Sometimes The Comedy Writes Itself

From Cynthia Yuckley, A Conserative Lesbian, aka Robert Stacy McCain’s butchest friend:

Updated, 1/29/2010, Fri.:

One of the most important things to understand about Obama is that he is a sociopath, in the clinical sense. People have caught on to his narcissism, but they do not understand his sociopathy. In a nutshell, he lives to control people, assert power and make people jump. All of the promises he makes are intended to get people to hand over their power and money to him voluntarily.

If you enjoy my blog, please buy me a cafe latte for $2.95, or cafe latte and a sandwich for $7.95, or add a salad for $11.95!


Comments: 162


From Cynthia Yuckley

What’s her real name?


For some reason, Cynthia Yockey: Conservative Lesbian reminds me of this.


Of the many things about Yuckley in general and this post in particular worthy of criticism, I choose this one:

Anyone who continually says “cafe latte” rather than just “latte” is a douchebag.


Yockey. Cynthia Yockey. “Yuckley” sounded too plausible.


Jennifer, I knew exactly where you were going before I even clicked on the link.


” … in fact, it was the very day that Obama signed the $787 billion stimulus package into law. THAT’S how dark that day was! So that is why I referred to “conservatism losing ground.” Last February it certainly was. Thankfully, Obama has completely turned that around. I am just one of the very first new fiscal conservatives he has made.” – Cindy

Ah, a new fiscal conservative, much like the new strict constitutionalists and small government only fans who magically sprung to life after 8 years of mad spending, constitutional-as-wet nap and enormous government growth.

And it only took a black man as boss to birth them. Awesome.


I couldn’t help myself. I posted the following over at Yuckley’s place:

1.Wall-to-wall exposure of Obama to his Kryptonite: we must ridicule, mock, shame, belittle, parody, satirize and lampoon him in every way until he is the global and historic laughingstock that he deserves to be.

Hey, how’d that work out for team GOP at their retreat yesterday?

Let’s see if it ever makes it out of moderation.


Jennifer: As I recall, *ridicule* is Saul Alinsky Rule No. 5. Tsk. Tsk. That’s one lesbian Alinsky-ite who’s never going to get invited to the Tea Party.


Jennifer, it’ll never make it. It’s human-speak. The spelling and grammar are understandable, and there aren’t any virtual spittle-flecks.


The fact is, the comments on Yockey’s blog are well-reasoned and unbiased, well the comments here are always full of unhinged leftist rage.


The fact is, what Obama is doing is straight from the Hitler playbook. Big government, high taxes, religion banned, guns taken. I don’t think the military will accept his authority when he orders them to subjugate the Heartland.


Ahhh. Having resolved to never, ever eat mangoes again, I stayed firmly ITB. I thought Yuckley was her real name.


and make people jump

That accounts for one-half of Kris Kross. I wonder what ever happened with the other half.


The fact is, Obama, like Hitler, will use any excuse to expand his power. He is also a psycho path , and will stop at nothiong to destroy the consitution and no taxes and little goverment, as well as sacred rights of man given by God.


The fact is, Obama is trying to take all are freedome away. I want My Country back!


“He is also a psycho path , and will stop at nothiong to destroy the consitution and no taxes and little goverment”

Please point to a single period in our nation’s history when NO TAXES was the rule? Since you’ve blathering about “our military,” how the hell do you expect to maintain them with a NO TAXES government?

Hell, one of the first things George Washington did in this country was to put down a revolt by the original teabaggers (Whiskey Rebellion), the people who thought it was unconstitutional and unAmerican for the government to raise taxes. I guess old George was a freaking socialist, then.

Also, “psycho path” is a single word, Great One.


“If you enjoy my blog, please buy me a cafe latte for $2.95, or cafe latte and a sandwich for $7.95, or add a salad for $11.95!”

And the correct response is ‘you’re a hard-nosed rugged individualist, pay for your own damn food, you freeloading fuck.’


Here is proof. Obama is working with Collier County Code Enforcemeny Board to take away free domes in Florida.


Chris, the original settlers at Jamestown paid no taxes. of course 95% of them died in less than 2 years, but still….


“psycho path”

veiled transvestite reference.

and fake Gary, now you are just phoning it in.


I want my free domes back!

Defective Gary Ruppert

TheThe fact is fact is The fact is The fact is The fact is The fact is The fact is The fact is The fact is The fact is The fact is The fact is The fact is


“how the hell do you expect to maintain them with a NO TAXES government?”

Corporate donations?


We need to get back to the real, original patriot America, where we mainly exported tobacco and furs and frequently starved so bad we had to dig corpses out of the ground for food.


If we would just finally eliminate all the taxes, we wouldn’t have all these problems with the deficit.


The fact is, honey, you are a stupid cow, in the clinical sense.


We should tax stupidity. This will balance the budget.


Haiti has very low taxes but alas no free domes.


In Obamerica cafe latte buys you.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

please buy me a cafe latte for $2.95, or cafe latte and a sandwich for $7.95, or add a salad for $11.95!

I wonder how much it would cost to buy her a cup of STFU.


“We need to get back to the real, original patriot America, where we mainly exported tobacco and furs and frequently starved so bad we had to dig corpses out of the ground for food.”

… and “darkies” were in their “proper place.”


Howz ’bout we just go back to the glory days of the 1950’s and reinstate the top rate at 90%.


We should tax stupidity.

isn’t that the lottery?


Will James O’Keefe roll over on Andrew Breitbart? I might pay to see Dennis Hastert roll over Andrew Breitbart…and roll back again, and roll over him again, and roll back again.


Latte? I thought railmurkins only drank weekass Chock Full O’Nuts?


I was walking down the psycho path

Smiling Mortician

Also, “psycho path” is a single word

In fairness, it’s possible Gary’s just talking about where he rides his trike.

Smiling Mortician

I wonder how much it would cost to buy her a cup of STFU.



Just as I suspected, my comment will remain in “moderation” limbo for eternity…it seems that Obama mopping the floor with what passes for conservative “ideas” is unmentionable not just on Fox News, but on conservative blogs as well.



My favorite line from Cynthia’s article:

“Such is my genius-brilliance that I wrote this post LAST YEAR. ”

Well, there you go. I guess she told us.


The tight fiscal dyke is hungry.

And Andy, the important thing to get from that photo is this:

no matter how long you grow the sides, Male Pattern Baldness will always win.


Conservative lesbian?

Isn’t that kind of like Chickens for Colonel Sanders?


When Breitbart goes to prison for conspiracy for attempting to wiretap a senator, he’ll have a new site, BigAsshole, where he will undoubtedly have many visitors.


Isn’t that kind of like Chickens for Colonel Sanders?

More like Turkeys Voting For Christmas.


Anyone who continually says “cafe latte” rather than just “latte” is a douchebag.


I don’t think the military will accept his authority when he orders them to subjugate the Heartland.

Sounds like there’s ergot in the rye this year.

“Such is my genius-brilliance that I wrote this post LAST YEAR. ”

Hee hee, she then goes on to mention Obama’s narcissism. Cry for help or just clueless as fuck?


All of the promises he makes are intended to get people to hand over their power and money to him voluntarily.

So, now you’re saying the President is another Pat Robertson, James Dobson, yada yada?

I mean, it’s a free country, w/ free markets, right? So if someone can convince you to turn over your money & power to them WITHOUT COERCION, what’s the big deal? You wouldn’t want gov’t. regulation to stifle the free exchange of goods & services, would you?


Wall-to-wall exposure of Obama to his Kryptonite: we must ridicule, mock, shame, belittle, parody, satirize and lampoon him in every way until he is the global and historic laughingstock that he deserves to be.

Ah, I love it when they come out and say it directly. They want nothing but power, and they will squeal like stuck pigs when it’s taken away. Any ACTUAL GOVERNING getting in there, guys? How do these people actually convince the mainstream that they want to compromise and solve problems, and a-bloo-bloo-bloo they’re just not getting attention?


we must ridicule, mock, shame, belittle, parody, satirize and lampoon him in every way

My, what passes for strategery in the Republican party these days.


If you enjoy my blog, please buy me a cafe latte for $2.95, or cafe latte and a sandwich for $7.95, or add a salad for $11.95!

Can I pay in confederate money?


Conlesbian’s latest post on the “unpleasantly uppity”ness of homosexuals is a must see.


Here is proof. Obama is working with Collier County Code Enforcemeny Board to take away free domes in Florida.

The last 9 years, I have been begging conservatives to define “freedom” as they obviously have no consistent definition of the word. Silly me, they’ve been talking about Free Domes the whole fucking time!

“They meh teke err lives, but they’ll ne’er teke ooor Free Dome!”


One of the most important things to understand about Obama is that he is a sociopath, in the clinical sense.

I know that there were those on the left that “psychoanalyzed” Bush, but how the fuck does someone justify saying something like this? I mean, I can’t even figure out what attribute or act of Obama’s that a reasonable person could come to this conclusion from.

“Socialist” – perhaps, by some screwed up ignorance about political theories, but what in Obama’s background and demeanor could she possibly derive sociopath from – without first stumbling over George W. Bush?

Profile of the Sociopath

# Glibness and Superficial Charm

# Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

# Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as “their right.”

# Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.

# Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

# Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

# Incapacity for Love

# Need for Stimulation
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.

# Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others’ feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

# Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.

# Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet “gets by” by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

# Irresponsibility/Unreliability
Not concerned about wrecking others’ lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.

# Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.

# Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.

# Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.


Profile of the Sociopath

Don’t all of those apply to huge numbers of Republicans? Except maybe the parts of sex?


and as a btw: Aside from S,N! editors marvelling at a years old thread containing an ongoing Nazi-Fight, Who the fuck UPDATES a year old post?

Genius-brilliance, she haz it.


Yockey. Cynthia Yockey.

She’d like her cafe latte shaken, not stirred.


“Conlesbian’s latest post on the “unpleasantly uppity”ness of homosexuals is a must see.”

It’s really amazing to hear from people who rally to the GOP despite the fact that the party hates their guts from the bottom of its black heart.

CL isn’t the first homosexual (usually in the intellectual, elite end of the party) who sides with the GOP because they both hate Muslims (and/or nonwhite minorities). Conversely, you’re got a fair share of Hispanics or Asians who vote Republican because they’re socially conservative (i.e. they hate gay people too). And I’m not even talking about the number of Irish, Polish, Italian and other immigrants who were persecuted by the GOP for years, finally ‘won’ their America-cred in the 20th century and figure “I’ve got mine now, so fuck the blacks/Hispanics/Muslims/whatever).”

The common thread running in the entire right wing movement is hate. A movement that (dare I say it) sociopathic should be easy to rally people against, but somehow it isn’t.

Trilateral Chairman

Except maybe the parts of sex?

Well, considering David Vitter, Mark Sanford, Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., I’d have to say that they apply quite well.


“conservative lesbian” = lesbian who nonetheless still likes pricks?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Wall-to-wall exposure of Obama to his Kryptonite: we must ridicule, mock, shame, belittle, parody, satirize and lampoon him in every way until he is the global and historic laughingstock that he deserves to be.

How’s that working for ya, Sweetie?


Well, at last someone had the yockeys to admit it (from Lesley’s link above):

Also, if the armed forces are able to figure out how to allow Muslims to serve — people whose religion commands them to kill unbelievers and to fight enemies of Islam, which would be their fellow soldiers — then I’m pretty sure they are able to allow gays and lesbians to serve openly, as long as they behave according to the same rules of propriety that apply to straight soldiers.

It’s official: “Our” soldiers are the enemies of Islam!

P.S.: I’m sure the exact same “rules of propriety” (Because we can’t have trained murderers be improper.) would be applied, of course.


I heard that this man wants to provide everyone with health insurance!!! A clear sign of being on the Socio Path if I ever saw one!!!

Did you ever notice how SOCiopath and SOCialism and SOCial Security and SOCcer start with the same letters??? Of course you wouldn’t, you eagle-hating marxo-fascist libtards!!!

Take that, libs!!!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Latte? I thought railmurkins only drank weekass Chock Full O’Nuts?

Nah, real ‘merkins don’t drink Chock Full O’ Nuts, it was founded in NYC by a Russkie immigrant, and hired a black VP before any mandates were put in place by activist judges. Real ‘merkins drink mercury tainted, fluoride-free water, white lightning, and Natural Light.

Male Pattern Baldness will always win.



From Yuck’s bog-roll I checked HillBuzz, who seem to be having a fit about something delusional, & are calling on their army of Nimrods to “out” the Rumproast typists.


By the 1960s, the chain had approximately 80 restaurants in the New York City area. Hygiene was a selling point, with the sandwiches advertised as “untouched by human hands”. Cooks used tongs to assemble them.

…yer sandwich tastes like shit, but it sure is clean!


Real Amurkins drank Sanka until them damn yuppie fags forced the truck stops to have fresh coffee and cappuccino machines.


We’ve been told all of these people are all connected, and work in cahoots.

…I’ve tried working in a cahoot – my legs cramp up and I lose my concentration.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

From Yuck’s bog-roll I checked HillBuzz, who seem to be having a fit

Sounds like a call to arms!


lol what

Cynthia Yockey 01.29.10 at 1:11 PM


Yes, that theory of different races learning differently does sound creepy and without foundation.

However, ayurveda, the traditional medical system of India, discusses 10 different body types based on the combinations of the three doshas — kapha, pitta and vata — and their respective learning styles and I find its principles are solid. Kaphas must physically rehearse and/or experience to learn; they learn slowly but keep their knowledge forever. Pittas must see in order to learn; they learn at a medium rate, ditto for forgetting what they learn. Vatas learn by listening; they learn and forget quickly, so they are both the intellectuals AND the air-heads in any class. Certain body types DO predominate in different races. Whites and Asians are both predominantly different combinations of pitta and vata. Not surprisingly, our educational system is built for the learning styles of pittas and vatas — lessons are shown (seen) and explained (heard) far more than they are experienced or rehearsed, as would be ideal for kaphas.

Since the kapha mind-body type is common among blacks, it is true that our educational system is not as geared to the kapha learning style — and therefore their needs — as it could be. There is excellent information on ayurveda at The Raj and Maharishi Ayur-veda Products International. (I’ve known Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf, of The Raj, since she was a medical student at Johns Hopkins. She is a superb physician.)



oops didn’t close tag!


Is there any way to just block the name “Gary Ruppert”? The fake Garys are more irritating than the real one (if there ever was a real one).

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Cynthia Yockey Kama Sutra– DO NOT WANT!


…10 different body types based on the combinations of the three doshas

…combinatorial fail


does sound creepy and without foundation.

However, ayurveda, the traditional medical system of India

Well, that’s different, then. Totally foundational.


Kobie: (with several others linked from this one)

I had to Google it, which I have to do every time. What a pitta.


Thanks to B^4, I can now relive another portion of my childhood. [clears throat]

Chock Full of Nuts
Is that heavenly coffee
Heavenly coffee
Heavenly coffee
Chock Full of Nuts
Is that heavenly coffee
Heavenly coffee
Heavenly coffee
Better coffee a millionaire’s
Money can’t buy.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Better coffee a millionaire’s
Money can’t buy.

But a millionaire can buy coffee made with civet POOP.


I like how she calls him a sociopath in the “clinical sense” and then continues to describe him in the cartoon movie villian definition of sociopath


From Yuck’s bog-roll I checked HillBuzz, who seem to be having a fit about something delusional, & are calling on their army of Nimrods to “out” the Rumproast typists.

Wow, those people are scary. The word “delusional” hardly does them justice.


From Yuck’s bog-roll I checked HillBuzz, who seem to be having a fit about something delusional, & are calling on their army of Nimrods to “out” the Rumproast typists.

I think it’s high time somebody admitted to them that Gary Ruppert is behind the whole thing. That way maybe they’ll stop printing the personal information of people who’ve never even visited any of the blogs they’re targeting. Gary is expendable after all but I hope they never find out that he works for Amy Alkon.


Can I pay in confederate money?

No, but Galt-Bucks will do.


I might pay to see Dennis Hastert roll over Andrew Breitbart…and roll back again, and roll over him again, and roll back again.

Hastert occasionally comes to the local symphony, and they’re performing tonight. I’ll ask him if I see him.

(A couple of months ago, he was sitting down front and on stage was the Democrat who replaced him. You could see the steam coming from his ears. It was beautiful.)


Oh yeah, how many Galt-Bucks do I need to redeem them for a lava lamp? Because, fuck it, I have been playing Skee-Ball forever and if you tell me I need more, I’ll LEAVE!


“In the clinical sense” is the new “literally”.


Bitter, are you in Aurora?

Smiling Mortician

Um, did anyone here order a fresh bucket of fail?


You know a guy who has part of his base convinced he’s a corporate sell-out, and part of his opposition convinced that he’s a socialist-islamist-communist-fascist dictator is not very good at being a sociopath.


From Smiling Mortician’s link, I see that the new group will be called American Action Network, or AAN.

I think a better name would be American Society of Sociopaths, or ASS.


“In the clinical sense” is the new “literally”.

In what sense, Charlie?

guitarist manqué

Um, did anyone here order a fresh bucket of fail?

Thank you very much, and if anybody sees my waitress have her send another thousand failbeers up to the bandstand. Uh huh.


… bucket of fail

Mmmm. Love me some Rove-flavored fail. Maybe they and the Teabaggers will take each other out.


Um, did anyone here order a fresh bucket of fail?

Okay, maybe, but you have to admit Jeb! Bush has bee looking quite presidential of late.


The fact is, your liberal bias is why you will never sucseed in wining over The Heartland with your soclialism. Liberal media is always bias.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Xecky, where’ve you been, lad? I was worried about you.

Okay, maybe, but you have to admit Jeb! Bush has bee looking quite presidential of late.

If only he runs… it’d be better than Palin/Trucknutz ’12!


“The fact is, your liberal bias is why you will never sucseed in wining over The Heartland with your soclialism. Liberal media is always bias.”

YAAAH!! Freedom and justice will always prevail over tyranny, baby sitter girl!


Somebody ask about Republicans and fucked up sex?

Also, this just dawned on me, RE: Citizens United. Companies are now free to spend at will on political contests, because their money is equivalent to free speech, right? Now, I don’t know for sure how this is set up now, but won’t they be calling what they do spend a business expense and deduct it? So, they now have their speech on our dime. Lovely.



Extending the legacy of a true moral majority towards a shining city on the hill of a thousand points of light with compassionate conservatism based upon the real math against islamofacism.


Obama a sociopath? Yeah, uh, get back to me on that when you get the story about OBAMA making wounded soldiers pay for their own damaged body-armor, or perhaps playing a guitar & mugging for the cameras while an American city suffers a complete meltdown in the wake of a deadly hurricane. People’s memories may not be what they used to be – but unfortunately for your post, there’s this funny little thing called Google now.

“Wall-to-wall exposure of Obama to his Kryptonite: we must ridicule, mock, shame, belittle, parody, satirize and lampoon him in every way until he is the global and historic laughingstock that he deserves to be.”

Yes, the absolute best thing that American conservatives can do right now is to spend its precious time & energy not to reboot its tired old dogma or to try to attract voters under 50, but to produce more “An American Carol” or “HALF HOUR NEWS HOUR” epics … because Obama’s message that DC needs less partisan realpolitik & more actual positive results is such a ripe, slow-moving target for satire in 2010.

[ cross-posted from a comment that is awaiting Teh Holy Grail moderation, w/ apologies for basic grammar fail in last paragraph – for which I blame the Freemasons! ]


The fact is, because you liberals attacked Bush, we can attack Obama for anything. Anything at all. And he’s black.

Freedom Is Spreading

That’s right, Gary. Liberals hated Bush. Why do we have to love The One? We don’t and won’t. He is destroying the USA.


OK, hands up, fellow liberal America-destroyers. Anyone here unironically referred to Obama as “The One”? Ever? No? Um…how about “The Messiah?” “The Savior?” “Black Jesus?”

Really? No? Wow, I guess Troofie really is just a dumbass.

USA Apple Pie Mom

Not only that, but socialism. We must stop it, especially health care shoved down are throats. Stop the assult on our freedom!


Anyone here unironically referred to Obama as “The One”? Ever? No? Um…how about “The Messiah?” “The Savior?” “Black Jesus?”

I once – once, mind you – referred to him unironically as “our president.”

I hang my head in shame.


I called him “THAT one” once. Went over like a goddamn lead balloon I tell you.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

It’s always so cute when Gary invents an echo chamber for himself. Particularly USA Apple-Bottom Jeans Boots With the Fur; I can tell she’s the meth-ho older sister he never had.


Well, hello, Apple Pie Mom!


The fact is, USA Apple Pie Mom’s existence makes me a transvestite, so I must punish myself with FREEDOM and also USA POWER but mostly cigarette butts to my scrotum.


o hai! S’me.

Just popped in to say I’ve spent most of the day in the kitchen and to let those who will appreciate it know that I just drained the pork shoulder. Cut into inch-ish cubes, it was stewing in leaf lard with mexican oregano, cumin, garlic, ancho chili and orange slices. It’s very tender. I will now shred it a bit and pop it under the broiler to caramelize and crunchify a tad. We shall toss it into some tortillas with guacamole, sour cream and salsa fresca. And maybe other stuff, if I get to it. Who can say no to carnitas tacos?

I also made beans today which are now ready to “refrito,” Toss in some fire roasted green chiles and sprinkle with cotija, I think. To make it fancy, I adorn it with a couple homemade corn tortilla chips stuck in “upside down,” if you know what I mean. Gotta give it that height height height! Is that too gay?

A little rice pilaf (spanglish rice as I learned to make in San Antonio) is in process.
Composed salad of shredded romaine, shredded carrot and diced tomato all dressed simply by drizzling on lemon juice and olive oil, plus salt and pepper.
I’ll probably let the chicken stock (roasted them bones and parts good, I did) just simmer overnight.
Brioche dough is resting in the fridge. I’ll bake some off early tomorrow morning then make it french toast for our brunch. Oh dear god! I know I bought oranges but do we have champagne for the mimosas?

So, what did you do today?


So, what did you do today?

Worked. Hung out with the Mrs. Ate. Snarked.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

PeeJ, did you save the cracklings? DID YOU SAVE THE CRACKLINGS?

So, what did you do today?

I taught small children how to fight, then went to work.

I did the refritos with cotija thing a few days ago- jim’s exhortation for us to cultivate a taste for hobo beans a few days ago made me hungry.


Hey J–,

That accounts for one-half of Kris Kross? You have won it all, yet again. (Now let me read the rest of the thread to make sure…)


I taught small children how to fight, then went to work.

A real man would get paid for the child fight club.

The Non-Lester The Giant Ape Memorial Barbecue

I think this video pretty much sums up the Obama psychology, as understood by Ms Yuckley:

Big Bad Bald Bastard

A real man would get paid for the child fight club.

The happy faces of fighting children is enough for me.


PeeJ, did you save the cracklings? DID YOU SAVE THE CRACKLINGS?

Fuck no!

We ate them, of course. Fresh and crispy. But you must understand, it would be a travesty to have plain pr0k rinds so I dusted them with a soupcon of allspice and half-sharp Ungarnischer paprika.


This blog’s culinary cred has dropped into le toilette. Not to mention the POOP shortage.

Thank gawd, PENIS may still be found in abundance.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

We ate them, of course. Fresh and crispy.

Of course, that is the correct answer, but I am partial to mofongo con cerdo.


This blog’s culinary cred has dropped into le toilette.


Charles Barkley’s Giant Cave Cricket Quiche

1 jigger giant cave cricket
1 gall of goat, spastically dressed
1 Indian curd cheese
4 sticks kobold wyrmpriest nose
3 pounds flour
5 cans salt

Frightfully begin praying. Cream the giant cave cricket with a large egg slicer. Use a food processor to combine the Indian curd cheese with the gall of goat. Stuff the resulting potion into the giant cave cricket. Butter – very insensibly – the kobold wyrmpriest nose, flour, and the salt. Knead everything together. Grill for 103 hours. Serves 3 enemies with seething stomachs.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

First, they creamed the giant cave crickets, but I did nothing, for I was not a giant cave cricket.


mofongo con cerdo.

Tomorrow! Monday, at the latest.

1 gall of goat, spastically dressed

“Gall” of goat? Is that what you kids are calling it these days?


Substance once again has nothing to offer vegetarians. Disappointing.


We need to get back to the real, original patriot America, where we mainly exported tobacco and furs and frequently starved so bad we had to dig corpses out of the ground for food.

Pardon me, El Cid, but do you have a modest proposal for what I might wear to such a dionner party?


This blog’s culinary cred has dropped into le toilette. Not to mention the POOP shortage.

Nothing in, nothing out. Or as it’s known in the SCOTUS, NINO.


Well, she’s nuts. Next.


Coincidentally, when fighting giant cave crickets simultaneously with kobold wyrmpriests, one can cast fireball then delayed blast fireball to defeat them quickly AND PRECOOKED.


Hrm… but are their noses preserved?


It’s really amazing to hear from people who rally to the GOP despite the fact that the party hates their guts from the bottom of its black heart.

Somebody a ways up compared ConLes to “chickens for Colonel Sanders”, which would be very true except chickens are smarter than your average log cabin Republican, apparently.


It’s really amazing to hear from people who rally to the GOP despite the fact that the party hates their guts from the bottom of its black heart.

Please. Use their proper name: Log Cabin Republicans.




Substance once again has nothing to offer vegetarians.

Did you not notice the meat?


Speaking of which, DO NOT go over to GayPutzRiot to find that there are no racists there. None. Nope. Nosirreee. None at all.


Can’t vegetarians just graze? I thought that was the entire appeal of the veggie life-style: No cooking, just eating whatever’s underfoot?


“Speaking of which, DO NOT go over to GayPutzRiot to find that there are no racists there. None. Nope. Nosirreee. None at all.”

I don’t even want to know. But why would you call yourself a “Putz?” Low self-esteem after spending too many years on the right?


There’s a great line in Big Love where the polygamist prophet’s closeted gay son says about his homosexual experiences, ” I’m not gay, I just like to fool around.”


PeeJ, did you save the leftovers? Are there any for me?

I just served a pretty damn good dinner of leftover-ness – some leftover beef stew I made on Thursday, served with freshly made rice and a salad with roasted baby beets, and some warmed-over fried plantains from a Salvadoran restaurant last night.

Damned good, if I do say so myself.


Somebody a ways up compared ConLes to “chickens for Colonel Sanders”, which would be very true except chickens are smarter than your average log cabin Republican, apparently.

Why did the ConLes cross the road?

Because she was safety-pinned to Victor Davis Hanson.


Well, that’s a bucket of fail, all right.

Republican leaders expected to be affiliated with the group include former Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, former Bush adviser Karl Rove, Republican strategist Ed Gillespie, and Republican donor Fred Malek.

Besides the guy who lost to Stuart Smalley, they’ve got Brother of Bush, Brain of Bush, failed cracker governor Barbour, and…Fred Malek, Nixon’s Jew Counter? Really? Damn, these people simply cannot be killed.


he lives to control

surely, the total control that obama has over congress is truly frightening. now that he has the power to command them to pass any legislation at his merest whim, can total world domination be far behind?


If you go to that Robert Stacy McCain link at the top and scroll down, you’ll see the classic photo of little person Matthew Vadum peeing his pants due to his close proximity to a Conservative Lisbon.

By the way, Ms. Yuckey sez:

Conservatism is losing ground right now because it is fundamentally an appeal to individuals and promotes the conditions in which individuals may thrive. That’s a “no sale” proposition when people would rather lose themselves in a mass movement. Conservatives need to ponder how to make people confident in their individuality again because when they are, the demand for conservatism will follow.

I guess one way that conservatives can “make people confident in their individuality again” is by separating themselves into identity groups, i.e. Conservative Lesbians. That should do the trick.


I don’t think you could even hang that sociopath millstone around GWB’s neck. He lacks empathy, yes. But sociopath is pretty extreme.


Is President Obama a televangelist. It’s rhetorical. Televangelists are professionals who have learned the art of separating people from their money without violence; followers give their money voluntarily. In America voluntary is a big deal. The single most important principle people are willing to fight and die for is the absolute right, without consequence, to exploit whomever they choose, where they choose, and when they choose. The right to harvest suckers has its foundation argued in the following manner, “If the good lord did not intend for suckers to be harvested why does he make so many of them.” It’s rhetorical.


…Big Love

…as if men and women wake each morning and ask themselves, “do I want to bonk a woman today or do I feel like bonking a man. Is it hairy ass or smooth ass that turns me on today. I’ll have to wait until I’ve had my first cup of coffee to decide whether I should go see Bob or if Liz is more to my taste today. Ho hum, let’s see what’s in the Modern Living section of the newspaper.”

They can’t help promoting their self-righteous belief that one’s sexuality is a choice rather than innate to the individual and it may be for them. As for myself it would require extreme violence and a born again experience before I’d consider seeing Bob.


Give me your money or else terrorists will kill you.

Support our troops during war because you are unamerican if you don’t. And the fact that it is a volenteer military paid for with your taxes doesn’t give you the right to oppose me. Just be like the guy over there, be grateful that there is no draft.

Am I a televangelist? I like jesus. What does rhetorical mean?

guitarist manqué

The time difference means that I’m in the music room when you left coasters start cooking. Last night: soufflé and salad. Spinach soufflé with lardons, onions and leftover brie. I’ve been on a lardons kick since I discovered that my local butcher makes what he calls ‘white bacon’, having never been to France. I’ve been using it in all kinds of goodness: shiu mai, oyster stuffing for turkey, oysters Rockefeller. I haven’t done the Escoffier thing yet and cut it into yarn size strips and thread it through a roast bird but I’m going to.


Well, nothing like self-referential irony to indicate true sociopathy…

A concerned citizen

Cheney is such an obvious sociopath (and Rumsfeld, though it came out less in public) I don’t understand why people put that label on Bush.

Somebody capable of feeling the whole range of emotions who just prefers self-righteous smugness most of the time is a douchebag, not a sociopath.
Somebody who drinks/drank a lot to mask Some Deep Emotional Shit is almost definitely not a sociopath.

Somebody capable of shooting their best friend in the face and not be at all emotionally affected by it is a sociopath.

Other famous sociopaths include basketball great Kobe Bryant and famous Alaskan humorist Sarah Palin.


“Conservatives need to ponder how to make people confident in their individuality again because when they are, the demand for conservatism will follow.”

Megadittoes, Rush! Megadittoes!


Speaking of conservative lesbians, Mitch McConnell is on CNN right now.

Rusty Shackleford

Ole Miss may have its problems, but it deserves better than to be associated with Breitblart and Yuckley.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

What about McCoy? I realize he’s a fictional character, but a fictional character is so preferable to Andy Wetfart it’s not even funny.


As a gay male, I can honestly say I see little to laugh at when it comes to the scumbag likes of Ms. Yuckey. The only question is whether she’s genuinely insane or is just another whore trying to leap aboard the far right gravy train. Either way, contempt is the least she deserves.


John, she’s a lesbian who’s racist.

The Non-Lester The Giant Ape Memorial Barbecue

John’s just uptight because he knows he’ll be automatically conflated with the most extreme examples of his human subset, such as Ms Yocks, in the same way all cannibals get thrown into the same bag with Ed Gein, or all Nazis get compared with HITLER.
Now you understand I’m not trying to say homosexuality is the same as Nazism or cannibalism. I’m just saying has anybody noticed you never see them together in photographs? It makes you think. MAYBE THEY’RE THE SAME GUY!!


Gee, The Non-Lester The Giant Ape Memorial Barbecue, isn’t that the shorter of that David Brooks column from this past week?


Did someone mention giant cave crickets?

The Non-Lester The Giant Ape Memorial Barbecue

By the way, the front page over there at teh Ghey Patriarch has some of the funniest “methinks he doth protest too much” I’ve seen in quite some time:
“…all this hullabaloo has made me aware of, a site with which I had heretofore been unfamiliar. Moreover, since I’m not going to be watching the Superbowl, I likely wouldn’t have heard about them had CBS run the ad. So, if the site owner’s purpose in proposing the ad were to draw attention to their site, they succeeded.”

…No really, I don’t spend any time at all trolling for hookups. Us conservative types never do that.

The Goddamn Batman Likes Bokar Bean Coffee, And Will Sometimes Just Eat The Beans If He Doesn't Have Time To Brew A Cup

I think that all you need to know about Cindy Yockey is that she includes, with each and every blog post, the aforementioned bleg… and an ad for a get-rich-quick book, that she personally testifies for, that she read in 2005. Think about that juxtaposition.


Mmmmmmm… carnitas. Now I have to try and make some.

Yesterday I marinated some thinly sliced moose steak and turned it into a wonderful szechwan stir fry. It had me craving twice-cooked pork, but now I’m going to have to turn my next pork roast into carnitas.

I try to avoid the psycho path, the bi-polar expressway is much faster.


Sometimes The Comedy Writes Itself

*imagines neocons using bots to “write” the next batch of their icons’ bombastic tomes of fail on a Commodore 64*

I just served a pretty damn good dinner of leftover-ness

Samosas are signifigantly better on the tastebuds as leftovers than they are fresh-baked.



“…he lives to control people, assert power and make people jump.”

I, for one, welcome our new socialist overlords.


Yuck, one of the Lee sisters, along with Home and Ugg…


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