The honorable Miss Manners
Fox News’ Ken Klukowski has a very interesting vision of what makes a good Supreme Court justice:
Federal judges are classy and thoughtful people. Two things a president looks for in judicial nominees are temperament and character. These attributes also manifest themselves in social settings, where judges are typically poised and pleasant. When a president’s team vets candidates for our highest court, part of that vetting process is determining who will be able to handle hostile senators during confirmation, and a hostile segment of the public at all times — for the rest of their lives. Every president looks for someone who personifies “grace under fire.”
[…] While their personalities vary, all of them are very fine and gracious individuals who conduct themselves with the utmost of dignity and civility. [Emphasises added]
While Klukowski claims he’s spoken to four Supremes, he doesn’t say if Scalia was among them. Which makes sense, because even if you believe Scalia is a great justice, it’s going to be a tough sell arguing that Scalia is anything other than a pure, 100%, Grade A asshole. To wit:
Student Sarah Jeck stood in front of 750 people and asked Scalia why cameras are not allowed in the U.S. Supreme Court even though the court hearings are open, transcripts are available and the court’s justices are open enough to go “out on book tours.” Scalia was at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts in part to do a book signing and wasn’t happy at the question.
“Read the next question,” Scalia replied. “That’s a nasty, impolite question.”
Bonus points — according to Klukowski:
Presidential rhetoric against a nation’s courts is commonplace in oppressive regimes where an imperial leader wields absolute authority, where it fosters disrespect for the rule of law.
Just to clear this up:
THE VICE PRESIDENT (CHENEY): No, I don’t think we were wrong. We have to follow whatever the court determines. Sometimes, the court makes bad decisions, or decisions we disagree with.
I’m glad that American conservatives have finally decided to accept the election of Barack Obama as legitimate and untainted, because otherwise, they’d have no right to criticize someone else not following the rule of law. And we know how terrible that sort of hypocrisy would be. By God, they’d never win public office again!
Fuckin Scalia. What a douchetube.
fuck me with a rusty tagin social settings, where judges are typically poised
it’s very important, since one should like be confident when choosing the correct fork to use to stick holes in the constitution
While their personalities vary, all of them are very fine and gracious individuals who conduct themselves with the utmost of dignity and civility.
pedestrian forgot to close his tail (bracket) after his VICE.
Presidential rhetoric against a nation’s courts is commonplace in oppressive regimes
So I guess Ken’s not on the reservation with the whole “activist judges” Limbuagh/Bork/Robertson ARRGHGRAAH “we need a Second Revolution to keep the Supremes from letting the fagnits marry and women kill their babies” thing?
Oh, wait. He just wants the President to shut up. My bad.
have to follow whatever the court determines. Sometimes, the court
remember, in regard to our constitution, it is the role of the legislature to create or change it, the role of the president to enforce it, the role of the court to interpret it, and the role of the citizens to be utterly ignorant of it
Presidential rhetoric against a nation’s courts is commonplace in oppressive regimes where an imperial leader wields absolute authority, where it fosters disrespect for the rule of law.
I’m having a hard time figuring this bit out.
It seems to me that, if a court and a nation’s leader disagree, that’s a damned sight freer than having one rubber stamp the other.
But hey, I’m just a DFH who believes in individual rights and that governments oppress as an entity and not as individuals…
“Ken Klukowski”
You’re kidding, right?
HTML fixedz!
well, but…
There’s an acronym for this sort of situation.
HTML fixedz!
Thanks Peej! Thanks Hamthsters!
pedestrian forgot to close his tail
Boy, how many times have I heard that at a bar…
“Sometimes, the court makes bad decisions, or decisions we disagree with”. That’s why we’ve got Addington, Bybee and Yoo.
Mon Pere beat me to the punch regarding “activist judges”.
I hates his fingers, I does.
“That Congress could challenge the jurisdiction of the Federal courts was rarely suggested. In recent years, however, as the Supreme Court has issued more and more controversial decisions, criticism of the Supreme Court has come to the fore. In fact, in conservative circles it is the one topic which brings almost total unity. If you are Libertarian, Old Right, New Right, Religious Right and everything in between you have a grievance against the Supreme Court and calls for limiting its jurisdiction bring cheers. This reaction arises from decisions concerning term limitations, partial-birth abortions, property rights and so on.”
” Ginsburg and O’Connor claim threats against Supreme Court Justices are increasing. Ginsburg cited an Internet item which suggested that because both O’Connor and Ginsburg had cited foreign law in one of their decisions, their rulings are “a huge threat to our Republic and Constitutional freedom.” The website, according to THE POST, called on commandoes to stop being armchair patriots so that “these two justices will not live for another week.”
“While I certainly would never, ever advocate bumping someone off because he or she wrote an opinion favorably mentioning foreign law I want to make it clear that I profoundly disagree with that trend. Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas have been highly critical of that trend. Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. and Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. testified in their hearings that they perceived no justification for citing foreign law when deciding a Constitutional question. Justices John Paul Stevens, Stephen G. Breyer and David H. Souter have been part of the group sometimes citing international or foreign law in United States decisions. Combined with the previously mentioned Ginsburg and Kennedy that leaves a majority which from time to time favors leaning on foreign jurisprudence in interpreting our Constitution.”
John McCain weighed in on the U.S. Supreme Court decision on the rights of Guantanamo Bay prisoners to challenge their detention in U.S. courts
Oh, well, SEE, McCain wasn’t Preznit at the time, just trying to be, so it’s totally not Nazi-ish.
Of course we all know if he had *gack* become Preznit he would indeed meekly accept all the judgements of the SC, yup, shure’nuff.
Okay, I get it. Ken’s real name is Peggy Noonan and I think she’s had a bit too much to drink.
reading the actual article reveals much clutching of pearls, and a slight metaphor fail:
Obama’s rhetoric and disgraceful partisanship politicizes our courts, pushing us down a slippery slope where we dare not tread.
Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush have previously used the State of the Union to criticize judicial actions, including those of the Supreme Court.
*I still think he’s a douchenozzle but he’s admitted his warmongering mistake, I can almost stand him now.
fortunately for me i have met three sitting justices. unfortunately for me it was scalia, thomas and kennedy. kennedy was unimpressive and i just shook his hand and moved on. spoke with thomas for a couple of minutes about the backlog in naming federal judges (this was in 1999). he was a nice guy and i even thought he had a brain back then. now he just uses scalia’s. went to a large group dinner with scalia. i was a few tables away for most of the evening. that wasn’t far away enough to not hear him excoriate, embarass and demean the restaruant staff. whattadouche.
You know what, liberal freaks? Read the COnsitution sometime, learn about freedom.
You know what, liberal freaks? Read the COnsitution sometime, learn about freedom.
ooooooooooooohhh, *snap*!
yes, ma’am, I’ll be sure to get right on that project.
Classy and thoughtful? Is he talking about Clarence Thomas?
Classy and thoughtful? Is he talking about Clarence Thomas?
USA Apple Pie Chevy Pubic Hair Mom Thomas.
I made the mistake once of believing all the bullshit I heard about how Scalia was yes, an ardent rightist and textualist, but really had this awesome, keen legal mind. And it was a speech filled with trivialities and shitty unchallenged legal arguments. Pffft.
“it’s very important, since one should like be confident when choosing the correct fork to use to stick holes in the constitution”
Well played, sir. Well played.
“USA Apple Pie Mom said,
February 3, 2010 at 0:25
You know what, liberal freaks? Read the COnsitution sometime, learn about freedom.”
You know what, superdumb? We DID read the constitution. We actually understand it, hence the anger at the behavior of our government–especially the republicans. Comprehension is fundamental, Mr HOoked on Phonics. You should try it sometime.
Thanks, and have a bitchin day.
Oh pshaw, M0m. No one believes that you can actually read.
Read the COnsitution sometime, learn about freedom.
“Freedom” could also be looked up in the dictionary. “Consitution” not so much.
Mom’s Apple Pie.
Referencing back to the Bobo “Why Ain’t Old People Giving Up Their Benefits To Enrich Bond Holders” column, dirty fucking hippie economist Dean Baker:
Baker is right. Why are those fucking asshole ‘poor’ kids taking a whole dollar for every measly $100-350 the struggling billionaires get from the government?
It’s unfair, I tell ya, unfair.
Presidential rhetoric against a nation’s courts is commonplace in oppressive regimes
I remember Senator Box Turtle:
“Cornyn, citing recent cases of violence against judges, said he wondered “whether there may be some connection between the perception in some quarters on some occasions where judges are making political decisions yet are unaccountable to the public, that it builds up and builds up and builds up to the point where some people … engage in violence.”
I should insert a quip about conservatives and hypocrisy here.
Cigarettes Ice Cream Figurines of the Virgin Mary Thomas
your boy shouldn’t have broken decorum to make vile comments about the supreme court during the SOTUS. i hope someone took him out to the woodshed and cracked the whip after that. i like his policies more than i thought i would but he does need to learn some manners now that we’ve let him up into the house. but it’s nice to see how fast he changed his mind about the “public”(really the socialist) option, about detention of terrorists and about continuing to deregulate business to that the economy can keep growing.
USA Apple Pie Mom said:
You know what, liberal freaks? Read the COnsitution [sic] sometime, learn about freedom.
You know what, wingnut asshole? The word “freedom” is not to be found in the Constitution. It took the First Congress to add it via the Bill of Rights.
Liberals, always calling names, never using facts and logic! LOL! No wonder you loose elections!
Nothing but propaganda in service of the cause. File it with “G.W. Bush, the MBA President!”
your boy shouldn’t have broken decorum to make vile comments about the supreme court during the SOTUS
I agree. He should have grabbed Alito by the throat and kicked him in the nuts.
Oh, and you are a racist fuckbag.
Oh, and you are a racist fuckbag.
Conservaturds, always so resistant to facts and unfamiliar with the simplest rules of logic.
They’re both wasted on ’em. Which is why Sadly, No specializes in POOP, PENIS, and toilet photoshops.
well, sure. But really shitty parody.
or rather, “parody.” As in the original GOT came up with some of the dogwhistle words and now the parody-cobag has taken up the mantle and cranked up the racism to wind people up for “laughs.”
You know what, liberal freaks?
Liberals, always calling names, never using facts and logic! LOL! No wonder you loose elections!
We are FREAKY FREAKS who like our elections loose like we like our morals. We also love it when you call us names.
While their personalities vary, all of them are very fine and gracious individuals who conduct themselves with the utmost of dignity and civility.
Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush have previously used the State of the Union to criticize judicial actions, including those of the Supreme Court.
Roosevelt too, was my understanding.
Roosevelt didn’t get mad, he got even.
Hooray! New Victoria Jackson column!
well, when the SCOTUS acts like cobags, they should be called cobags.
They’re not kings or gods. They don’t even wear pants.
While their personalities vary, all of them are very fine and gracious individuals who conduct themselves with the utmost of dignity and civility.
Well, that’s just fucking great!
There’s an acronym for this sort of situation.
Let’s see…
Too hard. Let’s try:
Hmmm. I got nothing. I’m obviously not very good at this game.
i hope someone took him out to the woodshed and cracked the whip after that.
Cracker cracks crack.
Eff the douchebag. He’s nothing more than a plutocrat’s serving boy.
can we still do the thing about kicking Alito in the nuts?
I’m a lawyer. I’ve followed Scalia’s career for the past two decades. In fact, I live in in Charlottesville where he used to be a law professor. He has no intellectual integrity and socially he is a turd.
Insight into the conservative mind-set.
How dare you insult turds like that!
i don’t know why you looney libs are getting so upset. i give barry o credit. he’s been one of the good ones. i just wish he’d learn a little bit better manners now that he’s moved on up.
He has no intellectual integrity and socially he is a turd.
And therefore a perfect Republican SCOTUS nominee.
Hey Troofie, you come out of the closet yet?
Jenny Sanford, the estranged wife of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, told Barbara Walters in an ABC interview that her husband insisted they take the fidelity clause out of their marriage vows.
Well, you can’t say he didn’t warn her.
Aren’t the legislative, judicial, and executive supposed to be equal in stature? It’s not like the president was calling out a superior. Right? Shouldn’t someone be able to call them out?
Jenny Sanford, the estranged wife of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, told Barbara Walters in an ABC interview that her husband insisted they take the fidelity clause out of their marriage vows.
unlike edwards who left the clause in the vow but neatly removed it from the marriage. the difference between us and you looney libs.
He has no intellectual integrity and socially he is a turd.
so he’s Troofy?
“unlike edwards who left the clause in the vow but neatly removed it from the marriage. the difference between us and you looney libs.”
so, at least before you republicans fuck us, you’ll tell us your going to do it? And that is your main claim to virtue?
so, at least before you republicans fuck us, you’ll tell us your going to do it? And that is your main claim to virtue?
hey you know the difference between democrats and nazis? nobody ever fantasized about being tied up and sexually ravished by a democrat.
“hey you know the difference between democrats and nazis? nobody ever fantasized about being tied up and sexually ravished by a democrat.”
… who fantasizes about being tied up and sexually ravished by Nazis? You? Seriously, I’m just asking – morbid curiosity is temporarily overruling the need to puke.
who fantasizes about being tied up and sexually ravished by Nazis?
Only if it was Ilsa She Wolf of the SS.
“unlike edwards who left the clause in the vow but neatly removed it from the marriage. the difference between us and you looney libs.”
What’s the difference, that you assert things with no evidence when a “looney” lib quotes a first-hand report by an involved person?
oh no dumbass little replies? guess you libs don’t like it when i’m dropping truth like atom bombs on hiroshima.
you know what? i’ll go you one better. a friend of mine sought me out today to ask about rahm’s little “retard problem.” i guess he just expected me to want rahm’s head on a platter. i shocked him. i don’t think rahm should step down. i think palin should quit being such a weeping vagina. i like your boy’s stance on deregulation, on detainment, and on maintaining a robust friendship with israel as our number one foreign policy objective; and i’m pretty sure rahm has a lot to do with all those policies. i honestly don’t think a palin presidency could go much better than your boy’s has so far.
who fantasizes about being tied up and sexually ravished by Nazis?
Well, I’m pretty sure other Nazis did, all the time. All those butch leather clothes and riding crops must have been for a reason, right?
God, I wish I had some weed right now.
let’s face it, we’re runnin’ this game with minorities in the house and senate. just imagine what it’s going to be like after the midterms! i’ll have to start carrying an umbrella around my condo when i go out to get the washington times, looney libs will be defenestrating themselves in despondency.
who fantasizes about being tied up and sexually ravished by Nazis? You? Seriously, I’m just asking – morbid curiosity is temporarily overruling the need to puke.
other than your girlfriend?
Everyone knows every liberal wants to be violated by nazis, and they wanna be spanked like they’ve been bad and need to be disciplined…
I really, really wish I had some weed right now.
No greater case of projection can be found in the solar system. Olympus Mons pales in comparison.
I really, really wish I had some weed right now.
just man up and do a couple king-sized lines instead you pussy. you’ll be more productive and it’ll get your head on straight.
I don’t think it will help, commie a. it’s still not amusing.
I don’t think it will help, commie a. it’s still not amusing.
not amusing to you, peut etre. you kids have majorities in both houses and you’re still on hands and knees slurping up what we deliver. but from where i sit, it’s high comedy.
am i wrong?
dude, am i wrong?
It’s like Internet Shemp.
boring troll is boring
Christ, did a cow shit in here?
“Looney libs”.
“but from where I sit, it’s high comedy”
That would be here:
GOT’s obviously coked up and ready to hump anything that passes by. He’ll probably crash soon: I hear wingnut welfare is dwindling. Then wait for the whine.
hey you know the difference between democrats and nazis? nobody ever fantasized about being tied up and sexually ravished by a democrat.
I smiled at that line…when I read it in one of P.J. O’Rourke’s books.
Veiled… um, blatant reference to desire to suck own PENIS
And by the way, when will troofie stop dressing up in his mon’s old dresses and posting as “USA Apple Pie Mom”?
USA Apple Pie Mom is fake troll! Is not real troll! Hulk smash pretend troll!
Commie Atheist? I just smoked an immense bowl because I’m worried all this California legal weed is going to get stale. Sucks to be me.
God is busy disavowing this asshole. I know because he told me.
Why does the state with the best weed and climate have to have such a fucked-up government?
Not Really Shorter Scalia:
When the plebes address the court they will use the words “My Lord” or “Your Majesty.”
Why does the state with the best weed and climate have to have such a fucked-up government?
Boy, talk about questions that answer themselves!
When the plebes address the court they will use the words “My Lord”
Scalia plays Evony? I’m so confused…
They TRY to be nice…
kittybong photos might be a “big hit” (heh) over to the GOS’ pet-diaries.
No, Troofie, you’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole.
They’ve “taken x-rays”?
I guess we can be glad it wasn’t a beer bong.
I’m pretty sure even Scalia thinks Scalia is a giant douchebag.
I would say the more important aspects of a justice’s makeup are an unbiased approach and even temperment, plus a commitment to some kind of personal integrity.
Given the nonstop rain of questionable, clownish decisions that have been made by the Court, I’d say their judicial impartiality and moral credibility are shot to hell and they’re nothing more than a bunch of overpaid clowns in expensive robs.
Everyone knows every liberal wants to be violated by nazis
Is that why you keep coming back here, Troofie? You figure we’re easy dates?
You a bear? A chickenhawk?
Come on, Troofie! We’re here to listen to your confession, my son. Spurt it out.
Well, maybe “spurt” is the wrong word to use…
Is this who we’re talking about?
this is a totally lame paraphrase of P. J. O’Rourke who finally, mercifully, shut the f up when he realized his hero George W. Bush totally screwed the pooch.
Nice try, but please. Oh and PJ, if you’re reading this, continue to stay STFU. You were funny for awhile, but not anymore.
Capital Humane Society officials said they have taken X-rays
No CAT scans? Are they waiting for the lab results?
No CAT scans? Are they waiting for the lab results?
Still waiting for the toadstool sample.
The SC(R)OTUS, in design and implementation was the worst idea the Famous Founding Fathers ever came up with.
The best idea the Founding Fathers came up with was half-price taco Tuesdays.