Sadly, Starbursts!

Guess who’s been reading Sadly, No?

Glenn Greenwald’s Spleen [Rich Lowry]

Glenn Greenwald is outraged that I dared criticize in a bloggingheads discussion Markos Moulitsas’s forthcoming book “American Taliban,” which apparently will “argue” that conservatives share the same agenda as Islamic radicals — you know establishing an Islamic caliphate, destroying Israel, beheading infidels, veiling women, all that stuff…

Time prevents me from replying to everything in Greenwald’s extravagantly updated post, which if you follow the links, attacks my entire oeuvre (such as it is), my upbringing, my high-school friends (who, granted, probably deserve attack), and on and on…

Oh hai Rich! Tis true I attacked your “entire oeuvre,” but that’s only cuz the Obama Administration, David Talbot, and George Soros showered me with gifts to do so. The best thing is, I still qualify for food stamps! Does that make u sadz? Wah, wah, wah!

However, I must object to your pity-soliciting characterization of my post: I didn’t attack your “upbringing” as such, and I certainly didn’t attack your high school friends. As per your suggestive parenthetical, I attacked your attitude to your high school and college friends; looking for a reason why someone who looks, speaks, and acts as you do pretends to be such a macho, manly-man, I came across some of your references to your formative years, warmed my hands to the sizzling resentment and bitterness in them, and made the obvious conclusions. Yay, me! I did notice, though, that you didn’t refute any of my points about .. well, anything. Time prevents you from doing so, you say; it, too, must be a Liberal Fascist member of the Party of Death.

Brad adds: Oh mercy, is this a blast from the past:

The Social Security debate is headed toward a monumental political irony: It might well be that Republicans offer creative ideas to make the system more “progressive” — i.e., more favorable to people lower down on the income scale — and Democrats resolutely refuse to adopt them. What happened to the Democrats we used to know, who made progressivity the highest test of any public policy and leapt at any opportunity to “soak the rich”?

Social security privatization — it’s the new estate tax!


Comments: 125


apparently will “argue” that conservatives share the same agenda as Islamic radicals — you know establishing an Islamic caliphate, destroying Israel, beheading infidels, veiling women, all that stuff…

Gosh, let’s see – contempt for women (preferring to react to them as sex objects rather than people of equal capability), mindless devotion to making religious belief public policy, killing those who resist…

yep, Rich, looks pretty much like Glenn has your number. Or are we supposed to believe you’re that fucking stupid and incapable of seeing an analogy?

Hmm, maybe I just answered my question there.


Fuck, it’s either feast or famine around here.

I’ll never catch up, what with the actual work I have to do and all.


I’ll never catch up, what with the actual work I have to do and all.

Actual wanking is not that bad, really, but you shouldn’t feel compelled to-

Never mind.


Li’l Richie, of course, couldn’t be bothered to note where the links go. Chick N. Shit.

Time prevents me from replying to everything in Greenwald’s extravagantly updated post

“Extravagantly updated post.” AKA “writing,” or “doing one’s job.” As opposed to whatever Low-rent does. (I’m guessing many trips to the men’s room, where “men” go, to admire his Silky Pony hair-do & brush/comb it obsessively.)

Hope some NRO trolls show up though.


Time prevents me from replying to everything in Greenwald’s extravagantly updated post

Shorter Rich: “PBBBBBBBBLLTT! You poopy!”


I realize most on the Left have never read these books, but if they ever got beyond the titles and did so, they’d see they are serious works, even if they disagree with them.

Sooooooooo….he’s already read The American Taliban? Did Kos send him an advance copy or some shit?


Actual wanking is not that bad, really, but you shouldn’t feel compelled to-

If it becomes like work, you may not be doing it properly. Though he probably gets equivalent satisfaction from running his fingers through his mop.


And what does Rich have to do, anyway, that he can’t address Glenn’s points? Squaring the circle? Solving Fermat’s last theorem? Brewing life in a test tube?

More like “actual wanking”, I’d guess.


Oh hai Rich!

I’m of the opinion that those Rich Lowry posts are what the internet exists for. Nice to see you get, um, credit for them.


Richy should count his blessings: any one of your take-downs could’ve included
a “Pundit a la Commode” Photoshopping. If his impertinence continues….


I realize most on the Left have never read these books

I have to admit I have not indeed read “Liberal Fascism”, but, then again, I haven’t eaten a dog turd sandwich.

Gosh, how dare I leap to unfounded conclusions about either.


And what does Rich have to do, anyway, that he can’t address Glenn’s points? Squaring the circle? Solving Fermat’s last theorem? Brewing life in a test tube?

More like “actual wanking”, I’d guess.

“Reading serious works” is I think what they are calling it now.


any one of your take-downs could’ve included
a “Pundit a la Commode” Photoshopping. If his impertinence continues….

That still from Bloggingheads looks, um, solid.


“Reading serious works” is I think what they are calling it now.

“Hey, these pages aren’t going to stick themselves together!”


Rich Lowry is hot, I’d blow him.


Dinesh D’Souza literally wrote a book blaming 9/11 on Americans for not being religious enough.

But, I’m the one on Al-Qaeda’s side.


It is totally unfair for you hypocrites to hold the writer Rich Lowry to account for things he actually wrote or said as opposed to the stuff he would rather he be judged on, like the fact that he is a Great American Patriot Conservative and supports Sarah Palin as the TruVoice of RealAmericans.


“Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” – Mark Twain

“..Liberal Fascist member of the Party of Death…”?

This is why one never blogs after three beers.


wait, HTML Mencken is Glenn Greenwald? I’m a little slow.


Absolutely disgusting. Check out this quote from Obama, paraphrased from some guy:


bankers are…right.[/quote]

How clueless. This pathetic president has no idea how to save the middle class, has no clue about how the economy works, and is a bad leader and might hate progressivism. Some other guy agrees with me. See? I’m so right, and Obama’s so wrong.

Now please link to my blog post; I’ve been downing cheesecakes along with my good friend David Brooks at how much we hate Obama, and my manboobs have nearly doubled in size in the past few months. Gotta get a new bro, you people at Applebee’s know how it is.


When I was a kid, there were brands like Massengill and Summer’s Eve. Now it appears the name is ‘Rich Lowry’.


When I was a kid, there were brands like Massengill and Summer’s Eve. Now it appears the name is ‘Rich Lowry’.

That one is not making anyone’s ladybits springtime fresh.


Rich Lowry thinks he is Stan Lee? Or Nina Simone?

‘Nuff said!


I never thought Paul Krugman would appear with dancing badgers.


HTML Mencken is Glenn Greenwald?

No, I’m Josh Marshall.


No, I’m Josh Marshall.

I’m Josh Marshall!!


Apparently, it was unfair of Kos to poll Republican Fox viewers and ask them if they believe standard Republican talking points as espoused on Fox.

That’s just dirty pool, as all serious people can see clearly.


Apparently, it was unfair of Kos to poll Republican Fox viewers and ask them if they believe standard Republican talking points as espoused on Fox.

The poll should have asked better, fairer, non-gotcha questions like “Are conservatives awesome?” and “Do you think Jesus would want Saddam Hussein to blow up Israel?” and “Given that so many people have given lots of evidence linking Barack Obama to known terrorist Bill Ayers, do you feel safe letting Bill Ayers have the launch codes for America’s nuclear weapons?”


wait, HTML Mencken is Glenn Greenwald? I’m a little slow.

No no no. Glenn Greenwald just linked to HTML Mencken’s posts about Lowry, in an update to his own post about Lowry. So when Lowry talks about people “attack[ing] his entire oeuvre“, he’s referring to this place.

Incidentally, hi Rich!

I’m Josh Marshall!!

Just to get it out of the way, I’m Josh Marshall and so’s my wife.


djheru said,

February 11, 2010 at 3:14

wait, HTML Mencken is Glenn Greenwald? I’m a little slow.

You could click on the first link in the blockquote posted by HTML above, but I’m feeling charitable.

Glenn Greenwald: UPDATE: For those interested, Sadly No’s HTML Mencken comprehensively chronicled Lowry’s extremism here and here. The latter post contains not only his defense of Ann “not-an-extremist” Coulter (“A spectacularly successful author, Ann Coulter is not crazy, although her argumentative brilliance can be tinged with intemperance”), but also his truly disturbed rants on masculinity, Regular Guys and war.



I don’t know why HTML is defending Ann Coulter, but I’m a little slow, too.


Why is anyone interested in Lowry’s oeufs?


I’ve been laughing all day. You guys are great!

Ah, I missed this shit…




Will the real Glenn Marshall Mencken please stand-up!

Spengler Dampniche

Veiling women reference joke. Hey, I actually want some troll meat tonight. Where’s Esther, Troofie, and the rest?


They’re the same guy?

Anyway, let it be a night of obscure in-jokes and troll crapping.


I shaved my spleen for this?


I thought we were all Spartacus.


I thought we were all Spartacus.



Thanks for explaining that. I read Glenn’s post first thing this morning, as is my wont, but it must’ve been before he added that.


Would whoever stole my identity please give it back.


It might well be that Republicans offer creative ideas to make the system more “progressive” — i.e., more favorable to people lower down on the income scale…

This makes sense. When your retirement money dribbles away in the stock market, it hurts less if you had less to lose in the first place.


It might well be that Republicans offer creative ideas to make the system more “progressive” — i.e., more favorable to people lower down on the income scale…

It might well be if I smash my hand with a hammer it won’t really hurt all that much.

It might well be pigs DO fly, when we’re not looking.

Hell, keep digging, Rich – I’m sure there’s a pony somewhere in that pile of manure.


Time prevents me from replying to everything in Greenwald’s extravagantly updated post

Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap.

Since 1997, editing America’s Shittiest Website


Glenn Greenwald is Spartacus.


In Colombia, a company claimed to have invented a way of rapidly giving the poor much more for their money in short periods than seemed possible.

“Easy money, fast and effective.”

That was the name of one of the businesses in which millions of Colombians deposited their life savings after being promised short-term returns of as much as 150 percent.

But government officials say the businesses were pyramid schemes that raked in at least $200 million from 3 million people…

… Sergio Munoz is among those who lost their savings.

“That was for my children,” he said. “Now, it comes to light that they have robbed us. It was with complicity of the authorities who permit this — knowing that it is illegal for it to be permitted.”…

The difference is that in Colombia, the government merely looked away at the operation of the pyramid scheme, and the government moved swiftly to crack down on this impossible pyramid scheme.

Now, Republicans once again claim that if only “the individual” is allowed to control his or her Social Security investment in the awesome power of AMURKIN FEE ENTPRIZE, suddenly all of the hyper-exaggerated instabilities of the system will just go away, and, just as in Heaven, their tiny investment now will surely be rewarded many, many times over.

And they aim to be the government which makes it happen. Not some ‘rogue’ pyramid scheme fooling gullible, albeit desperate, poor and middle class people.

And also George Washington’s ghost will appear and shed a tear over a velvet painting of an eagle crying over the Twin Towers.


I tried to submit a comment comparing the scheme of Social Security privatization with a recently bust pyramid scheme in Colombia affecting tens and thousands of people, but apparently the blog software didn’t like it. So, WE ARE JOHN JACOB GLENNWALDHEIMER SPARTACUS MARSHALL!!!


It’s the Marshall Plan.

Spengler Dampniche

I miss all my past nyms.



His name is my name, too.

Joseph Lamar Chambers

Time prevents me from replying to everything in Greenwald’s extravagantly updated post

Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap

Time has come today.


Garry Moore said,
February 11, 2010 at 3:42

Will the real Glenn Marshall Mencken please stand-up!

’60s tee vee nymchange humor: Why I wastespend more of my existence here than anywhere else.

The Tragically Flip


In contrast, we can be pretty safe in assuming that Markos’s book will be a splenetic farrago of childish insults and partisan hatred — i.e. his usual fare.

Sadly, No!


* Crashing the Gate: Netroots, Grassroots, and the Rise of People Powered Politics (Chelsea Green, 2006) ISBN 1-931498-99-7
* Taking On the System: Rules for Radical Change in a Digital Era (Penguin Group, 2008) ISBN 0-45122-519-8

Markos has written 2 books to date, both of which were strategy/analysis on progressive politics, not polemics, nor partisan. Some “safe assumption” there Rich. 0 for 2 on this one.


I miss all my past nyms.

New ones FREE!

Lap Bidirshoo
Rayfyatic Rough the Accidental Pediatrician
Thoudxagi Dovie the Orange Giant gourami
Shawnna Ambassadors-Falstaff
Rod Judi
Snaring-Argos the Cosmetologist
Pohoarline Sherron
Caklfav Norma the giant ape
Shifthunowib Tastefully the Roasted Businesswoman
Losesfay Sishifxingou the Servant of Hastur
Reanna Faviola the Dragon slayer
Aileenquayro Cellars
Princess Suthok Flagler the Cenobite
Kaila Debbie the Seething Nightingale
Attribution Syrup the Wrangler
Sharondadee Rae
Liana the Unprincipled Mithril golem
Criminatesog Colby the Joyous Smoothed figurine
Sade the Perfectible Office assistant
Joucrowned Caroline
Brigid Chastity the Technical writer
Sergeant Major Ngakout Ella
Latanya Respectful
Redsections Sheequ the Broker
Sa Angila the Florist
Kolxim Beefshifseepkej the Titan, greater, epimetheus
Roybas Eryn the Offensive Specialist
Elvera Mariah
Von the Miller
Dep Humanely the Black Historiographer
Inflate Hoyt
Microprocessor-Stockpile the Extroverted Shadow bat
Pervert Xoyrval the Yummy Librettist
Inanimately Alfonso the Fraser’s dolphins
Puqudoywool Fransisca the Werebat (
Weplshifwool Bandwagon-Self
Father Titus-Verlene Pray
Rafaelarafe Vav
Rafelindsay Clotilde
Junior Jolynn the Construction engineer
Dutespooler Biotic-Modifiability the Hake
Shoyqueruktejrooze Shomeesazjog
Dodgechplut Cristobal the Test developer
Alishia the Bioengineer
Nogoroy Wool the Pediatrician
Gwynhet Misti
Benjaminjay Goycleekoy the Ratty Tutor
Senator Magdalena Pe the Wombat
Punjabibash Dep
Georgettatha Inger the Nonsensical Tanngrisnir and tanngjost
Ebonie Leta the Paleontologist
Rochel-Chuck Moduli
Plooyiwreeyopl Far
Southernwood Vep the Glowing Sperm whale
Peebsuppressor Lamar the Tari
Xokseaman Sunublozkle the Weary Turner
Lugilberte Klod
Tari-Gracia Unsent-Passions
Deelmaklegeecl Prevents the Friendly Frogfish
Gloria-Tijuana Amphibology the Outrageous Barista
Shoyqueglobally Houshi the Drosophila melanogaster
Marnie-Dorthea Mouxesoldoc
Bayonets Morose the Black Financial planner
Tai Reba the Hagfish
Shizukoprecl Contaminate-Moyer
Sheekeperfected Ivana the Chimera
Scarlet-Genevive Mousheequ
Tighten Fingernail
Duteburma Realness
Preeboelida Mantels
Bucredawebodwouj Vayhboy the Mechanical golem
Swiftest the Peppery Electrician
Minta the Fruiterer
Doorcoohbo Shintoize the Exotic Logistician
Acquitter Maurice the Difficult Pawnbroker
Quiycinda Censoring
Kathyrn Jacinto the Cave wurm
Jessica Emely the Bloodrose
Annett-Junior Compromising the Nursemaid
Heightenda Constitutionality the Pleasant ghoul myrmidon
Yimetej Marie the Clockmaker
Esmeralda Naypmitcrocl the Linesman
Claudine Coohcro the Foulmouthed Patent attorney
Aide-Merrill Shivers the Approximationof Weredire
Dapcapstan Tejropmayj the Rohu
Shanell Shefokool the Little Chauffeur
Plejcasandra Larita the Electric eel
Ciceronianizesaz Deposit the Ferret
Georgene Synthia the Pointed Brownie
Celeste Bridget the Manufacturer
Leeclelly confuse-Sprinkle the Weresloth
Conduction Yokaylap
Wihjoydnemakle Buffered
Larueve Harpy-Chartings the Absolute Vine horror spellfiend
Mindlessly Tuhwoyo the Nice Columnist
Hana Humanitarian
Leticia Theorists-Latinization
Businessklud Geralyn the Businessman


OK, the Chambers Bro. was even better.


My name is copyrighted. Get it off your list!

Joseph Garry Lamar Chambers Moore Elephant Butte

merci . M. Bouffant.

The Tragically Flip


my colleagues Jonah Goldberg and Ramesh Ponnuru wrote Liberal Fascism and Party of Death, respectively. I realize most on the Left have never read these books, but if they ever got beyond the titles and did so, they’d see they are serious works, even if they disagree with them.

Sadly, No!

Some recent review titles by actual historians:

# Paxton: The Scholarly Flaws
# Griffin: An Academic Book – Not!
# Feldman: Poor Scholarship, Wrong Conclusions


That there’s a lot of vegetables on that Spartacus Josh Marshall.

Microprocessor-Stockpile the Extroverted Shadow bat

I was going to just say “wow” and leave it at that, but you all know that comment is too short for WordPress.


I thought we were all Spartacus.

I think you mean “Spurticus.” The centerpiece of the only bachelor party I’ve attended sober.


Those are all names that send me boner-pill fake Rolex spam.


You know, I just guessed RIch’s “most on the Left” comment was about Doughbob’s magnum opiate (at least in part).

Seems I guessed correct. Yay, me.

Microprocessor-Stockpile the Extroverted Shadow bat

On- topic, what we are seeing is a vast hammering of last nails in left coffins, as far as the right is concerned. The Left flamed out (because it wasn’t represented, but that’s not the spin) within 4 months of Obama taking office, and now it’s being decried on the entire media spectrum as a failure.

So assgoats like Lowry, Jonah the Cetacean, et al are being held up almost as exemplars of the “new moderation” middle, which of course is, in fact, extreme-right batshit loonsville. Pieces like Lowry’s are intended to cement the middle right where they are. They’re calling any fucking thing “extreme left” now, like a dog pissing on every tree, to make sure we all know the middle is them, and only the middle is good.

Sadly, they’re probably correct, insofar as the US is concerned. It’s a hard-right nation, whenever it counts. All those polls suggesting Americans are really progressive but don’t know it? Hogwash. Also.


They’re calling any fucking thing “extreme left” now, like a dog pissing on every tree, to make sure we all know the middle is them, and only the middle is good.


Microprocessor-Stockpile the Extroverted Shadow bat

Sorry, I’m such a retard.


Uh oh — David Broder has gotten all starbursty too:

Sarah Palin displays her pitch-perfect populism

By David S. Broder | Thursday, February 11, 2010 | Washington Post

The snows that obliterated Washington in the past week interfered with many scheduled meetings, but they did not prevent the delivery of one important political message: Take Sarah Palin seriously.

Her lengthy Saturday night keynote address to the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville and her debut on the Sunday morning talk show circuit with Fox News’ Chris Wallace showed off a public figure at the top of her game — a politician who knows who she is and how to sell herself, even with notes on her palm.

This was not the first time that Palin has impressed me

…Palin did not wear well in the last campaign, especially in the suburbs where populism has a limited appeal. But when Wallace asked her about resigning the governorship with 17 months left in her term and whether she let her opponents drive her from office, she said, “Hell, no.”

Those who want to stop her will need more ammunition than deriding her habit of writing on her hand. The lady is good.

Fucking asshole Palin quits the fucking governorship halfway through and when asked about it she proudly and dumbly says “Hell, no.”

Wow. The lady is good. It takes a master of populist insight to say dumb, self-contradictory shit on command while looking at your fucking hand to remind you as a Republican to say budget tax cuts.

WOOO! As Broder says, she might not be no damn Obama with “eloquence and brains,” but, sometimes, that just ain’t what we damn lookin’ fer.

Broder says: WE ARE SAY-RUH!!!


I had a two-word response to Broder, but my arms too short to box with WP.


I don’t think you heard him: The lady is good.


The lady is good.

You mean, the way people in Hollywood used to say Nancy Reagan was good?


“Just to get it out of the way, I’m Josh Marshall and so’s my wife.”

That’s so wrong on several levels.


I’m Josh Marshall and so’s my wife.”

That’s so wrong on several levels.

IOW, Josh and Mrs. Josh live in a triplex.

Acquitter Maurice the Difficult Pawnbroker

My email to Herr Broder.

I just read your column on pitch perfect Palin. You sir are tone deaf.




Jesus. Holy sweet screaming jesus on a stick with mayo and pickles.



Okay, guys. Bring on the death asteroid, we’ve had it. Get us the fuck outta here and let the cockroaches see if they can do better. KEEY-rist.


Computer experts are alerting the public this week to the latest malicious attack email in wide circulation, which reportedly contains an attachment that can inflict “potentially very serious damage” if opened. The suspect email carries the seductive title, “Nude Pitchers Of Ann Colter” and recipients are being warned to delete it immediately without opening the attached file to avoid any risk of contamination or spread, since the attached file contains nude pictures of Ann Coulter.

Tighten Fingernail

SMG is my hero.

Are there hobo names forthcoming?

The Tragically Flip

That might be Broder’s worst ever. Atrios wasn’t feeling very bloggy today, that should help.


Hokey Smokes, I swam to shore because that (magnificent) bastard El Cid left a link.

Therefore, also:

Palin’s final answer to Wallace showed how perfectly she has come to inhabit that part. When he asked her what role she wants to play in the country’s future, she said:

“First and foremost, I want to be a good mom, and I want to raise happy, healthy, independent children. And I want them to be good citizens of this great country.

And how has that worked out for her so far?

A knocked-up high school drop-out daughter who was knocked up by another drop-out whose mommy is an accused Oxycontin dealer & a high-school drop-out son who had to join the Army to stay out of jail.

It’s about time to death panel Broder w/ a pillow while he sleeps. Careful of the drool.


Palin’s final answer to Wallace showed how perfectly she has come to inhabit that part. When he asked her what role she wants to play in the country’s future, she said:

“First and foremost, I want to be a good mom, and I want to raise happy, healthy, independent children. And I want them to be good citizens of this great country.

I trust Wallace did not do the human thing at that moment and slap her and say “WTF? That’s NOT what I just asked you. What the fuck does all that feel-good bullshit have to do with, well, ANYTHING?”

‘Cause, you see, Tweety’s not human.

I keep hearing comments about how we should just ignore Caribou Barbie and wait for her to go away. Well, I’m trying to do my part, really, but we need to work on these MSM fucknozzles who go scampering in her direction these days every time she opens her ingnint piehole.Otherwise, I swear, she’s going to end up being the 21st Century’s Buzz Windrip.


SMG – How did you do that?

Oh. It took years and years of studying and practicing something? Dang. So I have to cross “Nym generation for fun and profit” off my list of potential careers?


Added Value Lookism: She doesn’t seem to be suffering from the not-eating, hair-falling out of the campaign. Maybe she can only digest moose meat.

SHE’s FAT!!! Like algore & Michael Moore!


P. U.:

“Tweety” was actually pretty tough on her ass, if you missed it Monday.


Added Value Lookism:


Mine eyes! Ze Internet cliches, zey do nuffink!


M. Bouffant, a horrible, horrible man

Don’t belief the hype, peoples.

M.B. is a Cylon.


I realize most on the Left have never read these books, but if they ever got beyond the titles and did so, they’d see they are serious works, even if they disagree with them.

Yeah Left, don’t judge a book by its title! Or the fact it calls you Hitler. If you’d only get past that, you’d take me seriously the way I want to be taken.


And don’t judge conservative writers by what they write, neither, judge them on what they meant to write.


I thought we were all Spartacus.

Nope. We’re apparently all Heightenda Constitutionality the Pleasant Ghoul Myrmidon.

Also. “Duteburma Realness” would make a kick ass name for an alt-reggae band.


What “left”? The leader of the left just withdrew his mild criticism of the bankers over their extravagant bonuses.

As for his claim to speak for “most of the American people,” one can only say: “Speak for yourself, Mr. Obama!” Most of the American people are disgusted and appalled at the spectacle of financial parasites awarding themselves seven- and eight-figure bonuses after bringing the US and world economy to its knees, throwing millions into unemployment and poverty, and shifting their bad debts onto the government. Working people know that they are losing their jobs and seeing their wages and social services cut to pay for the criminal activities of the likes of Dimon and Blankfein.


brigadier: Check a few threads back.


El Cid:Thanks for the headsup.


Take Sarah Palin seriously.
–David Broder

Wait. We’re being punked, right? Ricrolled? Somethin’? There’s no way anyone at a major paper of record wou–

::checks link::


You know, I’ve spent the past 30 minutes typing and deleting about 5,000 words in an attempt to craft a response, but … I … just … I mean … holy fuck.

The woman had to write tax cuts on her hand so she’d remember the talking point.

A Republican. Having to write “tax cuts” on her palm. To answer a pre-asked question about the economy. Tax cuts. Tax. Cuts. TAX CUTS!

Yet Broder will elevate this complete, utter, clinical, frightening, full-on-and-full-stop fucktard* to national prominence. And, even worse, then go on to act as if that fucktard has a goddamn motherfucking clue about anything other than a few worthless-as-VirginBen-with-a-nekkid-woman talking points.

And that’s something Palin apparently can’t even do without cheating.

Stunning. Absofuckinglutely. Stunning.

(* Is this acceptable? Or is anything with “tard” in it totally off limits now? And should I care either way?)


I realize most on the Left have never read these books, but if they ever got beyond the titles and did so, they’d see they are serious works, even if they disagree with them.

PROTIP: perhaps titles that require “getting beyond” are fair barometers of a bucket of tepid swill hiding right behind them – if you’ve already demonstrably fucked up one of the main components of your magnum opus & turned the reader off before he even opens the fucking thing, maybe you should take an indefinite sabbatical from the literary line & seek a career in aardvark-breeding or grommet-testing, as such pursuits are more suitable to your level of mental ability.

That dipshits can also use footnotes & bibliographies in no way serves to mitigate their dipshittery – except in the eyes of fellow dipshits. Academia is a process of intellectual discipline, not a videogame that one plays using a word-processor – no matter how many pages soundbite-puking clowns like Ponnuru & Goldberg waste in the attempt to prove otherwise.

Jonah makes a very persuasive case that fascism is fundamentally a phenomenon of the Left.

Indeed – in much the same way that I can make a very persuasive case that my dick can cure the blind & make the lame walk, just by saying it is so! Did I mention that you have to believe my thesis before I even put it forward – or that the mountain of evidence refuting it must all be ignored?
Take Sarah Palin seriously.

Thanks Meester Broder! Best laugh I’ve had all day!

Okay, here’s a delightful thought-experiment: see if you can cite ANY public appearance by Palin since 2008 where she did NOT make a royal asshat of herself … good luck.

we should just ignore Caribou Barbie and wait for her to go away

Don’t hold your breath – the uncontrolled experiment in inbreeding that is the American Mass Media hangs on her every word, & she’s both telegenic & a raging narcissist – it’s a perfect storm of stupidity.

A concerned citizen

And what does Rich have to do, anyway, that he can’t address Glenn’s points? Squaring the circle? Solving Fermat’s last theorem? Brewing life in a test tube?

Yeah, I know, huh? If your job is “public intellectual”, doesn’t that include, you know, addressing substantive criticism from other public intellectuals? Isn’t that pretty much the whole fucking gig? He’s like Shane or something — his argumentatin’ days are over and now he just wants to be a simple country ranch hand. Or maybe Fermat. Lowry came up with an inviolable proof that all liberals R fags, but he happened to write it down on a cocktail napkin just before he and Jonah tucked into a big plate of ribs, so, you know.


ANY public appearance by Palin since 2008 where she did NOT make a royal asshat of herself

Well, some of those book-signings came off OK. Not the ones where she ran out on her fans, but some of them.

digby wrote something (For which I cannot be arsed. Oh, alright, I’ll arse myself, not as if I’ve anything else to do.) about country music stars still giving autographs & being nice to their fans, & how those fans will turn on a star who doesn’t kiss their moron heartland asses. Same deal here.

Fucking crackers.


Indeed – in much the same way that I can make a very persuasive case that my dick can cure the blind & make the lame walk, just by saying it is so!

CAUSES the blind. Mom sez.

A concerned citizen

Indeed – in much the same way that I can make a very persuasive case that my dick can cure the blind & make the lame walk, just by saying it is so!

Yeah, but unlike Jonah, you’ve done some actual research into your claim. It might not be true, but at least you could muster something that would count as evidence one way or the other. Unless you plan to prove your assertion by completely redefining what “dick”, “cure” and “blind” mean, and then still not scrape up any coherent evidence, you’re still way ahead of them. Get this man some grant money, is what I am saying.


ANY public appearance by Palin

by the time the 2012 election is over, no american will be able to hear properly


I stopped when I needed glasses. I was six.

“Mom”*was consumed w/ guilt that she hadn’t realized I needed cheaters.

*Not actually. Thunder’s right. But for a Cylon I’m not horrible at all.

A concerned citizen

Oh one little Broder bit stood out:

“her habit of writing on her hand. ”

Now, how would David Broder know it was a habit of hers, unless he had seen her palms up close and personal on more than one occasion? Since this is the first time Sarah’s been caught checkin’ her palm pilot as far as I know, it’s hard not to draw one conclusion as to the source of that tidbit.


Time prevents me from replying to everything in Greenwald’s extravagantly updated post

Obviously time did not prevent Greenwald from updating it in the first place. This is probably because he buys his own furniture, and his opinions are therefore negligible.


The snows that obliterated Washington in the past week interfered with many scheduled meetings, but they did not prevent the delivery of one important political message: Take Sarah Palin seriously.

I find it very difficult to imagine a lazier way of writing a column about an event in Nashville than describing the weather in Washington. Curse my lack of imagination.

This Is Josh Marshall

But Greenwald goes to eleven.


(* Is this acceptable? Or is anything with “tard” in it totally off limits now? And should I care either way?)

No, no and no.


her habit of writing on her hand.

sorry, where I come from that is seen as being kooky or a but sad….

although it would have been funny if she had; “Mangoes”, “Torture”, “Remember, turn gas off”, or; “Johan pron shots” written on her hand….


The snows that obliterated Washington in the past week interfered with many scheduled meetings, but they did not prevent the delivery of one important political message: Take Sarah Palin seriously.

Returning to an earlier comment, just to marvel at the underlying message here: Because the place where I live is clogged by a snowfall, I take it for granted that the rest of the world will grind to a halt, and any place where the world carries on regardless is a source of consternation, a veritable raree-show.


Broder is probably not aware that the Pony Express stopped running some time ago, & is therefore still amazed that it took only three days for the message to get from Nashville to Washington.

These new-fangled railroads are really going to change America!


hells bells, via Smuts linky, I see Niall ‘white is right’ Ferguson is slipping one to Ayaan ‘loudmouthed twat’ Hirsi Ali. So muck for Niall’s fidelity of marriage rightwing talking point! Hilariously, from the second linked article, the met at; ‘Time magazine’s prestigious 100 Most Influential People In The World party in New York last May.’

wtf, how is either of them fucken influential? He writes unreadable tomes for Telegraph readers and wingnuts, most of which seem to summarize that the British Empire was great and its was the Irish/French/Labour Party’s fault that it all went to shit. Comfortable, intellectual pulp for bigots. AHA is whole other kettle of fish, publicity seeking, loudmouthed and loves herself something awful. But influential???

Other money quote: “The Mail on Sunday can reveal how Ferguson’s philandering behaviour – described by one confidante as ‘more akin to a Premiership footballer’s louche ways than an esteemed professor’s’; John Terry & Niall Ferguson, who would have thought it.

Anyway, i’ll shut up now….

oh, and PENIS


and the lutz keeps on coming:

“The separation is likely to affect both of their political careers, as each enjoys close links with the Conservative party, which has been focusing heavily on the promotion of marriage. ”

“It is not the first time that Ferguson has been unfaithful. He has cheated on his wife eight times over the past five years, according to one family friend, and five of these affairs have apparently taken place over the past 18 months.”

“A friend who has known Ms Douglas for many years said last night: ‘It just seems sad that, despite all the lessons of history, Niall has set himself off in pursuit of some liberal idea of individual freedom and appears hellbent on breaking up his family. God knows how Ayaan thinks her feminist views square with her current conduct with Niall.”

“He is seen as a contentious figure in literary circles, prompting one rival historian to declare: ‘He has the kind of face you want to punch.’”

more here:


I find Niall Ferguson a gigantic pompous over-hyped and constantly wrong douchebag and the over-attention to Ali annoying, but their personal romantic relationships don’t interest me.


I think Broder’s message to the Powers That Be (and who else, really, does he write for?) is simple: Let Sarah Palin con the rubes with her home spun populism but when you need her to stand for your interests she’ll happily go along. Neat, cheap and easy.


He has the kind of face you want to punch

Fun Fact: In German this is known as a “Backpfeifengesicht”.


Fun Fact: In German this is known as a “Backpfeifengesicht”.

Babelfish translates this as “Baking whistle face”. I beginning to think that the Nym generator and Yahoo are one and the same.


“Baking whistle face”?

I think you broke Babelfish.


Correct, however, according to common parlance.

Thus, I have a new word.


He has the kind of face you want to punch
Fun Fact: In German this is known as a “Backpfeifengesicht”.

Wouldn’t “He has a face like Jonah Goldberg” be more economical, as well as easier to say?




Yeah Left, don’t judge a book by its title! Or the fact it calls you Hitler.

Or that it has a fucking HITLER SMILEY FACE on the cover. Because it’s SERIOUS.

I just read your column on pitch perfect Palin. You sir are tone deaf.

Heh. Like Lowry, Brooks also has Palin synesthesia: hears her voice, sees sparkles.

‘It just seems sad that, despite all the lessons of history, Niall has set himself off in pursuit of some liberal idea of individual freedom and appears hellbent on breaking up his family.

Fuck. You. I’ve been married for almost 20 years and never cheated, and in the US, at least, the most liberal parts have the lowest divorce rates. Considering the vast preponderance of the evidence, your word meaning less than nothing and screwing over those to whom you owe the most are 100% conservative values.


baking whistle face is my new favorite epithet.


‘It just seems sad that, despite all the lessons of history, Niall has set himself off in pursuit of some liberal idea of individual freedom and appears hellbent on breaking up his family.

As someone pointed out in the LGM thread, Niall Ferguson’s friends were happy when he stuck to Conservative virtues like multiple affairs & shagging his students, but actually shacking up with one of his girlfriends turns him into a liberal libertine, and becomes an indictment of feminism.

The best thing about that thread was the analysis from Ajay and Aimai of the class signifiers used by Ferguson’s friends (“more akin to a Premiership footballer’s louche ways”) — the shorthand phrases used by the upper-middle class to exaggerate the fine line between them and the lower-middle class.

IIRC, Ayaan Hirsi Ali has a career of infidelity to the truth so consistent as to border on borderline personality, so I anticipate that her future with Ferguson will be marked by lots of stalking and the occasional bunny-boiling episode.


Niall Ferguson’s friends were happy when he stuck to Conservative virtues like multiple affairs & shagging his students, but actually shacking up with one of his girlfriends turns him into a liberal libertine, and becomes an indictment of feminism.

So stealing the milk is conservative, but buying the cow is liberal?


The best thing about that thread was the analysis from Ajay and Aimai of the class signifiers used by Ferguson’s friends (“more akin to a Premiership footballer’s louche ways”) — the shorthand phrases used by the upper-middle class to exaggerate the fine line between them and the lower-middle class.

Football is a blaggard’s game played by gentlemen. Rugby is a gentleman’s game played by blaggards.

And Gaelic football is a blaggard’s game played by blaggards.


I realize most on the Left have never read these books, but if they ever got beyond the titles and did so, they’d see they are serious works, even if they disagree with them.

I think Richie makes a good point here. While most of you Lefties haven’t read the Goldberg & Pommerrendu Classics, Lowry has already read all of Markos’ yet-to-be-finished and yet-to-be-published book and is thus qualified to comment on Kos’ “extremism.”


Football is a blaggard’s game played by gentlemen. Rugby is a gentleman’s game played by blaggards.

The other way around, I was taught. But where does the Aussie Rules game fit into the equation?


Damn. I was drunk when I read that on the bathroom wall…


MALE TEABAGGER: “I might be an old codger, but I sho like Miss Sarah. She’s one good lookin’ gal! Those legs. That caboose. What a rack!”
TRANSLATION: I’m not gay. Really, I’m not. Honest injun!

ALSO CONSIDER: “Projecting through the Screen”, By Rich Lowry, 10/03/08
A very wise TV executive once told me that the key to TV is projecting through the screen. It’s one of the keys to the success of, say, a Bill O’Reilly, who comes through the screen and grabs you by the throat. Palin too projects through the screen like crazy. I’m sure I’m not the only male in America who, when Palin dropped her first wink, sat up a little straighter on the couch and said, “Hey, I think she just winked at me.” And her smile. By the end, when she clearly knew she was doing well, it was so sparkling it was almost mesmerizing. It sent little starbursts through the screen and ricocheting around the living rooms of America. This is a quality that can’t be learned; it’s either something you have or you don’t, and man, she’s got it.


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