Teabagger and Sympathy

ABOVE: Troy Nelson(?) (left); improved American Thinker
Logo (left and right).

Shorter Troy Nelson, The American “Thinker”
The Super Bowl – It’s All About the “Sympathy” Vote

  • Barry’s statement that he is rooting for the Saints is further proof that he is a socialist who wants to confiscate white wealth and give it to black “victims.” Me, I’m rooting for the white team. And, no matter how much the Superbowl broadcast begs for money for Haiti, I’m not giving a nickel to those “victims” either.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 306


There’s nothing wrong with having a sentimental favorite, of pulling for the underdog. Who doesn’t sometimes pull for the David – the guy or team that’s not the BMOC (Big man on campus)? I do, when they earn it, when they overcome by the honest “capitalist” traits listed above. When did the Spock philosophy overtake the game? “The hopes of the many outweigh the hopes of the few.”

Excuse me, but when the fuck did Barack Obama make the NFL give the Saints the playoffs without having to win?

His sleuthing extends to the outrageous revelation that Obama backed the Bears in ’06.

And New Orleans hasn’t won a SuperBowl while hosting several, though the Colts (in various urban locations) have.

But wait — isn’t the American Stinker’s opinion dominated by socialist unions?

Isn’t Indianapolis a major manufacturing, blue collar, therefore labor friendly environment, unlike the Southern, union-light New Orleans?

Isn’t he pulling for the more workerist, more socialist team, the Indianapolis Marxist Colts?


Oh boy, this one is packed full of funny:

As Obama expressed, socialists and bleeding hearts have warped even sports and rooting into a meritocracy based on sympathy that often has nothing to do with the teams themselves but what they represent externally to the game.

There’s much to enjoy about this little excerpt, but I’d just appreciate the magnificence of that highlighted phrase.


That American Thinker image never fails to amuse me.


As Obama expressed, socialists and bleeding hearts have warped even sports and rooting into a meritocracy based on sympathy that often has nothing to do with the teams themselves but what they represent externally to the game.

Suck on that, you Brooklyn Dodger fan losers!


So sports fandom is now required to be on a strictly merit basis?

So, if my home team has a worse record than the team it’s playing, I should pull for the other team? Because the other guys are working harder and winning and therefore deserve my support? Anything else is Affirmative Action fan support?


they represent externally to the game.

what, there were no fans before Obama? Who went to all those games?


Lolly is faster than a zombie.


Cause I’m already on my second cuppa coffee.


Lolly is faster than a zombie.

Breathers 1, shamblers 0.


Yeah, the NFL. That “outpost of racism and liberalism,” per Rush.

Let’s see how many granfalloons we can fit on the field before somebody blows the whistle.


So, if my home team has a worse record than the team it’s playing, I should pull for the other team?

Shorter Troy Nelson: anyone who doesn’t root for the Yankees is a commie.

And no complaining about “the finest time money can buy,” either! THAT’S TEH FREEMARKIT!!11!!


Breathers 1, shamblers 0.

So I have to root for the shamblers now?


Team, dammit, team!


So I have to root for the shamblers now?

Only if they’re scary dark-skinned people.


So I have to root for the shamblers now?

Also, look up the Brit slang definition of “root” before you say this around ZRM. Also.


I loves me some Payton Manning though. Yummy.

Besides New Orleans was a tragedy but they’ve had a long time to improve things there. We are even thinking of going to Mardi Gras next time and tourism has to be improving. Come on, I’m just a broke college kid and I can make it on a campus job so there’s no excuse if people stay broke down in New Orleans. I’m a Democrat and I’m all for helping people out but they have to help themselves a little bit too.


Also, look up the Brit slang definition of “root” before you say this around ZRM. Also.

“Cheer.” I meant “cheer for.”


Team, dammit, team!

“the finest time money can buy,” works too, and better.


As Obama expressed, socialists and bleeding hearts have warped even sports and rooting into a meritocracy based on sympathy that often has nothing to do with the teams themselves but what they represent externally to the game.

OK, nevermind the reverse definition of meritocracy that someone already noted.

Isn’t “what they represent externally” the most common reason to root for a team?

i.e., where they are located (near me! near my favorite city!).

Or c’mon–how many of you have turned on a college game, maybe during bowl season, and found two teams you’ve never heard of before in your life–and started rooting for the team with the best-looking quarterback? Or the funniest mascot? Didn’t know you were being Commie Socialists, did you?


“the finest time money can buy,” works too, and better.

Particularly when discussion human/zombie slash fiction.


Or c’mon–how many of you have turned on a college game, maybe during bowl season, and found two teams you’ve never heard of before in your life–and started rooting for the team with the best-looking quarterback? Or the funniest mascot?

Fattest coach wearing sans-a-belt slacks.


Sadly No was linked both at digby’s AND Crooks and Liars this week?

Gonna have to cut down on the POOP and PENIS, folks.


I just root for whomever is winning at the moment.


Your use of “whom” shows you to be a pinkocommiefascistlib.


human/zombie slash fiction.

do you, perhaps, have a web site sir?


Sadly No was linked both at digby’s AND Crooks and Liars this week?

Gonna have to cut down on the POOP and PENIS, folks.

Maybe that’s the only reasons for the links. And, stop the spendin’.


From BoingBoing:

Here’s a fascinating profile on radical Santa Fe Institute economist Samuel Bowles, an empiricist who says his research doesn’t support the Chicago School efficient marketplace hypothesis. Instead, Bowles argues that the wealth inequality created by strict market economics creates inefficiencies because society has to devote so much effort to stopping the poor from expropriating the rich. He calls this “guard labor” and says that one in four Americans is employed to in the sector — labor that could otherwise be used to increase the nation’s wealth and progress.

This problem too would be cured if we’d just stop all the spendin’, somehow or another, and also cut all the taxes, and stopped all the regulatin’.


ehh, already done

I guess you have to fall back on Plan A: getting rich from your architectural practice.


I’m not rooting for the Saints; I’m rooting against the Colts. I personally can’t stand Peyton Manning, or any of the Manning Clan, for that matter. I’m sick of seeing his smug puss on every damn commercial aired during NFL games, and the Peyton-worship from the commentators whenever he floats 18 inches above the turf to take his position under center is enough to make me puke light blue ponies. Also, too, I have never gotten over the way Isray fucked over Baltimore when he pulled the midnight heist in 1984.

I was born in Denver, moved away with my family when I was a wee laddie, and only returned about 10 years ago, but I have been a true blue-and-orange Broncos fan my whole life. I don’t care about the politics, religion, race or socio-economic philosophy of the owner, the coach, the QB or any of the players, and never have. They’re my team, dammit, right or wrong, win or lose. That’s what being a fan means. Can we for Gawdsake have one passionate enthusiasm that isn’t political?


Gah, close-italics fail. Need coffee.


So I have to root for the shamblers now?

we’d like to think you would WANT to.


I guess you have to fall back on Plan A: getting rich from your architectural practice.

oh, that’s fuckin funny. Ha-ha.



That’s it, we’re moving the zompocalypse up 3 months.


This problem too would be cured if we’d just stop all the spendin’, somehow or another, and also cut all the taxes, and stopped all the regulatin’.

Colorado Springs!!


>i?oh, that’s fuckin funny. Ha-ha.

Who needs to aim for the head? I know where your real weak point is.


Nice fucking tag, eh?


It’s not slash fiction but Bruce LaBruce made a gay zombie porn flick.


Which, I should add, is chock full of PENIS,.


Can we for Gawdsake have one passionate enthusiasm that isn’t political?

The personal IS political. Also, Teabaggers are insecure, and need validation at every step.




Who needs to aim for the head? I know where your real weak point is.

umm, yeah it WAS the head, in a way.

And nice fuckin tag work. You build stuff like that?


And nice fuckin tag work. You build stuff like that?

I blame WP’s lack of shop drawing submittals.



A case could be made that Breather penis eats branes, also.


a gay zombie porn flick.

what the hell took so long?


A case could be made that Breather penis eats branes, also.

The difference being whose branes get et.


Ok, well, I don’t care about football at all and I’m not gonna go read Samuel Bowles, but it sounds like Bowles is right for the wrong reason. Inequality of wealth hurts an economy not because a large fraction of the desperate poor end up having no work other than guarding the horde of riches amassed by the wealthy but because desperately poor people don’t have the money to buy anything and since any system with huge wealth inequalities features a very small segment with lots of money and very large segment with none, there’s very little economic activity. The rich end up much poorer under such a system as well, but then again, many of them aren’t so concerned about their actual level of wealth but rather how much more they have than anyone else.


meritocracy based on sympathy

I can see where he’s coming from. Remember, he’s in the crowd that believes science is based on ideology. That truth is based on belief. That reality is based on rhetoric.

I’m trying to come up with something about lotteries based on predetermination but with no success.


Jennifer’s point is well-made.

These dworks have internalized the zero-sum mentality and thoroughly believe that they are not doing well unless someone else is suffering.

OR…. perhaps they just like to see people suffering, cuz they’re amoral inhumane black holes of sociopathy.

Nahh, that can’t be it. Can’t think of a single example of someone like THAT.


lotteries based on predetermination but with no success.

Lotteries are based on how much you love God?



And, FYWP Too short, eh? Well how about


Oh, you rang?

perhaps they just like to see people suffering, cuz they’re amoral inhumane black holes of sociopathy

Nah. There’s always cake.


I’m trying to reverse engineer his column if Obama had said he was cheering for the Colts, but I don’t know or care fuck-all about football, so it’s hard going.

But I truly believe that, but for a few adjectives, Troy Nelson would write the exact same column if Obama came out for the Colts.


And the comments, dear Lord, the comments. I keep referring to the wingnut hordes as Orc Nation (well, I did once), but sweet Jeebus, how true that is.

Not to mention Nelson’s classic preening Randroid prose style. Do you see what you’ve enabled, Internet? Are you happy now?


Do the Colts have a halftime song like this?

Also, FYWP.


PeeJ said,


Sadly No will never get that Atrios link now.


Speaking of zombies, this is just about perfect:



Yumpin fuckin yiminy!

GOTB. Tried to slog through Troyboy’s extensive poutrage. Had to give up. Moved on to comments. Jeebus fooken keerist. The intertronz: an F-5 tempest in septic tank of butthurt* whining racist idjits.

*No intent to disparage teh buttseks.


But I truly believe that, but for a few adjectives, Troy Nelson would write the exact same column if Obama came out for the Colts.

who could doubt that? It’s been their response to everything Obama since that November day….

Let us not forget the Mustard Debacle.



Kansas City terrorized! We iz in yer hartland, koruptin yer childrenz!


I had to fight off a pack of snow-zombies just to get to my car today.


Holy hell, I went looking for mangoes:

Who overcome the challenges of a determined opponent on the level playing field of competition? Of blood, sweat, and tears? I guess in our coddled, emasculated, socialist society any overt demonstration or celebration of these qualities is offensive,


Look, zombies can’t afford to kill off brain cells like that. Staying in the boat, me.


I had to fight off a pack of snow-zombies just to get to my car today.

yeah, those guys are pretty extreme. Brains and Jagermeister.


Choads preen?



I had to fight off a pack of snow-zombies just to get to my car today.

Shambling is a safe way to move across slippery surfaces. Icy conditions take away breather agility advantages, methinks.


I guess in our coddled, emasculated, socialist society any overt demonstration or celebration of these qualities is shoving it down my throat!


I personally can’t stand Peyton Manning

Seriously, I know a lot of you don’t care about football, but if you do happen to watch the game tomorrow, voluntarily or otherwise, you need to root against this guy. The NFL Channel replayed the last Colts Super Bowl a couple of days ago, and I was reminded afresh of what a dick he is, yelling and cursing at his teammates every time they failed to catch one of his perfect passes, even if it was way off the mark. But hey, when a Peyton Manning pass is inaccurate, that’s because he meant it that way.


And apologies if any of my shit shows up more than once. I’m usually not a “FYWP” person because I’ve never had issues with it, but for some reason it’s being a real twat today.


Instead, Bowles argues that the wealth inequality created by strict market economics creates inefficiencies because society has to devote so much effort to stopping the poor from expropriating the rich. He calls this “guard labor” and says that one in four Americans is employed to in the sector — labor that could otherwise be used to increase the nation’s wealth and progress.

Well, if we’re spending too much on guards, then clearly there is a demonstrated need for a cost-effective solution to the Poverty Problem. Perhaps even a Final Solution.

Hey, don’t look at me like that. When the Free Market speaks, we must obey.


Jennifer – actually the piece on Bowles is pretty good. And the part about “guard labor” is really only a small piece of his overall thesis on inequality. I think it’s worth reading:



This problem too would be cured if we’d just stop all the spendin’, somehow or another, and also cut all the taxes, and stopped all the regulatin’.

That’s really the best hope for change, IMO. The rich will forget why they are spending so much on guards and decide to cut a few costs.


The fact is Peyton Manning represents real Heartland Values. The Colts are the Heartland’s team and will be taking over South Florida tomorrow, winning the Lombardi Trophy and then returning triumphantly to the Heartland.


Super Bowl Sunday, including the lead-up to the game itself, is going to be one long “donate till it hurts for Haiti and New Orleans” text fest interrupted by random player and game commentary by announcers… when they’re not shilling for Haiti and New Orleans.

If I do watch I just might have to pull for the master-of-his-craft tall white guy QB and the Colts. How capitalistic of me, how unsympathetic, how un-Barryish. I’m ashamed… not!

Well, that’s not at all racist or unsympathetic to the plight of people struggling to recover from natural disasters.

These assholes have really let the masks slip off completely. No more pretense – just straight-up white supremacist, Randian drivel.

Of course, when you point that out to them, they go into full Breitbart meltdown mode and accuse you of being the real racist.


do you know why I’m stupid? Because not only do I never stay on the boat, but I always read the comments as well. And, fuck me, this batch of comments really makes me want to stick a screwdriver into my skull.


The fact is, Indianapolis has a housing market that is almost like a hurricane went through it.


makes me want to stick a screwdriver into my skull.


commie atheist – thanks for the link. That was a most excellent article.

And giving it some more thought, if you add in the lobbyists, lawyers, politicians and etc etc etc that corporations pay off into the category of protecting their interests (wealth), I’m sure he’s right that 25% of the workforce is in one way or another employed in protecting rich people’s stuff.


The difference being whose branes get et.

But either way, the breather gets fucked. So it’s all good.


Why is the librul MSM totally ignoring the Tea Party movement?

Reporters are swarming the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and, with little exception, getting press passes. When I checked it around 11 a.m., more than 150 reporters had been credentialed. While there are around 600 paying attendees, the scene in the hall outside of the banquet and meeting rooms is basically one-to-one reporter-to-attendee. Inside the breakout sessions, at least three cameras are filming at any one time.



“I can see where he’s coming from. Remember, he’s in the crowd that believes science is based on ideology. That truth is based on belief. That reality is based on rhetoric.”

Welcome to the postmodern Teabagger.

The text is theft.


I am (blissfully) ignorant about football, but I used the googlethingy just now and learned that the quarterman for the Saints is a tall white guy. Just like the quarterman for the Colts. Is the Colts’ quartman *more* white than the Saints’? How does one tell?


More Scenes from a Teabagger Convention: Breitbart actually says something reasonable, Farah says Breitbart’s not a journalist like him, and Judson Phillips makes a “joke”:


Still to come: Super Sarah, the Power Palin!


commie atheist@February 6, 2010 at 21:22

Thanks, that is central to the point on my head.

When huge numbers of people turned out to oppose the war in Iraq, the corporate media happily ignored the dfh’s.

Now, far smaller crowds of complete chundermuffins (and a movement created by astroturfers paid by the health insurance industry) get coverage 24-7.

Corporate media working to protect corporate profits.


Is the Colts’ quartman *more* white than the Saints’? How does one tell?

Even more confusing: the head coach for the Colts is black, while the head coach for the Saints is white. I would hesitate to point this out to the folks who think that Saints got into the Super Bowl due to affirmative action, as that might cause their heads to explode, but then again…


Also, I know this is a stupid question but don’t each of the teams actually have to win games in order to be in the tidy bowl?


Also, I know this is a stupid question but don’t each of the teams actually have to win games in order to be in the tidy bowl?

Barack Hussein, the Muslamofascist Commie Socialist, had the NFL refs steal the game from Saint Bret Favre.


Lotteries are based on how much you love God?

there’s very little economic activity. The rich end up much poorer under such a system as well
Doesn’t matter — when the country goes Haiti-shaped, the 0.1% of the population who skimmed off all its resources can buy themselves new citizenship in some other country. This is the ‘mobility of the productive class’, and is why you need low taxation, to persuade them to stay home.


Just read the article on Bowles, and it has made me think about something..

Starting a small business is a gamble. You take a risk, in hope of a reward. Whilst knowing what you are doing and working hard helps, luck is involved too.

The trouble with most government incentives to start ups, is they only weight the reward side of things. They don’t do much, if anything, to deal with the risks of failure.

I would say it is fear of the consequences of failure which puts most people off starting a business. Lots and lots of small businesses fail, it seems unavoidable. But you cant shrug that off as just being the market at work, because behind every small business failure, is a personal bankruptcy for some poor bastard.

So fuck lending money to people starting small businesses. GIVE them money. Pay them a decent salary for the first year, reducing it to half next year, then a quarter for the third year. Sure, let people get a cheap loan to cover business expenses, but don’t make people borrow money or burn through their savings for living expenses.

How about free access to an accountant too? Ideally, one given the authority to reduce your loan repayments if they think it necessary, and who will handle dissolving the business with the least impact to the entrepreneur if things go tits up.

Then add something a bit better than unemployment benefits for people who have had their business go under, and incentives for employers who hire back somebody who left to start a business and didn’t make it.

What I’m saying is that if maintaining your standard of living is guaranteed, it’s a hell of a lot easier to take the plunge.


Then add something a bit better than unemployment benefits for people who have had their business go under, and incentives for employers who hire back somebody who left to start a business and didn’t make it.

Well, even allowing unemployment benefits for people whose businesses go tits-up would be a good start, because currently the owner of a business that goes under isn’t eligible for unemployment, despite paying in both federal and state unemployment taxes.


I’m having a hard time harmonizing “socialists and bleeding hearts have warped even sports and rooting into a meritocracy based on sympathy that often has nothing to do with the teams themselves but what they represent externally to the game” with “There’s nothing wrong with having a sentimental favorite, of pulling for the underdog. I do, when they earn it, when they overcome by the honest “capitalist” traits listed above” and “If I do watch I just might have to pull for the master-of-his-craft tall white guy QB and the Colts. How capitalistic of me, how unsympathetic, how un-Barryish.”

So cheering for the underdog is OK but only if it’s something that has to do with the game, like an economic system as long as it isn’t socialism?

a gay zombie porn flick.

what the hell took so long?

Kept eating the wrong head?


They should rename that site The American Hemorrhoid.


I think the gist is that, if a fb team is cheered on by Hussein Hussein Hussein Obama and represents a predominantly black city, it could only have gotten to the Super Bowl by affirmative action and not by virtue of, say, winning games. Winning those games doesn’t count in this case.

The other team, then, by default represents True American Capitalist Values and all real Americans should cheer for that team.


So cheering for the underdog is OK but only if it’s something that has to do with the game, like an economic system as long as it isn’t socialism?

Wingnut Prime Directive #13B-2: “Whatever Obama is for, I’m against.” If “Barry” had said he was rooting for the Colts, than Dickhead would have written about how it was only because of the Colts’ affirmative-action hiring policies for their head coach (previous and current ones being black), and how all right-thinking Americans should root for the underdog Saints because THE SOUTH SHALL RISE AGAIN. They have a narrative, they’re not going to deviate from it, and the words they use don’t have to make any coherent, logical sense, as long as they push the narrative forward.


Well, I’ma gonna cheer for the Saints because I JUST SO LOVE JESUS.


Of course, the ultimate silliness of all this is that–unless I grossly underestimate my own psychic power (and Nelson’s, and Obama’s) it makes absolutely no difference in anything who I cheer on. The game will be won by whichever team scores the most points, regardless of the political persuasion of a handful of its supporters. Which is one reason it’s so childish to pitch a fit about somebody’s choice of teams in the Super Bowl.




The telegraph has an article about Hitler’s taking a primitive form of viagra. I tried, oh lawd how I tried, to make a comment asking Rush Limpaugh a simple question. But noooooo, skullFYWP and your spam-me-not bastard child too.



Possibly useful for building into your photoshop ridicule.


Mighty fine piece of snark at the Discount Viscount linked by Deltoid. Bonus Strine.


Want to be confused even more?

Indy’s QB grew up in New Orleans (his father played for the Saints), and New Orleans’ QB went to college in Indiana.


Clustered Sperm Whale with Polytheistic Barbecued Gorgonzola Naturales

I’m not 100% sure of this recipe. I will check with the person who taught me how to make it and get back to you. This is what I remember:

1 balsamic sperm whale, sauteed
2 tablespoons Gorgonzola naturale
1 commendable American pasteurized process cheese food, peculiarly rinsed
5 ounces vulture skull
1 ounce sage
1 portion Vequfaviola Parceled-Compensates’s Butter

The first thing you are going to want to do is let the sperm whale soften. I recommend cutting it into really big dodecahedra to let it soften quicker. Then you are going to roll the American pasteurized process cheese food with the Gorgonzola naturale out onto a 12 X 7 (roughly) cookie sheet. Bake the dough at 310 Celsius. YOU MUST LET THIS ENGUCKIFY BEFORE PUTTING ANYTHING ON TOP OF IT. Let it cool for at least 1/2 hour. You can chop up whatever’s handy while waiting for it to cool and make the sperm whale center. For the center, mix the vulture and the sperm whale. You can use Clyde-Emilia Emily’s Honey Badger Leg but vulture is better for this recipe as you want more of a taste. Mix it with a blender until it is very creamy and there are no lumps. Then add in the sage to the sperm whale mix. Spread the sperm whale mix over the cooled American pasteurized process cheese food bottom. I recommend putting it in dollups over the dough, so you can spread it around easier. Try not to touch the American pasteurized process cheese food bottom as you are spreading it. The reason why the American pasteurized process cheese food bottom has to be very cool is because otherwise it will start to lift up as you are spreading the American pasteurized process cheese food. Make sure to get all spots where the American pasteurized process cheese food shows. After this is done, sprinkle the sage on top. Don’t try cutting it until you have let it cool in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Before putting it in the refrigerator though, run a knife over the outside of the whole thing, so it is easier to get out later. If you try cutting it into slices before it is cool, the American pasteurized process cheese food and the sperm whale will run along the knife with you.


1 commendable American pasteurized process cheese food

As soon as it exists, I’ll buy it.



Technically, that smegma Kraft and others peddle is not “cheese food.” Technically, it is “cheese food product.”

Spengler Dampniche

Yes, yes, but let’s not forget, les negres sont doués en sport. If they could swim, whites would have no athletic activity at which to excel.

Spengler Dampniche

I mean if les negres could swim. CURSES! FOILED BY HITLER!


do you know why I’m stupid? Because not only do I never stay on the boat, but I always read the comments as well. And, fuck me, this batch of comments really makes me want to stick a screwdriver into my skull.

If you’ve got a screwdriver, you may be able to build a makeshift raft. Don’t give up yet, vacuumslayer. The crew of the SS Sadly, No and its lifeboats will pick up nearly any Tom, Dick, or Gary Ruppert. Do keep an eye out for the guy on the lifeboat mumbling about brains….

Otherwise, fuck the Colts. Other than the Raiders and Steelers I don’t give a damn about the AFC teams (and I “sympathize” with a dozen NFC teams and think they’re usually a good bet). “[A] meritocracy based on sympathy”? I rarely have anything better than some form of “sympathy” (hence the Raiders) to go on. If it’s not about some form of sympathy, why go past week four of the NFL season, by which time the statistically “best” team (or 2-3 teams maybe) has already emerged?


well i don’t care, payton manning is teh sexy and i’m sick of hearing about new orleans anyway. katrina was a long time ago guys, get over it already. i broke my leg when i was 5 but you don’t see me whining about it every single day 16 years later. now i jog three times a week and play tennis.


…wait, I MUMBLE?

rassenfrassen fritzenjimminjammenfrassle….


i broke my leg when i was 5 but you don’t see me whining about it

you just did….


Goddamnit, that thing about Obama and the Bears was a MNF intro for a midseason game against the Rams! It was timely and funny and had nothing to do with rooting against the Saints or the playoffs or anything.


you just did….

lol good point but not actually.

all i said was that we’ve all had problems but we get over them and overcome them. i’m a democrat but i don’t buy into the culture of entitlement that says that just because a bad thing happened to new orleans once we’re all supposed to root for them forever. i mean get over it at some point. get a job and make some money and make your life better.

besides, mmmmm manning.



i mean get over it at some point. get a job and make some money and make your life better.

stop whining. I’ll send D-KW over to your mom’s house…


After this is done, sprinkle the sage on top.

i use lao-tse. it makes the sperm whale taste less manicheaen


i don’t buy into the culture of entitlement that says that just because a bad thing happened to new orleans once we’re all supposed to root for them forever.

Who says that? Nobody says that, except little men made of straw. Take your concern trolling elsewhere, sugar.


Who says that? Nobody says that, except little men made of straw.

that’s totally the whole message of the obama haters though. what i say is do what i’m doing–work hard, get through school, go to law school and go out and work in politics. incrementalism isn’t a dirty word and its sad that at 21 i’ve already figured that out while older people are still whining and yelling. people should just do what their parents did and go out there and get professional jobs that way they will have health care and nice houses and all the things i guess people thought would just be handed to them when obama won.

i mean who are they mad at? obama? rahm emmanuel? or themselves? i know who they should be mad at!


Hey people thanks for being here. I’m buried in F’in snow here in Pittsburgh PA and my lover, who is the one who shovels the white shit and shit, is outta town in Ft Lauderdale, and he just called and said oh it’s chilly here. I said hmph and also fuck you. Anyway since the “man” of the house ain’t here I appealed to my excellent neighbors who took pity on me and they helped me dig outta this mess so I could get enough liquor (oh well and also food I guess) to tide me over.

Anyway, even though my Stillers ain’t in it and I I think the Super Bowl is the most overblown thing in life–an ubercapitalist’s wet dream for real–I am definitely for the Saints, not just because their QB Drew Brees is way hotter than Manning IMHO and also that NO has never been in a SB much less won one, but because it would apparently piss off the wingnuts if the Saints would win and it would remind them of how bad the Repubs fucked up during Katrina. So I say go NO and fuck the party of NO!



i’m against the culture of entitlement where people want me to automatically feel sorry for those poor victims of high tax brackets and those oppressed by government regulations that cut into their huge profits


How about free access to an accountant too?

The SCORE program, which provides really useful information to small-business types, is woefully underused.


would apparently piss off the wingnuts if the Saints would win and it would remind them of how bad the Repubs fucked up during Katrina. So I say go NO and fuck the party of NO!

omg you have to wait for your lover to come home to shovel snow? jeez, codependent much?

as for the other bit, i’m a democrat, sweetie, and even i think that the people who fucked up the worst during katrina were the people who didn’t get out of the city. i also think you have to take some responsibility for your own life before and after a disaster instead of just letting your life be defined by the disaster. we’ve all had adversity but winners go out and rebuild and losers sit around whining about the government.

the best thing obama, imho a good president already, has done for people is show them that it doesn’t matter where you come from you can still make it in this country.


Esther is clearly cut out for a job at a battered wife shelter.


O.K. Esther. Now you’re pissing me off. Hope you find yourself in the same position of so many college graduates these days—unemployed and living with your parents. Getting a degree doesn’t create jobs.

I trust that the people of New Orleans aren’t living the little finger-wagging, tongue-clucking fantasy in your head. Need to prop yourself up much?


Oh Esther,thanks for your input, sweetie, but listen I don’t give a shit who didn’t get out of the city or what, but the government failed New Orleans big time and you know it! And as for my lack of shoveling skills I would say kiss my black MF’in ass, but you definitely ain’t worthy of that!


O.K. Esther. Now you’re pissing me off. Hope you find yourself in the same position of so many college graduates these days—unemployed and living with your parents. Getting a degree doesn’t create jobs.

sorry honey, my dad took a small law firm his grandfather founded and worked his ass off to turn it into the biggest firm in a pretty big town so i know what it means to come from nothing and work my way up. hate to disappoint you but i’m going to be just fine. other people should learn to work hard and give up their culture of entitlement.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Because the awesome thing about being poor and in New Orleans is that you can just decide to leave without any trouble or obstacles.


but the government failed New Orleans big time

sorry, babydoll but this is the very heart of the culture of entitlement. the government can’t fail its people because the government shouldn’t have a big enough role to fail people in the first place. this is what obama has been saying all along. the government should be there to help people out from time to time but if they start to rely on it for everything then of course there’s going to be a crash and it’s going to hurt like hell. what i really hope is that in the long run people will learn to work hard and come out stronger than before the way our grandparents and great grandparents all did.


Because the awesome thing about being poor and in New Orleans is that you can just decide to leave without any trouble or obstacles.

hey this girl i get stoned with on weekends is from a family that escaped nazi germany after hitler confiscated their property, came over to america and prospered like crazy. how come people could manage to do that, but a few people in new orleans couldn’t even get a few miles away when they had ample warning?

i mean i was in high school when all that happened and i felt really bad about it at first but i’m just compassioned out these days. people need to grow a pair.


Internet frist?

Obama apologist troll?*

*Given this guy doesn’t count.


Obama apologist troll?*

not trolling, babes. i just think it’s nice to have a brilliant, hunky guy in the white house finally and i think if we don’t all learn to be grateful and support him it’s going to be president palin and nobody in their right mind wants that.


government shouldn’t have a big enough role to fail people

sure, why should people get together and collectively create organizations like government and then use them to accomplish any purpose they decide on for the benefit of all. after all, the founding fathers surely wrote something down somewhere that says that government is something separate from the citizenry and should never be used to help people. i know what government should be for and that’s whatever i decide so i’ll tell you because shut up


sorry honey, my dad took a small law firm his grandfather founded and worked his ass off to turn it into the biggest firm in a pretty big town so i know what it means to come from nothing and work my way up

Well honey not everybody can be so fortunate as to have a law firm or whatever in his family. What if there’s a child who’s neglected–and there’s too many of those to even think about–so what are we supposed to do, just say work hard and pull yourself up by your straps and c’est la vie? I believe in personal responsibility and all, but children don’t have any choice where they’re born and a lot of people are broken and damaged by this BS system we have in this country and I think it’s the obligation of everyone of us to help those in need. So screw you.


. What if there’s a child who’s neglected–and there’s too many of those to even think about–so what are we supposed to do, just say work hard and pull yourself up by your straps and c’est la vie

if you’re smart and decent and have a work ethic then coming from that background can be an advantage. great challenges make for great people, my grandmother always used to say.


i was looking for that small law firm my grandfather founded but it seems to have been misplaced


coming from that background can be an advantage

on the other hand, generally, no, it is not an advantage




sorry, babydoll but this is the very heart of the culture of entitlement. the government can’t fail its people because the government shouldn’t have a big enough role to fail people in the first place.

OK babycakes you think the government should have no role in saving people from drowning in a horrible natural disaster? To me that’s what the government, which is or should be an extension of we the people, is fucking there for–to help people in dire need. I don’t give a rat’s ass if the people could have avoided the problem, we still should have saved them. What is so F’in hard to understand about that??/


Don’t feel bad for Anne Frank, she should have bootstrapped your way out of that attic.


Also, what fucking 21-year-old uses ‘baby-doll’


You shouldn’t feel bad for slaves, I mean they successfully revolted in Haiti, maybe it’s just that our niggers are lazy and shiftless.


Snort, coming from the immense wealth of a rich father, who himself inherited his practice from his father gives the troll a notion of what it’s like to come from “nothing”

Bravo, brava. Now, that is a masterful persona. The perfect blend of smug absent-minded entitlement, casual racism, and gross disconnect from the lives of the 99%.

It’ll get annoying just as fast as the usual brain-dead trolls and it’s basic function is to continue pimping the usual discredited libertarian hogswoddle, but hey, B+ on authenticity.


Esther what college did you go to?


Esther what college did you go to?

I’m guessing The School of Soft and Fluffy Knocks.


Has the spawn of a man who built the biggest law firm, blah, blah, blah, dick experience with “pulling oneself up by the bootstraps”? I say someone feels quite entitled to what’s given to them, to the point they think they gave it to themselves.


Oh but shit the troll distracted me from the most important thing here. Is the TP photoshop on the Amer Stinker thing new or did I just miss it before? In any case, brava Tintin, brava!


Don’t fall for Obamasama’s latest ruse! Root for Indianapolis, which, after all, was named after white people.


Esther–>kill file.


apropos of nothing, here is a visit from the department of unintentional surrealism

When you say “fein”, the only thing that should hear is the airstream passing out through your mouth. But when you say “Wein”, you should be able to feel your entire head vibrate.


I’m guessing The School of Soft and Fluffy Knocks.

judging by the headshot you delivered earlier today, N__B, I say you can do better than that.


I left the boat, and all I can say is that these wingnuts have some kind of histrionic disorder. What kind of adult male launches into a political diatribe over which team the president is rooting for in the Super Bowl?


FYWP. My response to zombie got this error message: Cheating huh

Protected by: AVH First Defense Against Spam”


Big Six banks urge Ottawa to tighten mortgage rules: Top bankers pushing government to clamp down on market to avoid any chance of U.S.-style collapse

Because as greedy as bankers are, they’re not as stupid as neocons.


What kind of adult male launches into a political diatribe over which team the president is rooting for in the Super Bowl?

Teabagger who can’t afford to go to the Baggery Convention.


Because as greedy as bankers are, they’re not as stupid as neocons.

Make that CANADIAN bankers.


What kind of adult male

i disagree with the theory that wingnuts can be considered adults. what’s your proof?


Listen, as the child of a man whose parents launched a Fortune 500 company out of nothing more than a massive inherited bank account, I know what it’s like to work your way up. Every time I see some parasite on the street begging for money I want to pull them over and tell them exactly what it was like when I was 4 years old and had no property of my own except my toy collection and bicycles, and when I was 12 several nights a week I had to call for my own dinner to be delivered using nothing more than the charge card my parents gave me and paid for. Don’t you talk to me about suffering.


You want me to sob for children with cancer? Ever heard of Alex’s lemonade stand. Get out there and make some money baldy!


And what’s with all these damn infants just sitting there begging and crying and moaning for food? They ain’t crippled, they need to crawl their lazy asses into a job and earn their milk or formula just like the rest of us.


Thank you Esther. A raft of dancing badgers was just what I needed to brighten up my day.


In my day you didn’t have badgers to dance for free for you any damn time you had some posts you didn’t want to read.

No, you had to call up the butler and have him contact the tailor shop and have them hand-make little badger puppets and then you had to call daddy and get him to send in the Mexicans to make the badgers dance for you in front of the screen at any post you didn’t want to read.

Today’s spoilt Obama generation, pffft.




my dad took a small law firm his grandfather founded and worked his ass off to turn it into the biggest firm in a pretty big town so i know what it means to come from nothing and work my way up

Whenever someone shows up out of nowhere offering a biographical anecdote in support of some larger political principle, that person is lying. Iron-clad law of the internets.

Also, ineptitude is not evidence of truthfulness.


I’m guessing The School of Soft and Fluffy Knocks.

So…. do they have a correspondence course?



What kind of adult male launches into a political diatribe over which team the president is rooting for in the Super Bowl?

Well, let’s not think about what that says about what I’m doing….

Just for sport I was searching on * obama superbowl looking for stupid shit our usual targets have to say about this deeply important subject. Turns out they were much more vocal last year.

I did find that Atlas Pam is now all up on Andy Blartblart’s jock. In a post titled Give this Man a Network she starts off with: He’d eat FOX for breakfast. Seriously.

She then proceeds to talk about how Andy would lick, stroke, hammer, thrust, drive, ram, pound, drill etc. his point until explosions, volcanos, gushing, shattering, screaming, fireworks, etc.

Actually, I made that up. But that bitch is crazy and now she’s got a major jones for Blartblart.

I’m predicting some sort of unhinged blog singularity.


Isn’t Obama rooting for the Saints the non-political move, anyway? The counter-political move, even? He barely won Indiana and has zero chance of winning Louisiana any time soon.


my dad took a small law firm his grandfather founded and worked his ass off to turn it into the biggest firm in a pretty big town so i know what it means to come from nothing and work my way up

“Nothing” sure doesn’t mean what it used to.


The Nothing nothings in the Nothingness.


and when I was 12 several nights a week

I’ve had weeks like that.


my dad took a small law firm his grandfather founded and worked his ass off to turn it into the biggest firm in a pretty big town so i know what it means to come from nothing and work my way up

No, actually you don’t. You know what it’s like to be a kid whose standard of living improved as you grew more and more able to appreciate it, and by the time you were ready to go to college, you were a rich man’s kid.

Babies don’t comprehend the financial struggle their parents are going through unless their parents are bad parents. If your dad worked his ass off to be successful, then what you knew as a child was what it was like to live a successful life.



And of course, she’s sure she got into law school because she worked so damn hard in college.*

Had nothing to do with Daddy owning “the biggest firm in a pretty big town.”


you were a rich man’s kid.

We’re not rich. I think of us as comfortable.


Not like those folks in the 9th ward. Now they were rich. Why the hell didn’t they just drive their audis out of the flood zone? Jeez.


Why couldn’t all those silly billies in New Orleans just borrow their dad’s company car and drive out to their summer houses to weather the storm? Maybe they should’ve turned their evacuation into a fun-vacation and caught the next flight out to Sandals.


Not like those folks in the 9th ward. Now they were rich. Why the hell didn’t they just drive their audis out of the flood zone? Jeez.

Oh, I forgot, only rich people can have the foresight to leave a city they know is about to be smitten with a disaster of Biblical proportions. Do you have any idea how condescending and paternalistic it sounds to imply that poor people couldn’t possibly have made the right choice? Poor people make good choices every day.


The hurricane wasn’t the disaster. The levees failing was.


my dad took a small law firm his grandfather founded and worked his ass off to turn it into the biggest firm in a pretty big town so i know what it means to come from nothing and work my way up

Born on third base, thinks he hit a triple.


The hurricane wasn’t the disaster. The levees failing was.

Oh I see, the hurricane didn’t cause the levees to fail…the government did? Huh? rofl


Born on third base, thinks he hit a triple.

Keep stealing my lines, buddy. I’ll take you out to the woodshed and show you how what goes where.


only rich people can have the foresight to leave a city they know is about to be smitten with a disaster of Biblical proportions. Do you have any idea how condescending and paternalistic it sounds to imply that poor people couldn’t possibly have made the right choice? Poor people make good choices every day.

Oh, they made good choices. But they didn’t have cars or bus fare.


Oh I see, the hurricane didn’t cause the levees to fail…the government did? Huh? rofl

You know where the levees came from, right?

(Hint: not from New Orleans’ collective rich lawyer dad)


The levees failed. Fact. The people of New Orleans had weathered hurricanes before without the whole city drowning. Fact. The Army Corp of Engineers was responsible for the levee. Fact. So piss off.

Esther reminds me of a conversation about troublesome children in public I once had the displeasure of reading. “Why don’t they just leave the children at home with the nannies?”

Indeed. Some people really need to spend more time fucking themselves.


You really haven’t researched this much, have you? Listening to Rush doesn’t count, sweetie.

Or are levees another one of those silly silly poo things the government shouldn’t take care of?

That’s it–the 9th ward folks should have bought their own damn levees!


Do you have any idea how condescending and paternalistic it sounds to imply that poor people couldn’t possibly have made the right choice? Poor people make good choices every day.

They must, right? How would one know? I guess that the big difference between rich people and poor people is that poor people prefer to have a much lower life expectancy.


Actually, Fake Concern-Troll Esther – have you ever been to New Orleans? Either before or after Katrina?

Have you seen the 9th Ward? Do you have any idea what it might be like to have ridden the storm out in your home, because you’ve actually prepared for it, only to have the water come into your house up to the ceiling within an hours’ time, giving you only the time to cut a hole in the roof and get your family out there? All your canned food, carefully stocked water bottles, batteries and charcoal are fucking useless.

And then the house is knocked off the foundation, throwing your family – old people, babies, everyone – into the water? And if you happen to survive this, you have to wade or float through water to higher ground, where there’s no water, or food – and even if you happened to have a car, it’s no good now, and even if you had bus fare it’s no good now.

I know you’re a fake concern troll, but puh-lease. Shut the fuck up about stuff you dont know anything about.


They must, right? How would one know?

One can know because poor people who consistently make good choices tend not to stay, you know, poor.


Esther reminds me of a conversation about troublesome children in public I once had the displeasure of reading. “Why don’t they just leave the children at home with the nannies?”

Actually, I believe the ultimate example of this is “Bread? Why are they rioting for bread? Why don’t they just eat cake?”


OK–wait for it. How long do you think it will take Little Esther to bring up the “environmentalists wouldn’t LET them fix the levees” claim?

Oh, and if poor people make good choices every day, then maybe, just maybe, it’s not entirely their own damn fault that their poor!


Actually, Fake Concern-Troll Esther – have you ever been to New Orleans? Either before or after Katrina?

Yes. We went to Mardi Gras there when I was 17 and I also visited Tulane once and I can tell you that I absolutely loved the energy and the vitality of the people and I find it insulting to imply that these people didn’t have the intelligence or the common sense to find a way to get out of town.


The fact is, liberals are like poor black people in New Orleans, waiting for a welfare check or government to save them. They did not take the intiative, to save themselves, using freedom based free market methods of choice and freedom to become free.


They’re/their. Whatever.


Don’t you talk to me about poor people and failed levees. My great-great-great grandfather owned a manorial estate in England and had to employ an entire force of indentured servants to build flood controls around the summer gardens — so don’t give me any shit about these stupid fucking poor-heads moaning and groaning that the Army Corps of Engineers just didn’t give a shit in the 1950s that the levees they were building to protect inner city New Orleans might one day fail.


Yes. We went to Mardi Gras there when I was 17 and I also visited Tulane once

How many hurricanes did you drink before you puked? dumbshit.


OK–wait for it. How long do you think it will take Little Esther to bring up the “environmentalists wouldn’t LET them fix the levees” claim?

Actually I happen to be be a card carrying environmentalist and I know that claim is pompous piffle. Any more (blindingly naive and totally wrong) assumptions you’d like to make?


Esther also had a little playhouse in the backyard of her Daddy-lawyer’s house where she and her girlfriends would dress up and pretend to be shepherdesses and wear gowns made of simple cotton muslin. No, really.


Is the TP photoshop on the Amer Stinker thing new or did I just miss it before?

We can thank g for the idea and objectivelypro for the original image. It looks like Tintin has done his own rendering.


Whoa, guys. Back off. The lady’s obviously an expert on NOLA, hurricanes, flood control, and the class system in the US. She went to Mardi Gras when she was 17!


The fact is, I learned from my father, as he did from his, the value of hard work. Most black famlies do not have fathers, the men simply make babies and then go to jail sticking society with the bill. This is why blacks are unable to work hard and are a drain on freedom.


only rich people can have the foresight to leave a city

there was the little issue of many of these people being too poor to own a car and public transport was not operating

but some people can have difficulty conceiving of people being too poor to own a car since daddy forgot to leave them the keys to the old mercedes or something i guess


The fact is, you liberals had better pay attention to Sara Palin’s speech at the tea bag convention coming up any minute now. You will remember when your movement of socialest has been called out as commie and your doom. You will mark this as moment the heartland fights to take our country back and you loose. It will be histronic.


I find it insulting to imply that these people didn’t have the intelligence or the common sense to find a way to get out of town.

“intelligence and common sense” ≠ “readily available vehicle”


mooselini about ready for her closeup!


And before anybody gets too jealous of my supposed “rich” background just keep in mind that I’m stuck in Vermont during this weather, lol. Paris-Borden is a great dorm and I’m glad to be here but I could really use some coffee and a Danish and when I look out at our student center across the quad, The End of the World really does seem like an appropriate name for that snow-covered tundra tonight.

Super US Patriot Freedom Power

I agree with Gary. Blacks are so fucking lazy, why do we keep making excuses for them failing and subsidizing failure with my tax money?


it will be histronic.

ruppert has let the mask slip on his parody trolling enough to beat me to the pun


too poor to own a car and public transport was not operating

Are you suggesting that poor people are too stupid to board the Lear jet and ask to be flown back to Connecticut? A six-year old can do that! Esther’s poor Salvadorean friend is very offended by that, aren’t you Carmencita? Well… she’s dusting right now, but she’s very offended.


Jealous? Let us know when you’ve finished flattering yourself. lol.


The fact is, you liberals had better pay attention to Sara Palin’s speech at the tea bag convention coming up any minute now. You will remember when your movement of socialest has been called out as commie and your doom. You will mark this as moment the heartland fights to take our country back and you loose. It will be histronic.

Hee hee. YOU I like.


Esther said,

Oh would you shut the fuck up already with your faux effete bullshit that nobody gives a fuck about and go back to your main occupation of knitting your pubic hairs into tea cozies for the visiting bishopric or whatever the fuck you do and leave this site alone!!!

Thanks I feel better now.


knitting your pubic hairs into tea cozies for the visiting bishopric


Etsy link?


to take our country back and you loose

republicans often use an obscure tense known as the ‘future already happened, moran’. this is appropriate tense to use for example when describing how john kerry’s “failed joke” in oct 2006 was about to cause a massacre of democratic candidates at the ballot box in the 2006 midterms



Some of my best friends are architects. And many of them are shamblers.


Oh would you shut the fuck up already with your faux effete bullshit that nobody gives a fuck about and go back to your main occupation of knitting your pubic hairs into tea cozies for the visiting bishopric or whatever the fuck you do and leave this site alone!!!

I’m not even Catholic, dear.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Personally, I’m just curious as to why a match between New Orleans and Indianapolis is taking place in Miami. But then I don’t understand the sordid underbelly of professional sports location-wrangling.


Ruppert, you’re my oldest and most loyal friend, yet you’ve earned my contempt yet again.

Squidward's Niece

De-lurking to say…

fuck you, Esther, you miserable twat.


Personally, I’m just curious as to why a match between New Orleans and Indianapolis is taking place in Miami.

Because it’s not holy, roman, nor an empire.


Of all the claims Esther has made, I find this one the hardest to accept:

I’m a Democrat and I’m all for helping people out

She is on record that poor people are to be blamed for being poor, and nobody has any right to expect government help when in need, even when that need is caused by a natural disaster.

But she’s a Democrat.

And she’s all for helping people out.

Rahm? Are you trolling as a seventeen-year-old girl again?


I’m not even Cath

you weren’t really seriously attempting to de-privilege yourself above by boasting about lounging around the dorm at bennington, above, were you?


But then I don’t understand the sordid underbelly of professional sports location-wrangling.

The sites are picked by the owners, I think, and they’ve got the next few years already set. The game has to be played in a city with a pro team.


Wasn’t this thread supposed to be about football, or something? Hold on, Esther, I’m going back to check on which poster here said we should root for the Saints because of Katrina (scrolling…scanning…scrolling…scanning) Oh, yeah, it was.. NO ONE! That’s YOUR pathetic little strawman. Yours, and the Troy Nelson’s. Any real football fan has his or her own favorite team, based on where they live, or where they used to live, or who their parents rooted for (kinda like a religion). When your team is out of the running, you have to decide who to root for. Failing that, you have to choose who to root against, which can be even more fun. You base your choice on which players you admire, or despise, or your team’s history playing them, or the color of their uniform, or which QB has a nicer ass, or which city you like more–whatever. In my case, I happen to hate Payton Manning with the fury of a thousand burning sphincters, so I will pull for the underdog Saints. Plus, they’ve never even been to the Superbowl, much less won it, so they’re due. Feel free to root for the Colts. Why in the name of all figgity fuck should I care?

You call yourself a Democrat–I call bullshit. It is obvious to everyone here that you’re as much of a Democrat as I am a world-class yacht racer. Have the guts to admit it. What you are is a concern troll. What you also are is a lowlife, scum-snorting, Randite, racist, Republican, Norquist-fellating, teabagging shit-biscuit.

So kindly take your lily-white, prep-school, simplistic fuck-waddery and go back to RedState where you belong.


Esther is a persona under construction as we speak. Please interact accordingly.


I’m not even Catholic, dear

Shit baby is that the best you can do? What’re on your third box a bordeaux?


The game has to be played in a city with a pro team.

I call bullshit. Detroit has hosted.



Wasn’t Esther named Jennifer or Buffy or something a few weeks back?

Can’t remember the thread, but the same 3rd-tier Mickey-Mouse major college girl vocabulary (lol!) and “I’m a Democrat but . . .” schtick.

Jennifer also had a make-it-up-as-you-go biography–including friends, boyfriend, etc–that made her amazingly qualified to discuss the issue at hand.


knitting your pubic hairs into tea cozies for the visiting bishopric


Etsy link?

Pattern not on Ravelry, alas, so there goes yet another Christmas gift idea.


I’m rooting for New Orleans because New Orleans has better food than Indianapolis. And also because I hate white working class people in the Midwest, of course.


Esther here’s a little history lesson. They didn’t expect the levees to collapse. That’s why FEMA was caught umprepared. That was the whole fucking disaster. The evacuation order was just for regular hurricane based mishaps like flying tree trunks and shit.


Wasn’t Esther named Jennifer or Buffy or something a few weeks back?

I think it went by centerleft grrl or some shit. Whatever I think they’re all truthie offshoots.


Pattern not on Ravelry, alas, so there goes yet another Christmas gift idea.

If it takes ten months to knit pubic hair, I’m going to stick with my traditional Christmas craft gifts: spittoons made of used chewing gum and scrimshaw busts of Al Swearengen carved from human breast bones.


in a city with a pro

i see my campaign to have to pope and the lubavitscher rebbe declare football to be an offense against god and nature because it bores the crap out of me is going nowhere fast


Ooh. Here’s a brilliant Bingo-card/drinking-game for the Palin speech from Princess Sparkle Pony! Personally, I think whoever plays it will get a blackout, either way.


i see my campaign to have to pope and the lubavitscher rebbe declare football to be an offense against god and nature because it bores the crap out of me is going nowhere fast

I’m Jewish and I like American football though.


If it takes ten months to knit pubic hair, I’m going to stick with my traditional Christmas craft gifts: spittoons made of used chewing gum and scrimshaw busts of Al Swearengen carved from human breast bones.

Big family. Plus I only have a drop spindle with which to sit and spin the wool.


Ah, that was it. The grrrl. lol!lol!

Whenever someone shows up out of nowhere offering a biographical anecdote in support of some larger political principle, that person is lying. Iron-clad law of the internets.

But–but–she smokes pot! With a girl whose family survived the horrors of the Holocaust! How could you question her sincerity? Or her left-wing credentials?

But back to the op, I’m still trying to get some idea of what the correct, “merit-based” reasons for cheering for/against a particular team are. Perhaps the esteemed Mr. Nelson can provide us with a politically correct list of permissible reasons to select an appropriate object for one’s cheering activities?


Instead of watching Sarah Palin speak, I think I’ll just let my Speech-To-Text program read several first paragraphs of right wing spam e-mail’s I have received.


Plus I only have a drop spindle with which to sit and spin the wool.

I have heard – from a friend, as I have no direct experience in such matters – that there may be non-human creatures willing to help with your spinning in return for unspecified future favors.


Ooh. Here’s a brilliant Bingo-card/drinking-game for the Palin speech from Princess Sparkle Pony! Personally, I think whoever plays it will get a blackout, either way.

Fuck drinking for that speech. Is there an IV drug game available?


If you can take a moment away from lapping troll taint, I was wondering if you guys had any opinions on this piece of “satire.”


Just got a text about a party I don’t want to go to. Palin sucks, I hate her. New thread plz, preferably Gavin.


I don’t care about the Super Bowl. Don’t have television reception because I don’t subscribe to cable, but after reading that ridiculous tirade, I hope the Saints mop the floor with the Colts.


hope the Saints mop the floor with the Colts.

No way, Peyton is a dreamboat, although Cooper is probably the hottest of the Brothers Manning and he doesn’t even play American football.


American football

A tell.

preferably Gavin

And another.


Snopes offered a fawning assessment of that tripe as an “effective piece of satire” and “lively humour”? Has Snopes always been so rightwing?


No way, Peyton is a dreamboat

Wait what have you even seen Drew Brees??? He’s so fresh and clean and haveable it’s not funny.


Has Snopes always been so rightwing?


Oh, they’ll “debunk” rightwing myths, but there’s always always those little jabs at the end about why people would tend to believe the story. Did Obama call for “Death Panels” in his health care overhaul package? FALSE. But many people are understandably upset that seniors would be encouraged to seek “End of Life” counseling…”


Wait what have you even seen Drew Brees??? He’s so fresh and clean and haveable it’s not funny.

Peyton has a kind of old southern charm, plus he’s adorably dorky in a fratboy kind of way.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Snopes also has a tendency to disseminate* the most loathsome right-wing email forwards under the guise of determining whether or not Robin Williams or whoever-the-fuck wrote them.

*Veiled PENIS reference? PARTIALLY TRUE.


whether or not Robin Williams or whoever-the-fuck wrote them.

Was Robin Williams ever funny? My dad tells me I used to laugh at Mork and Mindy when I was like 3 and it came on in reruns but I don’t believe him.


I’ve finally figured out who PolyEsther reminds me of.



I’ve finally figured out who PolyEsther reminds me of.

It’s “Estherrrrrrrl”

The Kid from Kounty Meath

When are we gonna get that “Saul your base are belong to us” ‘shop?
Main troof turn on.
Shalom gentlemen
Its you!
The fact is you have no chance to survive make your bookmark.


Ooh. Here’s a brilliant Bingo-card/drinking-game for the Palin speech from Princess Sparkle Pony!

I was so sad when Princess Sparkle-Pony got out of politics.


From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs) is a slogan popularized by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program.[1] The phrase summarizes the principles that, under a communist system, every person should contribute to society to the best of his or her ability and consume from society in proportion to his or her needs, regardless of how much[citation needed] he or she has contributed. In the Marxist view, such an arrangement will be made possible by the abundance of goods and services that a developed communist society will produce; the idea is that there will be enough to satisfy everyone’s needs.[2][3]

In a 2001 poll 35% of Americans thought this slogan was from the US Constitution?

What does it all mean?



I was so sad when Princess Sparkle-Pony got out of politics.

That’s a terrible way to talk about the death of Pim Fortuyn.

Here all week. Try the veal.

Some people are standing around outside my window, on The End of the World, smoking pot. I should go out and join them but it’s so cold.


From each according to his quarterback; to each according to his wide receiver.


Main troof turn on.
Shalom gentlemen
Its you!
The fact is you have no chance to survive make your bookmark.

That’s fabulous !! But maybe…

“The fact is you have no chance to survive address my post.”

or “Somebody set up us the bookmark”?

The Kid from Kounty Meath

It’s a work in progress; I just know it’ll conclude with “Move LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL for great justice”


Oh that’s perfect.


Move up on the backstroke for great justice !!


Hey Kid from Kounty Meath,

I know it’s not my place to swoop in and announce a winner, although that’s usually all I do. IN THIS CASE a winner is you!

I agree with Tig though –

When are we gonna get that “Saul your base are belong to us” ’shop?

We get signal !!
Main troof turn on !!
Shalom gentlemen
Its you !!
The fact is you have no chance to survive address my post make your bookmark.


Now, to continue my internet traditions, the off topic link…


Did you see this crazy thing from Sully about Tri-g. WTF?!~


Hey, Sockpuppet, if you’re still here — the hypothetical programme you describe is pretty much exactly the program I did here in Ontario to start my business (that wound up turning from a consulting gig into an employee-type job, who knew?). I got a “grant” from the government which basically entailed getting (un)Employment Insurance at the maximum rate for 13 months or so, which wasn’t a prince’s ransom (about $900 a month, but I also don’t have to pay for health insurance) so that I could focus on building the business without having to have a ton of savings or putting myself into penury doing it. The programme is competitive, and you have to attend business classes and submit a business plan for judging before you can do it.

In my hometown we have a small business incubator that runs this programme, and the microbusiness climate is unbelievably good. I think they’ve had 300 or so graduates, and most of us are still in business.


and you have to attend business classes

Is that some kind of code for Shania Law and forced gay abortions, you Socialest Marxist Windsor Ballet Supporting Canada Person?


I’d love to slog through all these comments to see what kind of hilarity aunt “peanut butter pussy” ester has come up with but I have to know the origin of the badger joke here. Any help?thx


I found a better version of the Saints remix.

Just in case you haven’t chosen sides yet.


I found the Colts remix.

Infinitely more frightening.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“Socialest Marxist Windsor Ballet Supporting Canada Person”
Is this a band name?
Why the fuck not?

Spengler Dampniche

Did Esther, The Magical Concern Troll leave yet? I’ve been holed up in the latrine for two hours, afraid to come out.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

@Spengler: Did you meet Uncle Sam? Is he nice in person?


As far as the sporting contest tomorrow, my bets are all down on the ktichen sink jambalaya that I will start tomorrow morning being kick ass.

side bets on whether I feel like doing complementary cornbread.

Mockery of Tim Tebow is currently favored at 8 to 1 in Vegas. Even odds on using the ‘explaining Voice’ that the ad is actually pro-choice.

The biggest suspense will be whether the hosting location has stocked enough alcohol to keep the zombies out of the brain-pans.


hey, is this the first time Brandi has ever posted a comment with anything about troll-feeding complaints in it?

Also, the “Saul your base” thing? Needs a ‘punk sux’ somewhere in it.

Spengler Dampniche

Meathboy, Uncle Sam has the stankiest farts you can imagine. All that gummint cheese, I guess.


I’d love to slog through all these comments to see what kind of hilarity aunt “peanut butter pussy” ester has come up with but I have to know the origin of the badger joke here. Any help?thx

If you were aware of all internet traditions, like most people, you would know this is the badger joke:

“Three badgers walk into a bar. The bartender takes one look at them and says, “I’m sorry, we don’t serve badgers here.” And the first badger says, “Fuck you, asshole, we just need to use the fucking pay phone.”
“There’s no need to get hostile,” the bartender replies. “I thought you wanted to drink alcohol.”
“What a stupid twat,” the second badger says. “Badgers don’t drink alcohol, bust subsist mostly on grubs, earthworms, and insects, as well as small mammal and amphibians.”

Hope that helps.


lol, I xant believe O’ve missed oout ont that dor so long.

Spengler Dampniche

I have heard – from a friend, as I have no direct experience in such matters – that there may be non-human creatures willing to help with your spinning in return for unspecified future favors.

I don’t know why that was so fucken funny — maybe because somebody managed to top a gag concerning a drop spindle for spinning wool — but I almost shit myself laughing just now. Actually I think I might even have popped a stink raisin.

This has been a truly hilarity-filled thread. I even enjoyed the troll for a while, those rich autobiographical details and the waving of liberal credentials like those guys in parking lots that come up to you with their drivers’ licenses out and tell you this huge story about how they need $20 to get the bus to Oakland so they can get this great job and support their wife and kids.

Now excuse me, chilluns. I don’t give a flying fuck about American football, but Arsenal plays Chelsea tomorrow, they’re down one table position, half the frigging team is crippled, so the only possible response to this stressful situation is to take that one last fatal bong hit.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Wow, a new nym for the resident troll… what the hell kind of college kid says “card-carrying” anything?

Super Bowl Sunday is a great day, most of the bars have specials (one place had a $30 open bar and a half-time buffet) and it’s a great night to meet women. The following Monday should be a national holiday- Hangover Day.


new boy Thomas Vermaelen scored an own goal

This is what the super-bowl needs… OWN GOALS. Sadly, No! is always bringing us delicious own goals (i.e., delicious mangoes); but football could do with more.


Did somebody say badgers?

Dancing Badgers?

And finally:

There are those who say that dancing badgers are so complex that they could not have arisen on this blog simply by means of natural blog selection. These people, advocates of what is known as “Intelligent Web Design,” claim that this blog could only have developed dancing badgers by stealing them from Sadly, No!’s recent Weblog Awards celebration. Well, let’s hope Judge Jones sends those people packing as well.




That takes me back indirectly to this post: http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/2149.html

It was all so much simpler back then… oh wait. No. It was just the fucking same. Peak Wingnut is certainly a myth.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Is there anything gayer than the Super Bowl? Now, I am not slagging the Super Bowl or gay people, but the whole thing is gayer than a processional at the Vatican. I mean, big, overly muscled dudes in skin-tight pants in three-point stance, it’s like a dance.

The fact is, there are guys out there sucking off other dudes who are less gay than the Super Bowl… this is central to my point.


And I can’t wait to yell at Pete Townshend to KEEP HIS DAMN NIPPLES COVERED!!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Maybe he’ll pull a “Wendy O. Williams” and come out on stage wearing only some well-placed bits of electrical tape.


yuck i can’t wait to watch peyton manning score but the halftime show is always so lame. i’m mostly into the wolfgang amadeus phoenix album not old dudes in tight pants.


the secret of th e badger haz been revealed. long live PELIXxca mnz


Is there anything gayer than the Super Bowl? Now, I am not slagging the Super Bowl or gay people, but the whole thing is gayer than a processional at the Vatican. I mean, big, overly muscled dudes in skin-tight pants in three-point stance, it’s like a dance.

Or, as I like to put it, here’s what we red-blooded, All-American, heterosexual males like to do every Saturday and Sunday in the Autumn: watch young, sweaty, taut-muscled men in skintight uniforms jump all over each other and SCORE!


Guys, guys we’re missing the point. If the Saints win the superbowl we’ll never be able to stem the tide of papist influence in this country.


Meanwhile, nearly simultaneously, after equally meticulous planning, there will be grappling of a different sort

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Republicans might want to order a teleprompter for Palin so she can stop using her telepalmer.


South Carolina requires all subversive agents to register.
Hey! It’s a 25K fine and 10 years in the slammer if we don’t. And since Sadly, No! is a foreign organization, they won’t be to lenient! Since I’m the guy with the fat wallet around here, I’ll spring for the $5. But I need the Nyms of all the Sadlynauts who reside in South Carolina to complete the application.
Hopefully, they will send a handsome certificate which we can mount in a tasteful frame and hang on the wall next to our Che Guevara poster.


The Colts win tomorrow, no surprise there. What’s a bigger surprise is going to be the repercussions from Palin’s speech. The reverberations begin early next week and intensify as time goes on. In future years we will come to recognize this event as a crucial catalyst in the fulminant wave of mutilation that will spread quickly through the tectonics of American politics like smallpox in the Sudan.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

If the Saints win the superbowl we’ll never be able to stem the tide of papist influence in this country.

Muffulettas are the sandwiches of liberal fascism.


Muffulettas are the sandwiches of liberal fascism.



You folks are up early.

Or was this an all-nighter?


This post almost makes me miss the socialist impact of Avatar.


Lettuce not forget teh fuching ferrets as we contemplate the cryptozooids of S,N!

P.S. Can cryptozooids be part of a Pantheon?


Sarah Palin sure is teaching you libruls a lesson on how to lead a nation. And unlike your precious Kenyonesian savior, she don’t need no fancy teleprompter, neither.


El Cid –

Someone suggested to Palin that her career might be helped through the judicious use of hand jobs. She misunderstood.


What’s it say on the Palin-palmter? “Milk – Eggs – Huggies”?

Spengler Dampniche

I’m so excited about the big game today, I may have to continue drinking starting in 3… 2… 1…

Ladies and gentlemen, the Mimosa. Classy cover for all alcoholics on a Sunday morning.


Writing crib notes on your hand = “Wasilla Teleprompter”


“Wasilla Teleprompter”

It’ll be a very short time before someone programs the notes-on-Sarah-palin’s-hand generator.




Congrats, N.O.

FU, American Stinker.


I agree, with Tancredo, GOP voters are not smart enough to choose their leaders (or speakers at faux grassroots movements).

On a serious note: what is with the racially-charged, anti-everything-from-the-last-50-years that defines the Teabaggers? Is this confusing to me because I’m dumb or because I’m smart? Is all their posturing mindboggling because it is so inherently stupid or is it that I’m not a real American? If the latter is the case, I’m more than willing to drink more Samuel Adams lager (or is that too elitist? I’m so confused [unamerican-curious??]) These people confuse me. Are we sure that Tancredo was pulling a Colbert ?


“Can we for Gawdsake have one passionate enthusiasm that isn’t political?”

I think we’re arguing that same point. The Seahawks are my team. I rooted for New Orleans because Seattle was done before they started this year, and I like Brees, Bush, Thomas, Colston, and Sean Payton. I also want to see the undergod win too, IF I like them. If the fucking Cowboys were the underdogs, I’d still love to see them fail.

Besides that, what the fuck is so wrong with wanting this for New Orleans? What kind of retard actually believes they do nothing to help themselves? Also, everyone who doesn’t like it can shutup also.


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