I Got Yer Gridlock Right Here

Shorter Robert Wright
The New York Times
“The Internet vs. Obama”

  • Talk about lobbyists! The internet, which is a rancorous aggregate of special interest groups, loudmouth rabble, and permanently outraged idiots, has basically destroyed the President’s ability to govern. By the way, I host a site called bloggingheads.tv where tepid, Village-approved near-liberals reasonably debate troglodyte reactionaries with an aim of reaching consensus, which is how the internet ought to be.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 195


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

So we’re to blame for Obama’s inadequacies?

I suppose we cut off his penis, too…


BTW, HTML, I posted a comment at the piece:

Mr Wright,

The Internet responds. It is not happy.



where tepid, Village-approved near-liberals reasonably debate troglodyte reactionaries with an aim of reaching consensus, which is how the internet ought to be

“Oh, boy! A knife fight! I’ll bring the foam boffers, you bring the squirt guns!”


I keep bringing lambs to these recalcitrant wolves so that they will learn to come to a consensus, but they just keep killing and eating the lambs. Clearly I’m not bringing them fast enough, because if I bring them lots and lots of my lambs to kill and eat eventually they’ll get full, right?


Obama’s team failed in crafting a rapid response to Selleck Waterfall Sandwich.


I’m sure someone will eventually protest that he’s talking about the Tea Party ppl here, so what’s my problem?

My problem is with the principles he’s arguing — principles based on shit, which is to say right out of Cass Sunstein’s playbook. Read the Crooked Timber linky.


Some say that all Obama’s base are belong to them, while others claim that they can haz cheezburger. Either way, it’s shaping up to be an interesting election year. Back to you, Brian.


mmy said,
February 5, 2010 at 21:26




Some say that all Obama’s base are belong to them, while others claim that they can haz cheezburger. Either way, it’s shaping up to be an interesting election year. Back to you, Brian.

Kelly, I’m hearing a lot of talk about “I haz a bukkit.” Can you confirm the rumours?


Out of all the creatures God has created I think fish are among the most fascinating. Which is why for me recreational fishing has a been a lifelong passion.

I am just absolutely fascinated about marine environments, both saltwater and freshwater, and how anything can live there. It just completely fascinates me. When I see a small pond in the woods or a mighty flowing river I stand there amazed and wonder at the fascinating creatures who call those environments home.

I am also fascinated by how some species of fish are stocked in freshwater environments for fishing and weed control. There are fish in just about every body of water, even in reseivors. It is just amazing.


From the Crooked Timber link:

Before the Internet, the average liberal or social democrat was largely insulated, on a day-to-day basis, from the kinds of views represented by Free Republic or Little Green Footballs. Similarly, unless we sought out rightwing magazines we were insulated to a large extent from commentators like Goldberg, Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. Now we can see them minute-to-minute and it’s obvious that the idea of treating them as part of a legitimate discussion is absurd.

Moreover, where it was once possible to treat occasional public manifestations of Freeperism as aberrations, it’s now obvious that this is how the Republican base really thinks. So, any Republican advocate or politician, no matter how superficially reasonable, must be regarded as either someone who shares Freeper/LGF views or someone who is willing to exploit the holders of such views in the pursuit of a personal or class interest.

And, of course, they think the same of us, and have been reinforced in their views by their contact with us (eg Jonah G).


And isn’t bloggingheads.tv where they treat people like Megan McArdle and Jonah Goldberg as though they actually have anything intelligent to say?


I keep bringing lambs to these recalcitrant wolves so that they will learn to come to a consensus, but they just keep killing and eating the lambs. Clearly I’m not bringing them fast enough, because if I bring them lots and lots of my lambs to kill and eat eventually they’ll get full, right?

Watch out, one of those lambs could turn out to be a FCINO. And then all hell will break loose.


Out of all the creatures God has created I think fish are among the most fascinating.

Ooo! What other creatures are among the most fascinating?


Obviously, Artie McG is really actor Troy McClure, who you may remember from such TV shows as “A Fish Called Selma”.


the average liberal or social democrat was largely insulated

Unless they lived in Hawaii, where they could use 2×4 frame construction, because insulation was unnecessary.


Before the Internet, the average liberal or social democrat was largely insulated, on a day-to-day basis, from the kinds of views represented by Free Republic or Little Green Footballs. Similarly, unless we sought out rightwing magazines we were insulated to a large extent from commentators like Goldberg, Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. Now we can see them minute-to-minute and it’s obvious that the idea of treating them as part of a legitimate discussion is absurd.

Well, actually, my daily hometown newspaper used to be filled with the rants of contemporary Bircherites in all but name, and Paul Harvey and crew ranted on AM radio even before Rush Limbaugh was launched all over the nation.

I think the new think is for your average liberal — i.e., across much of the country — to now have daily access to something other than either screaming right wingers or an establishmentarian major news media which kowtows to screaming right wingers.


Today on blogginheads.tv: Bloggers Reihan Salam and Matthew Yglesias discuss whether even a more modest health care bill could have gained significant Republican support.



Ooo! What other creatures are among the most fascinating?



There are fish in just about every body of water, even in toilet bowls. The fact is that eeny, teeny, weeny fishes are in my bloodstream at this very moment trying to cross the blood- brain barrier. In fact I believe that one has made it into my ear canal. It is just amazing.


Kelly, I’m hearing a lot of talk about “I haz a bukkit.” Can you confirm the rumours?

“Leeroy Jenkins has the report. Leeroy?”


Before the Internet, the average liberal or social democrat was largely insulated, on a day-to-day basis, from the kinds of views represented by Free Republic or Little Green Footballs. Similarly, unless we sought out rightwing magazines we were insulated to a large extent from commentators like Goldberg, Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. Now we can see them minute-to-minute and it’s obvious that the idea of treating them as part of a legitimate discussion is absurd.

Letters to the Editor, op eds, radio and TV, bookstores and libraries, none of things existed before the internet. O brave new world!


Fishing is awesome. One of my favorite types of fish to catch on rod and reel are the various species of catfish. I find that smelly baits such as chicken livers and cheese balls work best for catching catfish of all sizes.

The are among the best tasting species of freshwater fish. The are excellent when breaded and pan fried.


The CT piece nails it.

The more we see of the Malkins, Goldbergs, etc., the more we shout:



I find that smelly baits such as chicken livers and cheese balls work best for catching catfish of all sizes.

I swear, if he says he uses his schweaty balls for bait, I’m hunting him down and killing him.


Breaded and pan-fried cheese balls do sound yummy, though. NOT FROMUNDA CHEESE, though.




Via Atrios, mainstream media whore Dana Millbank admits he was “an original McCainiac” and sings, “Where have you gone, John McCain?”

Think about how out of touch with reality you have to be to write something like this:

The John McCain that I miss was a refreshing antidote to that Washington, one of very few in this town who could be the transformational leader we need to get out of this stalemate…

I may be the last one who still holds some hope that McCain, long before he draws his last breath, may yet rejoin the fight.



The John McCain that I miss was a refreshing antidote to that Washington, one of very few in this town who could be the transformational leader we need to get out of this stalemate…

Is he talking about the grimacing goon who we saw completely unable to think on his feet back in 2008?

“transformational leader” MY ASS.


where they could use 2×4 frame construction, because insulation was unnecessary.

silly actor! 2 x 4 frame construction does not prevent the use of insulation!


In fact, Hawaii uses little frame construction, because the native wood species are not conducive to structural lumber.

zombie pedant is pedantic.


We used to laugh at Grandpa when he’d head off and go fishing. But we wouldn’t be laughing that evening when he’d come back with some whore he picked up in town.


The(y) are excellent when breaded and pan fried.

well, now I’m hungry, dammit.

But I’ve gotta say that Arthur’s beatdown a couple of threads back seems to have calmed him down a fair bit, not to mention bringing him up a couple of clicks on the rationality meter.


“Leeroy Jenkins has the report. Leeroy?”

“I’m sorry, Kelly, but you were drowned out by the sound of dancing badgers, dancing bananas, dancing hamsters and dancing fat kids. What was that again?”


Is he talking about the grimacing goon who we saw completely unable to think on his feet back in 2008?

No, she is talking about an unrelated folk legend who, the stories say, used to drive a bus around and heal politics. Someone should publish a book of Village fairy tales some day – if they ever decode the language.


We used to laugh at Grandpa when he’d head off and go fishing. But we wouldn’t be laughing that evening when he’d come back with some whore he picked up in town.

We’d laugh even less when he’d lay her out on the kitchen counter and proceed to clean and gut her.


In fact, Hawaii uses little frame construction, because the native wood species are not conducive to structural lumber.

Oh no, Zombie, you’re wrong! I saw that arc of This Old House and they specifically used 2×4 construction because shut up that’s why!


“I’m sorry, Kelly, but you were drowned out by the sound of dancing badgers, dancing bananas, dancing hamsters and dancing fat kids. What was that again?”

Leeroy, we wanted to know about the “bukkitbaggers”, but since you’re there, what’s the latest on the Dancing Baby. Is it still on life support?


But we wouldn’t be laughing that evening when he’d come back with some whore he picked up in town.

And to think I was using my worm on fish all this time…


Yes, if only we had more blogging heads.


Letters to the Editor, op eds, radio and TV, bookstores and libraries, none of things existed before the internet. O brave new world!

Yeah, but the fringe stuff generally stayed on the fringe, and only rarely got mainstreamed. Nowadays the most off-the-wall bullshit from RedState ends up as the lead story on Fox News.


From a quote in the Crooked Timber piece:

Conservatives are increasingly seeking only conservative views, liberals are seeking only liberal views, and never the twain shall meet.

If only there was some “Doctrine” whereby media would be somehow forced to present opposing viewpoints from responsible spokespeople, to bring a measure of Fairness to the debate….


From the Crooked Timber link:

Before the Internet, the average liberal or social democrat was largely insulated, on a day-to-day basis, from the kinds of views represented by Free Republic or Little Green Footballs. Similarly, unless we sought out rightwing magazines we were insulated to a large extent from commentators like Goldberg, Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. Now we can see them minute-to-minute and it’s obvious that the idea of treating them as part of a legitimate discussion is absurd.

Moreover, where it was once possible to treat occasional public manifestations of Freeperism as aberrations, it’s now obvious that this is how the Republican base really thinks. So, any Republican advocate or politician, no matter how superficially reasonable, must be regarded as either someone who shares Freeper/LGF views or someone who is willing to exploit the holders of such views in the pursuit of a personal or class interest.

And, of course, they think the same of us, and have been reinforced in their views by their contact with us (eg Jonah G).


And isn’t bloggingheads.tv where they treat people like Megan McArdle and Jonah Goldberg as though they actually have anything intelligent to say?


“To sum up, Sunstein’s story is really about US Republicans* and not about the Internet. Having established a self-sustaining ideology, immune to any form of empirical refutation, US Republicans have indeed created an echo chamber. But this process works across all media (Fox News, the Washington Times, talk radio and so on) and beyond, to the replacement of scientific research by the products of think tanks. Moreover, it does not rely on the exclusion of alternative views so much as on the availability of a distorting filter in which any opposition can be ridiculed out of existence.”

Forgive me if I am wrong (as I am wont to be at times), but it seems to me indeed, that the only Republican stratagem at play is profit.

Fox News, Washington Times, et al, like always, are the agenda setters for American business, laying down the necessary groundwork among the population, to enable the process of profit making to continue unfettered by the difficult and annoying disruption of human rights, civil rights, democratic values and the rest.

Any analysis beyond that is giving the right wing far too much credit for thinking. In my humble opinion.

Thank you.


Apparently there is a weather event moving up the Atlantic seaboard. The Washington Post refers to it as “Snowmageddon.” It is just me* or can we just assume over-the-top fear-mongering is now the normal discourse between the media and us peasants?

*It’s a fucking snow storm. It’s not a hundred-foot high wave of fire or massive orbital impact event. It’s snow, and yeah, the area doesn’t get much annually, but it has been known to happen. Snow.


Leeroy, we wanted to know about the “bukkitbaggers”, but since you’re there, what’s the latest on the Dancing Baby. Is it still on life support?

I’m afraid the Dancing Baby is alive and well on the Jumbotron of my local minor league hockey team.



That’s actually pretty clever.

They’re supposed to get 3 foot accumulations of snow in DC, which means it will fall a lot faster than Marion Barry can snort it.


On VH-1’s Behind The Music tonight.

Dancing Baby: Fall From Grace

From Ally McBeal to the Macon Whoopies


It’s a fucking snow storm. It’s not a hundred-foot high wave of fire or massive orbital impact event. It’s snow, and yeah, the area doesn’t get much annually, but it has been known to happen. Snow.

Yes, exactly. ‘S no mageddon hapennin’ here.


Any analysis beyond that is giving the right wing far too much credit for thinking. In my humble opinion.

Even that gives them too much credit. The people working for maximum profit are liberals, who recognize that there is more money to be made in the long run if everyone is productive and the mob doesn’t have a good reason to put their heads on pikes. Conservatives just want to loot the store now and to fuckall with the consequences.

It’s like the difference between a factory owner who wants to invest in new equipment and one who wants to break it down for scrap lumber and sell the organs of his workers.


They’re supposed to get 3 foot accumulations of snow

piffle. pikers.


Took a picture of a tree in flower a couple of blocks from my place.


How’d they get the tree in the flower?


You aim the pistils and it jumps right in.


The trees are flowering where I am too, and the birds are returning from migration. It’s nice not to have to wear a jacket outside today. This year it seemed like winter went on for weeks and weeks and the temperature very nearly approached freezing!


piffle. pikers.

Yea, rilly. If it ain’t high enough to teabag standing up, then it’s bupkes


You aim the pistils and it jumps right in.

That there must require some careful stamen, gitting the pistils pointed jes right…


You aim the pistils and it jumps right in.

I find that a soft approach is the anther


Took a picture of a tree in flower a couple of blocks from my place.

I don’t believe you so NEENER.


That’s weird. WP disappeared a comment I just wrote, and posted something I had already posted earlier instead.


well, you folks certainly, err, rose to the occasion.

Sorry, I am better with fish puns.


Sorry, I am better with fish puns.

We got together and decided to stem the tide of those.


I swear, if he says he uses his schweaty balls for bait, I’m hunting him down and killing him.

Why? If the previous thread was any indication they work great.




We got together and decided to stem the tide of those.

Ooo, a cross-pun. well played indeed.

…umm, I am just gonna drink this martini myself.


Gah. WP eated my comment.





Fishing in Hawaii is one of the greatest pleasures a man can enjoy. Insulated from the world in a tropical paradise while casting a line baited with poi balls into Pearl Harbor. Feeling the sun beat down upon your naked back as a young Filipino lad offers to carry the day’s catch back to the hotel room. All the while recalling our Lord’s admonition to be fishers of men


WP is theft.


Took a picture of a tree in flower a couple of blocks from my place.


I have an ice rink in my yard.


So it’s because of the Internet that Obama has decided to try and work with people (GOP) who are hell bent on destroying him, both politically and personally, no matter how fucking stupid those people’s ideas are in reality?

And this theory is being proposed by a guy who has a website on that very same Internet?!


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the hollowed-out husk of what used to be the New York Times.

It shall now and forever be called: The New York Stupid Motherfuckers Who Don’t Have A Goddamn Fucking Clue About Anything Anywhere Ever Times.


Why? If the previous thread was any indication they work great.

You sure bit into them, true.


Fishing in Hawaii is one of the greatest pleasures a man can enjoy. Insulated from the world in a tropical paradise while casting a line baited with poi balls into Pearl Harbor. Feeling the sun beat down upon your naked back as a young Filipino lad offers to carry the day’s catch back to the hotel room. All the while recalling our Lord’s admonition to be fishers of men


Fishing in Hawaii is one of the greatest pleasures a man can enjoy. Insulated from the world in a tropical paradise while casting a line baited with poi balls into Pearl Harbor. Feeling the sun beat down upon your naked back as a young Filipino lad offers to carry the day’s catch back to the hotel room. All the while recalling our Lord’s admonition to be fishers of men.


How can the Internets be responsible for all this? I mean, all they are is a series of tubes. And cats demanding cheezburgerz. Duh!


The New York Stupid Motherfuckers Who Don’t Have A Goddamn Fucking Clue About Anything Anywhere Ever Times.

I have that domain name registered, would anyone like to buy it?



Yup. Or, “fag-shaming is the best way to get liberals to stop doing something.”


How can a series of tubes do so much?


How can a series of tubes do so much damage to one man?


are my comments not good enough to show up?


I have that domain name registered, would anyone like to buy it?

*hanging up on InterNIC*

Fuck me…



AWKWARD!!! Albeit predictable as all hell.


You know, when people hate teh troll bashing I WANT TO DO IT EVEN MOAR. I HIT TROOLS LIKE JIMJAM HITS DINGERS.


Some say that all Obama’s base are belong to them, while others claim that they can haz cheezburger. Either way, it’s shaping up to be an interesting election year. Back to you, Brian.

There are also reports of naked pictures on the internet. Can you confirm that? And are any of them Sarah Palin?


AWKWARD!!! Albeit predictable as all hell.

Skating on thin ice is always risky, I should know.


“The people working for maximum profit are liberals, who recognize that there is more money to be made in the long run if everyone is productive and the mob doesn’t have a good reason to put their heads on pikes.”

Um.., real liberals aren’t in charge of making people anything, but maybe a good margarita, emotionally healthy, eco-conscious or feeling guilty about leaving their dog out in the cold on a leash.

“Conservatives just want to loot the store now and to fuckall with the consequences.” and the other because conservatives represent the ownership classes.

Anyone who classifies themselves as above the hoard and as having interests in contrast to the commoner is a conservative Republican, I don’t care what the hell they call themselves or who they vote for.

“It’s like the difference between a factory owner who wants to invest in new equipment and one who wants to break it down for scrap lumber and sell the organs of his workers.”

Listen, iron is going for around .10 a pound right now and copper is up to nearly .50 a pound last I looked. Once you git done breaking down them machines and throwing them in the back of the truck, we can load on the lumber but it ain’t doing us nothing but keeping us warm, ain’t nobody around here buying used lumber ‘cept idiots on craigslist and I ain’t allowed to use the library computer no more.

Now, git to work and stop all that nonsense chatter about polly-ticks, I still gotta find a set a front tares for this damn truck or I we ain’t goin’ anywhere tomorra’ when I cain’t get this thing inspected.


One of the greatest pleasures a man can enjoy.is fishing in Hawaii. Insulated from the world in a tropical paradise while casting a line baited with poi balls into Pearl Harbor. Feeling the sun beat down upon your naked back as a young Filipino lad offers to carry the day’s catch back to your hotel room. All the while recalling our Lord’s admonition to be fishers of men.


AWKWARD!!! Albeit predictable as all hell.

The author of that article: BRETT MICHAEL DYKES.

I demand an apology to all vagina-Americans.


Um.., real liberals aren’t in charge of making people anything, but maybe a good margarita, emotionally healthy, eco-conscious or feeling guilty about leaving their dog out in the cold on a leash.

I meant what passes for liberal in American politics, of course.


The author of that article: BRETT MICHAEL DYKES.
I demand an apology to all vagina-Americans.

Hm, the lesbian fan club for the lead singer of Poison wrote an article on Yahoo?


There are also reports of naked pictures on the internet. Can you confirm that? And are any of them Sarah Palin?

We’re checking that now, Brian.

This may take a while…


Oh this IS priceless!

“Generation Zero” exposes how the mindset of the “Greatest Generation” — to not let their children suffer through the same economic hardships that they did during the Great Depression and WWII — led to the “Me Generation” and ultimately the Clinton/Bush era of trading campaign contributions for government “cover” in the form of guaranteed bailouts of Wall Street’s speculative investments, thus sowing the seeds of economic disaster that would be reaped by coming generations.?

In other words, neatly sidestepping the fact that the entire GREAT DEPRESSION was caused by a lack of oversight and insufficient regulatory infrastructure, causing a long-term, multigenerational economic collapse that saw 25% unemployment for the better part of a decade and starvation and widespread homelessness, the film will focus on the evil evil regulations that were gutted in 1999 and 2000 which created a recession that saw 10% of Americans out of work for less than a year.


“The crash was caused by too much regulation”

As was global warming which we all know is and alarmist lie designed to kill jobs and create FEMA concentration camps. (Please excuse the spelling, I don’t parody well.)


The crash was caused by too much regulation – THE FILM:

From the linkee.

“Commentators appearing in “Generation Zero” include, among others: Dr. Charles Krauthammer, Lou Dobbs, Larry Kudlow, Shelby Steele, Victor Davis Hanson, Amity Shales, Dick Morris, Peter Schweizer, Tobin Smith, Heather McDonald and Newt Gingrich.”

It’s the 1927 Yankees of public intellectuals!

Break up the Yankees!


Sooo…”Generation Zero” is a series of interview with morons.

Catchy title.


There are also reports of naked pictures on the internet. Can you confirm that? And are any of them Sarah Palin?

Nakkid pictrues make ceiling cat cry.


“Commentators appearing in “Generation Zero” include, among others: Dr. Charles Krauthammer, Lou Dobbs, Larry Kudlow, Shelby Steele, Victor Davis Hanson, Amity Shales, Dick Morris, Peter Schweizer, Tobin Smith, Heather McDonald and Newt Gingrich.”

American populists and friends of the workingman all.


@CA neener


…and interviews, too.


They misspelled Amity Shlaes name?!?!?!?!?!?!


Sarah Plain is scheduled to give speech at the Teabagger event as well.


Commentators appearing in “Generation Zero” include, among others: Dr. Charles Krauthammer, Lou Dobbs, Larry Kudlow, Shelby Steele, Victor Davis Hanson, Amity Shales, Dick Morris, Peter Schweizer, Tobin Smith, Heather McDonald and Newt Gingrich.”

A coke and whores budget not seen since the 70s.


“Generation Zero” exposes how the mindset of the “Greatest Generation” … led to the … economic disaster that would be reaped by coming generations.

Yeah, it was all “Teh Greatest Generation’s” fault, those fuckers!

I bet Briteblart is swooning right now as he imagines the standing O he’ll get from the geriatric Teabagger crowd as he whips them into a frenzy of hatred and revenge at being sold out by those traitorous, America-hating, commie-loving WWII vets who are responsible for the destruction of our once-great nation.


Looch – I had a brilliant retort but WP ate it.


Featuring more than 40 leading experts, authors, and pundits from across the political spectrum, “Generation Zero” exposes how the mindset of the “Greatest Generation” — to not let their children suffer through the same economic hardships that they did during the Great Depression and WWII — led to the “Me Generation” and ultimately the Clinton/Bush era of trading campaign contributions for government “cover” in the form of guaranteed bailouts of Wall Street’s speculative investments, thus sowing the seeds of economic disaster that would be reaped by coming generations.?

Huh. So the thesis here is that corporate money influenced policy. wonder what the film will propose as a solution.


Yeah, it was all “Teh Greatest Generation’s” fault, those fuckers!

Actually, it was all that Jew Roosenfeldt’s fault.


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I wondered why Iris wasn’t commenting here any more.


Huh. So the thesis here is that corporate money influenced policy. wonder what the film will propose as a solution.

Duh, less regulation. Let the free markets be free!


I wondered why Iris wasn’t commenting here any more.

Somehow Brandi still gets through.


Wait, Heather MacDonald? But but but …isn’t she (gasp) an atheist?!


One of the greatest nightmares a man can experience is fishing in Hawaii. Isolated from America in a hellhole granted “statehood” by Satan, our “President”-to-be cast voodoo spells that would bring ruination upon his Haitian nigger allies in the future. As the sun beat down, and he lay on his bench, he could always hear them talk…


Pro tip for Robert “not” Wright:
this is everything you need to know about the interducts.


ultimately the Clinton/Bush era of trading campaign contributions for government “cover” in the form of guaranteed bailouts of Wall Street’s speculative investments


Almost as if letting the finance industry run berserk in the Reagan era and then during the Dumbya regime was a bad thing.



Before the Internet, the average liberal or social democrat was largely insulated, on a day-to-day basis, from the kinds of views represented by Free Republic or Little Green Footballs.

Unless you happened to have a crazy uncle.



As the sun beat down, and he lay on his bench, he could always hear them talk…

Arthur MGregor is Peter Gabriel is a lawnmower? I call shenanigans.


Unless you happened to have a crazy uncle.

and who doesn’t?

In fact, I suspect many who frequent this segment of the interducts may in fact BE the crazy uncle…


National Tea Party Convention to Present a Special Screening: ‘Generation Zero’ — The Truth About the Financial Meltdown

Gotdam liberls and their commitment to the proposition that their views are correct, self-evident, and based on fact and reason.


campaign contributions for government “cover” in the form of guaranteed bailouts of Wall Street’s speculative investments

Bear Stearns just didn’t pony up the dough.


Before the internet

the furniture of american public discourse has been baby-proofed so that republicans won’t poke their eyes out when reading the news


As the sun beat down,
and he lay on his bench,
he could always hear them talk…

The clown had a frown
and a brown pocket wrench
whenever he went for a walk.


Also, a poll tax would probably be a good idea:

The opening-night speaker at first ever National Tea Party Convention ripped into President Obama, Sen. John McCain and “the cult of multiculturalism,” asserting that Obama was elected because “we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country.”

The speaker, former Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., told about 600 delegates in a Nashville, Tenn., ballroom that in the 2008 election, America “put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House … Barack Hussein Obama.”


“This is our country,” he told the crowd. “Let’s take it back.”

Of course, the liberal MSM has to throw some cold water on the good times:

Tancredo’s speech received enthusiastic applause at times, but the crowd did not fill the large ballroom at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center.

But, maybe more people will turn up when the convention really gets rolling:

The convention plans to feature a lecture called, “Correlations Between the Current Administration and Marxist dictators in Latin America.”



More from the teabaggers’ convention:

Delegate William Temple from Georgia, who was dressed in a kilt(!?!), said he wanted to work against “Republicans, Democrats and Independents who have been in Congress too many terms.”

“We’re sick of everyone,” he said.

However, when pressed, Temple said he could not ever remember voting for a Democrat.



Of the notoriously misspelled signs? Proposing a LITERACY test?

Real life just went Poe.


Huh. So the thesis here is that corporate money influenced policy. wonder what the film will propose as a solution.

Well, regardless of the solution, it’s clear that when it comes to combatting the influence of corporate money on our elections, we should listen to…

Citizens United Productions, the leading production company for conservative films,


Citizens fucking United.

Wow. Everytime I think BizarroWorld doesn’t go any deeper, shit like this happens.


Of the notoriously misspelled signs? Proposing a LITERACY test?

you missed the part where you’re not allowed to vote unless your score is low enough


Citizens fucking United.

First amendment, motherfuckers!


“we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country.”

Hey, he’s probably right that literacy tests would’ve kept Obama out of office if they applied them as fairly as they used to.


well, a literacy test would have kept Bush out of office als–

what? the tests apply to the VOTERS, not the Candidates?




i have to say obama’s administration is going so much better than i ever could have dreamed. life is freakin schweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. props up feet, cracks open another ice cold beer


Oh, I haven’t seen the news lately. Has all of this commentating and such around these parts had the above-described effect? Has Barry O resigned yet?

Damn, it would be nice to have some sort of computer-based network that would allow me to check a repository of news using this here computer.



i have to say obama’s administration…

Eh, never mind about that network thing I mentioned. Just forget it, ‘K?


Comment Spam Protection is malfunctioning.


Have you deleted cookies recently? I did and it started eating lots of stuff with links.


I love cookies and links, preferably hot links.


Fishing in Hawaii is one of the greatest pleasures a man can enjoy. Insulated from the world in a tropical paradise while casting a line baited with poi balls into Pearl Harbor. The feeling as you beat off upon the naked back of a young Filipino lad that you caught and took back to the hotel room. All the while recalling our Lord’s admonition to be fishers of men


I love cookies and links, preferably hot links.

So then you must’ve turned off the “omit adult terms” checkbox at PeeJ’s link then, eh?



So then you must’ve turned off the “omit adult terms” checkbox at PeeJ’s link then, eh?

Checked the box – HA!- unchecked the box, it made no difference.


Before the Internet

my internetz is full of eel


There wasn’t much poutrage when Republicans were found LITERALLY in bed with industry lobbyists, although it may have helped that such lobbyists were generally perceived as “hot”.


Central to my point, etc.


my internetz is full of eel

if we had universal health care , you could get that taken care of.


Huh. So the thesis here is that corporate money influenced policy. wonder what the film will propose as a solution.

Duh, less regulation. Let the free markets be free!

I suspect this was tongue-in-cheek, but as it happens, that is what Goldberg basically said in Liberal Fascism. He pointed out, correctly, that regulated industries have typically corrupted captured the regulatory agencies, then wrote regulations to suit themselves.

Instead of concluding, like a sane person, that maybe it would be a good idea to end the revolving door, and the lobbying industry, and the culture of corruption, and, you know, build functional regulatory agencies, Goldberg concludes that the regulations should just be removed, because then the market would work and everything would be better.

Liberal Fascism, ladies and gentlemen. Years in the making. I read it so you wouldn’t have to.



if only there was a web site that would serve people with these interests….


Goldberg concludes that the regulations should just be removed, because then the market would work and everything would be better.

I’m having a hard time seeing how “regulated industries have typically captured the regulatory agencies, then wrote regulations to suit themselves” is any less better from his point of view.


They have a point though. I’ve been concerned for a long time now about how the constant Obama bashing from the far left has hurt morale. I mean I’m in college and I know a lot of other people who have real money worries and at least Obama is trying to do something about it. It may not be perfect but hey, I can live with the center left. I can see both sides because my mom and dad work hard and they want to keep as much of their salaries as they can so you have to be able to make compromises. You can’t just go totally socialist so I think Obama is doing a good job plus it’s nice to have a smart guy in office after the last four years. If people keep complaining about him we’re going to get Bush or Palin or someone worse.


The democrat party is corrupt. At least when we get bought we stay bought.


plus it’s nice to have a smart guy in office after the last four year

it would also be nice to have fakey concern trolls who know how long the prior occupant was in office.

Don't mind me I'm just testing


also FYWP


what’s all this i hear about admen beating off to pictures of abie the fishman?

Don't mind me I'm just testing


There, that’s better.


As the sun beat down,
and he lay on his bench,
he could always hear them talk…

The clown had a frown
and a brown pocket wrench
whenever he went for a walk.

Why has nobody commented on the poem upon which I and the troll have collaborated? Is it liberal media bias? Are you afraid of clowns? Perhaps the pro-regulation libtards who caused the banking crisis are at fault? If only the banks were free persons like Lincoln intended, none of this would have happened. I for one blame Chris Dodd and Barney Frank also.


The problem Mr. Sunstein and Mr. Bloggingheads have with the internets: it’s harder to control public opinion from the top down.

While the internets was great at raising pooploads of money for Obama, it’s not so great when people get pissed at his not getting much done that is progressive.

Before the internets, public opinion was enforced by an establishment media consensus. Which was great until the right wing figured out how to manipulate the establishment media and created whole new channels like AM radio where it could get as crazy as it wanted to be.

Then came the blogs, where people to the left of David Brooks could have a voice and talk to each other. It was an area where Liberals/Progressives had the advantage for a while until the right wing realized its usefulness and invested craploads of money into technology and wingnut welfare.

So here we are.


“Commentators appearing in “Generation Zero” include, among others: Dr. Charles Krauthammer, Lou Dobbs, Larry Kudlow, Shelby Steele, Victor Davis Hanson, Amity Shales, Dick Morris, Peter Schweizer, Tobin Smith, Heather McDonald and Newt Gingrich.”

They are not true intellectuals until they spend the night out boozing on the Left Bank.


“it’s harder to control public opinion from the top down.”

Tell that to Rupert Murdock.


Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center.

well I will be goddamned

Don't mind me I'm just testing

unicode owlies?

The Look of Disapproval


I was wathing the T.V. and a commercial came on claiming that a 4 trillion dollar bank bailout was in the works. I don’t think the big O or the little Ried know about this. Will someone tell them please?


You should try wathing the T.V. sometimes. Its pretty cool.


Yeah, I thuppose. But you have to keep the electronith dry.

Don't mind me I'm just testing

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Don't mind me I'm just testing

Meh. The skyline is all verkakt.


So that happened to you the first time too Looch?


What was it supposed to be Dmmiwjt?


There are fish in just about every body of water, even in toilet bowls. The fact is that eeny, teeny, weeny fishes are in my bloodstream at this very moment trying to cross the blood- brain barrier. In fact I believe that one has made it into my ear canal. It is just amazing.

In the style of The Monarch: NOT unlike the dreaded CANDIRU!!


There was even a Fish on Barney Miller and at Lalapalooza!


Is the Goddamn Batman around? Or should he be?


So that happened to you the first time too Looch?

Yeth. I got thocked.


unicode owlies?

The Look of Disapproval


Don’t mind me I’m just testing said,

February 6, 2010 at 4:13 (kill)

Cow’s out of the barn, man.


I don’t get it, are you suggesting he is some kind of Republican or something tig?


There was even a

i don’t believe i’ve ever had a Fish on


“Is the Goddamn Batman around?”

Use your Sadly No! issued Bat signal idiot. Didn’t you get one?


I had a fish on Friday. Does that count?


are you suggesting he is some kind of Republican or something

I’m saying he should put that thing away before he pokes someone’s eye out.


Oh, an air rifle enthuthiest. Gotya.

Smiling Mortician

Why has nobody commented on the poem upon which I and the troll have collaborated?

OK. I could do without “In Your Eyes,” but I’d stop short of calling him a troll.


Have you seen the stuff he posted on Phil Collins’ blog! I mean Cmon.


I mean “C’Mon !”


my internetz is full of eel

Yours too? (starts at about 2:10)

Also the reason why though I love sushi, I don’t eat eel.


A message to the teabaggers on your inevitable revolutionary success.
Don’t fall prey to the classic revolutionary blunder:

Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language. Thus Luther put on the mask of the Apostle Paul, the Revolution of 1789-1814 draped itself alternately in the guise of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, and the Revolution of 1848 knew nothing better to do than to parody, now 1789, now the revolutionary tradition of 1793-95. In like manner, the beginner who has learned a new language always translates it back into his mother tongue, but he assimilates the spirit of the new language and expresses himself freely in it only when he moves in it without recalling the old and when he forgets his native tongue.



I am become death, destroyer of threads.


If people keep complaining about him we’re going to get Bush or Palin or someone worse.

Like hey groovy dudes and dudettes…like chillll out on Obama man. You’re like…harshin’ my mellowwww. Listen, it’s all groooooovy, cat. If we just focus like our inner chakra on groovy thoughts toward the cat in the White House, it will totally bliss out the universe. It will like totally work.


Fission in Hawaii is one of the greatest pleasures a man can enjoy. Insulated from the world in a nucular fireball while casting a line baited with Strontium-90 into Pearl Harbor. Feeling the alpha particles beat down upon your rapidly blistering back as a young Filipino lad offers to stop masturbating if you’ll only call off the air strikes. All the while recalling the Book or Revelation, as you evaporate into an irradiated cloud of char.


If people keep complaining about him we’re going to get Bush or Palin or someone worse.

Nah, it’ll be Scott Brown, who’s got a totally bitchin’ bod plus his daughters are like hawt, man.


To further kill the thread, here’s Thers on Doughy Loadpants:

Look, I just don’t think Jonah’s book means anything. He put together a lot of stupid loony crap that was already out there into one place, is all. He’s done everyone a service by pulling together a bunch of garbage, eating it, burping it, farting it, and then raising his hand & grinning stupidly to let everyone know just who exactly ripped that nasty fog. In the Crowded Elevator of the National Discourse, now everybody knows Jonah Goldberg Dealt It, and everyone also rightly speculates that there are probably lumps involved.



Commie Atheist,

Thank you. That is the single most awesome summation I have ever read anywhere about anything. It is perfectly, exactly, completely what Loadpants deserves, balanced against the Doughy One’s deeds with the precision of Anubis’ feather, and a perfect way to cap an evening. Goodnight, folks!


Following up on Loadpants,

See, we’d rather not have smelt it.



There’s nothing fake about my concern. Obama is doing a good job. I’d like for him to be more liberal too but I’m content with moderate reforms. I’m just afraid of how bad things would get if we complained too much and got another rightwing Republican like what happened when everybody defected over to Nader. Let’s just go easier on him and remember successful people want to keep as much of their money as possible. It’s just human nature out in the real world.


I hear ya’ Esther.

I feel like socking a few democratic Senators in the kisser..


I’m just afraid of how bad things would get if we complained too much

well there’s no actual mechanism for getting him to be more progressive without complaining. Not complaining will certainly result in him shifting rightward.

C’mon esther, the overton window is stuck, help us move it.


OK, I generally like this blog, but I feel like I was missing something when I read this shorter after having read the article. The problems Wright focuses on have to do with top-down manipulation of opinion and information through the internet, not the stuff at his site. It’s not that I like bloggingheads at all, but he’s complaining about balkanization, which is genuinely problematic. I can attest to the fact that, while working as a congressional intern, emails to the congressman I was working for were never seriously considered, because 99.99 percent of them were form generated, incorrect, dittohead crap from one group or another.

I’m not looking to pick a fight, I just would appreciate some clarification on what folks find so objectionable about the article. Is it just Wright’s semi-hypocrisy as the owner of a liberal website? Because the article still seems valid despite that.


Why has nobody commented on the poem upon which I and the troll have collaborated? … Are you afraid of clowns?

And if I were?

There’s also the chance your poem sucks donkey balls. Not sure how great of one, but … well, there it is.

[…] emails to the congressman I was working for were never seriously considered, because 99.99 percent of them were form generated, incorrect, dittohead crap from one group or another.

Before the Internet, those kooks just wrote letters. So nothing has changed except the delivery method, and the fact those dittoheads are saving $.whateverastampcosts per letter.

And the problem with Wright is the fact he is the type of person responsible for Obama’s inability to govern.

The idiotic, Villager-approved bullshit that Wright himself propagates has created a culture in which getting things done is either ignored or punished, while playing bullshit political games is rewarded. It’s all horserace and political maneuvering, not actually doing things that help our nation and its people.

Yet there he is, blaming people who use the Internet to try and get themselves heard for a problem of his own making.

That’s the problem, IMHO. YMMV.


(comments are closed)