Did you hear about the Arabs?
Posted on February 6th, 2010 by
A reader draws our attention to Mark Steyn’s fondness for the writings of Mark Steyn. No sense in quoting all the quotes, but awareness of all internet traditions requires that you read the whole thing.
Now you guys are telling us to get out of the boat, & not for a wacky, silly, amusing Pastor Swank type, but the horrid Steyn?
A quandry. Maybe I’ll just go to sleep, & wait ’til this p. m. to see what the braver souls have reported. (Assuming any of them survive to tell the tale.)
#2, or ….
OK, I wanted to post just the above, but was advised my comment was “too short.” So now I have to add “POOP,” when I was going only for the veiled reference.
Not only mean, crazy and bigoted- now with dumb and lazy!
Sloppy logic seconds.
Shorter Mark ( The Human | Shit ) Steyn:
I was just reading over at Wikipedia that Sweden had accepted 18,000 refugees from Iraq since Bush’s war — doing their best to pick up the slack, on account of the invasion driving 2.2 million Iraqis out of their country, and the actual invading countries not being keen to have them (fewer than 800 allowed into the US at the time of writing).
I can’t be arsed checking Steyn’s oeuvre to see whther he cites this influx as another symptom of the islamification and brownskinification of Northern Europe.
It was safe to get out of the boat, and damn, those mangoes were gooooooood!
Get out of the boat? More like get out of the closet, you pussy fags! You leftist elitists are afraid of any information which challenges your world view, which is sharply left tilting thanks to the biased MSM.
Simply copying his own work fails to put Steyn in the same category as Abe Rosenthal. In his bi-weekly column (called “On My Mind”), Abe once quoted himself quoting himself. It was a thing of beauty if you ignored the horror and disgust.
Has no one simply written a right wing blog generator?
Has no one simply written a right wing blog generator?
Paging doctor JanusNode.
More like get out of the closet, you pussy fags!
Do you kiss USA Apple Pie Grandma with that mouth, USA Apple Pie Mom?
Has no one simply written a right wing blog generator?
I believe McGravitas is proceeding apace, but frankly, considering the numbers out there, I don’t see why we’d need an artificial one.
speaking of which, I picture USA Apple Pie Grandma as one of Substance’s Raging Grannies.
That Substance. He should get his own blog, like that Righteous Bubba fellow.
More like get out of the closet, you pussy fags!
Says the fat male dittohead calling himself “USA Apple Pie Mom.”
you pussy fags
But if they like pussy, are they still fags? Color me confuzzled.
I’m kind of torn … between the desire to clean my boots on Steyn’s teeth & the desire to see the overall situation accurately.
I guess if the maroons who willingly solicit his xenophobic caterwauling fail to specifically stipulate original content, he technically isn’t doing anything wrong – & it’s kind of hard to muster a heap of sympathy for a corporatist-whorehouse like MacLean’s (i.e., I may not have LOLed, but I sure as hell grinned up a storm, picturing their editor pitching a hissy-fit once he realized he’d been bamboozled by some Yankee halfwit) … but Jesus H. Fuck, even a shiftless hump like Goldberg comes up with unique lame excuses for why he’ll never get around to whatever it is he swore he’d do.
If you’re making even a torpid slug likeTeh Pantload look like Action Jackson, I’d recommend checking to see if you can fog up a mirror.
Well, not for nothing, but the real problem is that if Steyn’s columns are arguing about the imminent, massively growing threat of “teh Mooslims”, then there really should be no shortage of new factoiods and incidents and statistics.
Instead, we get the equivalent of of a 1945 newspaper cautioning us against Nazi aggression because of the recent the invasion of Austria.
Steyn is apparently the quintessential dittohead: he dittoes himself dittoing others.
What a fine chap! And he gets paid to do it too. Like ole’ blue eyes sang, “Nice work if you can get it..”
More like get out of the closet, you pussy fags!
Troofie: Projecting.
“Well, not for nothing, but the real problem is that if Steyn’s columns are arguing about the imminent, massively growing threat of ‘teh Mooslims’, then there really should be no shortage of new factoiods and incidents and statistics.”
True. Not only are some of those factoids outright bunk, some of the paragraphs he recycles and repeats in 2009 make reference to recycled events from 2002. Not exactly new and threatening.
Leave Mr. Steyn the fuck alone, OK?
You could simply take ELIZA, recode some of the stock phrases, and roll in dough from all the wingnut welfare you’ll get to collect.
Hmm… sounds like a dotcom startup plan to me.
Has no one simply written a right wing blog generator?
I’ve often thought that several NRO writers–say, Nordlinger, Goldberg, Lopez–could easily be replaced by a reasonably well-designed computer program. Nordlinger would actually be the easiest; you’d just include massive blockquotes from readers, tack on a few words of praise to each, and finish up with a rambling anecdote about those awful liberals in Ann Arbor. Throw in a few more empty phrases (“ah, my friends! dear readers–these scribbles–yes? Yes.”) and you’ll be set.
I suppose the problem is that you actually have to *pay* a computer programmer to do all of this, and it probably would cost more than Nordlinger himself does.
This is actually a more common practice on the Right than is commonly recognized. Take, for example, the monstrously overrated Tom Wolfe. Scan his works for the repetition of aren’t-I-witty descriptions–for example, look for men having a “spraddle-legged gait” that “looks as though someone tied a keg of Dortmunder Dark to their inguinal canals”.
Unfunny and repetitive. A Villager favorite.
Read the whole thing to the audio accompaniment of Hare-Abian Nights.
“I was just reading over at Wikipedia that Sweden had accepted 18,000 refugees from Iraq since Bush’s war — doing their best to pick up the slack, on account of the invasion driving 2.2 million Iraqis out of their country, and the actual invading countries not being keen to have them (fewer than 800 allowed into the US at the time of writing).”
Maybe that has something to do with the fact that if you’ve ever paid ransom to an insurgent group to save the life of a loved one, you’re considered to have “materially supported terrorism” and your applications for asylum are automatically turned down.
So, having been the victim of a terrorist threat actually makes you less likely to be accepted into the U.S. Maybe Oliver North just doesn’t want anyone else cornering the market on materially supporting terrorism. Or maybe the people making these policies are just douchebags. U.S. Immigration Central, Situation Normal; All Fucked Up.
I’ve enjoyed eating some USA apple pie. Also. I’ve enjoyed eating your mom.
I suppose the problem is that you actually have to *pay* a computer programmer to do all of this, and it probably would cost more than Nordlinger himself does.
If you couch it as a JanusNade request, Substance McGravitas will likely slap it together for you by the end of the weekend…
I’ve enjoyed eating some USA apple pie. Also. I’ve enjoyed eating your mom
AAHHHH! Rule 34!! Stop it!
Rule 34? Warm USA apple pie is already a teen-sexploitation cliche. You don’t want to know what I did with the All-American hot dog. Hey, I love my country. The love that dare not speak its name.
Also. Your mom.
The JanusNode trolls for us all:
What’s up depressing socialists! May your experience make you spew vital organs, you psychotic gibbering fools! You’ll get your equal rights when you pry it out of the cold dead hands of Red Staters who will stop you!
Hi sissies!! May your stranger make your work drip vital fluids, you deadly klutzy twerps! How’s Al Franken working for you now? Got your carbon tax yet?
The fact is, your estate tax is not in the Constitution, you hippies.
The fact is, True Conservatives will never take your carbon tax you useless DemocRATs.
The fact is, True Patriots will never take your cap and trade you slimy nut-toe nails.
Gapp gipp gucle sissies!!! May your child cripple your eyes, you maniacal lich necromancer-sea hydras! How’s Bill Clinton working for you now? Got your mortgage cramdown yet?
Farr firr fiy, you Obamabots!!! May a failure to express yourself emotionally rain evil upon your ideals, you frighteningly inane lined sole-bottlenoses! You’ll get your gay marriage when you pry it out of the cold dead hands of Red Staters who will stop you!!!
Greetings grotesque fags. May your enemy make you ooze pretty pincher’s excretions, you self-pitying cancerous jokes! How’s Al Franken working for you now? Got your free day care yet?
The fact is, Red Staters who will stop you will never take your mortgage cramdown you idiotic abomination-madmans.
The fact is, your free day care is not in the Constitution, you contemptible Obamabots.
Greetings rotten communists! May your best friend’s misunderstanding make you drip simple snot, you cancerous idiotic pirates! You’ll get your cap and trade when you pry it out of the cold dead hands of Real Americans!!!