could live without all those…
Thank you actor, I was about to get all MichelleMalkin up in this place after reading that the space program gives/gave us nothing.
But, on the other hand, we do no next to nothing about the oceans, and we don’t have to go 25,805 miles per hour to get there.
Well, we could probably do without Tang, honestly. But the rest of that stuff was pretty good, sure.
You have to wonder?
Unfortunately, yes. I hate the unknown.
I thought NASA invented Dippin’ Dots. I was wrong.
What amazes me most is the cognitive dissonance the teabaggers possess.
They’d never read this but it’s what happens when school funding gets cut.
I woke up with my inner pedant in charge today:
1. Tang was around before NASA. NASA just made it famous.
2. Cognitive dissonance is what the whingnutz do not experience
ishas a POOPyhaid.“Obama’s administration made a tremendous mistake by not immediately branding the economic collapse that we had just had as the Republicans’ Depression, caused by the Bush administration’s ideology of unregulated greed. The result is that now people blame him.”
Which is what bipartisanship with the present sociopathic asshole core of the Republican Party gets you.
2. Cognitive dissonance is what the whingnutz do not experience
I assumed thats what he meant but, then again, I spelled “know” as N-O. before…Need. More. Glue.
You don’t need all these damn ivory tower big head “science” types and their fag “rocket ships” to get to the Moon no way. If you’d just stop all the spendin’ and cut the capital gains tax, small business entrepreneurship could just hire enough people out of work to stand on top of each other to the Moon.
I remember being young and our space program was the envy of the world, now Obama is taking it away in his quest to make America lesser. America is Great no matter what your messiah says, his Change is nothing but false promises and changing America into a Failure. You liberals were wanted about his palling around with people who hate this country and want it to be lesser, and Obama has done nothing but this. He’s cut the military and he’s cut Bushs program to return us to the moon, the only thing he hasn’t cut is our taxes. Because he’s sure raised those. Thankfully in 2010 we will retake the congress and impeachment can begin immedietely.
I think we could fix all this by just naming Sarah Palin the Moon Czar.
I dont know if Garry Allyn is kidding or just plain dumb but…
He’s [Obama’s] cut the military
He’s expanded military spending but you can’t hear that with your tinfoil can ya?
impeachment can begin immedietely.
Besides the spelling of “immediately,” what grounds would the impeachment be on? Winning a democratic election?
Our friend is back! (Or a fairly convincing version of him, anyway).
Obama wants to just give everything away. Handouts.
Gotdam socialist gonna give away SPACE. Soon 1 in 8 will be on space stamps due to being too damn lazy to buy their own space on the FREE MARKET.
“A rat done bit my sister Nell, and whitey on the moon”
Gil Scott Heron
I’m thinking we could prioritize a little better–space isn’t going anywhere.
[[[He’s expanded military spending]]]
This is incorrect, he’s moved money into bureucrats’ hands instead of giving it to fund weapons and programs that actually keep our troops safe. He took it away from fighter jets and gave it to fightless paper pushers to appease his liberal base. It’s not just the money, it’s really where it is. Mark Levin touched on this a few nights ago when he said that Obama is just putting the wool over your eyes again. It’s not over mine
I think we could fix all this by just naming Sarah Palin the Moon Czar.
I’m not sure she’d be interested… can you shoot it from a helicopter?
NASA is a PR organization with a research department attached.
Global positioning system – Defense department.
Computers? lasers?
I figure none of those things would have happened if I had not been born.
Since they did all happen after I was born.
And I WILL take full credit, thankyou.
They’ll next claim virtue and honor as products of NASA research.
I remember being young and our space program was the envy of the world
Yes, when the top tax rate was around 70%, corporations were required to actually pay their taxes, unions still existed, nobody had heard of the bullshit Laffer Curve, and the nativist anti-government know-nothing whackos were still a tiny voiceless minority wanking over issues of The Spotlight instead of being the core of the Republican Party.
Dear lord! Quick, someone get this man an enema before he splatters us all!
OOOOOOPS. Too late.
As regards the WaPo word-whore’s “Ieeee! Obama is making us have a Space Gap/Intergalactic Erectile Dysfunction/Anaphylactic Reaction To Sentience! SOS!” twaddle, I have a funny feeling some not-so-famous outfits (like the National Reconnaisance Office or the NSA) will keep right on putting oodles of buku wartoys up into The Final Frontier, regardless of whether the hotrods that get them there are public or private.
He also exhibits his Econ 101 Fail by boo-hooing that teh Rooskies are going to monopolize space junkets – ignoring the fact that the US will wind up holding a de facto hammer (heh) over them as their main customer, while they suck up the risk & expense of the deal. Or that they’re hardly going to be able to charge a premium rate in the context of a shithat-wearing global economy, monopoly or no monopoly.
I’m sure NASA has done yeoman’s service in upgrading it on relatively shitty budgets but the fact remains that the fucking Space Shuttle is a vintage1970s relic that keeps roasting humans alive so unless Krapphammer thinks it’d be cool to see even more of his country’s most elite Air Force pilots reach out & touch the hand of
a lethal hellmouth made of tens of thousands of litres of blazing liquid oxygen & liquid hydrogenGod, maybe he should dig into a big steaming plate of deep-fried STFU.Wrong & wronger.
Sputnik, Laika & Gagarin pioneered outer space, like it or lump it … & Obama ain’t shutting doodley-squat.
I’m thinking we could prioritize a little better–space isn’t going anywhere.
Neither was Iraq, which is central to my point.
. He took it away from fighter jets and gave it to fightless paper pushers to appease his liberal base.
Oooh, yes. I know that my top voting issue is “Increase defense spending, but give it to bureaucrats!”
He took it away from fighter jets and gave it to fightless paper pushers to appease his liberal base.
I have to admit, this might be Garry…who still hasn’t answered my question from yesterday.
After all, a liberal would never call funding the DoD under any circumstances “appeasement”.
Please repeat your question
Yes, Garry…which Cosntitutional rights *specifically* do gays in the military violate?
And you’ll pardon the typo of course.
I mean, surely, we have to eliminate violating the Second Amendment, since a gay man with a gun is supporting that.
Also, we’d probably have to eliminate the Fourth Amendment. And the third….
So I’m curious: which specific civil right is a gay man in a foxhole violating? If you’d like, I can have the court reporter repeat your testimony word for word…you said they violate civil rights of heterosexuals, and I’m just curious which article of the Constitution you’re basing that on?
[[[Yes, Garry…which Cosntitutional rights *specifically* do gays in the military violate?]]]
Freedom of speech, because we will no longer be able to express how we do not agree with this lifestyle.
but it’s more than that because we’re also talking about troop morale, which will be harmed definately by this decision because troops will be unable to trust each other anymore thanks to Obama.
The Fifth? Because the het soldier might incriminate himself on the gay man’s penis?
Hm, that’s a possibility I suppose…but you tell me.
Freedom of speech, because we will no longer be able to express how we do not agree with this lifestyle.
Oh really? And how would that work?
I think you’re a fucking idiot.
See? I just expressed how I do not agree with your lifestyle, and I’m heterosexual.
but it’s more than that because we’re also talking about troop morale
You mean how like when Truman integrated the army, morale dropped so badly that the army went on to win the Korean War?
Guess again, sport.
Freedom of speech, because we will no longer be able to express how we do not agree with this lifestyle.
Uh-wuh? Is the gay soldier going to shoot you, or what? So confused.
I think Garry is one a them janusnode thingies.
Cmon, Garry, your letter to the editor specifically stated that it would violate the civil rights of the soldiers in the army. You don’t want to be called a liar, now do you? Perhaps I can invite the editor of that paper to join us in this discussion? I’m sure he’d enjoy hearing your views.
[[[Oh really? And how would that work? ]]]
Military courts would be full of PC cases concerning the issue, unable to perform their jobs properly, and soldiers will be afraid to speak their minds and many more will leave the military or never start entirely. I bet Obama’s plan would cut the military in half which is really what he wants if you think about it.
Rusty, Garry here has a long history of writing badly (de)composed letters to the editor parrotting right wing talking points.
I don’t mind opposing opinions. I just think you ought to put some thought into them before you share them.
we will no longer be able to express how we do not agree with this lifestyle.
There is no pro-bigotry civil right.
Too short? Try this
Rusty, Garry here has a long history of writing badly (de)composed letters to the editor parrotting right wing talking points.
Doesn’t that support my hypothesis?
Military courts would be full of PC cases concerning the issue, unable to perform their jobs properly, and soldiers will be afraid to speak their minds and many more will leave the military or never start entirely.
So you’re suggesting that soldiers would become rampantly undisciplined, despite orders directly from the Pentagon?
Are you suggesting the American fighting man is somehow…flawed? Subhuman? Unable to take a direct order? Insubordinate? Traitorous? Treasonous?
Well, we have quite a few army vets in this group right here. Why dont’ you enlighten them further on your low opinion of the average soldier, Garry?
[[[Cmon, Garry, your letter to the editor specifically stated that it would violate the civil rights of the soldiers in the army.]]]
And I told you why, also they would be forced to accept a lifestyle they do not agree with. We need to get back to the subject at-hand which is Obama’s doing away with Bush’s moon program. Stop with the insults
Gee, Garry…why do you hate America so?
[[[Cmon, Garry, your letter to the editor specifically stated that it would violate the civil rights of the soldiers in the army.]]]
And I told you why, also they would be forced to accept a lifestyle they do not agree with.
The basis of our Constitution is the right of all people, and their lifestyles, to be treated equally under the law. Are you suggesting that somehow the army is unConstitutional?
And no, we are not getting back on topic because you agreed to take the question.
I think we could fix all this by just naming Sarah Palin the Moon Czar.
quitting halfway through is a bit more problematic in this case.
Garry doesn’t seem to realize that the moment ones signs on the military dotted line he/she is not allowed to speak ones mind.
Garry, people have the right to be racists and misogynists too. Did they “lose those rights” when blacks and women were allowed into the military?
quitting halfway through is a bit more problematic in this case.
Why? It worked for Apollo 13, and look at what a hero Tom Hanks became to the right wing.
“Garry”, those aren’t rights. Also, “Garry”, your latent homosexuality is coming through loud and clear. Come on out of that closet – you’ll feel much better.
I’m still amazed that seventy percent of Americans think its OK for gays to serve in the military, but only fifty nine percent think homosexuals should.
Obama’s doing away with Bush’s moon program
Oh, you mean “Bush’s Moon suggestion.”
As in “it’d really be nice if you folks could figer a way to go back to th’ Moon so’s I could have a legacee-thing that didn’t mean being a total fuckup”. And Obama defunded a program that wasn’t even funded to begin with, so there’s that as well.
God, conservatives are idiots.
“Military courts would be full of PC cases concerning the issue,”
As opposed to the many cases regarding sexual assault on women in uniform by their male counterparts.
Garry, you aren’t joining the army and I’m not joining the army, so why don’t we just let those who want to defend this country join regardless of their pole desire. Unit cohesiveness also depends on the support of the troops. Do you support the troops, Garrrrrrry?
Apples and Oranges, Rusty Shackleford
I’m not sure she’d be interested… can you shoot it from a helicopter?
No, but you can shoot a moon from a helicopter after a couple of shots.
We should stop giving the Moon to the gays and give the space program back to the fighter jets.
Bush didn’t have a moon program. He had a moon STATEMENT.
two minutes after the speech he forgot what he had said, and it was time for tax cuts and falling off a Segway…
I’m still amazed that seventy percent of Americans think its OK for gays to serve in the military, but only fifty nine percent think homosexuals should.
I LoL’d at that. Werds done confoozt me!
Apples and oranges
Veiled teabagging reference.
Apples and Oranges, Rusty Shackleford
Really? How is sexual prejudice different from racial or gender prejudice?
*putting away can opener*
*placing open can of WhoopAssOnGarry on the commenting floor*
My work here is done.
Why? It worked for Apollo 13, and look at what a hero Tom Hanks became to the right wing.
well, that’s true. He had the answers written on Kevin Bacon’s hand though.
Also, Gar, you didn’t answer the question. Did racists and misogynists in the military lose their civil rights?
I think we have a clue as to how people could take Liberace seriously as a straight pianist.
I said “pianist”, PeeJ…
He had the answers written on Kevin Bacon’s hand though
They would have solved it faster if not for the handjob at liftoff.
Mark Levin touched on this a few nights ago…
The less I know about what Mark Levin touches at night, the better.
Military courts would be full of PC cases concerning the issue, unable to perform their jobs properly,
and soldiers will be afraid to speak their minds and many more will leave the military or never start entirely.
And that’s different from DADT how, exactly? Now, frankly I LIKE it when bigots are “afraid to speak their minds” because they think someone might tut-tut and call them a bigot(and we all now there’s no fate worse for a soldier than being thought a bigot for being a bigot), but that doesn’t mean their rights are violated, they could just go ahead and say whatever they want and take the goddamn consequences, i.e. SACK UP. Jesus, my MOM has bigger balls than you seem to think SOLDIERS do.
Did racists and misogynists in the military lose their civil rights?
Of COURSE they did! Lynchings went down in the first six months!
The Bush-era moon program was canceled because of valid technical concerns, chronic underfunding by the previous administration, and major schedule slips. The reason we’re hearing from folks like Kraphammer, I assume, is that many of the major contractors for the canceled program are in red states like Utah, and they’re very, very unhappy. I also suspect that Kraphammer really doesn’t give a fuck about the moon, and is just using this as yet another facile whack at Obama. But that kind of goes without saying I guess.
BREAKING NEWS: 60% of American thinks Barry Obama is doing a great job while 95% think Barrack Hussein Obama is turning America into a socialist Marxist communist dystopia.
These things are not the same Rusty you know that, stop trying to distort the issues. Again, Obama is lessening America’s great standing in the world and you’d rather debate silly things. Shame
These things are not the same Rusty you know that, stop trying to distort the issues.
Assume I don’t know it and tell me why.
Also, did racists in the Army lose their civil rights? Yes or no.
handjob at liftoff.
In this economy any job is a good job.
Apples and oranges
erroneous XTC reference
Again, Obama is lessening America’s great standing in the world and you’d rather debate silly things.
Uhh, like the topic you seemed to think was so important that you wrote a letter to the editor about it???
Here’s an example of what could be done if NASA goes innovative. It seems pretty cool to me. And cost-effective.
(It’s obviously a promo piece — I’m sure there would be more science to it than just a robot walking around)
Sure it’s just a promo piece but I do hope that programming the robot to throw up gang signs at earth like it does at ~ 1:30 is really part of the plan. Got choked up a little there. Gold is the wrong color though. We can’t have people thinking, “C3PO, homo” when they see him and he better not talk like a gay. Why does he toss away the black rock earlier on, though? I think it’s because he’s looking for Whitey’s golf balls that he left up there in 1971 and doesn’t need any stupid ass geological samples shit. Commemorative moon balls go for good money so just imagine the funds we could raise if we could bring back and sell the originals? The Japanese and the Bahrainis would go fucking nuts outbidding each other. I always thought there were 3 of them up there and that they were Titleists but, sadly, no. There’s only two Spaldings which was momentarily discouraging but we’ll just have to settle for sending a manned mission out of the solar system and not the galaxy.
Jesus, my MOM has bigger balls than you seem to think SOLDIERS do.
That’s the bit that confuses me…not that your mom has a nutsack, but that rightwingers somehow think the soldiers give a damn.
Sure, a small percentage will suffer the “ewwwwwwww” factor and there will probably be some incidents in basic training and stuff.
Newsflash: that shit goes on whether the soldier is gay, straight, tin, or paper. Soldiers pick on other soldiers for being too slow, too weak, a bad shot and so on. It’s part of the self-enforced portion of the discipline of bootcamp.
But when it comes to crunch time, soldiers aren’t idiots. If another soldier can help him home in one piece, he doesn’t care what his OR HER orientation is. Period.
He’s cut the military …. He took it away from fighter jets and gave it to fightless paper pushers to appease his liberal base. is good, too. “He cut money!” “No, spending went up.” “But he spent it WRONG.” Did anyone clock those goalposts, we might have a new record….
Obama is lessening America’s great standing in the world
What. The. Fuck.
Okay, HOW?
Again, Obama is lessening America’s great standing in the world and you’d rather debate silly things
yes, you are a Silly Thing.
Garry, you’re ducking the question.
What civil rights specifically is a gay soldier violating?
We’ve eliminated the First Amendment, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth. Would you like to try to argue for the Sixth Amendment?
Without George W. Bush’s strong leadership, Saddam Hussein would have already built a giant secret Muslim gay base on the Moon capable of launching liberal elites at our ally Great Britain in only 45 minutes.
[[[Assume I don’t know it and tell me why.]]]
because a person’s choice is different than a person’s makeup.
I think it’s because he’s looking for
Whitey’s golfTiger’s ballsFixeddity
[[[We’ve eliminated the First Amendment]]]
Just because you can’t admit I’m Right doesn’t mean that I’m wrong. I explained myself and you ignore me.
I thought allowing gays in the military was going to destroy troop morale and Weaken America. Turns out the issue is just “silly.” Hunh.
[[[Assume I don’t know it and tell me why.]]]
because a person’s choice is different than a person’s makeup.
So we should ban Jews & Muslims from the army, too. Right?
because a person’s choice is different than a person’s makeup
There’s a difference between being gay and choosing to be a bigot.
I think it’s making a gang sign at China.
because a person’s choice is different than a person’s makeup.
Oooh, makeup! I’ve been thinking about doing a neutral smokey eye for the day. Do you think that’s too slutty for the office?
“because a person’s choice is different than a person’s makeup’
And Homosexuality is not a choice
because a person’s choice is different than a person’s makeup.
People don’t choose to be black, female, or gay, Garry. Try again.
Anyway, this isn’t about choices. It’s about the LOSS OF CIVIL RIGHTS. Now answer the question: did racists in the Army lose a civil right when blacks were allowed?
There’s only two Spaldings which was momentarily discouraging but we’ll just have to settle for sending a manned mission out of the solar system and not the galaxy.
Let’s hold a bake sale! I’ll bring the crack pie
Do you think that’s too slutty for the office?
Come work for me! *wriggling eyebrows*
Shorter Garry
“I am only for equal rights for all straight white males”
Anyway, the reality of the situation is, Obama’s poll numbers are a disaster and you libs are finding everything to whine about because you want your messiah to enact more of his agenda before the 2010 hammer comes down. You will lose then and you are losing now, both here and in the real world. Its your delusions that makes you think these issues are important in lieu of Obama trying to make America lesser.
Garry’s probably got the live customer service at on the other browser: “Oh, shit! They threw out the question, man, what do I tell them????”
Do you think that’s too slutty for the office?
Depends if your just teasing, Truculentand.
Garry Allyn DeManty said,
February 12, 2010 at 19:15
Anyway, the reality of the situation is
…you’re a homophobic racist hater who wants to see America lose.
Answer the question, Garry, or I’ll declare victory.
Did racists in the Army lose a civil right when blacks were allowed?
Answer the question, Garry, or I’ll declare victory.
Did racists in the Army lose a civil right when blacks were allowed?
Also, smokey eye? Yes/no?
“:You will lose then and you are losing now, both here and in the real world. Its your delusions that makes you think these issues are important in lieu of Obama trying to make America lesser”
And this applies to your bigotry against black, homosexuals and women in what way?
Smokey eye yes. Always.
Meanwhile, Garry’s dodging the point that, out or not, gays are going to be in the military ANYWAY no matter what he or his wingnut friends say.
They’re there. They’ve BEEN there. There were fagnits on the beach at Normandy, invading Sicily, landing at Inchon, bombing Hanoi, standing guard at the Fulda Gap, besieging Fredricksburg, accepting surrender at Appomattox, crossing no-mans-land in Ypres, yadda yadda.
because a person’s choice is different than a person’s makeup.
Ooo, “teh Homo is a choice” rears its ugly haid….
Doesn’t matter though. Lots of choices don’t get discriminated against. Religion, tattoos, left handedness…
O wait, left handedness isn’t a choice, is it?
And eliminating discrimination IN NO WAY infringes on anyone else’s civil rights. This goober keeps saying that, but bigoted clowns will still have the right to be bigoted clowns. The only thing that changes is that they won’t be able to threaten gays with discharge if they are outed, and I suspect the bigoted clowns will find out that the stereotypical effeminate gay man is probably not so true….
It would be more believable if the people crying about this actually had any experience in the service they are so concerned about.
Depends if your just teasing, Truculentand.
Teasing re: the question? Teasing my office mates? My hair? If I teased my hair, it would definitely be slutty.
I’ve been thinking about doing a neutral smokey eye for the day. Do you think that’s too slutty for the office?
That is just the right amount of slutty for the office, unless you’ve got one of those handjobs in which case you’ll have to hooer it up a peg. So to speak.
A person should always be able to choose their own makeup. And the colors should echo their character, as well as their wardrobe choices.
And guys afraid of letting homos openly serve in the military are fags.
zombie rotten mcdonald said,
“It would be more believable if the people crying about this actually had any experience in the service they are so concerned about.”
We have a winner!
Did racists in the Army lose a civil right when blacks were allowed?
I am sure Garry 2 feels they did, but is ashamed to admit it. Now he’s worried that he will also lose his ‘right’ to be openly hateful toward gays…
Also, smokey eye? Yes/no?
would be fine in my office.
El Cid, you’ve got it!
THAT’S why Garry’s afraid of gays in the military! His eyeliner would clash!
Obama’s poll numbers are a disaster
I thought wingnuts didn’t give a damn about polls.
Anyway, the reality of the situation is, Obama’s poll numbers are a disaster and you libs are finding everything to whine about because you want your messiah to enact more of his agenda before the 2010 hammer comes down. You will lose then and you are losing now, both here and in the real world. Its your delusions that makes you think these issues are important in lieu of Obama trying to make America lesser.
Sadly, No, 1. Obama’s poll numbers may be dwindling but they aren’t a disaster. 2. Us Libs aren’t the one whining about the moon or gays in a shrinking army. 3. Obama is not the messiah, but that’s cute that you think that. He is the POTUS with a crapload of crap in front of him thanks to the man you put in office once and the SCOTUS put into office once. 3. America was lessened by the predecessor, GW Bush who lied us into war, declared victory, made no attempt at planning for the aftermath of said war, expanded the gov’t that you want to be small, made a surplus into a deficit, imprisoned people without charges for years AKA ignored the Constitution.
You, Garrrrry, are blinded by your ideology. As Bertrand Russel said, “The essence of the liberal outlook lies not in what opinions are held, but in how they are held: instead of being held dogmatically, they are held tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead to their abandonment.”
As Garry has fled to the new thread, I declare victory re: the civil rights debate.
Bookmark it, libs
Smokey eye yes. Always.
That is just the right amount of slutty for the office, unless you’ve got one of those handjobs in which case you’ll have to hooer it up a peg.
Sweet. I’m just wondering, because I was walking around the other day and some lady from another department told me I was on the wrong side of the tracks. I don’t know what that meant, but from the way she was looking at my outfit, I think she was implying I looked like a whore!
Also, Garry illustrates the classic conservative mindset that rights are a zero-sum game. See also: “They don’t teach the Bible in school? ZOMG CHRISTIANS ARE SO OPPRESSED!”
(It’s obviously a promo piece — I’m sure there would be more science to it than just a robot walking around)
I don’t know… it looked like just a robot walking around. The emotional pull was the implied sentience of the robot. Do we have to send it to the moon for it to discover the beauty of its hands and marvel at the distance of Earth? Can’t our sentient robot discover itself on a carefully built set? Would it know the difference?
Interest, newsletter, photo evidence needed, etc.
Interest, newsletter, photo evidence needed, etc.
Mind you, I don’t have a credit card.
I think she was implying I looked like a whore!
*bad guitar jazz riff rises in the background of flashback*
Well, maybe you needed to take that outfit off….
Could be flipping off China. Ideally it would be hand coding a renunciation of all trade, diplomatic, military, etc. relations and agreements. But after Obama’s first year I can’t say I see him taking the bold step of calling out China from the moon. He’s too much of an incrementalist. I think he’s more likely to have the robot grope a cardboard cutout of Hillary than take his bully pulpit to space and let the robot use it to bring about real change. His ego is too big. Even if he did tell the Chinese to fuck off they would just say, fuck you, we’re not bringing your robot back as we are no longer contractually obligated to and instead would send up a bad ass robot of their own to pwn our robot. How did we end up in this mess?
As far as she knows, yes.
You know, gosh, you can see the Moon from parts of Alaska.
“Which moons will we be visiting?”
“Oh, you know, All of ’em.”
As Moon Czar she’d be in a position to defend America when the Little Prince rears his ugly head.
LOL! “I can see the moon from my window in Alaska!”
Can we get Tintin to do a photoshoop of Sarah in The Moon?
It sounded better in the original cat-speak
Az foar Marz, moar nonsense. Marz iz jus too faar awai. adn hao doez yoo getz thar wifout teh steppin stonez uv Arez adn Orion? If we noes kan afford a Arez rocket ta getz awr into orbit adn ta teh moon, hao lawng will eet taek ta develop a revolutionary new propulshun system dat will taek awr nawt a quartah-millyin milez but 35 millyin milez?
What is it with this guy and space travel? I remember, years ago, he went into raptures because some probe or camera or something revealed there might be a trace of frost on Mars. He bitches and moans about every dime of gummit spending that might benefit anyone who earns less than six figures a year, but wants us to spend God knows how much chasing after a bunch of rocks in space.
Do conservatives really think that if McCain were president that unemployment would be at <1%, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would be over, peace would be declared in the Middle East, every nation in the world would be democratic, the moon would be colonized, every librul would be a card/ghat-carrying member of the NRA, and all health care issues would be "cured" through prayer?
It sounded better in the original cat-speak
Az foar Marz,…
Can iz huv fundeng 4 explorashun?
You will lose then and you are losing now
The right has economically & diplomatically kneecapped America’s once-sterling renown worldwide, every single time they’ve aqcuired control of the Executive – & broken historical records for Executive Administration crime while doing so – not just under Bush but for as long as I’ve lived.
Your schtick was obsolete then, & it’s much more so now.
Need better fake Garry Allyn DeManty.
Nope. They just wouldn’t care.
“Fifty years ago, Kennedy opened the New Frontier.” Did he just give a Democrat credit for something, anything? Wow.
Damn Demoncraps, always lookin’ fer new ways to let in more of the illegal immgrints.
I have to give him a point for taking on the “NASA is ruining space exploration” meme that the libertarian space cadets endlessly parrot–no, the words “free market” are not a magic incantation that make the hideous expense and risk of manned space exploration disappear. Sadly, he seems unable to grasp the concept that the Russians and Chinese are also capable of noticing a huge negative number on a balance sheet, so what could have been an entertaining exercise in making the “Have Spacesuit, Will Travel” crowd baww turns into yet another alarmist screed on how we have to get our collective ass to Mars before those people move in and ruin the neighborhood. It gets into just-plain-silly territory when Krauthammer feels compelled to drop his drawers and shit all over green energy–guess Charles thinks those solar panels on the ISS are there for decoration or something.
Do conservatives really think that if McCain were president that unemployment would be at <1%…
I don’t know about all the rest of that stuff* but as to unemployment I can promise you it wouldn’t be important if the Rs were in charge. Not that it would be any better, just that it wouldn’t matter.
*actually, yes I do: no
Do conservatives really think that if McCain were president that unemployment would be at <1%…
I don’t know about all the rest of that stuff* but as to unemployment I can promise you it wouldn’t be important if the Rs were in charge. Not that it would be any better, just that it wouldn’t matter.
*actually, yes I do: no but they’d do their best to convince you it wasn’t their fault.
aah, submit FAIL. Apologies.
Actually, McCain could have just declared the unemployed to be economic terrorists and locked them up without charge or trial.
Nope. They just wouldn’t care.
Just as long as none of the problems are on the top shelve. ZING! *rimshot*
Whale Chowder:
Actually, I have to disagree with you here; unemployment would be incredibly important if the GOP still had power. They’d dust off Reagan’s old one-liner about seeing want ads in the paper, blame the whole problem on lazy young bucks buying T-bones with their food stamps, and use it as an excuse to slash social spending even more.
I say this because the Pennsylvania GOP is currently trying to cut unemployment benefits (amongst other things) so they can get a business tax cut through. Fucking vultures.
Certainly you meant:
Smokey eye? Aye.
You type that as if it’s a bad thing.
There really isn’t a hell horrific enough for those people, is there?
As someone whose wife was laid off last October and whose family is absolutely dependent upon such benefits (though, thankfully, in a different state), it absolutely fucking disgusts me that scumbags like the Penn GOP are more than willing to let people starve and/or lose their homes just so they can pass a few more precious tax cuts.
Because as we all know, in times of financial crisis, the ONLY OPTION EVER is to reduce both spending AND income. That works like a fucking champ. Yep. Always.
Aye yi yi yi….
Pere Ubu said,
February 12, 2010 at 18:37
I’m thinking we could prioritize a little better–space isn’t going anywhere.
Neither was Iraq, which is central to my point.
Well played, sir. Well played.
I was going to post a one-word response of “Oy” but then FUCK YOU WP-SPAMFREE
Mark D:
That’s the depressing part; my county (York) wasn’t doing all that well even before the financial apocalypse–people here are really hurting now, and there just aren’t any decent jobs to be had. In fact, the union at the Harley plant had to swallow a deal that meant 500 layoffs and cutbacks in benefits, with no guarantee that the factory wouldn’t end up closing anyway. The sad part is that we’re also a fairly red county: 61% of our vote went for Bush in 2000, 64% for Bush in 2004, and 56% for McCain in 2008. It’s not just the God, guns and gays stuff, either (although there’s certainly some of that;) people around here still seriously believe that tax cuts, deregulation, and privatization will solve all our woes.
I’d say they’ve been brainwashed, but I wouldn’t want to hurt Gerard Alexander’s poor fee-fees by being liberally condescending.
Your point about the union concessions is a great aspect of all this that’s not getting really any play at all: the fact unions across the nation have been willing to make sacrifices and/or ignore contracts, while business refuse to do the same.
IMHO, it’s that “fuck them as long as we got ours” mentality that’s going to make a full recovery (economically, socially, etc.) pretty much impossible.
Too many people — from the Teabaggers to the pundits to big business — have decided that working together to fix things isn’t politically advantageous. Sure, it’s the only way we’re really going to solve our nation’s ills, but they don’t fucking care. At all.
As long as the right can punish Those Not Like Them in order to get what they want, it’s all good in their eyes.
And yet it’s liberals that are getting the blame for this dynamic, despite the undeniable reality that Democrats in Congress are dropping trou and bending over to appease the GOP on every issue … only to have the GOP stand them up because they’re too busy fucking the rest of the country.
I wish I had a way to solve this problem, but even trashing the filibuster won’t make it magically better. Hell, that ain’t gonna happen anyway, so … well, maybe shooting all the Republicans into space would work.
Sure as hell wouldn’t hurt …
Do conservatives really think that if McCain were president that unemployment would be at <1%,
Don’t know about that, but I’m sure that they’ll swear up and down that if Palin were president, the Dow would be 50K by now.
What is it with this guy and space travel?
If memory serves, “Islands in the Sky” is the Arthur. C. Clarke novel with a legless character — on Earth he is handicapped, but in the zero-G conditions of a space station he is more mobile than anyone else. Krauthammer evidently read it when he was young, and has still not accepted that it was FICTION.
It’s ok, we’re going to put away the childish, lazy sloth beginning in November
No, not Sidney the Sloth! He’s so good with the children!
I can understand the fascination with colonizing the moon among sci-fi writers of the fifties, but by now, it should be pretty obvious that it’s just silly to colonize a pile of ashes where there is no air or water.
Hold on.
GARY Ruppert
GARRY Allyn DeManty
I have to dissent from the consensus here. I definitely think that Obama’s decision to severely curtail space exploration and development is short-sighted and is going to cost the nation and the species a great deal in the long run — possibly as much as Nixon’s decision to do the same cost us in the 1970s.
Do you want green industry and green power? It doesn’t get much greener than doing your generating and manufacturing on the Moon and in Earth orbit.
Do you want jobs? Guess what building and launching spacecraft does? If you have a problem guessing, go ask a resident of Orlando or Houston.
We could be deriving most of our electricity from orbiting solar power stations right now, if we’d gotten to work on them when they were first proposed. Instead, we laughed at the designers and went on importing oil.
Far better if President Obama had asked Congress to put some money behind Bush’s unfunded mandate for space development.
fuck all of you nigger loving dem pos’s