
As Sadly, No! continues its life with WordPress, we are working to iron out some kinks, including:

  • All comments being posted by Mal de Mer getting treated as SPAM by SK2.
  • The popup comments thing.
  • The comments in the RSS feed thing.

Let us know if we forgot anything.


Comments: 29


All comments being posted by Mal de Mer getting treated as SPAM by SK2.

Meh…SK’s probably right. I’d be surprised if I ever said anything that didn’t resemble spam. Ha ha…and ha.


I don’t know if this is a problem, but as Marq pointed out, the You Tube videos are gone from the recent Eurovision entry.


What about the Wingnut-to-English language parser? I’d really like it if you could get a nifty little automatic translater program like that – especially if it had a “Swedish Chef” option on it.


How about a massive complementary buffet for VIPs. Self-defined VIPs. i.e. moi.


Post headers aren’t scrolling in their div, they run under the right column.
Browser: IE 6.0
Res: 800×600

(Hi, my name is Some, and I’m an IE user.)


VIP PP: Which buffet? The large sideboard with drawers and cupboards? A meal at which guests serve themselves from various dishes displayed on such furniture? Or a blow or cuff with or as if with the hand? And on a sidetablenote, is that why Jimmy Buffet’s songs all sound alike: repeated blows to the head? Just wondering.


How about a massive complementary buffet for VIPs. Self-defined VIPs. i.e. moi.

Surely that little gambit won’t succeed in tricking us into revealing its location, right?

Post headers aren’t scrolling in their div, they run under the right column.

This has been sent to our technical people.

I don’t know if this is a problem

More like a blessing we’d say.


If I change my background to black or white within an individual post I get bounced out to the main page. Not crucial but inconvenient. Also, not enough tubas sousaphones.


tubas sousaphones


If I’m not mistaken, someone has already pointed out that the comments feed is located here: http://www.sadlyno.com/comments/feed/

Are you looking to make it so that the feed is available to firefox users by clicking the feed link in the address bar? If so, put this code in the header.php file of your WP template. If not, please describe exactly what you expect from your comments feed.


There’s a flaw: strikethrough works in preview but not in posting.


Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I treat just about every comment made here as spam. Tastest great with ketchup!


And as the word “tastest” in my previous comment indicates, a preview is only as good as your willingness to actually read and correct errors.


Hi there OSL8:

I use Omea — when I read The Poor Man’s feed (for example), the comments can be download and read directly in Omea. Based on a previous suggestion, editing the RSS template should do the trick. I guess I’m just a bit anxious about editing that.


My comments seem to go to spam too for a while and then appear an hour or so later.


Except for that last one. It went right through.


If I change my background to black or white within an individual post I get bounced out to the main page.

We’re gonna go with “it’s not a bug it’s a feature” until this gets worked out.

My comments seem to go to spam too for a while and then appear an hour or so later.

They appear later when I manually approve them. Still, until spam starts getting through I’ve relaxed the spam system just for you. So there.


Mal de mer just needs to stop talking about how hard to write with his pen is, being so large and all.


Sadly, No!


This has been sent to our technical people.

I recommend running a level three diagnostic. That seems to fix most things.


Um, you forgot the pie and punch. More people will come if you have pie and punch…


Let us know if we forgot anything.Hellooooooo – WHERE’S MY PONY???1!!

(and YES, I did close the tag again)


Doodle doo doodle dee deedle dum.


That last one previewed with the strikethrough again, yet no go.


Now that was cool. No italics tags, but I got ’em anyway. A FREE GIFT!


Righteous Bubba, what browser are you using, if i may ask? I’m definitely not having any tag problems (other than the usual typos) and have gained the “strike” tag (glee!). Just curious.


Hmm–I think I know what’s with the italics–you left ’em on in the post that ends, “deedle dum.” And they carry over to subsequent posts… like this one! Only through the intervention of the gods (Seb, Brad, or Gavin… and maybe Retardo and TravisG) can this italicized scourge be beaten off back.


(comments are closed)